Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Michigan ad on same-sex marriage and a commentary by me

Tell Gov. Snyder:
Stop using taxpayer money to oppose marriage equality
Sign the Petition
Paid for by Mark Schauer for Governor PO Box 100, Battle Creek, MI, 49016

Here is a Michigan ad that a friend told me about. I think that's sick that Gov. Snyder uses to taxpayer dollars to deny same-sex couples the right to legally marry. I'm a monogamous, heterosexual married woman and I do not, in any way consider myself superior to same-sex couples, unmarried couples or polyamorous couples. I don't think that I deserve marriage rights more than same-sex couples.  I'm so sick and tired of religious fundamentalists, social and political conservatives acting as if they speak for me as a heterosexual woman. They don't.

 I just read an article about Chick-Fil-A on and how this restaurant with religious motivations uses it's money to fund homophobic organizations that want to deny same-sex couples the legal right to marry. I am an atheist who is formerly religious. I don't agree with religiously-based definitions of marriage. Civil governments do not and should not give recognition to religiously-based marriages. The civil government should of course let religious groups provide " holy matrimonial" services for their members, but they should not recognize religiously-based marriages, they should only recognize civil marriages. That's part of the separation of church and state. Some religious institutions choose to and want to marry same-sex couples in a service of "holy matrimony" and that is their choice. Again, why do religious fundamentalists care so much about civil marriages. You are NOT supposed to care about "worldly" affairs. You are SUPPOSED  to be in the world, but not of the world. You know, religious organizations claim to be all about "family values" and most of them are lying. For instance, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish claim to be all about "family", well in the eyes of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and the Amish communes, family are only the people who hold to the same religious beliefs and practices that you do. If they do not hold the same religious beliefs and practices that you do, they are not your family and they are not your friends. Most JW's and Amish persons as individuals are good people, even if they hold some very wrong beliefs about the world. The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish denominations are filled with a lot of moral corruption. On "LGBT News Weekly" a long time ago, I read a comment from a homophobic JW about how Kingdom Hall's would "never" marry same-sex couples. I think it would be nice if LGBT people were accepted as fully equal members of the JW's and were allowed to marry in Kingdom Halls, maybe someday they will, I'm not going to hold my breath though. I think it would be nice if Kingdom Halls would marry same-sex couples, they don't have to, they don't have to allow LGBT persons as members either, it would be nice of them; either way, it still doesn't change the fact that the Jehovah's Witnesses are a homophobic, transphobic and bigoted religious institution.

It's okay to treat apostates, LGBT people, women and non-members of your religious group like dirt because that is the right thing to do and we all know that shunning people and being a bigot is the Christian thing to do.  Apparently, this is how Jesus would have behaved.  Well, the Biblical Jesus did compare a Gentile woman to a dog, back then that was the equivalent of a racial slur.  The views and behavior of  Fundamentalist Muslims, fundamentalists Buddhists, fundamentalist Hindus, fundamentalist Evangelicals, fundamentalist Pentecostals, fundamentalist Born-Again Christians, Southern Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Orthodox Mormons, Fundamentalist Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, Church of God, Church of Christ, Assemblies of God, the Church of God in Christ, African Methodist Episcopal, the Greek Orthodox Church, the fundamentalist Mennonites,  fundamentalist Roman Catholicism, fundamentalist Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, the Amish etc., are one of the reasons why I have abandoned organized religion. I largely don't believe in a god or an afterlife due to the lack of variable evidence or moral reasoning for such concepts. I reject religions because they have no evidence to support their claims and the bigoted, hateful, self-righteous attitudes and large persecution-complexes that so many of them display doesn't help much either. In the eyes of religious fundamentalists and some moderates, it's okay to persecute and discriminate others because in their eyes, what they are doing is  not really persecution or discrimination, they are only doing what their god wants. Whenever you call religious fundamentalists out on their mean-spirited behavior, they always accuse you of "persecuting" them.

When does the hate, bigotry, discrimination, oppression and hypocrisy end?

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