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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest 13 minutes ago   jw friends

StopTheTears 2 days ago

How in the world did they justify this torture? Imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at Yankee stadium for 12 hours a day. For 8 days.

 +2 / -0
ttdtt 2 days ago
I have a bunch of family members and friends in our hall and area who went.
 +1 / -0
snugglebunny 2 days ago
I was there.
StopTheTears 2 days ago
And how was it? As awful as it appears?
steve2 2 days ago

I was there as a "mere" preschooler. Back in those days, there was a much higher capacity for spending long hours in service, meetings, study and so on. It is only with the passing of time that we gasp in shock at what was once normal. My mother told us about the meetings in the 1930s that went on for consecutive hours -and that it was only in the 1940s that meetings were demarcated in terms of when they would end for the evening. BTW, Sunday meetings were NEVER held during the day because that was for witnessing.
Yes, things have really changed!
 +1 / -0
WingCommander 2 days ago

I remember the early 19-8ooooooo's. Back then, District Conventions were like 4-5 days. It was HELL. Especially if you were assigned to the concrete monster known as Veterans Stadium, in Philadelphia, PA. I was hyperactive as a child. I could have jumped out of my skin I was so bored, and the echo in that acoustically retarded stadium made listening nearly impossible.
As a grown adult, I often wonder about the sanity of my parents, that would drag a young child and their elderly (65+) yr old mother along to the stifling heat of the Vet in June or July. Pass me a grape Shasta, before I pass out!

 +9 / -0
Magwitch 2 days ago
My parents were at that convention and were engaged to be married. My mother was a regular pioneer and my father was the congregation overseer. They still speak of it as if it was the trip of a lifetime.
 +2 / -0
Finkelstein 2 days ago

So many hours and days to hear contrived lying bullshit.

My parents attended that Assembly but I was at the 1969 International Assembly which lasted for the same length.
9PM. to 9PM with an hour for lunch

Sitting in the middle of summer during these Assemblies were torture for kids, I got sun stroke once and got very sick. Maybe that was part of my critical thinking of what was going on with this organization ?
This better not be bullshit orchestrated by a corrupt and devious publishing house ?
I found out it was.

 +6 / -0
Finkelstein 2 days ago

Of course the JWS then thought it was all worth it for they were going to live forever in a paradise and not be killed in the very soon to come Armageddon in 1975.

That Dam lying religoius publishing house sure fooled a lot of people and it still does to this day unfortunately.

 +5 / -0
greenhornet 2 days ago
I was 7 half years old at the time I was there. I remember we had 3 families stay with us at the time. We live 30 miles from Yankee Stadium
 +2 / -0


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My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest 19 minutes ago   jw friends

Dagney 2 days ago

Newly found picture of me at the 1958 convention, never saw this before. You can tell by the look on my face I was having a great time.

 +22 / -0
Gayle 2 days ago

I was there at 12 yrs. old, already baptized. We drove to NY from CA, (no a/c then) We stayed on a ship for rooming, a cargo type, with bunk beds. I was the oldest of 4. I know it was hard on mom. To see so many JWs in one place (& Polo grounds) was amazing to me. (Going to school for a young JW with all the issues felt like the only JW in the world - lonely). Sitting in the sun all those hours, dressed up, at those assemblies back then contributed to the brain-(d-numbing).
 +10 / -0
steve2 2 days ago

My dear mother - now deceased - said she never knew how I would behave at assemblies. Sometimes I was well behaved, other times she and Dad had to repeatedly reprimand me.
My maternal grandfather told my mother she was too soft on me.
When he and grandma sat with us, he took over the discipline and I got smacked on my little legs quite a lot - which troubled my mother because she never hit us. I have a vivid memory of him hitting me on my arm with one of the earlier editions of the New World Translation.
I can still remember Mom saying to me before we left for assemblies, "If you don't want Grandad to smack you, keep still". I don't think it made a blind bit of difference to my behavior.
I had a lot of respect for my grandfather but I kept my distance from him whenever I could. Ah! Such sad and mixed memories from over 50 years ago! All those improtant people in my life who lived as though the end was just around the corner are dead.
The end did come for them - just not the end they were indoctrinated to expect.
 +15 / -0
Dagney 2 days ago

My mother took a train, alone with a 3 yo from CA to NY without any rooming arrangements. She just landed at the train station with a suitcase and a toddler, followed the signs, and stood in an endless line to receive a room, which we indeed did receive.
I to this day can't believe she did that. She was basically quite fearful of everything. I don't remember the convention but do remember a little about the hotel. I was just together with my older brother and sister last month and they were teenagers during the convention. They got to go by themselves with their mates to the convention, again, from CA to NY.
A different time.
 +4 / -0
Lostandfound 2 days ago
And...... How many of the current Governing Body had been born then or were out of nappies (diapers) ?
 +3 / -0
Doubtfully Yours
Doubtfully Yours 2 days ago

The 3 days, 9:30 to 5 p.m., I now have to deal with is not that bad in comparison.
I still want the Friday gone.
 +3 / -0
Poztate 2 days ago

I was there. I remember long ,long days and evenings. We then had to take the subway back to where we stayed the night in someones apartment (rooming service)
One night after getting off the subway and walking the last few blocks we passed three large trucks parked with armed soldiers standing around. I assume they were national guard troops but why there was a need for them on city streets I do not know. It didn't make me feel any safer.
 +3 / -0
dropoffyourkeylee 2 days ago
I wasn't at that one, but we were having 12 hour sessions into the late 60's
 +1 / -0
fulano 2 days ago
I was at Nürnberg 1969...what a hell on that trailer-park, sand everywhere. Anyway the second day I didn't attend as I had a fight with another 10 years old german kid, nose-bleeding etc.
 +1 / -0
blondie 2 days ago

I did but was too small. Remember the 1963 final convention in September, Pasadena.
Field service in the morning (did not go out)
Program after lunch through 9 p.m.
Hot, sunburns, kept ice water at our seats and large umbrellas....
Took 2 days off rainy day to Marineland, waterfall down the seats at the Rose Bowl and one day for Disneyland.
Stayed in Hollywood with heated outdoor pool....had burritos for lunch at a stand across from our hotel. Driving was not good, partly that LA was bigger than any city we had ever lived. Also Billy Graham was having his convention nearby. It was great for us. There were pipes elevated to drinking height that cold water ran through and bubbled up through holes.
Babylon the Great book
Scripture Inspired book released
Many talks by Knorr and Fred Franz and Harold King was released from China and gave talks about the preaching there. Everyone one seemed think Armageddon was right around the corner. Many foreign jws were there to tell their stories.
 +2 / -0


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest 27 minutes ago   jw friends
Slidin Fast

Slidin Fast 2 days ago

My parents flew from the UK to be there. I think that being there with 4/10 of the world wide membership served to radicalise them. They came back as weapons grade converts ready to sacrifice anything for the lord.
I was too young to go but personally knew 5 of the speakers.
 +5 / -0
TheListener 2 days ago
I wasn't there, not born yet, but my parents and grandparents were all there. And I thought 4 days was bad.
 +1 / -0
punkofnice 2 days ago
I was born that year. I have some of the talks on mp3 in my garage somewhere. The talks were as boring as you can imagine. The most interesting bit was hearing airplanes fly over. or was it snoring?
 +4 / -0
Diogenesister 2 days ago

Incredible memories.Dunedan the little fair haired one slap bang under the raging midday sun with no protection!Wasnt it cruel that kids were not indulged even to the point of being given crayons?
Enjoying all your memories folks - did we have less to do then?you all should write a book together - fascinating.
Sliding fast LOL weapons grade converts!!I guess you all were at Twinkenham in the 70's then?!Did you know an American missionary sister named Peggy in the south of England?
 +1 / -0
Dagney 2 days ago

blondie - I remember it being ridiculously hot...first aid was busy. Do you remember they warned over and over about the "oleander" bushes, and to stay away from them because they were poisonous. My bird died during that time, so that happened.
That's right about Harold King, forgot about that. That was a BIG deal.
 +1 / -1
Finkelstein 2 days ago

Doubtfully Yours
says .....
The 3 days, 9:30 to 5 p.m., I now have to deal with is not that bad in comparison
What they don't even have evening sessions now ?

Stuck in the middle37
Stuck in the middle37 2 days ago

We were living in northern Calif. in 1958 and went to that assemble as did every one we knew. It was and remains one of the highlights of my life as a witness. As we drove back and got closer to the east coast the roads were covered with witnesses all the parks, roadside rest areas people waving, it was like a big family reunion. We got there a few day early so we went up to see the farm. When we got back and entered New York they had people on the road to help you find your way. All my friends from the bay area was there we had a time at Time Squire in the evenings. Met a nice girl from Florida spent most of the assemble with her. The main stadium was to full so we spend most of our time at the Polo grounds. In the big blowup pictures of the assemble I can see a friend and I sitting there during the main talk.
After the assemble we took a tour of the factory. Just had a great time I was convince this was the truth and this was God's organ.
I also remember the 63 Rose Bowl I had just got out of prison (Tucson federal) a few months earlier and we were planning a big reunion(the jws I was in prison with) .Had a good time, I still thought it was God's organ. It took me along time to leave.
 +5 / -0
Athanasius 2 days ago

We drove from California to NY to attend the International convention in 1958. We camped out on the way there and back. That was the fun part as I was only 12 at the time. But sitting in the heat for 8 days hearing boring talks was in my opinion child abuse.
Also attended the 1963 8 day convention at the Rose Bowl. I was 17 at the time. But sitting for 12 hours in the heat for 8 days listening to boring talks was teenager abuse.
 +9 / -0
ShirleyW 2 days ago
the 1958 International Assembly is the one my mother got baptized at. which makes me a born-in, although I was born December 1957 and the assembly was July 1958
 +1 / -0
wannaexit 2 days ago
My inlaws where there on their honeymoon

 +1 / -0


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest 34 minutes ago   jw friends

prologos 2 days ago
I was there, and afterward, drove an ex concentration camp survivor to his gilead assignments on the way home
 +4 / -0
under the radar
under the radar a day ago

I was there as a 5 year old. I clearly remember the LONG days and nights. I was bored to death, but I do have rather fond memories of the 35¢ meals and the excitement of riding the subway to and from the stadium.
We were back for another dose in 1961. I have my dad's 8 mm films from that one, including shots of us on the way there and on the way back home. Besides the dizzying shots of NYC (he moved the camera much too fast), there's footage of a little excursion we took up the Hudson River to Bear Mountain one day. No sound on any of it, but the films do bring back some good memories. Note that none of the good memories have anything to do with the assembly itself.
 +8 / -0
sir82 a day ago

I wasn't there but my parents were.
My impression was that for the 8-day assemblies, it was pretty usual, and not really looked down upon, to skip some sessions, or even a couple of days.

 +1 / -0
Juan Viejo2
Juan Viejo2 a day ago

I was at the 1958 New York Assemblies at Yankee Stadium and the old Polo Grounds (former NY Giants) baseball park. I turned 15 on the last day of the assemblies. My father, my brother and I played catch in right center field at Yankee Stadium near the orchestra tent on Sunday just before Knorr's final talk.
Do you remember that many of us who drove all the way in our family cars scotch-taped WT and Awake! magazines in our rear window or left side back-seat windows. Every few miles on our way going or coming back we would get honked at by fellow JWs also on the road. We met up with several along the way when we stopped at roadside parks or at a hamburger joint along the way. We thought the whole thing was a lot of fun.
I also attended the International Assembly at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena in 1963. It was hot and there was no shade at all during the summer. We all got cooked and sunburned and were miserable through most of that convention. But it was close to where we lived, so did not have to worry about accommodations.
For the 1953 and 1958 conventions, there was a tent city set up over in New Jersey (please correct me if I am wrong about the location). A lot of the folks who parked their trailers and set up tents there never actually went to any of the sessions in NY City, but just hung out for 8 or more days in the tent city. We went over and visited a couple of folks from our Kingdom Hall that were there and for them it was mostly a picnic except for the excessive heat, mud and dust that was everywhere. The talks were piped in and played over loudspeakers scattered around the parking areas.
As "under the radar" mentioned, our fondest memories were when we took a morning or afternoon off and went site seeing around the city. In those days the Empire State Building was still the tallest in the world, so in 1958 we decided that we would take a break and go to the top one afternoon. When we got up there the viewing area was crammed full of JWs doing the same thing - must have been over 100 up there. We never for a moment considered taking off our badges. Now that I look back it was clear that we had our priorities right - as the morning and afternoon talks were boring unless a new book or tract was being released.
 +3 / -0
tornapart a day ago
I was a baby so can't remember this one but I remember others that were as long. Particularly the 1969 international. As a child I always remember them as an adventure but it must have been a nightmare for my parents with small children!
tiki a day ago

I was there.....we got rooms through the society and lucked out with the Plaza. I was 7 and turned into Eloise for the week. We did a lot of Fifth avenue mom and aunt were fashionistas.....we only went to afternoon and evening sessions....I was thrilled at being in such a huge crowd....they did fs in the mornings but that was beneath our dignity...scouring filthy N.Y. streets....I remember the food tents, those tall cheap pine board tables...but we did our real eating in the Palm court. The program meant nothing to me and as a kid I really don't recall sweltering heat...only in the subway where we stuffed in so tight and I'd always get smushed between sweaty smelly fat women. Later NYC conventions I recall more vividly the horrendous lines to the bathrooms and they d open mens rooms to sisters and that was worse than nasty.
 +4 / -0
jookbeard a day ago
wasn't born then,but as a kid attending Twickenham ( I was born in 1966) still remember those evening sessions and darkness looming over the badly lit stadium, no floodlights back then, what a H&S nightmare! how long were conventions in the 1960's early 70's? and when did they stop evening sessions?
 +1 / -0
zeb a day ago

So these long day shockers were a pre run for the great tribulation?
I recall going to the Sydney big one in 1973. The most humid time of year in Sydney, No seating avail. and one elder after the other having his moment in the sun outdroning the last.
One sr says to us "well its made Sydney sit up and take notice" yep it sure did the traffic was hell, the trains out were packed out and I decided then to be much more considerate of attending such things.
Just a few years back they held another big one again in Sydney.
Did we go no way in hell! and guess what a whole lot of others in the cong didnt either!
I met a young couple with baby who did and they told quietly a worse experience than myself all those years before. They had heavy handed security to deal with and were 'trapped' in the event by oh so slow moving crowds (those notorious knots of stupid sisters who have to stop every time they talk) after and on one day didn't get back to their accommodation until 8-30PM and of course had long run out of baby essentials by then.
But none of the gb/bethel types would know thing about distressed babies would they!
All the Sydney gb types were well into the dinners and booze by then.
 +4 / -0
punkofnice a day ago
Jook - Twickers. Oh, yeah..the joy. Watching people sit on concrete with plastic sheeting over their heads to protect from the rain. ...and all for nothing!
 +1 / -0
jookbeard a day ago
we did Punky, that old south terrace, getting pissed on! I see the AMEX and the MK Dons arena are the only two stadiums being used now in the UK for ass'emblies, I wonder for how much longer?
 +0 / -1


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest 37 minutes ago   jw friends

punkofnice a day ago
There was a CONvention held here in Peterborough. Guess what. The local r&f had to go to Milton Keynes or somewhere. Not even allowed to attend locally. The r&f coming to Peterborough came from...well...not Peterborough. Typical corporation stupidity.
 +4 / -0
brandnew a day ago
Wingcommander.......SHASTA !!!!!!!! yup.....shasta made a killing with watchtower.
 +1 / -0
stan livedeath
stan livedeath a day ago

i went to twickers in the early 60's--on 2 occasions.--as a youngster.
the first time i recall staying in a rented room full of cats hairs--and i was asthmatic. i was with my mum. i persuaded her to let me stay at a main railway station all evening--i was an avid trainspotter. imagine that happening these days !.
the second time i slept in the tent camp at the stadium--great fun--loads of kids together. i dont think i ever heard a word of the programme--always up to mischief with the other kids.
in my teens and early 20's--i dont honestly remember ever reading a watchtower or an awake--except for the sunday study articles. i may have learned maybe half a dozen bible verses by rote.
 +1 / -0
Perry a day ago

I went to the convention in Atlanta, GA in 1969. I was only six but remember it well. It was 9am to 9pm for 8 days straight. Might as well have been North Korean indoctrination mind programming. I remember squirming and writhing ....counting the minutes until 9pm.
But, at least I was provided with some nice children's books to play with:

 +10 / -0
wallsofjericho a day ago
Plus jw's needed to take that as their summer vacation so as hard as they slaved for the BOrg the kids never got a real vacation with the family
 +1 / -0
blondie a day ago

I went to the 1969 international 8 day...was baptized on the day man walked on the moon. Life a home was worse than being at the convention. Went to the 1973 in the US and Europe.
The music was better, orchestras, and kingdom songs were better than now.
Cafeteria food and food stands were pretty good. As stadiums had potty parity, lines got shorter to the restrooms.
jookbeard a day ago
that imaginary from that Paradise Book is still with me to this very day Perry
 +1 / -0
blondie a day ago

 +3 / -0
Witness 007
Witness 007 a day ago
Thats because bethelites dont know what KID'S are!!! Most were not allowed to marry back then.
Perry a day ago

Me too Jook Beard. I remember being fixated on the little girl falling into the hole clutching her little doll. If you look closely, right next to her was her puppy dog dying too.
 +2 / -0


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest an hour ago   jw friends

blondie a day ago

I studied that book as a young child with my siblings...we had a dog and we were worked our dog would die along with us kids.
The WTS really stressed that if at least one parent was a faithful jw, their minor (age of accountability...never specified) would live.
My father was not a jw and my mother was inactive for many siblings and I were under 10 but no jw would say we were if we could drive ourselves to the meetings.
 +1 / -0
Bill Covert
Bill Covert a day ago

To me those assemblies were opprtunities for adventure from a dreary JW childhood as it offered the oppertunity to 'work' at the assembly. I fed Otto Stores tray drying machine in Candlestick in 1961, Rose Bowl in 63, Candlestick in 66. Was in charge of garbage removal in Atlanta in 69. Which was cool, that way I didn't have to go out in field service and didn't have to were meeting clothes, as I was 'working'.
Those who went to Candlestick Park well knew the Mark Twain quote " that the coldest winter he ever knew was a summer in San Francisco".
 +2 / -0
talesin a day ago

I was at the 1963 convention at Yankee Stadium, NYC. I was 5 YO. My mother had me on a leash, and I can remember baking in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium (bad memory). Also, the 'lead' speaker on Sunday - was a raving lunatic, scary to my 5YO sensibilities. Was it Franz or Knorr? My 5YO brain says "Knorr", but that was a long time ago.
 +1 / -0
talesin a day ago

Mark Twain quote " that the coldest winter he ever knew was a summer in San Francisco".
Not Mark Twain. It's also been attributed to Hemingway and several others. The origin is unknown, but may be Coleridge..

When I first read this quote, many years ago, I thought it was a joke. Haha, a bit of damp, and it's such a hardship? ahaha, live in my city, further north, but with the same fog and weather types. San Fran, you are a bunch of soft kitties. : P

sparky1 a day ago

What sort of sick, twisted and perverted minds would allow such a picture to be printed in one of their religious 'teaching' publications? A little girl, her dog and her doll being destroyed for something she has no comprehension of? Oh, that's right, Fred Franz, the virgin who never would know what it was like to make love to a woman or cradle his own offspring in his arms and Nathan Knorr, the cold fish, who had no children of his own and (I believe) only one nephew (Joel Mock) whom he never spent any time with.
 +1 / -0
TMS a day ago

Just a few quick observations about the 1958 and 1963 8 day conventions: In 1958, we camped on the side of the road in our trip from Renton, Washington to N.Y. I was ten years old at the time. We traveled with a couple planning to go where the need was great in Ecuador, not as Gilead missionaries, but, on their own. We were not on friendly terms with them by the time we got to New York. On the trip across the country, I was stung by a bee that flew up my shirt sleeve.
As someone stated, the convention was held jointly at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds. My dad told us that, should we be separated, we should wait at a designated numbered gate until discovered. When, I got lost among the throngs, I simply went to that gate and waited. My dad found me a couple hours later and seemed surprised I'd actually listened.
I remember the fake New York newspapers we bought with pages of pictures and articles about the JWs as if they actually made the front page. I still remember the headline "Witnesses Styled City's Best Guests." I also remember the attendance on the last day as 253,922. Rumors surfaced that the U.S. Army was analyzing the JW methods of serving so many during mealtime. LOL.
We went to the Polo Grounds six days and Yankee Stadium twice. On the last day Yankee Stadium officials allowed us to sit on the ball field. The sisters were instructed to remove their high heels.
Five years later, as a teenager, I went with a privately organized group that had chartered an old Tacoma city bus and a non-JW driver for the trek to Pasadena for the 1963 8 day assembly. As we neared the Rose Bowl, we encountered a massive traffic jam with the freeway a proverbial parking lot. Since we could see the stadium, but weren't moving, my friend George and I got permission to walk the rest of the way. We got seats in the upper deck of concrete bleachers and could see our old bus creeping in two hours later.
Yes, it was hot. I finally got some butcher paper from the cafeteria an sat in one of box seat areas directly on concrete with the butcher paper over my head as a sunscreen, . I remember about 8 "releases," among them the "Babylon the Great, God's Kingdom Rules!" book, "All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial," the huge reference New World Translation, a brochure on the Around the World conventions, etc. My limited funds from janitorial work and painting that summer did not permit me to buy copies for the whole family, upsetting my dad on my return. I was the only family member who went.
The contracted hotel, not engaged through the Society, turned out to be a huge flop house on Figueroa Street, condemned for the still-in-the-future Los Angeles Music Center. Even though the rate was only 80 cents per night, most of the brothers and sisters refused to stay there, finding other accommodations. I was totally pleased with the patchwork quilted beds(my room had two beds) and the claw-footed old bath tub. I saw my first knife fight from my hotel window and met prostitutes in the lobby. The night desk clerk would engage us in horseplay, putting me in a sleeper hold one night after the session. Smelling salts woke me up to laughter in lobby. One late night I walked to a Chinese restaurant on Vine Street. They were closed, but thought I was homeless and let me in for all the steamed rice I could eat. When I tried to pay, they charged me ten cents. On my way back to the hotel, I ran into dangerous "worldly" guy who wanted to know what I was "up to." When I told him I was there for the convention, he laughed, telling me how "easy" the JW chicks were.
Kent-Meridian High School administrators were upset that I missed the first week of school as this final "Around the World" convention was held the first week of September. I was able to give them a great "witness." LOL

 +3 / -0
Phizzy 21 hours ago

I must have attended the English version of this, at either Twickenham or Wembley, but do not recall, unless it is the one at which I volunteered to wash the trays that lunch was served on, and worked so long and hard that I got minor sunstroke, we were out in the open.
Nobody had the sense to say, "you've done enough", I just went on and on.
I rather think that was the time, it put me off ever volunteering again.
I was eight years old.
 +2 / -0
TMS 20 hours ago

A couple more memories from the Around the World 8-day assembly in Pasadena in 1963: On the bus trip down to Pasadena, a two year old in a onesie sleep outfit, was using the overhead storage rack as what we used to call "monkey bars," swinging from rack to rack with absolute ease. Some of the adult Witnesses were aghast, but most of us just marveled at the dexterity, fearlessness and aplomb of this gymnast. Finally, the driver got on the microphone and admonished the parents to control their child.
One more: Knorr's closing talk went way overtime. He actually announced to the audience in his opening statement that, if they had some deadline like a plane or bus to catch, it would be acceptable to leave, but that he was going to go well overtime. Finally, I got worried that I would miss my bus and made my way out to the parking lot. The bus was nearly filled. The brother who arranged the trip had a speaker inside the bus so all could hear the closing talk.
The bus driver, an affable guy, likely near retirement age, said we would have to leave very soon to get the bus back on time. At one point the driver, not a Witness, said: "Man, that guy likes to hear himself talk," a statement that didn't go over too well with the Knorrites. The driver set at least two deadlines, then gave in to the JW passengers wanting to hear Knorr out. Finally, he started the bus, gave us another few minutes, then, after apologizing to the cult group, took off. I, for one, totally understood, despite being mesmerized by Nathan Knorr.
 +3 / -0
LoisLane looking for Superman
LoisLane looking for Superman 20 hours ago

There was a group from our Hall in LA who went on the Eupopean JW Convention Tour in 1955. There it was announced about the 1958 Yankee Stadium & Polo Grounds International Convention to be held, so we had 3 years to get ready. That was the buzz word everyone talked about when together. Are you going? Are you going? Almost everyone from our hall went. Some went by car, others went by train. Other's such as ourselves, flew TWA. Before we left, we needed clothes. We had a children's clothier in our city. What fun it was to pick out so many different dresses at one time and then there were play outfits to pick from too.
After arrival at NYC, when we went to our hotel, at the front desk, my dad took out a pile of fresh, hundred dollar bills to put into the hotel's safe. Each morning he took one and put it in his billfold.
My parents had been to New York City together in 1953, so knew some of the ropes. They told us before we went on the subway to not worry about the pushing and shoving, that if we were parted, to get off at the next station and we would be fine.
One day, after lunch at Yankee Stadium, we climbed up to the very top of the stadium (not the roof, lol, just where the very top farthest away seats were) to see the view. Vertigo. lol We didn't go everyday to the stadium and sit in the sun. There was lots of sight seeing to do. All the usual places. I loved the Staten Island Ferry and going out to the Statue of Liberty. My parents had arranged before hand to meet our best JW friends at the base of the Statue. We were so happy to see them.
I was just a little 9 year old. We were supposed to pay attention. The talks went on and on. American Jdub clapping. lol Somebody (not us! lol) would start and everyone had to clap also. Didn't want to look like you disagreed, did you? lol The Gilead Graduation was a huge deal to see.
The last day, Sunday, the grand finale of the 8 spiritual feast days, barf, my dad and I stood and walked around the Polo Grounds outside. We were zombified. lol Could not listen to those loud speakers telling us about the coming Big A, didn't want to hear anymore recruitment experiences, or how soon we could be petting our own zoo full of animals (no one has ever mentioned who is the designated poop scooper and cleaner upper or who has taken specialized zoo care) (We all know now, it is all fantasy thinking anyway).
We had a wonderful trip.
 +4 / -0
bethelyellowdollarbag 19 hours ago

I was 7 or 8 and remember it pretty well. It was very exciting for me. My family never did any vacations ever, so assemblies were the only break in the routine.
I remember we were assigned a room within walking distance in Harlem. A black woman opened the door and didn't want us to stay because she "didn't want no white folks." My mom was tired and cranky and told her that she wasn't prejudiced and didn't see what the problem was. So the three of us stayed for 8 days with a very skeptical black woman.
On our way walking to our room one day a black policemen stopped my dad and wanted to know why were in the wrong neighborhood. He was very worried for us.
I think lunch was only a couple hours and they had to feed about 250,000 people between the the Yankee stadium and the Polo grounds. We were at the Polo grounds.
They had those military style metal pan type plates with several separate sections. I remember my dad was on the detail running the piping from steam generators to the industrial dish washing machines.
They had a tent city in some open field with thousands of people in campers and tents.
The way they fed people is that they would have long series of tables with sisters with the food and big spoons. A tray would start at one end of the tables and be pushed along and each sister in the assembly line would plop her food on the tray then push it along. Once it got to the end their was a line of witnesses at right angles going by and everyone would just grab a tray. No options just grab a tray and find an empty standup table to eat at. No sitting, no choices, just grab a tray and eat and drop the tray at a station for cleaning.
They bought a couple brand new cement mixers that they cleaned out and used to toss the salad. They were then able to sell the cement mixes as brand new as they only had salad oil in them.
We were allowed to walk around a bit even at 8 years old as I remember being very scared that I would not be able to find my way back.
Years later I actually perfected a technique for helping little kids find their lost seats when I was an attendant.
I was just a kid and this was the only interesting thing I had ever done other than work and school.
 +2 / -0


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how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
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If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
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by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest an hour ago   jw friends

freddo 18 hours ago
I wasn't born then but went to the 1969 Wembley, London 8 day International aged 8. The sessions were a blur of boredom but the food tents and double towers of the old Wembley stadium remain imprinted on my mind. I remember my first experience of London Underground trains which was cool.
Juan Viejo2
Juan Viejo2 18 hours ago

We stayed in Brooklyn in 1958. I was pretty naive, being the "good JW kid" that I was - so at 15 I nearly got my first butt-kicking by a local resident teenager. What had I done to deserve a beat down?
I wore an LA Dodger baseball cap. You see the year before both the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants moved their teams to California (that was why the Polo Grounds were available at the same time as Yankee Stadium that year - unlike 1953). I was living in Riverside, California in those days and the LA Dodgers were now our local team. So, like most teenagers in Riverside, I had a Dodger cap that I wore all the time.
My father and I were walking along a business street a few blocks from where we were staying in a home owned by an elderly Jewish couple. Dad just wanted to get a cold beer (not available at the assembly site) and had me wait outside for him. About that time a half-dozen kids about 17-18 walked by and gave me a shove into a street newspaper rack. I hit it and then the ground pretty hard. One kid grabbed my cap and handed it off to another kid who ran off. Then he pointed at me and told me the next time he saw me he was going to kick my guts out. Just then my father came out of the store and chased them off.
I learned a valuable lesson that day - Jehovah won't protect you from disgruntled former fans. He must figure that if you are stupid enough to wear a baseball cap of a team that the locals really hate, then maybe you deserve a good bashing. Jehovah works in mysterious ways...
 +2 / -0
new boy
new boy 16 hours ago

A walk down memory lane I was there in 1953 and 1958, Rose bowl in1963 and Dodger stadium for the last really big ones in 1969 and 1973.
Yes my folks and me were on the grass at Yankee stadium on Sunday.
Remember after being there for 12 hours everyone would sing the last song "Keep your eyes on the prize."
Than they turn off all the lights, The only thing that was lite was the lights around all the flowers. People were reminded me the torch light parades Hitler did before the war.....yes we thought we would fight and never loose.... yes my friends those were the days!
 +5 / -0
dropoffyourkeylee 16 hours ago
It really strikes me how things were so different then. Not just the jw religion. Everything. A modern audience wouldn't go for 8 straight days of 12 hrs each. Amazing. But we did it. Miserable, but it made such memories.
jaydee 15 hours ago

 +1 / -0
JWdaughter 14 hours ago

We took the metro bus to every day of '76 convention at the Kingdome in Seattle. I eventually learned that pulling the cord made the bus stop more. Very long day. Before that I remember going to high school gyms and the Puyallup fairgrounds(formerly a Japanese internment camp. ,)
Not sure if that was when MJ showed up, but one year he did, with an entourage.
 +2 / -0
prologos 14 hours ago
I remember the long lines buses coming into the stadium to pick up the ~ 6000 baptism candidates. that was before the induction into the "spirit directed organisation" clause. the live orchestra.
NVR2L8 13 hours ago

That's where my parents were baptized and they attended the whole assembly and couldn't speak or understand a single word of English. They drove 350 miles following another car and both cars broke down. My dad was a mechanic and he had to fix the cars on the side of the road. The 8 adults shared 2 motel rooms, some sleeping on the mattress on the floor and on the bed springs. We had a picture of the Yankee Stadium on our living room wall with the theme The Divine Will if I remember correctly, the dates and the attendance of 253,922 delegates.
 +1 / -0
watson 12 hours ago
Wow, Newboy, my family attended the exact conventions, with the exception that they were at NYC in '50, as well. My first was 58 NYC. Just a baby, so no recollection. First memories of "Super Conventions" come from the Rose Bowl, '63. Hot and long.
jookbeard 8 hours ago
I always chuckle to myself in the years that past about the so called mentions or commendations of how great the WT are with these events from the worldly organizations, police,local government even the army etc, when the reality is the towns/cities these massive conventions were held in grind to a halt most of the day traffic wise, their parking control isnt so great is it? or the army commending how great the catering is when the reality is massive violations of health and safety, even kids used to work in them, complete disregard to food preparation and handling , one particular year a giant compressor exploded at Twickenham that never made the news did it? and the amount of hotels and their workers who are glad to see the back of the jw's when the convention has finished.


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ 1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
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1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 2 days ago 73 Replies latest an hour ago   jw friends

MarkofCane 3 hours ago

Found these on my computer, they where sent to me as a reminder of our heritage.
RubaDub 2 hours ago

I was there but was in the womb at the time. Made my official debut a couple months later.
Rub a Dub
Finkelstein 2 hours ago

Those assemblies were in reflection a form a child abuse, for making children sit still for hours on end in one spot and many times in the direct sun, listening to garble coming from a poorly sounding PA systems.
Looking at these pictures gives me a lot of bad memories.

 +1 / -0
MarkofCane an hour ago
I'm to young to have experienced any of the 10-12 hr days. I can only imagine how horrible it must of been, I can't even stomach 1 hr of that nonsense anymore. But I think our past has the ability to make us stronger and more resilient human beings. But I do agree it must of been pure torture.
 +1 / -0


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Topic Summary
how in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.

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1914, leap years, and sticky math situation
by A.proclaimer 3 months ago

If a year is really 365 1/4 days why 360 days to calculate 1914
by blondie 3 months ago

JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentin's Day
by Bangalore 2 months ago
new boy

My Bethel Experience Part 18. The last Bethel Tread, Blood Guilt
by new boy 3 months ago

Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer a month ago

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/ When your oldest friend is a JW and they die
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When your oldest friend is a JW and they die
by Terry 2 days ago 9 Replies latest a day ago   jw experiences

Terry 2 days ago

In my book, I Wept by the Rivers of Babylon, I described the process of having a friend, Johnny Santa Cruz, use our friendship as a platform for converting me to a Jehovah's Witness.
That friendship cost me decades of my life in bondage to a cult.
The friendship was real and Johnny and I bonded for life. But, the religion eventually turned him into a stone silence toward me--his oldest friend.
Now he is dead and the imaginary reunion and meeting of the minds is no longer a possibility.
This makes his passing a double tragedy.
His memories were my memories. By dying he has extinguished part of my life's verifications. The bond we could have shared into our retirement years could have strengthened. Instead, they dissolved--aborted by cult pressure.
I doubt I can get a family invitation to his funeral. It would certainly be disrespectful to attend without it. So, even in a final good-bye--I am shut out of both life and death.

Johnny married when he was 20 and his wife was 16. He was rescuing her from her father. The dad was molesting his 2 daughters, you see, but the Brothers at the Kingdom Hall had advised the JW mother that Divorce was not the answer.
I was at the wedding at the Justice of the Peace in a small Texas town. Johnny's sister, Judy, pretended to be the Mother granting permission.

The marriage has lasted all these years, 1967 to 2016. He was very proud of that. His wife never graduated from High School, she dropped out. She never worked a paying job in her entire life. All her friends were JW's. It was the only life she ever knew and the only one imaginable.
Johnny and I were friends from the age of 12. All of our early memories were the SAME memory.
We called each other "Best best Buddy, lifelong pal." But that "lifelong" part was a dream.
Johnny would always prod me with JW-related statements, provoking discussion about (presumably) the Bible.
In my family, we were not religious people nor did we attend a church. I had respect--even reverence--but no emotional attachments to God or the good book. I was sort of a Nerdy intellectual kind of kid. So, we had lots of arguments--and I couldn't win those arguments even though I was using rational thinking and logic. Why?
I didn't realize at that time, we were living in two different worlds entirely! A fancy word covers the situation: "Non-overlapping magisteria."
The real world and the world of religious beliefs are different areas of inquiry, fact vs. values, so there is a difference between the "nets" over which they have "a legitimate magisterium or domain of teaching authority," and the two domains do not overlap.

So, here it is folks--my life was about to take a sharp left turn simply because I needed to be on EQUAL footing with Johnny and the only way I could think of to do that was to LEARN his magisterium and master it.
I would compare this to having a friend who is hooked on addictive drugs saying, "Just try it and see if you like it."
One snort, one injection, one high was all it took and the next 2o years would be a roller coaster ride through hell.
Johnny is dead. He won't be joining his devout parents in Paradise in all likelihood. You see, he knew how so much of Jehovah's Witness teachings had unraveled not standing the test of time. He was very angry when the Awake! magazine dropped the "generations" blurb which had been his bellwether to Armageddon.
He saw his belief system dismantled and reassembled like a Legos project.

He was highly intelligent. But he was a profoundly loyal advocated, too.
The arguments he and I shared never budged him off center--but they certainly rattled him to the core.

Today I want to salute his long marriage and his unshakeable Faith.
In the same breath, I want to shout to the world, "You were and always will be my friend--you stupid fool!"

Johnny Santa Cruz--1947 to 2016 Rest in Peace my best, best Buddy. I wish you had remained a lifelong pal.

 +2 / -0
GrreatTeacher 2 days ago

This story is so sad. I can feel you struggling on this one.
People are neither all good or all bad.
We meet significant people in our lives who steer us in a certain direction, but then we separate sometimes.
They lift us up, then let us down.
The more ambiguous their value in our lives, the harder we grieve, I think.
Because what if things had gone differently?
Good luck sorting out the "what ifs." And the absolute value score. And the "how important to him was I?" questions.
Finkelstein 2 days ago
3rd. thread on this topic Terry , whats up ?

Terry a day ago

When I tried to post this topic originally, it HUNG and wouldn't upload.
I went away and came back and tried again and again.
I wish some moderator would expunge the duplicates.

Sorry about this.
I don't know why my posts hang--apparently in a queue.
Perhaps it is because I was posting in a Starbucks on a public wi-fi.
Finkelstein a day ago

Terry, It happens to myself sometimes, even on my high speed inter-net at home.
I don't think its a problem on are end.
Be patience, even when it hangs it will still post when you refresh the page ???

Terry a day ago

I tried REFRESH and maybe succeeded in yet anothing posting! :smile:
eyeuse2badub a day ago

As I read your many well worded posts, I can't believe how much your life and my life mirror each other in so many ways. I'm not anywhere nearly as eloquent a writer as you but I wish that I were. lol. Things that I think we have in common:
We are both about the same age 68-70. Both jdubs for about 6 decades. Both married young (I'm still married to the same lovely woman now for 49 years). Both went through the Vietnam era fiasco and spent a little time in "prison". Both pioneered afterward. Both wasted much of our time on this earth believing and practicing the nonsense that is the wtbts. Both woke up to ttatt later in life and are a bit miffed that we were so foolish. Both have/had as our best friend one that is/was a 'super dub' from which we were or have been alienated due to 'da troof'.
I hope to one day meet you in person and be able to openly discuss our lives as ex-dubs i.e. the golden years of the wtbts. My 'super dub' best friend lives only 40 miles away but we hardly ever talk or see each other. We used to be able to talk about everything, including the good old days of being a witness. We often talked about all the many changes/flip flops of the borg and wondered why. I miss him terribly but he knows that I'm inactive and sort of shuns me these past 10 years since the borg has created the 'apasta-fear'.
just saying!
Diogenesister a day ago

Terry I always thoroughly enjoy your posts, but these ones on Johnny are Particularly touching.
How on earth did Johnnie's sister manage to convince the registrar she was Mrs Johnnies mum?! I am picturing a tall redhead with an old fashioned 40s hat and face net, wobbley looking high heels too big for young feet surrepticiously coughing a 'yes'into an over-sized raincoat when asked who gives permission by the registrar!
Very comical images are floating around in my head of the four of you!
I too became a JW because of my best childhood friend. Is there any chance of your attending by way of accompanying your kids ?Even as the chauffeur? Witness literature doesn't mention services as being an issue with the disfellowshipped in attendance (funerals, weddings) but the socialisation afterwards as the issue. Could you perhaps simply ask the family if it would be a curtesy to them?After all even the most rabid dub wouldn't prevent someone from attending a funeral.
God we humans are a mass of contradictions.
 +1 / -0
NeverKnew a day ago

I don't get the permission part.
It might be that I've never been a JW.
If the funeral hasn't happened yet I say stop acting as an ex-JW and operate as a non JW and show the hell up out of respect for HIM.
talesin a day ago

I wrote you a little poem and it was on your original thread. I'll put a link to that thread at the bottom of my post; it may help you access. There are three threads, and yeah, the board has a few glitches with some of us older posters.
I hope you are doing okay, and have lots of support 'in person'. Thinking of you. xx tal
I missed you, friend,
For many years.
Now that your're gone,
Can't stop the tears.
A friend forever.

~ Jenn

Link to original thread:




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When your oldest friend is a JW and they die
by Terry in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 2 days ago
in my book, i wept by the rivers of babylon, i described the process of having a friend, johnny santa cruz, use our friendship as a platform for converting me to a jehovah's witness.. that friendship cost me decades of my life in bondage to a cult.. the friendship was real and johnny and i bonded for life.

but, the religion eventually turned him into a stone silence toward me--his oldest friend.

now he is dead and the imaginary reunion and meeting of the minds is no longer a possibility.. this makes his passing a double tragedy.. his memories were my memories.

a day ago
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 2 days ago
how in the world did they justify this torture?

imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.

for 8 days.

an hour ago
new boy

Chapter 2 of the Novel "New Boy"
by new boy in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 2 days ago
chapter 2.

the door to door salesman.

so back in the nineteen fifties people bought all kind of things from door to door salesmen.

My Best and Oldest friend has died. He brought me in to the (not) Truth
by Terry in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 2 days ago
in my book, i wept by the rivers of babylon, i described the process of having a friend, johnny santa cruz, use our friendship as a platform for converting me to a jehovah's witness.. that friendship cost me decades of my life in bondage to a cult.. the friendship was real and johnny and i bonded for life.

but, the religion eventually turned him into a stone silence.

now he is dead and the imaginary reunion and meeting of the minds is no longer a possibility.. this makes his passing a double tragedy.. his memories were my memories.

compound complex
2 days ago

What would they say?
by talesin in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 2 days ago
when we are free!

it's been a life well-lived, away from the wts.. share your triumphs, your dreams.

think of the possibilities, if you were free.

Brokeback Watchtower
Activating Genius
by Brokeback Watchtower in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 3 days ago
this fellow seems to have some good idea about how to get most out of your brain.

this is something i have been very interested in these days, neurogenesis.

i have been doing something things that have increased my neurogenisis as it has many benefits to make life more enjoyable.

2 days ago
help me understand: i can't find where in the new testament it states the partakes go to heaven
by goingthruthemotions in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 3 days ago
so i am trying to gather some data so i could present to my wife.

i keep showing her john 6 where it states you need to partake of the bread and wine to be resurrected and in union with jesus and have everlasting life.. but, where in the bible does it say if you partake your going to heaven?

is this a wtbs twisting of scripture to fit there doctrine?.

3 days ago
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 3 days ago
i couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.

you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.

i couldnt take it.

2 days ago
My "best" friend (active JW) has just died
by Terry in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 3 days ago
johnny santa cruz and i met around 1959 at a movie theater in fort worth, texas.. the purpose of that meeting was to create a fanclub for horror movie director william castle.

a week or so later, johnny stopped me as i was walking home from elementary school.. "hey--i think i know you.

weren't you at the william castle fanclub thing?".

a day ago
new boy
Chapter One of my New Novel "New Boy"
by new boy in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 3 days ago
the pledge is over and all the children sit back down at their desks.

many kids look at keith as he walks back into the classroom.

then your religion is weird.” .

Introvert 2
3 days ago



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disillusioned 2
Out on Facebook
by disillusioned 2 in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 8 hours ago
i am just venting because my sister has put on facebook that i am no longer "in the truth"!

i have kept a very low profile for years and have silently faded.

many witnesses i have bumped into are very friendly towards me, some from other congregations may not even be aware that i dont go anymore.

Pete Zahut
an hour ago
Breaking news - from reliable insider source - GB member Sanderson to wed
by sir82 in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 8 hours ago
not only that, but apparently it is to a transgender female.. new light wt article regarding "born that way" transgenders as a "conscience matter" to be released in the august 15 wt.. more details here..

4 hours ago
Ronnie Corbett.
by karter in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 12 hours ago
and it's good nite from him.. one of the greatest comedians of my lifetime,he never used foul language he and ronnie barker were just truly funny.. i always enjoyed he two ronnie's.. rip.. karter.


5 hours ago
GOODBYE my oldest and dearest (JW) FRIEND
by Terry in Jehovah's Witnesses
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 14 hours ago
in my book, i wept by the rivers of babylon, i described the process of having a friend, johnny santa cruz, use our friendship as a platform for converting me to a jehovah's witness.. that friendship cost me decades of my life in bondage to a cult.. the friendship was real and johnny and i bonded for life.

but, the religion eventually turned him into a stone silence toward me--his oldest friend.

now he is dead and the imaginary reunion and meeting of the minds is no longer a possibility.. this makes his passing a double tragedy.. his memories were my memories.

13 hours ago
Time to Change my Avatar (after nearly 15 years)
by Perry in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 17 hours ago
i'm sorry scooter.

5 hours ago
Elders School Question .....
by tresdecu in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 18 hours ago
are there current elders schools happening around the country or are they at the point of requiring elders to go back to mecca (aka new york)?.

and a more specific question: is it possible there is a school this next week in the seattle area?

(just curious, it has to do with one of my in laws who's an elder out there).

6 hours ago
You Can Be Happy As A JW If...
by JW_Rogue in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 a day ago
you are delusional.

meaning that you believe everything that the wt says 100% without questioning it all.

you believe there is no other source of truth or valid view points.

an hour ago
A mistake we did ...
by Absolutesbeginners in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Personal Experiences & Reunions
 a day ago
hello girls !.

i ve been reading you all many times , and from many years ..... i am sure my english is getting better and better because of you !

i am from france, no sorry , from "small brittany " what ?

9 hours ago

by Terry in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 a day ago
in my book, i wept by the rivers of babylon, i described the process of having a friend, johnny santa cruz, use our friendship as a platform for converting me to a jehovah's witness.. that friendship cost me decades of my life in bondage to a cult.. the friendship was real and johnny and i bonded for life.

but, the religion eventually turned him into a stone silence toward me--his oldest friend.

now he is dead and the imaginary reunion and meeting of the minds is no longer a possibility.. this makes his passing a double tragedy.. his memories were my memories.

Gut Feelings - The Second Brain
by Xanthippe in Jehovah's Witnesses
 » Friends
 a day ago
i came across a link on the bbc site this morning to an article in scientific american on gut health claiming that one reason we need to keep our guts healthy with probiotics, a good diet and reducing antibiotics is because there are neurons in our gut that are part of the process to create dopamine and serotonin for the brain.

yes happy hormones and neurotransmitters!

amazing article.. 'the enteric nervous system is often referred to as our body’s second brain.

4 hours ago



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