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Were you beaten as a child?
by purrpurr 19 hours ago 37 Replies latest an hour ago   jw experiences

purrpurr 19 hours ago

I've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child. Particularly the beatings I would get with the wooden spoon. Not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could. One time the spoon actually broke!
Now she sees it as she was only smacking me, because she was beaten herself by her father and with a cane, so in her mind that means that she didn't beat me... Because it wasn't the same. Odd reasoning I know. Then of course there's the bible and the GB actively encouraging parents to beat their children using that awful bronze age scripture.
In my adult life now whenever someone physically (surprises) me I jump out of my shoes and scream. I can't help it it's engrained reaction.
Did you get beaten? How do your parents justify themselves now?
 +3 / -0
OneEyedJoe 19 hours ago

My mother used a wooden spoon as well. Never broke it on me, but she did break it on my brother once when he tried to block the hit and the spoon connected with one of his knuckles. Spoon was normally on the butt. Sometimes she'd slap us across the face and leave a hand print.
Father's tool of choice was a 2" wide heavy leather belt. He'd whip us one hit per word while explaining what it was that we'd done wrong.
I'm not sure I hold it against them. They'd been indoctrinated to believe this was the best thing for us, and society at the time was pretty much in agreement. So while it's not something that I think is right to do, I can let it go. I'm hesitant to try to connect it to any lasting effect into adulthood too. Maybe it has had an effect on me, but I suspect that the effect is much smaller than having been raised in a cult overall. That's something I do sort of resent my parents for on some level.
 +2 / -0
Gefangene 19 hours ago

My mom used to beat me. Slapping my face very hard that my ear felt deaf for a couple of hours. When she was angry at me she chased me through the flat and id throw myself on my bed curling myself up and she beat me with fists allover.. even on the head.
When I was a teen I got a glass shelf and I remember asking my mother to be careful not to break it during a rage episode directed at me...
 +1 / -0
OUTLAW 19 hours ago

Were you beaten as a child?
Absolutely..I was told JW children enjoy being disciplined..
Especially for breaking WBT$ Rules..

Gawd help you if you disagreed..

How do your parents justify themselves now?
They were your typical obnoxious,pain in the ass,self righteous JW`s..
According to them,they never did anything wrong.....Ever..

Now they`re Good JW`s who no longer cause problems for anyone..
They`re dead..
 +5 / -0
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut 18 hours ago

I remember from about 4 or 5 years old regularly getting hauled out to the back seat of the car by my father during the meeting and having the living daylights beaten out of me with a belt.This happened to all the kids in the Hall. One Sister used to keep a length of black rubber hose from a washing machine in her purse and whip it out and whack her girls across their bare thighs right in the meeting. I remember how she'd brag that it stung but didn't leave a welt and recommended it to other Moms.

There was a tiny little girl named Tammy who they called the "NO MOMMY" girl. She's shriek in terror all the way up the aisle "NO MOMMY...NO MOMMY....I'LL BE GOOD" I remember purposely not looking at her so she wouldn't be embarrassed. (I'm getting teared up just thinking of all of this)

Later, when I had kids of my own, I said to my parents "What in the world could a 4 or 5 year old kid do during a meeting to warrant being beaten so severely? All I remember is that you thought I wasn't listening or was daydreaming and the terror of the pain and what was about to happen and the shame of being dragged up the aisle with everyone looking at me and then trying to control my whimpering and sniffles on the way back to my seat."
My parents, (who were actually lovely people), looked quite ashamed and said "Well....it's what we were admonished by the Society to do...looking back on it, you kids were really very well behaved and we'd do things a lot differently now, but that's what everyone expected you to do then"
I could see that they were ashamed so I dropped it but I said "A person really has to think for himself in these things....can't imagine beating my kids because someone expected me to."

 +7 / -0
GrreatTeacher 18 hours ago

Yes, I was dragged to the KH basement and spanked.
Due to my sceaming, some of the other children thought there was a monster down there, and, consequently they behaved.
Ucantnome 18 hours ago
I dont remember being beaten he kicked me out the door once for telling the truth
sparky1 18 hours ago

"Were you beaten as a child?"-purrpurr
My mother was a pillar of our Circuit. One of the 'older women' that would always be pointed to as a model Christian and devout Jehovah's Witness. I watched her break a Melamine plate over my oldest sisters head and knock her out cold (She did this 2 times but I only saw it one time). On many occasions she would whip my two older sisters with an electrical extension cord on their bare legs. She was a very overweight woman and used this to her advantage. Once she caught one of my sisters skipping school.  When my sister got home, my mother knocked her to the floor, sat on her chest and then proceed to pound my sisters head into the floor. Once when she was mad at my brother, she knocked him over on his motorcycle. Good thing he wasn't moving! I was lucky enough to have her beat me about the head and shoulders with an old fashioned stacked heeled shoe once on the way to the meeting. I still have a scar behind my ear where she drew blood and never took me to a Doctor. Let me review: My mother hit or beat all of us with wooden spoons, extension cords, broom handles, plates, large carving knives, belts, small pieces of furniture, the metal hose from a vacuum cleaner, shoes, the bristle part of a hairbrush and just about anything that she could pick up and use. My mother sounds just like OUTLAW'S parents. She was a SAINT in her own eyes and her children were evil for 'making up stories about punishment that never happened'.
(If it were possible, OUTLAW, I would give your comment 100,000,000 likes for telling it like it REALLY was for many of us raised by unbalanced religious fanatics)
 +9 / -0
Dagney 18 hours ago

My mother would tell the story of me lining up my dolls to play meeting. She observed me angrily jerking them out of the seat and beating the heck out of them. She was taken aback as that was what I was copying from the meetings. She said it was sobering.
My heart goes out to all of those kids, who now are grown, but still bear the marks.
 +9 / -0
fulano 18 hours ago

We (my brother and I) had it two or three times. I never even thought of touching my child now. It just is not the right thing to do.
 +1 / -0


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Were you beaten as a child?
by purrpurr 19 hours ago 37 Replies latest an hour ago   jw experiences
Wasanelder Once

Wasanelder Once 18 hours ago
I was pretty slow, so yes, jk. My parents were all about the threat. Seldom did we get whacked, a wooden spoon on the knuckles now and then when we sampled freshly baked cookies of course.

 +1 / -0
TheLiberator 18 hours ago

Of course.
Ages 1-4. Hand
Ages 5-6. Tupperware spoon
Ages 6-15. Leather belt, tree branches, forced to stand on knees in the middle of room for hour or more (otherwise you were beaten with leather belt until welts or blood appeared)
Attempted to throw you down a dark basement. Forced to do unusual chores like wax washers, dryers, etc. (otherwise, see above)
Screaming so loud you could hear him almost a block away. Hmm..anything else? Oh, one more thing. Bad= spilling tea on table at dinner.
Oh the joys of theocratic life! I did speak with elders due to beating my toddler sister and screaming at my 8 month old brother in the middle of the night. I was told that I needed to respect my dad.
 +1 / -0
stillin 17 hours ago

You yup. Beaten pretty good. But ai remember what the beatings were for and I deserved it. No problem.
I didn't beat my kids much at all compared to what I got. Kids these days are such pussies. :wink:
 +1 / -3
Seeking agape
Seeking agape 17 hours ago

yes I was beaten as a child, not as severely as most.
What got me was the pressure to beat my son at 9 mos old for making noise during the meeting. It was one of the reasons why I left. People would give me dirty looks for letting him play on the floor quietly during the meeting. I still feel bad for the beatings I doled out in the Kingdom Hall bathroom and at home.
I promised myself and I haven't spanked him since I left the Jw's when he was 6.
 +5 / -0
a watcher
a watcher 17 hours ago

I was beaten black and blue by hand by my emotionally disturbed, alcoholic, violent, abusive masonic father.
Not a JW.

sowhatnow 17 hours ago

good gravy sparky, your mom [right?]  was a child abuser, lol.
I remember so many people who were pretty abusive to their kids.

for me, oh yes. my mom. [almost never my father. but he wasn't a jw. I cant remember my dad ever hitting me].

shed smack us with a bare hand, often wooden spoon, home made wood paddle. slap in the face, cant recall how young i was, but before going to the jw meetings we went to a Lutheran church, one hour services, and all us little ones were in the basement for sunday school. i was only a toddler then, but at age 5 is when she started gong to khall. and along with that, the beatings.lol because Id talk..... ask questions, whatever.

to go to go to k hall, and have to sit with adults and have with nothing to look at for two freaking hours, or more depending on if the meeting went OVERTIME was torture.
remember overtime? when they wouldn't get the watchtower paragraphs done on time? oh they would keep going till it was finished. half hour over sometimes. then long prayers. oh the long prayers. well it seemed long to a kid, lol

then comes along, when i was 8, my little brother was always getting the spoon, he was a challenge for my mom, in HER eyes. because then, we did not have any tablets or pencils to draw during the meeting. she expected a 3 yr old who just ate coco puffs before the Sunday meeting, to sit for two hours. usually hed fall asleep and snore,lol. hed be on the floor squirming he could not sit still. i felt bad for him, she was always dragging him in the basement bathroom and beating him, shed pull his pants down and give him the wooden spoon.and yes he had bruises, she never ever will admit it was child abuse.

these days, the young kids I can recall being at meetings, were in one of two groups, those whose parents were easy going, they'd bring a book bag with crayons coloring books, a blankie, cheerios in a Tupperware container. its like some event going on in the back row.lol.
babies looking all over the place and moms standing in the back with them.
or those whose parents drag them back every meeting to paddle, and tell them they are 'being watched' by jehoohoo, disappointing him, he doesn't like it when you misbehave, bla bla bla. poor kids.

rebel8 17 hours ago

Yes, and she was deliberately brutal, choosing her weapons and targeting her blows to maximize their impact against my medical problems. She did it when she was frustrated with her own life, mad at me for not meeting her narcissistic needs, and for independent thinking. Granted, I was also a PIA kid with an attitude, but 95% of that was due to her being a sick individual in a sick cult.
She does not justify herself at all now. She does not believe it needs justifying. The borg said your kid would not die if you beat her, and I didn't die, so their truth is proven (in her warped mind). Not only was she told I wouldn't die, but she was commanded to beat me.
Yes, the talks from the platform characterized children as bulls that needed to be bridled and beaten into submission--there is no other way to teach children.
Once I tried reading her the scriptures about exasperating your children (can't remember the exact quote right now), and well, you can guess how she reacted.
There was some publication in the 80s that said parents needed to wean themselves off the beatings as a child aged and learned how to control herself. I read that to her as well, but she said I wasn't ready for that. On my high school graduation day, she was embarrassed to have refused to give me a gift or celebrate it, and tried taking that out on me (as she did with any of her personal frustrations). I held her arms back and informed her she would never hit me again. And she didn't.

 +2 / -0
James Mixon
James Mixon 17 hours ago
NO, I wasn't raised a JW. Thank God.
 +3 / -0
jwfacts 16 hours ago

Yes, she broke a few wooden spoons on me, but it is ok because it was done "out of love."
There is an article at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/child-discipline-corporal-punishment.php outlining the Watchtower stance on spanking children.
talesin 16 hours ago

TheLiberator -- I'm so sorry that was your childhoood, and I understand. xo tal


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Topic Summary
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.

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RESPONSIBILITY vs. "moral" Responsibility (What is the distinction and what is the difference?)
by Terry 2 months ago

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Were you beaten as a child?
by purrpurr 19 hours ago 37 Replies latest an hour ago   jw experiences

Bonsai 16 hours ago
Yup. Three parents took their turn finding all kinds of ways to inflict pain on me. But to be fair, I mostly deserved it. My step father knocked me silly and gave me a bloody nose in the KH parking lot. Great way to start a meeting. I remember once my mother spanked my liitle brother's diapered butt in the KH and got shit all over her hand. LOL

 +1 / -0
ShirleyW 16 hours ago

Spanking to the point that leaves welts and scars I don't believe in AT ALL , but I have to say though that it isn't just JWs who believe in spanking, if you watch a certain rerun of The Andy Griffith Show at the end he asks a dad if he wants to go to the shed in the back and teach his son a lesson. Raven Symone on THe VIew is just 30 and she has several times that since her folks or southeners as she is, if she even attempted to do certain things she knew she was "gonna get a whuppin".
I'm over 50 so of course most of the kids back then were spanked but nowadays not too many parents believe in spanking, which just might be the problem with some of the young folks today (yea, I said it) since some parents do the "friend thing" with their kids and/or just give up. I believe in spanking, have no kids, but believe in it. Just my opinion and probably not a popular one here on this forum.
 +2 / -1
Terry 16 hours ago

I was:
1. Slapped in the face
2. Beaten with a belt on my butt and lower back (still have the scars.)
3. Given ice water enemas
4. Spanked with open hand on my butt
5. beaten with a fist
6. screamed at, cursed as well as given the "silent treatment" for over a year.
7. made to wash my mouth out with Lye soap.

8. Given two tablespoons of Cod Liver Oil
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut 16 hours ago

4 minutes ago

Yup. Three parents took their turn finding all kinds of ways to inflict pain on me. But to be fair, I mostly deserved it.
The fact that you think you "mostly deserved it " shows that the damage still lingers.


 +2 / -0
Bonsai 16 hours ago
I also believe kids need a good smack sometimes, but it should be done in when all efforts to reason with the child have failed. Children should always know what they are being punished for and it shouldn't be done while in a heated anger. My mother often gave me three strikes (warnings) and then busted out the wooden paddle. I don't do that with my children, but it was very effective in teaching me that doing stupid stuff would lead to serious consequences.

 +1 / -0
LisaRose 15 hours ago

Children do not need to be spanked to be taught to behave, they just don't, it's not even really that effective. I spanked my kids, although not very much, but if I had it to do over again I wouldn't. Hitting, especially in anger, just shows your child that you can't control your temper and that physical violence is the way to solve things, why would you want to teach them that? It is so much better to model good behavior, be consistent, kind but firm. It may take more time and effort, but it's so much better for the child. There are other forms of discipline, time outs, taking away privileges, extra chores, whatever.
My grandson was a strong and determined child a real handful. I was concerned when my daughter said she was never going to use physical punishment, but she was right, he turned out to be a fine young man.
 +1 / -1
sparky1 15 hours ago

This book should be required reading for all new parents.....religious or otherwise.
 +2 / -0
purrpurr 15 hours ago

Wow this sounds like it's pretty common in the Borg. My mother was still hitting me in my early twenties. By then she had moved on to fists, slaps and big time physiological abuse. When I got a jw boy friend and started courting him I had to tell her that if I married him I'd be moving out. She thought he would move in to her house and that she would control us both(!) Her response was to go crazy hitting and slapping me! I told my boy friend via text and he was mad about it for a while but then he spoke to his parents who told him not to get involved. So he called me up and told me just that!!
Yep my boy friend wasn't going to support me or defend me against my mother! That was the beginning of the end for that relationship, I dumped him soon after.
My mother has now stopped her physical abuse of me but only after I resorted to blackmailing her with the loss of her career if she ever touched me again. It's incredible the lenghts i had to go to to stop it. But throughout my life growing up in the Borg most of the Cong knew exactly what my mother was doing to me but no one ever said or did a thing about it. Not even a sheparding call about screaming and abusive speech etc nothing. I remember once my mother telling the elderettes a "funny" story...
That she had had a plate fall on her foot in the kitchen and it hurt so much that she turned to me and started punching me! Hahahahaha! How funny said my mother, and proceeded to clarify "you know what it's like when you get a sudden pain you just have to hit someone you know?" The elderette just looked at her but said nothing! Nothing!
Later in life when I went to the elders myself about her abuse they would just say "all we can do is encourage you" like throwing the word encourage around was going to help. I felt like saying to them "encourage is a word that implys action!"
Oh the happy spiritual paradise that is the Borg!
neat blue dog
neat blue dog 14 hours ago

Yes, with a belt, a fly swatter and by hand. Once I saw stars. 😜
Lieu 14 hours ago

Yeppers. I'm still alive.
It was a generational thing. JWs had no moratorium on spankings. School teachers could spank you in my day. Principal had a wooden  paddle with holes in it.
Betcha didn't act like a fool in the grocery store, curse at adults, or kill your peers just because.
 +2 / -0


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Topic Summary
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.

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RESPONSIBILITY vs. "moral" Responsibility (What is the distinction and what is the difference?)
by Terry 2 months ago

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Were you beaten as a child?
by purrpurr 20 hours ago 37 Replies latest an hour ago   jw experiences

LV101 13 hours ago

sparky1 - Alice Miller's books are the best. She doesn't sugarcoat the parent's abuse and calls it what it is -- hatred for the child. One of her great books is "Drama of the Gifted Child" -- excellent read.
 +1 / -0
Aprostate Exam
Aprostate Exam 12 hours ago
Ohh yes, I got beaten more times in the Kingdom Hall restroom than at home. My mother did this more in demonstration to show all the brothers that her children were the cause of her disturbance. She pulled me down the isle many times as I screamed my ass off. All brothers would see me being taken to the back and it almost seemed like they had a stupid smile on their face. My mother enjoyed the self pity she brought upon herself after the meetings. I thank my creator if he exists, for my father that never gave himself completely to this cult. It all ended when my mother tried to slap the shit out me on schedule for me flipping pages with my bible. I got up and screamed at her, "This is the last time you do this to me"! I was 15 and big enough to block her hands. The brothers in the hall sided with her as always and she would cry telling the sisters that her children were evil. The brothers blamed the apparent happenings on our unbaptized father "Satan". Now, I admit to loving my dad more. I sat away from her from then forward.
stuckinarut2 12 hours ago

Yes, wooden spoons were commonly used.
Remember, this was SANCTIONED and PROMOTED by the society at the time.
During the Australian Royal Commission, G Jackson was extensively questioned re Corporal punishment, and he was backed into a corner and LIED by saying that "no, we do not condone corporal punishment"
 +1 / -0
joey jojo
joey jojo 11 hours ago

My parents were pretty reasonable with corporal punishment. Definitely got the belt from dad and the feather duster and electrical cord from Mum but only once or twice. Never fists or slapped faces.
My cousins though- a different story. They were JW's (not anymore) and my Aunty would do anything to her daughters. Electric cords across the back of bare legs, purple bruises and broken skin. I saw her break a wooden spoon on my 10 yr old cousins arm and keep hitting her with the handle. Brushes, fists, bamboo canes. My wife got it almost the same from her parents growing up as JW's. Hardly any of the behaviour warranted the ridiculous punishments some kids got.
When I think about the real little bastards, the kids that always misbehaved, even though they got beaten regularly, they still acted out, that's why I doubt corporal punishment really works. Maybe in some cases but not all.
Ahh the 70's, the good old days.
GoneAwol 2 hours ago

Me and my brother got the cricket bat, yes thats correct, the cricket bat. A silver coloured Sondico full size. Anything that riled our step dad, that was it. We used to have bunk beds made of angle iron, he would make us bend over under the top one, then wack! Sore arse and bonse at the same time.
I turned 13, my bro 18 months older. I smashed the kitchen window larking about, and my step dad came running after me with the bat. My bro grabbed it and beat the crap out of him. Never touched us after that
Oh yeah, hes 69 now. And he works for me. Happy days.
 +1 / -0
ttdtt an hour ago
No I never was.
LoveUniHateExams an hour ago

Did you get beaten?
No. I did get smacked a few times.
cofty an hour ago

One day we will all look back and wonder why we ever thought it was acceptable for adults to hit children.
There is no need - ever!
 +1 / -0


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Topic Summary
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.

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Ten years out.....
by snare&racket 2 months ago

RESPONSIBILITY vs. "moral" Responsibility (What is the distinction and what is the difference?)
by Terry 2 months ago

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/ Official Watchtower representative at Government / Religion meeting in Austria
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Official Watchtower representative at Government / Religion meeting in Austria
by Gorbatchov 11 hours ago 7 Replies latest an hour ago   jw friends

Gorbatchov 11 hours ago

Part 3 of maybe not so relevant information, but nice to know and opening my eyes during the past years, were this pictures of an official Watchtower representative attending a meeting between the Austrian government and the country's main religions. I don't know who the representative is, no names, no face, I cut and past it from some website.

 +1 / -0
TheOldHippie 11 hours ago
So what? A Meeting between some government institution and representatives of religious groups, what's the problem? Does that have to be some conspiracy-thing? The government perhaps wants to discuss some planned changes in legislation towards religious groups and wishes the opinion of the named groups. Perhaps they want to know how the climate can be better between them and the groups. Perhaps they want to know whether the groups want to be involved in some charity work towards refugges - who knows? Two pictures, so what?
Listener 8 hours ago
No wonder you can't identify them as they have set themselves associating with Christendom and other false religions.
wannaexit 7 hours ago
They say to stay separate but don't apply it to themselves. Hypocrites!!!

Gorbatchov 6 hours ago

oldhippy hi I wrote in a related toppic that there is nothing wrong with a meeting like this. I think it is just a good thing.
My main point is that the internal perception of jw.org is that it's wrong, and if a JW at a local level does the same he will be ousted.
That's the hypocritical point of the organization I hate so much.
 +3 / -0
Crazy Angel
Crazy Angel 3 hours ago

Hypocrisy on highest level.
Me:I have to confess I ate on a birthday cake but its not my intention.
Eldub:we will investigate.
Me: f*ck.
Room 215
Room 215 3 hours ago
Old Hippie, your constant nay-braying is really beyond tiresome; if you can't see that the WT's atttendance as events such as these is blatant hyprocrisy given all they've said about dalliances with world politics and false religion, you need a new pair of glasses.
 +1 / -0
NVR2L8 an hour ago

I believe it was 1986 when the UN declared the year of peace and the WT called out other religions for attending related events...there were even pictures of this in the WT. Meanwhile they don't have any issues meeting in secret and being associated with the image of the beast.


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Can a small child be taken out of state without the other parents permission?
by Crazyguy a day ago 4 Replies latest an hour ago   jw friends

Crazyguy a day ago
Parents are still together not divorced. One parent a jw wants to take a small child around age 7 out of state for a few months but other parents wants the child to stay home. If the child is taken out of state can the parent that doesn't want him to go do anything? I know if divorced I think the parent that doesn't want the child to go can call police and report child ubducted by other parent but not sure in this situation.
OnTheWayOut a day ago

If the parents are together, they have shared custody similar to divorced parents with that custody stated in writing. So they probably do need the permission of the other parent. But since they are together, most legal jurisdictions would assume that without some order preventing such travel, the consent of the absent parent is implied.
In other words, a parent can probably prevent such travel. But just not stating consent won't be enough. Some legal entity would have to be contacted somehow. It would only be a violation of the law if a parent crosses state lines in violation of a written custody order.
If the parent not wanting to give permission wants to avoid legal fees and court orders, they can mention how they COULD get an injunction and that COULD be the beginning of divorce/separation proceedings and how such travel prior to any proceedings that is not unilaterally agreed upon COULD make a judge think that "we" won't be able to effectively co-parent the child[ren]. And throw in the thought that judges might rule against a JW on such matters.
But seek legal advice. I just think in legal-eeze.
 +1 / -0
the girl next door
the girl next door a day ago

Either parent can take children on any trip they wish without the consent of the other parent as long as the parent intends to return. Parents have the right to know where their children are, however. Law enforcement and the courts consider refusal by one parent to tell the other parent where they are going and when they will come back, and contact information as evidence the parent is attempting to withhold the children from the other parent; that is illegal in most states ( parental withholding)
Even as married parents, one parent can file an "ex parte emergency Motion for Temporary Custody" to prevent the travel plans or have the child returned from out of state. "Ex parte" means you testify to the judge by yourself without waiting for a hearing that the other parent can attend. Tell the clerk and the judge that your motion is “ex parte” because of the emergency of the other parent taking your child. If the judge gives you an order of temporary custody, the police will try to find the other parent and serve him with a copy of the order. The other parent will have to comply or face contempt of court. You will then have to go to another hearing, later on. At the hearing, the court will decide what to do next about custody.

the girl next door
the girl next door a day ago

Sounds like the makings for divorce court.

If a legal separation or dissolution is filed, the courts would automatically prevent out of state travel for the minor without parental consent. Might be the best option if parent left behind is adamant about not losing parenting time.
Or there is always something like this to look into: http://positiveparenting.com/when-spouses-disagree-about-parenting-issues/

My Name is of No Consequence
My Name is of No Consequence an hour ago
Get the right answer. Call an attorney.


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 28 minutes ago   jw experiences

ttdtt 21 hours ago

Lesson 22: One Man, One Woman

FayeDunaway 21 hours ago
Sorry i dont watch witness videos because they make me physically ill, but this doesnt surprise me. Jehovahs witnesses: preaching intolerance from infancy.
 +4 / -0
freemindfade 21 hours ago
That was awful, I hope this one bites them in the ass like the Noah one! Sick!
 +5 / -0
ToesUp 21 hours ago
It will bite them!
JustVisting 21 hours ago
Gotta love the trademark WT seal of approval at the end of these productions.
 +1 / -0
BlackWolf 21 hours ago

Man! My dads probably gonna make us watch this crap at our next family worship, and then my moms going to go on and on about how disgusting gay people are like usual. Little do they know I'm actually bisexual :frowning: This video makes me sad.
Edit: my mom just watched it and she thought it was risque!
 +6 / -0
Village Idiot
Village Idiot 21 hours ago

 +10 / -0
steve2 21 hours ago
Given the sheer number of gay and lesbian individuals "produced" in JW marriages, this is indeed rich in irony. The equivalent of being made to reject the very individuals they have brought into the world.
 +7 / -0
dbq407 20 hours ago

Could be bad PR for them if the right person sees it.
I like how paradise is gonna have a security check point like at the airport now. Good job WT.
 +10 / -0
dubstepped 20 hours ago

Mom: "What can you tell Carrie at school?"
Sophia: "Well, I can tell Carrie about paradise and about how her mommies are going to die right on the cusp of it in a fiery Armageddon. Afterward Carrie and I can help bury their bodies once the birds pick them clean and we can live forever happy, because you know, Carrie won't even miss her mommies."
That's how it should have ended. Disgusting.
 +27 / -1


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 29 minutes ago   jw experiences

ToesUp 20 hours ago
dubstepped said it all. That is HOW it should have been portrayed. The reality!
 +4 / -0
Gefangene 20 hours ago
Dubstepped pls excuse the "dislike" on your posting. I wanted to hit "like" and I accidentally hit dislike by mistake. Great thoughts!
 +3 / -0
scotsman 20 hours ago
Is it saying gay people are like bombs? Or maybe we're just like a large can of shaving gel?
 +1 / -0
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut 20 hours ago

That was awful, I hope this one bites them in the ass like the Noah one! Sick!
What happened in regard to the Noah Video? I hadn't heard anything about that.

I think JW's would probably call this a "Pro Hetro Marriage video" rather than an "Anti-Gay Marriage Video".
I can't help but notice how the messages in these videos are way too obvious "on the nose".  Everything they support is portrayed in a hyper-idealistic way. The homes are as neat as a pin and nicely decorated, the Dad's are always handsome and strapping and the moms are always pretty and feminine and the kids are cute, chipper and easy to reason with.
Did you notice that in the idealistic "paradise scene", the boys jumping into the water were wearing shirts? Wouldn't want to anyone to get the wrong idea by showing boys swimming immodestly without their shirts on. Even the most subtle detail is covered by their calculated message.

 +8 / -0
fulltimestudent 19 hours ago

steve2: Given the sheer number of gay and lesbian individuals "produced" in JW marriages, this is indeed rich in irony.
And, we should not forget that the witnesses say that same sex attracted people can 'change.' But the evidence is that they do not change, they merely live a life of deceit, attempting to be 'straight.' Ask the wives (or, former wives) of so many people who tried to 'change' in the watchtower way. These sad guys do not experience heterosexual sexual attraction. They are the victims of christian fraud (the JWs are not the only christian group who make this claim).
The second false claim in the above video, is that God created humans, "male and female." Simplistic thinkers like the witnesses think that having a penis or vagina, makes you male of female. But the reality is that sex and gender (two different things) is much more complex than that.
All humans born of women (and that includes the historical Jesus) started life in a form that can be described as gender neutral, or even female. Take a look at the following 2 videos to glimpse reality and not the fake social construction foisted on the poor bloody kids in the above JW video.

And, as for women (and the so-called womanly virtues in the fake 'christian' social construction) they too are very different to the image of women in the above video, as the following video will demonstrate.

The reality of human life, contrasted with the fake social construction taught by the witnesses, tells us something else. It tells us why the witnesses discourage tertiary (university) education. Never let the facts spoil a fictional story.
One last thing: There were many males in ancient Israel who were prepared to have sex with other men. Open your bibles children and turn to 1 Kings 14:24:
And there were also sodomites in the land. (KJV):
An interesting story, because a more accurate translation is that they were male temple prostitutes. So now we have a mental picture of many small temples across Israel, and inside you could find a man prepared to have sex with another man. Now prostitutes have customers, so we may imagine a number of visitors each day to each of these temples and inside an (unknown) number of 'male temple prostitutes' all offering an exalted spiritual experience through their sexual skills. Not quite what the WTS teaches about ancient Israel.
Viewed from that perspective, the description of David at 1 Samuel 18:1 take on a special poignancy:
1Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself.
Now jump across to 2 samuel 1: 26:
How I weep for you, my brother Jonathan! Oh, how much I loved you! And your love for me was deep, deeper than the love of women! (NLT)
or this version:
English Standard Version : I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me; your love to me was extraordinary, surpassing the love of women.
Faced with this information, how can anyone argue that the relationship between the younger David and the older Jonathon, did not have a sexual connection?

It may distress some whose minds refuse to accept the evidence to think of David ( a type of Jesus) kissing Jonathon, but however much conservative Christians may try to argue it away, the evidence stares us in the face, since in the ancient world the older usually penetrated the younger, we must imagine Jonathon penetrating David (likely not just once, but a number of times), and providing such a memorable experience that David never forgot how wonderful his love affair with Jonathon was.
Now lets skip through the centuries to the time of King James himself,

King James I

as I'm sure everyone knows, James set up a committee and personally presided at many of its meetings to produce a new translation o the Bible, a translation that had a marked affect on the English language, and is particularly liked by many modern Christians.
I find it also poignant that James (even though married with children) preferred to have sex with men. In a different world arrangement his Royal partner would have been a male.
Here's a quote from a web-site on the British Royal family:
He also sought solace with extravagant and unsavoury male favourites ( http://www.britroyals.com/kings.asp?id=james1 )
I'm not sure about the judgemental statements evident in the word unsavoury. The English nobility could likely be said to have been 'unsavoury.'

 +5 / -0
Captain Schmideo2
Captain Schmideo2 19 hours ago

"And after you tell her about the Paradise, be sure to tell her that if her mommies don't change, they'll die at Armageddon! Share the fear!"
 +7 / -0
Heaven 19 hours ago

Is this JW video available on YouTube? I don't like going to jw dot Borg.
And remember, Paul, Christianity's foundational figure, circumcised his adult male friend Timothy. We all know the ancient Jewish circumcision technique, right...right?

 +1 / -0
respectful_observer 19 hours ago

@1:55 "...people can change!" I'm sure LGBT would all agree with that statement.
And what would she tell her classmate? The paradise, the animals (everyone gets a pet panda), and the resurrection. Hmmmm....nothing about God killing her moms first? I wonder why not?
 +1 / -0
wifibandit 19 hours ago

Wasanelder Once
Wasanelder Once 18 hours ago
Carrie will obviously drop her moms like carry on luggage. So clear and clever. In this case carry on would become carrion. Ba Dum Tish!

 +1 / -0


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 30 minutes ago   jw experiences

Heaven 17 hours ago

Thanks wifibandit.
Jehovah wants everyone to be in paradise?

Uh, no he doesn't. He doesn't want the Catholics, the Jews, the homosexuals, the transgenders, the bisexuals, the transvestites, the hemophiliacs, the apostates, people with turrets syndrome ... you know, anyone who isn't a healthy, young, able-bodied, able-minded heterosexual Jehovah's Witness.

 +15 / -0
jwjono 17 hours ago
I find this rather sad. Homosexuals don't hurt anyone. They are just two people who love each other. They didn't show what happens if the man does take the bag through the check portal. Will he get zapped by lightening? Or will the angels come and take him away?
 +2 / -0
breakfast of champions
breakfast of champions 17 hours ago

Why are they even going here? Gay marriage and parenting is EXTREMELY rare. It is likely your school-age child will NEVER meet a classmate with two moms or dads.
So why do they produce this shit? Why is this issue so fucking important they have to make a cartoon?
Because they don't have an original thought of their own and are following right along with all of the religious Right propaganda bullshit.

What a bunch of assholes.
 +5 / -0
stuckinarut2 17 hours ago

Perhaps this could be forwarded to some relevant anti discrimination organisations?
Is this to combat the influence of shows like "modern family"?
 +8 / -0
Jehalapeno 17 hours ago
This video makes Jehalapeño sad.
 +8 / -0
just fine
just fine 17 hours ago

This kind of crap is just them trying to judge others as less worthy of God. I have met some really wonderful people who happen to be gay. I was just visiting with a lesbian couple I know tonight and one of them has Mormon family that are giving her a really hard time right now. Why can't they just love other people the way they are. It's so sad.
 +6 / -0
kairos 16 hours ago

What they don't show is the practice session to follow:
Tactics to fool the young school girl into having a secret bible study, joining the cult so she can shun the two women that raised her.
Real nice...
 +12 / -0
konceptual99 16 hours ago

The great thing about this video is that it shows that anyone who is doing anything that the Bible condemns can't get through the big A. It is a clear example of the reality of Armageddon as requiring the destruction of billions and the truth about what Witness doctrine really teaches despite the protestations that it's all up to God to judge and won't kill anyone deserving of life.
So the next time a Witness throws that wishy washy line at you just use their own kids video against them and ask them what it's really saying about who can get on the narrow road to life found by few as compared to the broad and spacious road full of billions of people trudging off to destruction
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Billy the Ex-Bethelite 15 hours ago

It would seem from this video that the only reason JWs get married is because it makes Hojovah happy. Mom made no statements about how much she enjoyed being married to her husband and how wonderful the "one man and one woman" marriage and "biblical" family arrangement was.
Nope. No personal testimony from Sophia's mom about the wonderfulness of heterosexuality. Rather, she made it sound like homosexuality was something that everyone had to give up in order to please god. You know, like birthday parties and Christmas presents and Halloween costumes and Easter candy and after-school sports and music and a university education and a hundred other fun and potentially beneficial activities.
So, it's not that people really want to be straight. It's just that they have to give up being gay or being "two moms" in order to please Hojovah.
I suspect that the parents of Caleb and Sophia may have a sham marriage.

 +12 / -0
kairos 14 hours ago
I still can't get over the fact they promote a web site and watch cartoons in the KH...
 +8 / -0


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 31 minutes ago   jw experiences

wizzstick 13 hours ago

This way well go viral.
I truly hope so.

 +4 / -0
atomant 13 hours ago
Just imagine being married to the same partner for eternity. Just imagine.

 +2 / -0
stuckinarut2 12 hours ago

I wonder if witnesses will use THIS video out in service?
Hmmm....guess not!
Its a typical "in house" video!
 +3 / -0
poopsiecakes 11 hours ago

I saw this video today. Made me feel horrible that I actually thought this way in my life. :frowning:
 +5 / -0
punkofnice 10 hours ago
This video needs getting out there and exposing. The media needs to see this. Gay rights organisations need to see this too.............not sure who or how, but..hey...
 +3 / -0
sir82 10 hours ago

"people can change"
As if it were as simple as dropping a suitcase, or changing from purple socks to black ones.

The WTS has just reinforced their policy of driving gay JW kids (and adults, for that matter) to suicide because they can't just "change". And if they can't "change", well then they aren't "Jehovah's friend".
"Better to off myself on my own terms than wait for Jehovah to do it with a flaming hailstone at Armageddon."

WTS, you have blood on your hands....yet again.

 +5 / -0
Defianttruth 9 hours ago

Poor Children. Both of the children in the video have it tough. The girl with the two mom's has to live with being the "not normal" child, and the other child has to deal with being raised a Jehovah's Witness. Essentially, WTBS is encouraging a little girl to go to school and disrespect the beliefs of others constitutionally given rights. Can you imagine the damage that could be done to this sweet child with two momma's. Hey your mommas are going to roast like bbq on armageddon.
 +1 / -0
jookbeard 9 hours ago
pretty sick vile stuff even by their standards ,force-feeding hate and homophobia to very young children. Their simplistic dumb answers to this issue leave me speechless, their stupidity seems to grow even deeper. I really do struggle to watch this utter evil persona of Caleb and Sophia's mother, this is the second vid I've watched after the Sparlock Wizard one, she comes across as deeply mentally disturbed , borderline or on the way to a full psychopath, with a narcissistic streak, probably asexual, and a victim of abuse herself, a dictator, even possibly bipolar,someone who would be classed as "wearing the trousers" in the household but strangely diametrically opposed to the meek,submissive,quiet archetypical jw housewife, a truly vile character.
 +2 / -0
steve2 8 hours ago

Even from a heterosexual perspective,Biblical marriage is depicted as between a man and a women, with citations from Genesis. Really? So thousands of men having more than one wife are wiped from the record in order to portray the idyllic one mother and one father and children.
Given the topic, I think the video played it very safe: Not one pejorative comment was made about "the two moms" beyond "people have their own ideas". It will be hard to classify any of it as hate speech.
 +2 / -0
sir82 8 hours ago

I think the video played it very safe: Not one pejorative comment was made about "the two moms" beyond "people have their own ideas". It will be hard to classify any of it as hate speech.
WTS lawyers were undoubtedly ALL OVER this, reviewing every syllable with excruciating detail.
The WTS is reprehensibly homophobic, but they retain their cleverness quotient.

 +2 / -0


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 32 minutes ago   jw experiences

tiki 8 hours ago
Well....I got as far as eve popping the flower behind her ear.....corny, lame....pathetic....and a total lack of anything meaningful....sick stuff to be brainwashing innocent kids with....they'll blindly accept it because its all they know or are subjected to....dystopia.
Darkknight757 7 hours ago
Hopefully some of the smarter parents will preview this video before showing it to their kids. Teaching them to hate others at such an early ago is beyond disgusting.
 +2 / -0
ttdtt 6 hours ago

I guess when guys in ancient israel had Harems (i.e. David - Soloman..) the few hundred wives and concubines never ever had sex with each other?  They just took a turn every few years or so with their king.
And I'm sure the godly man David was never banging 2, 3, 4 or more of his wives and sex slaves (concubines) at the same time.
And I'm sure that never happened in the majority of polygamous marriages, especially since they all lived in big homes with separate rooms the other wives could go to when it wasn't their turn.
And didnt one of the old story books talk about the Male Temple prostitutes? I don't think they were there for the pleasure of women:smile:
 +4 / -0
stuckinarut2 6 hours ago

Good point ttdtt!
so many of the "examples" in the bible DID NOT live a "moral" life! They would be disfellowshipped nowadays.
And yet, they are held us as models to imitate.....
 +1 / -0
bohm 6 hours ago

I have long been trying to form an opinion on The Gay marrying. After seeing this totally-for-humans-with-a-brain video I finally realize gay marriage is like bringing a can of soda into the airport.
The Gays are literally trying to bring a too large bottle of shampoo into paradise. I for one appreciate Jehovah magnificent body scanner and strong hands and fingers that will grope and prod me to ensure I do not blow up the new system with any Gay.
Thank you, Jehovah, and the seven fuckwits. I hope future videos will explain to me how I brush my teeth.

 +4 / -0
punkofnice 5 hours ago

For what it's worth, I sent the link, via email to Stonewall and the Gay Times. Let's see if anything comes back.

Anyone else reported this anywhere?
Is it worth it?
 +5 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 5 hours ago

It is a JW belief and, in this case, it's put in simple terms for a child to understand.
At the beginning of the video the mother mentioned that people have different ideas on what's right and wrong, then proceeded to explain very tactfully the JW belief.
JWs don't hate on others, but definitely the homosexual lifestyle is not at this time part of the culture; and the same way perhaps gun nuts or a radical right wingers or a racists indoctrinate their offspring, JWs do the very same on their ways.
Actually, for JW children, this needs to be emphasized more and more these days where the homosexual lifestyle has become the norm in so many places, so much so that the Law of the land is ruling in favor.
I feel so sorry for people whom I'm sure are born this way, but it's a JW belief and they must teach it to their young.
It is what it is.
 +0 / -6
Darkknight757 5 hours ago
I get what your saying DY but now instead of JW kids showing their classmates that Santa also spells Satan, they will show their classmates that it's wrong to have 2 moms or 2 dads. As if those poor kids don't have it bad enough...
StephaneLaliberte 5 hours ago

Raised as a JW, I was homophobic myself. Until I became friends with one in High School. I realized that he was just like everyone else, except that he liked boys; and to my surprise, I wasn't his type! Then one of my cousin came out of the closet. I had no issues with that either. Then she got married and adopted kids. Whoa… I felt it was wrong; just plain wrong! That is, until my wife pointed out that she was able to adopt kids simply because heterosexual parents could not, or would not, give the love these kids deserved. The years have since passed and I can tell you that these kids are just like any other kids. The only significant suffering they would encounter would not be from their loving mothers, it would be from kids at school telling them that their mothers are evil individuals deserving of God’s wrath as they are, according to the Apostle Paul, an abomination.
 +5 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 5 hours ago

I know, and trust that these JW kids will only speak up when questioned and not make it a campaign. Tough and sad all at the same time.
Things like this is what's making me understand why more and more JW parents decide to do homeschooling rather than mix up with the non-believers.
There is now JW oriented homeschooling online and it's very well structured, at least here in the States. I checked it out, and was so glad to know that it meets the USA standards for public school education; actually know a couple of kids that are now taking college courses towards a 2-year degree. In this model, the kids do not waste so much time as regular kids in public/private school do when the different holidays roll around, so it's possible to graduate much earlier than a regular high school; also, there's a lot of time wasting with vague subjects that are not needed to meet the Law requirements in public high school, plus, this homeschooling method I checked emphasizes the S.T.E.M. model. parents team up and create an actual classroom while obtaining the info online; sports, laboratory, music, etc., are covered up in association with some local school or library. It's fantastic!!!
I can honestly say that if all our kids would've had this neat tool while growing up, sure we would've used it rather than put them through the grief of not being accepted and being so different from all the non-JW school kids; much grief was endured, and so many absences to avoid the holiday celebrations at school because the JW way is such a different way of life.
It is what it is.
 +0 / -2


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 32 minutes ago   jw experiences

StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago

Doubtfully Yours: Young kids see things as black and white. They decided to cover just one aspect of their teachings on sexual conduct and focused on homosexuals. A mature JW would understand that homosexuals are just as wrong as any fornicators. This also includes heterosexual parents who are not married. However, looking at this video, how likely is the kid to ask his school mates: “Hey, are your parents married? No? Then, they won’t make it through the metal detector!” It is obvious that this video will generate discrimination based on sexual orientation rather than spiritual beliefs.
 +4 / -0
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago

Doubtfully Yours: Concerning home-school, I could not disagree more. I was raised a JW and attended school. One of the reasons I have a strong character today is precisely due to the fact that I learned to challenge the group’s thinking while standing up for my beliefs. It also allowed me to compare myself against the bests in various areas such as sport, mathematics, history, etc. and to push myself to excellence.
I have personally seen others be home-school and noticed that they were either behind expected results socially, emotionally or academically speaking. If they don’t learn how to deal with the world outside as kids, how will they face the world as adults?
 +5 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

I believe the video was done tactfully and in good taste.
It's a very tough subject to cover with children in this "everything goes/everything is correct as long as you're not hurting anyone" world we live in.
The video does not incite hate/violence, just exposes how the JW God sees this lifestyle.
 +0 / -6
Lisbet  4 hours ago
I loved how they used Adam and Eve as an example. After all, that marriage worked out so well for humanity.
 +12 / -0
Amelia Ashton
Amelia Ashton 4 hours ago

The video is here
I have been contacted by The Mirror and so have several other ex jws about this video.
 +7 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

Yes, SL, I agree that there's a socialization disadvantage for homeschooled children. However, this type of online/real-life classroom style model of homeschooling does meet the education requirements for Public School here in the States.
Socialization, well, that's definitely an issue.
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago
Doubtfully Yours: If they had to cover homosexuality, why didn't they cover single mothers who have kids outside of marriage? Sophia: "My friend only has ONE mother - NO father..." I don't question their right to have their own ideas on morality. What I have a problem with is that they focused an entire video on homosexuals alone.
 +4 / -0
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago

.... does meet the education requirements for Public School
Its not because its legal that I should agree with it :smile: By the way, I was bullied in school for two years. Largely because I was a JW: It was the worst period of my life. However, I lived through it and passed it. In the end, I believe I am much stronger today because of that experience. I can now both sympathise with victims and fearlessly face adversity.
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

Called a JW mom that has her kids in this homeschool program and she answered that the kids interacted with non-JW kids when they covered gym/sports, lab, library work with the help with a local public school and library; that these programs are created for homeschooled kids and that it works very well for either religious schools as well.
So, the JW kids do interact with non-JW kids weekly, however, it's done in a 'supervised' manner.
Here's the thing: These devout JW parents want their kids to grow up JW and remain JW throughout their lives. They sincerely believe is the best way for their children to live their lives.
 +0 / -2
Amelia Ashton
Amelia Ashton 4 hours ago

Can it really have had this many shares?
 +3 / -0


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 33 minutes ago   jw experiences
Doubtfully Yours

Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

One subject at a time.
The fornication/pregnancy out of wedlock along with other 'JW-God does not approve' subjects are pretty well covered at the KH.
 +0 / -2
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago

Doubtfully Yours: Objectively speaking, you are right in saying that home-school is not a bad thing. Statistically speaking, at least, in Quebec (Canada), they even get slightly better results than the public school system.
My fear in regards to JWs is that some parents want to shield their kids completely from the world until they end up learning about these things on their own. Than, things can get out of hands.

 +1 / -0
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago
Then why not cover the fornication/pregnancy in the video and the gays and lesbians at the hall? Keep in mind here that I have seen plenty of kids not listen to the program at all. Rather, they would listen to videos of sophia and caleb on their tablet.
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

Actually, around here is becoming somewhat frowned upon to send JW kids to regular school; it's being viewed as putting their kids in danger, so somewhat like the parents not doing the 'spiritual' thing for their kids' interest.
So, when kids act up in school I've heard other parents comment that it wouldn't have happened if the child was in the homeschool set up.
So glad all the children in our immediate families are all grown up.
StephaneLaliberte 4 hours ago

Actually, around here is becoming somewhat frowned upon to send JW kids to regular school;
Wow! I haven't seen this around my place... the home-schooled were rather the exception.
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 4 hours ago

I'm sure they'll sun this video at the KH sometime soon.
Sorry. The JW world is what it is. Rejoice though for it may evolve at some future time the way it has with other doctrines.
Amelia Ashton
Amelia Ashton 4 hours ago

Pink News have it too
 +1 / -0
littlerockguy 4 hours ago

Here's the thing: These devout JW parents want their kids to grow up JW and remain JW throughout their lives. They sincerely believe is the best way for their children to live their lives.
If these JW parents are as "devout" as they say, they wouldn't even have children to begin with "deep into the conclusion of the system of things" when "armageddon could come at any time".
Giordano 3 hours ago

The video does not incite hate/violence, just exposes how the JW God sees this lifestyle.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the JW God create the circumstances that lead to the type of gene's that incline a person to be Gay? Is this not a natural event? Did these babies ask to be gay?
What the JW's teach and demand along with other high control nut case religions is that a Gay person can not act on their sexual preference even if they join another person in a legal marriage.
The Mormon's are facing a huge problem because of their policy to not recognize that being Gay is as natural as being straight.
Instead you have this:
While there are conflicting reports regarding numerous suicides involving LGBT Mormon youth, there's no question that there's been an increase of suicidal teens and twenty-somethings following the Church's new anti gay policy.
Instituted in November, the new rules label any Mormon in a same-sex marriage as an "apostate," which could include excommunication from the church, and bars children of all same-sex couples from being baptized. Reaction to the new rules was swift, with thousands severing ties from the Church of Latter-Day Saints in response.

 +2 / -0
Cadellin 3 hours ago
I wouldn't describe this as inciting hate; I do agree with the poster that speculated that the WT lawyers vetted it very carefully. BUT it is disturbing in that it promotes the old fallacy that you can pray the gay away. "People can change!" Yikes.
 +2 / -0


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 35 minutes ago   jw experiences

someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX 3 hours ago

I bet they will play this in the KH soon. I forsee some of the bro's squirming in their seats. I suspect one of being gay, so I will keep an eye on him. Ex-bethelite sort, came home for "undisclosed" reasons...
Also, the ending is horrible...nothing is mentioned about the actual Bible. It's paradise, animals (gag), ect. What a load of crock to be teaching little kids so young and innocent :frowning:
LoveUniHateExams 3 hours ago

New ANTI-GAY video for Kids
It's not that bad.
Figure it this way: when gay/bisexual JWs get older, there are plenty of gay videos/DVDs that they can watch, or look at via the internet.
Interwebs 1, Watchtower nil ...
littlerockguy 3 hours ago

"I wouldn't describe this as inciting hate"
It is inciting self-hate for the gay person watching the video. Anybody who identifies as gay in the organization and views this video just has their self hated reinforced, so it incites hate in that way.
 +5 / -0
Xanthippe 3 hours ago

When the mother gives the reasons it has to be one man and one woman, it seems to be all about getting in to the paradise. So you have to be straight because Jehovah says so or he'll kill you. Is that what they've come down to, not even trying to think of a reason? What a tyrant they worship and profess to love.
Poor little girl being expected to tell her school friend that she shouldn't have gay parents, no pressure then. Poor JW kids. It was bad enough being a little girl being made to sit outside school assembly or refuse to make Xmas cards. Now these kids are being encouraged to take part in what could in the UK be interpreted as a hate incident.
 +4 / -0
dubstepped 3 hours ago

Hate doesn't have to be an act of aggression. It doesn't often start out that way. Hate can be looking down on someone else as different.  In fact, once you start labeling people as different and separating them out, they start to become less human and hate can fester later. As I pointed out earlier in what was really being said, that's a hateful message that will be put together bit by bit as those kids grow up.
And from my experience, JW homeschooling is an absolute joke. I watched my sister go through a program that was so simple in high school that I thought it was for grades K-5. How can uneducated people educate their children? Go somewhere like on JWtalk and peruse their forum on the subject. Those idiots can barely string together a coherent sentence and they're now teaching their kids. They use field service and theocratic activities as schooling. It is ridiculous. My own wife never graduated because her parents home schooled her and then discouraged her from spending time on it. The JW view of education is deplorable, and hiding their kids in a box only sets them up for failure.
 +9 / -0
ttdtt 3 hours ago

"I wouldn't describe this as inciting hate"
So I guess you have to view it as if you are a Same Sex couple. How do you think it would make you feel?
Feel like God just loves the crap out of you? And that JW are so loving?

I don't think so.
 +1 / -0
BeautifulMind 2 hours ago
Ugh...they are getting more and more ridiculous with these kids videos. Let ppl live their lives! I knew a few gay/lesbian kids in my home cong when coming up. They really struggled to conform to the jw way and eventually left the jws and good for them. No one should have to change their life for gb/j-god. You don't have to agree with ppls choices, but it would be nice to respect them. I have a lot of gay/lesbian relatives as well and I'm sure they would find this offensive on so many levels. They are so out of touch with reality it's sad. And I didn't even touch on the manipulation of Sophia going on in this video 😡
 +1 / -0
sir82 2 hours ago

In the south of the USA, JWs practiced official racial segregation in their congregations until the 1970's in some places.

The JWs are ending up on the wrong side of history yet again. They will change only when societal pressure forces them to, again.
Look for brilliant flashes of "new light" coming "very soon now".

NeverKnew an hour ago

Here's another piece that I haven't seen talked about yet...
So this pre-pubescent kid goes back to school and advises the other kid (who is grateful to be adopted and loved) that God hates her family. Non-JW kid tells her friends and teacher. The classmates tell their parents and the teacher tells the administrators. Parents who understand and teach tolerance without judgement tell their kids to avoid the crazy JW kid who says everyone but JWs will be dead after Armageddon. JW kid gets thrown under the proverbial bus by peers, teachers and administrators.
JW kid now has no friends or sincere support from the school because of the ruckus caused and so mom and dad point at others and teach the JW kid that they're experiencing classic JW persecution. The behaviors of appalled non-JWs are then inaccurately perceived by the JW child for years afterwards.
This video can only serve to ruin potential friendships for JW kids who are already set apart.
To me, that is the sickest component of all.

 +1 / -0
cofty an hour ago
I watched the video. I didn't see any hate. What did I miss?
 +2 / -2


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New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt 21 hours ago 87 Replies latest 36 minutes ago   jw experiences

Xanthippe an hour ago
Cofty you missed that gay 'people can change'. They have to leave their gayness behind because God won't let them into paradise because he made normal people straight, one man, one woman. It's implicit because the whole discussion begins with a picture of a gay couple and everything that follows relates to that.
cofty an hour ago

I think the WT have acknowledged that being gay isn't entirely a matter of choice have they not?
They demand that a gay person stops having a gay sexual relationship. That is unreasonable and narrow-minded but I don't think it amounts to hatred of gay people.
It doesn't help to overstate our objections.
 +1 / -1
betterdaze an hour ago

I didn't see any hate. What did I miss?
The (implied) gay man who can’t get through Jehovah’s security gate is equated with being a terrorist. It’s as if he has a weapon of mass destruction in his carry-on bag.
Later, he reads the Bible, throws down his homosexual terrorist carry-on bag, and leaps through the security gate into Paradise. Beyond the gate two little boys are swimming.
Don’t you see? If gay people would just read the Bible, Witness children would finally be safe.

There’s a another disturbing aspect to this. Caleb has no face.
Sophia is so focused on herself and her model-perfect Witnoid parents that she left out a MALE.
What happens when little girls consider their personal happiness? What happens when we leave out the males?
A female-only world with bad gay mommies, that’s what!
So, little girls, focus on the MALES, obey the men in Jehovah’s Manly arrangement. He knows what's best for us.

What a mess.

Xanthippe an hour ago

They demand that a gay person stops having a gay sexual relationship. That is unreasonable and narrow-minded but I don't think it amounts to hatred of gay people.
When the Brahma Kumaris cult wants to prevent married people having sex you think that's despicable, Cofty. Trying to prevent gay people having sex is just unreasonable and narrow minded is it, but not hateful? I am very surprised at this reaction.

Jehalapeno an hour ago
Cofty: it's carefully crafted so that people will go: "welllll, that wasn't really hateful." However, material like this feeds hatemongers. When I was in the org, I would have seen this and said, "hahahha! I bet the stupid f-gs are gonna be pissed now!" Videos like this justify hatred and bigotry.
 +1 / -1
Cadellin 44 minutes ago

Little Rock Guy: By that standard, virtually anything that makes me feel bad about myself could be classified as inciting hate. I don't think it helps anyone's case to set the bar that low--and I'm NOT trivializing true hate speech or promoting homophobia by saying that. On the contrary. I do think, however, that we need to move past simplistic definitions of what constitutes hate speech.
ttdtt: How do you know I'm not? Something does not have to be necessarily classified as inciting hate to be disturbing, narrow-minded and simply erroneous, as that new JW video is.
 +1 / -0
sparky1 39 minutes ago

Now that Sophia has been carefully indoctrinated about Jehovah's views on homosexuality, it is now time for her to learn about Jehovah's views on incest!
cofty 36 minutes ago

Don’t you see? If gay people would just read the Bible, Witness children would finally be safe. - betterdaze
I don't see that at all. There is no implied link between homosxuality and child abuse in the video. I have no idea what you mean by the "Caleb has no face" stuff. That just sounds bizarre.
Trying to prevent gay people having sex is just unreasonable and narrow minded is it, but not hateful? - Xant
Yes that is my point. They are intransigent in condemning homosexual conduct but I don't see how the video is hate speech against gay people. I have heard anti-gay hate-speech from the convention platform in the past.
The video is horrible and harmful for lots of reasons but I think it is a mistake to characterise it as hate speech.
When I was in the org, I would have seen this and said, "hahahha! I bet the stupid f-gs are gonna be pissed now!" - Jehal
I wouldn't have. Even as a JW twenty+ years ago I accepted that being gay was not entirely a matter of choice and I never hated gay people.


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