Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Same-sex marriage ads from Michigan

Marriage Equality for Michigan in 2015? It's Simple.
LGBT MIVoterGuide . com
Click Here

Who Will Fight To Legalize Our Marriage?
MIVoterGuide . com
Click Here
Click Here

I heard from a friend about some Michigan marriage equality ads. I think it's ridiculous that so many heterosexuals take their marriages for granted. As a straight married woman, I would never take my marriage for granted, but I do recognize how lucky I am to be able to express my love to my husband around my loved ones and that are relationship is recognized as legal and valid.  I remember when interracial marriages and interracial relationships with considered to be illegal.  Thankfully, interracial relationships were decriminalized and people were eventually granted the right to marry someone of a different ethnicity if they wanted to.  You often see religious groups complaining about same-sex couples being given the right to legally marry each other. Religious groups are not required to marry same-sex couples, they don't have to, if they don't want to.  Some religious groups do want to marry same-sex couples and they have the right to perform "holy matrimony" ceremonies for same-sex couples if they wish.  Civil marriages as performed by the government is not the same as a wedding ceremony performed in a religious house of worship.  The U.S. government is not supposed to recognize religiously-based marriages because of the separation of church and state in America and rightfully so.

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