Thursday, August 21, 2014

People filled with hate cannot show unconditional love

I saw a YouTube video with the words:

I am Loved Unconditionally
And I Love Unconditionally
Love is Unconditional

Unfortunately, some people are not very loving and refuse to love other people unconditionally.  Some people are filled with hate and they openly show prejudice or hate towards others.  It reminds me of how many people try to use their religious beliefs as an excuse to try and justify their bigoted and hateful attitudes towards other people. Many religious people use their chosen beliefs as an excuse to try and justify their bigoted and hateful towards the LGBT community, for example. That isn't much different than when a racist or an anti-Semite who uses pseudo-scientific arguments to justify their belief that Caucasians are the superior race.  A person who believes that they were "born in sin" can never really love themselves it would seem, as such a person is just too flawed in the eyes of their deity and can never live up to that deity's "standards" which seems to be quite immoral and is either tormented for eternity or annihilated for not living up to that deity's "standards".

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