Sunday, April 20, 2014

Another Puritan ad.

The Puritan Hard Drive

"I am overwhelmed at the content.  It is like the treasures that were taken out of
Solomon's temple.  What the Puritan Hard Drive has done for my spiritual revival
is so wonderfully great, I wholeheartedly recommend getting this Puritan Hard
Drive at whatever cost."

Paul Blyth
Plymouth, England (UK) Click Here

Again, I wouldn't recommend the Puritan Hard Drive at whatever cost. That mindset was responsible for much of the early religious intolerance that this country went through, I doubt that Solomon was real or had treasures taken out of his temple. If he was real, I doubt he was like what the Jewish texts portray him as. Why do Christians seem to forget that Solomon was Jewish. It's funny how they say they are bound by the Laws of Moses, yet Jesus insisted to the people of Israel that people must follow the Laws until the Kingdom of Yahweh has been established. Christians often say they are no longer bound to keep the Sabbath. Well, I am a secular cultural Jew and I know that in the Book of Leviticus in the Torah that if someone is working on Sabbath ( Saturday, the seventh-day in which Yahweh rested), they are to be put to DEATH! Seventh-day Adventists are very adamant about Sabbath worship. My dad is a very liberal SDA, but he attends Sabbath regularly. Jews also do the same.

It's absurd to me how many Christians seem to reject most of the 613 commandments in the Torah, but always quote the ones concerning sex between two men.  Gay sex is not an "abomination", regardless of what is written in the Torah or the Christian bible. The Biblical authors were simply wrong about the subject as they were with so many other things.  Jesus seem to advocate slavery. We know that slavery is wrong. A life of enforced servitude with no hope of parole is not a very healthy institution to find oneself in. If you ask me Jesus was simply mistaken about a lot of things. Keep in mind, he would have been raised Jewish and Judaism was probably all he really knew.

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