Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Aren't women supposed to be submissive doormats in fundamentalist Christianity?

An episode of " Celebrity Wife Swap " had a man treating his wife like a doormat and his "surrogate" wife had to cook for 60 people when they were hosting a Bible study session at their home. This man is thankfully learning not to treat his wife like a doormat.  I was thinking, what if this couple hold to a literal interpretation of the Bible?  The Biblical authors seem to think  of women as being the property of men.  If you take the Bible literally, then you are kind of supposed to have to treat your wife as a doormat.  I am not surprised that so many women find comfort in the Neo-Pagan movement.  Neo-Pagans view the feminine as divine, women are the daughters of the Goddess and the God.  Yahweh once had a wife, Asherah.  The ancient Jews discarded her as they became more monotheistic.  Mormons believe in the "Heavenly Mother" although they don't really talk about her that much.  Fundamentalist Christianity clearly has little to no respect for women.

A woman's job with a fundamentalist Christian group is to look after her children, satisfy her husband's sexual needs, be submissive to him and agree with his decisions without protest and to obey all of the dictates given to by your male religious authorities without question. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christians about how women must be silent in the church's and cannot serve in leadership positions within the Christian religion. Fundamentalist Christianity is supposed to preserve patriarchal authority.  Think about it.

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