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Watchtower News Bulletin: BBC reports Watchtower illegally purging child abuse evidence

Posted on March 9, 2016

bbc2015 saw one of the most memorable and revealing moments in recent Watchtower history when The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse held live hearings into Case Study 29.
The subjects of the case study were the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and their parent organisation, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
What was uncovered shocked even the legal experts. Over a thousand unreported child molesters in Australia alone since the 1950’s. Practices of forcing an abuse survivor to confront their abuser. Institutional dismissal of any abuse claim, no matter how credible, unless there had been two witnesses to the act.
And not to forget: The systematic destruction by Elders of documents relevant to the accusations of abuse, including notes taken during their judicial investigations and judicial committees, and related congregation records, all under the direct orders of Watchtower.
This process rendered such information useless to any law enforcement investigation that may follow, and made headlines around the world due to its obviously negative implications for Watchtower’s handling of child abuse.
Has Watchtower learned lessons from the painful and damaging revelations made at the Royal Commission?
It would appear not.
In fact, in the area of records retention, they may have just committed a terrible legal error that may result in criminal charges being brought in the UK.
BBC: Watchtower in UK illegally destroying records
Dame Lowell Goddard DNZM
Dame Lowell Goddard DNZM

Following in the steps of Australia, the UK is launching its own far reaching enquiry in to child sexual abuse. Known as the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (more commently referred to as the Goddard Enquiry, after Hon. Dame Lowell Goddard DNZM who is charge of the process), one of the first tasks the Enquiry undertook when set up in 2015 was to send a letter to all organisations that it intended to investigate, ordering them not to destroy any records.

Watchtower was among the organisations on that list.
However, just a few months later, Watchtower sent a letter to all its UK congregations ordering them to do exactly what Hon. Dame Lowell Goddard DNZM had instructed them not to do:
Destroy records.
This letter soon leaked online, coming to the attention of human rights activists who then brought the matter to the attention of the media. Concern quickly grew over this apparent attempt to destroy the evidence before the Goddard Enquiry could see it, so much so that the much respected UK Broadcasting organisation BBC 4 covered the story in its flagship Sunday program.
The report is available to listen to here, but here are two points of note taken from the report:
◾Watchtower has often cited the Data Protection Act as the reason for this destruction, yet a legal expert interviewed for the program states that such a destruction process is demanded nowhere in the act. Indeed, the act is intended to protect such data, not force its destruction. When Watchtower cites the act as an excuse for such a policy, they are therefore presumably either mistaken, or are attempting to mislead.
◾For Watchtower to order its congregations to destroy such data, after a legal body such as the Goddard Enquiry has explicitly ordered them not to, could result in criminal charges.

What you can do to help
22167241-WE-NEED-YOU-Rubber-Stamp-over-a-white-background--Stock-Photo-needThe Goddard Enquiry has only just began, and already Watchtower has fallen upon the wrong side of it, demonstrating that the Governing Body and senior leadership of the organisation appear to have learned nothing from the debacle of their appearance before the Australian Royal Commission into Childhood Sexual Abuse.
Indeed, it is hard to think that Justice Lowell Goddard and her team will not have paid attention to the work of the Australian Commission and be well aware of Watchtower’s failings. If the Governing Body were hoping to use the UK enquiry as a chance to put things right, they are certainly off to a less than successful start.
But this is where you come in.
If you live in the United Kingdom, you have a chance to help the enquiry, to help the abuse survivors desperate for justice, and also to help the unaware local elders whom Watchtower has just thrown into the firing line by giving them illegal instructions.
Human Rights and Cult Awareness Activist Louise Goode is running a campaign. The objective of the campaign is to notify local UK members of parliament of Watchtower’s illegal activity in this matter and, crucially, to notify the local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses that they have just been given illegal instructions that have criminal sanctions if followed.
Please see the video below for information as to how to get involved. (Note that it is possible to become involved without disclosing your identity to Jehovah’s Witnesses, though you must be prepared to disclose your identity to your local MP)

Not only will this campaign further bring to light The Governing Body’s immoral and illegal response to the Goddard Enquiry, and possibly preserve data vital to the enquiry that might otherwise be lost….
…it will also help the local UK Elders.
Most Elders know nothing of the Goddard Enquiry or the instructions given to Watchtower, forbidden as they are from viewing news reports “hostile” to the organisation. They only know they have orders from Watchtower, and have no idea these orders are illegal.
They have no idea that they might be facing criminal charges.
If you are an active Jehovah’s Witnesses, and are reading this, please seriously consider making your body of elders aware of the Goddard Enquiry’s orders. At least then they will be able to make a fully informed decision as to whether they will comply with Watchtower’s illegal and arguably immoral order, or whether they will make a conscience based stand, and refuse.
Far more importantly, you will be helping the brave abuse survivors obtain justice, and will be helping to increase pressure upon the Governing Body stop placing the reputation of their organisation above the safety of the children inside it.

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← Watchtower News Bulletin: Delaware sex abuse ruling highlights Watchtower confusion.
Watchtower News Bulletin: BBC Radio Oxford interview with author and former Witness Helen J Brown →

27 Responses to Watchtower News Bulletin: BBC reports Watchtower illegally purging child abuse evidence

 Tara says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:12 pm

Yes, yes, and three times for emphasis YES!

 Erik says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:17 pm

Can you ask those on Facebook with UK fb friends to share this? Trying to think of other ways to get the word out…

 Tara says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:24 pm

I have been passing the video of the child abuse on to UK fb friends when they make comments about the JW’s leaving the Memorial invite. I use their private message so I cannot be id’d by anyone who is a witness. So far the response is positive and they are shocked that it is going on. Now I can also pass this BBC report on. A rolling stone gathers no moss as they say.

 Chiafade says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:25 pm

Fantastic news. The organization views itself as being above scrutiny and above the law. We may get treated to another spectacle akin to the ARC yet.

 JBob says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:37 pm

No one should need to “get the word out”. The disgust I heard from many JW’s regarding the greed and corruption at “big business” being caught creating deceitful books, destroying evidence to obstruct justice by the law, etc should be echoing throughout Kingdom Halls at the slightest hint of impropriety and “cover up”.
But, because JW’s follow orders and don’t think, they need a shock to be made aware of the harm they’re causing if they follow orders. If a JW had extra-marital sex and destroyed love notes or evidence, they know it’s wrong and deceitful but flip this script and fill in elders and it’s carte blanche.
It was so much easier being young and naive–everything was “black and white”–right or wrong. Yet now doing the “right thing” often is the “illegal thing” and doing the “legal thing” is “not the right thing”. Following religious laws–church laws–can lead to direct conflict with government laws, including privacy rights.
Once more, I will underscore it, it is not enough to trust that “biblical principles” and “golden rules” will get one through the jungle of proper conduct. One ‘bad apple’ (or more) –an elder with a pedophile habit or his buddies seeking to “protect” and “shield him” (doing the right thing instead of the legal and biblical thing)–has brought this adversity upon their heads. It is also not enough to trust that sundry branch correspondents will align their advice to sound legal, moral and scriptural advice. A written and trained “code of action and conduct”–a check and a balance, if you please.

 Tracy says:

 March 9, 2016 at 5:51 pm

I wonder if Canada will finally join in with an inquiry of its own….is anyone looking into that here yet?

 Tara says:

 March 9, 2016 at 6:07 pm

I’m in Canada Tracy. I hope so.

 Pete says:

 March 9, 2016 at 7:21 pm

I hope so too! –
bc Canada


 Tara says:

 March 9, 2016 at 10:02 pm

Me too :)

 ruthlee says:

 March 10, 2016 at 2:13 am

JBob so true your last paragraph I do not want to go into details here but my awakening fully came when I saw with my own eyes the abuse of disabled children in my kh and the closing of ranks by the big boys. When this axe falls we will have no pity because they showed no mercy. God whoever he is cannot be mocked he will have justice served and exposure of wicked false Christians in any organisation they choose to hide amongst. That is how he is not partial there will be no protection no matter how loud they shout they have the “truth”. God will have his name cleared and for those who don’t believe, the justice system may be slow but they eventually apprehend and/or judge murder cases that seem to go cold. It is all a matter of time, but eventually people are named and shamed so why Jw’s think they are any different puts them squarely under a god delusion. That’s what I think. This cleaning house cannot come soon enough. Also the arrogance of these pseudochristians brings to mind “pride before a fall”, the bigger they are the harder they drop. Sharpening my claws as I speak . If I have my day in court NO HOLDS BARRED! ruthless

 Jill says:

 March 10, 2016 at 8:08 am

“This cleaning house cannot come soon enough.”
 — Well said, ruthlee


 Pete says:

 March 9, 2016 at 7:26 pm

I would love to testify in court how all JW’s used as Character Wtinesses for Canadian court cases are prepped with the correct answers for Ceasar. Yes, some had to be prepped to lie, Cautious as serpents, yet innocent as Doves was often used to encourage and justify an ‘alternate’ answer.

 KTMadrit says:

 March 9, 2016 at 7:36 pm

What’s going on? Every time I begin to watch the video it cuts out with just a grey exclamation mark appearing! Is it my pooter or is something happening on the JWSurvey website? I’d be glad to support Louise.
 P.S. Typing is also affected badly!


 Covert Fade says:

 March 10, 2016 at 1:56 am

You might need to upgrade your version of java or flash, or possibly try a different web browser? If typing is affected in other applications it might be a separate problem from your video playback.

 Pj wilcox says:

 March 9, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Thanks once again
 Great job
 I do appreciate it


 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 9, 2016 at 10:18 pm

Thankyou for this info…they burned all the records of my husbands abuse to me…so I know they do this sort of thing…will do all we can to help out…shake the blankets hard ,…and watch the “dust mites”…squirm!!!! :))

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 9, 2016 at 10:30 pm

I am in MB., Canada…It would be so awesome to find out all in Canada…we have abit of shakeing to do to get the “dust” out in this part of the earth…and believe me…there is …”dust”…every cong. has that …”rug”…they keep their dirt under and pretend it does not exist.

 Tara says:

 March 9, 2016 at 10:51 pm

I’m not sure if writing to our Premiers or to the province child abuse authorities would work. If we Canadians can come up with a response like Louise then perhaps we can start getting voices heard. It seems there are a few of us dotted around but we live in a huge country…. would letters to Trudeau work?

 Gary says:

 March 10, 2016 at 12:57 am

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
 Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
 Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
 Requires excessive admiration
 Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
 Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
 Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
 Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
 Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Is the Watchtower narsisstic?

 Koos says:

 March 10, 2016 at 5:28 am
Keywords: The link with narcissism

 Doc Obvious says:

 March 10, 2016 at 8:43 am

Watchtower is indecorous. Instead of hiding behind laws and litigators, they need to assume the position and get the much needed legal smack down they rightfully deserve. Great article.

 James Broughton says:

 March 10, 2016 at 10:13 am

What an excellent article and very topical. With the Memorial coming up soon, JWs will be even more active in inviting people to their Kingdom Hall so it will pay to be vigilant.

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 10, 2016 at 12:08 pm

MP’s …Shelters…Womens shelters, I found put a person in touch with all kinds of people in Legal Depts., RCMP, Counsellors, Abuse survivor grps etc….It is here where I found…the help I needed to cope with my child abuse issues, wife abuse issues…and then…they said my case unique…Escape from a controlling religion! Believe me…once I turned to the “world”, I got the support I needed….and that is when…The Religion I held so dear…well it was an eye opener to say the least…the place where they claimed a person could be safe and happy…turned out to be the most vicious and feared thing for me, I still have ntmares about some 20yrs latter! They will try everything to scare you to remain silent! and wave boys… and wave…put on a fake smile, take a pill…and bk at it…I am rebel now..lifting the rug, showing the dirt and doing so in…”Tight Pantz!!!”. Spanx is awesome fab!!!! :)

 Elena says:

 March 10, 2016 at 3:01 pm

Does any have a link to the acual letter from the watchtower to the elders. I’m trying to find it online but can’t.

 Bagpuss says:

 March 11, 2016 at 6:45 pm

On the attached video by Louise Goode she says to contact her through facebook in order to download a copy of the letter.
Alternatively, please look at this link to an exjdub forum, scroll down and you can see the letter in full on ”The girl next door” post.

 Elena says:

 March 13, 2016 at 11:54 am

Thank you.

 Tara says:

 March 13, 2016 at 8:45 pm

Would love to hear how Louise gets on with this appeal.

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Watchtower News Bulletin: BBC Radio Oxford interview with author and former Witness Helen J Brown

Posted on March 10, 2016

BBCRadioOxfordHow much does the general public in the UK really know about Jehovah’s Witnesses?
For most people, the image in their head is probably of those smartly dressed people who turn up at your door on the weekend, or stand next to street-carts full of literature, smiling politely.
True, some members of the public may be aware of the blood transfusion controversy, and some might understand that there have been recent news stories about the religion covering up child abuse. But other members of the public probably consider them harmless eccentrics at worst, and at at best they probably work with some Witnesses, or go to school with them, and find them to be affable, friendly people.
But does that change when they find out what Jehovah’s Witnesses really believe, and find out about the aspects of JW life that most JW’s are less than eager to discuss with the general public?
Helen J Brown: Heaven is a Donut
417wqW2iFJLOn the 25th February, BBC Radio Oxford’s Kat Orman interviewed former Jehovah’s Witness Helen J Brown.
In this wide ranging and in-depth interview, Helen discusses the effects of growing up as a Jehovah’s Witnesses (including being engaged to be married at 15) the pain and suffering inflicted by the shunning policy when she left, the impact of the blood policy, why she considers Watchtower to be a cult, the organisation’s child abuse problem, and much more.
What is fascinating to see is how interviewer Kat Orman, who states at the start of the interview that she’s previously never thought of the movement as being harmful, becomes increasingly horrified by what she learns about the core beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the practices that go in within the congregations worldwide.
The interview is only available until 25th of March, and here at JW Survey we urge you to take the time to listen to the full interview, and listen to Helen tell her powerful story in careful, articulate depth, and also listen to her discuss with Kat Orman some of the secrets Watchtower is desperately trying to hide, and of which most of the general public are ignorant.
Helen has published a book documenting her life growing up as a witness. It’s entitled Heaven Is a Doughnut and is available to purchase now.
BBC Radio Oxford Interview (Helen J Brown’s Segment begins at around 3 minutes into the show and lasts for about 30 minutes.)
Amazon link to Heaven Is A Doughnut

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Watchtower News Bulletin: Invitation and Theme for 2016 District Convention Leaked! →

19 Responses to Watchtower News Bulletin: BBC Radio Oxford interview with author and former Witness Helen J Brown

 Gary says:

 March 10, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Wonderful word expose (a) :-) where religion is concerned:-) can’t get enough:-)!

 Johnship says:

 March 10, 2016 at 12:53 pm

Thanks HJ many of the emotions you describle i feel and have felt after 50 years in this org with two children one in and kne now out.i am fading at present as wifevand most family in .as you say as i am now woken up the conflicts are having to be dealt with .i shall get your book .and recomend it to my son who is out .

 Freedom says:

 March 10, 2016 at 11:07 pm

The JW organisation is a social club. I am of the opinion that there are thousands of witnesses that don’t believe a good portion of what they are taught but are too afraid of losing their social club with the organisation. So they just go along with it and say nothing – just like a mushroom. Happy to be kept in the dark and be fed bull dust and they will grow well.

 James Broughton says:

 March 11, 2016 at 4:53 am

Although most Witnesses refuse to listen to anything critical about the Organisation, the information you provide is vital for the wider public. Maybe we too should have our trolleys on the street corner with warning information.

 Bad Penny says:

 March 11, 2016 at 5:41 am

James – Now, that’s a thought. Set up a stand a few yards away! I think we would see them scurrying off in minutes! Good for a laugh though.

 Everyday Explorer says:

 March 11, 2016 at 6:13 am

Thanks for the heads-up. We’ll definitely listen to the BBC Oxford interview with Helen J Brown, and raise further awareness about it as much as we can.
Really do think consciousness-raising about the human rights abuses of the secretive Watchtower Society is reaching unprecedented levels this year. Glad to be part of making positive change happen, bit by bit, day by day. What a privilege!
Let’s all carry on doing the best we can in our own unique, inimitable ways. Remember, one life-affirming reality high control orgs like the Watchtower Soc cannot effectively manage is individuality and individual responses. But the inherent diverse individuality of human beings is wearing this Organisation down.

 Tara says:

 March 11, 2016 at 7:34 am

I was upset yesterday. I came out of a shop and a sister and her granddaughter from another cong. were just entering… she threw her arms around me and said she hadn’t seen me in ages. I hugged her back – lets face it, it’s not the fault of the minions, that they are still blinkered. She asked how I was doing….. did she know I had stopped attending meeting? 3 months awake now :)… So I told he straight up that I no longer attend meeting and that I had asked the elders to leave me alone. She was actually very kind but said those dreaded words ‘the end is just around the corner’. I looked over her shoulder at the mountains in the distance and bit my tongue. It wasn’t the time or the place. It was this bit of the conversation that upset me. She asked if we could meet up for coffee sometime. I genuinely feel sad that these – mostly lovely people are living in a bubble. I wish I could deflate it. Popping it would be cruel. Most are not ready for the truth. I told her coffee would be nice but I won’t talk about the ‘truth’. I have nothing good to say about it. We parted and I felt so sad.

 Openmind says:

 March 11, 2016 at 8:30 am

Please cheer up Tara, just remember that you are the one doing the right thing. I understand what you mean about them living in a bubble but as you say so many are genuinely good people. However, the thing that really gets me is the turning a blind eye to all the wrong. How can they support such an ugly and corrupt organisation – they must know at least about the child abuse, and the elders most definitely know about it.
 They very rarely knock on my door but always do with the pathetic memorial invitation. They knocked 2 days ago and I just could not answer the door. I was feeling so angry and knew they would not listen to anything.
 Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on your tight pants and sing a worldly song!


 Chiafade says:

 March 11, 2016 at 9:20 am

I feel bad for them as well Tara. However I am not so diplomatic when they statements like “the end is just around the corner”. I’ve spent so many years trying to convert people I feel obligated to burst some bubbles. People react differently and don’t easily forget what you tell them even if it’s negative. It may be the very thing that wakes them up.
So when they tell me ” the end is right around the corner” my reply is “then why is the organization so concerned with building a new headquarters?” “And what are you doing here? You should be screaming that from the rooftops if you actually believe that?”
I know it may sound cruel to some but which one is worse. Helping to enslave unsuspecting people which is what the JWs actively engage in? Or helping to free one from captivity? Don’t get me wrong. I do this when they open the door by making such condescending statements.

 Grace says:

 March 11, 2016 at 1:37 pm

This is what gets me… They’re are allowed to go around bursting other peoples bubbles by going unannounced to their homes yet you are not allowed to say anything to them. Everything seems to be on their terms like spoilt brats.

 Ocma says:

 March 12, 2016 at 9:19 pm

I like that! – ‘“then why is the organization so concerned with building a new headquarters?” “And what are you doing here? You should be screaming that from the rooftops if you actually believe that?” ‘ – I’m going to use it. I usually lose my eyes in the back of my head from rolling my them so hard at the ‘end is so near’ statement. Your response is great.

 Winston Smith says:

 March 11, 2016 at 2:03 pm

I think that on some level most JWs know that the end is not as close as they have been told. The response your aquaintance gave was nothing more than cult programming. That is the natural thought-stopping technique embedded in the Witness psyche whenever anyone says anything negative about the org. It prevents the rational part of their mind from stopping to assess the reasons you don’t go to meetings and perhaps realizing your reasons are rational. In these situations, when appropriate, I try to see if I can say something to get them thinking, like “remember when we were young and the told us the 1914 generation would never die out? Turned out that was an error so why should I believe claims about the end now?” To really help these people the best we can do is to try to reach the authentic self buried under the cult personality. And always keep calm. Let them get angry if they choose. Remember you are the one that is free and they are prisoners of the mind.

 eyes opened says:

 March 11, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Nice way to reply to the “time of the end” comment. That will go into my repertoire. : )

 Jaime says:

 March 12, 2016 at 9:09 am

Thank you Winston. Great point, and great reminder. I’ve been having a terrible time trying to speak to my poor husband. I see him switch to cult personality and it is so sad. I’m going to try to use Steven Hassan’s techniques, as you illustrate above. Please keep posting.

 Tara says:

 March 11, 2016 at 4:15 pm

You are all totally right. I think part of the reason for not saying anything is fear… will she get on the blower and tell the elders in my hall.. ‘sister so and so is questioning her faith’ or will she perhaps stop and think…. thanks for the replies guys. I need to consider my responses to those comments.

 Bad Penny says:

 March 12, 2016 at 3:41 am

Tara – A similar thing happened to me the other day. I bumped into a couple from my old congregation as I was leaving the supermarket. “Haven’t seen you for ages …”
I replied that “I don’t go anymore …. I’ve packed it all in ..”
She said she was sorry to hear that and I said don’t worry, I’m not! They departed from me in a flash!
 Sad, yes, but not for me, for them! It’s hard to burst the bubble isn’t it, I don’t try too much these days unless they ask me why? Then I let them know, otherwise I let the bubbles float away …


 Andrea says:

 March 14, 2016 at 3:59 am

Listened to the BBC interview and think for the most part it will be insightful to many out there who know nothing of the JWs.
 However, it did feel like she made it look far bleaker than it actually is for many on the inside. I guess it may have been her own experience, but saying that she never laughed, never cried, that her emotions were always controlled, just seems like the kind of thing that JWs can zero-in on and say that she’s exaggerating. Cedars himself has on occasion pointed out he’s got great memories of his Ministerial training school and travelling to where the “need was greater” (can’t remember if that was the reason) or maybe KH building projects, and how much fun they were. This is not to say it’s ok for them to promote distance from other normal people and social circles, discourage education, forbid life-saving blood transfusions or enforce/encourage shunning. All the same, while I’m thrilled to be out, I do have fond memories and had great laughs with some really good, albeit now obviously deluded, people.


 Gulfcoaster says:

 March 14, 2016 at 8:10 am

It probably was her unique experience. It might have been her family dynamic or the atmosphere in her congregation. When my mother converted, she became more stern and less fun, so at age 11 I noticed a definite change to our family dynamic, especially the hostility my mother had to my father who didn’t want to join the cult with her. So there was less joy at home for me.
I was in three different congregations and two were run by elders who were miserable control-freaks and bullies. Sure, we managed to have fun and laugh in social settings but at the Hall, it was not very joyful in the slightest. The last KH I was at, the elders were far less nasty, even cool, so it felt different.
I laughed as a JW, to the appropriate jokes, of course. And I also cried a lot, at the misery of being in that cult and feeling my life was pointless. I was dragged in by my mother at age 11 and never became an uber-JW, never baptized either. By age 16, I loathed the cult and just pretended, living a double-life as much as I could. I escaped at age 20 and have had a wonderful life since, with a lot more laughter without the guilt. By comparison, my life in the cult was bleak.

 Gulfcoaster says:

 March 14, 2016 at 7:53 am

It was interesting the very first comments by the interviewer how she never linked the JWs with a cult, that she can’t connect the two. And that’s so true of most people in the “world”. The JWs have been lucky enough to have a very benign image to the world, which works for them because they can ensnare their victims easily.
Since I’ve been out, whenever the subject of JWs has come up, I’ve told the real truth about them. I make sure I mention the high control, the two-witness rule that protects child abuse, and about the emotionally abusive shunning that breaks up families. Most are shocked because all along they had that benign image of the JWs. I enjoy destroying that misconception because I hope it will protect somebody from making the horrible mistake of joining that cult.

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Watchtower News Bulletin: Invitation and Theme for 2016 District Convention Leaked!

Posted on March 11, 2016

unnamedBreaking news!
It appears that the public invite for the 2016 Worldwide Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been leaked!
It is of course hard to confirm at this time if the images that first appeared on are genuine, but they certainly have the look and formatting of previous convention invites, and the art style is certainly that of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
We will of course keep a close eye on this story for more information, and will update this post to confirm or debunk the veracity of the leak as soon as we get the required information.
If this leak IS real, however, it reveals a choice of topic for the convention that is rather puzzling. Remember, this invite is not designed for those who are already Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is an invite designed to be given to members of the general public.
Such an invite needs to convince people who may be hostile, skeptical, or just indifferent to Jehovah’s Witnesses to take time out of their busy lives and make a journey to a crowded, noisy convention centre to listen to 3 days of programming. Thus such an invite needs to promise discussion topics appealing to the public. It needs to be appealing, enticing.
So what is the chosen topic? The paradise Earth? The resurrection? Love and brotherhood? Perhaps something exciting like biblical prophecy that we are seeing fulfilled right now on CNN and the BBC!
The topic is Loyalty to God.
Remain Loyal To Jehovah!
unnamed-2The tract proclaims the theme of the 2016 Convention to be “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” According to the tract the highlights of the convention will be:
◾Friday: How Jesus set the example of loyalty
◾Saturday: How the example of Job teaches us to be loyal despite intense suffering
◾Sunday: How King Hezekiah remained loyal to God whilst besieged by enemies

…it’s not exactly eternal life with pandas and ice-cream, is it?
It’s hard to see how this invite will appeal to the general public. If they have their own religion, they won’t have much interest in being loyal to the Witness God. If they are an atheist they won’t see the point in being loyal to a deity that they don’t believe exists. And if they are simply indifferent or have not thought much about religion, it’s hardly the most gripping of topics to stir their interest.
Two possibilities exist as far as I can see:
Firstly, it’s possible that this is simply a very poorly thought-out invite that fails to consider its audience; either due to a genuine lack of ability in marketing on the part of those who created it, or because those who created it have lost perspective on the fact that those who do not believe in Watchtower’s version of Jehovah will have little interest in learning loyalty to him or the Governing Body.
The second, and far more interesting possibility is that this invite and this convention isn’t really concerned with bringing in new Witnesses at all.
Rather, it is entirely about frantically trying to hold on to the Witnesses that Watchtower already has.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: A religion in crisis?
de-rooyIt has been a brutal few years for Watchtower. We’ve seen sweeping reductions in their published literature; painful lay-offs from their full time servants; bethel services slashed and bethel families downsized; repeated calls from Watchtower’s Governing Body for more donations and admissions that they are running low on funds.
We’ve seen appalling revelations over Watchtower’s mishandling of child abuse within it’s ranks making world headlines, and causing members of the Governing Body to be dragged before the courts to give less than impressive testimony, or flee from the courts altogether. And it’s clear that worse is still to come for Watchtower in this area.
We’ve seen that the key New Light teaching of the “overlapping generations” is struggling to take hold in the faith of many Witnesses, if the repeated attempts at explanation from Watchtower are anything to go by. The promised new world is slipping into the distance, it would seem, and leaving more and more Witnesses with questions that Watchtower seems unable to answer, problems exacerbated by the increasingly eccentric behaviour of the Governing Body.
And it would seem that all of these problems are taking their toll.
The 2015 yearbook showed that world wide growth in their membership was 1.5 percent. Not that great, but if you then factor in that worldwide population growth for that year was 1.18 percent we see that growth has essentially stopped. And when one looks at the figures in detail, and compares for example, the number baptised with the overall growth it becomes clear that Watchtower is losing both funds and members at an alarming rate.
It’s possible therefore that this convention is a direct response to all of the above, and that Watchtower’s leadership is focusing this convention not on the public, but on the Witnesses themselves. Yet if this indeed what is going on behind the scenes, the Governing Body might find that simply lecturing their followers about loyalty might not be a good long term fix. Why?
Because loyalty cannot be commanded.
It has to be earned.

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63 Responses to Watchtower News Bulletin: Invitation and Theme for 2016 District Convention Leaked!

 pj wilcox says:

 March 11, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Thanks once again. You have great insight and wisdom to know the difference. Good job

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 11, 2016 at 5:51 pm

Even when I was dedicated JW I never really liked giving up my 3-4 day weekend and having to sit through hours of monologue and repeated teachings etc. The they would have brothers on the stage who I knew personally were living double lives and giving them parts as examples etc. My wife and I would look at people sleeping during the talks and jokingly sau,”do you think he is enjoying the Convention”?

 isawthelight says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:01 pm

I slept a lot also. Because I had heard all this before.So why stay awake to listen to the same old same old.? All this sleeping then having that long drive back home. Kids acting up- They were bored also. They even asked “daddy why do we have to do this? I had no answer to give them. Today I have to tell my kids that I was wrong to put them through all this and having already took Christmas, birthdays, sports,and all the other stuff I took from them. I am ashamed of what I was involved in.

 Kat says:

 March 11, 2016 at 5:50 pm

If this is true, I think this would more likely be the reason.
“Rather, it is entirely about frantically trying to hold on to the Witnesses that Watchtower already has.”

 Helen L Gauthier says:

 March 11, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Watchtower is losing both funds and members at an alarming rate because of KARMA, what goes around comes back around and there’s a scripture that proves it…..It comes back upon your own heads according to what you all put out through your mind control manipulations and driven money hungry begging, dividing families, murdering people via lack of blood transfusions, so on and so on….right back at you, your tower has been crashing for a long time through all your lies and sexual abuse cover ups and because us exjws are exposing all your crooked ways, along with your false tonuge. We are enjoying every moment of your crib being on fire, watching and encouraging it to burn to complete ashes…..crash and burn baby!

 isawthelight says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:14 pm

Helen I feel the same way I do- I have no feelings for that watchtower cult at all. Let them fall and let the fall hurt. They think they are so righteous and everybody is below them. Kool ade could be down the road.One never knows does he? A desperate man will do desperate things.And knowing the people that follow these men I think out of 8 million zombies that at least 2 million would drink kool ade. They would use the excuse that sataan has declared war on the watchtower and its people. It wont work. Child molestation is something that people hate. And they have gotten away with it for so long.But all things do come to an end- I would say that they hate x witness more than they hate satan.The apostates are the ones being persecuted. Its not the zombies that are being persecuted but it is us x jws.Thos mentally diseased 8 old bent over men called governing body is the one to cause all this hate,If you think that the zombies and the Brooklyn crew don’t hate yo then you live in another world.

 M. Rhodes says:

 March 11, 2016 at 6:16 pm

They could turn it around if they would drop the shunning, drop the blood nonsense, drop the constant micromanagement, change their child abuse polices, and use an accurate Bible. If members were allowed to live normally, to enjoy their families and holidays, instead of slaving to earn their salvation with endless works, it would still appeal to certain people.
They set up an elitist, hermetically sealed community and that worked, before the internet, to keep people in ignorance; however the playing field has been leveled and survival will not depend on the old model of a doomsday hook, nor on exclusivity. Exposure has shown how harmful this group truly is and the only way they will survive is to lose the extremism and mainstream.

 Bagpuss says:

 March 11, 2016 at 7:38 pm

I agree but Watchtower have tied themselves in a knot. They can’t get rid of the two witness rule or the no blood policy for if they did, they would be sued from ex-jw’s all over the world who’ve lost loved ones or by abuse victims. This is why Jackson in the ARC was so eagre to say that countries would be doing them a favour if they would demand by law that all cases are reported. It is also why they have tried to weaken their position by allowing blood fractions. Time will only tell on the blood issue but my guess is they will weaken the policy of no blood but over a long period of time to stop a backlash coming all at once. I hate Watchtower. They have blood on their hands. How do they sleep at night.

 Chiafade says:

 March 11, 2016 at 9:41 pm

“This is why Jackson in the ARC was so eagre to say that countries would be doing them a favour if they would demand by law that all cases are reported.”
This ^ will give them the excuse they desire so much. “Well you see friends we are happy to comply with ceasar when there is no conflict with God’s law. There is nothing more we can do report to the authorities”.
They would get to keep their credibility and distance themselves from negative reporting. Slimey cowards.

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:12 am

M. Rhodes. You are possibly right they could turn themselves around but I doubt they will. It would cause more Havoc in the ORG than already exists.
They could still be an END TIMES religion but stop all this nonsense and false predictions on the end of the world etc. They could say yes, the end is coming someday but nobody knows when but we just need to be ready for it when it happens and stay awake spiritually etc. which is what the Bible actually says. The problem is the WT has so many Whacko Ideas tied to their teachings from Holidays to Beards to school participation to College education to playing sports to dress codes to shunning to Voting to Jury duty to dating to blood transfusions to toasting to Reading the Bible on your own to their viewpoint on other beliefs that it is virtually impossible for them to change bc if they did then they would no longer be the JW religion. If they did this they would have to inculcate these things slowly over the years little by little bc the rank and file could not take it all at once.
You remember the Worldwide Church of God and Ted Armstrong who died in the late 80’s? They were similar tot he Wt in many ways especially with the control they kept over their members. They also felt they were the ONLY true religion and shunned people and were also an “END of the World” religion just like the JW’s as well. After he died they did change their teachings and started to celebrate Holidays and changed the doctrine he taught for decades and it caused HUGE split in their religion. Some formed other groups and some stayed loyal to his teachings and today the Official World Wide Church is not what it used to be. It is completely
 different. I think the same would happen with the WT if they ever did make hose changes plus they are to Controlling to do that I believe. Personally I think the entire WT will have to come down for people to realize they have been duked.


 Tara says:

 March 12, 2016 at 8:46 am

I agree. It is going to take something cataclysmic – oh big word this time in the morning. Most will continue to ignore what is put in front of them as ‘Apostate Propaganda’. ‘Satan attacking the org.’ ‘Lies’. However, using one of their own analogies, a steady drip of water can erode even the hardest of rock faces until a fissure appears and a rock face crumbles. Drip, drip, drip.

 ruthlee says:

 March 12, 2016 at 9:30 am

Tara is there panda in propaganda? ruthlee

 Tara says:

 March 14, 2016 at 6:54 am

lol you will have to run that one by me Ruthlee. I is a bit fik.


 Reader says:

 March 14, 2016 at 11:14 am

Isaac Newton [the, Isaac Newton]
 Calculated it would not come until 2060 or thereabouts.
 He was a devout believer anti-trinitarian.


 Anna says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:39 am

LOl, that’s a long line of if’s…..they’d essentially become…gasp…Christian

 Tracy says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:19 pm

If they dropped the shunning rules…I think more would leave than join….

 Gulfcoaster says:

 March 14, 2016 at 8:30 am

Yes, I believe the shunning is a very effective control mechanism that keeps many in, despite not believing anymore. The thought of losing your entire family and community, and to be ostracized as persona non grata, is terrifying enough for many as to keep them from trying to leave. Where would they go? And to whom do they go to when they need help or guidance? If they only associate with JWs, they have nobody. You have to be very strong and determined to make it on your own while totally alone and unprepared. Some leave but go back because they can’t stand not having contact with their family and friends. Humans are meant to be with each other, especially with our family. It’s just not natural to be ostracized like the JWs do to their own flesh and blood. Shunning is extremely hateful and damaging to the shunned.
It terrified me to leave, knowing I would be shunned. It was very emotionally devastating at first. I was quite alone and unprepared for the real world, with zero support from my mother who called me a whore as I left her home and said if I came crawling back, she’d spit on me. Lovely words to hear from your own mother but that’s what the cult does to many – their first and foremost “love” is for the real estate & publishing company, and if you’re not with them on that, you may as well be dead. I remember how shocked I felt when JWs would see me somewhere and they’d look away or cross the street to avoid me. That hurts! I can’t imagine how awful it would be if you lived in a small community and had to encounter that on a regular basis.
I made it great, out in the big, bad world, creating a new community of friends without conditions. I have a civil relationship now with my mother, the only JW in my family – as long as we don’t talk about the cult. I’m luckier than most because many, especially those born-in, have everybody in the cult, so they would be truly alone and without any support if they left.

 Grace says:

 March 14, 2016 at 5:22 pm

Hence why Angus Stewart said to the WT Lawyer of Australia at the ARC…”it is a captive organisation”.

 Dee says:

 March 11, 2016 at 7:09 pm

They do command loyalty…with threats of retribution if they dont get it. It has to be cajoled, bribed, extorted from the masses. That’s the only way they’ll get it any more.

 ScotWm says:

 March 11, 2016 at 10:03 pm

Remain Loyal To Jehovah!
 Translation: Remain Loyal To The Watchtower! The Governing Body must have noticed that they no longer need those 14,000 new Kingdom Halls that Stephen Lett mentioned when he was begging for more money.

This assembly theme ties in well with Governing Body member Mark Sanderson’s “Return to Jehovah” talk from a recent JW Broadcasting episode. Once again, the translation is: “Return to the Watchtower.”
Those leaving the Watchtower are not just marginal publishers who are “spiritually weak.” Elders and ministerial servants are also leaving in greater numbers. Once congregations lose their leaders, the rest of the members will leave with them.

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 11, 2016 at 10:26 pm

Awesome! Maybe this one will be enough to get my Mother mad so as to let herself be..”.enlightened”as to what is going on in the! Up til now she refuses to use it to get informed and see what all she can learn about the goings on with her own mobile device…in denial. She like many other older sisters will spend many hrs in the distribution of these invites…complaining as they go…Why do we have to deliver these to people who care less about going, when those of us who are Witnesses have a hell of a time getting there and sitting thru that same old stuff! And did you see how they paved the parking lot, and look at those chrome urinals…and those puffy couches in the hall ways! Wish I had one of them! Hell I worked and at 75 I am still driving school bus, so those suckers can have chrome urinals and puffy couches when I send in my ten $ they made us agree to donate a certain amount, never mind all the other things you have to give $ for!!!! I just smile….and she in small country place, has not seen all the finery…of Babble on the GRT. Be alot if swearing going on if she did!!! In time…I love it!!!! I would like to see any of those on Govn Body, in their…baggy twisted slacks, drawed right up flingin firewood, (oh yeh cuz “the end” was here long ago so no need to install electric) You donate! My Father and brothers all worked hard in logging business, my one brother killed as a faller, all on acct of pushin to limits so as to…be approved for…twisted slax! I say…put these in hi places to do some real work! May have to try spanx, more give than poly slax, twisted and drawed up. Let them sweat a tad…work for their donations! Good job…weeky…leaky!

 Tara says:

 March 12, 2016 at 8:49 am

Lol this made me chuckle over my morning coffee Sharon.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 March 12, 2016 at 12:05 am

Ha! Brilliant. If this is genuine (and it certainly looks it) it shows just how desperate they are getting . I would consider my life complete to see this organisation brought to its knees in my lifetime. I just want to see them held to account and exposed for what they are. This “remain loyal to Jehovah” is nonsense. It’s loyalty to the organisation they are really demanding, they consider the two interchangeable. In other words, they are putting themselves in Jehovah’s place, setting themselves up as gods.

 Winston Smith says:

 March 12, 2016 at 4:53 am

“they are putting themselves in Jehovah’s place, setting themselves up as gods.”

Well said! That is exactly what they have done.

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:18 am

WS. Putting themselves in Jehovah’s place
 setting themselves up as Gods? Isn’t that exactly what the man of lawlessness does in the Bible?


 Winston Smith says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:26 am

Yes, one could construe a number of prophetic fulfillments in the Watchtower’s actions – specifically those around false Christianity.

 StrawHeart says:

 March 12, 2016 at 12:55 am

And their begging for money on TV, they just lowered themselves to the Abyss. They now look like every other Evangelical religion on TV. To think I gave 20 previous years of my life to this despicable ‘Conglomerate!’
Oh well, so did so many.
 It saddens me to the core, to know that The Watchtower is just a money grabbing non-Christian business.


 John Merriman says:

 March 12, 2016 at 12:56 am

Let’s face it…….102 plus years and nothing,nothing, nothing to show for it. Nothing !!!! Hello what more do the witnesses need to wake up? It’s a corporate greedy publishing company….out to make lots and lots of $money. You have got to remain loyal to that.Without that money and loyalty you have nothing. Again….millions of witnesses now living are still being screwed and will die !!!

 alanv says:

 March 12, 2016 at 3:27 am

No question in my book. They are frantically trying to hold on to their members. It is not just a few new ones who go to an assembly public talk, it is many of the memorial attendees who go. Those who are sitting on the fence. These are the ones Watchtower wants to get. Here in the UK there was just 183 increase in average publishers last year, but 225,000 who went to the memorial. That equates to 90,000 who attend but do not support the org. They are the ones Watchtower wants to get.

 Ben says:

 March 12, 2016 at 3:50 am

I think the leadership are so insular and indoctrinated that they have no idea how a leaflet like that will impact on the general public. In reality – how many members of the general public actually come to conventions anyway? It’s just another “keep em busy” tract distribution campaign.

 Bad Penny says:

 March 12, 2016 at 4:08 am

Nice work Covert –
The theme of loyalty is an interesting one.
 What does it take to wake up from the cult – it needs a doubt to begin and questions that need answering, this would indicate a lack of loyalty. Unfortunately the mind control prevents many from doubting – “He who doubts …. let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah.” (James 1:6-8).
 Too many years invested can also be a deterrent. To allow oneself to think that all those years have been wasted is just too much for some to bear. It’s like a useless insurance policy that only pays out a small sum, but because you’ve paid in for so long you refuse to put your money elsewhere.
 The thing is with Watchtower you get nothing back, except a ‘free’ funeral! C’est la vie!


 Winston Smith says:

 March 12, 2016 at 5:05 am

@Bad Penny
 Good points! I think deep down they all have doubts – after all with such far fetched reasoning who wouldn’t? But they have been conditioned to repress those doubts. It usually takes some major event or situation to occur in order for those doubts to come to the surface. Of course psychotherapy probably could help too!

I know that in my case, during the final part of my awakening, the doubts were starting to rise to the surface. But the final straw was when a non-Witness friend finally asked me if I was having doubts about my religion and I said “YES!” And then for the next two hours I unloaded every doubt I was having – what a good friend to sit there and listen to all that. I found that once I had verbalized the doubts it became easier to address how I really felt about them.
The watchtower keeps the doubts repressed, never to be spoken and thus maintains control.

 Grace says:

 March 12, 2016 at 5:25 pm

“The watchtower keeps the doubts repressed, never to be spoken and thus maintains control”.
You hit the nail on the head. “Never to be spoken”… that’s the powerful tool. Like you, I was given permission by my non witness friends to speak about my doubts & they listened respectfully as well which was important. That was the biggest healing for me.
My only problem now is I feel lost at times. I cried to my sister the other day telling her that I feel like I don’t have a community or identity at the moment.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 March 13, 2016 at 2:25 am

Grace, I hear you. I feel the same. I’m very grateful for the online community, buts it’s not the same as the human touch. I’ve managed to make contact with some old friends who left, and that’s been great, but for the most part I’m in a lonely place at the moment. My social circle disappeared overnight when I decided to stop attending meetings after the ARC here in oz. Even though I am not disfellowshipped the shunning and ostracism has effectively begun. The only contact I have from my friends, even those friendships going back 20+ years, is to invite me to the memorial. That’s the condition, I go back and can have my friends back. But I’m not prepared to meet those terms. I reject them wholesale. Even though I miss my friends and the many good people I knew, I would rather die lonely than go back to that cult.

 Winston Smith says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:23 am

The road of truth and integrity (not be confused with the watchtower’s cult usage of the terms) is a lonely one, but worthwhile.


 Bad Penny says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:55 pm

Winston, Grace and Eric – After three years of being out, my husband and I are still experiencing a distinct lack of friends. Nobody from our 30 years in the org has tried to contact us. Yes, when you leave you do feel alone. As you say, the ‘Survey’ helps us so much to have contact with like-minded folks from all around the world, but the human touch is missing. I want to hug you all and have you round to dinner and eat and drink and be merry! Maybe one day we can organise an ex-JW convention to go around the world and meet each other – now that would be something.
 Meanwhile we have to be strong in the face of adversity and never, never go back!


 Tara says:

 March 14, 2016 at 7:01 am

Grace I feel the same. I moved country many years ago and lost my sense of belonging. I feel the same now. I def. no longer fit in among the JW minions and I am on the outside, slowly edging in, to the ‘world’. I feel like I live in a ‘no mans land’.

 Grace says:

 March 14, 2016 at 5:53 pm

My non-jw sister who is a high ranking police officer has been my councillor & she put it aptly that after 20years, it’s like I have lived in another country, embracing the culture & religion, then moving into another only to find it hard to assimilate. She said the same thing happens to the immigrants that move in to this country, they struggle with the notion of what it means to become Australianised after having deep-rooted cultural & religious indoctrination. Especially if they’ve been brainwashed to believe the negative connotation that we’re either infidels, heathens or irreligious so therefore we’re racist.
It always amazes me how labels conjure up different prejudices from one person to the next. Then walls go up & you have to work hard at breaking down the barriers of belief.
We’ve done the same thing as witnesses. We have these built up prejudice against the “worldlies” using the same labels but all it manages to do is block us from letting people in & finding real friendships.
Yesterday, I plucked up the courage & contacted a very old friend of mine pre-JW days, I haven’t told her yet that I have left the religion, it’s so hard for me as I feel foolish. I kind of ditched her when I became a JW & she knew it but she was so graceful about it at the time even though she was hurt. I felt I needed to reach out to find some friends & create a new circle. She was her usual beautiful self & was excited to here from me again after so many years. Yay! another box ticked.


 ruthlee says:

 March 12, 2016 at 9:48 am

here is part of a parody from a spoof site on Dr Seuss It is college humour .”All social interactions now a means to an end”(CollegeHumor)on youtube. To me it sums up all the whacky aspirations we all got duped into believing.The thing that struck me about this parody is the quote I put in here because this really does sum up all jws. If you are not part of a watertight clique, no one ,no one, wants anything to do with you unless they can get something out of you. Either your voluntary time. A constant time grab on the agenda. Even down to the social aspect . We get an invite to the bridal shower or the baby shower or the party plan when the elderette is making money, But never just to be sociable . Never because they want your company . There is always a reason.My mother would call it an ulterior motive. This is what this religion is reduced to ie do me a favour and i’ll do you one until one of us gets done! So where did they learn this callous behaviour? The boys of Brooklyn have a bumper crop of clones all like themselves. Selfish greedy always after something and now desparate. So invite to the summer convention nah! I think I will blow the bus fare on ice cream. ruthlee

 Twmack says:

 March 12, 2016 at 10:29 am

The topics are puzzling. Job as an example of loyalty.
 Maybe 1 or 2 JWs are plagued with boils but not enough
 to warrant a special programme on the assembly.

Perhaps it’s directed at the thousands of bethel workers,
 S, Pioneers and others who have been dismissed with just
 a thank you and goodbye. Such ones could well be suffering
 real hardships and feeling aggrieved.

Then there’s Hezekiah, besieged by enemies. Could these
 enemies be the legitimate law courts and authorities who are
 now exposing and prosecuting their criminal rottenness in
 the covering up of pedophilia.

The enemies alluded to could also include ex JWs “Apostates”
and sites like JWsurvey, who know from experience the
 realities behind this organisation and are uncovering the dirt
 under the carpet.


 Julia says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:26 am

I am a Master’s student researching the JW’s for my thesis.
I enjoy reading your blog posts, as they always teach me something new about the JW’s that I didn’t know yet.
Could you offer some more information on this part of your blog:
‘Remember, this invite is not designed for those who are already Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is an invite designed to be given to members of the general public.’
From what I understood (if that’s correct) people get baptised at the Conventions. So if they do get baptised there, they have already done some significant study, I would assume. So they are not really part of the ‘ general public’. Did I misunderstand something?
You mentioned that this is a 3 day programming. Is it only used for new members to be programmed, or does it also serve the purpose of re-programming Witnesses who have started to doubt their ‘membership’?
Thank you very much for answering my questions!

 Bad Penny says:

 March 12, 2016 at 5:07 pm

Julia – Hope you are enjoying your research. Don’t know if you have found this as yet but do try Some scary stuff to be found there.
 As to the current blog. The District Conventions are held yearly, over three days. The programme is essentially to build up the faith of current Jehovah’s Witnesses so that they can carry on their preaching work with added vigour. The baptism is held on the second morning for those who have been indoctrinated into the faith through a programme of progressive Bible Study with the ‘help’ of Watchtower publications. These new ones may have been contacted through the public preaching work, but mostly they are ones who have been born into the faith and who have reached a point when they want to get baptised. Infant baptism has always been frowned upon by Witnesses, but there is concern nowadays that the baptism candidates are getting younger.
 The distribution of Assembly invitations to the general public is encouraged each year as it is an easy way for everyone, whatever their age, to get involved in the ‘Christian ministry’ without having to get involved in conversation.
 Although thousands of invitations are given out in the months preceding the Assembly, there are very few members of the public who actually attend. The majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses attend because it is an opportunity for fellowship with other believers. It is a ‘happy time’ for most of them.
 Hope this has answered some of your questions.
 Do let us know how you get on with your thesis.


 Winston Smith says:

 March 12, 2016 at 5:53 pm

The convention is primarily for current JWs, their children, and so-called “interested ones” (people who are studying with them or have witness relatives). While open to the general public, few probably attend. Each year for the JWs are instructed by headquarters to try to distribute as many invitations as possible to non JWs. The overall response is fairly poor. I think the point is that this year’s theme is even less likely to entice any non-JWs to attend.

 Wt faithful says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:27 am

I love wt. jw. Org

 isawthelight says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:27 pm

nDo not worry- I support mental health.

 John Wirtanen says:

 March 12, 2016 at 2:04 pm

Ding dong the witch is dead.

 Jose says:

 March 12, 2016 at 2:50 pm

Great article. It clearly shows that God is not with this cult and that watchtower problems are adding up. People are realizing what watchtower really are . This exiting for me to see the beginning of the end for watchtower.

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 12, 2016 at 9:39 pm

Thanx Tara and all for their comments. Mine were inspired by my youngest bro., the poly slax drawed right up!:)). Ever notice…the tighter the draw…and the more of a twist, the snarkier an attitude, the more priviledges given…and can they ever rat on the others for bonus points! Then at a convention after all is over and done, all head over to the biggest buffet…and loosen the …draw! :). Gotta get yer $ worth! Make sure leave your name tag on…so they know JW.orgs in town! I went once to the…”buffet”… was sooo embarassed…took my name tag off…and when asked if I was with these other people…said…No! I had on my modest boho laundry, ctn…purchased at a Thrift store…made others jealous of my style, cuz all thought I spent big spent big $ for living in a womans shelter…musta really cleaned out my abusive husbands bank acct for sure! When I proudly told them where I found my stuff, for a couple $, had a real neat ensemble incld. bts! They turned away in disgust, and shunned me like I was diseased! So I figured I would fix them, instead of going in service after…I went thrift store shoppin…Next day, dressed better than ever! Still looked down their noses at me..Hmmm,perhaps poly fab does that to a person! :)). Heh! I kinda miss those daze! Not going to conventions and mtngs anymore…kinda walk around with tight pants…and holey spanx! Little do they know…spanx is better fab if going to buffets!!!! Spread the word around, summer convs comming! Maybe mk a little note of on invite!!!! :))). Ps.! My Dear Mom, is a rebel in her own way…she may fling firewood, and drive bus at 75 to donate a tad…but she loves her spanx for her chores! I would never ask my Mom to stop going, just not “Lett” them fox her and mk her feel guilty. I love my Mom, But they watch her like hawks…so I have seen her for only part of a day and over night in the past two yrs. She lives an hr one way from the Hall, they do not check if she gets home at night, in winter or any time….but if do not put in the vowed amount…twisted and drawed right up slax will remind her…excuse me sister…we appreciate all but..Here’s the interact machine…next to the…popcorn machine…Icecream machine…all in favor…show hanz!

 Tara says:

 March 14, 2016 at 7:17 am

I went into a Sally Army thrift store a week or so back. Said store is directly opposite my old service meeting group. It was a Saturday am too! Oh I felt so naughty bah ha ha. I told my medical practitioner, a high up the chain of command SDA member, and he was floored that ‘we’ are not allowed to support charities that smack of ‘false religion’. I have been informing him over a long period of time, what goes on in the JW camp and he is in total shock. He asks me on a regular basis now if I am DF’d. I went to my Granddaughters birthday party over the weekend, taking my other grandbaby. Apart from there being a lot of screaming kids, it was fun.

 Gulfcoaster says:

 March 14, 2016 at 8:37 am

The wording implies to me that they’ve directed this to current JWs. The word “Remain” means to stay that way, to keep doing something you’re already doing. I’m not loyal to their god now so I can’t “remain” being loyal to it.
But that’s okay, I don’t feel left out. I feel relieved I’m not in that cult anymore. Been out 35 years and never stopped feeling relieved and for my two wonderful children who were spared the misery I had to suffer.
Their conventions were pure torture to me. I hated 2 hours of meetings, let alone 3 days of the same blah blah blah, sitting in hard, uncomfortable seats trying to look interested. I’ve never been able to sleep sitting up, like in an airplane, so I could definitely never fall asleep at their conventions. I would envy those around me who managed to nod off and get some respite from the mind-numbing, soul-crushing boredom.

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 14, 2016 at 11:30 am

I know it is sad as to charity status the JW ORG. has! When I was labelled as a bad ass.:-//. for finally going to the world for help after staying with my abusive husband for 17 yrs 3 months and …ten days! They placed him in pio. status, he told of his hard life with a abusive wife…and how she held him back from serving Jehovah…and they oooed and awed…and praised him…When I attended the conv that summer…the elder who I looked up to and thought was a good guy, came when I called the try and talk my husband down so as not to kill me or my family…and after ranting and raving he would eventually …cycle of violence…he burned all the records he had of so when I told the elders in the cong. I was now in near the shelter I stayed, to ask him he knew all, he denied all…they listened to him and my husband, and I was treated riff raff…turns out my bro. married their daughter…That elder and his wife covered over and gave her a very bad time, when she broke her silence and divulged that she and her sister were abused by their brother…the Mother knew and would just buy them treats etc. so they not say…cuz her son was her fav…and he was a reg. pio., They were more concerned about how they appeared to others than with their daughters. Sad. My bro. then encouraged her to air out the laudry in public go to court…she did…they eventually got dffed, her mom and dad, funny thing when I went to a circuit ass. back home in Sk. They were the ones to run and tell the elders there keep and eye out for that…Apostate…so bros hauled me in to bck rm AGAIN!!!! So I told them a tad..Now my bro., his wife and childern are no longer claiming to be JWs,…but guess what, the parents have been reinstated….in a diff cong. Funny thing is…they would not tlk to me before or during the time they were dfed…I made the effort to…puzzled glances for certainty…My husband and him were friends so when they were asked by a to what my ex was like cuz they were advising a pio sis to marry him, lied again, very good and spiritual…they married…and well lets just say…thank goodness this sis did not waste as many of her yrs and I did…and divorced! It bothered me soo much,I lost sleep over cuz I knew what she would go thru and I wanted to tell her…but I was…bad ass. Poor gal…I guess it was hard on her and her family…I wish some day I could see her and hug her and we could just cry together….Jehovah has to set things straight one day…Everyone wants to shine like a diamond…but nobody wants to get cut! ???? Quote my daughter read to me…sooo true…Tara…Thrift store shopper! Sally Anne…oooo heaven forbid! And on a Sat.!!!!! How evil can you get! and I bit u did not even feel guilty!!! Knotty knotty!!! :)). I lived on hand outs and clothes from all kinds of other religious sponsered charities…even did a walk a thon with the Evangelic minister and his wife cuz they joined us in the walk a thon to raise money for the Aurora hse Shelter in The Pas, MB. Can.!!!! That is where I met some true friends and real caring people…and then latter the the Shelters in Wpg. MB….The kids from the cong. where I went to would tell of the goings on in their families to me…how abuse etc., was covered over by the elders…and in time..back rm again I went …I was there alot…:))). and told not to have anything to do with the kids…they would worry I would…pedophile them! Go figure…we would go in service, hid for burger king…then Value Village…have a grt old time…At times I had five teens in my lil VW..cuz all wanted to go with me cuz…supposedly I was fun! And now…pedophile?!!!! Go figure…and the real pedophiles….uh yeah…hello brother, good to see you brother…pat pat…Ok , I know I took up far too much space …sorry…love u all…

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 14, 2016 at 11:47 am

Oh I forgot…They do some charity work…ie…an older sister that pioneered for most of her adult life…a good kind lady…and we had fun times together her and I…Not the hard cut twisted poly slax kinda gal…who was my friend, and latter to the sis who married my exs.Anyways…we worked on The Reserve territory lots, She had some Native in her…and I love the humble Native folk and their disposition…anyways she studied with diff families, many poor so she would buy the kids treats and pres…mk them smile, do something nice for the moms…and …This part I hated most!!!! If was my turn to tk my car…out would come Yvonne…big ol pot full of bones she bolied etc., made a soup to dish out to hungry dogs along the way! Duh! So away we would go…pot slushin and splashin in the trunk…stop here and there…she would hop out…dig into the pot with her hands, fingernails painted red, though…dogs be happier than all get out! But gee Yvonne!!! Look at all the juice in my trunk…and now..Leaking down my windows! Uh!!!! So fun times…and yeah…Jws are charitable…well atleast some are!!! :))). Her version of cnting time…from the time she got up to the time she went to sleep!!! :))). Special and reg. pio. all her daze!!! Sadly she passed, but many :) times despite all.

 Tara says:

 March 14, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Love the bit about the dogs. I’m a sucker for animals too and lost causes. I think this is why I have always secretly dropped money into charity collections. I felt terrible just walking past them, well now I drop in a few dollars when I can. Am I trying to make up for all the years of being told not to support them? Maybe but they do more good than the Borg. I know a lot of money doesn’t go where it is supposed to but that is someone elses conscience not mine.

 brett baker says:

 March 14, 2016 at 9:52 pm

If any of you would like some insight of the inner workings of wt,gb (circa decades ago) you must must read the book, Crisis of Conscience, The struggle between loyalty to God and loyalty to one’s religion. Very well written by (you know of him) former gb member, Raymond Franz. No real jw bashing at all, just really great info on what go’s on in the gb heaven on earth. Of some importance is their hard stance with jw’s in Malawi vs their soft decisions for others in Mexico (must serve 1 yr in military reserves, bribes work great to get the cert of service) (not really served)

 Tara says:

 March 15, 2016 at 6:58 am

Many of us on here have read this amazing book and if you can’t get hold of a copy it’s on PDF.

 Winston Smith says:

 March 23, 2016 at 2:22 pm

And then of course there is Ray’s follow up book: “In Search of Christian Freedom”

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:32 pm

I know about the driving long hrs to the mntgs in all kinds of weather, storms etc., tired, then having to come hme fire up the old wood stove, cuz no electric, satans tool…and end soon, but go to mtng and give to pave prk lot…some times mud was so deep or snow drifts, did not know if we would mk it home and twisted pants bros. cared less, cuz they lived near by or made their hses alll comfy cozy but we were not suppose to..course we had no phone either cuz…bad, unnecessary, end soon. Dad had to wrk hrs from hme not always could mk it, so they tk him off being elder bad example, not at all mntgs…and the other elders rich farmers, once crops off…they were gone to Texas etc., travel far and wide. I best quit complaining cuz once I get going…:// so much stuff…I hate these in the Hi places…disgusting, evil, selfish, unloving…and list goes on. I do have the Bk Crisis of conscience, started rding it when I first married my 2nd husband..his father…Chris Christensen who was fighting the WT some 40 yrs or so ago in crts…any ways My husband told me about the bk…But u know how it works when you first acknowledge the fact that JW.ORG, is NOT from the True God…it is hard to let yourself get informed cuz of the engrained…Shun the Apostates kinda thing so I hid it, incase my Mom or Bros. would come and see it…Well my bros have since left, they see the hypocrisy…my Mom still in…:-//. hope one day…But when I went to read it…I hid it sooo well!!!! I could not even find it! :((. But the other day…viola! Found it so…not sure where my husband got it …I will ask him and post where. :))

 James Broughton says:

 March 16, 2016 at 8:40 am

Like Julia I completed my Master’s degree by researching into the Witnesses, as well as using my past experience. I agree with Covert that it is the second proposition that is behind the convention, namely one of retention. As with their brochure ‘Return to Jehovah’, it is an all-out effort to win back those who have left who still perhaps have family members in the organisation. However, there is still an appeal to those in other (Christian) religions who admire the zeal of the Witnesses and are possibly attracted to their slick approach. Not everyone is as informed as the contributors to JW survey and it is ignorance that is the underlying success story behind the Watchtower.

 Big B says:

 March 22, 2016 at 8:00 am

“Bored to tears”, is the best way to describe this assembly torture. However, it could be a lot worse. How many remember the eight day “Divine Will” international convention in New York City in 1958? It was from July 27 to August 3 at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds. That’s right; eight days Sunday to Sunday with a morning session, field service, and back again for lunch and the afternoon sessions from about 2 pm to 9 pm with a dinner break. With nuclear destruction imminent along with the “short time” remaining of the scarlet colored wild beast it was felt then that Armageddon’s arrival was near at hand. I was 6 years old at the time and clearly remember sitting and sweating in the sun in the outfield bleachers which were rough and splintering.
Ah yes; the good old days, yeah right. My last assembly was in 2013 the “God’s Word is Truth” District Convention. The last talk on Friday afternoon entitled “Believe Inspired Truth not Inspired Error” had me hooked. Now the real truth about their New Light and how wrong they had been would finally be revealed or so I mistakenly thought. Same old stuff–except now I was considered a “tool of the Devil” because I resolved to get a higher education in order to better my family’s quality of life. An education which unfortunately, I missed out on in the 1970’s! Alas my education came too late in life as the recession hit not long after thus sending new construction and land development into a tail spin. However, I managed to take away one bit of knowledge from my college experience; I learned how to do objective research.
Now with the passing of both my parents and their generation fading fast I realize how thoroughly duped we all were by these doom’s day, the world is an evil place, God will destroy them all, Bible thumpers. As I look back fondly to what my parent’s tried to accomplish I realize that the most important thing they failed to inculcate was an appreciation for higher worldly knowledge which, brings its own rewards.
Soon, the conventions will be held in smaller venues as the baby boomers like me, pass from this scene. Many of the children of baby boomers have already left the fold, never to return; why, because there is no future in working for a greedy, manipulative, autocracy pro gratis. As time passes and more light is shined upon this crooked organization the seven doctors of deceit will find that none of their quackery (treatments) will stop the hemorrhaging within their anemic, terminal patent. May they and this twisted Adventist evangelical cult become just a footnote in history like the “Great Disappointment of 1844”.

 Freedom says:

 March 23, 2016 at 2:40 am

There needs to be more court cases against the JW.Org to drain their funds. It is clear that this organisation is a business organisation, so dry up their funds and the business will close

 Big B says:

 March 23, 2016 at 11:37 am

I’m with you Freedom.
Between the child molestation cover-ups and their constantly begging for money, soon someone is going to put a spot light on the world H.Q. in New York.
Just let a congressional hearing be called on them and watch the unfaithful and indiscreet slave run for cover. I would love to have something like this televised like other hearings in the past. It would make for great T.V. as did the Watergate hearings back in the mid-seventy’s. If a president can be brought down and be forced to resign why can’t a business oriented religious cult?

 Freedom says:

 March 23, 2016 at 4:33 pm

I would stay up all night to watch it been televised with my satisfaction metre running high.

 isawthelight says:

 March 24, 2016 at 9:34 pm

And it does not matter if they change anything Because what is so important what they do any how, who the hell cares.If they go outta business who the hell cares? If they need more money who the hell cares? I go by what Ray Franz said on national tv and to repeat what he said and keep in mind he was on that governing body for 9 years. “AND TODAY I SAY THAT I AM ASHAMED AT WHAT I WAS INVOLVED IN” That’s good enough for me. If Ray said it then its like God saying it.

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A New Low: Watchtower Purchases Telly Awards Statuettes and Publishes Phony Quote on JW.ORG

Posted on March 12, 2016

In a bold and self-promoting publicity stunt, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has announced on its public website that Jehovah’s Witnesses have just been awarded two “Telly Awards” statuettes at the 36th Annual Telly Awards.
As impressive as this sounds, JW Survey has uncovered details revealing that these statuettes are in fact purchased by the Watchtower organization from a marketing company which deceptively promotes itself as a well-recognized awards competition.  Both registration and awards are paid for in a sketchy scheme designed to mimic legitimate, notable awards such as the Oscars and the Emmys.
The phrase “the 36th Annual Telly Awards” is designed to imitate reputable televised awards ceremonies which are recognized around the globe. The Telly awards are neither televised nor widely respected, and their certificates and statues amount to a clever way to sell membership and merchandise.
Furthermore, the Watchtower issued a carbon copy statement on its website acquired directly from Telly marketing materials, along with a fake quote from Telly executive director Linda Dey.  The same quote is issued to every Telly “winner.”
JW.ORG Announces Victory at the 2015 Telly Awards
JW.ORG Announces Victory at the 2015 Telly Awards

The Watchtower and Awards
The practice of using donated funds from Jehovah’s Witnesses to purchase a very high probability of “winning” an award is not new for the Watchtower organization. Since at least 2002, Watchtower has amassed a collection of certificates and statues, the result of dozens of submissions to numerous for-profit organizations, bypassing legitimate and critical sources of acclaim.
Located just outside the Brooklyn, New York office of senior Governing Body aide Robert Wallen stands a bookcase featuring a plethora of Telly and Aurora certificates and statues, purchased over a 14+ year period. A glass wall is all that separates this display from tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witness tourists who pilgrimage to Brooklyn Heights each year.
Watchtower displays trophies and certificates at Brooklyn Headquarters

During a 2011 tour of Watchtower headquarters, a visiting Witness missionary informed me that the organization had won several awards for broadcasting excellence, including an Emmy award. This was extremely impressive, but it was not until years later upon closer examination of the awards display, I found that this “Emmy” award was not in fact an Emmy at all, but was a “Telly” award.
It appears that the Watchtower organization did, however, register one or more of their PSA videos with the Emmys, but failed to win the award. JW Survey contacted David Winn, Senior Vice President for News & Documentaries, and Paul Pillitteri, Chief Administrative and Information Officer, but neither could confirm any nominations for 2002 or other years in which Watchtower submitted entries.
Winn admitted that the Emmys, like most other awards competitions, charges up to $400 to register a single video.
What are the Telly and Aurora Awards?
Out of every successful venture comes the inevitable copycats, the businesses which thrive on packaging a popular idea or item, then sell it for a lesser price than the competition. This is true in the film and  television industry, with the Academy Awards (the Oscars) and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (The Emmys) inspiring a number of imitation awards competitions, primarily aimed at smaller, lower budget enterprises, or organizations seeking as much publicity as possible in exchange for a fee.
The next best thing to having actually won an Emmy award is apparently having someone think you won that award.  For a few witty entrepreneurs, a golden opportunity emerged.
According to its website, the Telly Awards was founded in 1978 and “is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films.”
[NOTE:  – in their press release package, Telly declares 1979 as the date of their founding instead of 1978]
Combining a website with a shopping cart, clever marketing campaigns and a contract with the same manufacturer who produces the Oscar and Emmy statuettes, Telly zeroed in on an untapped market of emerging video creators who would jump at the chance to showcase a trophy which bears a striking resemblance to the Emmy statue.
Official Emmy Award

How does it work? When Watchtower produces a video or online news release, it uploads the video or URL to Telly using a web submission form, paying for this opportunity according to the number of entries and categories chosen. Per the Telly website: “The Telly Awards Final Entry Fee is $105 (U.S dollars) for single entries and $190 (U.S Dollars) for campaign entries.”

After the published “deadline” for entries, Telly contacts the “contestant” and advises them that they have won, in most cases, either a silver or bronze award. Once notified, the organization must cough up $210 U.S. for the trophy, which weighs approximately 4.5 pounds, one half the weight of an Oscar. You would think that a frameable certificate would come with your victory, but sadly, this too is for sale – for $45.00.
The Telly Store - Where you can purchase your award
The Telly Store – Where you can purchase your award

While Telly claims to be hosting the “37th Annual” awards contest, messages posted on their Facebook group and website indicate that there are multiple “deadlines” and “extended deadlines,” clearly raising suspicions that the Telly organization is more concerned with collecting entry fees than in maintaining the integrity of their so-called competition.
Further revealing is the fact that this “competition” is in fact not a competition against other entries, but a subjective choice of an unlimited number of “winners” chosen by the “Silver Telly Council.” Their website states:

“entries do not compete against each other. Instead, entries are judged against a high standard of merit.”
“Empowered to uphold the historical standards of the Telly competition, judges may award top honors to more than one entry or no entries in a particular category.”
[Bold added by JW Survey]
This is the equivalent of saying ‘Brie Larson, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan all did a phenomenal job this year, so they will ALL get Oscars for their movies. They will be allowed to purchase their Oscars online, and may order as many Oscars as they wish for anyone remotely connected with their efforts…’
The Telly Award “package” which must be purchased if a winner desires to hold the trophy

There is no question that awarding multiple “winners” in a category is both beneficial for the Telly award participants as well as the Telly corporation, which stands to profit to the tune of hundreds of dollars for each declared winner. Considering the thousands of submissions and winners claimed by Telly, the award business is an extremely profitable enterprise.
JW Survey contacted the Telly Awards and found that with minimal effort, any person claiming to be associated with the Jehovah’s Witness video production team can easily purchase as many statues and certificates as they desire, with no vetting procedures whatsoever. If you have the money, they will bend over backwards to sell you these awards. Customization of the award takes no longer than the time it takes to enter your credit card number.
John Redwood wins Telly Award!

And the Telly Awards are far from being the only player in the awards business. The Aurora Awards has cashed in on this scheme, with Watchtower shelling out statue money as far back as 2002.
Aurora Awards website

Based on a nearly identical set of “rules”, the Aurora Film and Video Competition also awards unlimited numbers of winners from any given category. In their FAQ, they ask:

Q – “How many winners are there per category?”
A – “Because entries are judged against an absolute standard of excellence there is no fixed number of winners. Technically all or none could be winners.”
Sound familiar?
And for only $214 U.S. Dollars, you can order your own gold or platinum colored statue, as did the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. The Aurora FAQ reminds entrants of the value of this award:


Besides, winning an Aurora Award, seeing your certificate, and holding your beautiful (and heavy) statue in your hands feels good! The beautiful statue on your desk or in your foyer will speak volumes without having to say anything.”
Watchtower Aurora awards displayed prominently at Brooklyn Headquarters

Watchtower would like members to believe that it has been recognized by well-known media organizations in an attempt to improve its public image and shake off the label of “cult” that has followed it around for over a century.
In an ironic twist, the Watchtower entered multiple pay-to-play competitions in 2002, submitting not one but three videos on the benefits of bloodless surgery. These videos were submitted to multiple “competitions” including the U.S. International Film and Video Festival and the Telly Awards.
The 2002 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses announced:

“That first video was completed in time to qualify for entry in the 34th annual U.S. International Film and Video Festival. In all, there were 1,500 entries from 33 countries… The awards show that experts within the film industry recognize the quality, accuracy, and professionalism of the video, thus contributing to the credibility of its message.”
What the Yearbook failed to mention was the fact that the judges can award as many or as few awards in any category they wish. There is no competition, and there is no festival. In fact the word “festival” is just a catchphrase designed to mimic legitimate, established events, such as the Cannes Film Festival.
2002 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses proudly features costly awards, promoting bloodless surgery while failing to mention the deaths caused by the ban on blood

By submitting multiple video entries in several categories, Watchtower practically guaranteed itself a victory. The current price to enter just one video over 30 minutes in length is $525.00 U.S.  And like the Telly and Aurora awards, winners can purchase as many statuettes and certificates as they like.
U.S. International Film and Video Festival entries comes with a hefty price tag

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, Watchtower continued writing checks, entering multiple additional competitions in 2002 including the World Media Festival, sponsored by the German company Intermedia, and The Communicator Awards.
Both organizations issued awards to Watchtower.
Of interest is the fact that the Communicator Awards “Frequently Asked Questions” reveals there may be multiple “winners” in each category, using the exact phrases posted on the Telly Awards site, as mentioned in this article.

Q. How many winners are there per category?
 A. There may be several winners in a certain category or there may be none. Winners are chosen based on the content of their piece; there are not a set number of winners per category. Judges evaluate entries to recognize distinction in creative work – entries do not compete against each other-rather entries are judged against a high standard of merit.

Is there no honor among these awards corporations? Which is worse: plagiarizing each other’s list of rules, or awarding multiple victors in any given category to drastically boost profits?
Watchtower publishes phony quote
Perhaps equally misleading to readers of the website is the Telly Award quote published on March 7th under Global News. Telly executive director Linda Day is quoted saying:

“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, executive director of the Telly Awards. “The Witnesses’ accomplishment in the Newsroom illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”
JW.ORG copies stock PR materials, including word-for-word fake quote from Linda Dey

This testimonial from Ms. Day implies that as executive director of the Telly Awards, she personally endorses the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ production. However this could not be further from the truth. In a package of marketing materials published on the Telly website, all “winners” are encouraged to insert their name into the same stock quote from Linda Day, and pass this off as an official endorsement.
Telly Award form letter with phony quote from Linda Day
Telly Award form letter with phony quote from Linda Day

This bizarre and accidental discovery reveals that the Jehovah’s Witness religious corporation will shamelessly publish a fictitious quote, knowing that in all likelihood, no one would ever audit their news post. They were wrong about that. JW Survey found scores of websites guilty of using the same form-quote. Three of these are seen below:
Examples of other websites using identical quote
Casa Hogar Website featuring identical quote from Telly director Linda Day

Hanson Dodge site uses fabricated quote

Three Post Video uses phony marketing quote

This deplorable and phony quotation serves to further diminish the integrity of both the Telly Awards and the Watchtower organization. Already known for quote-mining, photo-plagiarism, and failed prophecies, the JW writing department stands on a paper-thin sheet of ice, a precarious position for anyone whose pants are on fire.
Russell’s Photo Drama widely advertised

The fact that Watchtower has subscribed to such sketchy advertising tactics comes as no surprise to students of this organization. As far back as 1914, Watchtower founder Charles Taze Russell spent a fortune developing and promoting his famous Photo-Drama of Creation, a video production ultimately aimed at boosting sales of his six volume Studies in the Scriptures books, along with subscriptions to the Watchtower magazine.

Over 100 years later, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses purchased and housed an elaborate high-definition television studio in Brooklyn New York, and maintains extensive audio/video production facilities in Patterson, New York. Like never before, Watchtower is churning out an increasing number of video productions, while decreasing the printing of magazines and books.
The question then remains, if Watchtower is a genuine charitable organization that creates video productions free of charge, why do they find it necessary to spend thousands in donated funds to gain acceptance in the entertainment industry?
May 22nd 2005 Awake Magazine

The Awake Magazine of May 22nd 2005 provides a clue in an article on Kona coffee. Discussing the coffee cupping competition, it states “Competition is keen, for the coveted awards can mean greatly increased sales for the winners.”

When this article was written, the JW media and public relations department had already entered multiple “competitions” in an effort to promote and legitimize their videos. This is in complete opposition to what they printed in the very next issue of the Awake magazine, June 8th. In an article on the subject of ambition and humility, the Awake stated: “People who are honest and reliable and who work hard often get noticed, find good employment, and earn respect. Surely, following this course is better than resorting to the manipulation of others for personal gain or competing with others for position.”
June 8th 2005 Awake

The article further warns “true” Christians against ambition, telling them to shun it completely. It says that Christians should “simply try hard to do their best in all situations, for God’s glory, and leave the outcome in his hands.” It would appear that the Watchtower leadership follows a different set of rules than individual rank and file Witnesses. If the JW media department applied these principles, they would clearly have no interest or need to promote their videos through questionable (and costly) “worldly” competitions. The Governing Body could choose to humbly let their productions stand on their own merits, rather than entering sketchy competitions, then boastfully declaring their victories.

In the Telly news report, Watchtower name-dropped Richard Polton and Jared Kushner, then concluded their article with a copy-pasted statement from the Telly Awards marketing kit, topping it off with a phony quotation from Telly executive Linda Day. From an ethical and journalistic standpoint, this is inexcusable. But, I suppose they will leave the outcome in God’s hands.
Additional public commentary on the Telly Awards:

Church of Scientology also participates in Telly Awards…
Related video…

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114 Responses to A New Low: Watchtower Purchases Telly Awards Statuettes and Publishes Phony Quote on JW.ORG

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 Nobody says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:25 pm

Its hypocritical they would look to “satan’s world” to acquire film awards… and then proudly display the worldly awards like they have some kind of value??
If satan’s world is giving approval of your video’s and thinks they are great… you must be doing something wrong no?
No part of the world.. my ass…

 Summer says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:28 pm

This would be so laughable…
Only if it wouldnt make me want to projectile vomit !!!


 Holy Connoli says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:32 pm

Isn’t one of the main reasons that the WT says it is wrong to celebrate Birthdays is bc it draws attention to the Individual and not to God? What in the world are they doing here but trying to draw attention to themselves and how “WONDERFUL” they are and how the “WORLD” recognizes them.
 I smell a Rat!


 Winston Smith says:

 March 13, 2016 at 4:56 am

Good point. But I guess because the watchtower considers itself on par with God it is okay to accept such honor and praise.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Watchtower.

 Wanderer says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:18 am

The Governing Body are after all the guardians of doctrine or GOD!

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 14, 2016 at 1:22 am

@Wanderer. Uou are right even Jeffery Jackson said that to the ARC under oath, He said it is the Duty o the “JOB” of the GB to interpret scriptures. They do think Highly of themselves don’t they?


 Nobody says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm

It makes me furious because when i was a kid i wasn’t even aloud to play sports because having a competitive spirit was wrong… and wanting to win showed a lack of humility.
Wheres the humility in displaying these bullshit bronze statue awards?

 Jay says:

 March 13, 2016 at 12:06 am

Exactly that’s was my fillings too. The same experience in my childhood. Couldn’t believe it. I’m today 45 and since 27 years completely out of it, but my parents are stuck for life with that wicked organisation. What a shame.

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 14, 2016 at 1:25 am

@Nobody, I agree with you. They say sports are wrong b of competition. Once when I was an Elder my kid in High school wanted to play on the baseball team and they told me if I let him I would be removed for setting a bad example! WTF? Of course the WT offers NOTHING for the teenagers except pioneering and that is it. I apologized to my son for not letting him play baseball. Now we are all on baseball teams including me! They are really full of themselves.

 Max says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:40 pm

The Watchtower scammers have been scammed, all the while knowing that they were scammed, so that they could then go scam their brainwashed followers! Wow!

 Susan says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:50 pm

Wow, what a great find uncovering this craziness! Just when I thought the Watchtower could not stoop any lower, they somehow manage to crash through rock bottom! It reminds me of how at every annual convention during the last talk, they would always pat themselves on the back, telling the audience how an alleged janitor who worked at the stadium thought they were the cleanest, most orderly organization in the world. Nothing but a bunch of haughty self-promoters, and in this case, dishonest ones.

 Clay says:

 March 12, 2016 at 6:53 pm

Seems to me displaying those Awards would amount to Idolatry

 Dee says:

 March 12, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Oh. My. God.
 This crap is directed at their FOLLOWERS to make them sell the “product” more. Wait…there IS NO PRODUCT. It’s just a giant pyramid scheme.


 Grace says:

 March 12, 2016 at 7:28 pm

That’s the sad part. In their naivety & lack of understanding, they will try to promote it in their door 2 door campaigning thinking that this is something special to behold.

 Michael spengler says:

 March 13, 2016 at 1:40 am

and wonder why
they might make a fool of themselves yet again…

 Molly says:

 March 12, 2016 at 7:13 pm

Thanks for such thorough reporting on this subject. I am thinking, maybe I could get a Telly for my son’s youtube video, where he play acted as a half boy half dog…lol . I think it deserves a Telly…thanks for the info on how easy a procedure it is, and how really anyone can get.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 March 12, 2016 at 7:28 pm

Why do these men preach separation from “the world”, and claim this as evidence that they alone have God’s approval, then seek accolades from “the world” they repudiate? Why do these men teach their followers to avoid “showy things” and the glory of men, and then pursue those exact things? Steaming great hypocrites. This is so funny, and yet so sad; pathetic self posturing. It may seem like a small thing, but what did Jesus say at Luke 16:10?

 Jeffreycanning says:

 March 12, 2016 at 8:57 pm

Well said dude…

 Awake N AZ says:

 March 12, 2016 at 8:01 pm

Just when you think you’ve seen and heard of all the dirt inside the org, JW Survey gives us “New Light” to review. My jaw has hit the floor with this one. Maybe someone could market the “Sh**head of the year award” from the TV show The IT Crowd to WT next time…seems a bit more fitting than these phony things.
All joking aside, thank you, John Redwood, Lloyd Evans, and everyone else at JW Survey. Without your objective (read non-religious) critiques of JW thoughts, teachings and doctrines, I would still be kicking myself for fading away from what we all called the truth. From the bottom of my heart truly, thank you. Keep up the amazing work!

 Jeffreycanning says:

 March 12, 2016 at 8:54 pm

Great stuff… It’s only a matter of time…

 Sharon Christensen says:

 March 12, 2016 at 11:28 pm

Hmmm….I think u can buy these awards or look alikes…at the “$” store! :). sooo that means if my brother would have walked in toooo…the convention with a cup of Kona coffy, instead if a Tim Hortons one…the attendant would not have made him dump it out? Good job…..but what next!!!! Popcorn prizes, as poooof! And …”everybody will marvel at her”….need I say more….

 redundant briefcase says:

 March 13, 2016 at 1:30 am

Press release:
 New world translation of the holy scriptures for the modern man.
 The light has indeed got much brighter thanks to new LED state of the art tecnology…
Read on as the governing body through divine direction have brought Gods word right up to date….
No more worries about being an under achiever or not meeting the standards required..
 No more guilty feelings of inadequacy!
 See for yourself as the magnificent 7 have been enlightened with some up to date scriptual changes….
Now All can relax and chill and serve how and when you like.
 Heres just a few to get you well and truly excited:

” and stop being misled and indoctrinated by watchtower teachings but be enlightened by means of the net, that you may prove to yourselves, the way to live today..
 Romans 12:2
” they are to be part of the world although I was no part”
John 17: 16
” in all things we are giving cause for stumbling so our ministry may be found fault with”
2 corinthians 6:3
“Do become involved with worldly people for we are all human after all…
2 cor 6: 14
” lovers of you not know that friendship with the world is friendship with God?..whoever therefore wants to be worldly and be accepted is a friend of God.”
James 4:4
 Please note dear brothers and sisters these changes to your christian lifestyle in no way invalidate your standing within the organisation.
 Any who feel they may have missed out on life by conforming to previously held views can file a claim through the usual channels.
 However, please understand that our legal dept is exceptionally busy for the next few years.

Finally, tune in to wt org tv weekly and support our brothers who are being nominated at this years oscars..
 Brad p, angelina, tom c and our boys will be there rubbing shoulders with em all…
Chill..and hang loose x


 dontknowwheretogo says:

 March 13, 2016 at 2:01 am

I just can’t imagine the old timers back on GB 1.0 doing something like this…these guys on GB 2.0 are nuts…this is a pointless thing to do and they have been found out, all it does is prove they are charlatans…which is great for us and those still in but on the fence!
I love GB 2.0 as they are bringing about their own downfall!

 Vox Populi says:

 March 13, 2016 at 2:29 am

Shameful and deceitful. I wonder if this borders on idolatry too?

 TJ Curioso says:

 March 13, 2016 at 3:53 am

Great report! It’s outstanding as the Watchtower fools it’s followers, even in this case…

 Anthony Morris says:

 March 13, 2016 at 4:01 am

Special reply from the Governing Body Of Jehovahs Witnesses.
Dear Brothers
‘We are NO part of this wicked World’**

** The Governing Body reserve the right to be part of the Wicked world when it suits us for propaganda purposes. We reserve the right to cherry pick quotes from the world, and accept awards from Satan controlled media for the purpose of indoctrination and to give the impression to the outside world that we are not a bunch of sad misguided old men, misguiding 8 million people.
 (Please note. Due to the imminent arrival of Armageddon and the prospect of New Light emerging at any moment, our stance is subject to change. Sit there, smile and agree.)

Warm Christian regards
Your Brothers

 Anders Andersen says:

 March 13, 2016 at 4:14 am

According to the Telly fact sheet on ( ) only up to 35% of the entries receive and award.
 So it must be a real award, right?
 Or…is paying the entry fee more like gambling, where one could or could not win the desired prize by chance?


 Ready 4 to Fade says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:57 pm

Right, but who knows how many entries they placed. Maybe they entered their entire online video series from last year.

 Sheree Stokell says:

 March 13, 2016 at 4:32 am

Hang on a sec…jw org entered a “every child wins a prize” type competition and STILL only came third? That’s friggin hilarious! They really do suck.

 Bati says:

 March 13, 2016 at 4:50 am

How desperate! To take the money of the donations for publicity and to fool their followers that the jw broadcasting info they listen to is reliable and credible. This to me is really sad because as others mentioned we were told as children not to be competetive, but this is worse because if you are competetive and win because of your abilities you earned the trophy. Watchtower hasnt earn anything and are cheaters!

 Gary says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:07 am

It’s so sad:-(, how desperate.
 It’s a bit like taking part in a sports day at school and buying your own award to impress your parents when you get home, you all won.
 The worst thing is though this has been done to deliberately deceive people.
 Have to say, what great article and research , many thanks.


 JJ says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:31 am

The Internet is such a powerful force! (By the Internet, I mean great reporters, such as yourself, JWSurvey and other great websites, and the ability to reach almost everyone).
 When I was younger, I would have read the Watchtower’s propaganda and believed it 100%, as I’m sure everyone who visits this site would have done. The Watchtower had this huge printing organization and there was simply no way to compete with that corporation to get contradictory and truthful information across. Well, the rules have changed in this game, haven’t they?!?
 It’s so wonderful to see that the Watchtower, and other liars and scammers, can now get caught INSTANTLY! A couple of intelligent people with computer access can take down a 140 year old, billion dollar cult (who uses the cheapest IKEA bookcase to display their bogus awards and certificates!)
 I’m hoping-against-hope here, but some news item like this might just break the back of the mighty Watchtower.


 Vox Populi says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:57 am

… “(who uses the cheapest IKEA bookcase to display their bogus awards and certificates!)” …

 Richard V says:

 March 13, 2016 at 2:56 pm

hmmm…pretty sure those cabinets were ordered thru the Bethel Carpentry Shop. No glass doors or locks, tho…I’ll leave that to your deductions 😉

 Gary says:

 March 14, 2016 at 2:10 am

Let’s face it, who’d steal them?

 Sonja says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:05 am

Thank you doesn’t even do justice for your work. Thank you so much! Again and again. Silent Red Sonja

 Martin says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:10 am

It reminds me of mr. Bean :)


 Daniel Wiebe says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:20 am

Fantastic article John. As a JW I had heard rumors that certain Watchtower videos had one awards, but I had no idea this is what was going on.

 Tara says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:38 am

Think I just snorted my coffee through my nose….. So who accepted the award? Did they get their picture taken on the Red Carpet in tight pants? Did Tony finally get to wipe away his tears and blow his nose on his big blue hanky? What about the after show party? Anyone have a dress malfunction? Excited for the pictures in PEOPLE magazine…. or is that Women’s Realm. Will AWAKE do a special addition! Maybe a Who wore it best? section…..

 NoviceLocs14 says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:39 am

Those “statues” are reminiscent of the “Nike” sneakers they sell at the flea market with the misspelled logo for 5-10 bucks. Goes to show you the “true value” of this religion…
PS I cringe at the thought of my family still in gleefully sharing this “news”, which they probably think is further proof that they are in “the troof”.

 Twmack says:

 March 13, 2016 at 9:16 am

There’s lots of these phoney award scams advertised on
 the net. There’s one where for about 30 quid you can buy
 a square foot of land in Scotland and they send you a
 certificate which claims you are now a Lord.

My brother in law purchased one of these tin horn lordships
 and uses the title on all his correspondence. He tells me it
 works like a charm, getting him preferential treatment and
 prompt attention to any requests. – What a Phoney !

I’m thinking of recommending him to the gov, bod, He could
 easily claim to be anointed, after all you don’t even need a
 certificate to prove it. By their own stated time line, hardly any
 of the present lot qualify.

Oh! I forgot they’ve now abolished the 1935 cut off point.
 They can now keep producing young guys to the top brass
 any time they like. My brother in law would fit in nicely.


 Ceecee says:

 March 13, 2016 at 10:28 am

I lost it when I saw the donkey at the bottom in that article because that’s exactly what they look like! People around me think I’m crazy laughing the way I am since I’m in public. They are so stupid that’s it’s sad. I have officially heard it all.
I can’t BELIEVE my parents had me mixed up in this BS. And because I knew it was bs as a child and resisted getting baptized until I was about 16. I got treated like I was the stupid one. They are are at a one day assembly right now. What am I doing? Making that money, saving up for retirement. I’m im my late twenties and I know I need to save up. I will not sit around listening to the same ‘ol mess and donating money so they can buy some fake awards. They got the wrong one! I wish I could burst my parents haughty bubbles so bad! Forget being respectful. They laughed and called me ignorant for leaving and not reading and following the Watchtower. My parents have literally laughed in my face and said I was stupid on several occasions. So, no, they get what they deserve. They can sit in this cult and have other people laugh at them like they do to everyone else.

 Scully says:

 March 13, 2016 at 10:43 am

To be fair, the Telly Award is for artistic creativity, and as I (and many others) have discovered since leaving the JWs, the Watchtower is certainly extremely creative. It keeps those turds of Truth™ so well polished that they gleam! They have turned lying and their psychopathic ability to get away with it into an artform!

 Andrea says:

 March 13, 2016 at 11:18 am

Wow, this is a new low for WT. I cannot believe they can so conceitedly tell their followers to work hard for recognition when they’re themselves just going and buying it with someone else’s money. Disgusting.
 Thanks for your excellent research into this.
 Kinda tempting to go and buy one of those JW awards and put it up at home – bit of “self promotion”, see what the family say when they see it and I gotta explain that I bought it just like the Brooklyn office.


 Fader says:

 March 13, 2016 at 12:52 pm

Wow what a great great article… Did not know about all these fake awards. You’ve done it again Watchtower. Never cease to surprise me.

 Splash says:

 March 13, 2016 at 12:58 pm

JWSurvey should apply for one of these awards for their last video exposing WT child abuse.

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 March 13, 2016 at 1:26 pm

These today’s Pharisees. In their Yearbook 2008 (yb08 p. 46), they wrote:
 A teenager named Gentille became famous because of her ability to score goals when playing soccer. People called her Manayibitego, which means in the local Kinyarwanda language “God of Goals.” Some Italians noticed her ability and gave her additional training. They then invited her to participate in soccer games in Italy. Moving to Europe and having the opportunity to become an internationally known footballer was an attractive prospect. However, Gentille knew that accepting the offer would involve leaving her family. Her mother is a Witness, and although Gentille had studied the Bible, she never took the study seriously. What came first in her life was soccer. Gentille discussed the matter with her mother and came to realize the spiritual dangers involved. She decided to decline the offer and to put Kingdom interests first in her life. She was baptized at a recent assembly.


 JimmyK says:

 March 13, 2016 at 1:50 pm

Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Peggy took an online test and found out she was a genius. And for only 49.99 each she could purchase a book listing her along with all the other geniuses.

 Doc Obvious says:

 March 13, 2016 at 2:49 pm

The “Head up their Ass Award” goes to… Watchtower Babble and Tract Society for their JW Broadcasting television monthly series, “Keeping up with the Governing Body” and their renowned leader Anthony Morris III’s closet video series, “Tight Pants Tony and the Revenge of the Wedgie”

 Chiafade says:

 March 13, 2016 at 5:12 pm

So glad you guys covered this story. This is a shameless propaganda piece Watchtower is using. To see that it’s an easily proven fraud is just…DELICIOUS!
I can’t wait to share this story with JWs. Complete with the copy and pasted quote from Miss Day used for other organizations. This proves that they know exactly what they’re doing to purposely mislead people.

 Caroline says:

 March 13, 2016 at 6:42 pm

I remember some years ago, the Society getting a reward like that and I couldn’t believe it because I thought their videos were so cheesy awful and now I know why I didn’t believe it. How low can they go to get attention?

 Dunedain says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:34 pm

Isnt it amazing that an organization that for decades has spoken so harshly against idolatry, and being no part of the “world”, has resorted to proudly, and boastfully, puffing themselves up, with a LITERAL idol, from a worldly organization.
Hypocrites, that is what they are. A tree of rotten fruit, who’s days are numbered, and is soon to be cut down, torn asunder, and thrown into the fire. The WTS, will soon be ashes, upon the earth.

 Mr. WT Fun says:

 March 13, 2016 at 7:50 pm

This is simultaneously hilarious and sad. It feels like WT is going through an organizational mid-life crisis, where they are trying to stay relevant and hip with the cool kids by getting a new suit and a toupee. It went over about about as well as most mid-life crises do, too.
I’ve faded, but stories like this don’t inspire to rekindle my faith and go through the grind and drudgery of meetings and field service again. I guess I’ve outgrown the seven dwarves.

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A New Low: Watchtower Purchases Telly Awards Statuettes and Publishes Phony Quote on JW.ORG

Posted on March 12, 2016

In a bold and self-promoting publicity stunt, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has announced on its public website that Jehovah’s Witnesses have just been awarded two “Telly Awards” statuettes at the 36th Annual Telly Awards.
As impressive as this sounds, JW Survey has uncovered details revealing that these statuettes are in fact purchased by the Watchtower organization from a marketing company which deceptively promotes itself as a well-recognized awards competition.  Both registration and awards are paid for in a sketchy scheme designed to mimic legitimate, notable awards such as the Oscars and the Emmys.
The phrase “the 36th Annual Telly Awards” is designed to imitate reputable televised awards ceremonies which are recognized around the globe. The Telly awards are neither televised nor widely respected, and their certificates and statues amount to a clever way to sell membership and merchandise.
Furthermore, the Watchtower issued a carbon copy statement on its website acquired directly from Telly marketing materials, along with a fake quote from Telly executive director Linda Dey.  The same quote is issued to every Telly “winner.”
JW.ORG Announces Victory at the 2015 Telly Awards
JW.ORG Announces Victory at the 2015 Telly Awards

The Watchtower and Awards
The practice of using donated funds from Jehovah’s Witnesses to purchase a very high probability of “winning” an award is not new for the Watchtower organization. Since at least 2002, Watchtower has amassed a collection of certificates and statues, the result of dozens of submissions to numerous for-profit organizations, bypassing legitimate and critical sources of acclaim.
Located just outside the Brooklyn, New York office of senior Governing Body aide Robert Wallen stands a bookcase featuring a plethora of Telly and Aurora certificates and statues, purchased over a 14+ year period. A glass wall is all that separates this display from tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witness tourists who pilgrimage to Brooklyn Heights each year.
Watchtower displays trophies and certificates at Brooklyn Headquarters

During a 2011 tour of Watchtower headquarters, a visiting Witness missionary informed me that the organization had won several awards for broadcasting excellence, including an Emmy award. This was extremely impressive, but it was not until years later upon closer examination of the awards display, I found that this “Emmy” award was not in fact an Emmy at all, but was a “Telly” award.
It appears that the Watchtower organization did, however, register one or more of their PSA videos with the Emmys, but failed to win the award. JW Survey contacted David Winn, Senior Vice President for News & Documentaries, and Paul Pillitteri, Chief Administrative and Information Officer, but neither could confirm any nominations for 2002 or other years in which Watchtower submitted entries.
Winn admitted that the Emmys, like most other awards competitions, charges up to $400 to register a single video.
What are the Telly and Aurora Awards?
Out of every successful venture comes the inevitable copycats, the businesses which thrive on packaging a popular idea or item, then sell it for a lesser price than the competition. This is true in the film and  television industry, with the Academy Awards (the Oscars) and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (The Emmys) inspiring a number of imitation awards competitions, primarily aimed at smaller, lower budget enterprises, or organizations seeking as much publicity as possible in exchange for a fee.
The next best thing to having actually won an Emmy award is apparently having someone think you won that award.  For a few witty entrepreneurs, a golden opportunity emerged.
According to its website, the Telly Awards was founded in 1978 and “is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films.”
[NOTE:  – in their press release package, Telly declares 1979 as the date of their founding instead of 1978]
Combining a website with a shopping cart, clever marketing campaigns and a contract with the same manufacturer who produces the Oscar and Emmy statuettes, Telly zeroed in on an untapped market of emerging video creators who would jump at the chance to showcase a trophy which bears a striking resemblance to the Emmy statue.
Official Emmy Award

How does it work? When Watchtower produces a video or online news release, it uploads the video or URL to Telly using a web submission form, paying for this opportunity according to the number of entries and categories chosen. Per the Telly website: “The Telly Awards Final Entry Fee is $105 (U.S dollars) for single entries and $190 (U.S Dollars) for campaign entries.”

After the published “deadline” for entries, Telly contacts the “contestant” and advises them that they have won, in most cases, either a silver or bronze award. Once notified, the organization must cough up $210 U.S. for the trophy, which weighs approximately 4.5 pounds, one half the weight of an Oscar. You would think that a frameable certificate would come with your victory, but sadly, this too is for sale – for $45.00.
The Telly Store - Where you can purchase your award
The Telly Store – Where you can purchase your award

While Telly claims to be hosting the “37th Annual” awards contest, messages posted on their Facebook group and website indicate that there are multiple “deadlines” and “extended deadlines,” clearly raising suspicions that the Telly organization is more concerned with collecting entry fees than in maintaining the integrity of their so-called competition.
Further revealing is the fact that this “competition” is in fact not a competition against other entries, but a subjective choice of an unlimited number of “winners” chosen by the “Silver Telly Council.” Their website states:

“entries do not compete against each other. Instead, entries are judged against a high standard of merit.”
“Empowered to uphold the historical standards of the Telly competition, judges may award top honors to more than one entry or no entries in a particular category.”
[Bold added by JW Survey]
This is the equivalent of saying ‘Brie Larson, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan all did a phenomenal job this year, so they will ALL get Oscars for their movies. They will be allowed to purchase their Oscars online, and may order as many Oscars as they wish for anyone remotely connected with their efforts…’
The Telly Award “package” which must be purchased if a winner desires to hold the trophy

There is no question that awarding multiple “winners” in a category is both beneficial for the Telly award participants as well as the Telly corporation, which stands to profit to the tune of hundreds of dollars for each declared winner. Considering the thousands of submissions and winners claimed by Telly, the award business is an extremely profitable enterprise.
JW Survey contacted the Telly Awards and found that with minimal effort, any person claiming to be associated with the Jehovah’s Witness video production team can easily purchase as many statues and certificates as they desire, with no vetting procedures whatsoever. If you have the money, they will bend over backwards to sell you these awards. Customization of the award takes no longer than the time it takes to enter your credit card number.
John Redwood wins Telly Award!

And the Telly Awards are far from being the only player in the awards business. The Aurora Awards has cashed in on this scheme, with Watchtower shelling out statue money as far back as 2002.
Aurora Awards website

Based on a nearly identical set of “rules”, the Aurora Film and Video Competition also awards unlimited numbers of winners from any given category. In their FAQ, they ask:

Q – “How many winners are there per category?”
A – “Because entries are judged against an absolute standard of excellence there is no fixed number of winners. Technically all or none could be winners.”
Sound familiar?
And for only $214 U.S. Dollars, you can order your own gold or platinum colored statue, as did the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. The Aurora FAQ reminds entrants of the value of this award:


Besides, winning an Aurora Award, seeing your certificate, and holding your beautiful (and heavy) statue in your hands feels good! The beautiful statue on your desk or in your foyer will speak volumes without having to say anything.”
Watchtower Aurora awards displayed prominently at Brooklyn Headquarters

Watchtower would like members to believe that it has been recognized by well-known media organizations in an attempt to improve its public image and shake off the label of “cult” that has followed it around for over a century.
In an ironic twist, the Watchtower entered multiple pay-to-play competitions in 2002, submitting not one but three videos on the benefits of bloodless surgery. These videos were submitted to multiple “competitions” including the U.S. International Film and Video Festival and the Telly Awards.
The 2002 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses announced:

“That first video was completed in time to qualify for entry in the 34th annual U.S. International Film and Video Festival. In all, there were 1,500 entries from 33 countries… The awards show that experts within the film industry recognize the quality, accuracy, and professionalism of the video, thus contributing to the credibility of its message.”
What the Yearbook failed to mention was the fact that the judges can award as many or as few awards in any category they wish. There is no competition, and there is no festival. In fact the word “festival” is just a catchphrase designed to mimic legitimate, established events, such as the Cannes Film Festival.
2002 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses proudly features costly awards, promoting bloodless surgery while failing to mention the deaths caused by the ban on blood

By submitting multiple video entries in several categories, Watchtower practically guaranteed itself a victory. The current price to enter just one video over 30 minutes in length is $525.00 U.S.  And like the Telly and Aurora awards, winners can purchase as many statuettes and certificates as they like.
U.S. International Film and Video Festival entries comes with a hefty price tag

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, Watchtower continued writing checks, entering multiple additional competitions in 2002 including the World Media Festival, sponsored by the German company Intermedia, and The Communicator Awards.
Both organizations issued awards to Watchtower.
Of interest is the fact that the Communicator Awards “Frequently Asked Questions” reveals there may be multiple “winners” in each category, using the exact phrases posted on the Telly Awards site, as mentioned in this article.

Q. How many winners are there per category?
 A. There may be several winners in a certain category or there may be none. Winners are chosen based on the content of their piece; there are not a set number of winners per category. Judges evaluate entries to recognize distinction in creative work – entries do not compete against each other-rather entries are judged against a high standard of merit.

Is there no honor among these awards corporations? Which is worse: plagiarizing each other’s list of rules, or awarding multiple victors in any given category to drastically boost profits?
Watchtower publishes phony quote
Perhaps equally misleading to readers of the website is the Telly Award quote published on March 7th under Global News. Telly executive director Linda Day is quoted saying:

“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, executive director of the Telly Awards. “The Witnesses’ accomplishment in the Newsroom illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”
JW.ORG copies stock PR materials, including word-for-word fake quote from Linda Dey

This testimonial from Ms. Day implies that as executive director of the Telly Awards, she personally endorses the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ production. However this could not be further from the truth. In a package of marketing materials published on the Telly website, all “winners” are encouraged to insert their name into the same stock quote from Linda Day, and pass this off as an official endorsement.
Telly Award form letter with phony quote from Linda Day
Telly Award form letter with phony quote from Linda Day

This bizarre and accidental discovery reveals that the Jehovah’s Witness religious corporation will shamelessly publish a fictitious quote, knowing that in all likelihood, no one would ever audit their news post. They were wrong about that. JW Survey found scores of websites guilty of using the same form-quote. Three of these are seen below:
Examples of other websites using identical quote
Casa Hogar Website featuring identical quote from Telly director Linda Day

Hanson Dodge site uses fabricated quote

Three Post Video uses phony marketing quote

This deplorable and phony quotation serves to further diminish the integrity of both the Telly Awards and the Watchtower organization. Already known for quote-mining, photo-plagiarism, and failed prophecies, the JW writing department stands on a paper-thin sheet of ice, a precarious position for anyone whose pants are on fire.
Russell’s Photo Drama widely advertised

The fact that Watchtower has subscribed to such sketchy advertising tactics comes as no surprise to students of this organization. As far back as 1914, Watchtower founder Charles Taze Russell spent a fortune developing and promoting his famous Photo-Drama of Creation, a video production ultimately aimed at boosting sales of his six volume Studies in the Scriptures books, along with subscriptions to the Watchtower magazine.

Over 100 years later, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses purchased and housed an elaborate high-definition television studio in Brooklyn New York, and maintains extensive audio/video production facilities in Patterson, New York. Like never before, Watchtower is churning out an increasing number of video productions, while decreasing the printing of magazines and books.
The question then remains, if Watchtower is a genuine charitable organization that creates video productions free of charge, why do they find it necessary to spend thousands in donated funds to gain acceptance in the entertainment industry?
May 22nd 2005 Awake Magazine

The Awake Magazine of May 22nd 2005 provides a clue in an article on Kona coffee. Discussing the coffee cupping competition, it states “Competition is keen, for the coveted awards can mean greatly increased sales for the winners.”

When this article was written, the JW media and public relations department had already entered multiple “competitions” in an effort to promote and legitimize their videos. This is in complete opposition to what they printed in the very next issue of the Awake magazine, June 8th. In an article on the subject of ambition and humility, the Awake stated: “People who are honest and reliable and who work hard often get noticed, find good employment, and earn respect. Surely, following this course is better than resorting to the manipulation of others for personal gain or competing with others for position.”
June 8th 2005 Awake

The article further warns “true” Christians against ambition, telling them to shun it completely. It says that Christians should “simply try hard to do their best in all situations, for God’s glory, and leave the outcome in his hands.” It would appear that the Watchtower leadership follows a different set of rules than individual rank and file Witnesses. If the JW media department applied these principles, they would clearly have no interest or need to promote their videos through questionable (and costly) “worldly” competitions. The Governing Body could choose to humbly let their productions stand on their own merits, rather than entering sketchy competitions, then boastfully declaring their victories.

In the Telly news report, Watchtower name-dropped Richard Polton and Jared Kushner, then concluded their article with a copy-pasted statement from the Telly Awards marketing kit, topping it off with a phony quotation from Telly executive Linda Day. From an ethical and journalistic standpoint, this is inexcusable. But, I suppose they will leave the outcome in God’s hands.
Additional public commentary on the Telly Awards:

Church of Scientology also participates in Telly Awards…
Related video…

(For a UK version that is not blocked, click here)

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114 Responses to A New Low: Watchtower Purchases Telly Awards Statuettes and Publishes Phony Quote on JW.ORG

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 pseudo says:

 March 13, 2016 at 8:18 pm

Someone should start a crowdfundinging project to buy these and have them drop shipped to various Kingdom Halls. Maybe that would raise a few questions.

 NoOneSpecial says:

 March 23, 2016 at 4:41 pm

I’ll be a donator…

 Kat says:

 March 13, 2016 at 11:10 pm

The men would/be kings.

 Istvan says:

 March 14, 2016 at 2:49 am

ah ah ah….the WBTS is but an usual US-based business fake explointing American puritanism!

 Blushing ex elder says:

 March 14, 2016 at 4:11 am

Desperatley sad! To have Letts begging for more funds, innocent children being duped to empty their piggy banks and ‘give to Jehovah’, loyal (if misguided) publishers guilted into greater donations and then these jokers spend the cash on tacky trinkets to pleasure themselves. As if they new HQ isn’t self-indulgent enough. And totally agree with other comments on the so called evil of a competitive spirit, seeking glory from men. Glad to be out :)

 D. Charles Pyle says:

 March 14, 2016 at 4:41 am

While this sort of behavior is shocking to many, it actually is expected behavior that has long gone on in the organization, in much the same way that they misuse some sources and use sources of questionable value, as well as making up names of sources, to “support” their theological predilections for their readers.
For instance, some of the so-called J references they have cited in the past actually are cited using fake names! Usually, those with the fake names are those which clearly and unmistakably say things in Hebrew like “And he said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And Jehovah said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting…’.”
The source? Acts 9:5 in J7. The Watchtower provided a fake reference to that source, hoping that readers won’t actually find the source and just take it on faith. They tell the reader only enough about the source but refer to it as “Greek Scriptures in Hebrew” and mention the name of the author and refer to a Polyglott New Testament published in Nuremburg, and that a copy is in the New York Library. I dare say that most Witnesses have never set eyes on the actual source or even have attempted to look at it, preferring instead to believe what the Watchtower published about the J references in which they claimed that not a single one has a single passage that has Jesus as Jehovah, and so forth.
It’s real title? “Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi.” In English that is: “New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” The name of the author and compiler is given on the title page of the work as Eliae Hutteri. Indeed, the abovementioned reference is one of a number of places where, contrary to Watchtower claims and denials, the Hebrew texts they used to help in the placement of the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures actually do say things like Jesus is Jehovah, and they ignored them all and lied to the public with their claims that such texts in the sources did not actually exist.
So, it is of no surprise that they purchase awards and certificates and show these off to the public to convince them of things not in evidence.

 Vinitha says:

 March 14, 2016 at 5:53 am

Good job JWSurvey and John Redwood for the excellent investigative journalism.
Found few other Telly Award winners from worldly professions including military, pro-life activist, tourism, universities, financial institutes, other religious organisations and advertising agencies, etc…
1. Museum of American Armor video wins “Telly Awards” competition
2. Pro-Life Television Show “Facing Life Head-On” Wins Telly and Accolade Awards
3. The Center for Suicide Awareness Selected a Winner In The 35th Annual Telly Awards
List of award winners can be seen at Telly Awards website.
To name a few ….Lockheed Martin, BAE systems, US military, etc….

 Jaime says:

 March 14, 2016 at 10:39 am

Thank you John. It is an excellent article that I wish I could say I enjoyed immensely. The only reason I can’t is this crap just makes me feel like I was such a fool… a generational fool. However, the exposure is desperately needed and will help others. Thank you.

 ruthlee says:

 March 14, 2016 at 12:30 pm

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ive got a spasm of laughter. thankyou thankyou mr writer sir! This is truly funny. What joy!,self praise is no praise. We have bought into some priceless trash in our time but a donkey and a few magic beans. Next they will be casting their crowns at the golden calf of telly awardom. I still think the watchtower should do a lottery ive got the prizes all lined up Third prize a trinket of your choice from the display that YOU can parade at each special assembly day. Second prize dinner with Tony Tightpants special bonus tony cooks hotdogs and you receive a copy of all his ranty scripts. And the winners prize everlasting life with the proviso that you keep your panda on a leash. Yes folks coming to an assembly near you very soon. Ha Ha Ha Ha my laugh wont stop I need help. ruthlee

 Bright Lightbulb says:

 March 14, 2016 at 1:03 pm

We are in good company ya’ll. Even the freaks down in Clearwater Florida won this distinguished award!

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:55 am

Average Joe. SOS just a different Cult. Same lies with a different twist.

 Average Joe says:

 March 14, 2016 at 1:29 pm

Talk about double standards. That’s disgusting. The fact sheet clearly states it’s a competition that they have to enter, whilst the website makes out they were awarded them.

 Average Joe says:

 March 14, 2016 at 1:53 pm

It’s not so much the fact that the awards aren’t really worth the materials they are made from but more of how the WTS is getting involved in COMPETITIONS when they always frown on that sort of thing.
 EXCELLENT video by Lloyd and very good Father Ted link; my favourite Irish comedy. If anyone has not seen it then I’d recommend you start with the episode entitled “Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse”!


 ruthlee says:

 March 15, 2016 at 2:46 am

Joe don’t get me started again . I live my life in quotes from Father Ted and Blackadder. ruthlee

 Average Joe says:

 March 15, 2016 at 8:27 am

“Careful now Ruthlee. Down with that sort of thing! Ah ye will, ye will, ye will. Ah go on Father!”
Actually some of Dougal’s explanations about the Bible make a heck of a lot more sense to me!
 You’ve inspired me to change my avatar. Watch this space!


 ruthlee says:

 March 16, 2016 at 3:08 am

Och faether! go on go on go on cuppa tea? with love and devotion Missus Doyle. Ruthlee

 ruthlee says:

 March 16, 2016 at 3:11 am

another post script, I cannot help myself.” That would Be an ecumenical matter.” (all of it) ruthlee


 Tara says:

 March 15, 2016 at 6:51 am

Nursie: Out you popped and everyone’s shouting: “It’s a boy, it’s a boy!” And somebody said: “But it hasn’t got a winkle!” And I said: “God be praised, it’s a miracle. A boy without a winkle!” And then Sir Thomas More pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. Everyone was really disappointed.

 Dodger says:

 March 14, 2016 at 9:15 pm

I just had a brilliant idea! Let’s chip in and pay for one of Cedar’s best documentary films about WT to be submitted for a Telly! I don’t know which one to pick…

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:48 am

@Dodger. I think that is a great Idea for us to chip in and get an award from the same company saying the same things the WT. hen wan a copy to the WT also? Dodger? Does your name indicate you are a “DODGER” baseball fan?

 Holy Connoli says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:51 am

@ Dodger. I had a typo with stuck keys. Meant to say Then we can send a copy to the WT of his award with same quote from the same lady at e telly awards.
I am for it if anyone wants to do that and contribute $$ to it count me in.

 MattH says:

 March 15, 2016 at 2:32 am

In the same 36th Annual awards, the Billy Graham Evangelistic association won two *silver* awards:
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
 Billy Graham Evang Assoc
 Louis Zamperini: Captured by Grace

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
 Billy Graham Evang Assoc

The site doesn’t list the Bronze winners, I can only assume because there are just too many to list, however there are (at a rough count) 480 Film/Video Silver Winners in 2015.
480 human organisations who are better than Jehovah’s “bronze winning” appointed representatives.

 Stephane Laliberte says:

 March 15, 2016 at 5:28 am

I told my JW family about how this article is misleading and how it ends with an obvious lie (the false quote). This is not a small or honest mistake, its an entire article deliberately misleading the readers. I also explained that up until now, I believed every stories they reported in the publications and conventions; I never thought their conscience would go as far a fabricating stories. Well, with this article, they demonstrated that they very well could if they believed that the “end justified the meaning”.
So, my relative looked at the other website boasting the same quotes, they took a look at the FAQ from the Telly Awards, and they are now shocked as well.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 March 15, 2016 at 5:44 am

If anyone is serious about buying JWSurvey some awards I would like to contribute.
Maybe John Redwood would like this ‘privelge’?

 Twmack says:

 March 15, 2016 at 5:54 am

1 John 2/16, Because everything in the world, the desire
 of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the SHOWY
 DISPLAY of one’s means of life – Does not originate with
 the Father, but originates with the world. NWT

Matt, 23/3. Therefore all the things they tell you, do and
 observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they
 say but do not perform. NWT


 Juli says:

 March 15, 2016 at 7:02 am

The watchtower is creating their own demise on every level. What a worldly bunch.

 Will says:

 March 15, 2016 at 7:30 am

I don’t think this organization understands the power of the internet. Do they really think that people are not going to question this? Are they that delusional? I’m sure even “faithful” witnesses will look up what this award is, out of innocence and then start to question. I told my wife that there is one thing the org said a long time ago and I wholeheartedly agree with– “Religion is a snare and a racket”

 Average Joe says:

 March 15, 2016 at 8:56 am

Too true Will. The fact that the WTS put the name “Telly Awards” on their site will make any curious person look, especially if they’ve never heard of those awards, like me.

 Winston Smith says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:59 pm

 Just based on some of their recent actions you can tell that the Watchtower leadership are not the sharpest tools in the shed. However, I think that issues with making statements about the Telly Awards stem from using an outdated playbook. They act as if they still live in the days before the Internet when they could spin any line of BS and no one would question it. They need to step into the 21st century if they want to have any chance of maintaining their control over the R&F.


 ActigallUr says:

 March 15, 2016 at 9:01 am

Well, well, well. Now isn’t this sort of “seeking glory from men” and ostentatious showy display?
Shame! Too bad the WT doesn’t have in their news feed that they lost their charity commission appeal on child abuse.
Of course, like a wicked slave, the truth must be hidden.

 PeterB says:

 March 15, 2016 at 3:23 pm

Yea that was pretty stupid of WT to do. So just checking this sight out. ~ When it comes down to doctrine… JW’s are closer than anyone out there. I don’t believe in the whole attitude of “as long as your a good person, Jesus will except you”. Or, “whatever makes you happy.” That thought process will lead to nothingness on the person’s part thus accomplishing…nothing. As I read the bible. I see it all lining up with what’s going on in the world. And yes, yes I believe that there is the Illuminati running the world, and I also believe that 9/11 was a complete inside job & that the official story is a big fat lie. I also believe that there is a Satan that does exist. And yes I know that Charles T Russell was in some way connected to a division of the free mason society. And if I were a JW, that wouldn’t bother me. There have been many other men and elite that have distanced themselves from secret societies. So anyway…(I have been fascinated by religion with all it’s corruption and history. I’m 36 years old and have personally investigated religion for over the last 18 years.) I believe that god would indeed use a “organization” throughout history and also today as well. On the other hand, I do not believe that only JW’s will make into the earthly paradise. Many JW’s also say that ‘when it comes down to it…only God knows whom exactly is going to make it in, & no doubt he will show mercy to many’ at Armagedden. (I totally believe in THE END of this world we live in) The thing is, is that JW’s don’t stress this thought to thier sheep and here’s why: if they did then Matt 24:14 would have never been accomplished. Because millions wouldn’t feel the urgency to preach and teach. That’s why it is vital that thier preaching work is organized. That’s the most important role for JW’s. So, then…who the hell cares if they are WAY OFF on certain things like some prophecies! Or if a few heads at the top are a little shady. Or if they do plenty wrong. Who the hell cares if thousands are “shunned”. I for one agree with the “shunning” because JW’s must believe that they are the chosen organization that is working along with the will of God…(if that was true)…then they MUST be strict about who it is that carries the name JW!!!! The only thing I have a problem with is the way they have handled child molestation and rape cases. The policies regarding molestation and rape cases must be totally changed!!!!! But other than that…JWs still are the ONES! JW’s organization has never said of themselves to be a perfect OG. There will be wrongdoing from top to bottom. They are imperfect! These things do not totally exclude them from being used to share the “good news” they always knock on doors about. They are following a commandment from Jesus. The ones who stick around that organization despite these mistakes from the top heads or certain prophecies that they keep getting wrong…are just playing it safe. They are smart for playing it safe and trying to do the right thing in god’s eyes. If I weren’t such a selfish bum who likes to take it easy in life…I would go right along with them. I had a coworker a few years ago that was a shunned witness. He didn’t give a fuck. He was cool with it. So whoever is not cool with it (if they are indeed the organization in bible prophecy) then those ones can’t take the pressure. I would think, if there was a OG in our era that was doing the best job of representing god, then it wouldn’t be easy to do. It would be very difficult.

 Covert Fade says:

 March 15, 2016 at 4:17 pm

Question for you: Why would God use an organisation that put the most vulnerable human beings (children) at risk of one of the most awful experiences imaginable (rape) in such a careless and callous way, and then who lied and covered up their actions in courts of law to make sure they didn’t have to change? If you were a loving God, would you use people like that?
On your shunning comment that those who leave “can’t take the pressure” what do you say to those who left, not because they felt that JW life was too hard, but because they feel that the JW’s are simply not the right religion? Should they be shunned simply for exercising their right to choose their religion?

 Tara says:

 March 15, 2016 at 5:57 pm

Perhaps you should try it. Study, get baptised and then do something wrong in their eyes. Little social experiment for you eh. Of course it helps if your family are also witnesses and can no longer talk to you or you may not be able to see your grandchildren anymore. Also adds a bit of spice if you have only witness friends. Let us know how you get on.

 Outandabout says:

 March 15, 2016 at 9:29 pm

peterB… I believe you are a JW.

 Bad Penny says:

 March 16, 2016 at 4:34 am

I don’t think he would use the ‘f’ word if he was a JW.


 peterB says:

 March 16, 2016 at 9:03 am

Not a JDub. I was raised Catholic. Then became atheist for a few years in my early 20s. I had a friend in high school who was a JDub. He was more like a two faced JDub Lol. Then a couple of years ago I had a coworker who was a JDub. That’s funny that people on here are saying I’m a JW! Anyway, I now (after EXTENSIVE research of ALL religion. Even research that proves JWs are wrong on all kinds of shit) believe in god. Off of my own research I believe in god. And all I’m saying is that I believe JWs are the closest thing there is to what I read in the bible. I believe in the idea of an Organization. I believe that JDubs will in time (hopefully) clean up their shit with child molestation and rape. They also need to stop asking for donations. And they need to stop giving themselves awards!!! LOL! That was hilarious. I’m not looking to join them anytime soon. But after reading the bible…if you all don’t believe we are living in the “last days”, you all are out of your mind. No doubt the USA is headed for martial law! When that happens, the shits going to hit the fan! In a big-ass way! Then what are you guys going to do? Sit around and complain about JDUBS? There are bigger things to fight for. A spotlight needs to be put on the shadow government that is ruling behind the scenes. Anyway getting back to religion…answer me this: “IF” (please pretend that the ‘IF” really does happen)…IF JWs made all the changes that everyone complains about. Seriously every change, you are going to sit there and tell me that, at that point, you wouldn’t be like…”damn, all those changes WOW. Those changes and that global preaching thing! That sounds about right!” ??? Will you all still say that they are evil?

 PeterB says:

 March 16, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Not a JDub. I was raised Catholic. Then became atheist for a few years in my early 20s. I had a friend in highschool who was a JDub. He was more like a two faced JDub Lol. Then a couple of years ago I had a coworker who was a JDub. That’s funny that people on here are saying I’m a JW! Anyway, I now (after EXTENSIVE research of ALL religion. Even research that proves JWs are wrong on all kinds of shit) believe in god. Off of my own research I believe in god. And all I’m saying is that I believe JWs are the closest thing there is to what I read in the bible. I believe in the idea of an Organization. I believe that JDubs will in time (hopefully) clean up their shit with child molestation and rape. They also need to stop asking for donations. And they need to stop giving themselves awards!!! LOL! That was hilarious. I’m not looking to join them anytime soon. But after reading the bible…if you all don’t believe we are living in the “last days”, you all are out of your mind. No doubt the USA is headed for martial law! When that happens, the shits going to hit the fan! In a big-ass way! Then what are you guys going to do? Sit around and complain about JDUBS? There are bigger things to fight for. A spotlight needs to be put on the shadow government that is ruling behind the scenes. Anyway getting back to religion…answer me this: “IF” (please pretend that the ‘IF” really does happen)…IF JWs made all the changes that everyone complains about. Seriously every change, you are going to sit there and tell me that, at that point, you wouldn’t be like…”damn, all those changes WOW. Those changes and that global preaching thing! That sounds about right!” ??? Will you all still say that they are evil?

 dee2 says:

 March 16, 2016 at 3:27 pm

I would like to suggest that you read the following JWsurvey article regarding the JW’s promised Paradise earth doctrine as well as ALL THE COMMENTS accompanying the article, then let us know what you think:


 Bad Penny says:

 March 16, 2016 at 4:48 pm

PeterB –
I believe ‘The shadow government’ that you speak of is behind ALL religion, including JWDom. They have manipulated and controlled the masses from time immemorial. If you look to the roots of the Watchtower you will find occultism. Can a bad root produce a good tree? I don’t think so. Whatever changes they may make will never exonerate them from their murky past. The Society is trying to hide its roots from the regular jdubs and it appears they are succeeding.
 We all know there are bigger issues at stake in the world but we are on this site specifically to try and encourage those who have left and those who are thinking of leaving Watchtower. It is very hard for most of us to come to terms with the wasted years without some emotional issues. We are supporting each other to carry on.
 May I suggest that as you are keen on your own research and have come to your own conclusions about God, that you continue to do so. You don’t need a religion to find truth for you. I spent thirty years finding that out.


 ruthlee says:

 March 16, 2016 at 3:18 am

Not to patronize you peterb but you are young. Maybe if you had been born in raped silenced gave up all hopes of a promising career and landed in a big pile of doggy doo at aged 50+ you would get a small inkling of How duped us stupid children were who chose the wrong parents. Preaching! My eye God could have got the stones to sing and shout for all the good our pamphleteering did . You are foolish to even think it did any good. ruthless

 Big B says:

 March 16, 2016 at 10:54 am

Amen, I was dragged from door to door with my parents before I entered the first grade. Further education, why? Armageddon is “just around the corner”; forget getting married, having children, getting a well paying career, slave for Jehovah!
 Yeah, right. Glad I finally went to college and woke up from this nightmare.


 Chuck says:

 March 28, 2016 at 8:14 pm

This is hard to hear . My heart goes out to you . Especially losing the best years of one’s life. College , the pursuit of excellence in education and a family . I pray that God is blessing you in return now !


 Hannah says:

 March 18, 2016 at 6:24 pm

Peter, this website explains how JWs could still be God’s people with these kind of things going on… a whole lot to read, very heavy on prophecy, but worth considering…

 Felipe Morales says:

 March 15, 2016 at 1:50 pm

In the Telly Award winners you can only see Silver winners (thousands), but nothing is listed under Bronze. I wonder if you have to pay more if you want your name displayed in the Telly Award Silver list.

 James Broughton says:

 March 16, 2016 at 5:30 am

There is nothing inherently wrong in receiving awards for the quality of work produced. It is how the publicity for that achievement is used. Does it lull people into thinking that this is an organisation worth joining? Isn’t the art of deception making what is counterfeit look like the real thing?

 Big B says:

 March 16, 2016 at 10:48 am

Poor sad and deluded people. Everything they (the Governing Body) try to enhance their reputation with the world as far as respect, and credibility seems to backfire on them. These awards are just the latest attempt to salvage their already ridiculously horrible brand that they have received over the last decade. U.N. support, child abuse and cover-up, secret payouts to victims rather than going to court, and the admittance that perpetrators go unreported and if disfellowshipped welcomed back into the congregation is unimaginable.
I was once proud to be and enjoy association with Jehovah’s Witnesses for over 55 years but no more. I am ashamed that I was ever affiliated with them and their Amway religion with their weekly sales meetings and conventions are just that, “how to increase sales”. This whole religion is wrapped around “sales”, the selling of a brand of evangelical Adventism which no one is buying. Sad, pitiable people going from door to door cold-calling the masses who are not interested in their inane message for no recompense whatsoever. Most of them don’t realize that all they are doing is finding their replacements. With every death in the congregation comes the certain realization that the recently departed is not part of the Great Crowd to survive Armageddon. Soon they will have to come to the reality that they are not part of the Great Crowd as well. Pathetically mislead duped people.

 Bad Penny says:

 March 16, 2016 at 5:07 pm

I agree with you Big B –
Pathetically misled duped people. I was one of them, also proud at the time.
 I ran into a couple of sisters today that I hadn’t seen for years. I told them I didn’t go anymore and they asked me why. Well, the 607 date, the Royal Commission on child abuse, the Charity Commission investigation, the list could go on. They just said Satan could get in anywhere and we are all under attack, but we must trust the Governing Body because they are directed by God..
 Poor misguided ones. I let them float away in their ‘bubble’, thinking that they had tried to help me!!


 Tara says:

 March 16, 2016 at 5:26 pm

I wouldn’t trust the Governing body ….. and I can’t think of a good enough example to write.

 Robert67 says:

 March 16, 2016 at 12:42 pm

Wouldn’t this be considered Idolatry if the rank and file kept a trophy case? Are they really displaying awards “given to them” by worldly people for all the friends to admire? Anyone remember how we were to look down on the teen and his running trophies a few years ago. “If you receive something from Satans system he is going to want something in return” “Consider it all garbage”

 dee2 says:

 March 16, 2016 at 1:15 pm

When I was in high school I was told how wrong competing is and that I am among bad association and so I withdrew myself from my school’s badminton team and stopped participating in the various other tournaments for which I had won medals. I did all this without consulting my parents who by then were turned off by the religion for various reasons – I was told that my parents’ opposition to my involvement in the religion was persecution and so I became distant from my parents.
 I was even told that I shouldn’t worry about the exercise I would miss from playing badminton as I would more than make up for it by preaching from door to door.


 Bad Penny says:

 March 16, 2016 at 5:16 pm

We knew a young brother who ditched all his football trophies in the bin after some ‘well meaning’ brother had counselled him. The young man’s father (not a witness) was heartbroken. The lad could have become a professional footballer, he had the world at his feet. He chose to become a window washer.
 What hypocrites JW.Org has become. Yet their gold and silver (and bronze) will not save them in the day of God’s fury!


 Tara says:

 March 16, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Ive just found my sons chess medal from school. I must have hidden it away when he was told it was wrong to compete in sports/competitions. I feel sick to think how good he was at sports and games. Now they show off their trophies. Shame on them.

 James says:

 March 17, 2016 at 11:10 am

I am a casual lurker here, but I find this a bunch of nothing. A lot of organizations enter these contests. And they don’t all win. So the WTBTS won some awards. So what? So did Disney and A&E. I know personally of ones that have entered and received nothing. So, I really don’t see the point.

 John Redwood says:

 March 17, 2016 at 11:36 am

James – if you don’t see the point, you did not read the article. Let’s summarize
1) Watchtower entered numerous “competitions” which are not by definition actual competitions with only one winner per category. This is deceptive
 2) Watchtower public relations issued a completely phony quote which never happened. Linda Day never ever issued that quote to Watchtower. This is deceptive
 3) Watchtower spent thousands over the past few years to enter these contests, instead of allowing their work to stand on its own and be recognized. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not informed of the costs involved with these entries. They use donated funds for the purposes of self-promotion

All of these sub-ethical awards competitions make large amounts of money by collecting entry fees. We already know that some who enter these so called contests do not win. However they have a bare minimum of a 1 and 3 chance of winning, as our investigation has found. It does not matter that some do not win, as the entry fees are the primary source of generating revenue. Hence, you are not telling us anything we have not already uncovered.
When you study business models you will find that the practices engaged in here are evident in many other industries such as writing and music. There will always be copycats and less than ethical companies who prey on using very questionable marketing techniques to make money.
We find both Watchtower, Telly, Aurora, US International Film and Video, Communicator Awards, and several others equally complicit in this deception.
Please read the article again

 Bad Penny says:

 March 18, 2016 at 7:06 am

Just noticed old Charles T doing the pyramid shape hand gesture on your post JR. There for all to see!
… And the award for the Whitewash of the Century goes to ….


 Bad Penny says:

 March 18, 2016 at 7:11 am

Just opening the envelope ….. tension mounts ….. Yes, the Watchtower Babble & Crap Society is a runaway winner! At last they have received a Gold Award!

 Iggy Sanders says:

 March 18, 2016 at 8:34 am

Well written and well researched article. Those JW’s are shady.

 ruthlee says:

 March 18, 2016 at 8:44 am

“Totally shady” (Red Dwarf) ruthlee

 Freedom says:

 March 23, 2016 at 2:24 am

The Eagles have a song that is well suited to WT winning the award and it is called “DESPERADO”

 Bad Penny says:

 March 25, 2016 at 7:18 am

JOHN REDWOOD – Please, please, look at this.
 I just found this spooky thing that fits in with your article – Forward video to 17:38. Is this timely or what? Is the guy holding a Telly award? Notice the voiceover comment on this one. Could this be the key to where JW finances are really going??


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