Sunday, March 16, 2014 article on Franklin Graham's admiration of Putin

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Billy Graham scion Franklin Graham "likes" Putin-the-invader
Posted by Sentient Biped on March 16, 2014 at 9:52am in Politics
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Right Wing Watch.

I thought the fundamentalists and republicans might un-like Putin now that he's invaded Crimea.  The Putinistas also don't look so great with the crackdown on free speech.  Graham still likes the Russian president -

"Isn’t it sad, though, that America’s own morality has fallen so far that on this issue—protecting children from any homosexual agenda or propaganda—Russia’s standard is higher than our own?"

It appears to be mainly that Obama has not exactly been toeing the right wing party line on LGBT rights.  Which is good reason to embrace the man who apparently wants to re-expand Russian hegemony

He's also in "like" mode with Syria's dictator Assad. 

"Syria, for all its problems, at least has a constitution that guarantees equal protection of citizens. Around the world, we have seen that this is essential where Christians are a minority and are not protected. The radicals in Syria want an Islamic constitution based on sharia law"

Yes, all of those dead children, citizens nerve-gassed, and a hundred thousand casualties, including more than 7,000 children.  But he's good for Graham.

Holy sweet Jesus.  American Evangelist supporting Russian warmonger and Syrian mass murderer.  How pathetic.  It's enough that US political conservatives are in love with Putin.  But religious so-called leaders?
Tags: Franklin Graham, Putin


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Franklin Graham is a really sadistic individual in my eyes. He claims Russia has "high standards" than America which in his eyes is in "moral decline" due to the fact that we don't "protect" children from any homosexual "agenda or propaganda" and admires Syrian dictator Assad and Syria's constitution which guarantees equal protection of it's citizens and that around the world, fundamentalist Christians who happen to think just like Franklin Graham are a minority and are not protected. He condemns Muslim extremists for wanting to create an Islamic constitution based on Sharia laws. Am I the only one who sees Graham as being a totally hypocrite? Homosexuals wanting to be treated like human beings, speaking out against homophobia or transphobia and wanting the same civil rights as their heterosexual peers is  not "propaganda or an agenda".  I agree with Graham that the persecution that Christians face in Middle Eastern countries is wrong, but so is his irrational hatred of the LGBT community. I also think that Franklin Graham would love for America to base it's secular laws on a particular fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible that Franklin Graham would just so happen to agree with, which would make him no different than the extremist Syrian Muslims that he condemns.

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