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Questions About Jehovahs Witness
by JehovahsWitnessResearcher a day ago 6 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower beliefs

JehovahsWitnessResearcher a day ago

Hi, I am doing a research project on Jehovahs Witness and wanted to understand it better from people who practice the religion. I have a few questions and it would really help out if you could answer as soon as possible.

1.What are your main beliefs?

2.Do you believe that Jesus is God, and if not what is he to you?

3.How does your religion differ from other sects of Christianity, and why is it the right one?

4.What is the most fundamental aspect of Jehovah’s Witness?

5.Is there a certain way to pray to God?

6.What happens after death?
7.What exactly is the Kingdom of God?
FayeDunaway a day ago
We are mostly exwitnesses here and no longer believe in the religion, which most of us now view is a cult. You can find some other sites with active believers and this can be a win win for both of you, since they will get to count their time in answering your questions.
OneEyedJoe a day ago

I'm no longer a believer, but still understand the religion so I'll be happy to help.
1.Main beliefs are that we are currently living in the foretold "last days" that began in 1914. Jesus commanded that his disciples preach door-to-door so that's what JWs do. There is a group of 144000 members of the covenant with Jesus that will, upon death, be transported to heaven to rule with Jesus (those that died prior to 1914 were raised to heaven at that time). The remaining JWs expect to either survive armageddon or be resurrected after armageddon to live on earth and transform it into a paradise. Armageddon is coming soon (JWs are encouraged to live like it will be the day after tomorrow) and will entail the violent death of all non-JWs. People who die prior to armageddon (even non-JWs) may be resurrected at Jesus' discretion into paradise. Those that die at armageddon will be permanently dead. There is no hell - death is just a sleep-like state of inactivity and unconsciousness. The most important belief, though, is that god is guiding the watchtower bible and tract society (and through them, the JWs) as his organization and they, via their governing body, can make changes to any of these doctrines at any time and all JWs must fall in line.

2.Jesus is god's son, a lesser spirit-being that god created before anything else. Jesus is the archangel micheal and was used to create everything else by god's side. The trinity is a false doctrine.

3.JWs view their religion as a return to first-century christianity. They will tell of their high moral value, expunging the congregation of sinners, and of their main doctrines (described above) as their differentiating factors. In addition to this, JWs are required to preach door-to-door in order to be considered members of the faith.

4.This one is hard to answer as a JW. When I was a JW I think I probably would have referred to the 1914 doctrine and the nearness of armageddon. As an ex-JW I now realize that it's more about loyalty/obedience to the governing body than it is anything else.

5.Prayers must be made to Jehovah and no one else, in the name of Jesus.

6.Death is a sleep-like state of nothingness. As described above, some may be resurrected to heaven or paradise earth while others will remain dead and unconscious
7.The kingdom of god is a literal government that will be established after armageddon.
 +1 / -0
stephanie61092 a day ago

This website is mainly for people who used to be Jehovahs Witnesses. You can find answers to your questions at jw.org
I would answer them but I don't know what I believe anymore and I do not want to be untrue to myself. I also can't talk about JWs anymore without sarcasm.
Best of luck to you with your project
 +2 / -0
Giordano a day ago

I believe a web search about what the JW's believe is available within seconds. However the advice to check out jwfacts.com is good advice as in any given time frame their beliefs can change or change back.
The Pew study 2015 ranks the JW's (in the USA) as the least educated religion, with the lowest income. 67% of their born-ins leave the religion.
Those that are disfellowshiped or Dis-associate are shunned for life.
Luck with your project.
New day
New day a day ago
Don't want to derail the question but I feel exactly like stepanie61092. I'm also not sure what I believe anymore.
JehovahsWitnessResearcher a day ago
Thank you OneEyedJoe your help was deeply appreciated


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Jehovah’s Witnesses are Taught to Lie but to then Lie about Lying
by Terry a day ago 14 Replies latest 5 hours ago   watchtower beliefs

Terry a day ago

Jehovah’s Witnesses are Taught to Lie but to then Lie about Lying

First off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.

I prefer the definition offered by Aristotle way back in 4th century B.C.E.
“To say the opposite of what you hold to be the truth is to tell a lie.”


Parsing the definition of “LYING.”
In a court of Law, a witness is required to swear not just to “Tell the truth.”
Something more absolute and comprehensive is required.
“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”

Why should this be necessary?
We all know the answer to that. It is possible to answer a question in a deceitful way and “technically” give no further information, and thus hide the truth. 
But, a person on the witness stand swears not to engage in this cat and mouse game of not completely revealing what is asked.

This topic applies to Jehovah’s Witnesses because the Watchtower leaders came up with a controversial lesson to teach centering around something they called THEOCRATIC WAR STRATEGY. (Search in vain in your Bible for that one!)

I ran across a JW apologist Blog wherein excuses were offered to get the bad taste of “Liars” off their tongues.

Let me quote in part from the Blog:

In the May 1st, 1957 Watchtower, in the article, "Use Theocratic War Strategy", it gave the example of a sister who was in her ministry in Eastern Germany. When she saw a violent opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses, she immediately went around the corner and changed from a red blouse to a green one. When an officer stopped her and asked if she saw a woman with a red blouse on, she said, "No." Was she lying? No. She had seen no woman walking around with a red blouse on. She, in fact, was the woman, but chose not to reveal that matter. Then the article tells of several examples where such strategy was appropriately applied.

“Did the woman lie about doctrine? No. Did she lie at all? No.”

Let’s probe this opinion to a greater depth, shall we?
Move slowly through the following reasoning because it has subtle snares.

A faithful witness does not love a false oath. So he tells the truth as he swore to do.What he does speak will be the truth. If he speaks at all he will tell the truth. To the extent that he chooses to talk he will state the truth. If for conscientious reasons he refuses to tell everything he will be willing to suffer the consequences if he be judged deserving of a penalty. He refuses to tell everything, not to escape punishment, but facing punishment for conscientious reasons. Even Jesus kept silent before Pilate, refusing to answer though knowing Pilate’s power.—John 19:8-11."

Did you catch that? ”If for conscientious reasons he refuses to tell everything. . .”
Isn’t this a shady way of simply saying, “If you lie for the right reasons. . .”?
Let’s go back and finish the thought started. . .
“ If for conscientious reasons he refuses to tell everything he will be willing to suffer the consequences if he be judged deserving of a penalty. “

In plain language: If you lie for the right reasons and get caught be ready to pay the price.

Let’s pause for a moment to reflect. . .

Imagine an Elder on the Witness Stand in a court of law. Imagine a trial concerned with child molestation by a JW accused of this crime. Imagine a looming multi-million dollar penalty hanging over the head of the Watchtower corporation and the bad publicity at stake.

With those in place, read the following . . .

The 1960 Watchtower, p.352, emphasized, "Should circumstances require a Christian to take the witness stand and swear to tell the truth, then, if he speaks at all, he must utter the truth. When faced with the alternative of speaking and betraying his brothers or not speaking and being held in contempt of court, the mature Christian will put the welfare of his brothers ahead of his own, remembering Jesus’ words: “No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his [life] in behalf of his friends.”"

Can you see what advice is being given?
LIE on the Witness Stand even if it means the death penalty!
Sneaky and above all unethical and illegal. In short: suborning perjury.
In American law the subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading a person to commit perjury — the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, be it spoken or written.

What does the apologist JW conclude?
“What this is saying is that if the judge orders him to betray his brothers, he must hold his tongue. It does not say to lie.”
Oh my! Your ethics are showing! (Actually, your lack of. . .)

Let’s move forward. Another subtle scenario is presented.
In the May 1st, 1957 Watchtower, in the article, "Use Theocratic War Strategy", it gave the example of a sister who was in her ministry in Eastern Germany. When she saw a violent opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses, she immediately went around the corner and changed from a red blouse to a green one. When an officer stopped her and asked if she saw a woman with a red blouse on, she said, "No." Was she lying? No. She had seen no woman walking around with a red blouse on. She, in fact, was the woman, but chose not to reveal that matter. Then the article tells of several examples where such strategy was appropriately applied.

The Blogger presents a rhetorical question;
Did the woman lie about doctrine? No. Did she lie at all? No.

The Blogger is correct!
The woman knew what complete information would reveal and she concealed it for self-protection.

You see, we have switched context from LYING to protect others at a cost to yourself to that of concealing the whole truth about yourself to protect yourself.
So what?
In this case, the technicality of the “lie” is self-preservation solely.
Now our JW apologist moves to the most recent instance of Theocratic Strategy. Give careful and specific attention to contexts and exemptions.

Does "Theocratic War Strategy" Teach Lying?

By C. J. Williams

The term "theocratic war strategy" has not been officially used in our publications since 1968. (Though a 1988 life experience article referred to its use during World War II.) Some of our opposers seem to be very fixated on this term even today, while referring to this doctrine that we still hold to. However, rather than sticking to what Jehovah's Witness publications state about the subject, many use erroneous statements from misguided individuals as proof of the meaning of the publications, as well as performing their own omissions of the facts. So let us examine the facts in their contexts.

Sources of "Theocratic War Strategy" Doctrine
When the term was used, here was the direction in the Watchtower:

February 1st, 1956 Watchtower says, "Never swear falsely in Jehovah’s name.Jehovah declares that at his temple he will be a “swift witness against . . . the false swearers.” (Mal. 3:5, AS) Never take an oath in his name and then tell lies as a sworn witness. Rahab of Jericho was under no oath in Jehovah’s name to tell the facts to the king’s officers and hence was not a false swearer or a false witness. “A faithful witness will not lie; but a false witness uttereth lies.” (Prov. 14:5, AS) A faithful witness does not love a false oath. So he tells the truth as he swore to do.What he does speak will be the truth. If he speaks at all he will tell the truth. To the extent that he chooses to talk he will state the truth. If for conscientious reasons he refuses to tell everything he will be willing to suffer the consequences if he be judged deserving of a penalty. He refuses to tell everything, not to escape punishment, but facing punishment for conscientious reasons. Even Jesus kept silent before Pilate, refusing to answer though knowing Pilate’s power.—John 19:8-11."

The 1960 Watchtower, p.352, emphasized, "Should circumstances require a Christian to take the witness stand and swear to tell the truth, then, if he speaks at all, he must utter the truth. When faced with the alternative of speaking and betraying his brothers or not speaking and being held in contempt of court, the mature Christian will put the welfare of his brothers ahead of his own, remembering Jesus’ words: “No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his [life] in behalf of his friends.”"

What this is saying is that if the judge orders him to betray his brothers, he must hold his tongue. It does not say to lie.

In the May 1st, 1957 Watchtower, in the article, "Use Theocratic War Strategy", it gave the example of a sister who was in her ministry in Eastern Germany. When she saw a violent opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses, she immediately went around the corner and changed from a red blouse to a green one. When an officer stopped her and asked if she saw a woman with a red blouse on, she said, "No." Was she lying? No. She had seen no woman walking around with a red blouse on. She, in fact, was the woman, but chose not to reveal that matter. Then the article tells of several examples where such strategy was appropriately applied.

Did the woman lie about doctrine? No. Did she lie at all? No.

Modern Discussions of Omission
The latest discussion of this "strategy" is found in the November 15th Watchtower, 2004. It states:

"The faithful witness does not commit perjury when testifying. His testimony is not tainted with lies. However, this does not mean that he is under obligation to give full information to those who may want to bring harm to Jehovah’s people in some way. The patriarchs Abraham and Isaac withheld facts from some who did not worship Jehovah. (Genesis 12:10-19; 20:1-18; 26:1-10) Rahab of Jericho misdirected the king’s men. (Joshua 2:1-7)
The above statement is very carefully worded as a manipulation for coercive reasons.

There are 3 parts to this manipulation.
Part 1:
this does not mean that he is under obligation to give full information
Part 1 is clearly false. The Witness has sworn to tell “the whole truth.”

Part 2:
to those who may want to bring harm to Jehovah’s people
Part 2: implies once again a kind of noble perjury for the benefit of religious allies. Perjury is illegal. For the Watchtower writers, it is suborning that perjury.
Part 3: in some way.
Part 3: This is wickedly vague! It leaves the door wide open to include child molesters!
What conclusion does the Blogger himself make?
Yes, the doctrine holds today. But it is very succinctly spelled out here that we are never to lie under oath
This Blogger is either a dimwit, incapable of reasoning, or deliberately misrepresenting reality.

He finishes his presentation vapidly:
Jehovah's Witnesses are, in fact, the most honest people you will ever come across. We are neither in the practice of lying, nor do we lie to suit our own purposes.
Let us ask ourselves where the Watchtower leaders got this idea? The history of the Organization is rife with cherry-picking ideas from other religious groups, is it not?

Take a look at taqiyya, a strategy in Islam for our answer! (Sounds like Tequila)
Define taqiyya: In ISLAM, a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution.


John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

 +2 / -0

sparrowdown a day ago

That's what makes an effective cult. If you can program/train someone to lie to themselves then you can do whatever you want with them.
Changing the wording changes the intent also. For eg with DFing, inhuman shunning becomes "loving discipline" which is basically a lie they told us and then we told ourselves. Lying is a science and an art form for these people.
stuckinarut2 a day ago

So when Toole, and Jackson and O'Brien lied during the Aust Royal Commission, it was simply "theocratic warfare" in action.
Heck, Toole even lied about not knowing what the term "theocratic / spiritual warfare"was!
 +1 / -0
sparrowdown a day ago

It's all about the information.
Who controls the information controls the power.
Slidin Fast
Slidin Fast a day ago

Terry, you have nailed it. The "theocratic warfare" question has been knocking about for some time now without being fully investigated. These quotes from those WTs get to the nub of the issue. They convert lying into a noble act.
The 2016 No 1 WT defines lying as follows:
WHAT IS IT? Saying something false to someone who is entitled to know the truth. Lying can include misrepresenting or distorting facts in order to mislead a person, omitting key information to deceive someone, and exaggerating the truth in order to give a false impression.
So, the policy is just the same but has gone somewhat underground. They can't claim that that was the policy 60 years ago, things have changed now. The policy remains to this day to the extent of this warped definition of lying. You can say what you like if you consider someone not entitled to the truth.
In British politics this practice became known as being "economical with the truth". It didn't go down well with the public.
Finkelstein a day ago

..........and who controls the printing presses holds also the power of the word.
The WTS organization composed itself upon lies and deceptions to build the Watchtower Corporation and all of its containing power and control.
Ironically when you point to its lies and misinformation concerning the bible Scriptures they retort with its still Jehovah's organization and we don't have all the answers given to them/us yet.

Upon being a JWS means you have to learn how to talk through both corners of your mouth, when you've accomplished this feat, you are deemed spiritually strong ,ready for service work.

sowhatnow 21 hours ago

saying nothing is an admission to guilt where I come from,lol
its like a bunch of kids who got into trouble, and mom or dad pulls them all into the kitchen and says
'who did it? '

no one says anything, so they all get the belt. take it for the team. lol then the guilty one owes you. lol

what other reason than to avoid telling what you know, than to keep quiet.
TTWSYF 8 hours ago

Theocratic warfare DOES sound better than Lying for the Truth.
Both are absolute shit though
TheOldHippie 8 hours ago
Funny that the major amount of articles is from the 1950s ........
talesin 7 hours ago
That's a good analysis of a JWS mindset, and how the blogger interprets "Theocratic Warfare" (TM). His twisted reasoning could provide 'justification' in the mind of a JW. The blogger is so good, that I just threw up a little bit in my mouth, reading it. I wonder if he is an elder and/or widely read by other JWS? Scary.


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Jehovah’s Witnesses are Taught to Lie but to then Lie about Lying
by Terry a day ago 14 Replies latest 5 hours ago   watchtower beliefs

sir82 6 hours ago

Funny that the major amount of articles is from the 1950s ........
But as you can see, TOH, those articles have not been rescinded. The "1-2016" Watchtower confirms that this is still, as of right this moment, considered "best theocratic practice".

Terry 6 hours ago

New American Standard Bible
"But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes ' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil."

Yes, evil!
Londo111 5 hours ago

As a JW, I believed as most JWs, that this was reserved for life-and-death situations. For instance, in a time of persecution where JWs are being put into concentration camps and tortured to death, not to betray the location of fellow JWs. In that light, it actually makes sense.
However, in practice, it is apparent that the upper echelons use this statement “may want to bring harm to Jehovah’s people in some way” in a very broad fashion.
What is “Jehovah’s people”? It is Mother Organization, not rank and file individuals.
What is “harm” “in some way”? Not unjust physical harm (life-and-death), but anything that is harmful to Mother, financially, legally, in terms of publicity, potentially losing members by being exposed (example UN NGO scandal).
Of course, rank and file JWs practice a form of theocratic warfare without even being conscious of doing so, partly because of loaded language redefines many words in such a way that is misleading. “No we are not at the door to convert you…” “We are not soliciting…” And back in the day, “We are not selling anything…”
JWs learn to practice omission not bringing up certain teachings that would scare people away. They learn to the art of spin and whitewash and downplay any insider doctrine that a householder might bring up.
Of course, most JWs apart from religion are pretty honest. But then so are members of other groups.
 +1 / -0
Terry 5 hours ago

Yes, it is a highly "selective" honesty.
It is an "the end justifies the means" honesty.
Like the entire religious doctrine, it is carefully fabricated to appear
solid while remaining fluid and porous.
An amazing ability to latch on to and confirm the unconfirmable mixed with a REBOOT button to wipe it all clean--is evidence of mind control.
They will love you and give their life for you one minute and call you a "mentally diseased Apostate" and refuse to pray for you the next.
The dysfunction is sociopathological.
Smiling, organic robots are a wonder of the world. I wonder what sort of world keeps them going if not delusion and fear.
Finkelstein 5 hours ago

Isn't religion about organizing lies to formulate perceivable truths ?

Which would be better for humanity to live of and from, scientifically acquired knowledge of the world in which we live or knowledge acquired from imagined spiritualistic adherence ?



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Topic Summary
jehovah’s witnesses are taught to lie but to then lie about lying.
first off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.
i prefer the definition offered by aristotle way back in 4th century b.c.e.

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The diabolical plan of the WTBTS.
by DATA-DOG a day ago 20 Replies latest 20 hours ago   watchtower beliefs

DATA-DOG a day ago

Diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the Devil is in the details of the January 15, 2016 "Study Edition" of the Watchtower tractazine.
So, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the WTBTS Inc. "The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit." and "We Want To Go With You People.", are sure to leave any non-member or intelligent member with average, high-school level reading and comprehension skills, a bit discombobulated. Have you ever heard something so dumb, that it actually hurts your brain? Have you ever read something and found that if you were list the logical fallacies, and take the time to educate the ignorant, you would need an entire magazine to do so? Have you heard of an RBF ( Resting Bitch Face )?? How about a RWTFF?? Just read the above articles and you won't need me to explain it to you.
As time marches on, the WTBTS finds themselves in the position of needing to go to their vaults and pull out "shelved ideas", to quote David Splane. As each former idea proves incorrect ( or correct/incorrect/correct/incorrect, as in the case of flip-flops) it must be a bit frustrating for the GB and their Writing Dept. Can you even imagine being wrong almost every single time you say something? I'm no genius, but I can't imagine being wrong so often, or doing it in such a public manner. That's gotta sting! 😆
The comments from the Dubs were just bizarre to say the least. One often repeated comment was, "These articles have answered everything we ever wanted to know about the "Anointed Ones." Yep.. O'l Jeehoober has written another fantastic article! Don't believe me? Just ask the Rank&File and the WT conductor, they will tell you that "Jehovah" wrote the article! LOL!!
You may be wondering, "What did Jehovah's Witnesses learn about the "anointed" that they never knew before, and always wanted to know?" I will attempt to list the main points below.
1) God chooses who he wants.
2) Nobody knows how it works.
3) Nobody can accurately explain how it works or feels.
4) Being "anointed" is not a guarantee of anything, except an invitation.
5) Anyone invited can lose that invitation.
6) You will never know who was actually invited until some future day.
7) Those invited won't talk about it in most cases, or tell you that you are invited, and they won't know anything special that contradicts the WT magazine, or have private study groups. ( Scew you, AnointedJW.org!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!! )
8) How many are left of this "invited" group? Nobody knows. The number is unimportant. "Jehovah knows how to count.", as one Dub commented.
9) Only the "Slave" can dispense "spiritual food." ( That one's important.)
10) "False anointed" are a very real possibility. Don't let you faith in the WTBTS be destroyed if "long time faithful ones" turn out to be impostors. ( This is also important. )
What did I miss? Anything? What is the motivation behind all of this? Is there nu-light hidden among the paragraphs?
I have to go to work, but I will try to comment on the possible implications later.
 +13 / -0
OneEyedJoe a day ago

8) How many are left of this "invited" group? Nobody knows. The number is unimportant.

I've been saying for a while that they're going to discontinue reporting (and possibly counting) the memorial partakers in the near future. Maybe they're working up to doing this. The rising number of partakers (even after they remove from the count any worldly people or people the elders don't approve of) is embarrassing for a couple reasons - they can't possibly let it continue.
 +7 / -0
Skedaddle a day ago

Have you heard of an RBF ( Resting Bitch Face )?? How about a RWTFF??  No I haven't but after dying of laughter at the meaning of RBF I'm simply dying to know what RWTFF stands for... prey tell!
 +2 / -0
nowwhat? a day ago
As usual they make something as convulutive as possible. The obvious answer for the reason in the increase in partakers is according to John 5 it is a commandment for all Christians to partake not because they feel they have some special heavenly calling.
 +5 / -0
nowwhat? a day ago
Before I get shelled, the word is convoluted.( Typing too fast on my phone)
 +1 / -0
jookbeard a day ago
for a cult so obsessed with growth and numeracy they seem strangely blase about this figure " the number is unimportant" LOL, yeah of course it is!
 +3 / -0
Vidiot a day ago
I swear, sometimes I think the spin is starting to make them dizzy.
 +1 / -0
Clearview a day ago
RWTFF = Resting What The F**k Face. That part made me laugh too :smile:
 +1 / -0
JW_Rogue a day ago

As time marches on, the WTBTS finds themselves in the position of needing to go to their vaults and pull out "shelved ideas", to quote David Splane. As each former idea proves incorrect ( or correct/incorrect/correct/incorrect, as in the case of flip-flops) it must be a bit frustrating for the GB and their Writing Dept. Can you even imagine being wrong almost every single time you say something?
That's one thing I don't get about the overlapping generation idea, they do realize that this will also have to be changed again at some point? Why not redefine generation as the general group of anointed on earth? As long as anointed ones still exist (and that number is actually rising) they could still say the interpretation is correct. Instead they come up with another explanation with a sell by date. Don't they learn their lesson?
 +3 / -0
JW_Rogue a day ago
As far as the WT study goes the whole thing was bizarre. While at the meeting I was underlining and circling all the crazy stuff and when I looked back at my underlining they were all the answers to the paragraphs. No one seemed to notice that the first half was about not judging those who profess to be anointed but the second half was about all the reasons those who partake probably aren't anointed at all. Oh, and don't forget the parts designed to let partakers know that they aren't anything special, only the GB is really important. LOL How are people not seeing this for what it is?
 +2 / -0


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The diabolical plan of the WTBTS.
by DATA-DOG a day ago 20 Replies latest 20 hours ago   watchtower beliefs

Finkelstein a day ago

Why not redefine generation as the general group of anointed on earth?
Because that would essentially eliminate the 1914 doctrine and they don't want to do that being that it was such a core doctrine for the organization for such a long time.
1914 + a generation and now a overlapping generation = today's JWS and the identifying headship of the FDSL
They still think its a pressing doctrine to not abandon.

The GB members today I don't see them eliminate 1914, the next generation of GB members perhaps.

 +1 / -0
OneEyedJoe a day ago

That's one thing I don't get about the overlapping generation idea, they do realize that this will also have to be changed again at some point? Why not redefine generation as the general group of anointed on earth? As long as anointed ones still exist (and that number is actually rising) they could still say the interpretation is correct. Instead they come up with another explanation with a sell by date. Don't they learn their lesson?

That's what they put in place in 2008, only to be changed 2 years later. My guess is that it was insufficiently motivating because the deadline for armageddon was no longer certain. What's the point of a doomsday cult if there's no reassurance that doomsday will even come in your lifetime? So they had to put another deadline in place, and apparently they went with the first idea they could come up with - it seems that 1+1=1 makes perfect sense to these guys. And the math works out just fine. The potential timeline of the new overlapping generation will almost certainly outlast every current member of the governing body. So why shouldn't they set another deadline? They won't have to deal with the fallout of it's failure, but they can revel in the success it has in motivating JWs to pay for their lifestyle and give them the adulation, praise and worship that they think they deserve.
 +2 / -0
Finkelstein a day ago

Something else to keep in mind is that mankind by the WTS's proclamation is supposedly living in the last days described prophetically in the bible and due to this proclamation Armageddon was to be imminently soon.
The WTS wants people to think that this present generation is that generation that's going to experience Armageddon, this helps to support the continuing proliferation of its literature to the public as a asertive life saving message.

There is a lot of contrived marketing going on in this faith or publishing house that is structured within this particular religious organization.

 +2 / -0
JW_Rogue a day ago

Because that would essentially eliminate the 1914 doctrine and they don't want to do that being that it was such a core doctrine for the organization for such a long time.
It would still be there just without the false hope that something has to happen within our lifetime. They already tried that, by the time this new generation teaching fails they will have lost all credibility. I don't think this is adding any urgency to the message, most people don't understand it (because it doesn't make sense). With the first generation teaching there was urgency because the interpretation made sense (if you believe in types and anti-types that is). Many who were taught the generation teaching also didn't realize that the WT had made numerous other failed predictions. I remember being taught that 1975 was never really predicted by the WT society. That a high level apostate came up with the idea. In retrospect they were blaming the whole thing on Ray Franz. Plus, we were about to enter a new century and millennium so the feeling was that something would happen soon. That level of urgency isn't coming back, people don't even talk about Armageddon anymore. The Revelation book has been discontinued and I don't see a replacement coming soon.
 +1 / -0
Tech49 a day ago

Add to point #5: This is only an invitation. It doesnt mean you made it yet. God can revoke your invitation. You haven't actually made it to the party yet. We know you thought you did, we even said you did....but you didnt.

Point # 11:
DO NOT ASK any one of the annointed about their status, how they know they got an invitation, or what it will be like to be left here when your spouse is raptured. Definitely dont ask the GB about their golden invitations. See point 5 above.

Point #12:
The annointed do not receive and are not receiving any more holy spirit than the rest of you. They do not receive or have additional insight or prophecy. Well, except the Governing Body, but that's different, but don't ask them about it. And we don't have a real explanation as to why, its just the way it is. Get back in line please. See point 5 above.

Listen obey and be blessed.

 +2 / -0
pixel a day ago

"Six Convincing Lines of Evidence" that we are in the Last Days. …
Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller." Watchtower 2000 Jan 15 p.13

Just sayin'

 +4 / -0
Finkelstein a day ago

Many who were taught the generation teaching also didn't realize that the WT had made numerous other failed predictions.
This is true most JWS of even my era in the 60's and 70's didn't know that the WTS under C T Russell proclaimed that the generation starting from 1874 was the generation to witness the GT and 1914 was the assumable year for Armageddon.
Why didn't most of other Christian based faiths not proclaim what the WTS did as far as making up calculated dates such as 1874 and 1914 ?  because Jesus admonished his true obedient followers not to . 

prologos a day ago

Data Dog:  "5) Anyone invited can lose that invitation. Unless you lose your head, or blood, You lost your invitation : Rev 20: [only]" those killed by the axe, will rule with Christ for a thousand years"
Unless your fate is thus sealed, and die a sacrificial death (like Christ), dream on. provided there was a talking snake.
DATA-DOG a day ago

Good points, everyone! Tech 49, thank you for bringing out those additional lessons from the article.
You know... writing an in-depth breakdown of WT articles was so much easier when I had a laptop computer. This I-phone sucks ass.
Let me preface this review by stating something. These articles require the reader to accept a few things at face value. To even begin a discussion of these articles with a JW, you must understand that they have accepted a certain number of premises as true. Namely:
1) There is a God.
2) That God has one channel, the WTBTS. More specifically, 7 jack holes who spend Sophia's ice-cream money to fight mandatory reporting laws.
3) The WTBTS is correct in their interpretation of the "little flock" and "other sheep" passages in the Bible.
4) The "Bible" is 100% reliable. ( should have mentioned that earlier..)
5) The current idea about the 144,000 is correct. The 144,000 is a literal number.
6) The Bible teaches that there was, and there will be, an Earthly Paradise.
Phew....😓 Did I miss anything?
Anyway, the first "anointed" article has some interesting statements. Paragraph #3 mentions the 120 Xians who were in the upper room at Pentacost 33 CE. They "recieved the free gift of the Holy Spirit." Why? They had repented and were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then some 3,000 more were baptized. Henceforth, they were "anointed."
This raises some questions. Have modern Dubs been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ? Do they recieve the free gift of Holy Spirit? More importantly, did any of the 1st century Xians who recieved their anointing ( Only an invitation..) actually make the cut? This is a HUGE question!!
The WTBTS has historically made a gigantic issue of numbers and statistics being "proof" that they alone are the "one true religion." I never said that. Did you? Did we write and publish WT articles that claimed numbers were important? Did anyone at HQ ask for your opinion? F*** NO!!! This a top-down hierarchy, remember??
According to the "We want to go with you people." article, no one knows who the anointed are. We know that some have received the "guaranteed invitation", but we won't know if they made it ( neither will they..😑 ) until before they die or sometime before the GT! ( see paragraph #3) The R&F won't know until who the F*** knows when! Rest assured, they will know someday in the "Paradise."
So, hypothetically speaking, what if almost ZERO of the 1st Century Xians were found worthy? What if most Xians throughout human history have proven false? Maybe they..I don't know..joined the UN, or the OSCE? Maybe they signed Bibles for Government officials, or refused to go to Court, or lied under oath??! ( I'm just brainstorming here...) If God had to choose other persons to make up the literal 144,00 because few proved worthy, and we were truly in the "End Times", wouldn't the number of partakers INCREASE??? ( I can't wait to try that one out with an Eldub.)
Did CTR make the cut? Did Rutherford? Did Ray Franz? How could you know? This makes the "going with you people" absurd to say the least! According to the article, "..we need to identify such ones as a group.."
WTF does that even mean??? We can't know if any professed "anointed" are genuine, and we won't until who the hell knows when! What a convenient position for a cult! How can we hope to identify this mysterious group? Would they be more likely, or less likely to be honest? Would they be more likely, or less likely to "turn a blind eye" to badness? Would this group be more likely, or less likely to spend Jeehibbity-hop's dedicated funds to fight mandatory reporting laws for clergy members? Would "genuine anointed" be more likely, or less likely to....let's say...hire..mmmm, I don't know....MONICA APPLEWHITE???
When viewed from an objective viewpoint, these articles of "truth" simply raise more questions and muddy the waters. Of course, the sheeple are ignorant as hell and they just don't use any of their reasoning abilities.
The "anointed" also do not want special treatment. LOL!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAA! WTF-ever!!??? The "Faithful Slave" sure the f*** wants unquestioned obedience from the R&F!! I suppose this article only applies to "anointed" who are not located at HQ??
This is also interesting. Note paragraph #9 of the "Go with you.." article. It states that "None of us would want to cause one of Christ's Brothers to stumble!" Aaarrrghh!!!! 🙀 Can you even imagine such a thing!!! TOMO's faith in Jeehobo is so frail that you could stumble him out of "Da Troof" if you have him sign your Bible!!!! OMG!!!! 😱
This is just plain f***tarded. Do I even need to cite the inummerable WT articles about the impossibility of stumbling a faithful one? SERIOUSLY??? So what if Brother Touch'N'stuff fiddles with your child?!?! You're going to use that as an excuse to "leave Jerk-hoober"??? SHAME ON YOU!!! How many times have you heard articles that minimize the deplorable behavior of Elders, while throwing the blame on the R&F??? Well, here is the ultimate guilt-trip!!! YOU could stumble one of Jesus' Bros!!! LOL!!!! Again, I can't wait to bring up the glaring inconsistency with an Eldub!
Then we have "false brothers." OMG!!! Who the f*** could that be???? Gerrit Losche, TOMO, Jacko???? Perhaps an "anointed" Elder/ Lawyers who gets thrown under the bus?? HAHAHA!! We will have to wait and see!
From a corporate standpoint, this is a great idea to plant in the minds of the ignorant sheeple. What could constitute more proof of the WTBTS's validity of of the "End Times" than for one or more "long time faithful" and "prominent" members of the "anointed" to get DF'd!!??? HOLY SHIT!!!! Just think about it!!! "One of you needs to fall on your sword!", says the WTBTS owners. "Who volunteers??", they ask!!
This is pure conjecture, of course! How great would that be?? The worst case scenario/shit-storm hits the WTBTS and someone has to take the fall! "Not me!!", says Gerrit!!! LOL!!!!
As already mentioned, not all who are "anointed" are part of the "Slave." Of course they aren't! DUH?!?!?? How could you have a hierarchy like the RCC if everyone who was "anointed" had input in company policy?? We have to accept that premise, along with the premise that the "Evil Slave" doesn't actually exist! Hmmmm...?? Wasn't there a line about the Devil making people believe that he wasn't real? Who would benefit from a hypothetical "Evil Slave" anyway?? Good people, or bad?
That's it for now! I'm starving!! Bye-bye!!! 😎
 +2 / -0
sowhatnow 21 hours ago

you speak truth data dog, i just read it on the internet. lol

but , lo an behold, the mystery may be solved, and reveled the hidden secret
of the heavenly class on the other post.

so let it be written, so let it be done...
go be well fed.



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diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.
so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.
" and "we want to go with you people.

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The Hermit's story PART 3
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The diabolical plan of the WTBTS.
by DATA-DOG a day ago 20 Replies latest 20 hours ago   watchtower beliefs

JW_Rogue 20 hours ago

This is true most JWS of even my era in the 60's and 70's didn't know that the WTS under C T Russell proclaimed that the generation starting from 1874 was the generation to witness the GT and 1914 was the assumable year for Armageddon.
IDK I feel like this is different somehow. In those instances there were recalculations or they would change tactics and start looking at other prophecies, jubilee years, 7000 years since Adam etc. In this case they have literally nothing to base this on at all except trying to redefine a common term. I don't think the young people are fooled one bit and middle aged people live through the failure. Then again I always thought "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" was about the generation teaching too until I finally read it for myself.


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Topic Summary
diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.
so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.
" and "we want to go with you people.

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Pshycos! - 2016 "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" Regional Convention Program
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JW Vs. Mormon program
by pixel 4 days ago

Trey Bundy: One Year of Reporting JW Child Abuse - Your comments please!
by AndersonsInfo 2 months ago
The Hermit

The Hermit's story PART 3
by The Hermit 2 months ago
Nicholaus Kopernicus

by Nicholaus Kopernicus 3 months ago

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JW marriages: “They” looked good on paper.
by Londo111 a day ago 7 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower beliefs

Londo111 a day ago

I applaud anyone, male or female, who overcomes shallowness and looks at a person’s deeper qualities, especially in regard dating and marriage. The movie and fashion industry does much to institute shallowness to the point that, in my opinion, it promotes outright discrimination and judgmentalism even as they give lip service to tolerance.
On the other hand, among Jehovah’s Witnesses, there seem to be a preponderance of incompatible marriages. Of course, this may be impossible to quantify and among those mentally in, this would be heavily disputed, but I am convinced based on personal observation that this is indeed the case.
This is mainly due to a type of disguised shallowness. The main qualities that this environment promotes, in order to be of marriageable material, is:
(1) Being a baptized Jehovah’s Witness
(2) Not be marked or under reproof or restrictions
(3) Hours, hours, hours. Meetings, meetings, meetings. Comment frequently. Underline your magazine.
If a man is a ministerial servant or elder, or a woman is a pioneer, they are automatically viewed as a good potential mate. This has been reinforced by the words of Anthony Morris III at the US Branch visit: women should not marry a man who is not at least a ministerial servant. It was implied the marriage is doomed otherwise.
In some cases, the ONLY thing the couple has in couple is their religion and their standing in it. Women might gain status or prominence vicariously through their husbands…if he’s been appointed. If her husband is giving public talks, especially on assemblies, then she can point in pride and say, “That’s my husband.” To herself, she might feel, “He’s important. Therefore, I feel important through him.” Obviously, I can never speak from personal experience as a spouse of an elder, but I project this from being a son and grandson of elders. Lipservice is given to not being position-minded, but, in reality, it often does not often work that way.
There is no other way for a conscientious Witness to gain any sort of prominence. He cannot gain it through non-religious activities, say higher education or putting his full energies into career or other pursuits. Even though such a person might be sincere, they will eventually gain approval within the community that they cannot gain on the outside. This approval is addicting. The withdrawal of approval can hurt greatly.
But what often happens when one spouse learns the truth about the “truth”?
Let’s take the case of a man who learns the truth about the truth. He may look for ways to step back from the organization gradually and eventually fade. Perhaps, he will step down from his position and get few hours, skip an occasional meeting.
If he is an elder or a ministerial servant, this might well be difficult. Even if he is just a rank-and-file publisher, he cannot do this without notice from his spouse. Already, the one thing they had in common, the “zealousness” for organization activities is out the window. The JW mate now feels stress that her mate is not “putting the Kingdom first”. She may grieve at the loss of prominence. And she may be genuinely concerned about his “spiritual” welfare. Here, this man, who she married because of his organizational activities, is not “taking the lead spiritually” for the family. In the Witness mindset, this is the most important quality for husbands and now this most important quality seems to have disappeared. Sometimes it has truly proved to be “tribulation in the flesh” as the Witness mate lashes out at the one attempting to fade.
It goes without saying this is IF he keeps what he knows to himself. The moment he utters the slightest bit of TTATT, he has crossed the Rubicon. In most cases, the spouse rings the aposta-alarm, the elders are called in, and a storm erupts with the kind of fury that can never be undone. Too often, this results in the “spiritual endangerment” card being played and the marriage coming to an abrupt end.
Conversely, the Witness mate is not always the one that ends the marriage. In the course of being the organizer of an Ex-JW meetup group, I encountered those who left their Witness mate, or were in the process of planning to do so. I was merely the organizer of events, and not a trained marriage counselor, therefore it is beyond my scope to try to fix the situation or try to stop them. At most, I can offer what I know about the “truth about the truth” or point them to the work of licensed mental counselor Steven Hassan. Even though these situations were beyond my bounds, it really made me sad, especially because it brought up feelings from having gone through the end of my own marriage.
What drove former Witnesses to leave their mates? Once they came to the conclusion that the organization was not the truth, they realized they’d nothing in common with their spouse anymore. The SOLE basis of their marriage was the religion. It didn’t matter anymore if their husband was an elder or a ministerial servant or how many hours he put in every month.
One young lady I sat down with frankly said to me that the reason she married her husband was because “he looked good on paper”. Once she married him, she quickly found that he wasn’t the person she had expected.
The bottom line is that hours in field service, congregational activities, and a person’s standing in the organization has NOTHING to do with whether or not a person would make a good marriage mate. In fact, these things have to do with whether or not a person has a good heart or true spirituality.
I wish there was a silver bullet solution that would heal these marriages. Unfortunately, the bad advice from the organization has created slews of incompatible marriages for which there is no easy remedy. This might be especially so if the mate in the organization is resistant to marriage counseling.
Optimally, both the husband and the wife would learn the truth about the truth, but this is not often the case. Thankfully, some, who have a mate still in the organization, have been able to weather the storm. Some have helped their mates further down the road, through gradually dropping tidbits and seeds of thought that enabled the waking process. But perhaps it is the case that these couples had more in common in the first place besides loyalty to a religious organization.
 +9 / -0

Finkelstein a day ago

On the other hand, among Jehovah’s Witnesses, there seem to be a preponderance of incompatible marriages.
This happens from the prevailing consequences of making a firm stand that JWS are to only marry other devout JWS and they are not to have sex before marriage.

From that perspective its easy to see how so many JWS marriages fail.
Add the fact that many also fail because one partner realizes this religion is a contrite fraud, full of ignorance and corruption and even more divorces occur.

The fact remains that JWS in general have the same rate of divorce than non-jws , particularly in the under 25 age group.

 +6 / -0
OneEyedJoe a day ago

You implicitly touch on it, but another major factor is just the severe limitation of one's options due to the requirement to only date JWs. In my view, JW women are often forced into a very limited role - they are not allowed to develop interests or ambitions, not even to the already reduced extent that JW men are, because they can't progress in the organization beyond spending a lot of time recruiting. This is all well and good for the type of misogynistic, controlling and overbearing men that want a submissive wife that will simply obey him (this is also the type of man that does extraordinarily well in the org, it seems) but for men who truly want a partner and someone who thinks for themselves, it leaves few options. I'm sure women in the cult face similar difficulties finding a husband, probably in the opposite direction - I imagine it's difficult to find a JW man that really wants to treat his wife as an equal.
The dating requirements that ensure, if followed, that you will not be able to adequately evaluate compatibility prior to marriage (requirements of a chaperon and that sex is off the table during the dating are not healthy ways to find a marriage mate, in my view) further compound the problem that is caused by starting with the "on paper" requirements for a spouse that you described.
Then of course hormones tend to cause JWs to marry young when the rules are followed (or coerced to marry young when the rules are broken). Even if a JW can fight the hormones and not get in trouble, the fact that the culture is to be married before 25 results in a sense of urgency to find someone. You don't want to find yourself at 30 with your only dating prospects being 18 year old girls (creepy) or divorced women with kids (nothing against single mothers, but when you're 20 and looking at the future that seems like a prospect that should be avoided).
All this adds up to people marrying too young (before the brain is fully matured at around 25, the personality can continue to change drastically) and getting married to people they're often not compatible with. And this is all before one of them wakes up to TTATT.
My wife and I definitely had our share of common interests, as I was luckily smart enough not to restrict myself to someone that was super zealous and really look for some common ground. Of course that only goes so far, and we certainly have some pretty big incompatibilities. But upon waking up I'm finding that there's two major difficulties to the marriage that don't have to do with incompatibility that was apparent while I was a JW. For one thing, after waking up as a born-in, there is a normal (at least I hope it's normal) desire to reclaim your lost adolescence and really explore the world and life outside the bounds of the cult. They kept me so repressed for so long with so many rules and now that the arbitrary rules are gone, I want to explore and find my own rules and limits. If only one spouse is awake, this is a process that the still-in spouse is likely to be threatened by and resent. And, speaking for myself, its difficult not to be displeased with my wife's efforts to slow this process of discovery and growth.
Another issue that I have in my marriage due to waking up is my disgust at the cult that my wife remains involved in. It feels to me almost like I was raped by one of my wife's friends or family and upon telling her of this she only digs in and pursues a deeper connection with my attacker. It's difficult to get past her affiliation with the cult after I've given her every chance to wake up and see it for what it is. She values it more than me, and that's not supposed to happen in a marriage (to be fair I may be coming to the conclusion that I value my escape from the cult more than I do her). My wife is certainly loving and has made some effort...but I don't think she will ever leave and I'm not sure that anything short of that will be enough.
 +4 / -0
Finkelstein a day ago

the fact that the culture is to be married before 25 results in a sense of urgency to find someone
Yes good point OneEyedJoe.
Young people are pressured to get married out of the prevailing fact that everyone else is out their contained JWS social environment, mentally, emotionally and financially prepared or not.
That is why its quite common to JWS teenagers marring before the age of 20.
It was even younger back in the 1970's during my time.
Seeing adolescents marrying right out High school was quite common.

 +2 / -0
steve2 a day ago

Very good OP and subsequent posts!
 +1 / -0
Londo111 a day ago

Yes, the dating rules became an ill foundation.
It was drilled home that I could not date before one was “ready” for marriage, especially financially ready to be a family “head”. On the other hand, college was a big no-no (up until the early 1990’s at least). Thus, in my early 20’s, I was between a rock and a hard place.
At the same time, there are strict rules for interacting with the opposite gender and the Young People Ask articles drummed this constantly. One cannot be “just friends” with anyone of the opposite gender. Even frequent calling (nowadays texting or emailing) is viewed as dating. But if you are not “ready” for dating, that is ready for marriage, then that rules that out. However, this is how young people learn to converse and interact with the opposite gender. Thus I did not go on my first date until I was 29 and that ended up being the person I married.
In reality, dating when young is a learning experience, full of trying and failing. Along the way, people learn to social and talk both with platonic and romantic intent. Eventually this equips a person for a long term relationship.
 +2 / -0
TD a day ago

The main qualities that this environment promotes, in order to be of marriageable material, is:
(1) Being a baptized Jehovah’s Witness
(2) Not be marked or under reproof or restrictions
(3) Hours, hours, hours. Meetings, meetings, meetings. Comment frequently. Underline your magazine.

"Spiritually minded" JW males might flatter themselves into believing otherwise, but conformity is not attractive. --Not in any social group.
 +1 / -0
OneEyedJoe a day ago

Londo - you make another really good point about dating when young being an important learning process. The issue with dating that you describe, wherein friendships with the opposite sex is forbidden as is dating before you're looking to get married right away, were big factors in my nearly leaving the cult in my late teens. In the end, I let my father manipulate me into doubling down and ended up in the cult for another decade.
Another thing I would add regarding the so-called "casual dating" that is so vilified by the cult is that it can teach you what sorts of feelings and desires you will have and how to handle them before you are actually dating someone with the intent to marry them. Kids can easily confuse lust and hormone driven feelings for love and it has been shown that in this period a person's ability to plan long-term is significantly compromised. As a result, many JWs find themselves dating for their first time in their very late teens or early 20s, and without any past experience to show them that they may not be thinking especially clearly, they get married after 3-6 months of dating while still in the honeymoon period. They believe that no problem will be insurmountable for them, and all those other romantic notions and they have no experience to keep these thoughts in check. Reality, though, is not usually so idealistic.
 +2 / -0


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Did you participate in a Drama?
by Hecce a day ago 22 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower beliefs

Hecce a day ago

I am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience. Camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.
Back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program. We had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation. Some of them were spectacular, I remember the one about Moses that was called by the friends the “Ten Commandments”; it ran 90 minutes and you needed about a hundred participants. On the same program there was one about the Apostle Paul that was 120 minutes long.
I have been told that during his time at Bethel Raymond Franz was closely involved with the dramas and that after his departure some of the old friends decided to decrease their frequency and relevance. The truth is that little by little they were curtailed and today for all practical purposes they are gone, my understanding is that a video replaced the live representation.
Being honest for sure it was a lot of work and effort, but for the majority it was a fun occasion.
So if you know some internal details about the dramas or were a participant or director, please share your experiences with us.
Thanks for reading
 +5 / -0
pixel a day ago
Yeap. Lots of work but good memories.

 +3 / -0
Village Idiot
Village Idiot a day ago

No but I did remove makeup and a beard from one of the actors. I knew a sister who applied the makeup on the actors. I also remember that he had facial coloring. I still recall that the skin coloring was "Egyptian brown".
It was fun.
 +3 / -0
Landy a day ago
Being a witness was one long bloody drama.
 +8 / -0
ToesUp a day ago
Nah...we were never "spiritual" enough to be in a drama. Only good enough to take the speaker to dinner, clean the KH and scrub toilets. We were ok for those priviledges.
 +7 / -0
Xanthippe a day ago
Yes I was in a drama. A modern day one at a football ground in front of 10,000. Lots of rehearsals.
 +2 / -0
compound complex
compound complex a day ago

I participated when a Bethelite, late '60s, early '70s.
I recall the sister, a table mate, who portrayed Ruth and all the in-house derision that followed upon the heels of the performance, particularly the howling and emoting during the scene where Naomi pleads with her daughters'-in-law to go their separate ways. Of course, it was canned dialogue. But the gesticulating and chewing of scenery was the actresses' own.
Friends and I had parts where we played teenage boys. I think we were horny, something to do locker room escapades and the removal of apparel. The only line I remember was one guy saying he didn't think he was a "monster for looks." This was after the major purge over sexually unacceptable behaviors.
Then there was the graphic presentation of Zimri and Cozbi getting run through by, oh, I forget who -- some righteous dude eaten up by zeal for Jah. The screaming of the victims was horrible, but it's in the Bible so it's acceptable.
I'm basically a prude, and it made me cringe, but Bethelites don't say "no" to privileges. Way, way too much fixation with sex . . .
 +4 / -0
Cadellin a day ago

I was a little girl when our congregation put on the drama of the Exodus. The entire congregation was involved--either speaking roles or extras--I mean, everyone. We had a couple of rehearsals a week and it was a HUGE deal. But so much fun--so much camaraderie. I have nothing but happy memories. Everyone had a job, and there was real room for being creative, either in doing the make-up or helping with costumes or the acting or whatever. There was a great sense of belonging.
It makes me sad that that is no longer part of the religion, that it's been replaced by videos. Unfortunately, most people probably wouldn't have the time to put into it now. But we did back then--I wonder how?
 +5 / -0
sparrowdown a day ago

Yes, I played a part in three dramas. After I was asked the first time I became one in a kind of "stable" of sisters they would get to do anything drama-ry. They were happy times and it was probably the only times I felt truly useful.
But sad huh.
 +4 / -0
stuckinarut2 a day ago

And it was seeing the reality of how things like this took place behind the scenes that has helped many wake up....
The cliques, the holier than though attitude of those involved etc...
 +1 / -0


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Did you participate in a Drama?
by Hecce a day ago 22 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower beliefs

sparrowdown a day ago

I had the opposite experience to you stuck. It was during rehearsals for dramas that I felt what seemed like genuine comradery, possibly because we were all out of our comfort zone and so we relied on each other a bit more, I really can't explain why.
Of course the same people would go back to being their usual jerky selves back at the KH.
 +2 / -0
Hecce a day ago

Cadellin compound complex
I think that the drama that you are referring as Exodus and the Zimri one is the same that I am calling the Moses drama.
My experience was the different, one of the few places where it felt like everybody was equal and you could laugh at the mistakes and gaffes of even the heavy duty guys.

 +2 / -0
nugget a day ago

Never was in a congregation that did a drama. Sounds like fun although by the time we left the drama was prefixed by a talk and was less a spectacle and more a demonstration.
 +2 / -0
NVR2L8 20 hours ago
I was in several dramas and except for one I was always in the modern part. The first drama was live and we rehearsed everyday for weeks. I was also used to record the sound track for a few dramas in which I didn't "act". One year my voice was heard in 2 dramas and I acted in one. It was a lot of fun and I loved the "status" it gave me as I was aspiring for service privileges.
 +3 / -0
James Mixon
James Mixon 18 hours ago
The ex- wife and our two kids were in a Drama in the circuit assembly.
 +1 / -0
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut 18 hours ago

I was a stagehand in a drama and also played the part of a rock in one key scene.
The Dramas were fun to be part of because they gave a good sized group of people something to work together on that was considered by their peers to be a noble effort.
As far as the drama's being successful, this was mostly because they were a welcome alternative to the drone of a stodgy old unlettered and ordinary man, reading off some canned talk hour after hour....day after day.

 +3 / -0
Hecce 17 hours ago

It seems like the dramas were too much fun for the audience and also the participants. We can't have that here, better to use that time digging trenches and building KH.
 +3 / -0
StrongHaiku 16 hours ago

In the late 1980's or early 1990's (I believe), I had my 15 minutes of fame as Benjamin in one of the dramas that dealt with Joseph and Pharaoh. Sorry I can't remember the exact year. It was a district convention in Denver.
cyberjesus 12 hours ago
I playef neftali in one. And something else in other. My dad recorded the Spanish voice overs for a couple of others.
Hecce 6 hours ago
One thing that happened a lot during the dramas were mistakes, most of the time the participants were aware of them, but not the audience . Some other mistakes were plain and simple to see, like having an actor wearing glasses or a watch on a biblical drama.


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i am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.
camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.
we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.

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My Story "Act 2"
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DA letter sent... It was weird!
by Mandrake a month ago

Trying To Leave - Im Going Crazy
by pale.emperor a month ago

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Did you participate in a Drama?
by Hecce a day ago 22 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower beliefs

brandnew 3 hours ago

Yup.....i was a prop mover at dodger stadium...late 90's..
Hot days under the sun. Ugh.😡
Hecce 2 hours ago


Being on that sacred ground is a lifetime experience.
James Brown
James Brown an hour ago
I was in the Noah's Ark drama in Cleveland stadium about 1973, I played Ham. I met brother Knorr.



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Topic Summary
i am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.
camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.
we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.

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by Nicholaus Kopernicus 3 months ago

My Story "Act 2"
by MarkofCane 2 months ago

DA letter sent... It was weird!
by Mandrake a month ago

Trying To Leave - Im Going Crazy
by pale.emperor a month ago

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Skills Questionnaire Instructions
by pixel 7 hours ago 6 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower beliefs

pixel 7 hours ago

Skills Questionnaire Instructions
1. There is an urgent need to locate exemplary brothers and sisters who possess certain skills or work experience and who are available to offer their services on a broader scale to help support the theocratic expansion work taking place worldwide. For example, skilled brothers are needed to assist with large-scale theocratic construction projects, computer-related projects, audio/video projects, and the increasing translation work. This is just a sampling of the vast areas with significant need.
2. Please note that we are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain certain skills. However, we realize that a number of brothers and sisters have received vocational training or certain on-the-job training in order to support themselves in full-time service or while otherwise keeping spiritual things in first place.—Matt. 6:33.
3. In view of the foregoing, the Skills Questionnaire (A-2) is designed to assist the organization in identifying skilled brothers and sisters who may be available to volunteer their services. However, please note that the Skills Questionnaire is not an application to make oneself available for expanded service. It is simply used to help the organization to locate qualified brothers and sisters who possess certain skills and who may be available to volunteer their services.
4. Once a willing and qualified individual is identified, he may be asked to submit an application, such as the Application for Volunteer Program (A-19) or Application to Become a Member of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-8). Afterwards, qualified applicants may be invited to assist with Bethel work from their place of residence, to work at a Bethel facility, or to support a theocratic project in the field.
5. Who should complete the Skills Questionnaire? All exemplary publishers who (1) are 19 years of age and older, (2) possess a particular skill or work experience, and (3) have the circumstances and desire to make themselves available should complete the questionnaire. The coordinator of the body of elders will verify that each appointed servant meeting these requirements has completed the questionnaire. If the elders are aware of other qualified baptized publishers (including sisters) who possess certain skills, the elders will provide the publishers with a copy of the questionnaire. Of course, it is recognized that because of health or family responsibilities, not all who possess a particular skill or work experience will be able to offer their services to assist the organization on a project.
6. How should the questionnaire be completed? It is preferred that the version of the questionnaire listed under “Online Form Entry” on the “Documents” tab of jw.org be used. It is available to those who possess a jw.org account that is associated with a congregation domain, such as elders and ministerial servants.
7. If someone does not have access to jw.org, then an elder will provide him with the version of the questionnaire that is available in the “Forms” section on the “Documents” tab. If the publisher is unable to complete the form electronically, the elder will carefully transfer all of the information to the PDF version of the questionnaire. Using the Inbox feature on jw.org, the elder will submit the completed questionnaire to “Skills Questionnaire.” If the publisher feels more comfortable filling out a printed copy and mailing it directly to the branch office, there would be no objection to his doing so. However, as noted above, it is preferred that these questionnaires be submitted to the branch office electronically.
8. How often should the questionnaire be submitted? The questionnaire should be submitted anytime the information requires updating. For example, if an individual obtains a license or becomes certified in a certain field, he should submit a revised questionnaire.
Bolds where in the document

sir82 7 hours ago

Huh. So it turns out that callously screwing over thousands of your most loyal adherents by kicking them out of Bethel, and stridently condemning higher education for everyone regardless of circumstances, is not the best strategy to use in order to find all the skilled workers you need.
Who'da thunk it?

 +1 / -0
FeelingFree 7 hours ago
Wow even sister's?! How gracious to include them, but I thought they were too stupid and busy looking after the men.....
 +1 / -0
ToesUp 6 hours ago

"Please note that we are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain certain skills"
Translation: We are not encouraging anyone to pursue higher education, we want TO USE brothers and sisters who already possess the skills we need for "theocratic projects."
millie210 5 hours ago

Didnt this all call originally include para legals?
Wonder why that isnt mentioned this time?
wifibandit 2 hours ago

February 29, 2016 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Skills Questionnaire
Skills Questionnaire instructions
A-2 form skills questionnaire
Personal note: I've been away, now I'm back. I need to catch up on my emails and leaks!
ToesUp an hour ago
Welcome back wifi, we missed you.


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A Brief History of MONEY and the Watchtower religion
by Terry in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 3 hours ago
watch tower corp has changed a long-standing policy in regard to donations which had been in place a long, long time.

to appreciate how drastic these changes have been, you'd have to know how it was from the beginning.. .

watch tower corp has changed a long-standing policy in regard to donations which had been in place a long, long time.

Slidin Fast
an hour ago
Joe Grundy
Lourdes, Bigorre, Pyrenees, France.
by Joe Grundy in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 6 hours ago
(i never was a jw).. this topic occurred to me randomly.

i don't know whether any/many posters heer have visited.

the region is beautiful but marred, imho, by the scar that is lourdes.

4 hours ago
Skills Questionnaire Instructions
by pixel in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 7 hours ago
skills questionnaire instructions.

1. there is an urgent need to locate exemplary brothers and sisters who possess certain skills or work experience and who are available to offer their services on a broader scale to help support the theocratic expansion work taking place worldwide.

for example, skilled brothers are needed to assist with large-scale theocratic construction projects, computer-related projects, audio/video projects, and the increasing translation work.

an hour ago
Memorial attendance
by punkofnice in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 12 hours ago
my spies seem a bit confused.

here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.

the attendance seemed to be swelling.

JW GoneBad
40 minutes ago
Are you ready for armageddon?
by atomant in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 12 hours ago
just imagine the panic.disbelief.oh my god they were right.then you pee in your pants.what will l do?the plea for forgiveness.please let me through.l promise l''ll change.l didn;t mean what l said on that jw.com site.l was jokin.then you wake up it was only a dream.disbelief turns to relief.

but it could happen..

Doubtfully Yours
2 hours ago
Jehovah’s Witnesses are Taught to Lie but to then Lie about Lying
by Terry in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 a day ago
jehovah’s witnesses are taught to lie but to then lie about lying.

first off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.

i prefer the definition offered by aristotle way back in 4th century b.c.e.

5 hours ago
Did you participate in a Drama?
by Hecce in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 a day ago
i am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.

camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.

we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.

James Brown
an hour ago
Questions About Jehovahs Witness
by JehovahsWitnessResearcher in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 a day ago
hi, i am doing a research project on jehovahs witness and wanted to understand it better from people who practice the religion.

i have a few questions and it would really help out if you could answer as soon as possible.. .

what are your main beliefs?.

New day
a day ago
JW marriages: “They” looked good on paper.
by Londo111 in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 a day ago
i applaud anyone, male or female, who overcomes shallowness and looks at a person’s deeper qualities, especially in regard dating and marriage.

the movie and fashion industry does much to institute shallowness to the point that, in my opinion, it promotes outright discrimination and judgmentalism even as they give lip service to tolerance..

on the other hand, among jehovah’s witnesses, there seem to be a preponderance of incompatible marriages.

a day ago
The diabolical plan of the WTBTS.
by DATA-DOG in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices
 a day ago
diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.

so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.

" and "we want to go with you people.

20 hours ago



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Satan & Disasters
by Hadriel 4 days ago 13 Replies latest 2 days ago   watchtower bible

Hadriel 4 days ago

Was told by someone that a receipt article eluded to the fact that Satan can cause natural disasters. I don't see how i could have missed this. Doesn't anyone remember this? The said it was recent in the past few months.
Thx in advance.
Simon 4 days ago

I haven't seen the article - I can't bring myself to read that stuff anymore.
But in general I can see how this would be a convenient claim for theists - they think it's an explanation for "why do terrible things happen in the world". Of course it still leaves a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient and loving god allowing it to happen and at the same time people who credit god with "good things" ... why can he make some things happen but not others?
(the "good things" are usually helping someone win a tennis match or an oscar - something someone was pretty guaranteed to win LOL)
 +1 / -0
Hadriel 4 days ago

But in general I can see how this would be a convenient claim for theists - they think it's an explanation for "why do terrible things happen in the world". Of course it still leaves a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient and loving god allowing it to happen and at the same time people who credit god with "good things" ... why can he make some things happen but not others?
Boom this is the very reason why I was asking. I thought wow how convenient.
talesin 4 days ago

I found one that sounds familiar: "Q&A: Ask a Bible Teacher"

[bold mine]

All this can be laid at Satan’s feet. I don’t think that means Satan specifically conjures up every disaster, but I do believe they’re the consequence of his destructive work. The fact is the creation is no longer perfect, and the flaws that have been introduced as a result of sin cause storms, earthquakes, floods, droughts and other so-called natural disasters to happen periodically.
If left alone, these flaws would eventually tear the world apart, but before that can happen, God will intervene and restore the creation to its pre-flood condition (Acts 3:21). The indication that this time of restoration is near is that the disasters we’re experiencing are becoming more frequent and are causing more devastation than they have in the past.
smiddy 4 days ago

That`s right , blame all the disasters whether they be natural ,on Satan the Devil , never mind if they be believers in Christendom , or Jehovah`s Witnesses who are affected by death , injury ,or whatever.
How come Jehovah / Jesus Christ never protects his people ? , Christians who havent been contacted yet by Jehovah`s Witnesses or Long standing faithful Jehovah`s Witnesses., all who die from these natural disasters,and not only natural disasters but accidents. Accidents that could be prevented by divine intervention.if Jesus Christ was really ruling as king as Jehovah`s representative.
Hasn`t Jesus Christ been ruling in heaven since 1914 ? What is he doing ? or more importantly , NOT doing.?
lurkernomore 3 days ago

Wouldn't be much of a 'Natural' disaster if it was caused by a super human power.
It was always 'time and unforseen occurrence befalls us all', whenever it came up in any conversation or meetings I attended, with a little Satan using these to try our faith thrown in for good measure.
 +1 / -0
GoneAwol 3 days ago

You don't see theists litigating against insurance companies for `acts of god`.
If they truly believed satan was behind some natural disaster, wouldn't they complain of religious intolerance if their payout was stopped?
Natural disaster. Clue`s in the name...
 +1 / -0
talesin 3 days ago

Insurance companies don't usually pay out for 'acts of God' unless you have a specific flood insurance or whatever is needed (for which coverage you pay dearly).
I posted the *one* site that agrees with JWS. I found 5 others that says Satan has nothing to do with it. It is God's creations, and he controls the earth. They are so-called 'acts of God' on most of the Xtian sites I visited. xx
ttdtt 3 days ago

You have to understand that when Adam sinned - he didn't just become imperfect it had ripple effects.
The straw eating lions, the kelp eating sharks, the orange juice eating mosquitoes all became... you know carnivores.
Also the Earth's crust was now imperfect seeking its own longing and under satan's control, so thus earthquakes.
And that went double for the weather - boy did it become rebellious!!
Even the MOON was effected, it started pulling away from gods green earth at about 3cm a year!
Satan got all things to rebel from our loving dog jehober.
biblexaminer 3 days ago

According to Watchtower, Jesus is the cause of all the suffering on Earth. They teach as doctrine, that Jesus is using earthquakes, pestilence, war and any other suffering as a 'calling card' to demonstrate that he is secretly lurking in Earth's neighborhood.


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I COLLECT QUOTES. . . Here are some of my favorites
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Satan & Disasters
by Hadriel 4 days ago 13 Replies latest 2 days ago   watchtower bible

Diogenesister 3 days ago
So why have they found dinosaurs with cancer...or animals fossilized in sediment very quickly...the victims of natural disasters, floods or volcanic eruptions..all this way before humans were on the scene...according to science AND the witnesses!
ctrwtf 3 days ago

Satan caused a woman to walk backwards into a fan,,,,,it dis assed her!
 +2 / -0
James Mixon
James Mixon 3 days ago

Satan a defeated fallen angel, is superhuman but not divine, having only that power
that God ultimately allow. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-11.
So in other words if Satan decide to bring an earthquake and kill hundreds it's ok with GOD.
 +1 / -0
brandnew 2 days ago
That was a good 1 wtf ha ha😂😂
 +1 / -0


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Topic Summary
was told by someone that a receipt article eluded to the fact that satan can cause natural disasters.
i don't see how i could have missed this.
doesn't anyone remember this?

Related Topics

What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
by Dunedain 4 months ago

"Don't challenge Satan!"
by Funchback a month ago

Shunning ? did JEHOVAH shun Satan ?
by smiddy 4 months ago

I COLLECT QUOTES. . . Here are some of my favorites
by Terry 7 days ago

New June Awake with Misleading Statements about Evidence for god
by ttdtt a month ago

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New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener 3 days ago 24 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower bible

Listener 3 days ago

Ezekiel 37:15-17 prophesies about two sticks being joined together to become 1. One stick represented the two tribe kingdom of Judah and the other stick represented the 10 tribe of Israel (Ephraim). The article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 BCE.
The modern day fulfillment was previously taught to mean that the anointed had once again come together in unity in these last days.
The July Watchtower now explains that one stick, the stick of Judah, represents the anointed and the other stick, the stick of Ephraim, represents the other sheep. They further explain that since 1919 God's people have gradually reunited to become one flock.
They are now saying that the other sheep are represented by 10 tribes of Israel. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case as they explain in small writing at the end of the article the following
(Edited - only the following part that is in bold and italics is quoted from the Watchtower, I had trouble with the formatting)

<<It is interesting to note the progression that Jesus used when he told the illustrations that became part of the sign of his presence. First, he referred to “the faithful and discreet slave,” the small group of anointed brothers who would take the lead. (Matt. 24:45-47) Then, he gave illustrations that applied primarily to all those with a heavenly hope. (Matt. 25:1-30) Finally, he spoke of those with an earthly hope who would support Christ’s brothers. (Matt. 25:31-46) Similarly, the modern-day fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy points first to what would happen to those with a heavenly hope. Although the ten-tribe kingdom does not usually picture those with the earthly hope, the unification described in this prophecy does remind us of the unity that exists between those with an earthly hope and those with a heavenly hope. >>
The first part of this statement is just a red herring, to somehow explain why they are claiming that the joining of the stick was progressive and began in 1914 even though the other sheep were not identified until 1935 (being the second stick).

More interestingly they make a point to state that the ten tribes of Israel don't usually picture the other sheep but are now claiming that they do in this prophecy.
This may just be one more step forward to eventually stating that the other sheep are members of the spiritual Israelites (and therefore in the New Covenant with Jesus as their mediator).

 +4 / -0
prologos 3 days ago

did not David Splane say they are finished with type-antitype hype?
Other Sheep = 12 tribes of (spiritual) Israel is long overdue.
 +6 / -0
Diogenesister 3 days ago

The Listener his may just be one more step forward to eventually stating that the other sheep are members of the spiritual Israelites (and therefore in the New Covenant with Jesus as their mediator).

This wouldn't surprise me as this is huge for most Christians and comes as a massive shock when they find out, or to JWs when it really sinks in or someone shows them from the bible that their current teaching is utter rot.

breakfast of champions
breakfast of champions 3 days ago
Is one of the sticks a pointed stick?
 +3 / -0
FayeDunaway 3 days ago
It's all so ridiculous. The little flock is Jews. The other sheep not of that fold are nonjews.
 +6 / -0
Daniel1555 3 days ago

No type and antitype anymore!!! Lol
They are even fooling themselves....
 +2 / -0
freemindfade 3 days ago

They are doing what the North Korean pseudo-religious-nationalistic cult does. Makes understanding the religion such a cluster-f*ck that all the adherents (although confused) nod and agree out of fear of being the one who doesn't get it. Works like a charm.
These convoluted new light circle jerks don't even interest witnesses anymore. If you asked them about this one, or the generation or the memorial date, anything! they will give you this look.

 +4 / -0
DATA-DOG 3 days ago

I thought they were going to stay away from types/anti-types, unless it was really obvious? 😕
They have really ran out of ideas if they have to bring up this crap. Just think, they could focus on love and Jesus from here on out, instead you have this crap.
How do two sticks help solve the pedophilia problem??
 +5 / -0
Phizzy 3 days ago

How do they claim that the Ten and Two Tribe Kingdoms came together in 537 BCE ????
They have a strange grasp of History.
 +4 / -0
Hecce 3 days ago


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New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener 3 days ago 24 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower bible

freddo 3 days ago

I wonder if jw's are on the long and winding road to "all partaking".
I mean the non-GB members of the "144,000" have now been marginalised to the "whacko and deluded" group. The numbers are rising, so why not have all partake?
July 2020 WT
"So does Jesus' command to "keep on doing this in remembrance of me" include everyone "partaking" of the emblems? Previously this journal explained they wouldn't because (insert long irrelevant convoluted crap to justify why it was beneficial to do so) ...
But what if a Christian Witness, whether his or her hope is earthly or heavenly, conscientiously believed he should take the emblems in line with Jesus' command, sincerely believing it can apply to all? Well then he may prayerfully choose to do so."
And while we're on a roll you can choose to take any of the previously banned 4 components of blood. Just not whole blood mind! Not that anyone does that nowadays. Good health to you!
July 2025 WT
Now you must all sip the wine, at the crackers and can make your own medical decisions regarding blood. We've shut up shop, taken the money and are in our retirement home by the lakeshore. K' bye!
 +4 / -0
Tenacious 3 days ago

It seems like they are preparing the "other sheep" to start partaking of Christ's symbolic body, the bread and wine, being that to continue to do otherwise would invalidate John's words and the fact that we are ALL part of the Christian Congregation which is represented by the body of Christ.

The GB is finally grasping they are on the symbolic Titanic and unless they start coming clean (SOS call, giving everyone a life preserver, etc.) the ship will flounder. And it will, along with the captain and crew (GB, their helpers, committee's, committee helpers, CO's, etc.).
It's too late for them as they have deceived far too many sincere people looking for Truth. Not only did they deceive but they were deliberate in their schemes and deceits. This is easily proven by their psychological tactics on the friends.

 +1 / -0
ttdtt 3 days ago
Hey PROLOGS - When Splain said they were done with types and antitypes - what he was actually saying was that they were done with the ones they didn't care about anymore.
 +3 / -0
Carol1111 3 days ago
If they do get everyone to take the bread and wine, what about all those who have died rejecting it?
 +2 / -0
Island Man
Island Man 3 days ago

"If they do get everyone to take the bread and wine, what about all those who have died rejecting it?"
They'll come back in the resurrection of the unrighteous?

fukitol 3 days ago

The only stick that JWs need to wise up to is the one above their head with a carrot on the end.
 +1 / -0
Carol1111 2 days ago

I Cor 6v9
Or do you know that unrighteous people will not inherit God's kingdom?
So where does that leave them?
atomant 2 days ago
All this stick talk makes me wonder who got the short end of the stick.

sir82 2 days ago

The article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 BCE.
Do they really say that?
Wow - even stupider than usual.
The "10 tribes" were a distant memory by 537 BCE.

 +1 / -0
stuckinarut2 a day ago
The holes in this "new light explanation" are so huge that the Grand Canyon looks tiny in comparison.....


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Topic Summary
ezekiel 37:15-17 prophesies about two sticks being joined together to become 1. one stick represented the two tribe kingdom of judah and the other stick represented the 10 tribe of israel (ephraim).
the article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 bce.the modern day fulfillment was previously taught to mean that the anointed had once again come together in unity in these last days.the july watchtower now explains that one stick, the stick of judah, represents the anointed and the other stick, the stick of ephraim, represents the other sheep.
they further explain that since 1919 god's people have gradually reunited to become one flock.they are now saying that the other sheep are represented by 10 tribes of israel.

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The massive gaping hole in Watchtower's understanding of Matthew 25:31-40
by Island Man 5 months ago

Reasons for NOT Returning
by Saved_JW 3 months ago

TWISTING context to produce false LIGHT (Tricks our Governing Body uses)
by Terry a month ago

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New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener 3 days ago 24 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower bible

Phizzy a day ago
Listener a day ago

A couple of posters have made comments regarding 537 BCE, this is part of what they have written
In 607 B.C.E., the southern two-tribe kingdom and perhaps any remaining ones from the northern kingdom were taken into exile in Babylon.The kings in the line of Judah had ruled these two tribes, and the priesthood was associated with them, for the priests served at the temple in Jerusalem. (2 Chron. 11:13, 14; 34:30) So it was fitting that the two-tribe kingdom would be represented by the stick that was “for Judah.” When were these two symbolic sticks joined together? It was when the Israelites returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple in 537 B.C.E. Representatives of both the two-tribe kingdom and the ten-tribe kingdom returned together from exile. No longer was there a division between the sons of Israel. (Ezek. 37:21, 2
Notice how they are purely speculating when mentioning 607BCE?

sir82 a day ago

Just checked - yes they really are that stupid, they do indeed say "representatives of the 10 tribe kingdom" returned to Jerusalem in 537 BCE.
And - what a surprise! There is no Biblical or secular citation given for this assertion.

Phizzy a day ago
No real proof for their assertion can be found, but it may be possible actually, as it seems that a good number fled South when Assyria invaded the North, and the population suddenly went up in and around Jerusalem.
Room 215
Room 215 a day ago

"I wonder if jw's are on the long and winding road to "all partaking"...."
Freddo, I think you're on to something. Just let this this year's partakers come in with yet another year-on-year increase and Bingo! New Light!! No more fretting about who does and who doesn't ... wiped away with a stroke of Splane's magic pen!


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Topic Summary
ezekiel 37:15-17 prophesies about two sticks being joined together to become 1. one stick represented the two tribe kingdom of judah and the other stick represented the 10 tribe of israel (ephraim).
the article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 bce.the modern day fulfillment was previously taught to mean that the anointed had once again come together in unity in these last days.the july watchtower now explains that one stick, the stick of judah, represents the anointed and the other stick, the stick of ephraim, represents the other sheep.
they further explain that since 1919 god's people have gradually reunited to become one flock.they are now saying that the other sheep are represented by 10 tribes of israel.

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Dissenters in Watchtower History: Differing Departures
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The massive gaping hole in Watchtower's understanding of Matthew 25:31-40
by Island Man 5 months ago

Reasons for NOT Returning
by Saved_JW 3 months ago

TWISTING context to produce false LIGHT (Tricks our Governing Body uses)
by Terry a month ago

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/ Adultery before becoming a JW???
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Adultery before becoming a JW???
by James Mixon 3 days ago 3 Replies latest 3 days ago   watchtower bible
James Mixon

James Mixon 3 days ago

A young couple we were very close to, we both got baptized at the same assembly.
I knew the young man well, we went through grade school and high school together.
He served in the military also, he married before shipping out to Viet Nam.
I had heard of rumors about his wife while he was overseas. This guy was a virgin when he got
married, raised in a strict religious family.
Two years of marriage they were baptized as JW. The rumors were our friend and his wife.
OK, two years passed(4 years as JW's) and our friend came to town and dropped by to see him (he the JW
had also heard the rumors). Well he decided to squash the rumors and told his friend, my wife
told me what happen while I was overseas. Well he got an ear full and it just destroyed, he told
our friend to leave and never return and he called his wife (she wasn't home) and the elders.
She and the elders arrived around the same time. He told the elders he want a divorce, the wife
told him she was sorry.
The elder told him, this happen before you became a JW and must try to forgive but you don't
have grounds for a divorce, it's been over 4-5 years since this happen.
I saw the brother( not a JW) a few years back they divorced after 15 years, he told me he could not get over it, (adultery).
But he remarried and is very happy.
But the stupid elder, "this happen before you became a JW", as if adultery is fine if you are not a JW.
 +1 / -0
Finkelstein 3 days ago

From the JW elders perspective they are only concerned with people's behavior while being associated within the organization and to further extent if you've been baptized in their faith.
Don't be surprised by the fact that is quite common in other religious institutions as well.
Also don't be surprised by the fact that many JW elders were caught in acts of adultery as well pedophilia. 

 +1 / -0
violias 3 days ago
It does not matter if they were jws are not. If he did not know about the adultery he has every right to make a decision about whether to continue the marriage or not. He can choose to forgive or divorce. That is his right. The elders should not have told him what they did b/c they are wrong.
 +2 / -0
James Mixon
James Mixon 3 days ago

Yes ,it was a sad situation. I wonder if she had told him upfront maybe the marriage would
have survived, but the the guy was still coming around even after they became JW's.
 +1 / -0


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/ instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
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instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
by prologos 3 days ago 4 Replies latest a day ago   watchtower bible

prologos 3 days ago

Saw a well dressed couple in a snack area this Saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a JW couple counting time during FS break. No, it was people waiting for a funeral. so I said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of Abel--right? lady: yes--(so:-- a believer) . Then it hit me. thinking, out loud: "so: Had "God" not involved himself, Abel could have lived a peaceful life beside his brother, the two alternating foodstuffs as an offering. particularly Abel with his useless meat, unfit for consumption even by dogs.?? But No, "God" had to involve himself by favoritism, picking the "carry out" carrion over the good veggies , and precipitating and not stopping the descent into murder. The lady was stunned too. blame religion for murder from the word "go". satisfying for me, seed sown. The bible is just a story after all, that needs serious downgrading.
 +3 / -0
Crazyguy 2 days ago
Nice thought.
prologos 2 days ago

Crazyguy, thanks! I tried to get a follow-up topic started, but a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. here is a gist of it, what I would use on witnesses having their break.
a) question: what does the memorial and the Abel religion have in common? Nobody would partake of the offerings!!why?, Abel offered edibles, that were not authorized to be eaten. (meat diet after the flood only) passing the plate, not touching like at the memorial.
b) why, with a veggy only diet would Cain's religion been better? barbequed Veggies, legumes, fruit, nuts would have been very popular when the altar smorgasboard opened for the crowds.
Vidiot a day ago
Trying to turn mythology into literal history ultimately makes for a lot of mental gymnastics.
prologos a day ago

Vidiot: "Trying to turn mythology into literal history ultimately makes for a lot of mental gymnastics. very true
--Gymnastics, that on day might allow an escape artist to do it, when the time is right. Gymnastics comes from the greek "naked", and the seed sown might show them the naked ttattruth.


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Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith 2 days ago 47 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower bible

MicaSmith 2 days ago

Can someone help me understand how the WT came up with the overlapping generation theory? I just don't understand it even though I read the information several times. It's bewildering. Does anyone know how persons in the organization accepted this new light when it was released?
I have not been to the Kingdom Hall in over a year, and before that I've had long absences due to neurological challenges. I missed a lot apparently because I knew nothing about the overlapping generation. I wish someone had sent me some info on this from my congregation. Upon reading it, I would have extricated myself from their spiritual asylum.
I copied and pasted the question and answer paragraph I read below:
18, 19. How may we understand Jesus’ words about “this generation,” and what may we conclude?
18 How, then, may we understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”? The generation consists of two overlapping groups of anointed ones—the first is made up of anointed ones who saw the beginning of the fulfillment of the sign in 1914 and the second, anointed ones who for a time were contemporaries of the first group. At least some of those in the second group will live to see the beginning of the coming tribulation. The two groups form one generation because their lives as anointed Christians overlapped for a time.*
I feel foolish having been a part of this organization. Who came up with this overlapping theory? It's surreal!

Thank you,
Mica Smith
 +6 / -0
TheOldHippie 2 days ago
So when you say that "I feel foolish having been a part of this organization. Who came up with this overlapping theory? It's surreal!" - do you really want to have an answer, or do you only want to get support for the idea of yours that it is foolish and surreal?

 +1 / -22
tornapart 2 days ago
It was this teaching that finally did it for me... I could see it was totally bizarre and the only reason for coming up with it was to prop up their teaching of 1914. I realised it couldn't prop anything up and for me the rest came down like a pack of cards.
 +6 / -0
Gayle 2 days ago
Nobody can 'understand' the WT teaching on the "overlapping." Some may say they understand, because of the their peer pressure in org.
 +2 / -0
westiebilly11 2 days ago
basically, anyone and everyone from the time of Adam till now/armageddon is of the 'same generation'., because no one can be born unless parents alive so all overlap lifelines. Which of course boils down to twaddle masquerading as new light...

 +5 / -0
MicaSmith 2 days ago

I read it several times and did not understand how anyone could accept it as something real. It does cause you to question your reasoning and acceptance of other theories. Thanks for your input.
 +4 / -0
breakfast of champions
breakfast of champions 2 days ago
If you're a Jehovah's Witness, it means you've been had.
 +3 / -0
MicaSmith 2 days ago

I love what Westiebilly11 said "twaddle masquerading as new light..."
At least I can shed feeling foolish. It's clear that others are having trouble with this theory. It makes no sense.
Finkelstein 2 days ago

Basically its theological bullshit to extend the significance of 1914 , which in itself is theological bullshit.
They assert that its anointed ones and their life span that basically overlap from 1914, who self proclaimed themselves anointed ones only of the JWS faith. The WTS put itself with an anchor chained to itself by imposing what it did concerning 1914. When and if 1914 ever gets dropped so will this overlapping generation nonsense.

 +1 / -0
Xanthippe 2 days ago

Can someone help me understand how the WT came up with the overlapping generation theory? I just don't understand it even though I read the information several times. It's bewildering.

Mica I understand that this teaching came out in 1994, eighty years after 1914 so I presume they had to do something because the Bible says our years are 70 or if we have special mightiness eighty, NWT. So obviously they had to come up with something quick when it got to 1994.
That's how they came up with it.
Does anyone know how persons in the organization accepted this new light when it was released?
Yeah my brother happened to phone me in '94 because he had heard I was pregnant. I asked him about the generation teaching as it was eighty years since 1914 and he said 'we're not serving Jehovah to a date'.
So that's how they accepted it, well the ones who even noticed it.
I had been out five years so didn't know about it. If he had tried to explain that to me I can tell you I would have laughed my head off as I did when I first heard about it here on this forum.



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Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith 2 days ago 47 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower bible

freddo 2 days ago

Hi MicaSmith I can tell you WHY the WT came up with the overlapping generation in 2010.
It is because it suits their purpose. The purpose of keeping followers hanging on and justifying their existence as leaders.
The previous explanations of the generation were so obviously wrong that they had to change it for fear of even more people querying their explanation.
The explanation that got everyone who is a witness hooked was the one that told us that the generation that "saw 1914" (originally "with understanding" e.g a minimum age of ten - fifteen years old in 1914; but the "with understanding" got dropped as time ran out) would not pass away.
Even when this explanation was dropped in 1995, some folk clung to the hope that it was still true by telling themselves that a few million round the globe who "saw" 1914 would by no means pass away.
Now we live at a time where those born in 1914 are 102 years old it is obvious to virtually everyone that the old explanation cannot be sustained any longer. Hence the latest new, new one! (Several explanations since 1995)
edited to add: Actually Xanthippe, although the long held explanation was dropped in 1995 the overlapping crap wasn't brought out until 2010. There were two or three other crappy explanations in between!
 +4 / -0
OUTLAW 2 days ago

Yeah my brother happened to phone me in '94 because he had heard I was pregnant. I asked him about the generation teaching as it was eighty years since 1914 and he said 'we're not serving Jehovah to a date'.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A JW Explaining..
,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,Overlapping Generations..
 +4 / -0
Xanthippe 2 days ago
Thanks Freddo I am only going by what I've read on here!
MicaSmith 2 days ago

Hi Finkelstein:
So it is basically a fill in? What you wrote makes sense. You are right they put so much into the whole 1914 thing that they are trying to hold onto it. I really appreciate your response. Thank you.
Hi Xanthippe:
Thank you so much!
The thing is the only persons who brings up these dates or anything relating to when Jesus Christ is coming is the GB. No other organization dwells on that issue but everyone knows its importance. So when you really look at it, we are being urged to serve Jehovah to a date. It's implied.
What I know is the bible says that Jesus Christ will come like a thief in the night, and no human will know when he will come. So they need not present theories as if they have new light from God, that's deceptive.
 +1 / -0
tornapart 2 days ago

MicaSmith, you might find this of some help from jwfacts overlapping generation
 +1 / -0
slimboyfat 2 days ago
It's the biggest load of nonsense the WT have ever produced. The more you try to understand it the less sense it makes. It's as if they formulated pure nonsense as a test just to discover who would accept it and pretend it makes sense. Really, trying to understand the overlapping generation "teaching" will only result in a sore head.
 +5 / -0
Village Idiot
Village Idiot 2 days ago

Why? They could no longer hold on to the 1914 + a human lifetime and they could not come up with anything more imaginative.
I once thought, before this change, that they would simply extend the generation to either the oldest person alive (currently 116 years old - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susannah_Mushatt_Jones) who was born on or before 1914 or the account in Genesis about 120 years being the time limit before the flood.
So the overlapping generations not only shows how desperate they are but how unimaginative they've become. If Freddie the wizard were alive today he would have cooked something up much better than the overlapping generations.
By the way, has anyone on this forum calculated the date in which this overlapping generation is limited to before it becomes falsified or can you have a third overlapping generation?
Image result for animated confused smiley
 +2 / -0
MicaSmith 2 days ago

Thank you very much for your explanation. Based on what you wrote it appears that for a very long time they have been toying with the heads of sincere persons. They are basically exploiting the human condition and our collective desire to live under more peaceful conditions.
Wow that really stings. It's unkind. Jesus was kind and loving. They are not.
Thank you.
 +1 / -0
Freeandclear 2 days ago

Now available! The Paradise on Earth! Live forever! Play with Tigers and other dangerous animals. Only $19.95!!!! Time is limited and supplies are short, CALL NOW!
 +3 / -0
Finkelstein 2 days ago

If it hasn't been discovered yet by observers that the WTS was founded upon false inaccurate interpretation of the bible derived mostly from late 19th century Adventist Dispensationalism theology, meaning the return of Christ and a new world order is about to come into prophetic fulfillment.
All these alluring pronouncements and derived proclamations did wonderful things for the Watchtower's literature proliferating agenda but it wasn't really strongly supported by the bible or the instructions given by Jesus himself to how his Gospel was to be spread or preached around the world,

 +1 / -0


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can someone help me understand how the wt came up with the overlapping generation theory?
i just don't understand it even though i read the information several times.
it's bewildering.

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Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 2 months ago

PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry 2 days ago

A Troubling Culture: JW Group Think vs. Individual Critical Thinking
by MicaSmith 6 days ago

Jehovah's Witness Literature Warning Label
by freemindfade 7 days ago

When is a theory 'just a theory'?
by HB 2 months ago

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Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith 2 days ago 47 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower bible

LostGeneration 2 days ago
The doctrine is what happens when you get caught lying, but instead of fessing up and admitting you lied, you stack another lie on top of it.
 +4 / -0
prologos 2 days ago

Even without the overlap, the wt generation theory is wrong. The first century generation did not pass away before the destruction of Jerusalem; but wt says that the anointed generation will pass away before the destruction at Armageddon.
Trouble is, if you say otherwise, question this teaching, it is not just a theory, but truth cast in stone, you will be disfellowshipped.
what does it really mean? It means using the Frederick Franz example, Armageddon would not come until ~ 2075.
 +2 / -0
Finkelstein 2 days ago

Good description LostGeneration

These pretentious calculated lies were devised to support the preconceived 1914 lie.

In some point in time the GB will say well we are just imperfect men that went too far in expectation of the Kingdom
to come. Which will be another self a facing lie for they knew what the WTS had been doing is cultivating followers (saved Sheep) by making up decisively corrupt but alluring doctrines. 

Weird how Jehovah god had chosen lying charlatans running their own publishing house as his earthly organization.

 +1 / -0
mana11 2 days ago

It means that when you spent the best part of your life living a lie that proved to be false, they had to make a change to cover their butts so they didn't look stupid.
They came up with ultra stupid, but you are not supposed to understand it, you are supposed to agree as you are a sheep.
If they cannot explain it how can we?

 +1 / -0
Simon 2 days ago

Putting people in boxes as "generations" is convenient but meaningless without context.
Normally we talk about a certain 'generation' in relation to some event or moment in time, like "baby boomers" or "millennials" but there is no set group really. People are being born at a fairly stable rate all the time - whether you belong to some arbitrary grouping based on your year of birth really is arbitrary.
All generations overlap - the generations within your own family are completely out of sync and independent of the generations of other's families although we all share notions of "grandparents" and such but there can be huge differences.
But one thing is certain, when the generation is defined, as in "the generation of woodstock" it means a certain thing.
When "that generation will not pass away" there is no room to interpret it as anything other than what it obviously means unless you have a real reason to add FUD in order to confuse things ... because your previous prophetic claims painted you into a corner.
This generation of WTS leaders really are lying and dishonest ... but of course that means all of them, overlapping since the beginning.
 +4 / -0
sparky1 2 days ago

Here is the simplest explanation of 'overlapping generations' without the use of confusing charts!
 +12 / -0
JWdaughter 2 days ago

Why'd they do it? Desperation
Why't they get away with it? They are the shark jumping religion and have gotten away with telling people to die rather than buy a political card or take blood. To DIE if necessary so that they can distribute MAGAZINES! To go to prison rather than be a nurse for the government during a time of war.
They get away with whatever they tell their minions. It's often tragic. This one is just stupid.
 +5 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 2 days ago

The overlapping generation doctrine means that since 1995 the WTBTS has been making up shit as they go along.
The more time passes, the more they have to change positions on just about everything.
 +4 / -0
redpilltwice 2 days ago
The mystery of the holy trinity has a contender in the overlapping generation teaching. Don't think...accept!
 +3 / -0
Pistoff a day ago

What WT is trying to do is change the definition of generation to one shared by no one, not even the WT of old.
What they are describing, 'a generation of two groups that overlap' is 2 generations.
As in, the 2 generations in the 'generation gap' of the sixties, the parents and their children.

 +2 / -0


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can someone help me understand how the wt came up with the overlapping generation theory?
i just don't understand it even though i read the information several times.
it's bewildering.

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Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 2 months ago

PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry 2 days ago

A Troubling Culture: JW Group Think vs. Individual Critical Thinking
by MicaSmith 6 days ago

Jehovah's Witness Literature Warning Label
by freemindfade 7 days ago

When is a theory 'just a theory'?
by HB 2 months ago

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Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith 2 days ago 47 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower bible

sparrowdown a day ago

Since all gens overlap then this addition of the qualifying word "overlapping" can only mean that it gives them the out they needed to make it possible for the "this generation" to go on ...and on indefinitely.
IOW some fancy footwork was needed from the great thinkers known as WT writing department when they got the directive from above to "Make the generation teaching work - asap!"
Xanthippe a day ago
So what came between the '1914 generation will see the new system' doctrine which finished in 1995 and the indefinite overlapping generations rolled out in 2010?
MarkofCane a day ago

The overlapping generation nonsense is made up to cover up a lie a really big lie, the 1914 fiasco. The rank and file are forced to accept it, don't need to understand it. Its not logical its not rational, its ridicules. That's why they want the rank and file to remain uneducated so there easier fooled and scammed.
This is how you beat and fleece a sheep.
 +2 / -0
NewYork44M a day ago

The made a decision not to abandon 1914. But with 1914 still in the books they needed a way to connect to the current crowd.
I for one am quite impressed with their creativity. I doubt I could have thought of anything as creative.
 +2 / -0
FayeDunaway a day ago

Russell had made other predictions of Christ's coming before 1914. The only reason they clung to 1914 was the coincidental occurance of WWI. They changed their prediction tho and said 'actually, his presence is invisible...but he's here! Believe us!!' So since that time, they've been buying time with different variations on the generation teaching. Desperately looking for ways to string people along and keep that carrot on the stick just out of reach.
They've been successful for 102 years now!! Which is quite a feat when you think about it. Those are some pretty legit manipulation skills.
NewYork44M a day ago

◦Desperately looking for ways to string people along and keep that carrot on the stick just out of reach.

While there is desperation in their strategy, they have time on their side. Dead people don't remember. If they can hang on for long enough the past will be forgotten.
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 +1 / -0
Heaven a day ago

Everyone in my family born on or before 1914 is dead. The only relative I have alive now that was born in the 1920's is my Dad and he's failing.
Eventually, the Borg will have to drop the whole 1914/over-flapping generation crap because it just isn't going to fly any longer. It will be interesting to see if they come up with some new piece of garbage they want their members to swallow.

Xanthippe 13 hours ago

edited to add: Actually Xanthippe, although the long held explanation was dropped in 1995 the overlapping crap wasn't brought out until 2010. There were two or three other crappy explanations in between! - Freddo
So what were the two or three other explanations Freddo? Anybody?
pixel 8 hours ago

So what were the two or three other explanations Freddo? Anybody?
Here it is: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/generation.php
Courtesy of JWFACTS:

1897 -– A group of contemporary people 
"“Other uses of this Greek word (genea) prove that it is not used with the significance of race, but in reference to people living contemporaneously.... In other words, the signs mentioned will occur within a generation - epoch in the close of the age.”" – Studies in the Scriptures Vol 4 pp.602,603
1927 –- The anointed 
“"The irresistible conclusion therefore is that Jesus referred to the new creation [the anointed] when he said: “This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.” This then would be a strong indication that some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon.”" Watchtower 1927 Feb 15 p.62
1951 -– A fixed period of time from 1914 applied to worldly people 
"The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a “generation” in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period. So it was on “this generation” that the accumulated judgments were to fall. (Matt. 23:36) This therefore means that from 1914 a generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled, and amidst a great time of trouble." Watchtower 1951 Jul 1 p.404
1995 -– A group of contemporary worldly people 
"Jesus was not departing from his established use of the term “this generation,” which he consistently applied to the contemporary masses with their “blind guides” who together made up the Jewish nation. ... Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics."” Watchtower 1995 Nov 1 pp.14,20
2008 –- The anointed 
"As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day "generation" of contemporaries that will not pass away "until all these things occur." This suggests that some who are Christ's anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins." Watchtower 2008 Feb 15 p.24
2010 –- A fixed period from 1914 applied to the anointed 

"He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." Watchtower 2010 April 15 p.10

 +2 / -0
SecretSlaveClass 7 hours ago
It means "If you think we came up with baffling bullshit before, you ain't seen nothing yet."


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can someone help me understand how the wt came up with the overlapping generation theory?
i just don't understand it even though i read the information several times.
it's bewildering.

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Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 2 months ago

PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry 2 days ago

A Troubling Culture: JW Group Think vs. Individual Critical Thinking
by MicaSmith 6 days ago

Jehovah's Witness Literature Warning Label
by freemindfade 7 days ago

When is a theory 'just a theory'?
by HB 2 months ago

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Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith 2 days ago 47 Replies latest an hour ago   watchtower bible

ttdtt 7 hours ago
It means they can keep this thing going for another 40 years without having to change it again.
punkofnice 7 hours ago

The generation(tm) all died, that saw 1914. Armageddon(tm) didn't come. The watchtower corporation is just hanging on by the skin of their teeth to keep people 'in' and contributing assets and money. this is so the governing body can protect their like minded sexual perverts and live as rock stars.
No one NEEDS to understand the overlapping generation(tm) nonsense.
This is a clear case of 'baffle them with bull schlaken' from the corporation.
Witness 007
Witness 007 7 hours ago

Yeah its about contemperaries.....let us confuse you with bullshit....hope you do not notice.
Xanthippe 3 hours ago
Thanks pixel and JWFacts also. You can see how they gradually are leading up to the overlapping nonsense. Seems to me they thought of it back in '95 but had a long term plan to sneak it up on the R+F without them noticing. By all accounts they have succeeded with a lot of them. As for the rest, they ended up here.
 +2 / -0
Finkelstein 3 hours ago

In short what the overlapping generation means is a tritely corrupt religious publishing house attempt to validate previously concocted deceptive lies or false misleading bible interpretations. (1914)

Half banana
Half banana 2 hours ago

Mica you realize just how far removed from reality any of this 'generation' talk is when the Bible uses Jesus's (apparent ) words to say, "I tell you this: "There are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they have seen the kingdom of God already come in power". (Mar 9;1)
He meant his generation, those alive when he was. His followers were to be flogged in the synagogues (Mar 13;9) ; it was about Jewish life...he said "When you see the abomination...let those in Judea flee to the hills"...it was about Jewish territory. In Mark 13;30 he said "The present generation will live to see it all".............
Jesus got it wrong because it was religious hype in the first place; an unholy scam for the Jewish peasants who whilst under Roman rule had no other hope but in the miracle-working god-man saviour myth.
The words recorded in the gospels have nothing to do with the twenty first century. Instead they are the scrapings of the barrel from the religious hopes of people long dead but kept alive for the gullible by the doomsday merchants such as the JW org.
The idea of extending Jesus' "generation" to the 1914 generation is a leap to far; then by saying "overlapping generations" is what Jesus meant, is so far beyond reason to be dismissed without consideration as the most pathetic excuse.
As in the first century the only expectation we can have from prophetic pronouncements is total disappointment. JW org has given proof to this.
 +1 / -0
Ding an hour ago

The passage of time made it obvious that the old 1914 generation teaching was wrong.
Of course, the WT doesn't admit it was wrong; they just get "new light."
The overlapping generation teaching is a way of buying a lot more time without abandoning the 1914 date.
The GB deliberately made it confusing for 4 reasons:
1. It is nonsense.
2. If it could be understood, it would be clear it is nonsense.
3. The GB can adjust it to mean anything they want it to mean.
4. Trusting JWs will think it must be profound Bible truth.

Finkelstein an hour ago

The other thing to consider is that the JWS/WTS was preaching the 1914 doctrine for over 100 years and didn't change it or leave it, that in itself is why the WTS heads are theoretically bound to this doctrine and quantitatively paranoid to drop it altogether.

They may never, they may just keep on saying this generation of people preaching now living .



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can someone help me understand how the wt came up with the overlapping generation theory?
i just don't understand it even though i read the information several times.
it's bewildering.

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Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 2 months ago

PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry 2 days ago

A Troubling Culture: JW Group Think vs. Individual Critical Thinking
by MicaSmith 6 days ago

Jehovah's Witness Literature Warning Label
by freemindfade 7 days ago

When is a theory 'just a theory'?
by HB 2 months ago

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What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
by atomant 2 days ago 26 Replies latest 7 hours ago   watchtower bible

atomant 2 days ago
30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?

 +3 / -0
OneEyedJoe 2 days ago
All I know is that if I'd wandered off and when found asked my mother "where'd you think I'd be?" I would've gotten the shit slapped out of me for being a smart ass.
 +12 / -0
zeb 2 days ago
Learned to be carpenter with out the use of power tools, studied nature and people about him, read the Pentateuch.
 +1 / -0
moomanchu 2 days ago
As a teenager, did he ever have a boner ?
 +5 / -1
sowhatnow 2 days ago

well, apparently as a child, he was quite the magician and brat. [the infancy gospel of thomas]

and if you read the book of Thomas, he must have had smoked or drank some serious shit to say those crazy things .lol like wow, must be missing words or something, lol

i always tel my mom, hey if Jesus was the all important son of god, how is it he has so little in the bible written about him?

prologos 2 days ago
If perfection means that the "Desires incidental to Youth" are perfectly repressed, who would want it? The reason that the bible is silent about these things of jesus, is probably that is better not to talk about his exploits. Ask the elders the grief that young people 13 to 30 get into. Woodworking without power tools is a great muscle builder, and boring (pun intended), but in the end will strengthen you for action where it counts, in the beds you made.
 +3 / -0
atomant 2 days ago

For jesus to truly know what it felt like to be human, its only natural that he had sex at least once,otherwise he woulda been left guessing.And he would be in a much better position to judge.According to the bible he didnt experiance sex he didnt get married and didnt father children so how can he be a perfect judge having not experienced any of these human experiences l ask?

 +4 / -0
opusdei1972 2 days ago
He seemed to have been a follower of John the baptist for a while. Then he decided to create his own sect. My take is that he never did a real miracle. His divinity was invented by his disciples.

 +1 / -0
Captain Schmideo2
Captain Schmideo2 2 days ago

John 21:25-"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."
But it sounds like marketing hype to me. Kind of along the lines of "This product has features too numerous to mention" meaning it has like five more minor, forgettable features.

 +1 / -0
ttdtt 2 days ago
He was making Perfect Stools and Tables of course!
 +2 / -0


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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

Romans 6:7
by Jerryh 3 months ago

How credible are NWT's critiques?: Allin and John 8:58. (2)
by Wonderment 2 months ago

How credible are NWT critiques? A look at Allin's evaluation of Jn 8:58.
by Wonderment 2 months ago

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What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
by atomant 2 days ago 26 Replies latest 7 hours ago   watchtower bible

prologos 2 days ago
ttdtt: "He was making Perfect Stools and Tables of course!" You do not have to be a master cabinetmaker to produce perfect stools.
 +3 / -0
Simon 2 days ago

How long did he live in Egypt? Did he learn to walk like an Egyptian?
Maybe he helped build the pyramids, oops, I mean "grain silos".
Seems to be quite a slacker waiting till he was 30. I guess the writers couldn't have the hero be a kid like Harry Potter.
 +3 / -0
smiddy 2 days ago

If he was to be a corresponding ransom for Adam ,why was he born from an imperfect human in Mary ?
And then spend the next thirty years growing up ? Without contributing anything to mankind ?
Adam never had a childhood ,experienced puberty ,was nurtured by a mother ,or had a father figure as a role model .
Neither did he have siblings or other people around him to gain life`s experiences that molds one`s personality .
And he had no comprehension of consequences for disobedience to Jehovah`s requirements.
Why wasn`t JESUS created out of the dust of the ground as an Adult like Adam was ? and then start his ministry ?
That would be more of a comparison I could relate to .
 +6 / -0
James Mixon
James Mixon 2 days ago
A member of a liberal counterculture, a Hippie. Love, Peace and Jesus.
sparrowdown 2 days ago
He was probably riding around on donkeys really fast with the other youves from Hebrew School, getting drunk, egging the temple etc etc
 +1 / -0
galaxie 2 days ago
His mythical childhood/young manhood blossomed into a mythical adulthood culminating into a christian deception, blinding millions who cede their own lives to supernatural falsehood.
 +1 / -0
prologos a day ago
If he spend time in Egypt with his cabinetmaker father, perhaps that explains the advanced woodworking skills of the Egyptians, they being perfectly taught, their ebony/ivory inlays, their dismantlable ships --. Wt speakers at one point praised the craft of carpentry as akin to engineering today, building machines, devices of all kinds, siege weapons even.
snugglebunny a day ago

He came to England of course!
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire!

I will not cease from mental fight;
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

 +1 / -0
snugglebunny a day ago

He came to England of course!
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire!

I will not cease from mental fight;
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

 +2 / -0
stan livedeath
stan livedeath a day ago
he learned to be a carpenter--a skilled man--in case he needed a career and to earn a living. lesson to the watchtower there i think.
 +3 / -0


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30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?

Related Topics

1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

Romans 6:7
by Jerryh 3 months ago

How credible are NWT's critiques?: Allin and John 8:58. (2)
by Wonderment 2 months ago

How credible are NWT critiques? A look at Allin's evaluation of Jn 8:58.
by Wonderment 2 months ago

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What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
by atomant 2 days ago 26 Replies latest 7 hours ago   watchtower bible

LoveUniHateExams a day ago

What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
He was making wooden tables and pipe racks with his dad, Joseph.
MarkofCane a day ago
Interesting, Here is the greatest man that ever lived but never wrote a word about the most important thing in life. He, being perfect and the son of God had all the answers, for example: What happens to us when we die? No real clear understanding to this day. Why does God allow evil? Who are the 144,000 are they the mediator's for mankind? Are they really the ones only to partake in the memorial and the rest of us watch? Who is the faithful and discrete slave? is it a parable or was there meaning and who would it be? This Generation would not pass away? Abstaining from blood mandate? So many thing he could of written about the smartest guy in the room and never laid pen on paper, Why?
James Mixon
James Mixon 18 hours ago

Maybe he travel to Australia on Noah'a boat. They needed to hear the word also
from God's son.
shepherdless 10 hours ago
Side question from a non-JW: What has Jesus being doing for the last 102 years?
SecretSlaveClass 10 hours ago
Probably what many guys under the age of thirty do - partying like a god.
 +1 / -0
GoneAwol 10 hours ago
He was practicing his magic tricks to con the sheeple...
Witness 007
Witness 007 7 hours ago
He invented IKEA FURNITURE ...Bastard!!!


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Topic Summary
30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?

Related Topics

1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

Romans 6:7
by Jerryh 3 months ago

How credible are NWT's critiques?: Allin and John 8:58. (2)
by Wonderment 2 months ago

How credible are NWT critiques? A look at Allin's evaluation of Jn 8:58.
by Wonderment 2 months ago

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/ JW-Facts--Here is that Circuit Assembly Financial Report Form you wanted!
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JW-Facts--Here is that Circuit Assembly Financial Report Form you wanted!
by Atlantis 2 days ago 8 Replies latest 2 days ago   watchtower bible

Atlantis 2 days ago

Our "spy" was able to get in and get out undetected. We thank him/her for their kindness and courage. Remarks were made that the assembly this person attended only kept the women in their place.
I remarked to this person that one of these days the Watchtower is going to "put down" the wrong woman who is going to clean their clock with a massive discrimination lawsuit!
Some of it was to be read to the audience and some of it was not. (Look for deficit) I put it out here in case anyone else wanted it.
Circuit Assembly/Special Assembly Day Financial Report Form
 +3 / -0
Watchtower-Free 2 days ago

Form : Instructions for Circuit accounting 2013

 +1 / -0
Atlantis 2 days ago

That's excellent! That copy is even more recent to, so Paul might be able to do some good research into the "deficit" portions.
Many thanks!
 +1 / -0
JeffT 2 days ago

I'm about to go to work, I hope some one can answer this question, because I really want to look into some accounting issues with these reports.
Here's the question: After the circuit sends excess funds to the branch office to be held on its account there, what does it have to do to get the money back?
 +1 / -0
rebelfighter  2 days ago

Remarks were made that the assembly this person attended only kept the women in their place.
I remarked to this person that one of these days the Watchtower is going to "put down" the wrong woman who is going to clean their clock with a massive discrimination lawsuit!
It is a mighty good thing the "Elder" never converted me! I did ask him several times what is the role of the women in the KH funny how that question always got the same answer OH they have their responsibilities and instantly the subject would get changed to a whole other topic like the weather or something.
Now here is my track record along those lines and as far as men asserting their power over women it is not to pretty. One employer I got 2 District Manager demoted to store manager and 3 store managers fired. My best was the last company I work for before going into business for myself. I had a staff of 15, I was over all of the accounting department, payroll department, cash management and project grant management. I had this position for 8 years. One day they hired a MAN for the huge personnel office with a staff of one and half employees. Now of course his paperwork had to come through my office so he could get a paycheck and he is earning $20,000 more then me.
That paperwork, a leave slip and I were in my boss' office in less then 10 minutes, he instantly called his boss and we were in his office. The big guy said he has a family to support and you belong at home with your new baby and women should be barefoot and pregnant. Did not say it but dude you just said the wrong thing to the mighty wrong woman. My boss and I walked out of his office he changed my leave slip to give me a week off with pay and said keep me informed as to how it is going with the lawyer and I won't tell a sole. Then when I had not showed up for a couple of days the big boss started putting pressure on my boss wanting to know what I was up to. I gave him permission through my lawyer that we were filing a law suit. Their lawyer drafted a contract giving me a very nice settlement with a heavy gag order. I responded that I would sign only if the gag order was altered to say I had the right to discuss this contract with my lawyer and my tax accountant. They changed the contract, all parties signed, I got my money it cleared the bank. Everyone was happy. I ran to my lawyer's office and tax accountant's office and shared the document. OOPS!! Did I forget to tell someone both were on their Board of Trustees. Guess who got fired? The General Manager. And I got enough money to start my own business.
 +8 / -1
freddo 2 days ago

Woot! Way to go girl.
Never ever ever ever piss rebelfighter off. It won't end well.
rebelfighter  2 days ago

Thanks I needed that. The Fighter in my name is what the "Elder" said I did in his final email but he was right, I do fight everything I disagree with but I always do it legally and make sure I have plenty of evidence. I do not walk away from any challenges.
 +4 / -0
Mephis 2 days ago

@Jeff - it's in WF's linked guidelines.
"4. ...It is understood that whenever a need arises for these funds, the assembly overseer and the accounts overseer may request that they be returned.” A brother authorized to transfer circuit funds can log in to the jw.orgWeb site, view the current balance, and request an amount to be returned."
 +1 / -0
JeffT 2 days ago
Mephis, thanks I missed that, as I said I was headed for work. So what happens if the brother authorized to transfer funds doesn't like the request, or thinks it is for a frivolous purpose? My inner accountant is not liking the idea of transferring money between entities like this (among other things). I will probably write more on this tomorrow. The lack of transparency is stunning.
 +1 / -0


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James Mixon
Can God do everything? Can he sin?
by James Mixon in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
 4 hours ago
reading this and it made me think, god cannot do everything.

god is holy and he cannot.


James Mixon
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 » Bible Research & Study Articles
 a day ago
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by atomant in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
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Witness 007
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JW-Facts--Here is that Circuit Assembly Financial Report Form you wanted!
by Atlantis in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
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our "spy" was able to get in and get out undetected.

we thank him/her for their kindness and courage.

remarks were made that the assembly this person attended only kept the women in their place.. i remarked to this person that one of these days the watchtower is going to "put down" the wrong woman who is going to clean their clock with a massive discrimination lawsuit!.

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by MicaSmith in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
 2 days ago
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 » Bible Research & Study Articles
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instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
by prologos in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
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saw a well dressed couple in a snack area this saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a jw couple counting time during fs break.

no, it was people waiting for a funeral.

so i said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of abel--right?

a day ago
James Mixon
Adultery before becoming a JW???
by James Mixon in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
 3 days ago
a young couple we were very close to, we both got baptized at the same assembly.. i knew the young man well, we went through grade school and high school together.. he served in the military also, he married before shipping out to viet nam.. i had heard of rumors about his wife while he was overseas.

this guy was a virgin when he got.

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James Mixon
3 days ago
New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
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Room 215
a day ago
Satan & Disasters
by Hadriel in Watchtower Society / JW.org
 » Bible Research & Study Articles
 4 days ago
was told by someone that a receipt article eluded to the fact that satan can cause natural disasters.

i don't see how i could have missed this.

doesn't anyone remember this?

James Mixon
2 days ago



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