Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Truth Be Told documentary information


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Package includes Streaming & HD Downloads of the Feature Film, original 86-minute version of TRUTH BE TOLD, over 500 minutes of additional content including raw unedited original 6 interviews, "making-of" featurettes, music tracks by composer GEORGE ILIJIN, title track "FREE" by RAY WEST, and more...
$39.99 Buy Now


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Official Theatrical Cut of TRUTH BE TOLD. Package includes Streaming & HD Downloads and additional content including bonus interview footage. Buy or rent starting at $3.99.

$9.99 Buy Now


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Package includes Theatrical Cut, original 86-minute First Cut of TRUTH BE TOLD and additional content including bonus interview footage and "making-of" featurettes. Additional bonus content coming soon!
$14.99 Buy Now


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Réalisé en 2015 pour le public francophone, EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ (TRUTH BE TOLD) est un film documentaire long métrage portant sur l’enfance au sein du mouvement religieux des Témoins de Jéhovah. Le titre du documentaire fait référence à la croyance des Témoins de Jéhovah d’appartenir à la seule vraie religion, qu’ils nomment eux-mêmes « la Vérité ».
Dans le film, d’anciens Témoins de Jéhovah discutent honnêtement et avec clarté des impacts causés par la religion aux niveaux émotionnel, spirituel et psychologique. Ils racontent des expériences incluant prosélytisme de porte-à-porte, exclusion d’amis et de membres de la famille, perte de sens critique, impossibilité de poursuivre des études supérieures, et interdiction de participer à des fêtes et coutumes sociétales. Au final, le film appuie les conclusions d’un sondage du Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life selon lequel les Témoins de Jéhovah montrent le plus faible taux de maintien des membres parmi toutes les religions investiguées, avec seulement 37% des personnes élevées au sein du mouvement y restant affiliées.
Pour le réalisateur, le message de pardon véhiculé par le film le rend apte à résonner pour tous les publics – anciens membres du mouvement y inclus. ‘Le pardon rend libre…’, dit-il dans une récente interview, ’...et il commence par l'abandon du désir de se faire justice soi-même. Pour les anciens Témoins de Jéhovah, ceci signifie se libérer de leurs émotions négatives en lien avec leurs expériences au sein du mouvement.’
L’édition digitale de EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ sera disponible en décembre 2015 et comportera des contenus exclusifs pour le public francophone.
Page facebook du film: www.facebook.com/hereliesthetruth
Site internet du film: www.hereliesthetruth.com

$15 Pre-order


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TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. The title refers to the Jehovah's Witnesses’ perception that their beliefs are 'the truth'. In this film, former Jehovah's Witnesses candidly discuss the spiritual, emotional and psychological harm inflicted by the religion. They reveal experiences including the effects of proselytizing door-to-door, shunning non-observant family and friends, suspension of critical thinking, suffering the discouragement of pursuing dreams like gaining a higher education, and missing other societal holidays and customs. The abuses explored in TRUTH BE TOLD are part of a wider examination into the culture of undue influence within the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion that continues to violate the basic human rights of members and their families worldwide.

— Prof. Daniel Dennett - Tufts University


Special thanks to Dr. KIP WILLIAMS for his endorsement of Truth Be Told.
Kipling D. Williams, Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the same institution. He is most noted for his research on ostracism and has developed unique methods to study the processes and consequences.
Williams believes that “social influence is of great importance to his self-definition and to his interest in social psychology.” Simply put, he believes that “the heart of social psychology is social influence.”
FUN FACT: Dr. Williams and an assistant drove 3 hours from Purdue University to attend a screening of Truth Be Told in Dayton, OH. He declined our offer to provide an advance online screener of the film because he wanted to watch the film for the first time with a public audience. Dr. Williams also spoke with the audience after the film to share some thoughts and research on the deleterious effects of ostracism.
Dr. Williams’ website: http://williams.socialpsychology.org/

We’re arriving in Scotland on 3/18 to kick-off a 3-week Truth Be Told promotional tour of the UK and Central Europe. Scheduled stops include (but are not limited to): Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Nottingham and London. Meetups and other special events are also planned for Brussels and Zurich. Full itinerary will be posted soon!
We welcome any and all ideas for meetups and events to include in the tour. We cordially invite all to share your thoughts and suggestions at: info@hereliesthetruth.com.
As a reminder, use code TWITTER10 for 25% Deluxe Edition discount and REDDIT3 for 33% discount on Special Edition of Truth Be Told.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! More to come…
All the best,
Director - Truth Be Told
 Posted 2015-03-02   

English Subtitles and Special Offers… on TRUTH BE TOLD
 Posted 2015-02-26   

The following first appeared on Facebook 1/31/15:
“Wow, just finished watching ‘Truth Be Told,’ and I must say that this is one of the most well-done documentaries I’ve ever seen. Those that know me know that I am a writer and artist so I always approach films as art. So, that said, I was totally on-board with the cinematography, the use of colors, and sounds in the background. For instance, I loved the red necktie on the gentleman standing at his father’s grave- a black & white scene. I loved the subliminal graphic flashes in the background, and even the shadow of the Watchtower looming over various scenes. The cuckoo clock sounding in the background was perfectly well-timed, and even the doorbell was just right (it made my doggy bark!).
Aside from the artsiness, I enjoyed the factoids that were displayed on the screen. I likened them to the Three Bears story – not too much, not too little, but just right. They were enough to assist the viewer with a little background information and did not overwhelm. One fact, the one that says 63% of “witness” children leave the org was a little surprising. It is also very telling. See? It was just enough fact, enough to cause one to ponder a moment on what was being conveyed.
The people who told the story of what life is like as a Jehovah’s Witness were brilliant. They didn’t convey any outward animosity, but one can see the frustrations they experienced. I was pleased to see that they are all happy people now. I do want to add that I truly loved the brilliant use of black & white versus color in this piece. It was almost analogous; being a witness is very black & white, but once one moves through the steps of their departure, life turns very colorful.
All of this was skillfully woven into a factual look at what it is like for people of all age categories within their organization. Those that have no experience with them will come away with a good understanding of why Jehovah’s Witnesses do and say what they do. It is also a good reminder for those that have left, with flourish or for those that have chosen to simply fade away (usually with good reason as I have), of what they left behind, and allows one to solidify that decision with real truth and logic.”

We cordially invite you to share your thoughts about TRUTH BE TOLD with us directly at info@hereliesthetruth.com. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
Really good things are on the horizon including our upcoming UK/Europe tour to film select interviews about the international JW experience. Scheduled stops include (but are not limited to): Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Nottingham and London. Meetups and other special events are also planned for Belgium, Amsterdam and Norway.
Official announcement coming soon!
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
All the best,
 Posted 2015-02-03   

Truth be Told - Jehovah's Witnesses doco
If you’re a Jehovah’s Witness you won’t be busy Christmas shopping, and if you’re an ex-Witness you may still feel uncomfortable about enjoying the celebrations on account of the years of thorough…
 Posted 2014-12-23   

An Inside View of Jehovah's Witnesses: A Interview With Director Gregorio Smith
I recently had the opportunity to view a new documentary about the experiences of contemporary Jehovah’s Witnesses and was so intrigued by what I saw that I wanted to know more and thought my readers would as well….
 Posted 2014-12-02   

 Posted 2014-12-02   

Jehovah's Witnesses under fire from former congregants who say child sex abuse was hushed

Velicia Alston says she kept quiet for years until she learned she could do something about the abuse by filing a $10.5 million civil suit that she hopes changes the way the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leadership protects children and responds to reports of abuse.
(Irwin Zalkin endorsed TRUTH BE TOLD after attending a screening of the film in San Diego.)
 Posted 2014-12-02   

Production still from TRUTH BE TOLD.  What can you add to the list?
 Posted 2014-11-30   

“This is a powerful documentary about a particular form of fundamentalist religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses, that involves millions of adherents around the world. Although the Jehovah’s Witness faith is socially accepted in most western countries as part of the mainstream religious spectrum, this film clearly demonstrates its reliance on techniques that are characteristic of what we generally label as cults: thought control aimed at the suppression of creativity, independent thought and critical reflection; demands for strict behavioral obedience; dogmatic dependence on scripture as the only reliable source of truth; and deliberate isolation of adherents from others who do not share the faith.
"Remarkably, despite the way in which they were raised, the speakers present as thoughtful and reasonable individuals who are able to dispassionately describe their involvement as Jehovah’s Witnesses. They appear to have transcended the cognitive and emotional and behavioral limits that had been imposed on them by their church, and have taken advantage of their new freedom to think and act in positive and independent ways.
"I highly recommend this film as an important window into the world of dogmatic fundamentalism.”
JAMES E. ALCOCK has been a Professor of Psychology at York University (Canada) since 1973. He is a noted critic of parapsychology and is a Fellow and Member of the Executive Council for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is a member of the editorial Board of The Skeptical Inquirer, and a frequent contributor to the magazine. He has also been a columnist for Humanist Perspectives Magazine. He is regarded as one of the most outstanding skeptics of the 20th Century.
 Posted 2014-11-30   

Alternate poster for TRUTH BE TOLD.  Artwork by JESSAE BROWN.
 Posted 2014-11-30 
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Pre-order EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ (Truth Be Told) at https://t.co/elddGFbbhi today! Available 12/20/15. #VHX #BrooklynBorn https://t.co/j96QByLMQP
posted 3 months ago

"The world belongs to people who create." TRUTH BE TOLD Director Gregorio Smith http://t.co/jD3A6bF4V1 #VHX #LUMIX http://t.co/ku5KOgxMyd
posted 6 months ago

RT @jkmoran: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC -check out my interview about ex-Jehovah's Witness Jennifer LoveGrove's book http://t.co/wSC5fsDMZc http://t.c
posted 7 months ago

RT @vhxtv: @truthbetolddoc heyyy cool shirt
posted 7 months ago

SMITHKRAFT is powered by VHX. Buy or rent TRUTH BE TOLD today! http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #VHX #youarenotalone #grind http://t.co/ApSUi0Xs0T
posted 7 months ago

RT @AnneMarieDeSoto: I just bought TRUTH BE TOLD - THEATRICAL EDITION on @vhxtv http://t.co/wQUlqSyz50 via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC. Please take the…
posted 8 months ago

RT @DJSINGER_MISS_H: @efowler87 @TRUTHBETOLDDOC @sapinker keep strong we are in it together
posted 8 months ago

RT @DJSINGER_MISS_H: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC invaluable info fir tutors x
posted 8 months ago

"VIEWER FEEDBACK!!!" - my latest update on TRUTH BE TOLD https://t.co/hnpkQntcJi via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC
posted 9 months ago

"TRUTH BE TOLD RENTALS!!!" - my latest update on TRUTH BE TOLD https://t.co/4VaKgsgqcp via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC
posted 9 months ago

Special thanks to Dr. Kip Williams for his endorsement of documentary film "Truth Be Told"… https://t.co/2o28Xl2kEu
posted 10 months ago

RT @TuggInc: Attention, Filmmakers: Some must-read Tugg tips from @TRUTHBETOLDDOC director @Gregorio_Smith. http://t.co/aB8CjwJSrY
posted 10 months ago

RT @meaganbegley: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC thank you! hard to describe what it was like to grow up JW . This has been helpful to me.
posted 10 months ago

Thank you Dr. KIP WILLIAMS for the endorsement! http://t.co/elddGFbbhi (Use code TWITTER10 for Deluxe Ed. discount). http://t.co/zLzCet1Rqg
posted about 1 year ago

Thank you Dr. Daniel Dennett for tweet! Use code TWITTER10 for Deluxe Edition discount. http://t.co/elddGFbbhi http://t.co/yjDCyDLepH
posted about 1 year ago

English subtitles available for the Deaf and HOH. (Theatrical Cut only). http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #exjw #truthbetold http://t.co/hplZsSyVPq
posted about 1 year ago

Learn the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses: http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #exJW Use code FACEBOOK5 for Deluxe discount. http://t.co/DEAW0hSc9l
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (Limit 10) Get it today! http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw http://t.co/koY000ToZv
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (a 25% discount). Limit 10 offers. Get it today!http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (a 25% discount). Limit 10 offers. Get it today http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw
posted about 1 year ago


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Thank you Alexandre Duchene, Amelia Lambelet and Regina Spiess of infoSekta for all the work that you did! You helped make our Fribourg Switzerland screening a success! #infosekta #truthbetold #smithkraft #gregoriosmith #screening #independentfilms #entouteverité

#peaceforparis ❤️🇺🇸

Smithkraft is heading to Belgium! 🇧🇪 @truth_be_told_film will premiere at La Venerie Centre culturel Watermael-Boitsfort on November 26. The Venerie /Stables Place Gibson 3 www.Lavenerie.be #entouteverité #verite #smithkraft #documentaryfilm #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #belgium #truth #lifeafterjworg #independentfilm

#truthbetold #truth #jangroenveld #hereliesthetruth

Special thanks to Dr. Kip Williams for his endorsement of documentary film "Truth Be Told" #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #film #documentary #independentfilm #life

"Truth be told" now available for purchase! See link in our profile. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary #independentfilm #lifeafterjworg

Available for digital download 12/19/14!!! Pre-order today at www.hereliesthetruth.com. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold

Production still for TRUTH BE TOLD. Writer Amber Swenson in Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg

Truth Be Told director Gregorio Smith's nieces. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentaryfilm

The Oriental Theater. Denver, Co. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold #smithkraft #lifeafterjworg #documentary

In the heart of the Watchtower Society headquarters. Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #newyorkcity #documentary

Truth be told premiered at Cobble Hill Cinema in Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #newyorkcity #cobblehill

Coolidge Corner Theater. Brookline, MA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary @thecoolidge

"Truth be Told" premiered at Brookline, MA. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold #documentary #truth @thecoolidge

Los Angeles, CA. #Smithkraft #gregoriosmith #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth

#truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary #independentfilm #lifeafterjworg

"Truth be Told" premiered in Seattle, WA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg #documentaryfilm

"Truth be told" premiered in Atlanta, GA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg #documentary

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Package includes Streaming & HD Downloads of the Feature Film, original 86-minute version of TRUTH BE TOLD, over 500 minutes of additional content including raw unedited original 6 interviews, "making-of" featurettes, music tracks by composer GEORGE ILIJIN, title track "FREE" by RAY WEST, and more...
$39.99 Buy Now


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Official Theatrical Cut of TRUTH BE TOLD. Package includes Streaming & HD Downloads and additional content including bonus interview footage. Buy or rent starting at $3.99.

$9.99 Buy Now


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Package includes Theatrical Cut, original 86-minute First Cut of TRUTH BE TOLD and additional content including bonus interview footage and "making-of" featurettes. Additional bonus content coming soon!
$14.99 Buy Now


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Réalisé en 2015 pour le public francophone, EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ (TRUTH BE TOLD) est un film documentaire long métrage portant sur l’enfance au sein du mouvement religieux des Témoins de Jéhovah. Le titre du documentaire fait référence à la croyance des Témoins de Jéhovah d’appartenir à la seule vraie religion, qu’ils nomment eux-mêmes « la Vérité ».
Dans le film, d’anciens Témoins de Jéhovah discutent honnêtement et avec clarté des impacts causés par la religion aux niveaux émotionnel, spirituel et psychologique. Ils racontent des expériences incluant prosélytisme de porte-à-porte, exclusion d’amis et de membres de la famille, perte de sens critique, impossibilité de poursuivre des études supérieures, et interdiction de participer à des fêtes et coutumes sociétales. Au final, le film appuie les conclusions d’un sondage du Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life selon lequel les Témoins de Jéhovah montrent le plus faible taux de maintien des membres parmi toutes les religions investiguées, avec seulement 37% des personnes élevées au sein du mouvement y restant affiliées.
Pour le réalisateur, le message de pardon véhiculé par le film le rend apte à résonner pour tous les publics – anciens membres du mouvement y inclus. ‘Le pardon rend libre…’, dit-il dans une récente interview, ’...et il commence par l'abandon du désir de se faire justice soi-même. Pour les anciens Témoins de Jéhovah, ceci signifie se libérer de leurs émotions négatives en lien avec leurs expériences au sein du mouvement.’
L’édition digitale de EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ sera disponible en décembre 2015 et comportera des contenus exclusifs pour le public francophone.
Page facebook du film: www.facebook.com/hereliesthetruth
Site internet du film: www.hereliesthetruth.com

$15 Pre-order


Get updates in your inbox.



TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. The title refers to the Jehovah's Witnesses’ perception that their beliefs are 'the truth'. In this film, former Jehovah's Witnesses candidly discuss the spiritual, emotional and psychological harm inflicted by the religion. They reveal experiences including the effects of proselytizing door-to-door, shunning non-observant family and friends, suspension of critical thinking, suffering the discouragement of pursuing dreams like gaining a higher education, and missing other societal holidays and customs. The abuses explored in TRUTH BE TOLD are part of a wider examination into the culture of undue influence within the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion that continues to violate the basic human rights of members and their families worldwide.

— Prof. Daniel Dennett - Tufts University


Special thanks to Dr. KIP WILLIAMS for his endorsement of Truth Be Told.
Kipling D. Williams, Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the same institution. He is most noted for his research on ostracism and has developed unique methods to study the processes and consequences.
Williams believes that “social influence is of great importance to his self-definition and to his interest in social psychology.” Simply put, he believes that “the heart of social psychology is social influence.”
FUN FACT: Dr. Williams and an assistant drove 3 hours from Purdue University to attend a screening of Truth Be Told in Dayton, OH. He declined our offer to provide an advance online screener of the film because he wanted to watch the film for the first time with a public audience. Dr. Williams also spoke with the audience after the film to share some thoughts and research on the deleterious effects of ostracism.
Dr. Williams’ website: http://williams.socialpsychology.org/

We’re arriving in Scotland on 3/18 to kick-off a 3-week Truth Be Told promotional tour of the UK and Central Europe. Scheduled stops include (but are not limited to): Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Nottingham and London. Meetups and other special events are also planned for Brussels and Zurich. Full itinerary will be posted soon!
We welcome any and all ideas for meetups and events to include in the tour. We cordially invite all to share your thoughts and suggestions at: info@hereliesthetruth.com.
As a reminder, use code TWITTER10 for 25% Deluxe Edition discount and REDDIT3 for 33% discount on Special Edition of Truth Be Told.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! More to come…
All the best,
Director - Truth Be Told
 Posted 2015-03-02   

English Subtitles and Special Offers… on TRUTH BE TOLD
 Posted 2015-02-26   

The following first appeared on Facebook 1/31/15:
“Wow, just finished watching ‘Truth Be Told,’ and I must say that this is one of the most well-done documentaries I’ve ever seen. Those that know me know that I am a writer and artist so I always approach films as art. So, that said, I was totally on-board with the cinematography, the use of colors, and sounds in the background. For instance, I loved the red necktie on the gentleman standing at his father’s grave- a black & white scene. I loved the subliminal graphic flashes in the background, and even the shadow of the Watchtower looming over various scenes. The cuckoo clock sounding in the background was perfectly well-timed, and even the doorbell was just right (it made my doggy bark!).
Aside from the artsiness, I enjoyed the factoids that were displayed on the screen. I likened them to the Three Bears story – not too much, not too little, but just right. They were enough to assist the viewer with a little background information and did not overwhelm. One fact, the one that says 63% of “witness” children leave the org was a little surprising. It is also very telling. See? It was just enough fact, enough to cause one to ponder a moment on what was being conveyed.
The people who told the story of what life is like as a Jehovah’s Witness were brilliant. They didn’t convey any outward animosity, but one can see the frustrations they experienced. I was pleased to see that they are all happy people now. I do want to add that I truly loved the brilliant use of black & white versus color in this piece. It was almost analogous; being a witness is very black & white, but once one moves through the steps of their departure, life turns very colorful.
All of this was skillfully woven into a factual look at what it is like for people of all age categories within their organization. Those that have no experience with them will come away with a good understanding of why Jehovah’s Witnesses do and say what they do. It is also a good reminder for those that have left, with flourish or for those that have chosen to simply fade away (usually with good reason as I have), of what they left behind, and allows one to solidify that decision with real truth and logic.”

We cordially invite you to share your thoughts about TRUTH BE TOLD with us directly at info@hereliesthetruth.com. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
Really good things are on the horizon including our upcoming UK/Europe tour to film select interviews about the international JW experience. Scheduled stops include (but are not limited to): Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Nottingham and London. Meetups and other special events are also planned for Belgium, Amsterdam and Norway.
Official announcement coming soon!
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
All the best,
 Posted 2015-02-03   

Truth be Told - Jehovah's Witnesses doco
If you’re a Jehovah’s Witness you won’t be busy Christmas shopping, and if you’re an ex-Witness you may still feel uncomfortable about enjoying the celebrations on account of the years of thorough…
 Posted 2014-12-23   

An Inside View of Jehovah's Witnesses: A Interview With Director Gregorio Smith
I recently had the opportunity to view a new documentary about the experiences of contemporary Jehovah’s Witnesses and was so intrigued by what I saw that I wanted to know more and thought my readers would as well….
 Posted 2014-12-02   

 Posted 2014-12-02   

Jehovah's Witnesses under fire from former congregants who say child sex abuse was hushed

Velicia Alston says she kept quiet for years until she learned she could do something about the abuse by filing a $10.5 million civil suit that she hopes changes the way the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leadership protects children and responds to reports of abuse.
(Irwin Zalkin endorsed TRUTH BE TOLD after attending a screening of the film in San Diego.)
 Posted 2014-12-02   

Production still from TRUTH BE TOLD.  What can you add to the list?
 Posted 2014-11-30   

“This is a powerful documentary about a particular form of fundamentalist religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses, that involves millions of adherents around the world. Although the Jehovah’s Witness faith is socially accepted in most western countries as part of the mainstream religious spectrum, this film clearly demonstrates its reliance on techniques that are characteristic of what we generally label as cults: thought control aimed at the suppression of creativity, independent thought and critical reflection; demands for strict behavioral obedience; dogmatic dependence on scripture as the only reliable source of truth; and deliberate isolation of adherents from others who do not share the faith.
"Remarkably, despite the way in which they were raised, the speakers present as thoughtful and reasonable individuals who are able to dispassionately describe their involvement as Jehovah’s Witnesses. They appear to have transcended the cognitive and emotional and behavioral limits that had been imposed on them by their church, and have taken advantage of their new freedom to think and act in positive and independent ways.
"I highly recommend this film as an important window into the world of dogmatic fundamentalism.”
JAMES E. ALCOCK has been a Professor of Psychology at York University (Canada) since 1973. He is a noted critic of parapsychology and is a Fellow and Member of the Executive Council for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is a member of the editorial Board of The Skeptical Inquirer, and a frequent contributor to the magazine. He has also been a columnist for Humanist Perspectives Magazine. He is regarded as one of the most outstanding skeptics of the 20th Century.
 Posted 2014-11-30   

Alternate poster for TRUTH BE TOLD.  Artwork by JESSAE BROWN.
 Posted 2014-11-30 
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Pre-order EN TOUTE VÉRITÉ (Truth Be Told) at https://t.co/elddGFbbhi today! Available 12/20/15. #VHX #BrooklynBorn https://t.co/j96QByLMQP
posted 3 months ago

"The world belongs to people who create." TRUTH BE TOLD Director Gregorio Smith http://t.co/jD3A6bF4V1 #VHX #LUMIX http://t.co/ku5KOgxMyd
posted 6 months ago

RT @jkmoran: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC -check out my interview about ex-Jehovah's Witness Jennifer LoveGrove's book http://t.co/wSC5fsDMZc http://t.c
posted 7 months ago

RT @vhxtv: @truthbetolddoc heyyy cool shirt
posted 7 months ago

SMITHKRAFT is powered by VHX. Buy or rent TRUTH BE TOLD today! http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #VHX #youarenotalone #grind http://t.co/ApSUi0Xs0T
posted 7 months ago

RT @AnneMarieDeSoto: I just bought TRUTH BE TOLD - THEATRICAL EDITION on @vhxtv http://t.co/wQUlqSyz50 via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC. Please take the…
posted 8 months ago

RT @DJSINGER_MISS_H: @efowler87 @TRUTHBETOLDDOC @sapinker keep strong we are in it together
posted 8 months ago

RT @DJSINGER_MISS_H: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC invaluable info fir tutors x
posted 8 months ago

"VIEWER FEEDBACK!!!" - my latest update on TRUTH BE TOLD https://t.co/hnpkQntcJi via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC
posted 9 months ago

"TRUTH BE TOLD RENTALS!!!" - my latest update on TRUTH BE TOLD https://t.co/4VaKgsgqcp via @TRUTHBETOLDDOC
posted 9 months ago

Special thanks to Dr. Kip Williams for his endorsement of documentary film "Truth Be Told"… https://t.co/2o28Xl2kEu
posted 10 months ago

RT @TuggInc: Attention, Filmmakers: Some must-read Tugg tips from @TRUTHBETOLDDOC director @Gregorio_Smith. http://t.co/aB8CjwJSrY
posted 10 months ago

RT @meaganbegley: @TRUTHBETOLDDOC thank you! hard to describe what it was like to grow up JW . This has been helpful to me.
posted 10 months ago

Thank you Dr. KIP WILLIAMS for the endorsement! http://t.co/elddGFbbhi (Use code TWITTER10 for Deluxe Ed. discount). http://t.co/zLzCet1Rqg
posted about 1 year ago

Thank you Dr. Daniel Dennett for tweet! Use code TWITTER10 for Deluxe Edition discount. http://t.co/elddGFbbhi http://t.co/yjDCyDLepH
posted about 1 year ago

English subtitles available for the Deaf and HOH. (Theatrical Cut only). http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #exjw #truthbetold http://t.co/hplZsSyVPq
posted about 1 year ago

Learn the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses: http://t.co/elddGFbbhi #exJW Use code FACEBOOK5 for Deluxe discount. http://t.co/DEAW0hSc9l
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (Limit 10) Get it today! http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw http://t.co/koY000ToZv
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (a 25% discount). Limit 10 offers. Get it today!http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw
posted about 1 year ago

Use code TWITTER10 for $10 off Deluxe Edition of TRUTH BE TOLD (a 25% discount). Limit 10 offers. Get it today http://t.co/6PhmU9BHq2 #exjw
posted about 1 year ago


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Thank you Alexandre Duchene, Amelia Lambelet and Regina Spiess of infoSekta for all the work that you did! You helped make our Fribourg Switzerland screening a success! #infosekta #truthbetold #smithkraft #gregoriosmith #screening #independentfilms #entouteverité

#peaceforparis ❤️🇺🇸

Smithkraft is heading to Belgium! 🇧🇪 @truth_be_told_film will premiere at La Venerie Centre culturel Watermael-Boitsfort on November 26. The Venerie /Stables Place Gibson 3 www.Lavenerie.be #entouteverité #verite #smithkraft #documentaryfilm #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #belgium #truth #lifeafterjworg #independentfilm

#truthbetold #truth #jangroenveld #hereliesthetruth

Special thanks to Dr. Kip Williams for his endorsement of documentary film "Truth Be Told" #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #film #documentary #independentfilm #life

"Truth be told" now available for purchase! See link in our profile. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary #independentfilm #lifeafterjworg

Available for digital download 12/19/14!!! Pre-order today at www.hereliesthetruth.com. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold

Production still for TRUTH BE TOLD. Writer Amber Swenson in Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg

Truth Be Told director Gregorio Smith's nieces. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentaryfilm

The Oriental Theater. Denver, Co. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold #smithkraft #lifeafterjworg #documentary

In the heart of the Watchtower Society headquarters. Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #newyorkcity #documentary

Truth be told premiered at Cobble Hill Cinema in Brooklyn, NY. #truth #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #newyorkcity #cobblehill

Coolidge Corner Theater. Brookline, MA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary @thecoolidge

"Truth be Told" premiered at Brookline, MA. #hereliesthetruth #truthbetold #documentary #truth @thecoolidge

Los Angeles, CA. #Smithkraft #gregoriosmith #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth

#truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #truth #documentary #independentfilm #lifeafterjworg

"Truth be Told" premiered in Seattle, WA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg #documentaryfilm

"Truth be told" premiered in Atlanta, GA. #truthbetold #hereliesthetruth #lifeafterjworg #documentary

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