Saturday, March 1, 2014

Billy Graham ad and my criticism

Boldly Proclaim
" I am a Christian".

Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association
ALWAYS Good News.

To proclaim your faith,
Click Here

As I have said before, why does it matter if a person boldly proclaims that they are a Christian? Why shouldn't anyone care about what you choose to believe despite the fact that you have not provided any convincing evidence to prove that what you believe is "true" or even "moral". I don't think that Billy Graham's cult-like organization provides any good news. To me, it seems like a lot of negativity and a way to spout hatred or bigotry. I think it is hypocritical that Graham formerly stated that Mormonism was a cult and then took it off his list of cults when Mitt Romney ran for President of the United States. He only seems to support Romney because he is homophobic, misogynist and  really cannot seem to make up his mind about anything.  He really makes all Mormons look like idiots. He only really speaks for himself like anyone else. Even if I were still a Mormon, I would still think that he's somewhat loony.  I find it funny that Billy Graham has promoted the violation of Church and State separation by convincing fundamentalist Christians who are politically-active by becoming involved with conservative political parties to try to base secular laws on a literal interpretation of the Bible. They bizarrely think that they represent some sort of "moral majority". In the eyes of the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish, he and his followers are not "true Christians" because the JW's and the Amish believe that Christians should stay out of "worldly" issues. I am an atheist and was raised as a JW, so I can verify that. I do know that the Amish are not involved in politics, refuse to join the military and live in compounds and farms that are secluded from the rest of society and have limited involvement with non-members of the Amish denomination. A person who happens to be a Christian, that's their choice and who really cares?  Live your life the way you want, but remember, you are responsible for what you say and do. Take responsibility for what you think. Think about what you believe, why you believe it, and how those beliefs affect others.

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