Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It doesn't mean that your not a bigot.

Dear Readers,

If you have checkout out my post on the religiously-inspired homophobic comments on Steve Wells' blog post from Dwindling in Unbelief about the "pray the gay away" thing, you'd notice that many of the Christians in those 28 comments, including some atheists seem to take delight in being homophobic bigots, like how the Ku Klux Klan are more than pleased to promote and recruit others into adopting ideas based on hatred of and the view that colored people are inherently inferior and do not deserve to live on this planet. Many of these Christians "salute" each other in these comments with their prejudice towards romantically and sexually-active gay, bisexual or lesbian persons who are in same-sex relationships. Reminds me of Nazism. They say a lot of hateful things like, why should they waste their time trying to "save" gay people from burning forever in hell? Umm.... not all Christians believe that hell is lake of fire. Orthodox Mormons ( The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of which I am a former member of) believe in three levels of heaven, the Celestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom and the Telestial Kingdom, with the Celestial Kingdom being the highest level of the heavens with different degrees of glory. The Orthodox Mormons view Hell as a place of outer darkness where you live with Satan and his demons and are forever tormented by thoughts of all the bad things that you ever did during your mortal existence on earth. These are usually people who died as ex-Mormons. They are called the Sons of Perdition. Some fundamentalist Christian groups don't believe in the concept of hell such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh-day Adventists, the Christadelphians, the Bible Students and the Two-by-Two's. I am an ex-Jehovah's Witness as well as an ex-Seventh-day Adventist.

Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are presented with only two options in fundamentalist Christianity or other fundamentalist religious groups, either they must enter a mixed-orientation "marriage" with a heterosexual person of the opposite-sex or they have to lead a life of romantic and sexual repression until death. Neither option is acceptable or realistic to me.  Transgendered people are required to lead a life of gender dysphoria until death and can never undergo a sex-change operation. This is also unfair. Fundamentalist Christians and other religious fundamentalists only view homosexuality as just being a bunch of sexual acts, which is how they also view heterosexuality pretty much. Heterosexuality in their eyes is only really for procreational purposes between a monogamous, married couple. Even heterosexuals who cannot or don't want to procreate are sometimes viewed as "abnormal".  Who is the act of gay sex hurting when it is done between CONSENTING ADULTS? That is the real question and it hasn't gotten an answer, at least not one based in reason or rationality.

The Bible, the Torah, the Quran and other religious texts are simply wrong about same-sex relationships. Plain and simple. Heck, heterosexual women are not treated with dignity or respect in these religions, at least not by the fundamentalists, moderates or extremists. Maybe by the liberals, but definitely not by many moderates, the fundamentalists or the extremists. The comments made by those fundamentalist Christians on that Dwindling in Unbelief blog posts showed me that these people are in fact homophobic bigots are suffering from I call "gaysexophobia" They are "gaysexophobes". They have an irrational fear and hatred of gay sexual acts, which by the way they are not required to participate in.  Regardless of what is written in the Book of Leviticus, the Book of Deuteronomy, the Book of Genesis, the Book of Judges, the Book of Kings, the 1st Book of the Romans, the 1st Book of Timothy, the1st Book of the Corinthians, the Book of Jude , the Book of Revelations or any other passages in other Books of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, the authors views on same-sex relationships are entirely wrong, mistaken, bigoted and even misguided to say the least. Homosexuals are not descendants of the ancient temple prostitutes for one thing as the JW's have once suggested. Gay people today are not temple prostitutes who have sex with pagan priests so that the gods and goddesses will bless their crops and their women with healthy fertility.

The Biblical authors don't seem to have any accurate understanding of sexuality in general. Especially not homosexuality. Heterosexuality barely qualifies. I'm a heterosexual, monogamous, married woman and I think the Bible's views on heterosexual are equally as screwed up and just as wrong as they are about gay male relationships. Lesbianism is never mentioned in the Bible. Many people think that the author in the Book of Romans in the Christian scriptures refers to lesbianism, although the text does not make it clear as to whom the women were having "unnatural" relationships with. Those chicks were probably screwing animals I imagine, because the Book of Leviticus mentions that if a woman has sex with an animal that she and the animal that she has had sex with must both be put to death. Homosexuality is not the same as bestiality. Animals cannot consent to having sex with humans.

Technically, the Roman Christians according to the author of the Book of Romans ( probably Paul) were resorting back to pagan practices and glorifying idols representing pagan gods. Yahweh didn't like that, so since they were rebelling against the Christian beliefs that they had been taught, Yahweh gave them over to "shameful lust", the men left the "natural use" of their women and became inflamed with "lust" for other men and they were eventually punished by Yahweh for this "error" and they then started engaging in other "evil" acts, some of which I would agree are wrong, except for the consensual act of gay sex between consenting adults, except if those dudes were straight guys cheating on their wives. I'm presuming those men were probably heterosexual to begin with, if they were banging chicks before they started humping other guys. Although there is nothing wrong with sexual experimentation. Gay guys sometimes sexually experiment with women. Lesbians will sometimes experiment sexually with men. Some heterosexual women will experiment with other women and yes, even heterosexual men will sexually experiment with other men. A gay man having sex with a woman does not make him "straight", anymore than a heterosexual man having sex with another guy makes him "gay". Your either born heterosexual or homosexual. Even if being gay was a "choice", so what? People have the right to make choices that aren't hurting anyone. Including the "choice" to be LGBT. Not everyone would make that choice. You cannot force yourself to fall in love with someone.

Homosexuality isn't just about sex. Gay people fall in love too. Sex is a part of homosexuality, let's all be honest about that, please. However, sexual activity is only one part of being gay.  Being a Christian is a choice, your not born a Christian, unless humans decide to one day classify Christianity as an ethnicity. One thing that separates Judaism from Christianity or Islam is that Judaism is a culture and an ethnicity, it is not just a religion. Jewish people come from diverse cultures and have different beliefs. There are Jewish atheists. I am a Jewish atheist by choice. My SDA dad has a lot of Jewish blood though his family did mingle with Gentiles at one point, but his family have tried to keep the ethnic Jewish bloodline going in our family. Judaism is a different from Christianity and Islam in quite a few ways. Did you know that in ancient times, Jewish men could have sex with more than one woman, provided she wasn't already married? It's true. Women could not do that back then. Talk about double-standards. The Bible is not a good moral guideline for people living in the 21st Century.  It has some good advice, but it has even more bad examples.

As I have said before, most Christians in my opinion would be greatly upset, disappointed and distraught if they knew more about the historical Jesus, then the biblical Jesus. I was more of a liberal cultural Christian at best, for most of my life before exploring non-Abrahamic religious groups.  I can say that the historical Jesus was quite an unusual man and a very exclusivist religious fanatic who was heavily into Jewish eschatology (end-of-the-world theology).

Well, I will say again that the Christians and atheists who commented on that particular posts on Steve Wells' blog are homophobic , transphobic and anti-sexual bigots, whether they view themselves such or not. They aren't any better than the Ku Klux Klan or the Neo-Nazis in their dehumanizing beliefs about minority groups whom they do not understand. Atheists should know better than to be homophobic, considering how much of a hated minority we are. LGBT people are still going to exist , LGBT people are still going to form and enter same-sex relationships or undergo sex-change operations, gay folk are still going to have sex with other people of the same-gender and pro-homosexual "lobbyists" who are actually called heterosexual allies, and the LGBT community despite how "funny" they are to bigots, are still going to fight for equal civil rights under the law and fight to be treated with dignity and respect by society and will still fight to have homophobic, transphobic and anti-sexual bigots keep their noses out of their love and sex lives.  I bet you a good number of those religious, spiritual-but-not-religious and non-religious homophobes are either closeted LGBT persons themselves or are even jealous because gay people are probably having way better sex than they are. Just like unmarried straight couples are probably having awesome sex with each other. Married couples, whether straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or gay, we really need to find a way to discuss and promote healthy sex-education.

By the way, to that one poster on that Steve Wells blog post, Steve Wells is not a devil-worshipper. Atheists do not believe in the existence of nor worship the devil. Neither do Laveyan Satanists for that matter. Diabolists and devil worshippers, their the ones who worship Satan and commit evil actions in his name, their the ones you need to worry about. Keep in mind, devil worshippers and Diabolists are a minority and the Laveyan Satanists who not worship or believe in Satan, Yahweh or any other supernatural concepts, they condemn the actions of the diabolists and the devil worshippers. Think about what I have said.



A response to a particular comment from Dwindling in Unbelief

Dear Readers,

Here is a comment from Steve Wells blog post on "praying the gay away" on from his Dwindling in Unbelief blog, granted there were many homophobic comments on there that are sickening to read, I have posted them on anther post for you to read, here is an interesting one that I am commenting on:

Hizzlebomb said...
Wow... It's amazing to see how angry people can become over something like this.
 I'm a God fearing Christian and I found this interpretation of the verses funnny! Of COURSE that's not the way they're supposed to be interpreted, but I thought it was entertaining to read. OP(Steve) obviously has a sense of humor, and I for one, believe that God isn't austere 100% of the time. I think He has a sense of humor and I think He would chuckle to see this interpretation of His book :)
 To those Christians who post here condemning everyone, you should be ashamed of yourselves... If I weren't feeling lazy, I would quote you a scripture about beams and motes... Just because someone believes differently than you doesn't mean you should condemn them. I happen to believe that homosexuality is a sin also, but that doesn't mean I go around telling gays that they are damned... What good does that do anyone? Jesus said, "Love one another". Are you saying those things because you love these people? Or because you love yourself? Consider it.
 To asherf, Raz is right, there are plenty of ugly things done in nature that aren't ok, like incest, animals being eaten alive, etc. If I'm not mistaken, Black Widow females often eat their male counterparts after mating, which is why they are called black widows. So by your argument, it's ok for all females to be cannibals of their children's fathers? Hmmmm... Also, what would happen if our entire species turned homosexual? If you truly believe in science and evolution, you must also believe that a species would never knowingly engage in a behavior that would be detrimental to itself? And yet, if our entire species became homosexual, we would become extinct in a single generation. Just something to think about.
 Personally I don't condemn gays, or anyone for that matter. I think everyone should be loved for who they are. That doesn't mean that people can't or shouldn't change, but I don't think hate is something God would condone among His children.
 TLDR; everyone stop hating on each other ;)

Well Hizzlebomb, where is your proof that homosexual behavior is "detrimental" to the human species. Being gay isn't a choice, having gay sex is a choice but it is a choice that isn't harming anyone. Gay sex is not detrimental to the human race. No it isn't okay for all females to eat the fathers of their children. You don't seem to understand harm factors. Gay sex isn't hurting anyone. If you don't want to have gay sex, then don't. You have NO RIGHT to tell other people who are not hurting others, what to do, when the said action of gay sex is between consenting adults. I think your mistaken in your belief, Hizzlebomb that homosexuality is a "sin". The entire planet wouldn't and isn't going to become gay. It is never going to happen. Even if it were a choice because a persons can't force themselves to love someone. Incest is harmful as is cannibalism, but what harm does gay sex or non-marital sex do? This is something that religious people don't take into consideration: the harm factor. I laugh at all the fundamentalist Christians who commented on Steve Well's blog post on the "Pray the Gay Away" thing. I don't know where Jesus told his followers and fellow Jews that he preached to that they were no longer bound by Torah law. Do you honestly think that a devout apocalyptic rabbi would teach something so heretical, by saying that Jews no longer have to follow Torah law at that specific time period? It doesn't make sense  Homosexual feelings are not "intrinsically disordered" nor should gays be required to live a life of "chastity" or "celibacy". Celibacy isn't natural or normal, if your not an person who identifies as an asexual. Many fundamentalist religions demand that homosexuals live a life without ever having gay sex, although I don't think Yahweh ever told the Jews that sexually repressed gays would get into the world to come. I also don't think that Yahweh  told Jesus to tell the people of Israel that repressed gay people would get into Yahweh's Kingdom either.

Try getting unmarried heterosexual couples to stop having sex. I'm a married, heterosexual woman and I know for a fact that that will never work. Unmarried heterosexual couples have been having sex , are having sex and are still going to have sex, regardless of what is written in the Bible, the Quran or any other religious texts. That's not going to change. Same-sex couples are still going to date each other and keep having sex with each other and that isn't going to change. Gay people don't need to "change" nor can they "change and they don't need a spot in your homophobic heaven or earthly paradise. I'm not trying to mean, but who would want to spend an eternity with a bunch of bigots? I wouldn't. I find it rude of Christians to insist that atheists hate their god. I hate your god, just as much as you hate the Easter Bunny or Luke Skywalker. I have no hate for your god, I just don't believe that he exists due to lack of convincing evidence.  I don't much care for the way, Yahweh is portrayed in the Bible and wouldn't worship such a deity as I think he is quite corrupt. I believe that if the Bible were to be taken literally that not only should we kill gay people, but we should also sell our daughters into slavery, as well as execute disobedient children and those who worship deities other than Yahweh. That is what is commanded in the Torah and I don't believe Yahweh commanded to Jews to stop such behavior, as abhorrent as it may be. I remember Jesus is quoted as saying that he did not come to rid the world of Jewish law or the sayings of the Prophets but to fulfill them and that not one word of the Torah shall pass away until the Kingdom of Yahweh has been finally established.

Well, we've been waiting for Jesus to return to help bring about Yahweh's kingdom for over 2,000 years and he hasn't shown up yet. The Bible is simply wrong about homosexual feelings and sexual relationships between same-sex couples, just like the Bible is wrong about a great number of issues. Homosexual sex is NOT an abomination nor should gay people be put to death for having sex with other people of the same-gender. People should mind their own business, instead of worrying about what gay people do in bed.  I think that all of the 40,000 denominations, sects, branches, splinter-groups and movements of Christianity today have a wrong interpretation of early Christianity and Rabbi Yeshua's teachings. The Jewish Christians of the early 1st Century remained true to Jewish law, despite their belief in Jesus being the Messiah, despite the fact that Jesus' ultimate fate, being impaled on a tortures stake contradicts Jewish teachings about what is supposed to happen to the Messiah.  Christianity has largely deviated from it's Jewish origins.  Why would Jesus reject the teachings of Judaism at that time, knowing that penalties for such an act were severe? He wouldn't and I'm sure historians and Biblical scholars would agree that he didn't.  The Sadducees and the Pharisees recognized Yeshua has a heretic and he thus had to be tried by the Sanhedrin and turned over to Roman authorities occupying Palestine, especially for preaching that Yahweh would soon annihilate all the Gentiles.

Being a cultural secular Jew by choice, I can honestly say that the historical Jesus and the Biblical Jesus have very little in common. We can get an idea of who Jesus was from the Christian Bible, although the gospel authors throw in a lot of fictional events to make the story more relatable to the audience that it was written to at that specific time period. Early Christians were embarrassed by the fact that Jesus was impaled upon a stake. Jesus' miracles really aren't that special. Basically all of those same miracles were supposedly performed by the Hebrew Prophets. I doubt that even if the Bible were true, that Jesus was the Messiah, he just doesn't seem to be the likely candidate for such a position. Even if the Bible were true, it still wouldn't change the fact that many of it's prescribed beliefs and practices cause harm, such as it's views on same-sex relationships or executing false prophets. The historical Jesus was a fundamentalist, apocalyptic rabbi with some strange ideas, I feel sorry that he was crucified for simply doing what he thought was true, even if it was wrong, but I  still disagree with his views just the same.

I view Jesus as a victim of religious persecution, not a human sacrifice to save the world from their "sins". Nobody is a "sinner". Nobody is "sinful". We are all simply flawed people who make mistakes sometimes. We don't need to be "saved from sin". There is no such thing as "sin" to me. I think we  need to learn to better ourselves though, we need to and Jesus isn't going to help us with that. The historical Jesus wasn't perfect either, he did the best with what he was taught even though it was most likely wrong, it unfortunately led to him being publicly executed.  I'm a flawed person who makes mistake who is trying better herself to the fullest potential that I am capable of. It isn't easy, but is worth doing in my opinion.  I think we need to try and make the earth a heavenly paradise as best we can for future generations, whether there is a God or not. That would be the right thing to do. I think it's horrible that in the Book of John in the Christian bible it is written that people should not love the world, because who loves the world has no love for Yahweh. How messed up is that? Did not Yahweh create the universe and see it as good at one point?   How could Yahweh ever truly hate Satan? Isn't Satan still a child of Yahweh just like Jesus supposedly was? An all-loving god filled with compassion who believes in justice could not possibly be capable of hate if you ask me. The two ideas contradict each other. Is Satan not capable of finding redemption?  Seems to me like the two were pretty close at one time. Why was it okay for Paul to tell the early Christian communities that women cannot teach, preach or speak up in church, instead they must ask their husbands questions and this is largely due to the fact that the early Christians believed that Eve was created after Adam, she was created for Adam and it was Eve who was deceived by the serpent first, not Adam. How is that not sexist?

The Bible is full of contradictions and nonsensical things. Our laws are decided by the people, not deities. Christians don't universally agree on anything really, nor should they act as if they do. To do so is dishonest. Your god, Yahweh hates dishonesty, so do I. That is something that I can agree with that character on.



Homophobic religious comments on Dwindling in Unbelief blog post

19 March 2012Luke 17:34 and Pray to be Gay Day
I don't know how I missed this before, but I did.
 Luke 17:34, that is.
 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
 And since Jesus clearly said that only a small minority would be saved,
 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Luke 13:23-24
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14
the best way to improve your chances of being saved, if you are a man, is to go to bed with another man. (50% is better than a virtually zero chance.)
 Or to spend you time grinding with other women, if you're a woman, as Jesus said in Luke 17:35.
 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
But what if you're not blessed enough to be gay? It's not too late: Pray to be gay!
 There's even a special day and place for it: Pray to be Gay Day at the Reason Rally on March 24th.
 Watch Thunderf00t's video for all the details.

Posted by Steve Wells at 3/19/2012 09:02:00 AM   Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
 Stephen said...
Steve, I'm sending you the bill for a new keyboard. You really *must* remember to put a warning header on your posts so folks don't have their mouths full when they read. ;-)
Steve Weeks
 Mon Mar 19, 06:24:00 PM 2012 
 davelinne said...
This is wrong interpretation of the Bible. You interpreted this verses based on what you want and not what God want.
 Two men in bed does not mean they are having sex. Those days, when they refer to two men in this circumstances, this means two brothers or relatives or friends living in the same room or house or place.
 This is an example of how it would be like on that day. Meaning the fact that not everybody would be raptured because we might be in the same place at the same time and finds the other raptured.
 Strait: Narrow
The meaning of strait in those days did not refer to gay"sm". It's nowadays that strait is translated to be gay or something related to that. This was not so in the olden days. Check all dictioneries you could find and read the meaning strait. The original meaning of Strait is "narrow", Sometime Strict, rigid, or righteous. The content of the verse mean; you can not change the word of God, you must abide God's instruction. Unlike wide road, where anything goes, and does not lead to heaven.
 Do not interprete Holy Word of God according to what you want to hear or to please some people.
 Wed Mar 21, 03:16:00 AM 2012 
 Steve Wells said...
You're (more or less) right, davelinne. Jesus didn't mean it that way, if he said it at all, that is. But you've got to admit it sounds funny. And I love funny-sounding Bible verses. Don't you?
 Wed Mar 21, 07:05:00 AM 2012 
 Stephen said...
"This is wrong interpretation of the Bible. You interpreted this verses based on what you want and not what God want."
 You seem to think you know what god wants. Here's a quote from Susan B. Anthony:
 "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
 I agree with her.
 You also seem to have a lot of excuses for why two men would be in bed together... are you a catholic priest? And I suppose "two women shall be grinding together" means they are preparing food, eh? Open your eyes, my friend. There is sin all around you!
 BTW, "strait" refers to the jacket you wear. "Straight" means "not homosexual". Hope this helps!
Steve Weeks
 Sat Mar 24, 08:28:00 PM 2012 
 Ian said...
This is wrong interpretation of the Bible. You interpreted this verses based on what you want and not what God want.
 This is hilarious. All anyone ever does in any religion is pretend that their narrow, selfish interests are what "God" wants. Look at Rick Santorum. He rants and raves about homosexuality and contraception because his church is against that, while completely ignoring all the Catholic teachings about social justice and against war. He's even a creationist despite the Catholic Church accepting evolution as fact.
 Sun Mar 25, 10:41:00 AM 2012 
 Stephen said...
Sadly, most of these commenters like our friend davelinne are just "drive-by" posters. What are we supposed to do for laughs?
Steve Weeks
 Wed Mar 28, 06:51:00 AM 2012 
 Raz said...
Homosexuals and the pro-homosexual lobby are so funny, got to love them, lol. The arguments they come up with, lol.
 Sun Apr 08, 07:10:00 AM 2012 
 jacob said...
just gonna say, this is a completely false interpertation of the bible, and its not even that well hid. The book of luke was written within the century after Jesus' death. at this point in time, there was no "grinding" in our context of the word, plus he omitted a simple word, grain, which goes immediately after grinding in the verse he spouted. along with this, in the hebrew tradition, the entire family lived in basically one large room, ere, they were both in bed. Also in ine NIV translation, which i was using to check the verses. it replaces men with people, probably due to the fact that in hebrew, whenever more that one person is referenced, the male tense is used to describe them. In Romans 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." and this is all without even looking at the old testament books for their insight on the correct judgement of the act of homosexuality
 Mon Apr 09, 11:37:00 AM 2012 
 Steve Wells said...
Calm down, Jacob. It's a joke.
 Mon Apr 09, 11:55:00 AM 2012 
 Davina said...
this is called blasphemy. id be careful if i were you. Jacob is very wise in correcting you with scripture.
 Mon Apr 23, 09:04:00 AM 2012 
 Davina said...
this is called blasphemy, Steve. i suggest you not do it and make jokes out of Gods holy word, or twist what scripture says. the bible states that what you have done is very wrong. Jacob is very wise in correcting you, and using scripture to do so.
 Mon Apr 23, 09:07:00 AM 2012 
 Wes said...
Great post OP man, it seems as though you have a fresh perspective on words written, oh 2000 years ago? ha-ha
Props to you for not banning the drive by commentators. I would not have had nearly as much restraint. You decided not to hush them up as they attempt to hush your free thinking up.
 Wed May 09, 03:16:00 PM 2012 
 Kinsey6 said...
Who cares what an outdated bronze-age book says. It has no relevance to today's society anyway. We have separation of church and state in the US. Our law is the Constitution, not the Bible, which some often mistakenly believe.
 Sun Jun 24, 04:08:00 PM 2012 
 asherf said...
Davina: To really take the words of such an awful book and actually want to follow them makes Jacob by no means wise. What IS wise is observing the world. Homosexuality - in other species of animals as well as humans. Christianity? It is in one species only.
The fact you get strung up on this joke and feel that it somehow needs to be 'corrected' but do not have a problem with what some of the Bible says is reflecting badly on you right now.
 Raz: This is a joke. In my country, the UK, no one has to come up with anything because we don't follow unreliable texts which lack validity we follow science (which includes observing). You don't have to observe much to realise homosexuality exists in Nature.
 Mon Sep 24, 01:56:00 PM 2012 
 travis walton said...
To all those Christians who've responded on this post - I salute you.
And now, let us leave these homosexuals to their own acts and sinful thoughts - I really don't see why we should bother saving them.
 Let them delude themselves in their misinterpretations and evil attempts at getting their kicks and having a laugh by mistranslating the Word of God.
 Personally, I'm quite happy with the extra space in heaven that they choose to give up.
 Thanks very much!
 Mon Oct 01, 04:47:00 PM 2012 
 BLCashflow7 said...
Who ever wrote this a a complete idiot or undercover Devil worshiper on a mission to turn the hearts of the simple. I pray you get what GOD wants you to have for wasting your time being funny when people are looking for help and answers. Get'em LORD
 Thu Jan 10, 12:16:00 AM 2013 
 Raz said...
asherf, you do not even provide any kind of argument in response to my post. A dogmatic statement on the reliability of the text, without any evidence. The statement that there is homosexuality in nature,so what ? There are many kinds of perverted things in nature. Animals have sex within their own family, eat them sometimes, have sex with other species, etc. Entertaining stuff, lol.
 Mon Apr 01, 02:43:00 PM 2013 
 Hizzlebomb said...
Wow... It's amazing to see how angry people can become over something like this.
 I'm a God fearing Christian and I found this interpretation of the verses funnny! Of COURSE that's not the way they're supposed to be interpreted, but I thought it was entertaining to read. OP(Steve) obviously has a sense of humor, and I for one, believe that God isn't austere 100% of the time. I think He has a sense of humor and I think He would chuckle to see this interpretation of His book :)
 To those Christians who post here condemning everyone, you should be ashamed of yourselves... If I weren't feeling lazy, I would quote you a scripture about beams and motes... Just because someone believes differently than you doesn't mean you should condemn them. I happen to believe that homosexuality is a sin also, but that doesn't mean I go around telling gays that they are damned... What good does that do anyone? Jesus said, "Love one another". Are you saying those things because you love these people? Or because you love yourself? Consider it.
 To asherf, Raz is right, there are plenty of ugly things done in nature that aren't ok, like incest, animals being eaten alive, etc. If I'm not mistaken, Black Widow females often eat their male counterparts after mating, which is why they are called black widows. So by your argument, it's ok for all females to be cannibals of their children's fathers? Hmmmm... Also, what would happen if our entire species turned homosexual? If you truly believe in science and evolution, you must also believe that a species would never knowingly engage in a behavior that would be detrimental to itself? And yet, if our entire species became homosexual, we would become extinct in a single generation. Just something to think about.
 Personally I don't condemn gays, or anyone for that matter. I think everyone should be loved for who they are. That doesn't mean that people can't or shouldn't change, but I don't think hate is something God would condone among His children.
 TLDR; everyone stop hating on each other ;)
 Fri Jun 07, 08:11:00 AM 2013 
 Roger said...
Wow, how foolish to intentionally misinterpret God's Holy word like this.
 I am very supportive of all the Christian responses to this subject. Especially Davelinne's comment (2nd from top) she explains things well.
Hizzlebomb.. you say you are a Christian but i really don't think you understand how much God hates homosexuality- i really don't think He would find this funny.
Yes God has an amazing sense of humour like you wouldn't believe; but what God says about homosexuality is this:
Leviticus 20:13
"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
 God considers homosexuality worthy of death. So it's a very serious subject and no laughing matter.
 The most important and relevant thing here is that God makes it very clear in the Bible that He loves EVERYONE and EVERYONE is a sinner (especially me).
 At the end of today, irrelevant of our past and wrong doings, it's up to us to decide the next place we want to be when our time's up on this earth. And it's a choice we all have to make ourselves. The Bible says we all have two options.
 Option A: Believe and love God and accept His gift of forgiveness and you will receive everlasting life in heaven (far more perfect and amazing then imaginable- earthly words cannot describe how good heaven is)
 Option B: Don't love God and He will hand you over to Satan. In case you don't know, Satan lives in Hell. Hell is a long lasting place of suffering, pain, torment, lot's of fire and is a terrible place that earthly words cannot describe.
The only up-side to Hell is that it will be destroyed by Jesus Christ.. one day.
 And yet some people seem to think that there is an 'in-between' option: and that option is 6ft under, full stop. But the fact is that God has not included that option in the Bible as an eternal option-
6ft under is only where our dead earthly body's go. Our spirit and soul goes to Option A or Option B. Once you are there, you can't change your decision.
 Personally I like the sound of Option A the best.
 I pray God would Bless ya whether you agree with God or not.
 Mon Jun 17, 07:22:00 PM 2013 
 Jason L. said...
I always found it kind of odd that so many Christians (especially Catholics) insist on making homophobic remarks towards homosexuals. Doesn't this constitute "throwing stones"? We all know what Jesus had to say about "throwing stones." But Catholics follow the teachings of the Catechisms, right? Now pay attention to the part in bold:
 2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
 2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
 2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
 Fri Jun 21, 05:27:00 PM 2013 
 Wolfe Tundra said...
Roger, don't forget that God also said do not wear clothing woven from two different kinds of thread (Leviticus 19:19), do not shave your sideburns or trim your beard (Leviticus 19:27), any person who curses their parent shall be put to death (Leviticus 20:9), if a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die (Leviticus 20:10), psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death (Leviticus 20:27) and people who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18). Oh, and for kickers, God also said all non-believers are to be killed (Deuteronomy 13:5/6/12 and 172). Get your rifle folks! It's [non-believer] hunting season!
 If you're going to follow part of a Bible (God says all gays should be killed) then follow all of it and kill yourself for cutting your hair.
 Sat Jun 29, 03:10:00 PM 2013 
 Roger said...
Wolfe, yes I have not forgotten what God says in Leviticus. (although some of what you said is not entirely accurate and you and I don't completely understand some of what God is referring to. And you and I don't entirely understand the culture of the Israelite's who God is talking to at the time this book was written)
 By no means at all is Leviticus or Deuteronomy asking anyone to kill anyone in today's society- The laws in Leviticus and Deuteronomy is old covenant. We live in the new covenant. What’s the difference? Well the laws are still the same. The punishment is still the same. They are everlasting laws, as is written in both the new and old testament. The difference between the old and new covenant is way God carries out the punishment. He did the dirty work for us when Jesus took the punishment of everyone’s sin on the cross, so we don’t have to take matters into our own hands and kill someone ourselves because God says to. That’s not the way God wants our society to work.
 God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for everyone, but God also offers everyone a deal: Believe in His Son Jesus, be thankful for what He did for you on the cross and ask Jesus to be the Saviour of your life, and He will take away the punishment you deserve.
 Jesus took our place so that if we have Jesus in our heart when we are judged, God sees only Jesus' perfection in our heart, and not our own wicked ways; thus accepts us into heaven…
This can be all challenging for us to understand.
And I certainly know I don't have the ability to understand most of God's ways.
 But.. It would be beyond crazy to choose this world over perfect eternity!
 Message to all non-Christians:
I promise with all my heart- God is real!
And if your time on earth comes to an end and I am wrong- We both gain nothing.
BUT if your time on earth comes to an end and God is real- You loose everything.
 Sat Jul 13, 08:09:00 PM 2013 
 USMCPatriot said...
 If you "don't completely understand some of what God is referring to" then "he" didn't do a very good job of writing a clear set of "instructions" - since that's what you obviously think the Bible is. That makes god an incompetent author.
 You point out that "Leviticus or Deuteronomy (aren't) asking anyone to kill anyone in today's society" because they are the "old covenant." Okay, ask yourself this - would you have thought it proper to obey the direction to kill others for mixing threads or crops - or for homosexuality - if you had lived in the time of Moses? Was it EVER good or moral to do these things? (and please don't rationalize that whatever god says is moral)
 As usual, I'm confused by the idea that "god sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for everyone" for two reasons. One, do you believe Jesus IS dead? Because he would have to be to fulfill your statement. Temporary death doesn't count, because "he" didn't give up anything, did he, if Jesus isn't DEAD with a capital "D"? (unlike Wesley in the Princess Bride, who was only "mostly dead") And that whole "only begotten son" thing is another issue - you believe "he" can and did create the entire UNIVERSE... but can't manage to have another kid? Really? Second, why the need to "send someone to die in our place"? Would you need to watch your own child sacrificed in order for YOU to forgive the transgression of a friend... or would you simply forgive him? Apply a little logic, and try not to use canned non-answers such as "we can't know the mind of god."
 You closed with a weak rendition of Pascal's Wager, but you have obviously never thought it through. One, you would have to believe in every god and religion to make it work (after all, what if YOU are wrong, and the Muslims, Hindus, etc are right?), and if you feign belief (which is the essence of the Wager) would not an omniscient god know you were faking?
 Then you state, "It would be beyond crazy to choose this world over perfect eternity!" Really? Think about how long eternity is(hint: it never ends). Now explain to us what happens in a "perfect eternity." Do you have a body as some believe, or do you float around, disembodied, forever? Are there endless first run movies? (who would make them?) Is there golf? (in a perfect eternity, would every shot be a hole in one?) Is there sex? (with whom?) Do you think you would be BORED? As Susan Ertz once wrote, "Million yearn for eternity, who can't decide what to do on a rainy afternoon." The reality, Roger, is your desire for "perfect eternity" is simply a way to mitigate your natural fear of death... just as the Egyptians did when they placed mummies in pyramids enroute (or so they believed) to the "afterlife." Do you think they ever got there? How about the Greeks? They put coins on the eyes of their dead to pay the ferryman when they crossed into the netherworld. Were they wasting their time? Of course. So what makes you think YOUR fairy tale is any different? It's not.
 Message to all Christians:
I promise with all my BRAIN (we don't think with our hearts, now do we?) - God is NOT real! Now stop wasting time on pie-in-the-sky superstition, and get busy living the only life you will ever have.
 Wed Jul 24, 12:19:00 PM 2013 
 Jamin Sim said...
"Ha ha, the bible sounds so funny in modern context."
 1 Corinthians 3:19 NIV
 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness"...
 You guys are all pretending to be smart saying that we can't know what "God" really wants, or that he doesn't exist. If you think this is all a joke, you're all fools. If you want to prove us Christians wrong, first you have to understand what the bible says, not just see what it says.
 The bible does say that all acts of homosexuality should not go unpunished, but everybody sins. That's why Jesus came to die for us. He died as a replacement for us so that we don't have to go to hell, unless we just completely ignore his sacrifice. Jesus forgave and forgives all sins. Accept his forgiveness by turning from your evil ways. He will give you a second chance. If you don't, there will be punishment. No doubt about it.
 We will pray for you.
 Mon Jul 29, 08:51:00 AM 2013 
 USMCPatriot said...
 When will Christians learn that the silliest thing you can do is make an argument which relies upon a Bible verse? Who cares what it says in Corinthians? (for perspective, how would you respond to someone quoting the Quran?)
 Saying, "If you want to prove us Christians wrong, first you have to understand what the bible says, not just see what it says." As usual, YOU have "interpreted" it correctly... right?
 Then you use another tired theist tactic with your Appeal to Fear when you say, "If you don't, there will be punishment." That rings hollow when you are threatening people who don't believe in hell!
 Then you add, "No doubt about it." Really? If that was true, this conversation would not be taking place, would it? Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Just ask any Muslim... Hindu... victim of alien abduction... or Elvis-sighter.
 Mon Jul 29, 03:23:00 PM 2013 
 Roger said...
Good on ya Jamim Sim, bless ya bro.. keep it up!
 Wow USMCPatriat, you are so blind to see what God is doing in your life. All your arguments have a self centered reference point.
 Haha, you said ‘I promise with all my brain’.. that’s original! You can’t believe in something you can’t see with your brain**! You need something deeper, like a gut feeling, which is where the term ‘with all my heart’ comes from. Like Jamim said, this is no joke.
 (**unless someone else you know well sees it and they are so sure it is real, which I believe is why many people believe in God, even though they may not ever see God in real while living on earth. John 20:19 says ‘Then Jesus told his disciple, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”’)
If you are depending on your earthly brain to live this life on earth, then that is all you will live (and you would live in hell too of course). If you are happy with that- then good on ya. But no way am I settling for second best when God says He has so much more in-store for me.
 I'm not going to waste any more time picking apart all the reasons for why you don't think God is real.
 I’m not here to argue. I’m here to proclaim God’s good news- Jesus is Alive! Hallelujah!
 I can't express this enough- God loves you! You can't imagine what God has in-store for you if you don’t allow yourself to move towards God.
 It’s only by God’s actions that you exsist.
It’s only be Jesus’ actions that you can be saved.
It’s only by your actions that you can believe, accept his forgiveness and strive to live according to God’s plan.
 God is calling you, now and always, to take up His challenge, and follow Him.
At times you may let yourself down. But God won’t let you down.

Sat Aug 10, 10:22:00 PM 2013 
 Charlotte P said...
I feel like many of you are missing the point here. This is not serious. This is not about whether it is right or wrong to be homosexual. This is not even about how homosexuality is portrayed in the bible. Rather, this appears to be a commentary on how the bible can be used to support any opinion, depending on your interpretation. Of course this isn't how the bible was meant to be interpreted, but what it seems to be trying to say is that everyone will interpret things differently, and using bible verses to back up your arguments is extremely flimsy. Although that's just my interpretation of something that clearly can also be interpreted many different ways.
 Sun Nov 10, 12:26:00 PM 2013 
 El_salluz said...
...aaaaaaaaand Charlotte P brought closure to this blog.
 Tue Jan 21, 10:00:00 PM 2014 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Merlin Olsen Wikipedia biography reposting with link

Merlin Olsen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Merlin Olsen
Merlin Olsen.jpg

No. 74

Defensive tackle

Personal information

Date of birth: September 15, 1940
Place of birth: Logan, Utah
Date of death: March 11, 2010 (aged 69)
Place of death: Duarte, California

Career information

College: Utah State
NFL Draft: 1962 / Round: 1 / Pick: 3
Debuted in 1962 for the Los Angeles Rams
Last played in 1976 for the Los Angeles Rams

Career history

Los Angeles Rams (1962–1976)

Career highlights and awards

14× Pro Bowl (1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975)
6× First-team All-Pro selection (1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970)
3× Second-team All-Pro selection (1965, 1973, 1974)
NFL 75th Anniversary All-Time Team
NFL 1970s All-Decade Team
NFL 1960s All-Decade Team
1974 Bert Bell Award
1968 Pro Bowl Co-MVP
1962 NFL Rookie of the Year
1961 Outland Trophy
2× All-American (1960, 1961)
St. Louis Rams #74 Retired

Career NFL statistics

Games 208
Sacks 94
Interceptions 1
Stats at

Pro Football Hall of Fame
College Football Hall of Fame
Merlin Jay Olsen (September 15, 1940 – March 11, 2010)[1] was an American football player in the National Football League, NFL commentator, and actor. He played his entire 15-year career with the Los Angeles Rams and was selected to the Pro Bowl in 14 of those seasons, a current record shared with Bruce Matthews and Tony Gonzalez. He is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the College Football Hall of Fame. As an actor he portrayed the farmer Jonathan Garvey on Little House on the Prairie. After leaving that series, he starred in his own NBC drama, Father Murphy, playing the title role of a foster dad posing as a traveling priest.

Contents  [hide]
1 Early life
2 College 2.1 Awards and honors
4 Post-retirement 4.1 Broadcaster
4.2 Actor
4.3 Pitchman
4.4 Awards
5 Personal life
6 Mesothelioma diagnosis and death
7 See also
8 References
9 External links

Early life[edit]
Born to Lynn Jay and Merle Barrus Olsen in Logan, Utah, the second of nine siblings and the first-born son, Merlin Olsen had three brothers and five sisters: Colleen, Clark, Lorraine, Gwen, Phil, Winona, Ramona, and Orrin.
Olsen attended Utah State University where he became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, and was a three-year letterman in football as a defensive tackle. He graduated from the College of Business and Social Sciences at USU with a bachelor's degree in Finance in 1962 and a master's degree in Economics in 1971.[2] He later received an honorary doctorate degree in business from the Huntsman School.[2] In football, as a senior, he was a consensus All-American selection (making the vast majority of All-America teams) and was the winner of the Outland Trophy. After Olsen's junior year of 1960 he was also named All-American by the Football Writers Association of America and Newspaper Enterprise Association. He was also All-Conference in both 1960 and 1961. Olsen and Utah State were in the 1960 Sun Bowl, losing to New Mexico State, 20–13. Led by Olsen, the Aggie defense held the New Mexico State Aggies to just 44 rushing yards on 32 carries.[3]
The Aggie defense Olsen anchored as a senior gave up an average of 50.8 rushing yards (which led the nation), 88.6 passing yards, and 139.4 total yards which all still stand as school records for defense. The 1961 Aggie defense gave up an average 7.8 points a game, which is second in team history behind Olsen's 1960 team, which allowed 6.5 points per game.[4] Additionally, the Aggie defense held four opponents to less than 100 total yards. One, the University of Idaho, was held to a school-record 23 total yards, with the Aggies winning 69–0.
The Aggies, not known as a national power football program, finished 10th in both the AP and UPI post-season polls, the only time that has occurred in school history. The Aggies had a combined 18–3–1 record during Olsen's junior and senior seasons under coach John Ralston and were conference champions those two seasons as well.[5]
Awards and honors[edit]
Olsen played in the East-West Shrine Game in 1961 and in 2003 was voted to the game's Hall of Fame.[6] He also played in the Hula Bowl after his senior season and was voted MVP of the game.[7]
Olsen is a member of the State of Utah’s Sports Hall of Fame, the Utah State University Sports Hall of Fame and USU’s All-Century Football Team. In 2000, he was selected by Sports Illustrated as one of the State of Utah’s Top 50 Athletes of the Century. He was voted to the All-Academic All-America Hall of Fame in 1988. In 1969, he was voted to the Newspaper Enterprise Association All-Time All-America team with collegiate greats such as Bronco Nagurski, Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, and O. J. Simpson, among others.[8]
In 2008, Olsen was named to the 75th Anniversary All-Sun Bowl Team to commemorate the Sun Bowl Association's Diamond Anniversary.[9]
Utah State University announced the intention to name its football field after Olsen during a ceremony in Logan during halftime of the USU-St. Mary’s basketball game on December 5, 2009.[10] HOF Sculptor Blair Buswell created a bronze sculpture that sits at the entrance to Merlin Olsen Field at Romney Stadium.
Olsen also was a three-time academic All-American at Utah State and graduated summa cum laude in 1962 with a degree in finance.[4]
Coming out of college, Olsen had offers from both Los Angeles of the NFL and the Denver Broncos of the rival American Football League. He chose the security of the NFL and signed with the Rams. Olsen's first contract was for around $50,000 for two years, plus a signing bonus. It was 1962, and the average football player salary at the time was around $12,000 a year. He was the first USU Aggie to be drafted in the 1st round of the NFL draft.[4]
Olsen played professionally (from 1962 to 1976) for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League. A leading defensive star of his era, he missed only two games in his 15-season NFL career. He was named the NFL's Rookie of the Year in 1962 and was First-team All-Pro in 1964, and 1966 through 1970. He was voted Second-team All-Pro in 1965, 1973 and 1974.[11]
Olsen almost ended up on offense, but was later moved to the defensive line after a few experiments in practice. Soon he became part of one of the best front fours in NFL history. Deacon Jones, Rosey Grier, and Lamar Lundy joined Olsen on the defensive line in 1963 that was nicknamed "The Fearsome Foursome".[11] He was named the AP NFL Defensive Player of the Week for week 12 in 1965. Olsen scored his first touchdown in that game.
Throughout the 1960s, this quartet terrorized opposing offenses. Olsen's play helped the Rams to the playoffs in 1967 and 1969. He was voted the club's Outstanding Defensive Lineman from 1967–70 by the Los Angeles Rams Alumni. In week 14, 1967, Olsen and the rest of the Fearsome Foursome were named the AP NFL Defensive Players of the Week for their performance against the Baltimore Colts. In the 1970s, Olsen continued his dominant play at defensive tackle and his eleven sacks in 1972 were second on the team. After week 8 in 1972, Olsen was named the Associated Press NFL Defensive Player of the Week for the third time in his career.[11]
The Rams won the NFC West crown in 1973 through 1976 thanks in part to the play of Olsen. They ranked first in the NFL in run defense in 1973 and 1974 and finished second in sacking opposing passers both years. In 1973 Olsen was voted the NFLPA NFC Defensive Lineman of the Year and the next season, 1974, he was the recipient of Bert Bell Award as the NFL MVP as voted by the Maxwell Club. Olsen accepted the award "on behalf of all who toil in the NFL trenches".
Three of the Olsen brothers, Merlin, Phil, and Orrin, played in the NFL, with Merlin and Phil playing together for the Rams from 1971–74. A nephew, Hans, son of his brother, Clark, also played professional football. In 1975 and 1976, the Rams defense finished second in the NFL against the run while ranking in the top five in sacking opposing quarterbacks and compiling a 22-5-1 record over those two seasons.
Olsen's last game was the NFC Championship game in 1976 at Bloomington, Minnesota. The Vikings took advantage on a freak play early in the game. A blocked field goal returned 90 yards for a touchdown shocked the Rams in the first quarter. The defense was later victimized by a couple of big plays by the Vikings. The Rams came up short, losing 24–13, bringing the storied career of the Rams finest defensive tackle to an end.
Olsen made the Pro Bowl a record 14 times, only missing it in his final year. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1982 in his first year of eligibility; he selected his college position coach Tony Knap as his presenter.[12] In 1999, Olsen was ranked 25th on The Sporting News' list of the 100 Greatest Football Players.[13][14]
Olsen enjoyed continued success after the NFL as a broadcaster, actor and businessman.[15]
Olsen served as a television color commentator, teaming with Dick Enberg on NBC's coverage of the AFC throughout the 1980s. He and Enberg also teamed for the Super Bowl XXIII, Rose Bowl Game broadcast beginning with the 1980 Rose Bowl through the 1988 Rose Bowl. In 1989, Olsen was replaced by[16] Bill Walsh as NBC's lead NFL color commentator. For the 1989 season, Olsen worked with Charlie Jones on NBC's broadcasts. In 1990 and 1991, he moved to CBS Sports doing NFL games with Dick Stockton.
Olsen developed a successful career as an actor. When Little House on the Prairie actor Victor French left to star in his own comedy Carter Country in 1977, Olsen was tapped to play Michael Landon's new sidekick Jonathan Garvey for several years. One memorable quote from his character's son during the series, "My pa doesn't know anything about football!" was when Jonathan was to coach a boys football team. A couple of years later, Landon cast Olsen as the eponymous Father Murphy, which lasted for two seasons.
In the Highway to Heaven episode 2.12 ("The Good Doctor"), the main character Alex tells Mark Gordon (Victor French) that "All I could see was the flowers and the beard. I thought you were Merlin Olsen." This is an inside joke since all three actors, Merlin Olsen, Michael Landon, and Victor French were in the TV series Little House On the Prairie earlier in their careers.
Olsen's last acting work was in the short-lived 1988 TV series Aaron's Way, in which he played the lead role. He was also in the John Wayne movie The Undefeated as Little George along with teammate Roman Gabriel.
Olsen was also the commercial spokesman for FTD Florists for many years. A part-time resident of the Coachella Valley, Olsen was the longtime radio and television spokesman for Palm Desert-based El Paseo Bank.[17]
Olsen also appeared in many Sigma Chi fraternity promotional campaigns; Merlin, along with his brother Phil, was a Life Loyal Sig, Significant Sig (given to members for distinguishing acts outside the fraternity) and a member of the Order of Constantine (given for service to the Fraternity). Olsen donated one of his cleats, which were bronzed, to be used during the annual football rivalry between two Las Vegas high schools, Eldorado High School and Chaparral High School, which both opened in 1973. Each year, Olsen presented the "trophy" in the ceremony at the rivalry game.[citation needed]
Olsen often co-hosted the Children's Miracle Network telethons, a humanitarian organization founded in 1983 by Marie Osmond and John Schneider.
He was named the Walter Camp Man of the Year in 1982 and Athlete of the Century for the state of Utah. During halftime of a basketball game between Utah State, Olsen's alma mater, and Saint Mary's on December 5, 2009, it was announced that the playing surface inside Romney Stadium, home stadium for Utah State's football program, would be named Merlin Olsen Field in Olsen's honor. Because of Olsen's illness, Utah State decided not to wait until the 2010 football season to hold the ceremony; he was able to attend the game, but did not speak.[18] A sculpture of Olsen was unveiled in a plaza south of the stadium during an official dedication ceremony in Fall 2010.[19] Olsen was voted to the California Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2010, along with Bill Walton, Dwight Stones, and Jim Otto, among others.[20]
Personal life[edit]
He married fellow USU student Susan Wakley on March 30, 1962, and they had three children: Kelly, Jill, and Nathan, and four grandchildren. Olsen was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mesothelioma diagnosis and death[edit]
He was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 2009,[21] and underwent three courses of chemotherapy. In December 2009 he filed a lawsuit against NBC Studios, NBC Universal, and 20th Century Fox for allegedly exposing him to the asbestos which he claimed had caused his cancer.[22] Olsen died on March 11, 2010 at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California,[23] at the age of 69.[18][24]
See also[edit]
List of NFL on NBC commentator pairings
1.Jump up ^ Smith, Michael David (11 March 2010). "Reports: Merlin Olsen dies at 69". Pro Football Talk. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
2.^ Jump up to: a b Honorary Degree Recipients
3.Jump up ^ "Merlin Olsen College". Retrieved 12 March 2010.[dead link]
4.^ Jump up to: a b c Utah State University Media Guide
5.Jump up ^ "Utah State Championships". College Football Data Warehouse. Retrieved 2010-03-13.
6.Jump up ^ The East West Shrine Game | Hall of Fame
7.Jump up ^ Hula Bowl | History
8.Jump up ^ NEA All-Time All-America Team – Beckly Post-Herald, August 24, 1969
9.Jump up ^ Utah State's Merlin Olsen Named To 75th Anniversary All-Sun Bowl Team
10.Jump up ^ "Utah State University Will Honor Merlin Olsen on Saturday, Dec. 5 At Aggie Basketball Game – Utah State Official Athletic site". 2009-11-16. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
11.^ Jump up to: a b c 2008 St. Louis Rams Media Guide
12.Jump up ^ - Merlin Olsen - enshrinement speech - 1982 - accessed 2012-03-25
13.Jump up ^ The Sporting News website
14.Jump up ^ Olsen's Entry
15.Jump up ^
16.Jump up ^ "History of #1 analyst demotions". Classic Sports TV and Media. 18 February 2013. Retrieved 13 April 2013.
17.Jump up ^ Desert Sun interview with Olsen discussing his involvement with El Paseo Bank
18.^ Jump up to: a b "Olsen, Hall of Famer and member of 'Fearsome Foursome' dies". Associated Press. 2010-03-11. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
19.Jump up ^ Harrison, Shawn (December 6, 2009). "Field named after Olsen". The Herald Journal. Retrieved December 6, 2009.
20.Jump up ^ California Sports Hall of Fame
21.Jump up ^ Utah State football names field after Merlin Olsen
22.Jump up ^ "Merlin Olsen suing NBC". TV Squad. 2009-12-31. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
23.Jump up ^ Thursby, Keith (2010-03-12). "Merlin Olsen dies at 69; Hall of Fame football star later became actor". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2010-03-12.
24.Jump up ^ Notice of Merle Olsen's death
External links[edit]
Pro Football Hall of Fame page
Pro Football Reference Profile
Merlin Olsen at the Internet Movie Database
Merlin Olsen's football cards
Los Angeles Times Cover Story March 11, 2010
Goldstein, Richard."Merlin Olsen, Football Star, Commentator and Actor, Dies at 69" The New York Times, March 12, 2010

Awards and Achievements


Categories: 1940 births
2010 deaths
Cancer deaths in California
Deaths from mesothelioma
People from Los Angeles County, California
People from Logan, Utah
All-American college football players
American football defensive tackles
Utah State Aggies football players
Los Angeles Rams players
Western Conference Pro Bowl players
National Conference Pro Bowl players
American Latter Day Saints
College Football Hall of Fame inductees
Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees
National Football League announcers
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Merlin Olsen Wikipedia biography

Merlin Olsen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Merlin Olsen
Merlin Olsen.jpg

No. 74

Defensive tackle

Personal information

Date of birth: September 15, 1940
Place of birth: Logan, Utah
Date of death: March 11, 2010 (aged 69)
Place of death: Duarte, California

Career information

College: Utah State
NFL Draft: 1962 / Round: 1 / Pick: 3
Debuted in 1962 for the Los Angeles Rams
Last played in 1976 for the Los Angeles Rams

Career history

Los Angeles Rams (1962–1976)

Career highlights and awards

14× Pro Bowl (1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975)
6× First-team All-Pro selection (1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970)
3× Second-team All-Pro selection (1965, 1973, 1974)
NFL 75th Anniversary All-Time Team
NFL 1970s All-Decade Team
NFL 1960s All-Decade Team
1974 Bert Bell Award
1968 Pro Bowl Co-MVP
1962 NFL Rookie of the Year
1961 Outland Trophy
2× All-American (1960, 1961)
St. Louis Rams #74 Retired

Career NFL statistics

Games 208
Sacks 94
Interceptions 1
Stats at

Pro Football Hall of Fame
College Football Hall of Fame
Merlin Jay Olsen (September 15, 1940 – March 11, 2010)[1] was an American football player in the National Football League, NFL commentator, and actor. He played his entire 15-year career with the Los Angeles Rams and was selected to the Pro Bowl in 14 of those seasons, a current record shared with Bruce Matthews and Tony Gonzalez. He is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the College Football Hall of Fame. As an actor he portrayed the farmer Jonathan Garvey on Little House on the Prairie. After leaving that series, he starred in his own NBC drama, Father Murphy, playing the title role of a foster dad posing as a traveling priest.

Contents  [hide]
1 Early life
2 College 2.1 Awards and honors
4 Post-retirement 4.1 Broadcaster
4.2 Actor
4.3 Pitchman
4.4 Awards
5 Personal life
6 Mesothelioma diagnosis and death
7 See also
8 References
9 External links

Early life[edit]
Born to Lynn Jay and Merle Barrus Olsen in Logan, Utah, the second of nine siblings and the first-born son, Merlin Olsen had three brothers and five sisters: Colleen, Clark, Lorraine, Gwen, Phil, Winona, Ramona, and Orrin.
Olsen attended Utah State University where he became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, and was a three-year letterman in football as a defensive tackle. He graduated from the College of Business and Social Sciences at USU with a bachelor's degree in Finance in 1962 and a master's degree in Economics in 1971.[2] He later received an honorary doctorate degree in business from the Huntsman School.[2] In football, as a senior, he was a consensus All-American selection (making the vast majority of All-America teams) and was the winner of the Outland Trophy. After Olsen's junior year of 1960 he was also named All-American by the Football Writers Association of America and Newspaper Enterprise Association. He was also All-Conference in both 1960 and 1961. Olsen and Utah State were in the 1960 Sun Bowl, losing to New Mexico State, 20–13. Led by Olsen, the Aggie defense held the New Mexico State Aggies to just 44 rushing yards on 32 carries.[3]
The Aggie defense Olsen anchored as a senior gave up an average of 50.8 rushing yards (which led the nation), 88.6 passing yards, and 139.4 total yards which all still stand as school records for defense. The 1961 Aggie defense gave up an average 7.8 points a game, which is second in team history behind Olsen's 1960 team, which allowed 6.5 points per game.[4] Additionally, the Aggie defense held four opponents to less than 100 total yards. One, the University of Idaho, was held to a school-record 23 total yards, with the Aggies winning 69–0.
The Aggies, not known as a national power football program, finished 10th in both the AP and UPI post-season polls, the only time that has occurred in school history. The Aggies had a combined 18–3–1 record during Olsen's junior and senior seasons under coach John Ralston and were conference champions those two seasons as well.[5]
Awards and honors[edit]
Olsen played in the East-West Shrine Game in 1961 and in 2003 was voted to the game's Hall of Fame.[6] He also played in the Hula Bowl after his senior season and was voted MVP of the game.[7]
Olsen is a member of the State of Utah’s Sports Hall of Fame, the Utah State University Sports Hall of Fame and USU’s All-Century Football Team. In 2000, he was selected by Sports Illustrated as one of the State of Utah’s Top 50 Athletes of the Century. He was voted to the All-Academic All-America Hall of Fame in 1988. In 1969, he was voted to the Newspaper Enterprise Association All-Time All-America team with collegiate greats such as Bronco Nagurski, Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, and O. J. Simpson, among others.[8]
In 2008, Olsen was named to the 75th Anniversary All-Sun Bowl Team to commemorate the Sun Bowl Association's Diamond Anniversary.[9]
Utah State University announced the intention to name its football field after Olsen during a ceremony in Logan during halftime of the USU-St. Mary’s basketball game on December 5, 2009.[10] HOF Sculptor Blair Buswell created a bronze sculpture that sits at the entrance to Merlin Olsen Field at Romney Stadium.
Olsen also was a three-time academic All-American at Utah State and graduated summa cum laude in 1962 with a degree in finance.[4]
Coming out of college, Olsen had offers from both Los Angeles of the NFL and the Denver Broncos of the rival American Football League. He chose the security of the NFL and signed with the Rams. Olsen's first contract was for around $50,000 for two years, plus a signing bonus. It was 1962, and the average football player salary at the time was around $12,000 a year. He was the first USU Aggie to be drafted in the 1st round of the NFL draft.[4]
Olsen played professionally (from 1962 to 1976) for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League. A leading defensive star of his era, he missed only two games in his 15-season NFL career. He was named the NFL's Rookie of the Year in 1962 and was First-team All-Pro in 1964, and 1966 through 1970. He was voted Second-team All-Pro in 1965, 1973 and 1974.[11]
Olsen almost ended up on offense, but was later moved to the defensive line after a few experiments in practice. Soon he became part of one of the best front fours in NFL history. Deacon Jones, Rosey Grier, and Lamar Lundy joined Olsen on the defensive line in 1963 that was nicknamed "The Fearsome Foursome".[11] He was named the AP NFL Defensive Player of the Week for week 12 in 1965. Olsen scored his first touchdown in that game.
Throughout the 1960s, this quartet terrorized opposing offenses. Olsen's play helped the Rams to the playoffs in 1967 and 1969. He was voted the club's Outstanding Defensive Lineman from 1967–70 by the Los Angeles Rams Alumni. In week 14, 1967, Olsen and the rest of the Fearsome Foursome were named the AP NFL Defensive Players of the Week for their performance against the Baltimore Colts. In the 1970s, Olsen continued his dominant play at defensive tackle and his eleven sacks in 1972 were second on the team. After week 8 in 1972, Olsen was named the Associated Press NFL Defensive Player of the Week for the third time in his career.[11]
The Rams won the NFC West crown in 1973 through 1976 thanks in part to the play of Olsen. They ranked first in the NFL in run defense in 1973 and 1974 and finished second in sacking opposing passers both years. In 1973 Olsen was voted the NFLPA NFC Defensive Lineman of the Year and the next season, 1974, he was the recipient of Bert Bell Award as the NFL MVP as voted by the Maxwell Club. Olsen accepted the award "on behalf of all who toil in the NFL trenches".
Three of the Olsen brothers, Merlin, Phil, and Orrin, played in the NFL, with Merlin and Phil playing together for the Rams from 1971–74. A nephew, Hans, son of his brother, Clark, also played professional football. In 1975 and 1976, the Rams defense finished second in the NFL against the run while ranking in the top five in sacking opposing quarterbacks and compiling a 22-5-1 record over those two seasons.
Olsen's last game was the NFC Championship game in 1976 at Bloomington, Minnesota. The Vikings took advantage on a freak play early in the game. A blocked field goal returned 90 yards for a touchdown shocked the Rams in the first quarter. The defense was later victimized by a couple of big plays by the Vikings. The Rams came up short, losing 24–13, bringing the storied career of the Rams finest defensive tackle to an end.
Olsen made the Pro Bowl a record 14 times, only missing it in his final year. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1982 in his first year of eligibility; he selected his college position coach Tony Knap as his presenter.[12] In 1999, Olsen was ranked 25th on The Sporting News' list of the 100 Greatest Football Players.[13][14]
Olsen enjoyed continued success after the NFL as a broadcaster, actor and businessman.[15]
Olsen served as a television color commentator, teaming with Dick Enberg on NBC's coverage of the AFC throughout the 1980s. He and Enberg also teamed for the Super Bowl XXIII, Rose Bowl Game broadcast beginning with the 1980 Rose Bowl through the 1988 Rose Bowl. In 1989, Olsen was replaced by[16] Bill Walsh as NBC's lead NFL color commentator. For the 1989 season, Olsen worked with Charlie Jones on NBC's broadcasts. In 1990 and 1991, he moved to CBS Sports doing NFL games with Dick Stockton.
Olsen developed a successful career as an actor. When Little House on the Prairie actor Victor French left to star in his own comedy Carter Country in 1977, Olsen was tapped to play Michael Landon's new sidekick Jonathan Garvey for several years. One memorable quote from his character's son during the series, "My pa doesn't know anything about football!" was when Jonathan was to coach a boys football team. A couple of years later, Landon cast Olsen as the eponymous Father Murphy, which lasted for two seasons.
In the Highway to Heaven episode 2.12 ("The Good Doctor"), the main character Alex tells Mark Gordon (Victor French) that "All I could see was the flowers and the beard. I thought you were Merlin Olsen." This is an inside joke since all three actors, Merlin Olsen, Michael Landon, and Victor French were in the TV series Little House On the Prairie earlier in their careers.
Olsen's last acting work was in the short-lived 1988 TV series Aaron's Way, in which he played the lead role. He was also in the John Wayne movie The Undefeated as Little George along with teammate Roman Gabriel.
Olsen was also the commercial spokesman for FTD Florists for many years. A part-time resident of the Coachella Valley, Olsen was the longtime radio and television spokesman for Palm Desert-based El Paseo Bank.[17]
Olsen also appeared in many Sigma Chi fraternity promotional campaigns; Merlin, along with his brother Phil, was a Life Loyal Sig, Significant Sig (given to members for distinguishing acts outside the fraternity) and a member of the Order of Constantine (given for service to the Fraternity). Olsen donated one of his cleats, which were bronzed, to be used during the annual football rivalry between two Las Vegas high schools, Eldorado High School and Chaparral High School, which both opened in 1973. Each year, Olsen presented the "trophy" in the ceremony at the rivalry game.[citation needed]
Olsen often co-hosted the Children's Miracle Network telethons, a humanitarian organization founded in 1983 by Marie Osmond and John Schneider.
He was named the Walter Camp Man of the Year in 1982 and Athlete of the Century for the state of Utah. During halftime of a basketball game between Utah State, Olsen's alma mater, and Saint Mary's on December 5, 2009, it was announced that the playing surface inside Romney Stadium, home stadium for Utah State's football program, would be named Merlin Olsen Field in Olsen's honor. Because of Olsen's illness, Utah State decided not to wait until the 2010 football season to hold the ceremony; he was able to attend the game, but did not speak.[18] A sculpture of Olsen was unveiled in a plaza south of the stadium during an official dedication ceremony in Fall 2010.[19] Olsen was voted to the California Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2010, along with Bill Walton, Dwight Stones, and Jim Otto, among others.[20]
Personal life[edit]
He married fellow USU student Susan Wakley on March 30, 1962, and they had three children: Kelly, Jill, and Nathan, and four grandchildren. Olsen was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mesothelioma diagnosis and death[edit]
He was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 2009,[21] and underwent three courses of chemotherapy. In December 2009 he filed a lawsuit against NBC Studios, NBC Universal, and 20th Century Fox for allegedly exposing him to the asbestos which he claimed had caused his cancer.[22] Olsen died on March 11, 2010 at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California,[23] at the age of 69.[18][24]
See also[edit]
List of NFL on NBC commentator pairings
1.Jump up ^ Smith, Michael David (11 March 2010). "Reports: Merlin Olsen dies at 69". Pro Football Talk. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
2.^ Jump up to: a b Honorary Degree Recipients
3.Jump up ^ "Merlin Olsen College". Retrieved 12 March 2010.[dead link]
4.^ Jump up to: a b c Utah State University Media Guide
5.Jump up ^ "Utah State Championships". College Football Data Warehouse. Retrieved 2010-03-13.
6.Jump up ^ The East West Shrine Game | Hall of Fame
7.Jump up ^ Hula Bowl | History
8.Jump up ^ NEA All-Time All-America Team – Beckly Post-Herald, August 24, 1969
9.Jump up ^ Utah State's Merlin Olsen Named To 75th Anniversary All-Sun Bowl Team
10.Jump up ^ "Utah State University Will Honor Merlin Olsen on Saturday, Dec. 5 At Aggie Basketball Game – Utah State Official Athletic site". 2009-11-16. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
11.^ Jump up to: a b c 2008 St. Louis Rams Media Guide
12.Jump up ^ - Merlin Olsen - enshrinement speech - 1982 - accessed 2012-03-25
13.Jump up ^ The Sporting News website
14.Jump up ^ Olsen's Entry
15.Jump up ^
16.Jump up ^ "History of #1 analyst demotions". Classic Sports TV and Media. 18 February 2013. Retrieved 13 April 2013.
17.Jump up ^ Desert Sun interview with Olsen discussing his involvement with El Paseo Bank
18.^ Jump up to: a b "Olsen, Hall of Famer and member of 'Fearsome Foursome' dies". Associated Press. 2010-03-11. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
19.Jump up ^ Harrison, Shawn (December 6, 2009). "Field named after Olsen". The Herald Journal. Retrieved December 6, 2009.
20.Jump up ^ California Sports Hall of Fame
21.Jump up ^ Utah State football names field after Merlin Olsen
22.Jump up ^ "Merlin Olsen suing NBC". TV Squad. 2009-12-31. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
23.Jump up ^ Thursby, Keith (2010-03-12). "Merlin Olsen dies at 69; Hall of Fame football star later became actor". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2010-03-12.
24.Jump up ^ Notice of Merle Olsen's death
External links[edit]
Pro Football Hall of Fame page
Pro Football Reference Profile
Merlin Olsen at the Internet Movie Database
Merlin Olsen's football cards
Los Angeles Times Cover Story March 11, 2010
Goldstein, Richard."Merlin Olsen, Football Star, Commentator and Actor, Dies at 69" The New York Times, March 12, 2010

Awards and Achievements


Categories: 1940 births
2010 deaths
Cancer deaths in California
Deaths from mesothelioma
People from Los Angeles County, California
People from Logan, Utah
All-American college football players
American football defensive tackles
Utah State Aggies football players
Los Angeles Rams players
Western Conference Pro Bowl players
National Conference Pro Bowl players
American Latter Day Saints
College Football Hall of Fame inductees
Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees
National Football League announcers
Canadian Football League announcers
College football announcers
Utah State University alumni
American male actors

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