Saturday, May 23, 2015

JW Survery aricles

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 gary says:

 December 31, 2014 at 3:12 am

I have decided to declare spiritual war on the Watchtower Society for all of its spiritual abuses.
 It is not my intention to “preach”, rather my intention is to oil rusty cogs.
 The gloves are off Watchtower.

 gary says:

 December 31, 2014 at 3:54 am

My first shot is crime of the century, supertramp.

 Excelsior! says:

 December 31, 2014 at 4:06 am

Great article, James!
It seems obvious to me that someone (not me!) needs to go through the book line by line and repudiate it.
Some brave, organised, person out there could do this as an online resource!
The WTBTS is Orwellian in its desire to rewrite its own history. We cannot allow this to happen.
Peace be with you, Excelsior!

 Ted says:

 December 31, 2014 at 4:19 am

Lies to cover up lies, hailed as “New light, Orwellian
 indeed. Shame on w,t, writers knowingly participating
 in a blatant whitewash.. Thanks James for you research
 and excellent article.

 Kieren says:

 December 31, 2014 at 5:00 am

This was a great article commentary James – thanks for putting the effort into writing it. Very glad I don’t feel obligated to read their cunning whitewashed dogma like this new book you’ve reference any more. What beautiful freedom of thought I/we now have! The language used in their publications is so coercive and manipulative it makes me feel slightly ill to read it now that I’m more aware. That’s a good comparison to Orwell’s description also- it’s the same pattern being followed by the WT as they repeatedly scramble to cover over the enormous cracks in their “god-directed” organisation that time & history relentlessly reveal.
I’ve wanted over the past few years to start writing and publishing articles about the watchtower’s blatant fallacies too but due to health and other difficulties have not been able to prioritise doing so to date – so just wanted to show support for the cause and offer encouragement in the meantime to you, Cedars and some others now who are doing some very valuable and effective work.
Thanks to you guys for keeping this up in order to help others get free.
Ps. I agree also with Excelsior!’s comment- that we can’t let them rewrite their own history…

 Ted says:

 December 31, 2014 at 5:09 am

Lies to cover up lies, hailed as “New light”, Orwellian indeed.
 Shame on w,t, writers knowingly participating in a blatant
 whitewash. Thanks James for your research, and excellent

 Scrubmaster says:

 December 31, 2014 at 5:49 am

James – actually I need to correct something you said. The Governing Body DOES NOT claim to be infallible. They state this time and time again. Since they do not claim to be infallible, which every human knows is not possible. They can stand on this changing light or new light theory and people will continue follow. From what I see they have done something much better then claiming infallibility by creating this new light or progressive revealing of Bible truth scenario. Things can always be changed with out saying we were wrong, but can always say more light is\was being revealed.
 James Strait says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:12 am

Hello Scrubmaster, I agree that the GB doesn’t claim infallibility as individuals. The article states that it’s the organization itself that is said to be infallible which is governed by the a board of directors. The mantra the JW’s use about this is that the Watchtower is a “perfect organization run by imperfect people.” It’s a clever way to redirect responsibility to a non-living entity. Yet, for all practical purposes perfection is being claimed (how could “God’s organization” be imperfect?).

 Jill Hileman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 6:06 am

“This is not an organization that is ready to accept the reality of what they have been doing.” – Irwin Zalkin
— That speaks to the heart of the entire organization and its doctrine and practice. So disgustingly sad the effects on real lives.

 Jill Hileman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 6:47 am

Agreed, Excelsior.

 Everyday Explorer says:

 December 31, 2014 at 6:49 am

‘People simply have more access to information than ever before. And knowledge is power.’ Thank you for such a cogently argued article, James Strait.
 Access to information is the crux of the issue; the internet means those who previously thought they were ‘the only ones’ to experience injustice within this organisation now know categorically that they are not. And collectively, and separately, in individual ways, they can use this knowledge for good, to empower others to trust themselves. Your article is a great example of this.

 Rich says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:12 am

Really good article. I enjoyed it.
One thing though, in case you are hoping that visiting witnesses will read it and take it seriously, the proclaimers book was actually studied at weekly meetings. Possibly not in all countries I guess, but in the USA I remember it being the study material for parts that were on Thursday nights in the 90s. And these parts as I recall were actually q and a.

 Rich says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:28 am

I don’t know if that’s necessarily true, and I don’t mean this to be argumentative.
The doctrine is very screwy where the GB is concerned. They do not claim to be infallible INDIVIDUALLY, but interestingly enough they do make it very clear that is only as a group that they function as the faithful and discreet slave and channel of truth.
This is the reason why, I believe, so many witnesses take issue with saying anything contrary to what the body says as a whole as oppose to what the individuals say in particular.
Take for instance the recent comments by Morris at the zone meeting. Everyone I’ve tried to talk to uses the argument that it was just him talking and he isn’t perfect. But try to say that same thing about something that actually comes from a watchtower or book and they will caution you about speaking against the slave. See the difference?
It’s the same old trick they’ve been using for years, a form of plausible deniability. While they never come out and say it, they do in fact say it; in fact they shout it from the rooftops because it is in fact what the majority of witnesses believe.
Individually they are imperfect.
Together they are inspired.

 Rich says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:30 am

My bigger comment was meant for scrub master, I’m not sure if I did it right.

 Pickled brain says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:51 am

NEW LIGHT excuse by F&D Slave is the biggest CON of all time ! Men of Sodom Resurrected; Not Resurrected ; Then Resurrected; Now not Resurrected !! Before 1927 the Generation of Matthew ch.24 applied to anointed ; then after 1927 it was generation of all people not just anointed ; 2010 now back to just Anointed!! I could go on with more FLIP FLOP examples such as Blood Fractions, Organ transplantsEtc but New Light is just OLD LIGHT Flashing on & off!!

 Scrubmaster says:

 December 31, 2014 at 8:16 am

Rich, at the very least weekly instruction talks were given from the book. I am sure of this because I gave a couple of instruction talks from the book.

 Searcher says:

 December 31, 2014 at 8:18 am

What? The GB and WTS is not infallible? I need my Prozac now! How can I go on! Alack the day! Oh Tear my shirt off in anguish! HA HA.
Really, if those knuckleheads that buy and sell the ‘New Light’ passage (Prov 4:8) would actually READ the WHOLE paragraph around the passage, then they would find that the subject matter has NOTHING to do with someone spoon feeding information that changes over time. It has to do with the difference between choosing a life of good or evil. Lies over lies! Isn’t that the way of a person caught in an evil tangled web of lies? You know, like Bernie Madoff? Serves ‘em right, because this is further proof that they aren’t the chosen ones at all. Just a bunch of con artists, just like their founding father Taz.

 Rich says:

 December 31, 2014 at 8:25 am

@scrubmaster yes! That’s what they were called. Instruction talks. The old number 1 on the school.

 Jerome says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:17 am

Excellent article!

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:43 am

Great article James! What the Watchtower Society is doing reminds me of a nice move… “Animal farm”! Internet is exposing them beyond imagination, even in Africa!! We are getting more and more “light” on the Organization that the “new light” in few years to come will be “new nonsense”!!

 slimboyevenfatter says:

 December 31, 2014 at 11:25 am

Fine points as far as they go. But a bit more in the way of reviewing the actual book wouldn’t have gone amiss. You don’t seem to have made it past the first few pages and overlapping generation. Surely there are other interesting observations to be made about its content?

 Sue says:

 December 31, 2014 at 12:34 pm

I agree with you that …in effect, the so-called “God’s organization” is considered perfect however, you can argue till you’re blue in the face with a JW who will say even if God is perfect, the people in the organization are not perfect and thus can make mistakes….which is why it is easy for them to buy into ” the light gets brighter” the closer to Armageddon they get. But when you say to them, if God is perfect why would he allow his people to follow false teachings for so long? They have no answer. If you mention, what about the people that have died from not having transplants or vaccinations etc… their answer will be that they will be resurrectedin the new system. It’s circular thinking and you can never break it because there is always an answer even if it makes no sense to most thinking people. Its pretty sad but I remember arguing with people and defending my JW faith in those terms too.

 TonyMorris says:

 December 31, 2014 at 12:35 pm

I find it quite interesting how there is always an underlying issue that forces the society to make a change “new light”. You can see this clearly from Ray Franz’ story. I think there are a lot of witnesses getting tired of “new light” despite it being presented nearly round the clock lately. Just take this year, the Circuit overseers received a lot more authority, congregations now pledge monthly donations, and the movement of the JWorg logo along with JW broadcasting. Many witnesses can’t even see the religion they fell in love with anymore. Perhaps the light is getting too bright.

 Mark H. Palo says:

 December 31, 2014 at 12:43 pm

Miss Rowling,author of the Harry Potter series would do well to take fantasy writing lessons from the writing staff of the Watchtower. Almost my entire family tree is loaded with the mindless followers of Charlie Russell, Drunk Rutherford, ad nauseum. As a youth I remember our home bookcase crammed with copies of The Dawn series, Studies in the Scriptures, etc. Also it was a different message coming from the platform. So I ask, “how many different ways can you describe a red rubber ball, and have them all mean basically the same?” BTW-I’m 65 and was wondering if they make”Tight Pants” in stretch material or Haband? Please do not envision this since the results could cause mental anguish. HAPPY NEW YEAR,Mark H Palo
 follow my show-from behind closed doors-on sat @ 530 pm est

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 December 31, 2014 at 1:12 pm

@TonnyMorris, You say ” Perhaps the light is getting too bright.” (2 Corinthians 11:14) . . .no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. . .

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 December 31, 2014 at 1:30 pm

@Sue, the good for those who survived “vaccination” and “Blood transfusion” dogma is that…
 “God will not wipe out the whole human race altogether. God will save flesh that is not of this world, by shortening the days of the great tribulation” (see w61 11/1 p. 671)!

 Sue says:

 December 31, 2014 at 1:38 pm

@Hakizimana Jean de Dieu – I fail to see what that has to do with my comment. The ones I am talking about did not survive….they are dead. Plus I believe holy books are written by men to enslave men. So many interpretations all claiming to be the right one. Lives are important because it is all we have.

 Mark H. Palo says:

 December 31, 2014 at 2:38 pm

I am forced to question all this rhetoric about new light, old light (lies), we never said that light, new understanding light, fog light, hi beams light, lite light, blinding I say.Think of this, if all they have is a nub of a candle, sputtering in a stiff breeze off the East river, you’ll be lucky to see a faint flicker at best. Hmmm, I wonder if during WW2, did the brethern turn off the lights at the brothel,er, I mean Bethel? All one needs to know is the WT cruel and uncaring vacillations over the rape question. buenos noches, marco polo

 Mama Joy says:

 December 31, 2014 at 2:52 pm

The JWs have revitalized the heresy of Arianism.
They are also the modern day Enochian Cult.
Their Enochian Sex Rituals us the reason why the elders do nothing when you report sex abuse to them.
The higher you go in the Hall, the more you know.

 anonymous says:

 December 31, 2014 at 4:17 pm

The Society likes to claim that a cult has just one leader not a group of men like the Governing Body, but really, the Governing Body are to be thought of as just one slave, so that argues MORE for a cult than if they were thought of as individual imperfect leaders.

 Captain Slog says:

 December 31, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Great article, James. Can’t wait to see how they are going to explain why the 1914 “overlapping generation” is passing away with still no sign of Armageddon! Did Jehovah lie… or did the G.B. lie? What other explanation could there be? If they dare to claim that they “misinterpreted” that particular “increased light” then they call into question all previous interpretations of “increased light” (full list in the Feb 15, 2006 Watchtower). I can visualize it now… “Well, yes, we did get the overlapping generation light wrong… but the light regarding blood transfusions… no question, we definitely got that right”! Yes, of course you did! The whole G.B. claim to authority rests on their claim that they are the one and only recipients of God’s increased light. When the 1914 overlapping generation passes away that claim will be proven to be false – and the WTS house of cards will finally collapse – a kind of corporate Armageddon. How ironic!!

 Bad Penny says:

 December 31, 2014 at 5:33 pm

Welcome to 2015 everybody!
 Excellent article James.
 Watchtower continues to rewrite their history.
 Of course they have re-written secular history as well, 607 BC for the destruction of Jerusalem, instead of 586, 625 BC for the Battle of Carchemish, instead of 605. All to fit in with 1914. Lies, lies and more lies! Maybe this year will see the collapse of their whitewashed walls.

 David says:

 December 31, 2014 at 6:44 pm

They together come up with the overlapping generation idea which is a clear and deliberate lie to God! They together decided that giving to the poor is not important ignoring the example and command of Christ. They together decided that accumulating huge real estate is more important. God forgive them although they know what they are doing!

 Mara Jacobs-Proctor says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:01 pm

Yes, I feel somewhat ill also when I try to read their propaganda! Thanks to all of you with a stronger stomach. I want to know about it but I don’t want to have to read it myself, so thanks for the update! Great article.

 brandnew says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:17 pm

 CELEBRATE IT ! ! ! if you want to: )

 Papaguy says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:35 pm

Makes me ill also to read anything from WT now, but regret that I threw all my literature out because it’s a great resource now to see all the crap that was published through “new” eyes!

 Papaguy says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:37 pm

We can only hope!

 Ken says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:47 pm

Good article! use to have an extensive collection of older literature. Link no longer active because of dispute about content. Suspect, but don’t know that WTBS lawyers had a hand in this. After all, you’re not entitled to know what we once said. Also, tried to download “God’s Kingdom rules”, but link is no longer active.

 Killinghurts says:

 December 31, 2014 at 7:58 pm

The GB don’t claim to be fallable, but try getting a Jehovah’s Witness to name but ONE criticism of them.
You won’t.
They may *claim* they are fallible, but as far as the congregations go, they’re perfect.

 John Chapman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:01 pm

Masters of the LIE. Russell had it Right to begin with. Rutherford was a Jesuit infiltrator working for the Crown and the Vatican to convert the Bible Students to good little New World Order clones (slaves) who believe ATON is ‘Jehovah’, a made up name for the Egyption Pharaoh Akhenaton, the original monotheist. Monotheism is a Sham people; a Lie. Just ask Shiva and Cali…

 John Chapman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:06 pm

Mother, Father, Offspring, The Trinity. Left Brain, Right Brain, Center Brain, also the Trinity. YOU are the Center Brain or Offspring of GOD and GODDESS, Not ‘Jehovah’, a lone male god wannabe…

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 John Chapman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:08 pm

1914 was the beginning of Armageddon which has lasted 100 years…

 John Chapman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:14 pm

Satan is the Pendor or Prince Phillip, Son of the Whore of Baby London (Babylon) which controls the World through Money and Banking along with the false prophet at the Vatican where the council of 13 ‘Druidic’ priests headed by the ‘Pendor’ (literally means “Satans Dick”) run everything from War to Paedophelia to Child Sacrifice to Satanic Ritual and worse…

 John Chapman says:

 December 31, 2014 at 9:16 pm

Sorry, Phillip is Husband to the Whore not the Son…

 tiger123 says:

 December 31, 2014 at 10:40 pm

Good article James.
Wondered if there were any pictures of the new GB. With all of the old members dead, time to take center stage for the new ones. They seem to be taking every opportunity to get in front of a camera and in front of their adoring fans.

 Juan Viejo says:

 January 1, 2015 at 3:10 am

James – Excellent article! Very clearly written and referenced. I know for a fact that articles like this are now being read by JWs – even those who are committed to staying in. I’ve been seeing a growing number of emails sent to my websites asking me for clarification and additional references. Barbara Anderson’s new website will make it even easier for them to locate many of the older publications, elder letters, and convention speeches where they go completely over the hill with their teachings and policies. In fact, there is so much available now that you can pretty much go directly to Google Search and just type in “Jehovah’s Witness beliefs about ????” and you will get dozens of quality references. I can assure you that many JWs are spending time on their laptops checking these sites out. My guess is that more want out than want to stay in – but the shunning thing is just too much for them to deal with. Hopefully when they realize how much happier they will be and how the quality of their lives will improve, they will finally make the move. You can already see the movement with JW teens – they are leaving as fast as they can and many simply don’t care anymore about who they leave behind.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 1, 2015 at 4:02 am

@ Juan veijo. I enjoyed your comment & I think you are So Right when you say more & more Youngsters are searching the internet & aren’t frightened of leaving friends & family behind.One Major reason is that their have been so many divorces over recent years & there are many more stepfamilies in the truth with stable family life being Fractured.There isn’t the normal blood ties & the anger& upset a broken marriage brings makes it all too easy to leave behind something that reminds you of that PAIN! I know of 8 teenagers& a few in there early 20s who have been disfellowshipped after being BaptisedJWs in their early teens!!This is the biggest mistake the Governing Body made by encouraging youngsters to be baptised at 11,12,13,14! There are a LOT of Angry Youngsters out there !!!!

 Ryan says:

 January 1, 2015 at 6:48 am

I think the article is informative except for this quote, “the Governing Body, is claimed to be infallible. Logically, it simply cannot err while continuing to claim a perfect status” prevents passerbys from reading further. As GB doesn’t claim to be perfect.

 suefointein says:

 January 1, 2015 at 6:48 am

Enjoyable read :)

 kat says:

 January 1, 2015 at 7:29 am

the GB SAY they are not infallible, but contradict when ones that disagree are DF, so they do.

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 8:47 am

I am a Voodoo child in my world and I do not bow.

 Ted says:

 January 1, 2015 at 8:51 am

It’s been claimed many times in their own publications, and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the W,T,
 ( w,t, 15/4/1943, p127… w,t, 15/3/1992, pp21-22. )
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, and
 the fact that the w,t,, has continually erred, even changing their
 own, “Claimed identity” as the F, & D,S, several times. Proves
 their assertions to be completely unfounded, and that what’s
 printed in the w,t, are merely the ideas of “Fallible error prone
And so, commands to, “Respond to the voice of the Slave as
 we would to the voice of God,” ( w,t, 15/6/1957 p 370.)
 In effect would be listening to the voice of imperfect deviant

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 9:54 am

Let us not talk false now, the hour is getting late. Jimi Hendrix. . All along the Watchtower.

 James Broughton says:

 January 1, 2015 at 10:50 am

Once again James has written a brilliant article. As with any organisation that claims to be God’s sole channel, it is important not to lose sight of exposing the false prophecies and pointing the Witnesses to the True and Faithful Witness, Jesus Christ.

 Ted says:

 January 1, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
 (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
 only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
 wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
 claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
 proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
 merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.
And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
 would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
 voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).
Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
 (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
 only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
 wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
 claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
 proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
 merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.
And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
 would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
 voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).
Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
 (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
 only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
 wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
 claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
 proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
 merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.
And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
 would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
 voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).
Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
 (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
 only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
 wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
 claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
 proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
 merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.
And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
 would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
 voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).
Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
 several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
 (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)
Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
 only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
 wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
 claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
 proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
 merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.
And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
 would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
 voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

 Ted says:

 January 1, 2015 at 1:05 pm

sorry for the duplicates,you wait 2 hours for a
 bus then 4 come along at once.

 airborne says:

 January 1, 2015 at 1:57 pm

All I have to say is a generation is not a hundred years. The Governing Body are liars and poor ones at that.

 Mama Joy says:

 January 1, 2015 at 3:50 pm

That’s exactly what they say, but the dictionary definition of a cult is “ruled by a man or governing body of men”.

 Keith says:

 January 1, 2015 at 3:58 pm

As a Witness I used to prepare many talks. This involved much research. This led me to discover many instances where the annual bound volumes of the WT and Awake contained unreferenced edits. This practice disturbed me as many of these were blatantly dishonest attempts to cover up doctrinal errors. My trust in the organisation was broken. All very sad.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 1, 2015 at 4:07 pm

@Airborne . Your point about The Generation is well put in a Nutshell!! In the book of Matthew ch24v.34 where it says’ This Generation will not pass away ‘ ; How does Matthew DEFINE ‘Generation ‘? Well the answer is Simple!! Well, Governing Body ,Please Read Matthew ch 1v17 . Where it says 14 Generation from Abraham to David; then 14 Generation from David to Deportation to Babylon; Then 14 Generations from Deportation to Babylon to Christ!! So 42 Generation from Abraham to Christ! Each GENERATION was EQUAL to The LIFESPAN of JUST ONE PERSONS LIFETIME! 42 PEOPLE = 42 GENERATIONS.So what is the Lifespan of One person today 70 or 80 years which is the logical answer to the Lifespan of a Generation. This was The Governing Body’s interpretation until 1994 which made more sense (1914+80)= 1994. But Armageddon didn’t come by 1994 so we got all these other silly explanations of Generation.So the Big Question is then ‘Have the Governing Body got 1914 Date Wrong???’ I think we all know the answer to that one !!!

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 6:19 pm

I have a genuine question for you Watchtower/ Jehovah’s witnesses.
 If “many are called but few chosen” and that the slave is yet to be approved (chosen), who are the many who won’t make when that choosing takes place?
 Do you honestly believe that the judgement doesn’t begin with God’s house but Christendom instead? Wake up, your parusia is false.

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 6:40 pm

You do not talk to disgruntled ones do you Watchtower? You have hurt people in the most painful way possible. You’ve bullied, humiliated, controlled and suppressed freedom of conscience and you won’t even stand in a court of law to protect a child. I reckon that YHWH is “disgruntled” with you.

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 6:51 pm

You think that I could be called a brother with your abuses? You are a disgrace. Look out of your window, here’s Tom with the weather.

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Apparently steel monkey by jethro tull is about intelligence.

 gary says:

 January 1, 2015 at 9:29 pm

Self praise is no praise at all. When you defend a child in court, against your own interests, I will listen to you, and when you apply the freedoms you have defended in court you begin to apply to your adherents.

 michael says:

 January 2, 2015 at 6:57 am

An importer massage To Watch tower, to active Jehovah witnessed, to ex Jehovah witnesses, and to all who claimed to be Christians.
 If you think you have be deceived by a religion cult and you left from one and you go to a new Christian religion i recommended to watch on you tube, or buy from call( the learning company) these courses.
 The history of the bible the making of the New Testament canon by Prof Bart d Ehrman
 Dr Ehrman have many videos on you tube dealing with the New Testament.
 The second good course for those who have believes in a religion. Is
 The spiritual brain, science and religious experience.
 Dr Andrew Newberg.
 These courses will help you to heal-up if you are the watchtower victim or any other Christian cult
 And You will learn the actual athletically of the new testament and, and the originality of the manuscripts.

 michael says:

 January 2, 2015 at 7:18 am

An importer massage To Watch tower, to active Jehovah witnessed, to ex Jehovah witnesses, and to all who claimed to be Christians.
 If you think you have be deceived by a religion cult and you left from one and you go to a new Christian religion i recommended to watch on you tube, or buy from call( the learning company) these courses.
 The history of the bible the making of the New Testament canon by Prof Bart d Ehrman
 Dr Ehrman have many videos on you tube dealing with the New Testament.
 The second good course for those who have believes in a religion. Is
 The spiritual brain, science and religious experience.
 Dr Andrew Newberg.
 These courses will help you to heal-up if you are the watchtower victim or any other Christian cult
 And you will learn the actual athletically of the New Testament and, the originality of the manuscripts. How your brain deceiving you. And the WATCHTOWER BRAIN WASH. But never the less is interested to following up the news about Jehovah witness’s development.

 Ted says:

 January 2, 2015 at 9:51 am

Michael, Thanks for your helpful suggestions, I will check them out.

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 January 2, 2015 at 10:15 am

Ironically, the Watch Tower Society refers to Dr. Bart Ehrman in their theocratic war for the so called “truth”… ( )

 SIRIUS says:

 January 3, 2015 at 7:47 am

WOW, excellent due diligence with plenty of depth and research, and a jest of humor! I wonder if the GB is now hard-wired with excuses for many of their failings. Reminds me of my days of writing contracts and stealth insertion of statements of limitations or/escape clauses like “path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day”. Reality is the wise consumer is asking concurrent why, why, why, why…

 rob says:

 January 3, 2015 at 10:32 am

Watchtower is a corporation with a corporate image to protect. Past mistakes, misteps are all corrected by rebranding and reimaging. Unfortunately, members are blinded by the “new light”.

 Excelsior! says:

 January 3, 2015 at 5:50 pm

The numbskulls at WTBTS are trying to airbrush their history way, way too late! A great deal of their “old light” has been scanned and distributed via the web for many years now. They should have had a good, old fashioned book burning back in the 70s, but they are so thick that they just stumbled on, drooling as they usually do.
Facts destroy lies every time. The real history of the WTBTS is out there, ready to be known. This latest piece of airbrushed propoganda does not withstand any close scrutiny.
I think that the WTBTS is getting worried. Here in the UK, it is under investigation by the Charities Commission, and I know that a number of MPs are getting letters about their policies and the harm they are causing.
That concern is going to be exhibited as further cruelty, because that’s how cowards and bullies always behave when they can see that the game is up. They get mean.
Look forward to an ineffective attempt at ever tighter control of those who remain. They are determined to track down those who are leaking information, so look out for yourselves, those brave souls who are acting as moles inside the organisation. Yes, they’re getting scared. The profits are down, and the recent spate of child abuse cases has seriously harmed their corporate image.
Their rebrand as JW Org has come too late. The end game for Watchtower started a few years ago, and the counter argument, from the ex JWs, is only going to get louder and better organised.
Peace be with you, Excelsior!

 rob says:

 January 3, 2015 at 10:12 pm

History has proven that dictators, tyrants and bullies all have an expiration date. In my opinion, the credibility of this religion is out the window and the more they tighten the reign on their members, eventually there will be a major revolt and either this religion will become very mainstream with little resemblence to what it is today, and very lax rules, or it will simply become a holding company for real estate with a small religious component.

 seth says:

 January 4, 2015 at 10:20 am

they do and they don’t simultaneously,which is yet another example of the rampant orwellian double speak, double think,which pervades every aspect of life within the organization.Without which the organization would not,and could not exist.

 Ted says:

 January 4, 2015 at 12:41 pm

Mysticism, things happening in an invisible realm. So easy to lie about and
 impossible to prove, Oct, 2nd, 1914, C,T, Russell announces. “The gentile
 kings have had their day,”. There’s applause, some even expecting to be taken to heaven there and then, of course it didn’t happen and nothing
 tangible in the way of proof has happened since then.

 Grace says:

 January 4, 2015 at 2:47 pm

Seth, you’re right. That double speak, double think is so subtle to us when were in the thick of it. Trying to convince ourselves that this is the ultimate truth when our subconscious is screaming out to be heard.
They argue that they say that they are not infallible yet don’t dare question mother, she knows best. Otherwise get into your naughty corner & don’t speak to anyone.
I remember many times being with a group jw’s & being around someone newly interested, we would all look at each other with a certain look, (like how do we change this subject) if they questioned some off topic. I’m just so glad that I can say & think how I like now without being conscious all of the time as to what is the right & wrong thing to say about this silly religion.
I can finally make an honest evaluation of this thought controlled religion, after all, aren’t we supposed to make ‘the truth’ our own.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 5:06 pm

Least the dog ( not the Watchtower) is honest.x

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 5:26 pm

Of course, you’ve been appointed over all things.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Forget all these apostates Watchtower, tell me I’m a lair.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 5:36 pm

Kid Charlemagne. Steel Dan. 3rd shot.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:03 pm

Fourth shot . For the nice people:-), Molly hatchet. . Dreams I’ll never see.x

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 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:28 pm

Nobody touches a jw child in the UK. I have many friends. Manchester included. Nobody.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:32 pm

Rose:-)? Bless, Who? Where? Pity.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:35 pm

Nobody puts their hands , when, where?

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:43 pm

There are many wonderful jws. Love them to bits, pity I’m not one of them.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 6:55 pm

Apparently the Yorkshire ripper has only got one eye.x

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:04 pm

Yes it was a pen. So he could see then next one coming. Don’t play with Jw children. . . ever.. x

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:15 pm

Hello j Rosie :-). Bless.x. I.P? Bless.x

 brandnew says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:17 pm

On page 103-104 it states that jehovahs witnesses no longer use the old cross and crown lapel pins, because it is considered idol worship….
Ummmmmmm I see almost all jws wearing JW.ORG lapel pins, even at meetings.
 Please tell me what the difference is.

 brandnew says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:18 pm

Gods kingdom rules book….

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Don’t like peados or women haters, the Bible is such excuse.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Same story , New light.

 gary says:

 January 4, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Don’t worry UK peados, the police will protect you until ur conviction::) They have children too.x

 brad says:

 January 4, 2015 at 9:12 pm

Great article and interesting read. As a recent escapee, at least how I now refer to my awakening, I will admit that I never considered the governing body infallible nor the organization perfect. As “earthly” representatives appointed in 1914 they claim to have the right to 100% of a JW’s loyalty, including all teachings, right or wrong. Just like David was loyal to Saul despite his screw ups and the Israelites toward Moses despite his failures, a JW may recognize something isn’t right but will remain patient for an answer. In other terms, they will wait for “new light.” On the other hand, many probably just don’t care enough to rock the boat and will just accept whatever it is that isn’t worthy of acceptance. But the pillar, 1914, is a facade. Hence… No need to give them your loyalty.
If one really sits down and thinks about it, though, how can they claim to be Jesus channel, make sooooooo many false statements, claim that it is spirit directed, and call it progression. At what point is it Jesus directing information (and how exactly is he doing that IF the GB was being spirit directed? Is it through leading their minds to these conclusions they put in print?) versus these imperfect men THINKING they are being led by the spirit. Too many questions and errors and bridges to gap in your mind to blindly follow men. I’ll stop rambling now…

 gary says:

 January 5, 2015 at 1:36 am

What kind of person wouldn’t warn his friends about a paedophile? What kind of person can stand there and watch while a child is being assaulted and say nothing? What kind of person wouldn’t support that child in court?
 What an absolute disgrace, words fail my contempt for that Organization.
 The majority of Jws are very decent people, you can’t possibly, surely, go along with that.

 Ted says:

 January 5, 2015 at 6:29 am

“Under attack by Satan through the worlds legal systems.”
“in court after court “Fair minded judges” have protected
 us from the onslaught of tenacious opposers.”
Typical cockeyed reasoning, How could I have accepted
 such tripe.? — Don’t think, don’t question, just hear and

 gary says:

 January 5, 2015 at 7:34 am

How can you, with prior information, not protect a child ?

 Ted says:

 January 5, 2015 at 8:41 am

I recently threw away aprox, 6, kilo’s of old light into my
 recycling bin, in the form of obsolete wt publications.
 Books that once contained new light and were touted
 round my neighbourhood as the latest Devine
Have I been a bit hasty,? maybe the contents will be
 recycled again, it’s happened before.!

 Pickled brain says:

 January 5, 2015 at 10:32 am

@Brad. Enjoyed your comment & I don’t think you were rambling.You made a lot of sense in your reasoning.The point you made about David being loyal to Saul is the unhinged reasoning the Governing Body use about being Loyal to the Elders at all cost because like Saul they are imperfect,and ‘LEAVE THINGS with JEHOVAH ‘ like David did and HE will Sort things out in Due Time??? OH GIVE ME HOLY STRENGTH!! This is the SICK Reasoning that has got the Poor Children who have suffered ABUSE at the hands of Elders& Ministerial Servants who have abused the responsibility they have been entrusted with. ! How can this be Gods Organisation when this has been allowed to go on not just the abuse but the POOR WAY it has been Handled!!

 brad says:

 January 5, 2015 at 6:01 pm

@pickledbrain we can say that now but a jw or member of another religion where the same thing is undoubtedly happening can point to the nation of Israel where the high priest’s sons were doing all kinds of whack activities until god said enough and had them killed. Or when kings were passing their kids through fires. .there are many ways an indoctrinated person will justify it in their mind to protect their walls from coming down and having to come to grips with reality.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 5, 2015 at 10:23 pm

@Brsd. Your right that those who are indoctrinated use the WARPED Reasoning of the nation of Israel being Gods chosen people even though some kings allowed their children to be sacrificed so likewise then the Jw organisation even though wicked things happen in it even some members of Governing Body such as Leo Greenlees & Ewart Chitty were Removed & were wicked it is still Gods Organisation. BUT IF WE FOLLOW THAT LOGIC then Gods Nation was DESTROYED in 607 b.c So Then following that PARALLEL (TYPES & ANTITYPE)

 Pickled brain says:

 January 5, 2015 at 10:42 pm

@Brad. Sorry didn’t finish my last comment after Type & ANTITYPE then Gods Organisation I.e.. Like the Nation of Israel was destroyed in 607bc then the Governing Body & JW Organisation should be destroyed at Armageddon because their sins have Amassed up to heaven such as DISFELLOWSHIPPING people for not agreeing with Flip Flop teachings : VACCINATIONS,ORGAN Transplants,GENERATION THEORIES,BLOOD FRACTIONS,WATCHTOWER ORGANISATION being RICHEST LANDOWNER in BROOKLYN,ARMAGEDDONS 1914,1915,1918,1925,1942,1975&JUST Around the Corner so give me ALLyour TIME,ENERGY,MONEY to BUILD New HQ at WARWICK (2017) WALKILL,PATTERSON & Now in ENGLAND the New BETHEL at Chelmsford in 2020 !!!! Give me your MONEY (Wills,Houses,Stocks,Shares,Donations) so those on GB can get Richer & Fatter .Excuse Me GOVERNING BODY But JESUS had nowhere to lay his head & Apostle Paul had a PART TIME JOB as a TENTMAKER to provide for his needs so why don’t the GB get Part Time Jobs & follow the Bible Role Models & not put Expensive Burdens on Brother & Sisters!!!

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 12:43 am

Just a thought regarding David’s loyalty to Saul. Could it be that David was showing respect to YHWH and not Saul?
 Jonathan was loyal to David because?
 So do you have to be loyal to what is false and clearly apostate?
 McDonald’s food chain reminds me of the Watchtower Society, both have clowns as their advertising tools.
 It would be interesting to know how many people have left the Watchtower Society in the last 100y, apparently, in the US alone, McDonald’s kills 5.5 million cattle yearly.

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 12:57 am

Surely, from any point of view, it is an act of apostasy to proclaim that you have been appointed by God over all the belongings, when no such approval has been granted.
 If , and I have no doubt, 1914 is a false parusia, then James’s words at chapter 4 apply now. In other words if the parusia is false the last days have not begun yet. In that chapter James gives advice as to what Christians ought to do. Even if a person is not a believer, it’s a fascinating scenario. Regards.x

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 1:02 am

Apologies folks, James chapter5.

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 5:04 am

Without doubt members of the Watchtower organization read this blog.
 Interesting that James describes the man of lawlessness as Job’s false comforters.
 If the kingdom of the heavens is like, are there wheat and weeds in the so called spiritual paradise? Are there , by the dragnet (good news), suitable and unsuitable fish in your organization? Does the Watchtower have a problem with apostasy within its ranks (from a Watchtower point of view) How is it then that Chirst , according to your own beliefs, is going to punish every other religion first when you are the ones who, supposedly, bear God’s name? To illustrate, if I had uncontrollable children and went next door to ask the neighbours to control their children, would that seem hypocritical and sensible? Fair questions for the Watchtower to answer.

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 5:17 am

One more fair, honest, question,
 If Chirst posed the question, in effect for all people themselves to answer, ” who really is” why do you punish people for asking that question of you , or have you been approved over all the master’s belongings yet?

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 5:24 am

I might be deluded, but I’m honest.

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 5:30 am

I’m upset at the abuse I’ve seen:-( , time for the carpet crawlers. Genesis:-)x

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 5:57 am

Waking up from religious indoctrination, mine included , is similar to the CAGE, Genesis. x

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 6:13 am

Now that you are awake, John Lennon, working class hero.x

 gary says:

 January 6, 2015 at 6:35 am

Bless:-) that’s so sweet Watchtower:-) I guess I’m just, from your point and mine, just watching the wheels go round:-) x John Lennon.

 Brad says:

 January 6, 2015 at 8:26 am

@Gary I’m not sure what all of your comments mean. Perhaps you should use the @ symbol and the person’s name you are replying to. If you just click “reply” it puts your comment at the bottom and no reference to which post you are commenting on. In that context it sounds like tangent thoughts are just flying out and I’m sure that is not what you intend to sound like.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 6, 2015 at 3:45 pm

@ Brad. Carrying on from my previous comments , perhaps Anthony Morris ‘THE THIRD ‘ could imitate the Apostle Paul & get a PART TIME Job as a Shoemaker??? Or Stephen Letts as a Part Time English Teacher or David Splane as a Part Time MUSIC TEACHER?? Or Mark Sanderson as a Food Diet Advisor!!! Or Gerrit Losch as a Part Time Social Welfare Carer for Abused Children??? Or Samuel Herd as a Part Time Adviser on Women’s Rights in the Workplace!!

 Grace says:

 January 6, 2015 at 4:11 pm

Pickled brain, you’re funny. I needed a giggle today.

 Grace says:

 January 6, 2015 at 4:23 pm

Or how about Anthony Morris getting a job as a life coach.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 6, 2015 at 4:46 pm

@Grace. Thank you for your kind comment .I think we all need a sense of humour.It helps break down the Pain & Anguish we have all suffered at the hands of this Organisation!! Psychiatrists say Laughter is the best medicine!! I think they are right! Take care all you JWs & Ex-JWs out there! PRAISE THE LORD or should I say PRAISE THE ‘GB’ !!! The Chosen Kings & PRiests that will rule with Christ!! Let’s all Give PRAISE to Priest Anthony!King David (Splane) not THE KING DAVID(He was a bit of a Lad,Adulterer & Murderer) ! Then there is High Priest Samuel(Herd) Not ‘The Real High Priest Samuel ! Then we have High Priest Stephen Letts(Not the one that was stoned to Death at the feet of Apostle Paul) Then we have High Priest & King Mark Sanderson(Anointed at 48) whom I suspect he could be MENTALLY DISEASED as the main calling of the Anointed stopped in 1935 so said King J.R. Not Ewing the one in Dallas.The other J.R. The one who couldn’t get through an eye of a Needle because he was too busy building Beth SARIM(Small Circuit Flat with 10 Bedrooms) Ho Hum Give me a Bottle of Rum !!!

 brad says:

 January 6, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Morris should be a guidance counselor. He specifically mentions 4 year university as a specific topic in the latest broadcast BTW. Or.. Maybe a fashion advisor. He knows a great deal how a suit should fit or the color of socks you should wear.
Good ol Morris, turning bible principles into bible law! How many times does he repeat the same old things. Sorry, but the guy just doesn’t seem like a pleasant person.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 6, 2015 at 10:42 pm

@Brad . I agree with your point on Morris. What is IRONIC it is alright to send someone from Bethel to study Law for 4 or 5 years and then Condemns them for not being Humble .He says there will be no Lawyers or Doctors after Armageddon as if that is a reason not to be a Doctor but he said it Is alright to train for 2 years to be a Nurse.ANTHONY !! There will be no need for nurses either! Doctors SAVE JWs Lives NOW when they need an ORGAN TRANSPLANT.Thank JEHOVAH for 5 or 6 Years at University these Doctors study!Moses studied in all the wisdom of the Egyptians & Shadrach ,Meshach& Abednego taught with the best of the Babylonians .I have known plenty of Brothers who have been plumbers & carpenters who have said their environment mixing with tradesmen who are foul mouthed,Violent & Alcoholic. So it’s not just university where this behaviour is obnoxious. As Mose proved its not where u learn your profession determines how u turn out but HOW You handle it !!!

 John z says:

 January 6, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Listen Obey be Depressed

 Darlene says:

 January 7, 2015 at 12:08 am

I am really wondering how this level of thought control can be achieved.
I mean, to a vast degree I can understand how for example north koreans can be blindfolded into thinking they and their leader are the envy of the world. Thorough childhood education, basically no contact to the outside world, monitoring and reporting the smallest imaginary violation and of course the ever present lingering threat of labor camps. Taking of changing history, who would openly challenge the “divine birth” of Kim Jong-Il? Or that his father single-handedly defeated the Japanese?
No wonder people who still *can* see through this bs keep their mouth carefully shut and do their best to just go on with live and exploit every advantage they may get themselve. They all face a very palpable threat.
But then the JWs. They are not so excluded. They have access to “worldy” education from play-schools on. They have computers and free access to the internet in most countries. And for sure they don’t use the internet to watch cute cat babies on youtube only. How can they be so dumb (forgive me for this word)? Its just that I don’t get it.

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196 Responses to Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past

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 Hugh Jasole says:

 January 7, 2015 at 12:11 am

Suicidal Tendencies Send Me Your Money:

 Grace says:

 January 7, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Hang on isn’t he one of our grand old spiritual guidance councillors, maybe that’s why I found myself rocking backwards & forwards in the fetal position.
Kidding aside, I just can’t understand why I couldn’t see how out of touch with reality this religion is. They’re treating everyone like mushrooms.
We had a sister make an offensive comment to my husband that really cemented our leaving…the statement was “well we know whats going to happen to them (worldly people), don’t we”. I said to my husband, if she ever needed an Ambulance Officer, a Policeman, an SES worker, a Doctor or a Firefighter in her hour of need, would she be asking them who they worshipped first? Would they ask her who her god is? People who are trained not to judge the lives they’re trying to save, who don’t have time for such pathetic thinking when an emergency is happening. How dare she make such hateful, judgemental comments. What makes me sick is that she would never make that comment to a ‘worldly’ persons face. Anyway, it made me so angry and upset but it also made me realise that she is just speaking the real thoughts of jw’s.

 rob says:

 January 7, 2015 at 4:19 pm

I know I have mentioned this before, but many witnesses view “worldy people” as the walking dead and therefore worldy people just don’t matter and are all categorized as “bad association”
@Grace is absolutely correct – when a witness needs a surgeon or a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant, they don’t look at this person and ask them what religion they are, as a matter of fact the witness is probably pretty glad that this person got the education required to help them.
 However when the witnesses are all huddled in the Kingdom Hall, they take on the group mentality that all worldy people are scary and bad and will be destroyed. What hypocrites.

 Gareth says:

 January 7, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Remember my fellow brothers and sisters, “The better the university, the greater the danger!”
LOL!!!!! I actually laughed out loud!

 Sam says:

 January 8, 2015 at 12:23 am

Just on a point of information, prior to democracies there were many monarchies which allowed multiple religions to flourish. After the reformation in the UK, Catholics were restricted but allowed and for the most part Jews were tolerated and thrived here. The Ottoman empire in fact allowed Christian and Jewish schools, and courts to run for their own communities and welcomed in Jews expelled from Spain during the Inquisition.

 gary says:

 January 8, 2015 at 12:50 am

 Could it be that Watchtower is frightened of education? How far did the Catholic church go in suppressing bible translation?
 There has been some supreme examples of bravery, many write on this blog. What a privilege.

 gary says:

 January 8, 2015 at 5:20 am

@Sam, consdering the history of religion, Jews fighting Muslims, Muslim s fighting Jews, Christians killing Muslims, Christians killing Jews , it’s not hard envisioning a world without religion. Seems Watchtower is just as intolerant towards those who disagree with their teachings also.
 If the Bible is correct, then maybe there will be a religiously free world. What a war that would be.

 Ted says:

 January 8, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Any monarchy set up by them would not be an equal society.
 Half the population ( Women ) would be in subjection to men,
 it would be administered entirely by men.
Under the law women were considered as chattels, such as a
 mans house, or ox, or even ass, Ex,20/17, Paul retained from
 the law, not only the prohibition on un-bled meat, but also the
 backward idea of men’s domination over women 1Tim,2/11-15,
 (Where are the women on today’s gov, body) ?.
No one should be in subjection to another person, or denied
 opportunities that are open to another. And to be commanded
 to remain silent as if ones opinion is of no value, is sheer
 oppression, slavery.
For this reason, and many more regressive ideas, the fabled
 Kingdom no longer appeals to me.

 Brad says:

 January 8, 2015 at 2:04 pm

I really enjoy jwsurvey’s posts, wish they would post more often. Lot’s of comments prove there is an audience for it, hint hint.

 Gareth says:

 January 8, 2015 at 4:10 pm

Tony@JW-TV: “Thank you brothers for sharing that very interesting perspective on the subtle, mental conditioning that can transpire when exposed to higher education.”

 anonymous says:

 January 8, 2015 at 7:26 pm

I was very much deceived when I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1966. I was deceived into believing what the Watchtower printed in their literature such as an article they printed in 1951 in the Watchtower on page 320. I am going to quote the article word for word:
Question? “Would one of Jehovah’s witnesses be wise to say he accepts as from the Lord and true each issue of The Watchtower even before he opens it? or should he say it is provided by the “faithful and discreet slave” but he will prove everything in it before accepting it? – L.P., Montana.
 Answer: If the heavenly Father would not give a stone or serpent or scorpion to a child who asked for bread or fish or an egg from him, and if The Watchtower is a gift from Jehovah through Christ by the “faithful and discreet slave”, are we to take each issue of The Watchtower into our hands as if we were going to be bruised by a stone or bitten by a serpent or stung by a scorpion? (Matt. 7:7-11; Luke 11:9-13, NW) Are we to be doubtful and suspicious about each succeeding issue? The Boreans first “received the word with the greatest readiness of mind”, and then they went “carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so”. (Acts 17:11, NW) So we should receive The Watchtower as an instrument that is always endeavoring to bring us the truth, if our past experience with it warrants that, and then, not in a combative spirit, we should Beroeanlike prove by the Scriptures what it says. That is what we want you to do, that you may be convinced and make these things your very own.”
The Watchtower likes to give the impression that we as Jehovah’s Witnesses are free to prove what it says against the Bible, but what really happens if we should do that, is to call into question whether or not it is God’s Organization and will be labeled as Apostates if we dared to point out any inconsistencies.
Anybody should be free to and not to be afraid to make sure that what the Watchtower prints is according to the Bible but that is not the case at all.
This is another quote from that same 1951 Watchtower on page 192:
“Respecting your vow in a denominational religious system: If you now discern that you were misled by clergy influence and acted upon a misunderstanding and without being consecrated to God, then your conscience may allow you to view that vow as something that you forsook when you turned from the political, commercial, falsely religious world and devoted yourself to the living and true God.”
I don’t really get the double talk from that above answer from the Watchtower but it seems that when it comes to other churches, you are allowed to take back a vow to God if that person was “misled” by a clergyman.
The Watchtower only applies that advice when it comes to other churches. When it comes to the Watchtower, you can’t believe anything it puts in print and if you find out about the lies, a baptized Witness will be disfellowshipped and shunned if you tell anybody else about what you have found.
If anybody is reading these comments and is not baptized, think about what you are getting yourself into.
Ask your study conductor what happens if once you get baptized and you decide later on that you don’t want to be a Witness anymore? Ask if you are under obligation to accept and preach as “truth” anything that the Watchtower comes up with in the future, even if what they come up with, doesn’t agree with what the Bible clearly says.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 9, 2015 at 12:30 am

@Gareth. Good point you make about King & High Priest Tony comment about MENTAL & SUBTLE Conditioning in higher places of learning on the Latest TV SITCOM …’TV.JW.ORG’!!! Does make you Choke.
 @Anonymous. Enjoyed your comment about examine other religions & taking back your VOW to God of that religion if it conflicts with Scripture from the Bible!!! Hmmmm Now I wonder why that doesn’t apply to being Baptised as a JW.Back in the 1960s there was a Watchtower that said it was wrong to get baptised into an ORGANISATION ,But in 1985 the Baptismal Questions were changed & the second question CHANGED to being ‘Do you understand that your dedication & baptism identify you as one of JEHOVAH Witnesses in association with Gods spirit directed organisation ‘ !! When I was baptised the second Question was ‘on the basis of this faith in God & in his provision for salvation have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus CHRIST & through the Bible under the enlightenment of Holy Spirit ‘ !! WELL GOVERNING BODY what does THE BIBLE SAY !!! Yes the BIBLE!! You know GODS WORD not some imaginary F&D SLAVE which is a PARABLE (an illustration not to be taken literally) Please King ?? Tony !! Let’s All (7! Members of GB) READ The Scriptures (bit of a novelty this) at MATTHEW 28 v.19,20) !!Says it all Really!!

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 9, 2015 at 1:09 am

@ anonymous, very much deceived
When the WT told me the GB is the faithful and discreet slave, I wondered, “so what I learned and believed since baptism, was never really true?” Ugh.
Some WT teachings may be true; Jesus did mention paradise. But claiming to be the “faithful and discreet slave” is a lie, and a house of truth can’t stand on a foundation of lies.
See the youtube video “Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?” by Mr. Lee. He never mentions the WT by name, but he clearly explains how WT’s claim to be “the Faithful and Discreet Slave” is false.
And that truth sets you free.

 anonymous says:

 January 9, 2015 at 4:37 am

@Foundtobelies. I will have to watch that video. Also, Winston in 2 of his latest Watchtower Examination Youtube videos shows how the July 2013 Study editions of the Watchtower debunks 1914 for Jesus having taken Kingdom power and come to the earth for the judging. I can guarantee you that it was so cleverly hidden in all that gibberish that they called “new light” that nobody would have caught it though. But one thing is, that we can hold that little bit of information over any elder’s heads and surprise them with that little bit of info.
The average Witness doesn’t know anything about the Bible and so they are easy prey for the Watchtower when they print all that stuff in their magazines and books like it comes from the Bible but what it actually is, is just works of fiction, made to read like it’s in the Bible.
Read any paragraph in any magazine or book and you will see statement after statement made saying the Bible teaches this or that, but with no scripture to back it up. All Witnesses accept this made up stuff as fact with no backing up with scripture references at all.
They are under total mind control, thinking that God is backing that organization but it’s just a book publishing company with free labor. All the Society has to do is throw in a scripture here and there, using the fear of being killed at Armageddon, and the Witnesses are duped into thinking it’s from the Bible, all of it.
They get to believing their own lies. That is the Governing Body. Or else, if they know it’s lies, then they are bloodguilty for all the lives lost to their supposed “inside” knowledge from God and how they have deliberately deceived us all.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 9, 2015 at 10:12 am

@ anonymous
I suppose they do believe their own lies. How can anyone voluntarily preach something they know is false? I won’t.
1914 is another piece of their foundation, but after two and a half millenia, it’s virtually impossible to accurately trace its origin. 607? 587? Who can say for sure.
But whether 1914 is true or false, doesn’t really matter. The WT’s entire authority is based on a false claim. As Mr. Lee explains with simple, common sense logic, the WT is not “the faithful and discreet slave.” Once I realized that, I understood they have no authority. They’re just men who don’t like secular work, and only want to preach all the time. Let them fund their own organization.
Ever since Freddie Franz, the college dropout, took charge, the WT has preached against “higher education.” Maybe the world will end next week, and today’s students will never graduate. But I don’t know that, and neither does the WT. My advice is to plan for retirement in this old world. Because if you end up retired and penniless, don’t expect any help from the WT!

 anonymous says:

 January 9, 2015 at 10:30 am

@Found tobelies. I listened to that video you suggested 3 times and Mr. Lee has really good reasoning. There should be no place in our or anybody’s vocabulary that says anybody is “faithful and discreet” since only Jesus is the only one who determines who is the Faithful and Discreet slave and it’s at their resurrection that will determine whether or not they were the “faithful and discreet” slave. That would be presuming to call anybody faithful and discreet. I loved that point.
Another really good video is the latest youtube video from exjwinternational, Jill Chandler. I have listened to that video several times as well. What is really disgusting is how the Governing Body uses donations to buy luxury condos for themselves when they say the contributions are extorted for the purpose of the “worldwide” work and that is called stealing!

 Gareth says:

 January 9, 2015 at 1:58 pm

anonymous, do you mean the “worldwide message” video? Where is the part about the condos you’re talking about, because that video is 45 mins long? Or is there any proof presented to this claim?

 anonymous says:

 January 9, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Gareth. Yes, it’s the last one, the 2015 Jehovah Witness World Wide Message. I don’t know about the proof of the condos but she sure seemed to know what she was talking about and she talked about it a lot. It seems like she was saying it’s in Fishkill, New York and they bought up luxury condos and they could have bought older ones but they wanted the best and she describes the condos and how the people that are living there have to get out now. Everyone should listen to her video. It was a real eye opener for me anyway.

 Gareth says:

 January 9, 2015 at 2:36 pm

I’m not so sure about Mr.Lee’s video… He’s connecting Matt 24:45 to Matt 25:23 to Hebr 12:2. The connection between the first two is that they’re both parables involving faithful servants. The connection between the last two is they both mention “joy” related to respectively the master and Jesus. Therefore, the logic seems to be, Matt 24:45 should also see fulfillment in a heavenly resurrection/reward. I think this is quite a stretch from what the verses are trying to say; are you sure they’re both talking about the same shared “deeper concept” of joy?
I think it’s simpler to dismiss watchtower’s use of Matt 24:45 by just saying it’s a parable; it’s one of the many ways of that chapter to put importance on “being awake when the master arrives”. In this parable, because those servants will be rewarded.
If the GB is the faithful and discreet slave, then I can go to sleep; they will keep the watch for me? From their literature (and reality btw) I get a whole different feeling about it! ;-)

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 9, 2015 at 2:54 pm

The Bible is not structured like a computer program. Attempts to analyze it as such, with precise logic, will fail. You either get the idea of what Jesus meant, or you don’t.

 anonymous says:

 January 9, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Gareth, I googled: Watchtower buys luxury condos and I came up with some information that seems true. What the article said was that the Watchtower paid $57,000,000.000 for a 250 unit luxury apartment building in Fishkill, New York and the sale closed in December, called the Rivercrest Luxury apartments. The name of the development manager is Tom Perna, for AVR Reality. The same source said it will be very difficult for the current residents to move since they haven’t been given very much time to vacate and some have children and the move will be difficult because it’s wintertime.
The same article said Watchtower also bought a motel in the town of Newburgh on March 21, which was the former Hampton Inn on Route 300 and paid $21,600,000.00 for that.
Also, the article said they bought a 48 unit apartment complex called Suffern Commons on June 2013 but the article didn’t say how much Watchtower paid for that one.
There was a name to call concerning the information: Craig Wolf 845-437-4815.

 anonymous says:

 January 9, 2015 at 5:15 pm

I called the number for that luxury condo complex and asked them if Watchtower had bought it and the girl said yes so it’s true.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 9, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Maybe WT has wealthy donors, who don’t mind burning money on prime New York real estate. But even if WT moved to cheap land in the New Mexico desert, they would get no dollars of mine.

 Ted says:

 January 9, 2015 at 5:34 pm

When I was a little boy going to Sunday school, the parables
 at Matt,24-25, were explained as encouragement for each
“individual” Christian to remain faithful throughout life or
 until the return of Jesus, ( “But he that endures to the end is
 the one that will be saved” Matt, 24/13 .)
Similarly , the parable of “The sheep and the goats” is about
 separating “Individual” people into those who are faithful
 and those who are not. it’s interesting that the faithful sheep
 don’t claim any special assignment, and are not even aware they
 have fed Christ’s brothers, Matt,25, 37-40. The goats however
 insist they have always provided food Vs 44-46
Taking the F,& D,S, parable out of this context has needed
 elaborate explanations by the G,B, to try and justify their self
 appointed position as the slave.. Not to mention several
 changes of identity passed off as new light.
The Sunday school kept it simple and in context, and didn’t use
 a whole slew of scriptures to explain what was no more than a
 story to illustrate a moral principle. Jesus kept things simple too.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 9, 2015 at 6:01 pm

Many of Jesus parables contain moral principles, and are easy to understand. But Matthew 24:45-47 indicates that some slaves receive a higher reward. Mr. Lee’s video explains how the WT’s claim to that reward is bogus.
The WT’s bogus claim voids all authority based on that claim; i.e., they have no authority. It doesn’t matter what else they teach, true or false. Their authority is a lie.
Use any good ideas they have. If a paradise earth is what you hope for, why not? But there is no reason to be enslaved by everything they teach. They have no authority!

 Gareth says:

 January 10, 2015 at 5:24 am

Thank you for confirming that, anonymous. Will they be using it for warwick workers? Apparantly it’s a 52 min drive (according to google) so that seems a little long to me, but perhaps not to the average American :-). Also I’m wondering, don’t the people renting a place have any rights in the US? They can just be vacated like that… because the owner has sold the place they rented? I don’t think watchtower is being “evil” here (by “forcing” people to evict, ie. their rental contract expires). It’s a consequence of laws/regulations?

 Gareth says:

 January 10, 2015 at 5:46 am

Ted, in Matt 25:44-45 the goats are not claiming they have provided food, they’re just claiming that they have never *not* fed the “Lord” when they have seen him hungry. There is a subtle difference; namely, in the case those goats have never seen the Lord. As the sheep too claim never to have seen the Lord, btw. The goats should have fed “the least of these” but they also didn’t do that; therefore they didn’t do it for the Lord in a figurative sense.

 Ted says:

 January 10, 2015 at 7:54 am

@Gareth, your point is well made and accepted.
 Thanks for your response, best wishes.

 Shanti says:

 January 10, 2015 at 8:00 am

I’m sure they will act within the law to pursue the evictions, but not very ethical for a “religious” organization. I would love for one of the tenants to take a stand and spark some well needed publicity.
As always, have enjoyed all the comments, especially Anonymous and Pickled Brain. Look forward to what you have to say. I could tie up the forum by just replying “ditto”!

 anonymous says:

 January 10, 2015 at 9:54 am

Thanks Shanti!!

 Ted says:

 January 10, 2015 at 11:19 am

@Found Tobelies, “Attempts to analyse the Bible with precise
 logic will fail”, is a good comment, but as we know this is what
 the W,T, does. Dissecting every line, sometimes single words
 and bringing a host of scriptures to bear, often making a simple
 subject almost incomprehensible. Giving the impression that
 we’d never understand the Bible without their help.
The F,& D,S, parable is an example of this, apparently we need
 to know not only the identity of the slave, but also who the
 domestics are, what are the masters belongings, and when does
 the slave receive them.
All these aspects of the parable have undergone the switcheroo
 treatment, meaning that previous explanations have been failures,
 thereby proving your point.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 10, 2015 at 12:28 pm

@ Ted
Yes, the WT takes a good thing and gets carried away with it. They flip flopped several times trying to prove they are faithful and discreet. A video on that topic is on youtube too, by TheScrewedGeneration. I don’t have the old bound volumes he provides scans of, so I take it on faith they are genuine. But even they were fraudulent, Mr. Lee, with his common sense reasoning, makes them unnecessary to reach a verdict: the WT’s claim is false; they have no authority.
I think I’ve said enough on that, so lest this go any further off topic, I want to thank James for his article.
WT often fails basic journalistic integrity. Editing the contents of a magazine when printing the bound volume, without any notation or explanation, is wrong. It would be useful to have a list of all such edits, but nobody has 135 years of old magazines and bound volumes, so that would be impossible now. But some are well known, and even once is too many.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 10, 2015 at 2:19 pm

@Shanti . Thank you for your kind comment.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 10, 2015 at 2:20 pm

.The Governing body say the LIGHT is Getting Brighter but I can PROVE THE CON is Getting BIGGER and BIGGER until the NIGHT TIME(Proverbs 4v18) arrives .There is NO FAITHFUL & DISCREET SLAVE !! Please COMPARE Matthew 24v45-47 and Luke 12 v41-48 which are both describing the same Faithful Slave or Steward ! BUT look CLOSELY at Luke’s account there are 4 YES 4 different outcomes..Not 2 as in Matthew
 1) Luke 12v43
 2) Luke 12v45,46
 3)Luke 12v.47
 4)Luke 12v48
 This proves it is just an illustration not something that has a particular application to real life scenario from 1919 !
 Plus when the GB say the Bible Students were chosen in 1919 as The F&D Slave because they were providing food at the proper time BUT Russell himself was called THE FAITHFUL STEWARD until 1927 as stated in The FINISHED Mysterybook!! So why would JESUS make the appointment when they didn’t know who they were!!!! Then from 1927 to 2013 the F&D Slave were the 144000 . Then BINGO!!! COME 2013 The F&D SLAVE are just the 7 MEN ,YES 7 MEN at world HQ whereas before that date the F&D Slave were 144000 anointed MEN & WOMEN and the GB were JUST REPRESENTATIVES of the F&D Slave!! Oh SILLY ME ! I forgot The LIGHT is GETTING LIGHTER ????

 Pickled brain says:

 January 10, 2015 at 4:52 pm

The quote from finished Mysterybook is on page 418 that states Russell was Faithful & wise Servant mentioned at Matthew 24v.45 in King James Bible which bible students used. I will DEBUNK the 70 years desolation of Jerusalem from 607bc to 537bc theory?? Held by GB in future comments which is easily disproved after reading Carl Olaf Jonsons book Gentile Times Reconsidered.Plus it can be easily be shown false by reference to the Isaiah book part 1 produced by Watchtower which in turn disproves 1914 and if 1914 is false then 1919 is a FAKE when the SUPPOSED SLAVE was appointed!! Jesus & Paul were SLAVES of JEHOVAH!!Anthony Morris the THIRD?? a SLAVE???? Oh Please DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH……

 anonymous says:

 January 10, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Tonight I was doing some research and came upon a scripture that I never noticed before and thought it was very entertaining. This is the way it reads from the old New World Translation at Isaiah 66:11
“for the reason that you will suck and certainly get satisfaction from the breast of full consolation by her; for the reason that you will sip and experience exquisite delight from the teat of her glory.”
Now this is how Isaiah 66:11 reads from the “cleaned up” but still disgusting new silver Bible: “For you will nurse and be fully satisfied from her breast of consolation. And you will drink deeply and find delight in the abundance of her glory.”
I grew up on a farm and teat was not the way my father referred to what is on the cow’s udder if you catch my drift.

 Bret says:

 January 10, 2015 at 10:50 pm

“If any man shall say unto you then, Lo here is Messiah, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false teachers, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. Remember I have foretold you.” Matt. 24:23-25
The deceivers here described certainly are not the fanatics who from time to time have claimed to be Christ and have deceived but few possessed of any degree of common sense and judgment.
Various Protestant denominations, although they acknowledge no head except Christ, nevertheless practically make their Synods, Conferences and Councils into heads, from which they take their laws, usages, and confessions of faith, instead of the one only head of the one true Church.
For a large period and to a greater or less extent these systems of men have so counterfeited the genuine Messiah (head and body) as to partially deceive many.
(The above is taken from Russell’s work of the Study in the scriptures Vol. 4 “Armageddon”.)
And does it not fit what Rutherford started? A so called faithful slave and Governing Body i.e. “Synods, conferences and councils.
Never in any of his writings did Russell claim to be The Faithful Steward! Nor did he ever indicate that it was anything more that an illustration.
 Is Matt 24:45-47 an illustration or a prophecy which seems out of place. In both occurrences Matt 24 & Luke 12 it occurs after Jesus states “Keep on the watch”, and caries the idea that this is a house servant who is appointed over kitchen BEFORE the master leaves then when keeps awake so to speak receives reward by being appointed over all his belongings or household and this illustration not only is followed by 2 more illustrations but is similar to that of the illustration of the Talents Matt 25:14-30.
 So does not the Governing body fit the description by Russell of false Christ’s or Messiah and is the Faithful slave prophecy or just an illustration and a self appointed slave?

 Bret says:

 January 10, 2015 at 11:00 pm

Making sense of the “new understanding” in comparison to the older one is quite comical.
 1981 Watchtower
 The Slave recieves 1st appointment in 33 C.E. Before the master goes away!
 Then his 2nd when the Master returns 1914 and supposedly some time after his arrival 1918.
 2012 Annual meeting
 Slave master arrives 1914 inspects temple 1st appointment comes 1919 then 2nd appointment is yet future…
Make sense of this..
 Jesus/master goes away 1914, but yet is still here and King, head of cong, and directing preaching yet somehow went away and doesn’t know if the Slave is doing the assigned work while being gone but somehow still here! And will appoint the slave over all his belongings if he finds him doing so, even though he is directing their work.. Confused yet?

 Bret says:

 January 10, 2015 at 11:06 pm

The illustration is quite simple…
The Master Jesus before going away gives the slave the task of feeding his household while away…
The faithful slave carries out the task…
The wicked slave calculates that the Master will be gone a long time and slacks off to be punished when the Master arrives…
The faithful slave receives reward of being put in charge of all his belongings that is his whole household.
 A simple illustration about keeping on the Watch…

 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 12:03 am

@Brad . I like your line of reasoning.Yes it is just an illustration about keeping on the Watch. pure & simple .

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 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 12:25 am

My Reference earlier to the ISAIAH’S PROPHECY (Part1) book published in 2000 on Page 253 paragraph 21 quotes Isaiah ch.23v15 which JEHOVAH says Tyre will be forgotten 70 YEARS but and VERY CONVENIENT the GB explain the 70 years is not literal but ONLY 50 YEARS!!!!! So if we use that logic then why can’t Jerusalems desolation of 70 years not be literal BUT 50 YEARS so from 587bc when Archaeologists say Jerusalem was destroyed to 537bc would be 50 years!!! Hallelujah!! Problem Solved . BUT the GB Can’t & WILL NOT Say this because IF 607 bc ISN’T TRUE then 7 times of 2520 years from 587bc would bring us to 1934 c.e which would mean the F&D Slave couldn’t have been appointed in 1919!!!! BIG BIG Problem!!! Then all other Prophecies are Wrong like Last Days would have to begin in 1934 & then The GENERATION INTERPRETATIONS are wrong !! The longer the YEARS go by it is going to get extremely Embarrassing for the GB !!!!What NEW LIGHT will we GET ???? IF it Gets any Lighter I will need to Get STRONGER SUNGLASSES!!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 2:32 am

@Bret “make sense of this: Jesus/master goes away 1914, but yet is still here and King, head of cong. and directing preaching yet somehow went away and doesn’t know if the Slave is doing the assigned work while being gone but somehow still here! And will appoint the slave over all his belongings if he finds him doing so, even though he is directing their work..Confused yet?”
That question is genius!! I copied and pasted it and printed it out. Best question I have seen a very long time. Can anybody explain it? I don’t think so……

 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:03 pm

In the Watchtower study today at the Kingdom Hall which was about being HOLY as JEHOVAH is Holy so we should not DONATE BLOOD as it should be poured out onto the ground ,But JWs can accept BLOOD FRACTIONS such as Factor 8 for haemophiliacs which can save a JW life. BUT How does a JW get a blood fraction.ONLY from some WORLDLY PERSON who has Donated Blood . So worldly people can save JW lives but JWs can’t donate blood to extract a blood fraction from to save one of their own families lives!!!! AND THIS IS the LIGHT getting LIGHTER!!’ In the 1960s a JW would be disfellowshipped for taking a Blood Fraction but today you won’t be??? I look around the Hall at meetings & sad to say these brothers & sisters are being manipulated for their time,money & energy!! Many are not well educated & so are easily mind manipulated !! Quite upsetting really .All for a multi billion publishing empire which is expanding its property portfolio!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:43 pm

I watched the latest jw broadcasting today with Anthony Morris the 3rd talking at great length about college education. I don’t get it. Weren’t we always taught that we wouldn’t be perfect until the end of the thousand years? Then why on earth did he say that nobody has to go to school to be a doctor since after Armageddon, we’d have perfect health and no need for doctors???? Since when would JW’s be perfect as soon as Armageddon was over??? Is he that stupid or are the Witnesses that stupid that listen to that crap???

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Even with perfect health, no one will ever fall off a horse and break an arm? No one will ever fall off a ladder while painting a house? Mabye we can float to the ground like angels. Who knows.
But what I do know is, if we don’t need doctors, we won’t need nurses either (someone else already said that). And the WT says it’s OK to study for nursing. What hypocrites.

 Grace says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm

I would love to comment about this book but I can’t bring myself to even look at another piece of propaganda by this mob.
Anonymous, I see lots of comments about tv evangelisers but I’m just not able to suffer through it as I have been detoxing from it all in the past few months. That’s why I like to read other peoples commentary on it. It saves me the frustration.

 anonymous says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:02 am

@Grace, it was hard for me too. All I could see through the whole thing was hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. It was painful to watch. I also can’t comment on that book because I hate every word coming off the press from the Watchtower. Like Jill Chandler said on her last video, it isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and on that last jw broadcasting, they had a segment on the printing plants and all the “volunteers” working at those Bethel plants and that’s all I could think of. That crap that those people are working so hard to distribute to the public, isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 7:58 am

Perhaps the Jehovah’s witnesses could learn from the phase, freedom of speech. R.I.P. for France.

 Ted says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:19 am

@Grace, I understand the need for the ” Detoxing” process,
 we’ve all had to go through it. But with the help of others who
 have made it through, and all the info, that’s now available I’m
 sure it won’t be too long before your mind is free from the
 effects of all the poisonous rubbish that the w,t, has injected
 into it.
I left in 1982, after 25 years, which was 7 years after the 1975
 debacle, and it took another 25 years to get completely free.
 I was filled with doubts, and guilt, and even considered going
 back. It’s probably the same fluctuations that a drug addict has.
The Internet, which wasn’t easily available in the 80s , implanted
 fresh, and critical thinking , and provided. access to sites like this
 with other people’s experiences similar to mine, and set me free.
As James States in the conclusion to his article, “Knowledge is
 power”. That’s why oligarchies like the w.t, try to restrict it
 knowledge is a threat to their control, wealth, and position.
Best wishes.

 Gareth says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:24 am

@Grace, yes I understand, I’ve watched it in 3 parts. Twice I really had to stop watching because it became intolerable. I could comment on so many things which are deceiving and/or silly, some make me so angry and some are laughable at the same time. We should also leave some things for Cedars to comment on ;-) Haha! (At least I didn’t see a “review” up yet).

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 10:15 am

@ Ted
I was first exposed to WT in the 80’s. They had a slick sales pitch: paradise earth, resurrection of dead loved ones, etc.
If I had known, back in the 80’s, that the WT’s claim to be the faithful and discreet slave is false, I would not have been ensnared by that slick sales pitch. Thankfully by now though, the Internet has changed the game.
I still hope for a paradise earth. I hope to see dead loved ones again. But I don’t trust the WT to lead me. It’s all in the Bible. That’s enough for me.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 12:14 pm

@found tobelies,
 That is a very heart warming and reassuring thought, thanks for the comment.
 Though I can often see the humorous side to the Watchtowers flip flops, authoritarian attitude and false teachings, I too feel a strong sense of nausea when I see their slick presentations and realize what’s behind it. I can no longer stomach it.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Continuing from my above comment, thanks to the writers & supporters of this website I feel free & safe to regurgitate my 20yr experience with them.
It’s liberating to know that it wasn’t just me all along that felt these feelings of low self worth & never feeling adequate or measuring up. I’m sure that their subtle use of loaded language in the publications are designed to keep you feeling unworthy. Being humble is one thing but being reminded that you’re a good for nothing slave dependant on the words of mere men doesn’t contribute to anything but to be a slave for the master…the gb.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:16 pm

@ Grace
The WT is an idol. Like Aaron’s golden calf of Exodus 32. The people wanted something they could see, to worship. Made them feel goooood, like the way Jim Carrey says “goooood” in Bruce Almighty. Funny movie.
The WT idol is something people can see. But it’s yet another variation of false worship, which the WT so often decries.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

You’re right foundtobelies,
I realised that when we had our last 3 shepherding visits from 6 different elders. I had many doubts over things that were what I thought was ‘beyond what is written’ & I was going through stages of disillusionment, so when I would ask them something their reply would be “but the faithful slave say this”. I got so frustrated with the last elder that said it that I said to him, can’t you think for yourselves? (I felt sorry for him afterwards) After that though, I think that they put us on the stay away we’re dangerous list as witnesses seem to pretend they don’t see us now when we pass each other at shopping centres etc.
I always thought that the faithful slave were meant to be there as our guide not our dictators. I thought that we were meant to use our own discretion not be empty headed with our reasoning. I thought that we were meant to have free will not be prisoners of mens ideologies but it seems like it was never the case. The wt speaks with a folk tongue…just had another purge.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

@Grace. You are so right the Watchtower is LOADED with making all witnesses feel they are not doing enough…increasing GUILT & MENTAL BURNOUT.Only a Publisher..then be an Auxiliary Pioneer… But you could reachhhh out & be a Regular Pioneer or go and Serve where the Need is Great or go to Bethel or learn a new Language or be a Special Pioneer…TITLES..TITLES !! Where in the Bible are these Titles & then you might have to work & Bring up perfect children who should be baptised by age of 16 There is this constant TREADMILL with the DANGLING CARROT of Paradise Earth for the Perfect Exhausted ones & Armageddon is SO NEAR!! 1914,1915,1918,1925,1942,1975,in the 20th century (generation 70 or 80 years) the constant disappointment of WHEN WHEN WHEN!!! & HOW MUCH MORE NEW LIGHT??

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:53 pm

@Grace. If we were all TOLD the HISTORY of the Organisation from 1879 till now and allowed to read ALL the OLD LITERATURE including The Finished MYSTERYBOOK & Millions Now Living will never Die … BEFORE we GOT Baptised then I guarantee you hardly any would . This is clever mind control technique not giving everyone all the FACTS before making a decision Then once Baptised JWS are too frightened too speak out for FEAR of losing friends & family…. Classic CULT CONTROL!!

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:09 pm

@Grace. Regarding your shepherding visits about the F&D Slave say this & this & this!! Well ask the Elders when JESUS chose this Organisation in 1919 as the ONLY Organisation to be providing food at the proper time ..Ask them how can that be so because in1919 the F&D Slave in 1919 didn’t know who the Flipping Hell who they were!! In the Finished Mystery Book it states RUSSELL was The Faithful Steward !! This didn’t change until 1927 then the F&D Slave were 144000 Anointed Christians from 33c.e until now! Then 2013 they were just 7 MEN at World HEADQUARTERS at BROOKLYN.If the F&D Slave are so confused who they WHY SHOULD JESUS APPOINT THEM & WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY!!! My Pet FAITHFUL & DISCREET HAMSTER has a better success rate of prophesying than they do!!

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:25 pm

@ Grace
They either can’t, or won’t, think for themselves. Their idol is their god. And when I say the WT is an idol, I’m not talking about the little picture of a tower. I mean the organization itself, and their claim to be the faithful and discreet slave. That is their idol.
Claiming to be “the faithful and discreet slave” is insidious: “causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed” (merriam-webster).
It’s a lie, but hard to notice. And they use it all the time! Just as you experienced.

 JBob says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Yes, the party line is “it’s a more translatable version” but astute individuals note the previous volume’s long-range predictions pretty much were proven false after 1975, and extremely so after the fall of Communist Russia–half of the projected “King of North/South” rivalry gone, and the projected “winner”. So, cut out all the crap and you’re left with a slimmer version. Just like the Book of Daniel, Jeremiah and all those other glossier versions books from the hey-days past. And, yes, GB v3.0 hasn’t geared up the moving projection machine to add new fluff to fill up 600+ pages [yep, no channeling the spirit of Freddy or Jesus whispers….]

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:06 pm

@ Pickled brain
Asking the elders to justify or explain “the faithful and discreet slave” does no good. You can’t reason with those people. It will only arouse their suspicion. They will think you are apostate, or at least dangerous, as Grace said.
For those who want to stay in the org to keep friends and family, I advise keeping a low profile, staying below the elders radar.
Personally, that’s not a concern for me, so I’ve simply faded. Once upon a time, I played the WT game, and wrote my former church a letter of withdrawal. That’s what the WT told me to do.
But now, I no longer dance to WT music. I will NOT write a letter of DA, nor will I tell them what I know. I don’t owe them any explanations, and I will certainly NOT give them the satisfaction of DF’ing me. When they stop by and ask questions, I give bland answers that don’t reveal my true intent. I answer the door, but I do NOT invite them in.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Found tobelies,
I’m in a two way juggle at the moment with the decision of DA’ing or fading into oblivion. I’ve left that decision for a time when I’m not angry. I just wish that I had’ve done what you said Pickled Brain & researched this cult before I gave my heart & soul over to it. I went to the library when I was just studying 20years ago & found Crisis of Conscience & didn’t read it because my study conductor told me that Ray Franz was a disgruntled liar that wanted his own leadership. Boy I wished I had listened to my conscience back then.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 6:23 pm

@ Grace
You’ve already done the hard thing: seeing the WT for what it is.
The rest is personal choice, to DA or not. But keep in mind, you don’t owe anything to hypocrites and liars. Not even an explanation.
The WT leadership are hypocrites. And leaders can only keep followers who approve of their leadership. If there are sincere and well meaning JWs, as people sometimes say, it’s THEIR responsibility to do their own research. You don’t owe them anything either.

 John Chapman says:

 January 13, 2015 at 9:57 am

The ENTIRE “Legal” system is founded on Canon Law, which is Ecclesiastical Law based in the Vatican. The Pope is the Supreme Judge of the Legal System, upon which the entire Banking Industry operates. By supporting Anything “Legal”, you are Supporting the Vatican Cult of Saturn and accepting the Pope of Rome as the Supreme Authority. ALL Judges, Attorneys and BAR members are under the “Legal” Authority of the Vatican and the Pope of Rome, which supports the unLawful and Criminal Banking Industry. Your “Soul” is Legally OWNED by the Vatican Cult of Saturn (Satans Urn) and Your “Vessel” or Body is Legally OWNED by the Crown Bankers in Baby London or “Babylon”. This is accomplished by the Legal Name Fraud, where your Body and Soul (Sole Print) is sold into Bonded Debt Slavery when You are born via Your Live Certificate of Birth, which is used as a Legal Financial Instrument to be bought and sold on the World Financial Markets for Profit and Gain by the Church and the State. Your “Legal Name” and associated identifying Numbers are what is identified in Scripture as the “Mark of the Beast”. Read Revelations 13:17.

 Tim Smith says:

 January 20, 2015 at 9:24 am

Thank you James for this article. Well written and to the point. I would like to add one of my observations to the discussion. I have been a JW most of my life and am now in my forties. I remember the Proclaimers book coming out. This book is nothing like it. When it was initially released at the district convention I received one. By chance the first page I flipped to, believe it or not, was pages 28 and 29. On these pages it has “important” dates leading up to the birth of the “kingdom”. On page 29, under the date 1914, it relates how C.T. Russell announced to the Bethel family that “the Gentile times have ended.” Then it states: “according to one sister in attendance, he added “So we know not what awaits us.”
I cannot believe they put that quote of the sister in. Having been raised all my life as a JW I have never heard that before. It was always presented as C.T. Russell having unshakable faith, and therefore supporting the 1914 generations prophecy. Now that that prophecy has been discarded, in favor of the new overlapping generations teaching, they try to carefully distance themselves from the bold words of Russell.
How is it I never heard that sisters quote until now? What total B.S.! For me it was a real eye-opener. Thanks again for a great article.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 4:25 pm

Im gonna apologize in advance, cuz non of what i have to say is on the subject…i just had to tell y’all.
 Went to a one day assembly, 4,500 and something in attendance……….wait for it……wait for it…….drum rolllll
3 people got baptized

 Tim Smith says:

 January 21, 2015 at 5:37 pm

As crazy as it may sound I think I have an answer. There was a watchtower study article around 1991 that addressed this subject. It stated that it would be logical after the great tribulation for faithful individuals to be healed of their maladies. Maladies such as being in a wheelchair, infirmities, or disease. The reason given was that everyone would be needed to rebuild the new world. Of course it is all made up. They were simply dangling a spiritual carrot in front of these poor sick people.

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 6:19 pm

@brandnew, I’m having a chuckle here reading your comment.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Just sayin, ….ya know , where is all the donated money for building projects going?
 Its not like the jw population is growing, matter of fact…they are selling alot of realestate lately….downsizing..
 Just sayin….

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 8:11 pm

Oh and on page 103-104 on that gods kingdom rules book, its talkin bout how jw’s dont wear the cross and crown lapel pin cuz its ,#1 pagan #2 idol worhip……
This assembly i just went to……….just about everywhere you looked…..bright blue lapel pins, with the JW.ORG …idol…i mean logo…yeah…logo… yes im being sarky….

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Yeah the lapel pin thing makes me want to yell at them like the scene from Zoolander …have you people taken a crazy pill! It’s the same look!!!

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:41 pm

@Grace ,
 10 – 4 on that…..maybe they should google” knights- templar: images” and see what symbols show up……then they will know who founded the WBTS…

 StrongHaiku says:

 January 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Does this historical rewriting seem at all familiar? Oh, yeah, this sounds like a “Retcon” (Retroactive continuity is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”).
Isn’t this what Hollywood does when they have a crappy franchise and want to squeeze more money out of it?
Yep. Sounds about right.

 Vidiot says:

 February 4, 2015 at 10:26 am

“…that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories.”
Trust me, it ain’t that cunning.

 Wild Olive says:

 February 6, 2015 at 3:23 am

@grace,yes the descision to fade or bail is s hard one,something Ime toying with as well,would I be more useful as an elder that could advise from a better basis than GB vomit?
 Or do I get out and then lead from outside ?
 I’ve always been a teacher of something and I would really like to teach real truth of the Bible,this descision is definitly a matter of prayer and faith to go or stay.

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Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past
Posted on December 31, 2014

gods-kingdom-rulesWhen Watchtower’s new ‘history’ book was released this summer it was said to have been released because their old one had too many pages. “God’s Kingdom Rules!” was presented as a slimmer, and therefore more translatable, volume than its predecessor.
I’ve recently had a chance to go through it, and I firmly believe its purpose is much more complex than we have been led to believe.
A key difference between Watchtower’s old and new history book is that the new version is meant to be studied at weekly meetings. The older Proclaimers book was merely a personal reference volume, and had no questions and answers for the paragraphs.
As a study book, each Jehovah’s Witness will soon be expected to study a lesson from the new history book and attend the requisite Q&A book group each week. Throughout and after this very long process, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be well-armed with its fallacies and fabrications.
“God’s Kingdom Rules!” is a carefully crafted whitewash of Watchtower history that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories. The book is spectacularly Orwellian.
Rearranging history
The volume opens by attempting to thrill the reader into imagining they are someone from 1914 sitting in the room when Charles Taze Russell announces the “end of the Gentile times.”
Only the perspective of an ardent believer in Pastor Russell is given. What the book fails to mention is that many of Russell’s followers were disillusioned by the lackluster results of his predictions.
As with Harold Camping in 2011, Russell’s 1914 end of the world prophecy was a failure. Both cases left behind followers that either believed in what was cooked up next, or cut their losses and moved on.
Rather than being recognized as an abysmal and embarrassing theological failure, Russell’s failed prediction has been re-shaped as the triumphant herald of the end of an age. In quite dramatic fashion, the moment is portrayed as an exciting historical event rather than the depressing disappointment it truly was.
Only a few pages later do you find Watchtower’s new and improved embarrassment: the “overlapping generations” doctrine, designed to explain Matthew 24:34.
Over the past century, Watchtower has been forced to evolve. They have transitioned from setting hard apocalyptic dates to using the generation who witnessed the “events” of 1914 as an apocalyptic barometer.
Since this original generation have all died off, the doctrine has gone through some strenuous changes. The current contortion can be found in question and answer form very early into the book. It spuriously claims that two generations can actually be considered as one.
George Orwell, author of the legendary novel 1984, spoke about theocratic entities changing their history in this way:

“A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened.”
The organization that controls Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world through its “ruling caste,” the Governing Body, is claimed to be infallible. Logically, it simply cannot err while continuing to claim a perfect status. However, being an entity established by humans, it does fail. When this happens, a “rearrangement” of the past is called for, which is exactly what the God’s Kingdom Rules! book accomplishes.
The beginning of the book somewhat desperately tries to convince the reader that God’s plan has been progressively revealed. This “new light” strategy is a perfect way to covertly accomplish what Orwell was talking about. It allows for a future restructuring of past events which are then portrayed as the progressive understanding of “God’s will.”
It’s a “get out of jail free card,” to borrow a Monopoly metaphor.
Jehovah’s Witnesses – conquerors of the courtroom?
Section 4 of the book, entitled “Kingdom Conquests – Legally Establishing the Good News,” sparked a special interest for me. It paints the Watchtower as under direct attack from Satan through the world’s legal systems and its citizens. Irwin Zalkin, who is currently battling in court against the Watchtower, had this to say about their practices:

“These guys will deny and deny, they are belligerent, they are arrogant, they treat victims as adversaries. This is not an organization that is ready to accept the reality of what they have been doing.” (Source: U-T San Diego)
Section 4 of the book attests to the accuracy of Zalkin’s observations. The language clearly indicates that Watchtower sees opponents in the courtroom as agents of the devil.
The book again attempts to alter Watchtower’s history by awarding the organization with the image of “conquerors” of the courtroom. Countless court documents over many decades paint a picture very similar to the words Zalkin used: arrogant and belligerent. Yet, within Watchtower’s new “history” book, they are portrayed as the valiant conquerors who vanquished the dragon.
The book cultivates this image by ignoring the negative and focusing on the positive. Granted, Watchtower has been involved in many landmark victories throughout the 20th century. They’ve even received attention from the outside world for their efforts to protect their freedom to propagate an unpopular message.
For instance, Joel Engardio, civil liberties advocate and creator of the documentary “Knocking,” had this to say about Watchtower in the courtroom:

“There have been nearly 50 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving Jehovah’s Witnesses that involved the issue of constitutional rights… We have to thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for being on the forefront of protecting everyone’s freedoms.”
Engardio is talking about giving credit where credit is due, as I understand it. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t want any of the credit. This is clearly spelled out on page 156:

“Why have Jehovah’s people won so many landmark legal victories? We have no political influence. Yet, in country after country and court after court, fair-minded judges have protected us from the onslaught of tenacious opposers and, in the process, have set precedents in constitutional law. Without a doubt, Christ has backed our efforts to gain those victories. (Read Revelation 6:2) Why do we fight such legal battles? Our intent is not to reform the legal system. Rather, our goal is to ensure that we can continue to serve our King, Jesus Christ, without hindrance.”
They never intended to give the legal system a helping hand. Clearly, they do not concern themselves with the rights of others. Rather, their sole concern has always been running their doomsday propaganda machine without hindrance.
If they took an ounce of credit for any of the constitutional precedents they have helped introduce, they would be part of what they preach as being doomed. Within their theology the legal systems of the world, including their written laws, are merely things to be used until Armageddon comes and they are all destroyed.
Do we really owe them a debt of gratitude as Engardio claims? Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really team players in the battle for freedom?
Democracy on the chopping block
Unfortunately, Engardio isn’t the only one who buys into Watchtower’s side of the story. He, as well as people who see Jehovah’s Witnesses as brave defenders of freedom, need to take a good look at pages 26 and 27 of their new book. It shows the structure of the kingdom they predict will destroy the world’s governments and take their place. Atop this structure is the heavenly person who has allegedly been directing the Watchtower since 1914. This is what they have to say about their ruler:

“Enthroned in 1914, Jesus Christ is a powerful, just, wise and merciful King who is humble before Jehovah God. (Isa. 9:6, 7; 11: 1-3) Unlike imperfect human rulers, he cannot be corrupted, nor is he hampered by fractious congresses and parliaments or self-seeking lobbyists and special interests groups.”
As a religion founded in the United States of America, a system of checks and balances made the Witnesses possible in the first place. Before the advent of representative democracy, the world was mostly ruled by a slew of dictators who wielded absolute power.
In a world of dictators there was no freedom of religion, and an outfit like Watchtower could never have been conceived. They relied on these systems in order to even get off the ground, yet they make the claim that, in the future, humanity will revert back to the old ways with an established monarchy.
Watchtower has had many opportunities over the past 100 years to show that their organization is different, but they have completely failed in this endeavor. They have been plagued with scandals, cover-ups, false prophecies, and have shown utter disregard for the sanctity of life itself.
According to Watchtower’s record, any monarchy setup by them would undoubtedly be exactly the same as every other failed dictatorship that has ever existed. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
All they can do is desperately attempt to alter their past and misrepresent themselves to everyone as something they are not. Fortunately, we now live in a world that is interconnected through technologies such as the internet. It is now much more difficult to get away with changing your own past in the manner to which Watchtower has become accustomed.
People simply have more access to information than ever before. And knowledge is power.


Further reading…
◾The Cedars Review: “God’s Kingdom Rules!”
◾Secrecy and deception: Watchtower fights dirty in its war against “apostates”

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196 Responses to Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past

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 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 12:25 am

My Reference earlier to the ISAIAH’S PROPHECY (Part1) book published in 2000 on Page 253 paragraph 21 quotes Isaiah ch.23v15 which JEHOVAH says Tyre will be forgotten 70 YEARS but and VERY CONVENIENT the GB explain the 70 years is not literal but ONLY 50 YEARS!!!!! So if we use that logic then why can’t Jerusalems desolation of 70 years not be literal BUT 50 YEARS so from 587bc when Archaeologists say Jerusalem was destroyed to 537bc would be 50 years!!! Hallelujah!! Problem Solved . BUT the GB Can’t & WILL NOT Say this because IF 607 bc ISN’T TRUE then 7 times of 2520 years from 587bc would bring us to 1934 c.e which would mean the F&D Slave couldn’t have been appointed in 1919!!!! BIG BIG Problem!!! Then all other Prophecies are Wrong like Last Days would have to begin in 1934 & then The GENERATION INTERPRETATIONS are wrong !! The longer the YEARS go by it is going to get extremely Embarrassing for the GB !!!!What NEW LIGHT will we GET ???? IF it Gets any Lighter I will need to Get STRONGER SUNGLASSES!!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 2:32 am

@Bret “make sense of this: Jesus/master goes away 1914, but yet is still here and King, head of cong. and directing preaching yet somehow went away and doesn’t know if the Slave is doing the assigned work while being gone but somehow still here! And will appoint the slave over all his belongings if he finds him doing so, even though he is directing their work..Confused yet?”
That question is genius!! I copied and pasted it and printed it out. Best question I have seen a very long time. Can anybody explain it? I don’t think so……

 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:03 pm

In the Watchtower study today at the Kingdom Hall which was about being HOLY as JEHOVAH is Holy so we should not DONATE BLOOD as it should be poured out onto the ground ,But JWs can accept BLOOD FRACTIONS such as Factor 8 for haemophiliacs which can save a JW life. BUT How does a JW get a blood fraction.ONLY from some WORLDLY PERSON who has Donated Blood . So worldly people can save JW lives but JWs can’t donate blood to extract a blood fraction from to save one of their own families lives!!!! AND THIS IS the LIGHT getting LIGHTER!!’ In the 1960s a JW would be disfellowshipped for taking a Blood Fraction but today you won’t be??? I look around the Hall at meetings & sad to say these brothers & sisters are being manipulated for their time,money & energy!! Many are not well educated & so are easily mind manipulated !! Quite upsetting really .All for a multi billion publishing empire which is expanding its property portfolio!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:43 pm

I watched the latest jw broadcasting today with Anthony Morris the 3rd talking at great length about college education. I don’t get it. Weren’t we always taught that we wouldn’t be perfect until the end of the thousand years? Then why on earth did he say that nobody has to go to school to be a doctor since after Armageddon, we’d have perfect health and no need for doctors???? Since when would JW’s be perfect as soon as Armageddon was over??? Is he that stupid or are the Witnesses that stupid that listen to that crap???

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Even with perfect health, no one will ever fall off a horse and break an arm? No one will ever fall off a ladder while painting a house? Mabye we can float to the ground like angels. Who knows.
But what I do know is, if we don’t need doctors, we won’t need nurses either (someone else already said that). And the WT says it’s OK to study for nursing. What hypocrites.

 Grace says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm

I would love to comment about this book but I can’t bring myself to even look at another piece of propaganda by this mob.
Anonymous, I see lots of comments about tv evangelisers but I’m just not able to suffer through it as I have been detoxing from it all in the past few months. That’s why I like to read other peoples commentary on it. It saves me the frustration.

 anonymous says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:02 am

@Grace, it was hard for me too. All I could see through the whole thing was hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. It was painful to watch. I also can’t comment on that book because I hate every word coming off the press from the Watchtower. Like Jill Chandler said on her last video, it isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and on that last jw broadcasting, they had a segment on the printing plants and all the “volunteers” working at those Bethel plants and that’s all I could think of. That crap that those people are working so hard to distribute to the public, isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 7:58 am

Perhaps the Jehovah’s witnesses could learn from the phase, freedom of speech. R.I.P. for France.

 Ted says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:19 am

@Grace, I understand the need for the ” Detoxing” process,
 we’ve all had to go through it. But with the help of others who
 have made it through, and all the info, that’s now available I’m
 sure it won’t be too long before your mind is free from the
 effects of all the poisonous rubbish that the w,t, has injected
 into it.
I left in 1982, after 25 years, which was 7 years after the 1975
 debacle, and it took another 25 years to get completely free.
 I was filled with doubts, and guilt, and even considered going
 back. It’s probably the same fluctuations that a drug addict has.
The Internet, which wasn’t easily available in the 80s , implanted
 fresh, and critical thinking , and provided. access to sites like this
 with other people’s experiences similar to mine, and set me free.
As James States in the conclusion to his article, “Knowledge is
 power”. That’s why oligarchies like the w.t, try to restrict it
 knowledge is a threat to their control, wealth, and position.
Best wishes.

 Gareth says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:24 am

@Grace, yes I understand, I’ve watched it in 3 parts. Twice I really had to stop watching because it became intolerable. I could comment on so many things which are deceiving and/or silly, some make me so angry and some are laughable at the same time. We should also leave some things for Cedars to comment on ;-) Haha! (At least I didn’t see a “review” up yet).

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 10:15 am

@ Ted
I was first exposed to WT in the 80’s. They had a slick sales pitch: paradise earth, resurrection of dead loved ones, etc.
If I had known, back in the 80’s, that the WT’s claim to be the faithful and discreet slave is false, I would not have been ensnared by that slick sales pitch. Thankfully by now though, the Internet has changed the game.
I still hope for a paradise earth. I hope to see dead loved ones again. But I don’t trust the WT to lead me. It’s all in the Bible. That’s enough for me.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 12:14 pm

@found tobelies,
 That is a very heart warming and reassuring thought, thanks for the comment.
 Though I can often see the humorous side to the Watchtowers flip flops, authoritarian attitude and false teachings, I too feel a strong sense of nausea when I see their slick presentations and realize what’s behind it. I can no longer stomach it.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Continuing from my above comment, thanks to the writers & supporters of this website I feel free & safe to regurgitate my 20yr experience with them.
It’s liberating to know that it wasn’t just me all along that felt these feelings of low self worth & never feeling adequate or measuring up. I’m sure that their subtle use of loaded language in the publications are designed to keep you feeling unworthy. Being humble is one thing but being reminded that you’re a good for nothing slave dependant on the words of mere men doesn’t contribute to anything but to be a slave for the master…the gb.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:16 pm

@ Grace
The WT is an idol. Like Aaron’s golden calf of Exodus 32. The people wanted something they could see, to worship. Made them feel goooood, like the way Jim Carrey says “goooood” in Bruce Almighty. Funny movie.
The WT idol is something people can see. But it’s yet another variation of false worship, which the WT so often decries.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

You’re right foundtobelies,
I realised that when we had our last 3 shepherding visits from 6 different elders. I had many doubts over things that were what I thought was ‘beyond what is written’ & I was going through stages of disillusionment, so when I would ask them something their reply would be “but the faithful slave say this”. I got so frustrated with the last elder that said it that I said to him, can’t you think for yourselves? (I felt sorry for him afterwards) After that though, I think that they put us on the stay away we’re dangerous list as witnesses seem to pretend they don’t see us now when we pass each other at shopping centres etc.
I always thought that the faithful slave were meant to be there as our guide not our dictators. I thought that we were meant to use our own discretion not be empty headed with our reasoning. I thought that we were meant to have free will not be prisoners of mens ideologies but it seems like it was never the case. The wt speaks with a folk tongue…just had another purge.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

@Grace. You are so right the Watchtower is LOADED with making all witnesses feel they are not doing enough…increasing GUILT & MENTAL BURNOUT.Only a Publisher..then be an Auxiliary Pioneer… But you could reachhhh out & be a Regular Pioneer or go and Serve where the Need is Great or go to Bethel or learn a new Language or be a Special Pioneer…TITLES..TITLES !! Where in the Bible are these Titles & then you might have to work & Bring up perfect children who should be baptised by age of 16 There is this constant TREADMILL with the DANGLING CARROT of Paradise Earth for the Perfect Exhausted ones & Armageddon is SO NEAR!! 1914,1915,1918,1925,1942,1975,in the 20th century (generation 70 or 80 years) the constant disappointment of WHEN WHEN WHEN!!! & HOW MUCH MORE NEW LIGHT??

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:53 pm

@Grace. If we were all TOLD the HISTORY of the Organisation from 1879 till now and allowed to read ALL the OLD LITERATURE including The Finished MYSTERYBOOK & Millions Now Living will never Die … BEFORE we GOT Baptised then I guarantee you hardly any would . This is clever mind control technique not giving everyone all the FACTS before making a decision Then once Baptised JWS are too frightened too speak out for FEAR of losing friends & family…. Classic CULT CONTROL!!

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:09 pm

@Grace. Regarding your shepherding visits about the F&D Slave say this & this & this!! Well ask the Elders when JESUS chose this Organisation in 1919 as the ONLY Organisation to be providing food at the proper time ..Ask them how can that be so because in1919 the F&D Slave in 1919 didn’t know who the Flipping Hell who they were!! In the Finished Mystery Book it states RUSSELL was The Faithful Steward !! This didn’t change until 1927 then the F&D Slave were 144000 Anointed Christians from 33c.e until now! Then 2013 they were just 7 MEN at World HEADQUARTERS at BROOKLYN.If the F&D Slave are so confused who they WHY SHOULD JESUS APPOINT THEM & WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY!!! My Pet FAITHFUL & DISCREET HAMSTER has a better success rate of prophesying than they do!!

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:25 pm

@ Grace
They either can’t, or won’t, think for themselves. Their idol is their god. And when I say the WT is an idol, I’m not talking about the little picture of a tower. I mean the organization itself, and their claim to be the faithful and discreet slave. That is their idol.
Claiming to be “the faithful and discreet slave” is insidious: “causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed” (merriam-webster).
It’s a lie, but hard to notice. And they use it all the time! Just as you experienced.

 JBob says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Yes, the party line is “it’s a more translatable version” but astute individuals note the previous volume’s long-range predictions pretty much were proven false after 1975, and extremely so after the fall of Communist Russia–half of the projected “King of North/South” rivalry gone, and the projected “winner”. So, cut out all the crap and you’re left with a slimmer version. Just like the Book of Daniel, Jeremiah and all those other glossier versions books from the hey-days past. And, yes, GB v3.0 hasn’t geared up the moving projection machine to add new fluff to fill up 600+ pages [yep, no channeling the spirit of Freddy or Jesus whispers….]

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:06 pm

@ Pickled brain
Asking the elders to justify or explain “the faithful and discreet slave” does no good. You can’t reason with those people. It will only arouse their suspicion. They will think you are apostate, or at least dangerous, as Grace said.
For those who want to stay in the org to keep friends and family, I advise keeping a low profile, staying below the elders radar.
Personally, that’s not a concern for me, so I’ve simply faded. Once upon a time, I played the WT game, and wrote my former church a letter of withdrawal. That’s what the WT told me to do.
But now, I no longer dance to WT music. I will NOT write a letter of DA, nor will I tell them what I know. I don’t owe them any explanations, and I will certainly NOT give them the satisfaction of DF’ing me. When they stop by and ask questions, I give bland answers that don’t reveal my true intent. I answer the door, but I do NOT invite them in.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Found tobelies,
I’m in a two way juggle at the moment with the decision of DA’ing or fading into oblivion. I’ve left that decision for a time when I’m not angry. I just wish that I had’ve done what you said Pickled Brain & researched this cult before I gave my heart & soul over to it. I went to the library when I was just studying 20years ago & found Crisis of Conscience & didn’t read it because my study conductor told me that Ray Franz was a disgruntled liar that wanted his own leadership. Boy I wished I had listened to my conscience back then.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 6:23 pm

@ Grace
You’ve already done the hard thing: seeing the WT for what it is.
The rest is personal choice, to DA or not. But keep in mind, you don’t owe anything to hypocrites and liars. Not even an explanation.
The WT leadership are hypocrites. And leaders can only keep followers who approve of their leadership. If there are sincere and well meaning JWs, as people sometimes say, it’s THEIR responsibility to do their own research. You don’t owe them anything either.

 John Chapman says:

 January 13, 2015 at 9:57 am

The ENTIRE “Legal” system is founded on Canon Law, which is Ecclesiastical Law based in the Vatican. The Pope is the Supreme Judge of the Legal System, upon which the entire Banking Industry operates. By supporting Anything “Legal”, you are Supporting the Vatican Cult of Saturn and accepting the Pope of Rome as the Supreme Authority. ALL Judges, Attorneys and BAR members are under the “Legal” Authority of the Vatican and the Pope of Rome, which supports the unLawful and Criminal Banking Industry. Your “Soul” is Legally OWNED by the Vatican Cult of Saturn (Satans Urn) and Your “Vessel” or Body is Legally OWNED by the Crown Bankers in Baby London or “Babylon”. This is accomplished by the Legal Name Fraud, where your Body and Soul (Sole Print) is sold into Bonded Debt Slavery when You are born via Your Live Certificate of Birth, which is used as a Legal Financial Instrument to be bought and sold on the World Financial Markets for Profit and Gain by the Church and the State. Your “Legal Name” and associated identifying Numbers are what is identified in Scripture as the “Mark of the Beast”. Read Revelations 13:17.

 Tim Smith says:

 January 20, 2015 at 9:24 am

Thank you James for this article. Well written and to the point. I would like to add one of my observations to the discussion. I have been a JW most of my life and am now in my forties. I remember the Proclaimers book coming out. This book is nothing like it. When it was initially released at the district convention I received one. By chance the first page I flipped to, believe it or not, was pages 28 and 29. On these pages it has “important” dates leading up to the birth of the “kingdom”. On page 29, under the date 1914, it relates how C.T. Russell announced to the Bethel family that “the Gentile times have ended.” Then it states: “according to one sister in attendance, he added “So we know not what awaits us.”
I cannot believe they put that quote of the sister in. Having been raised all my life as a JW I have never heard that before. It was always presented as C.T. Russell having unshakable faith, and therefore supporting the 1914 generations prophecy. Now that that prophecy has been discarded, in favor of the new overlapping generations teaching, they try to carefully distance themselves from the bold words of Russell.
How is it I never heard that sisters quote until now? What total B.S.! For me it was a real eye-opener. Thanks again for a great article.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 4:25 pm

Im gonna apologize in advance, cuz non of what i have to say is on the subject…i just had to tell y’all.
 Went to a one day assembly, 4,500 and something in attendance……….wait for it……wait for it…….drum rolllll
3 people got baptized

 Tim Smith says:

 January 21, 2015 at 5:37 pm

As crazy as it may sound I think I have an answer. There was a watchtower study article around 1991 that addressed this subject. It stated that it would be logical after the great tribulation for faithful individuals to be healed of their maladies. Maladies such as being in a wheelchair, infirmities, or disease. The reason given was that everyone would be needed to rebuild the new world. Of course it is all made up. They were simply dangling a spiritual carrot in front of these poor sick people.

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 6:19 pm

@brandnew, I’m having a chuckle here reading your comment.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Just sayin, ….ya know , where is all the donated money for building projects going?
 Its not like the jw population is growing, matter of fact…they are selling alot of realestate lately….downsizing..
 Just sayin….

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 8:11 pm

Oh and on page 103-104 on that gods kingdom rules book, its talkin bout how jw’s dont wear the cross and crown lapel pin cuz its ,#1 pagan #2 idol worhip……
This assembly i just went to……….just about everywhere you looked…..bright blue lapel pins, with the JW.ORG …idol…i mean logo…yeah…logo… yes im being sarky….

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Yeah the lapel pin thing makes me want to yell at them like the scene from Zoolander …have you people taken a crazy pill! It’s the same look!!!

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:41 pm

@Grace ,
 10 – 4 on that…..maybe they should google” knights- templar: images” and see what symbols show up……then they will know who founded the WBTS…

 StrongHaiku says:

 January 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Does this historical rewriting seem at all familiar? Oh, yeah, this sounds like a “Retcon” (Retroactive continuity is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”).
Isn’t this what Hollywood does when they have a crappy franchise and want to squeeze more money out of it?
Yep. Sounds about right.

 Vidiot says:

 February 4, 2015 at 10:26 am

“…that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories.”
Trust me, it ain’t that cunning.

 Wild Olive says:

 February 6, 2015 at 3:23 am

@grace,yes the descision to fade or bail is s hard one,something Ime toying with as well,would I be more useful as an elder that could advise from a better basis than GB vomit?
 Or do I get out and then lead from outside ?
 I’ve always been a teacher of something and I would really like to teach real truth of the Bible,this descision is definitly a matter of prayer and faith to go or stay.

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Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past
Posted on December 31, 2014

gods-kingdom-rulesWhen Watchtower’s new ‘history’ book was released this summer it was said to have been released because their old one had too many pages. “God’s Kingdom Rules!” was presented as a slimmer, and therefore more translatable, volume than its predecessor.
I’ve recently had a chance to go through it, and I firmly believe its purpose is much more complex than we have been led to believe.
A key difference between Watchtower’s old and new history book is that the new version is meant to be studied at weekly meetings. The older Proclaimers book was merely a personal reference volume, and had no questions and answers for the paragraphs.
As a study book, each Jehovah’s Witness will soon be expected to study a lesson from the new history book and attend the requisite Q&A book group each week. Throughout and after this very long process, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be well-armed with its fallacies and fabrications.
“God’s Kingdom Rules!” is a carefully crafted whitewash of Watchtower history that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories. The book is spectacularly Orwellian.
Rearranging history
The volume opens by attempting to thrill the reader into imagining they are someone from 1914 sitting in the room when Charles Taze Russell announces the “end of the Gentile times.”
Only the perspective of an ardent believer in Pastor Russell is given. What the book fails to mention is that many of Russell’s followers were disillusioned by the lackluster results of his predictions.
As with Harold Camping in 2011, Russell’s 1914 end of the world prophecy was a failure. Both cases left behind followers that either believed in what was cooked up next, or cut their losses and moved on.
Rather than being recognized as an abysmal and embarrassing theological failure, Russell’s failed prediction has been re-shaped as the triumphant herald of the end of an age. In quite dramatic fashion, the moment is portrayed as an exciting historical event rather than the depressing disappointment it truly was.
Only a few pages later do you find Watchtower’s new and improved embarrassment: the “overlapping generations” doctrine, designed to explain Matthew 24:34.
Over the past century, Watchtower has been forced to evolve. They have transitioned from setting hard apocalyptic dates to using the generation who witnessed the “events” of 1914 as an apocalyptic barometer.
Since this original generation have all died off, the doctrine has gone through some strenuous changes. The current contortion can be found in question and answer form very early into the book. It spuriously claims that two generations can actually be considered as one.
George Orwell, author of the legendary novel 1984, spoke about theocratic entities changing their history in this way:

“A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened.”
The organization that controls Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world through its “ruling caste,” the Governing Body, is claimed to be infallible. Logically, it simply cannot err while continuing to claim a perfect status. However, being an entity established by humans, it does fail. When this happens, a “rearrangement” of the past is called for, which is exactly what the God’s Kingdom Rules! book accomplishes.
The beginning of the book somewhat desperately tries to convince the reader that God’s plan has been progressively revealed. This “new light” strategy is a perfect way to covertly accomplish what Orwell was talking about. It allows for a future restructuring of past events which are then portrayed as the progressive understanding of “God’s will.”
It’s a “get out of jail free card,” to borrow a Monopoly metaphor.
Jehovah’s Witnesses – conquerors of the courtroom?
Section 4 of the book, entitled “Kingdom Conquests – Legally Establishing the Good News,” sparked a special interest for me. It paints the Watchtower as under direct attack from Satan through the world’s legal systems and its citizens. Irwin Zalkin, who is currently battling in court against the Watchtower, had this to say about their practices:

“These guys will deny and deny, they are belligerent, they are arrogant, they treat victims as adversaries. This is not an organization that is ready to accept the reality of what they have been doing.” (Source: U-T San Diego)
Section 4 of the book attests to the accuracy of Zalkin’s observations. The language clearly indicates that Watchtower sees opponents in the courtroom as agents of the devil.
The book again attempts to alter Watchtower’s history by awarding the organization with the image of “conquerors” of the courtroom. Countless court documents over many decades paint a picture very similar to the words Zalkin used: arrogant and belligerent. Yet, within Watchtower’s new “history” book, they are portrayed as the valiant conquerors who vanquished the dragon.
The book cultivates this image by ignoring the negative and focusing on the positive. Granted, Watchtower has been involved in many landmark victories throughout the 20th century. They’ve even received attention from the outside world for their efforts to protect their freedom to propagate an unpopular message.
For instance, Joel Engardio, civil liberties advocate and creator of the documentary “Knocking,” had this to say about Watchtower in the courtroom:

“There have been nearly 50 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving Jehovah’s Witnesses that involved the issue of constitutional rights… We have to thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for being on the forefront of protecting everyone’s freedoms.”
Engardio is talking about giving credit where credit is due, as I understand it. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t want any of the credit. This is clearly spelled out on page 156:

“Why have Jehovah’s people won so many landmark legal victories? We have no political influence. Yet, in country after country and court after court, fair-minded judges have protected us from the onslaught of tenacious opposers and, in the process, have set precedents in constitutional law. Without a doubt, Christ has backed our efforts to gain those victories. (Read Revelation 6:2) Why do we fight such legal battles? Our intent is not to reform the legal system. Rather, our goal is to ensure that we can continue to serve our King, Jesus Christ, without hindrance.”
They never intended to give the legal system a helping hand. Clearly, they do not concern themselves with the rights of others. Rather, their sole concern has always been running their doomsday propaganda machine without hindrance.
If they took an ounce of credit for any of the constitutional precedents they have helped introduce, they would be part of what they preach as being doomed. Within their theology the legal systems of the world, including their written laws, are merely things to be used until Armageddon comes and they are all destroyed.
Do we really owe them a debt of gratitude as Engardio claims? Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really team players in the battle for freedom?
Democracy on the chopping block
Unfortunately, Engardio isn’t the only one who buys into Watchtower’s side of the story. He, as well as people who see Jehovah’s Witnesses as brave defenders of freedom, need to take a good look at pages 26 and 27 of their new book. It shows the structure of the kingdom they predict will destroy the world’s governments and take their place. Atop this structure is the heavenly person who has allegedly been directing the Watchtower since 1914. This is what they have to say about their ruler:

“Enthroned in 1914, Jesus Christ is a powerful, just, wise and merciful King who is humble before Jehovah God. (Isa. 9:6, 7; 11: 1-3) Unlike imperfect human rulers, he cannot be corrupted, nor is he hampered by fractious congresses and parliaments or self-seeking lobbyists and special interests groups.”
As a religion founded in the United States of America, a system of checks and balances made the Witnesses possible in the first place. Before the advent of representative democracy, the world was mostly ruled by a slew of dictators who wielded absolute power.
In a world of dictators there was no freedom of religion, and an outfit like Watchtower could never have been conceived. They relied on these systems in order to even get off the ground, yet they make the claim that, in the future, humanity will revert back to the old ways with an established monarchy.
Watchtower has had many opportunities over the past 100 years to show that their organization is different, but they have completely failed in this endeavor. They have been plagued with scandals, cover-ups, false prophecies, and have shown utter disregard for the sanctity of life itself.
According to Watchtower’s record, any monarchy setup by them would undoubtedly be exactly the same as every other failed dictatorship that has ever existed. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
All they can do is desperately attempt to alter their past and misrepresent themselves to everyone as something they are not. Fortunately, we now live in a world that is interconnected through technologies such as the internet. It is now much more difficult to get away with changing your own past in the manner to which Watchtower has become accustomed.
People simply have more access to information than ever before. And knowledge is power.


Further reading…
◾The Cedars Review: “God’s Kingdom Rules!”
◾Secrecy and deception: Watchtower fights dirty in its war against “apostates”

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196 Responses to Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past

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 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 12:25 am

My Reference earlier to the ISAIAH’S PROPHECY (Part1) book published in 2000 on Page 253 paragraph 21 quotes Isaiah ch.23v15 which JEHOVAH says Tyre will be forgotten 70 YEARS but and VERY CONVENIENT the GB explain the 70 years is not literal but ONLY 50 YEARS!!!!! So if we use that logic then why can’t Jerusalems desolation of 70 years not be literal BUT 50 YEARS so from 587bc when Archaeologists say Jerusalem was destroyed to 537bc would be 50 years!!! Hallelujah!! Problem Solved . BUT the GB Can’t & WILL NOT Say this because IF 607 bc ISN’T TRUE then 7 times of 2520 years from 587bc would bring us to 1934 c.e which would mean the F&D Slave couldn’t have been appointed in 1919!!!! BIG BIG Problem!!! Then all other Prophecies are Wrong like Last Days would have to begin in 1934 & then The GENERATION INTERPRETATIONS are wrong !! The longer the YEARS go by it is going to get extremely Embarrassing for the GB !!!!What NEW LIGHT will we GET ???? IF it Gets any Lighter I will need to Get STRONGER SUNGLASSES!!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 2:32 am

@Bret “make sense of this: Jesus/master goes away 1914, but yet is still here and King, head of cong. and directing preaching yet somehow went away and doesn’t know if the Slave is doing the assigned work while being gone but somehow still here! And will appoint the slave over all his belongings if he finds him doing so, even though he is directing their work..Confused yet?”
That question is genius!! I copied and pasted it and printed it out. Best question I have seen a very long time. Can anybody explain it? I don’t think so……

 Pickled brain says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:03 pm

In the Watchtower study today at the Kingdom Hall which was about being HOLY as JEHOVAH is Holy so we should not DONATE BLOOD as it should be poured out onto the ground ,But JWs can accept BLOOD FRACTIONS such as Factor 8 for haemophiliacs which can save a JW life. BUT How does a JW get a blood fraction.ONLY from some WORLDLY PERSON who has Donated Blood . So worldly people can save JW lives but JWs can’t donate blood to extract a blood fraction from to save one of their own families lives!!!! AND THIS IS the LIGHT getting LIGHTER!!’ In the 1960s a JW would be disfellowshipped for taking a Blood Fraction but today you won’t be??? I look around the Hall at meetings & sad to say these brothers & sisters are being manipulated for their time,money & energy!! Many are not well educated & so are easily mind manipulated !! Quite upsetting really .All for a multi billion publishing empire which is expanding its property portfolio!!

 anonymous says:

 January 11, 2015 at 4:43 pm

I watched the latest jw broadcasting today with Anthony Morris the 3rd talking at great length about college education. I don’t get it. Weren’t we always taught that we wouldn’t be perfect until the end of the thousand years? Then why on earth did he say that nobody has to go to school to be a doctor since after Armageddon, we’d have perfect health and no need for doctors???? Since when would JW’s be perfect as soon as Armageddon was over??? Is he that stupid or are the Witnesses that stupid that listen to that crap???

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Even with perfect health, no one will ever fall off a horse and break an arm? No one will ever fall off a ladder while painting a house? Mabye we can float to the ground like angels. Who knows.
But what I do know is, if we don’t need doctors, we won’t need nurses either (someone else already said that). And the WT says it’s OK to study for nursing. What hypocrites.

 Grace says:

 January 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm

I would love to comment about this book but I can’t bring myself to even look at another piece of propaganda by this mob.
Anonymous, I see lots of comments about tv evangelisers but I’m just not able to suffer through it as I have been detoxing from it all in the past few months. That’s why I like to read other peoples commentary on it. It saves me the frustration.

 anonymous says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:02 am

@Grace, it was hard for me too. All I could see through the whole thing was hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. It was painful to watch. I also can’t comment on that book because I hate every word coming off the press from the Watchtower. Like Jill Chandler said on her last video, it isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and on that last jw broadcasting, they had a segment on the printing plants and all the “volunteers” working at those Bethel plants and that’s all I could think of. That crap that those people are working so hard to distribute to the public, isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 7:58 am

Perhaps the Jehovah’s witnesses could learn from the phase, freedom of speech. R.I.P. for France.

 Ted says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:19 am

@Grace, I understand the need for the ” Detoxing” process,
 we’ve all had to go through it. But with the help of others who
 have made it through, and all the info, that’s now available I’m
 sure it won’t be too long before your mind is free from the
 effects of all the poisonous rubbish that the w,t, has injected
 into it.
I left in 1982, after 25 years, which was 7 years after the 1975
 debacle, and it took another 25 years to get completely free.
 I was filled with doubts, and guilt, and even considered going
 back. It’s probably the same fluctuations that a drug addict has.
The Internet, which wasn’t easily available in the 80s , implanted
 fresh, and critical thinking , and provided. access to sites like this
 with other people’s experiences similar to mine, and set me free.
As James States in the conclusion to his article, “Knowledge is
 power”. That’s why oligarchies like the w.t, try to restrict it
 knowledge is a threat to their control, wealth, and position.
Best wishes.

 Gareth says:

 January 12, 2015 at 9:24 am

@Grace, yes I understand, I’ve watched it in 3 parts. Twice I really had to stop watching because it became intolerable. I could comment on so many things which are deceiving and/or silly, some make me so angry and some are laughable at the same time. We should also leave some things for Cedars to comment on ;-) Haha! (At least I didn’t see a “review” up yet).

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 10:15 am

@ Ted
I was first exposed to WT in the 80’s. They had a slick sales pitch: paradise earth, resurrection of dead loved ones, etc.
If I had known, back in the 80’s, that the WT’s claim to be the faithful and discreet slave is false, I would not have been ensnared by that slick sales pitch. Thankfully by now though, the Internet has changed the game.
I still hope for a paradise earth. I hope to see dead loved ones again. But I don’t trust the WT to lead me. It’s all in the Bible. That’s enough for me.

 gary says:

 January 12, 2015 at 12:14 pm

@found tobelies,
 That is a very heart warming and reassuring thought, thanks for the comment.
 Though I can often see the humorous side to the Watchtowers flip flops, authoritarian attitude and false teachings, I too feel a strong sense of nausea when I see their slick presentations and realize what’s behind it. I can no longer stomach it.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Continuing from my above comment, thanks to the writers & supporters of this website I feel free & safe to regurgitate my 20yr experience with them.
It’s liberating to know that it wasn’t just me all along that felt these feelings of low self worth & never feeling adequate or measuring up. I’m sure that their subtle use of loaded language in the publications are designed to keep you feeling unworthy. Being humble is one thing but being reminded that you’re a good for nothing slave dependant on the words of mere men doesn’t contribute to anything but to be a slave for the master…the gb.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:16 pm

@ Grace
The WT is an idol. Like Aaron’s golden calf of Exodus 32. The people wanted something they could see, to worship. Made them feel goooood, like the way Jim Carrey says “goooood” in Bruce Almighty. Funny movie.
The WT idol is something people can see. But it’s yet another variation of false worship, which the WT so often decries.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

You’re right foundtobelies,
I realised that when we had our last 3 shepherding visits from 6 different elders. I had many doubts over things that were what I thought was ‘beyond what is written’ & I was going through stages of disillusionment, so when I would ask them something their reply would be “but the faithful slave say this”. I got so frustrated with the last elder that said it that I said to him, can’t you think for yourselves? (I felt sorry for him afterwards) After that though, I think that they put us on the stay away we’re dangerous list as witnesses seem to pretend they don’t see us now when we pass each other at shopping centres etc.
I always thought that the faithful slave were meant to be there as our guide not our dictators. I thought that we were meant to use our own discretion not be empty headed with our reasoning. I thought that we were meant to have free will not be prisoners of mens ideologies but it seems like it was never the case. The wt speaks with a folk tongue…just had another purge.

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

@Grace. You are so right the Watchtower is LOADED with making all witnesses feel they are not doing enough…increasing GUILT & MENTAL BURNOUT.Only a Publisher..then be an Auxiliary Pioneer… But you could reachhhh out & be a Regular Pioneer or go and Serve where the Need is Great or go to Bethel or learn a new Language or be a Special Pioneer…TITLES..TITLES !! Where in the Bible are these Titles & then you might have to work & Bring up perfect children who should be baptised by age of 16 There is this constant TREADMILL with the DANGLING CARROT of Paradise Earth for the Perfect Exhausted ones & Armageddon is SO NEAR!! 1914,1915,1918,1925,1942,1975,in the 20th century (generation 70 or 80 years) the constant disappointment of WHEN WHEN WHEN!!! & HOW MUCH MORE NEW LIGHT??

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 3:53 pm

@Grace. If we were all TOLD the HISTORY of the Organisation from 1879 till now and allowed to read ALL the OLD LITERATURE including The Finished MYSTERYBOOK & Millions Now Living will never Die … BEFORE we GOT Baptised then I guarantee you hardly any would . This is clever mind control technique not giving everyone all the FACTS before making a decision Then once Baptised JWS are too frightened too speak out for FEAR of losing friends & family…. Classic CULT CONTROL!!

 Pickled brain says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:09 pm

@Grace. Regarding your shepherding visits about the F&D Slave say this & this & this!! Well ask the Elders when JESUS chose this Organisation in 1919 as the ONLY Organisation to be providing food at the proper time ..Ask them how can that be so because in1919 the F&D Slave in 1919 didn’t know who the Flipping Hell who they were!! In the Finished Mystery Book it states RUSSELL was The Faithful Steward !! This didn’t change until 1927 then the F&D Slave were 144000 Anointed Christians from 33c.e until now! Then 2013 they were just 7 MEN at World HEADQUARTERS at BROOKLYN.If the F&D Slave are so confused who they WHY SHOULD JESUS APPOINT THEM & WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY!!! My Pet FAITHFUL & DISCREET HAMSTER has a better success rate of prophesying than they do!!

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:25 pm

@ Grace
They either can’t, or won’t, think for themselves. Their idol is their god. And when I say the WT is an idol, I’m not talking about the little picture of a tower. I mean the organization itself, and their claim to be the faithful and discreet slave. That is their idol.
Claiming to be “the faithful and discreet slave” is insidious: “causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed” (merriam-webster).
It’s a lie, but hard to notice. And they use it all the time! Just as you experienced.

 JBob says:

 January 12, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Yes, the party line is “it’s a more translatable version” but astute individuals note the previous volume’s long-range predictions pretty much were proven false after 1975, and extremely so after the fall of Communist Russia–half of the projected “King of North/South” rivalry gone, and the projected “winner”. So, cut out all the crap and you’re left with a slimmer version. Just like the Book of Daniel, Jeremiah and all those other glossier versions books from the hey-days past. And, yes, GB v3.0 hasn’t geared up the moving projection machine to add new fluff to fill up 600+ pages [yep, no channeling the spirit of Freddy or Jesus whispers….]

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:06 pm

@ Pickled brain
Asking the elders to justify or explain “the faithful and discreet slave” does no good. You can’t reason with those people. It will only arouse their suspicion. They will think you are apostate, or at least dangerous, as Grace said.
For those who want to stay in the org to keep friends and family, I advise keeping a low profile, staying below the elders radar.
Personally, that’s not a concern for me, so I’ve simply faded. Once upon a time, I played the WT game, and wrote my former church a letter of withdrawal. That’s what the WT told me to do.
But now, I no longer dance to WT music. I will NOT write a letter of DA, nor will I tell them what I know. I don’t owe them any explanations, and I will certainly NOT give them the satisfaction of DF’ing me. When they stop by and ask questions, I give bland answers that don’t reveal my true intent. I answer the door, but I do NOT invite them in.

 Grace says:

 January 12, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Found tobelies,
I’m in a two way juggle at the moment with the decision of DA’ing or fading into oblivion. I’ve left that decision for a time when I’m not angry. I just wish that I had’ve done what you said Pickled Brain & researched this cult before I gave my heart & soul over to it. I went to the library when I was just studying 20years ago & found Crisis of Conscience & didn’t read it because my study conductor told me that Ray Franz was a disgruntled liar that wanted his own leadership. Boy I wished I had listened to my conscience back then.

 Found Tobelies says:

 January 12, 2015 at 6:23 pm

@ Grace
You’ve already done the hard thing: seeing the WT for what it is.
The rest is personal choice, to DA or not. But keep in mind, you don’t owe anything to hypocrites and liars. Not even an explanation.
The WT leadership are hypocrites. And leaders can only keep followers who approve of their leadership. If there are sincere and well meaning JWs, as people sometimes say, it’s THEIR responsibility to do their own research. You don’t owe them anything either.

 John Chapman says:

 January 13, 2015 at 9:57 am

The ENTIRE “Legal” system is founded on Canon Law, which is Ecclesiastical Law based in the Vatican. The Pope is the Supreme Judge of the Legal System, upon which the entire Banking Industry operates. By supporting Anything “Legal”, you are Supporting the Vatican Cult of Saturn and accepting the Pope of Rome as the Supreme Authority. ALL Judges, Attorneys and BAR members are under the “Legal” Authority of the Vatican and the Pope of Rome, which supports the unLawful and Criminal Banking Industry. Your “Soul” is Legally OWNED by the Vatican Cult of Saturn (Satans Urn) and Your “Vessel” or Body is Legally OWNED by the Crown Bankers in Baby London or “Babylon”. This is accomplished by the Legal Name Fraud, where your Body and Soul (Sole Print) is sold into Bonded Debt Slavery when You are born via Your Live Certificate of Birth, which is used as a Legal Financial Instrument to be bought and sold on the World Financial Markets for Profit and Gain by the Church and the State. Your “Legal Name” and associated identifying Numbers are what is identified in Scripture as the “Mark of the Beast”. Read Revelations 13:17.

 Tim Smith says:

 January 20, 2015 at 9:24 am

Thank you James for this article. Well written and to the point. I would like to add one of my observations to the discussion. I have been a JW most of my life and am now in my forties. I remember the Proclaimers book coming out. This book is nothing like it. When it was initially released at the district convention I received one. By chance the first page I flipped to, believe it or not, was pages 28 and 29. On these pages it has “important” dates leading up to the birth of the “kingdom”. On page 29, under the date 1914, it relates how C.T. Russell announced to the Bethel family that “the Gentile times have ended.” Then it states: “according to one sister in attendance, he added “So we know not what awaits us.”
I cannot believe they put that quote of the sister in. Having been raised all my life as a JW I have never heard that before. It was always presented as C.T. Russell having unshakable faith, and therefore supporting the 1914 generations prophecy. Now that that prophecy has been discarded, in favor of the new overlapping generations teaching, they try to carefully distance themselves from the bold words of Russell.
How is it I never heard that sisters quote until now? What total B.S.! For me it was a real eye-opener. Thanks again for a great article.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 4:25 pm

Im gonna apologize in advance, cuz non of what i have to say is on the subject…i just had to tell y’all.
 Went to a one day assembly, 4,500 and something in attendance……….wait for it……wait for it…….drum rolllll
3 people got baptized

 Tim Smith says:

 January 21, 2015 at 5:37 pm

As crazy as it may sound I think I have an answer. There was a watchtower study article around 1991 that addressed this subject. It stated that it would be logical after the great tribulation for faithful individuals to be healed of their maladies. Maladies such as being in a wheelchair, infirmities, or disease. The reason given was that everyone would be needed to rebuild the new world. Of course it is all made up. They were simply dangling a spiritual carrot in front of these poor sick people.

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 6:19 pm

@brandnew, I’m having a chuckle here reading your comment.

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Just sayin, ….ya know , where is all the donated money for building projects going?
 Its not like the jw population is growing, matter of fact…they are selling alot of realestate lately….downsizing..
 Just sayin….

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 8:11 pm

Oh and on page 103-104 on that gods kingdom rules book, its talkin bout how jw’s dont wear the cross and crown lapel pin cuz its ,#1 pagan #2 idol worhip……
This assembly i just went to……….just about everywhere you looked…..bright blue lapel pins, with the JW.ORG …idol…i mean logo…yeah…logo… yes im being sarky….

 Grace says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Yeah the lapel pin thing makes me want to yell at them like the scene from Zoolander …have you people taken a crazy pill! It’s the same look!!!

 brandnew says:

 January 21, 2015 at 10:41 pm

@Grace ,
 10 – 4 on that…..maybe they should google” knights- templar: images” and see what symbols show up……then they will know who founded the WBTS…

 StrongHaiku says:

 January 27, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Does this historical rewriting seem at all familiar? Oh, yeah, this sounds like a “Retcon” (Retroactive continuity is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”).
Isn’t this what Hollywood does when they have a crappy franchise and want to squeeze more money out of it?
Yep. Sounds about right.

 Vidiot says:

 February 4, 2015 at 10:26 am

“…that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories.”
Trust me, it ain’t that cunning.

 Wild Olive says:

 February 6, 2015 at 3:23 am

@grace,yes the descision to fade or bail is s hard one,something Ime toying with as well,would I be more useful as an elder that could advise from a better basis than GB vomit?
 Or do I get out and then lead from outside ?
 I’ve always been a teacher of something and I would really like to teach real truth of the Bible,this descision is definitly a matter of prayer and faith to go or stay.

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 Rowland Nelken says:

 November 8, 2014 at 1:54 am

When a PLC is found guilty of malpractice then the CEO and/or some members of the board are usually forced to walk the plank.
If this guy is not answerable to Watchtower, why does Watchtower pay his wages?
Or is he an employee of some distant nominal subsidiary?

 Willows says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:05 am

The Watchtower print what Jehovah Witnesses believe.
 Everything in the Watchtower is approved by the Governing Body. If something has been printed by the Watchtower that the Governing Body is not happy with then it is an internal problem. If Governing Body members are not answerable to the Government who approve of tax free Corporations then why set up a Corporation. It may mean a deletion of a member. But fix it they must. Child abuse and the failure to act on behalf of the Governing Body is a public issue.
 The watchtower have a public problem.

 So glad to be out says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:08 am

Why would anyone want to admit that they think the GB has any credibility?
 They are like slugs that come out at night and do the damage, leaving a trail of slime as they go and then hide undercover in a cold, dark, place.

 Excelsior! says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:26 am

Does this mean that individual governing body members’ talks have no authority? After all, they’re up there on the platform as individuals.
Faciiciousness aside, what a chilling response this is! I can well imagine a room full of lawyers coming up with this wording. It’s clever, I’ll give them that.
Of course, Mr L is an ASSOCIATE of the WTBTS, as any baptised Witness is. It states that clearly in the baptism questions. Oh, but Mr L was baptised before the questions were changed, so he has NO connection at all!!!
I commented on another thread about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Does this deposition contain any of that good fruitage? No, it does not.
I encourage anyone who is feeling depressed over this issue to listen to’s latest podcast that has a very encouraging interview with Mr Zalkin on it. Although there are harrowing details, as can be expected, Mr Zalkin offers hope through attrition that the policy will change. In other words, the tremendous cost of settlements will eventually force a policy change. In effect, we have already won. The sad thing is that many more victims could suffer in the mean time.
Thank you, Lloyd, for this update. It is a fine thing that you do, sir.
Peace be with you,

 anonymous says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:55 am

What he really meant when he said he doesn’t have to answer to Watchtower and Watchtower doesn’t have any authority over him is Watchtower has to answer to HIM and his buddies and he is the one (with his corporate buddies called the other Governing Body members) that have authority over Watchtower, not the other way around. In other words, they don’t have to answer to anybody for anything except God.

 George says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:57 am

He has only been on the gb since 1990 and he is the longest serving. I didn’t realize how quick the turnover rate is.

 Robert K Stock says:

 November 8, 2014 at 4:15 am

When I was appointed a Pioneer in 1978 I had to sign a statement that I recognized the Watchtower Society as, “God’s channel of truth”. Are such signed statements no longer in use?

 kat says:

 November 8, 2014 at 4:42 am

Thing is the WT is different to the organization, the WT is just a publishing company, the org is all the congregations united to make up the organization of JW, on many forums the JW will state that the WT is not the same as the organization, so when any one refers to the WT as JW they rebuke and say the WT is just a publishing company.

 alain says:

 November 8, 2014 at 5:15 am

Hi Lloyd!
This statement is not really surprising. In 2001, The Governing Body clearly indicated they were not to be associated with an administrative board i.e. Watch Tower Corporations _ cf W15/01/2001.
Have a nice day,

 gary says:

 November 8, 2014 at 5:35 am

A simple and elusive side step. Legal trickery.
 A point well make Lloyd . . Try saying that in the KH.

 Jolly says:

 November 8, 2014 at 5:38 am

I wonder about the competence of the firm Irwin ?
 Who is advising him ?

 Interrogative? says:

 November 8, 2014 at 5:42 am

No matter what people say and think, the ball is now in the court of the Zalkin Law Firm to find the more appropriate smoking gun to reduce to silence those flooding shamelessly with so-called “new lights” their co-domestics.

 jay j says:

 November 8, 2014 at 6:26 am

LOL! I sit here laughing. Why?
Because the GB is delusional! They think that a court of law is going to fall for their smoke & mirrors tricks! It is called “piercing the corporate veil”. And, it does not matter if he is not an “acting officer”. The court and appeal court will look at all the proof that the attorneys will provide showing that the GB approved all matters within the organization. Gotta love how the GB thinks their old tricks will work. They are just delaying the inevitable and making themselves look ridiculous.

 KateWild says:

 November 8, 2014 at 6:45 am

Locsh is completely separating himself from the WT. He says that he was not on the GB when Lopez was abused. So what?
He also says he has no authority t make decisions. That is a blatant lie. Any who have read CoC know that voting on policies goes on during GB meetings and changes are made if there is a 2/3 majority.
To see this declaration is eye opening indeed, thank you Cedars for your article and PDF.
Kate xx

 Scrubmaster says:

 November 8, 2014 at 6:53 am

Interesting slippery slope. I bet if pressed further, He would have said he answer directly to God. One huge problem with that is Jesus is between Man and God. He could also be saying the Watchtower is from God(thus he still could say he answers to God), also a slippery slope since a lot of teachings in the Watchtower have had to be change over the years(God does not change). Or they could say this is spiritual warfare and the truth is not required…like when Rahab said she did not see the men(Israelites) who had stayed at her house when asked.

 TJ Curioso says:

 November 8, 2014 at 6:55 am

And he is right. He’s all powerfull with his colleagues of the Governing Body.
The Watchtower (corporation) and is affiliates (JW) have to respond and be submissive to them.
It’s why he is personnal responsable to all the organizational politics of the religion he leads!

 Imacountrygirl says:

 November 8, 2014 at 7:02 am

I wonder how the Watchtower is going to spin this?

 chatpal says:

 November 8, 2014 at 7:24 am

to whom was this said? was this recorded for the public to view the script? who else was present?
 how is this made known?
 we would all love to have the proof of this to pass on if need be. the house of cards is loosing a card….

 Ted says:

 November 8, 2014 at 7:24 am

The W,T, set up is almost a carbon copy of the way the Mafia
 operates. Up until the 30s, it was controlled by one man, the
“Boss of Bosses”. Now it’s ruled by the “Commission”, —
made up of 5 Bosses from 5 Mafia families.
Any replacement of a member is by invitation of the “Commission”,
this is exactly how the W,T, Gov, Body appoints new members.
 Although the Bosses are from separate families, If one stepped
 out of line, you can be sure the Commission would see to it that
 he was “Retired”.
The W.T, society is synonymous with J,Ws, and though now
 divided into several corporations. This is on paper only and is a
“Legal Ploy” to protect their assets.
Losch claims he’s not answerable to the W,T, but you can bet
 that if he became a liability, he also would be retired,
 maybe not Mafia style . But some “Debilitating Illness” would
 suddenly arise, causing a step down for health reasons

 BeenMislead says:

 November 8, 2014 at 8:05 am

Losch was appointed a GB member in 1994. So he was a GB member in 1997 when they sent out a BOE letter to all Congregations requesting information on all known child molesters. And then they did a follow-up letter in 1998.
They also refused to produce those documents that resulted from the 1997 survey.

 Cedars says:

 November 8, 2014 at 8:50 am

“to whom was this said? was this recorded for the public to view the script? who else was present?
 how is this made known?
 we would all love to have the proof of this to pass on if need be. the house of cards is loosing a card….”
– Am I missing something? You have copies of a three-page legal document at your disposal that details everything. Where is the ambiguity?
 chatpal says:

 November 8, 2014 at 6:06 pm

being dumb here, lol, sorry, but , i cant read it any way too small to see, and i doubt its legal to print it up.

 Heather Bennett (Pierce) says:

 November 8, 2014 at 9:50 am

I can really see this impacting allot of witnesses, they put so much emphasis into the governing body that they will follow them blindly and yet here is a member of that body stating that the watchtower or “the words in the publications from Jehovah” that every member in the organization is to follow doesn’t apply to him therefore isn’t this just another example of an organized religion “tickling the ears” of their members but not truly following the instructions themselves? Or similar to the false teachers praying out loud in public areas with a scripture in a box tired to their foreheads to show off their own faith and yet not following the scriptures? He will certainly be removed from his place as governing body member once this comes to a head. Many times as I was growing up, I asked my grandfather questions about his faith and how he knew he was one of the 144000 and how he got to be a member of the governing body (Guy Pierce who passed back in march) and he would either evade my question or not answer at all and redirect the conversation. That alone was enough for me to begin questioning his position and the organization as a whole. The article published about him still doesn’t answer many of my questions, especially about my birth grandmother of whom I saw once in my life as she was passing away in the hospital when I was very young as well as if he was scripturally free when he married my step grandmother Penny. The validity of the governing body needs to be assessed and not just by the other men on the governing body but by all followers. How can the entire organization follow these men blindly without first having them prove the validity of their position as representatives of God? They shouldn’t, and this just proves that they shouldn’t if one of the members is making a statement that the watchtower does not govern him.

 Michael says:

 November 8, 2014 at 9:59 am

Would this be considered new light?

 BJ says:

 November 8, 2014 at 10:31 am

He squirmed his way out of appearing in court by distancing himself from The Watchtower and at the same time throwing the Legal Dept. of The Watchtower and The Watchtower’s local elders, who enunciate and enforce the governing body’s edicts, under the bus. What a cowardly act!
Thank you Lloyd for using your time, energy and resources to expose these imposters for their lies, cowardice and narcissism.

 tiger123 says:

 November 8, 2014 at 10:39 am

The simple fact is Losch does not answer to the Watcher, nor does any Jehovah’s Witness. All of them purportedly answer to the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses as directed by it’s Governing Body. With one huge glaring difference. The Watchtower answers directly to Losch and the GB. The Watchtower is under the direction of the Governing Body. It is simply a play on words.
As for justice. It was obvious Watchtower had a play all along. Just consider one fact, the National Conference of State Legislatures said U.S. states and territories passed more than 40,000 bills and resolutions into law in 2011 alone. Every year before and after their were tons of new laws as well. Who could even read this litany of laws and keep track? Corporate Lawyers, that’s who. They especially stay current on the subjects that impact due process. They can challenge that part of any case, they do not have to challenge the actual crime, especially in civil cases brought against corporations. Judges are there to adjudicate based upon law, often not facts nor their own view of the amount of injustice in a case. In many cases the judges hands are tied, no matter how much they believe a person deserves the damages awarded. No matter how much they are certain that a horrible person is escaping penalty. That is simply how it works. If you doubt that fact, look at what happened on Wall Street. Literally over a $1,000,000,000,000.00 of fraud. That is right a TRILLION and a huge majority by the banks and not one banker served any time. For a great article on the subject and fantastic reading, look at what a Senate Investigator told Rolling Stone Magazine.
Will Watchtower ever answer totally for their crimes? Not likely at all. Will they ever answer the Cedars challenge? Does the Pope have to prove he is infallible and his authority comes from God? Not a chance. The Watchtower’s abuse stories mirror the Catholic Church and have way less press than the Catholics. Yet the Catholic Church is alive and well in spite of all of this. They have an estimated 1,200,000,000 members worldwide in spite of the enormous amount of evidence that proves all of their shame.
Here is the simple undeniable truth. Religion is the place the average person goes to hear things like, God will make all thing right in time. This allows them to believe that they are better than the people who take advantage of them and do nothing to correct matters. It is simply an excuse for inaction against tyrants and tyranny. People are afraid, they are afraid of standing up, of change, of looking stupid for taking a stand.
Governments and big business have long known this. Religion is a great means of allowing people to still feel good about themselves while they are being taken advantage of. Happier people are more productive people and therefore pay more taxes. “Religion is the opiate of the masses” As humans we simply want to work and feel good about ourselves and be loved by our families and close friends. Basic human needs.

 tiger123 says:

 November 8, 2014 at 10:39 am

As for my personal truth. I have found that, the more I studied human behavior and society the harder it was to find my place. Do I blindly follow the masses? Do I oppose the masses? My conclusion is to chart my own path and make a difference in the world where I can. Always starting with my own family and with my few friends. I choose to love them intensely, value their opinions and even their religion (drug of choice) If they find solace in the belief that god will make things right. I choose to respect their right to believe what makes them feel good. I choose to act in as fair and just manner as my knowledge and ability are capable of.
I will always reserve the right to stand up to tyranny and abuse, whether against children or families by shunning. As humans I believe we should protect our basic needs and make sure they are the right of every living human.
If all of us narrowed our discussion just to the simple topic of what hurt us the most. The loss of our families and the inability to protect our children in the organization, perhaps we could create enough bad press to force Watchtower to adopt new policies. When we have the opportunity to speak outside our small forum to the public, we could expose these violations of our basic human rights. Then the social pressure that is brought will in time bring about change.
A huge thanks to Mr. Zalkin for continuing to bring things to light.

 Ted says:

 November 8, 2014 at 11:46 am

Everyone. From Gov, Body members, down to the
 newest baptised publisher, is under the control and
 answerable to the “Organisation”

 anonymous says:

 November 8, 2014 at 12:01 pm

I don’t want the Watchtower forced to change it’s policies. I want it destroyed from the top down just like Jim and Tammy Baker were exposed as frauds. The Watchtower organization is a fraud. If all the people who are shunning me now and looking down their noses at me, when I haven’t done anything wrong, then I want an apology from them and that will only happen when the Watchtower is exposed as the fraud and child molesters that they are and the organization is dissolved.
They are child molesters because they protect them in order to make the organization look clean and they will destroy anybody to do it. They are detestable. What will happen though if they ever did get found out for what they really are and the organization is dissolved, is that they’d walk away with more money in real estate than anyone can imagine. They have nothing to lose.

 gary says:

 November 8, 2014 at 12:31 pm

He’s not the only one.

 Velvia blue says:

 November 8, 2014 at 1:01 pm

Precisely Anoynomus On.

 Lorraine says:

 November 8, 2014 at 1:07 pm

@Heather Bennett (Pierce)
 (Apologies for deviating from the main topic of this thread, Lloyd.)
 In relation to your statement, Heather:
“Many times as I was growing up, I asked my grandfather questions about his faith and how he knew he was one of the 144000 and how he got to be a member of the governing body (Guy Pierce who passed back in march) and he would either evade my question or not answer at all and redirect the conversation. That alone was enough for me to begin questioning his position and the organization as a whole.”
I find that interesting. I’m curious to know as to when precisely Guy Pierce started partaking of the Memorial emblems as a professed anointed. Any idea? Even a “narrow-down” if you lack specifics.

 da' says:

 November 8, 2014 at 1:12 pm

Tiger123 – we think alike. Having read this post from Cedars this am, I had some time to think before responding and a number of things ((many of which you addressed (wall street 2008 usa, religion the opiate of the people, abuse in mainstream religion)) and what my thinking is , is that it all boils down to human nature. Its human nature that people (obviously even the gb) will do and say whatever they need to.
 Just like Abraham , who claimed Sarah was his “sister” when he needed to (a clear lie) (but always referred to by JW as theocratic strategy ) So Mr. L , invoked the same strategy, denying the WTBS authority over him because it serves a convenient theocratic strategy. This has always been the case and it will always be the case. Usually, when you are pending default in litigation , you have been informed that you are pending default, this gives you the last chance option to respond. But being a MAN, who desperately believes he’s of the few chosen to rule the millions , you just ignore it. Well, not here in the US of A. Just like a kind invitation by the IRS to a pay up that’s ignored, your life will never be the same if ignored. The judicial system here in the US does not appreciate ignorance. So Mr. L , response that he’s not under the auspices of the WTBS was actually the death Nell. Wouldn’t we all just once like to see anyone on the gb have the humility of Jesus or any of the biblical characters we have always been admonished to replicate. Meaning , accept the truth of the matter and move forward , correctly) Sadly , they didn’t, haven’t , and now , its time to pay (in more than one way). My thinking is , its far worse than we know !

 Anthony Mathenia says:

 November 8, 2014 at 1:25 pm

Loesch has disassociated himself. He needs to be immediately removed from Bethel and ritually shunned.

 sally says:

 November 8, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Loesch is NOT answerable to the organization? Really? If ANY Jehovah’s Witness were to say this he would be disfellowshipped for it! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, he needs to be disfellowshipped! LOL, fat chance of THAT happening, but he may suddenly grow ill and may have to ‘retire’ from the governing body? It will be interesting to see if Any Jehovah’s Witness becomes aware of what he has said, and has any opinion about it. I agree with Anthony Mathenia, he has disassociated himself.

 Ted says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:14 pm

Ray Franz, Was answerable to the “Organisation”.

 Gareth says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:56 pm

Haha! In the Lopez-14 exhibits 2-6 (on page 21 (23 in pdf) the Watchtower attorney (Mr. McCabe) says: “Blue envelopes are sent in by congregation so women in the office do not open them.”
Heh what did they think? Those pesky women always gossiping and spreading rumors and lies! LOL

 Ted says:

 November 8, 2014 at 3:58 pm

It’s the religious Mafia. Even the Big Guys, the
“Made Men” are taken care of if they step out
 of line. “It’s just business”.

 Refiner says:

 November 8, 2014 at 9:20 pm

This is a bit like the Pope or a member of the College of Cardinals at the Vatican trying to distance themselves legally from the Roman Catholic Church.

 Brother David says:

 November 8, 2014 at 9:35 pm

Cedars I think you’re reaching here…
Obviously no JW will say they answer to Watchtower or the Governing Body. Obviously every JW will say they answer to Jehovah, not Watchtower or the Governing Body.

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:18 am

‘ we will excommunicate you if you don’t accept our authority’. If your religion, in word or action, tells you that then they have placed themselves above the scriptural authority to use your conscience.

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 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:28 am

They have become a god. ,’we must be loyal to the organization’, incorrect.
 Interestingly the apostle Paul said, having wrote the scriptures for the Christian congregations, that God was to allow an operation of error to occur (the lie) into the congregations to test the loyalty of the individual not towards an organization but to the TRUTH.

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:31 am

Have Jehovah’s witnesses always taught the truth and should you be loyal to it?

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:45 am

A Christian’s loyalty should not be to an organization right or wrong but should be to the truth. Now either Watchtower I am a liar
 or not. If not, why have you excommunicated persons for not accepting falsehoods in the guise of authority?

 Julia Orwell says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:47 am

Typical two-faced Judas!! He’s such a snake. They’re all snakes.

 zeebo says:

 November 9, 2014 at 1:10 am

I don’t answer to the law i AM the law..

 anonymous says:

 November 9, 2014 at 3:03 am

@Brother David, that is exactly what my husband would say in defense of Loesch’s comment and my husband would say the same thing also but try saying that to a committee if you were called before them for smoking or drinking or committing fornication or reading Ray Franz’s books. They’d tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out. In this organization, anything goes for the Governing Body. They don’t have to answer to anybody and that even applies to God. They don’t answer to God either. They just like to say it. If they answered to God, they’d have obeyed those court orders because the Bible tells them to do it, to obey legal authorities.
Also, a real Christian is supposed to look after orphans and widows. How many Kingdom Halls could that 13.5 million built? Does it matter to those people that so many people have to sit outside in the heat and rain to go to meetings? They are hypocrites of the most evil kind.

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 4:25 am

Here is some simple reasoning for Jehovah’s witnesses to consider.
 If, as it says, God allows a delusional influence into the congregations so as to test the Christian’s loyalty to what is truthful consider this. . . Have Jehovah’s witnesses ever taught as truth what is false?
 So without fear, guilt, worry & testing, with freedom of conscience and with the approval of God the inspired expression, is it right that this man refused to answer to the courts?
 Is 1914 correct? Their authority? Their loyalty over what is truthful to an organization?
 That freedom belongs to each individual and not to an organization.

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 4:43 am

Whether from a secular or scriptural point of view the Watchtower has got it coming.

 kat says:

 November 9, 2014 at 4:47 am

the GB only believe Gods word when it’s suits them.
“Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves. For those ruling are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. Do you, then, want to have no fear of the authority? Keep doing good, and you will have praise from it; for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear: for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad.” – Rom. 13:1-4

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 4:58 am

I do like that song by B.Dylan. . Slow train coming. It’s a bit preachy but makes some valid points.

 Gareth says:

 November 9, 2014 at 6:42 am

In Lopez-15 Notice of Errata, page 144 (148 in pdf), Mr. Ashe testifies that “3,000,000 documents have been scanned in that would have to be searched.” This relates to Mr. Zalkin asking documents about possible child abuse. Does that mean that over the years there have been 3 million disfellowshippings in the USA alone??

 Gareth says:

 November 9, 2014 at 6:49 am

This testimony also makes it clear that child abuse cases are “buried” under the general heading “porneia” as a disfellowshipping reason. (Porneia is any sexual immorality, so includes sex before marriage, adultery etc). This is why, they say, they cannot produce the documents easily, it would require a lot of searching and researching work to determine which were the child abuse cases. If this is so hard to do, then how can they properly evaluate proposals for appointing ministerial servants and elders?
And I used to think that the JWs were more responsible due to the centralization, they could prevent child abusers becoming elders, even if they would move suddenly (“hide” in another city). What a letdown…

 Ted says:

 November 9, 2014 at 7:45 am

The G,B, claims to be the F, and D, S. – As such they
 are responsible for doctrines that could ,and have
 resulted in litigation. The 2 Witness rule, — Blood,
Since the year–2000, the Religious side, and the
 corporations, that manage the organisations valuable
 assets have been kept separate. This is merely a device
 to prevent their real- estate being impounded in the event
 of compensation pay-outs.
Losch claiming not to be answerable to the W,T, is an
 attempt to maintain that separation. So, damaged lives,
 lives lost, are of minor consideration compared to their
 material wealth.

 Krisie says:

 November 9, 2014 at 9:11 am

This declaration is a spectacularly authored play on words…
WTBTS of NY….hereinafter, Watchtower.
 Then the use of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” (not “Watchtower” in those places)
 Where is “Christian Cong. Of JW”?
Where is WTBTS of PA?
Brilliantly authored play on words and strategic use of multiple Corp entities if you ask me :)

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 10:28 am

Several of the comments have referred to the “Organization” and the fact that JWs are under the control of the Watchtower.
A few years back the Governing Body sent a letter to all Body of Elders with instructions regarding using terms such as the “the Organization” and “the Society”.
As many of you may recall, Bethel, it’s operations, it’s committees, as well as their activities were regularly spoken of as “the Society”. In talks speakers regularly would say we should follow directions that we receive from “the Society” or things like that when referring to what happens at their Bethel Headquarters.
In the letter they sent to all BOEs and the congregations they made clear the term “Society” was being used erroneously when referring to the spiritual activities at Bethel, because the term applied directly to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc. They also made clear that the WTBTS Inc. was not responsible for the direction being provided, rather it was the Governing Body and its committees that were responsible. The WTBTS Inc. was merely a publishing corporation that was used as a legal means of printing and publishing literature and not of the administration of the “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses” as the whole “Organization” was now to be called.
The delineation of the names caused little stir among the Jehovah’s Witness congregations. Few could really understand what was going on or what the true implications of that letter were. The WTBTS had almost always been headed by a leading member of the Governing Body, therefore Frederick W. Franz could not have made the statement that he did not answer to the Watchtower as he was the President of it. Loesch on the other hand has no legal affiliation with Watchtower. He can justify legally what he said. The pump was primed for that statement several years ago when the letter was written.

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 10:28 am

The Governing Body has set themselves up in a unique situation. They tell the legal corporations, WTBTS of New York, WTBTS of Pennsylvania, International Bible Students Association Inc., as well as numerous other international corporations. They direct but do not sit on the boards of these companies and these companies do not have share holders as they are nonprofit.
If you choose to sue, who do you sue? Look at it this way, if a company takes an ad out in the newspaper, do you sue the company that took the ad out in the paper or the newspaper that published it? In this case if you sue the Governing Body, you will get nothing as most of them declare very little in personal assets. If you sue the WTBTS or any of the other corporations, they will say that they only print what is sent to them and therefore are not responsible. Additionally by having numerous corporations under their direction, but not sitting on any of the boards, the GB alone have the ability to stall any large impending litigation and move their assets to another corporation or oversees if necessary. They will not skip a beat if anything happens.
There is one huge benefit of these lawsuits and a way the victims can receive compensation. The most valuable asset any person or corporation can have is their reputation. If these cases are brought to the public’s attention and begin to tarnish the JW brand then they will likely settle out of court with a suppression (gag) order so as to avoid further bad press. The GB as well as the WTBTS feel quite confident that they will pay very little if any money to their victims, they have placed themselves for the most part out of the realm of civil concerns.
This will come as no surprise to those who are familiar with how a trust works. A famous example of this is the OJ Simpson living trust, where he draws $25,000 a month while the Goldman who won a huge case and settlement from him receives nothing from his trust.
My heart goes out to all victims of GB policy and WT abuse. If we want to see change or go down, then we will need to bring to light these matters by means of public attention. In that regard, talk shows regularly look for families that are in conflict. (I can send you links, they will even fly you out to the show) They are willing to showcase situations like shunning etc. and put it on television for the world to see.

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 10:36 am

I was always taught that the spirit of the law is greater than the law.
 They can play their legal guessing game regarding who they answer to. Two things are perfectly obvious. . 1 they don’t answer to the courts and 2 they put themselves before victims who right deserve justice.

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 10:45 am

@ Gary
You are absolutely correct and that is the saddest truth of all

 gary says:

 November 9, 2014 at 10:59 am

 Of course from a scriptural perspective they stand condemned.
 However legally :-) they have just given every lawyer pursuing such cases their counter arguments. Ever decreasing circles ahead:-)

 Joe says:

 November 9, 2014 at 11:09 am

I think for once the truth is being told here people. The watchtower has no authority over him because he has authority over it! I would think in a legal case like this he has been ill advised to say the least in saying he is not under its authority, seems to me to put the responsibility in this case onto his (and obviously his cohorts) shoulders. He is as far as i can tell the watchtower (together with his cohorts) and how nice to see him admit this (even though he may not be bright enough to see at this moment that that is what he has done here) Hope the Lawyers in this case pick up on this and run and run with it.

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 11:54 am

Your right Joe, except with one caveat. Civil cases are almost always based on the losing parties ability to provide compensatory damages to the plaintiff and their legal counsel. In the case of the GB they have taken a “simple vow of poverty”. That according to the fact that many of the GB were COs and DOs before becoming GB members have little in the way of assets. The reason the lawyers are going after Watchtower is because they have money.
Even if a lawyer was willing to sue a GB in a civil matter, the victory would only be a moral victory. Please don’t get me wrong, I am in favor of anything that brings to light their involvement in these atrocities.
 However the cost of litigation in such a case with the GB being provided free legal counsel and the victims having to pay, may make such a proposition very difficult. Hopefully we can use the press, media and other outlets to expose the JW brand and at least force change in these matters.

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 11:58 am

PS. I hope someone on here has some knowledge of how we could form a petition to stop their bad policies that violate human rights. That in itself would criminalize their actions and they could not hide behind a civil shield. Just a thought.

 William Niles says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:00 pm

I was reading the attached court documents to this article and Losch claims that he was never served with a Notice of Deposition from the courts; how true is this? Is that even possible? What’s strange is that on pg 2 of his declaration he says that, if called upon, he would testify to the facts that he states in his declaration? What kind of nonsense is he saying?

 tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:01 pm

Seeing a GB member in shackles would be awesome!

 bartman65 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:04 pm

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about The GB.
 Here is a direct quote from that site.
“The body assumes responsibility for formulating policy and doctrines.”
There is more interesting info on that page, such as the history etc.

 Ted says:

 November 9, 2014 at 12:11 pm

No matter how they carve it up, the whole thing is an
“Organisation” working in synergy for the sole purpose
 of profit.
Anyone, or anything, that is an hinderance to their objective
 will be removed. Vey murky, very cold.
@Tiger123, Their set up,– as Churchill might say, is a
“Riddle wrapped up in a mystery, inside an enigma.”
Thanks for explaining it simply.

 Gareth says:

 November 9, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Hmm this is peculiar… in Lopez-11 “Exhibit 8 to DEC..” page 16 (17 in pdf), Mr. Ashe says: “We know as Jehovah’s Witnesses that child abuse is porn so ….” after which he becomes hard to follow. Anyway, I’m not sure what to make of this? A slip of the tongue? A serious remark? If it’s a slip, I’m not sure what he could have meant, so a slip seems unlikely.

 Gareth says:

 November 9, 2014 at 3:15 pm

Oooh never mind, as I clicked submit, it occurred to me that he could have meant “porneia”, which pronounced in English may sound like “porny-a” (?) which the clerk may have written down as “porn”, especially if the last syllable was uttered quietly.
Still, there are quite a few errors in the transcripts as I read them, don’t they want them corrected for the record? The one who testifies does sign them off.
And what’s with all the objections? It seems like the Watchtower defense attorneys are objecting almost every question of Mr. Zalkin in some lines of questioning; averaging about one-third in total? (my “gut” count) Is it normal that defense attorneys object so much during a deposition?
Hats off to Mr. Zalkin and the in-depth knowledge he shows by his line of questioning. Undeterred by all the objecting as well. Kudos to him.

 Tiger123 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 4:51 pm

@ Ted
Great explanation of the synergy

 questionall451 says:

 November 9, 2014 at 5:36 pm

Anything to protect “God’s” Orginization! After all, the ends justify the means!

 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 10, 2014 at 2:14 am

I am changing my moniker to Willows as it’s not so common. From now on, my comments will be from Willows.
Are the elders being played for patsies by the Governing Body and this thing with Losch makes that clear? The reason I ask this is because the elders aren’t supposed to let anybody know about the Shepard the Flock book right? They are supposed to pretend like it doesn’t even exist. Is that so that the Governing Body can pretend like each congregation is on it’s own and they don’t get orders from the Governing Body so the Governing Body or the Society can pretend like they don’t give the orders?
Years ago when I was first in the “truth” when somebody got disfellowshipped, the announcement would be so and so was disfellowshipped for unchristian conduct. Then they changed it to so and so is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses instead. The way I remember the reason for the change was so that they couldn’t get sued if they just said they weren’t one of Jehovah’s Witnesses instead of saying they had done something unchristian. That is also the reason why they aren’t allowed to spread it around that so and so did this or that so they don’t get sued for spreading slander. The Society didn’t want to get sued and those orders to handle a disfellowshipping like that came from the Governing Body.
It’s always been about covering their ass when it comes to a law suit. Now, it’s coming back to bite them in the ass anyway, but in the meantime, all these kids were molested and these perverts got away with it because of their stupid policies meant to cover their stupid asses.
When are the elders going to wake up that they are being played for patsies????

 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 10, 2014 at 4:27 am

I read over the court documents (didn’t read all the objections from Watchtower) but this is what I get out of it.
The lawyer for Watchtower was lying about how many hours it would take to find accusations of molesters. We all know all they would have had to do is send out letters to each congregation and each congregation would go through their files and send in the information to Brooklyn, of anyone in their congregation who had been accused of molesting a child. Each congregation has a file on each person in each congregation.
If Losch had gone on the witness stand, he would have had to explain the 2 witness rule and would have been questioned as to why these people would have been discouraged from going to the police. It is easy enough to find the Watchtower articles that discourage Witnesses from turning to the courts for justice and easy enough to find many people who can attest to the fact that they were discouraged from reporting the molesters to the police.
It doesn’t matter how much the Society has to pay out in money. It’s worth it to them to have one of the Governing Body not to sit on a witness stand and defend the 2 witness rule. The court would have had a field day with somebody from the Governing Body try and explain how that makes any sense at all.
For all the children who were abused and molested and for all the women who were beat up by their husbands and barred from turning them in to the police, the only thing that can bring them justice, is for the Watchtower to be shown up for what it really is, which is a lying, deceiving cult that is out to make money off of innocent and stupid people and to be brought to it’s knees and erased off the face of the earth forever.

 James Broughton says:

 November 10, 2014 at 9:55 am

Thank you Tiger 123 for that very helpful clarification. In the Church of England we would simply not be able to hide behind the law when it comes to matters of safeguarding. Neither should the International Bible Students’ Association (the British version of the WTBTS) claim immunity.

 Jon says:

 November 10, 2014 at 11:38 am

If you ask me it looks like Losch has all the makings of an apostate!

 gary says:

 November 11, 2014 at 12:17 am

Show me, from the scriptures, where it says that a person needs to be a ministerial servant before they marry.
 Are the GB sat in the divine habitation?

 Gameisover says:

 November 11, 2014 at 8:07 am

I had a bible study with a Nigerian woman who was betrayed by a friend and she said: “she is a green snake in the green grass”.
You really can’t see how dangerous they are until they bite or kill you.
 We’ve all been bitten but we are not dead.
 Alerting others of their “greenness” is the only way to go.

 Gameisover says:

 November 11, 2014 at 8:07 am

I had a bible study with a Nigerian woman who was betrayed by a friend and she said: “she is a green snake in the green grass”.
You really can’t see how dangerous they are until they bite or kill you.
 We’ve all been bitten but we are not dead.
 Alerting others of their “greenness” is the only way to go.

 Caroline says:

 November 11, 2014 at 8:13 am

You really are like the media,take one simple statement and add so much fabrication to it to make a huge story for views.Of course he does not answer to the watchtower,it’s a magazine and the building where it is published is the society.You know exactly what he meant by that.You know he meant he is answerable to Jehovah and Jehovah only,like all of us. Lol smh.The only thing I commend you on is the fact you conduct yourself in a professional manner.Not endlessly debating on line,searching out witnesses to harass behind a computer screen like so many of you do.

 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 11, 2014 at 9:16 am

@Caroline. How nice of you to “commend” us for conducting ourselves in a professional manner, not endlessly debating on line, searching out witnesses to harass behind a computer screen like so many of you do.”
That comment sounds so condescending. Do you go on to a lot of so-called “apostate” websites so as to judge them all? I am so curious. You aren’t supposed to do that you know.
I like to watch a lot of videos of ex-witnesses to see why they left and I don’t remember any of them “searching out witnesses to harass them behind compute screens.” I see a lot of ex-witnesses who are out to help Witnesses to see the lies that they are wasting their lives on and that to me is very loving. They could spend their days doing other things but they take time out of their day to help people leave a very dangerous cult. For you to judge “all these other web sites” tells me that you spend a lot of time online watching “apostate” web sites or else you are lying.
Tell us why it was alright for Losch not to show up at that trial? It was worth $13.5 million dollars of donations that he didn’t lift a finger to earn. He threw it away and what is his excuse for that? He doesn’t answer to the Watchtower. Really?????

 Ola says:

 November 12, 2014 at 3:46 am

It is very evident that you do not know the way Jehovah’s Witnesses are organized and you are out to push a malicious propaganda.
Watchtower is answerable to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and not the other way round.
That is the little I will tell you.

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 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 12, 2014 at 4:14 am

@ Ola. You are exactly right. That is why that court wanted Losch to come to that trial and testify for the Society. That is why it doesn’t make any sense that he wouldn’t do it, claiming he doesn’t have anything to do with the Watchtower.
That money that he forfeited was contributed to build kingdom halls in Africa. He didn’t care at all about that money or else he’d gotten on a plane and did what the courts asked him to do to save that money for those kingdom hall projects, where it was meant to go. Losch is not the owner of some large business that he can just throw away $13.5 million dollars because he didn’t want to answer a summons to appear in court.
That money doesn’t belong to him and he had no right to give it away for nothing or for his own pleasure, anymore than he could have taken that money and bought a huge mansion for himself or a yacht for himself. It doesn’t belong to him. None of that money belongs to him. He’s a thief and a coward and a liar.
He should have done everything in his power to defend the Watchtower but he is a coward.
The reason he didn’t show up is because he can’t defend the Watchtower’s 2 witness rule and he can’t defend how anybody who has been abused in this religion is barred on threat of disfellowshipping, from reporting the abuse to the authorities, until the elders have determined that this Witness has been either convicted in their court of justice or exonerated in their court of justice.
Losch can’t defend that and so that is why he weaseled out of going to California to defend the Society.

 James Broughton says:

 November 12, 2014 at 7:47 am

I came across this quote which I think every sincere JW should be made aware of and so I share it with you now. “The members of the Governing Body decided, many years ago, that they were to go to heaven the instant they died, to be rewarded with, not just everlasting life immediately, but also immortality. No more testing, no chance of death or failing but guaranteed positions as kings and priests in heaven. To a casual observer, it could appear that the membership on the whole have drawn a short straw” Trevor Willis ‘Opening the Door to Jehovah’s Witnesses’ p.119 (Pinpoint Publications 2001).

 Excelsior! says:

 November 12, 2014 at 10:07 am

Ola and Caroline,
I entreat you to consider the victims in this case. Campos was allowed free access to his victims, in the full knowledge of the Elders. They KNEW he was a child rapist.
Have either of you researched the child protection policy of the WTBTS? If not, then why are you bothering to offer your ignorant opinions?
I’m sorry, but people like you disgust me. How dare you criticise people who are trying to protect children from the child rapists that your revolting religion protects!
Gerrit Losch’s refusal to testify is an act of cowardice and cruelty, and I hope he spends a long time in jail, along with the other members of the governing body.
Please, do your research and then come and help us protect children and young people in your religion.
Sadly, if either of you have children, then they are at a higher risk of abuse than those outside your religion. I really hope that your children are not raped. I’m doing all I can to change the policies. Are you two?
Peace be with you,

 Fader says:

 November 13, 2014 at 7:50 pm

A whole new low. Sickening, to say the least. Cedars, love your writing and insights.

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 2:02 am

Lloyd, I watched your latest video last night and it made me realize just how big a deal it is, that signed letter to the courts from Losch where he said that he didn’t answer to the Watchtower.
When I first saw this story on jwsurvey, I told my husband about it and his answer for it was “it wasn’t the Society’s fault. It was the fault of those elders and the guy that molested those children. That’s who they should be going after.”
That is the same excuse you will get from all the rest who are still brainwashed also.
Okay, so they are right. The elders were at fault for assigning Campos to study with the boy when they knew he was a child molester and it was the fault of Campos who was the molester. But if it wasn’t the fault of the Society, then why didn’t the Society (Losch) show up in that court room to defend the Society and tell the court that it wasn’t their fault????? Why did Losch jump through hoops Not to DEFEND the Society?????
That $13.5 million dollars was meant for the worldwide work, not to pay off child abuse cases and to protect the Society from culpability.
If the Society was not at fault in these cases, they would logically jump through hoops to defend the Society, not jump through hoops not to defend the Society. Obviously, the answer is that they can’t defend the Society and this signed document of Losch proves it.
I printed out the document and I will carry it with me from now on and forever and if anybody again asks me why I am not at the meetings, I will show them that signed document and ask them “why are you going”???
That signed document of Losch, should be the ticket for every one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to jump off the side of the boat and escape.
All we have to do is show our friends and relatives that document and when they say “no it wasn’t the Society’s fault and they should be going after the molester” then come back with “then why didn’t the Society show up in that courtroom and tell them that, if that’s true?”

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 4:56 am

Mr. Zalkin put the Society between a rock and a hard place. If Losch showed up to point the finger of blame at the elders, all the elders had to do was pull out their Shepard the Flock book and point the finger right back at the Society so the Society decided to lie and take the coward’s way out.

 minion says:

 November 19, 2014 at 11:26 pm

All those who have violated “human beings” under the age of 16 years, should be accountable for there crimes”. Regardless of title held at the KH. They will have there day in court.
Wild animals of the forest “protect there own” they would have a field day at the KH.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
How much longer will Jehovah hold back his blaze and anger, only time will tell…….

 Vidiot says:

 November 20, 2014 at 3:27 pm

“…at best Lösch is splitting hairs by suggesting he is ONLY answerable to the Governing Body, of which he is a member. At worst, he is seriously misrepresenting his personal relationship with the organization…”
That’s cheating.
And if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs…
 …your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.

 minion says:

 November 21, 2014 at 7:02 am

If WT has 5,000 +- lawsuits for voilateing “human beings,” under the age of 16 years this is an act of crime. Someone has to be accountable for the crime or injustice imposed involuntary or duress against another “human being”.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
* * * Only an example: if the average settlement is $15.0 million X 5,000 = $75. billion.
One local paper (NY) has WT (all) assets at $2. billion. Ouch.
What options do (WT) they have? How do you see this play out?

 sharon lee murray says:

 November 27, 2014 at 3:03 pm

This whole thing sickens me…my mother molested a 15yr old years ago. We (all those in ‘the truth’) were told not to call police…not to tell others in the congs. what was going on, or WE would be df’d for slander. She left NY with him and they returned on his 18th birthday so they could marry. GO FIGURE! Anyway, they are still married, and he is now an elder…(jehovah forgave them) But the wreckage left in this wake are many…my brothers and sisters and myself I might add are all messed up in the head. Those still in, are the worst in my opinion…they are so self-righteous it is alarming that one could think so highly of one’s self when as Christians we are to be humble. But I can’t fault them, being that way seems to me a protection…although I never held that thought about myself. I never felt worthy…a cult tool to keep you in. It’s frightening that people will stick by this ludicrous society…satan has perfected his mind control on them and it is thorough. I just keep thinking about what Jesus said about his sheep knowing his voice. It is what keeps me away after being in for 53yrs since I was 3…the gb thinking it will go to heaven really is disturbing that they are making this decision and not God…but I doubt the members will even pick up on this…it is a sad statement on the control these men in Brooklyn NY have…and satan has on them. So sad.

 John says:

 December 1, 2014 at 8:11 am

What he meant to say…..
Gerrit Losch: “I do not answer to Watchtower; Watchtower answers to me!”
This is a top down organization after all…

 Anthony Callet says:

 December 2, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Does this mean i can grow a beard,since,i don’t answer to Watchtower?

 Cacanisso says:

 December 10, 2014 at 8:04 am

My mother in law during his life, fought fervently to bring people to JW (house preaching at home). Today, is a home of the 3rd Age, and for 07 years, never seen there, a stupor of JW or WT or Tvgia, to wonder, how many hours does a month, or you need diapers or have other needs, perhaps esperitual up, nothing. As had legs to walk from house to house, they said her sister was very spiritual s. Today, no one seeks to know it. My mother, constantly giving, or deposited in the box and contributions paid once € 700 / dollars, the chairs of a hall of Albufeira, Algarve. I’ve never been caught by WT, because me and my wife, we are smart, never let it be manipuados by the mind control.

 brandnew says:

 December 17, 2014 at 6:28 pm

Well lets see, lazarus gave jesus up to the people who killed him……and peter denied jesus 3 times that same night.
 Lösch denied the watchtower in plain view of the world.
 Governing body pretty much giving up children to pedophiles, so long as Watchtowers name is not stained…

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:51 am

James Broughton.Excelsior & Willows.Your comments above are Brilliant & the Logic of your reasoning is Perfect.Pity the Governing Body can’t use Logic.!!

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:53 am

And the same goes for many of the other comments!

 lolo says:

 January 10, 2015 at 9:07 am

Hello guys. Can you tell me if you know/you know almost all!!/ how much money Society already paid to victims of such ” sexual” abuse so far???
 Any proven data???

 Oubliette says:

 February 14, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Lösch is a loser.
The GB guys talk tough, but they are clearly cowardly wimps as this maneuver proves.
Whaddya expect? It’s a cult!

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“I do not answer to Watchtower” – Stunning Gerrit Lösch declaration revealed
Posted on November 8, 2014

The declaration made by Gerrit Lösch in his efforts to avoid appearing in court has been made public
The declaration made by Gerrit Lösch in his efforts to avoid appearing in court has been made public

Most Jehovah’s Witnesses consider the Watch Tower Society to be almost synonymous with “God’s organization.” As such, they are to be obedient to all instructions passed down from it as though they are receiving these words from Jehovah himself.
But at least one prominent Jehovah’s Witness now claims he does “not answer to Watchtower,” and has even declared that Watchtower “does not, and never has had, any authority over me.” Who is this bold man? None other than Governing Body member Gerrit Lösch!
Regular visitors to this site will recall the recent lawsuit in which Watchtower received a $13.5 million judgment for its part in the abuse suffered by Jose Lopez at the hands of Gonzalo Campos, who was allowed to molest multiple victims in San Diego in the 80s and 90s without the organization’s intervention.
One of the reasons why the lawsuit went so badly for Watchtower was due to its failure to comply with court orders requesting, among other things, the organization to produce the most senior Governing Body member, Gerrit Lösch, for a deposition.
When this and other reasonable requests of the court were flatly refused by Watchtower, they had restrictions placed on them barring them from responding to the evidence put forward by Irwin Zalkin on Lopez’s behalf.
Now, the personal “declaration” of Gerrit Lösch, in which he gives his reasons for refusing the court order, have been made available online. The signed three-page document is viewable below…

It is more than likely that Lösch’s comments about Watchtower were a means of distancing the Governing Body from Watchtower, and insulating Governing Body members against any court action incurred by the organization.
Even so, at best Lösch is splitting hairs by suggesting he is ONLY answerable to the Governing Body, of which he is a member. At worst, he is seriously misrepresenting his personal relationship with the organization, and that of Jehovah’s Witnesses in general.
One can only imagine what fate would befall an ordinary Jehovah’s Witness who stood up before a packed kingdom hall and uttered the words “I do not answer to Watchtower,” and “Watchtower does not have, and never has had, any authority over me.” Undoubtedly, the back room would beckon! And yet such an individual could point out that he is only repeating the words of an exemplary Governing Body member.
Lösch’s statements about his power over the organization are similarly evasive and disingenuous. While it may be true that he does not have “any authority as an individual to make or determine corporate policy for Watchtower,” the statement is worded in such a way as to distract from the fact that Lösch is very much a decision-maker for Watchtower provided these decisions are met with the approval of his fellow Governing Body members.
All things considered, sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses will be dismayed at the lengths one of their leaders (a member of their “highest ecclesiastical authority”) has gone to in order to avoid taking a stand in defense of the organization.
It was Jesus who purportedly said, “People will hand you over to local courts, and you will be beaten in synagogues and be put on the stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them” (Mark 13:9, New World Translation) – and yet rather than take his place on the stand to give a “witness,” Lösch has done everything in his power to distance himself from ‘God’s organization’ – denying almost any affiliation with Watchtower.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that, in order for a Jehovah’s Witness to respect the Governing Body members, and give them the reverence they crave, they must know as little as possible about their words and actions.


Further reading…
◾Watchtower ordered to pay $13.5 million in sex abuse case as Gerrit Lösch fails to testify
◾Link to court documents on Imgur
◾License to harm: Predator Gonzalo Campos was allowed by elders to prey on children
◾JWpodcast interview with Irwin Zalkin
◾The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Explained
Related video…

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99 Responses to “I do not answer to Watchtower” – Stunning Gerrit Lösch declaration revealed

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 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 12, 2014 at 4:14 am

@ Ola. You are exactly right. That is why that court wanted Losch to come to that trial and testify for the Society. That is why it doesn’t make any sense that he wouldn’t do it, claiming he doesn’t have anything to do with the Watchtower.
That money that he forfeited was contributed to build kingdom halls in Africa. He didn’t care at all about that money or else he’d gotten on a plane and did what the courts asked him to do to save that money for those kingdom hall projects, where it was meant to go. Losch is not the owner of some large business that he can just throw away $13.5 million dollars because he didn’t want to answer a summons to appear in court.
That money doesn’t belong to him and he had no right to give it away for nothing or for his own pleasure, anymore than he could have taken that money and bought a huge mansion for himself or a yacht for himself. It doesn’t belong to him. None of that money belongs to him. He’s a thief and a coward and a liar.
He should have done everything in his power to defend the Watchtower but he is a coward.
The reason he didn’t show up is because he can’t defend the Watchtower’s 2 witness rule and he can’t defend how anybody who has been abused in this religion is barred on threat of disfellowshipping, from reporting the abuse to the authorities, until the elders have determined that this Witness has been either convicted in their court of justice or exonerated in their court of justice.
Losch can’t defend that and so that is why he weaseled out of going to California to defend the Society.

 James Broughton says:

 November 12, 2014 at 7:47 am

I came across this quote which I think every sincere JW should be made aware of and so I share it with you now. “The members of the Governing Body decided, many years ago, that they were to go to heaven the instant they died, to be rewarded with, not just everlasting life immediately, but also immortality. No more testing, no chance of death or failing but guaranteed positions as kings and priests in heaven. To a casual observer, it could appear that the membership on the whole have drawn a short straw” Trevor Willis ‘Opening the Door to Jehovah’s Witnesses’ p.119 (Pinpoint Publications 2001).

 Excelsior! says:

 November 12, 2014 at 10:07 am

Ola and Caroline,
I entreat you to consider the victims in this case. Campos was allowed free access to his victims, in the full knowledge of the Elders. They KNEW he was a child rapist.
Have either of you researched the child protection policy of the WTBTS? If not, then why are you bothering to offer your ignorant opinions?
I’m sorry, but people like you disgust me. How dare you criticise people who are trying to protect children from the child rapists that your revolting religion protects!
Gerrit Losch’s refusal to testify is an act of cowardice and cruelty, and I hope he spends a long time in jail, along with the other members of the governing body.
Please, do your research and then come and help us protect children and young people in your religion.
Sadly, if either of you have children, then they are at a higher risk of abuse than those outside your religion. I really hope that your children are not raped. I’m doing all I can to change the policies. Are you two?
Peace be with you,

 Fader says:

 November 13, 2014 at 7:50 pm

A whole new low. Sickening, to say the least. Cedars, love your writing and insights.

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 2:02 am

Lloyd, I watched your latest video last night and it made me realize just how big a deal it is, that signed letter to the courts from Losch where he said that he didn’t answer to the Watchtower.
When I first saw this story on jwsurvey, I told my husband about it and his answer for it was “it wasn’t the Society’s fault. It was the fault of those elders and the guy that molested those children. That’s who they should be going after.”
That is the same excuse you will get from all the rest who are still brainwashed also.
Okay, so they are right. The elders were at fault for assigning Campos to study with the boy when they knew he was a child molester and it was the fault of Campos who was the molester. But if it wasn’t the fault of the Society, then why didn’t the Society (Losch) show up in that court room to defend the Society and tell the court that it wasn’t their fault????? Why did Losch jump through hoops Not to DEFEND the Society?????
That $13.5 million dollars was meant for the worldwide work, not to pay off child abuse cases and to protect the Society from culpability.
If the Society was not at fault in these cases, they would logically jump through hoops to defend the Society, not jump through hoops not to defend the Society. Obviously, the answer is that they can’t defend the Society and this signed document of Losch proves it.
I printed out the document and I will carry it with me from now on and forever and if anybody again asks me why I am not at the meetings, I will show them that signed document and ask them “why are you going”???
That signed document of Losch, should be the ticket for every one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to jump off the side of the boat and escape.
All we have to do is show our friends and relatives that document and when they say “no it wasn’t the Society’s fault and they should be going after the molester” then come back with “then why didn’t the Society show up in that courtroom and tell them that, if that’s true?”

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 4:56 am

Mr. Zalkin put the Society between a rock and a hard place. If Losch showed up to point the finger of blame at the elders, all the elders had to do was pull out their Shepard the Flock book and point the finger right back at the Society so the Society decided to lie and take the coward’s way out.

 minion says:

 November 19, 2014 at 11:26 pm

All those who have violated “human beings” under the age of 16 years, should be accountable for there crimes”. Regardless of title held at the KH. They will have there day in court.
Wild animals of the forest “protect there own” they would have a field day at the KH.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
How much longer will Jehovah hold back his blaze and anger, only time will tell…….

 Vidiot says:

 November 20, 2014 at 3:27 pm

“…at best Lösch is splitting hairs by suggesting he is ONLY answerable to the Governing Body, of which he is a member. At worst, he is seriously misrepresenting his personal relationship with the organization…”
That’s cheating.
And if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs…
 …your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.

 minion says:

 November 21, 2014 at 7:02 am

If WT has 5,000 +- lawsuits for voilateing “human beings,” under the age of 16 years this is an act of crime. Someone has to be accountable for the crime or injustice imposed involuntary or duress against another “human being”.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
* * * Only an example: if the average settlement is $15.0 million X 5,000 = $75. billion.
One local paper (NY) has WT (all) assets at $2. billion. Ouch.
What options do (WT) they have? How do you see this play out?

 sharon lee murray says:

 November 27, 2014 at 3:03 pm

This whole thing sickens me…my mother molested a 15yr old years ago. We (all those in ‘the truth’) were told not to call police…not to tell others in the congs. what was going on, or WE would be df’d for slander. She left NY with him and they returned on his 18th birthday so they could marry. GO FIGURE! Anyway, they are still married, and he is now an elder…(jehovah forgave them) But the wreckage left in this wake are many…my brothers and sisters and myself I might add are all messed up in the head. Those still in, are the worst in my opinion…they are so self-righteous it is alarming that one could think so highly of one’s self when as Christians we are to be humble. But I can’t fault them, being that way seems to me a protection…although I never held that thought about myself. I never felt worthy…a cult tool to keep you in. It’s frightening that people will stick by this ludicrous society…satan has perfected his mind control on them and it is thorough. I just keep thinking about what Jesus said about his sheep knowing his voice. It is what keeps me away after being in for 53yrs since I was 3…the gb thinking it will go to heaven really is disturbing that they are making this decision and not God…but I doubt the members will even pick up on this…it is a sad statement on the control these men in Brooklyn NY have…and satan has on them. So sad.

 John says:

 December 1, 2014 at 8:11 am

What he meant to say…..
Gerrit Losch: “I do not answer to Watchtower; Watchtower answers to me!”
This is a top down organization after all…

 Anthony Callet says:

 December 2, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Does this mean i can grow a beard,since,i don’t answer to Watchtower?

 Cacanisso says:

 December 10, 2014 at 8:04 am

My mother in law during his life, fought fervently to bring people to JW (house preaching at home). Today, is a home of the 3rd Age, and for 07 years, never seen there, a stupor of JW or WT or Tvgia, to wonder, how many hours does a month, or you need diapers or have other needs, perhaps esperitual up, nothing. As had legs to walk from house to house, they said her sister was very spiritual s. Today, no one seeks to know it. My mother, constantly giving, or deposited in the box and contributions paid once € 700 / dollars, the chairs of a hall of Albufeira, Algarve. I’ve never been caught by WT, because me and my wife, we are smart, never let it be manipuados by the mind control.

 brandnew says:

 December 17, 2014 at 6:28 pm

Well lets see, lazarus gave jesus up to the people who killed him……and peter denied jesus 3 times that same night.
 Lösch denied the watchtower in plain view of the world.
 Governing body pretty much giving up children to pedophiles, so long as Watchtowers name is not stained…

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:51 am

James Broughton.Excelsior & Willows.Your comments above are Brilliant & the Logic of your reasoning is Perfect.Pity the Governing Body can’t use Logic.!!

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:53 am

And the same goes for many of the other comments!

 lolo says:

 January 10, 2015 at 9:07 am

Hello guys. Can you tell me if you know/you know almost all!!/ how much money Society already paid to victims of such ” sexual” abuse so far???
 Any proven data???

 Oubliette says:

 February 14, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Lösch is a loser.
The GB guys talk tough, but they are clearly cowardly wimps as this maneuver proves.
Whaddya expect? It’s a cult!

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“I do not answer to Watchtower” – Stunning Gerrit Lösch declaration revealed
Posted on November 8, 2014

The declaration made by Gerrit Lösch in his efforts to avoid appearing in court has been made public
The declaration made by Gerrit Lösch in his efforts to avoid appearing in court has been made public

Most Jehovah’s Witnesses consider the Watch Tower Society to be almost synonymous with “God’s organization.” As such, they are to be obedient to all instructions passed down from it as though they are receiving these words from Jehovah himself.
But at least one prominent Jehovah’s Witness now claims he does “not answer to Watchtower,” and has even declared that Watchtower “does not, and never has had, any authority over me.” Who is this bold man? None other than Governing Body member Gerrit Lösch!
Regular visitors to this site will recall the recent lawsuit in which Watchtower received a $13.5 million judgment for its part in the abuse suffered by Jose Lopez at the hands of Gonzalo Campos, who was allowed to molest multiple victims in San Diego in the 80s and 90s without the organization’s intervention.
One of the reasons why the lawsuit went so badly for Watchtower was due to its failure to comply with court orders requesting, among other things, the organization to produce the most senior Governing Body member, Gerrit Lösch, for a deposition.
When this and other reasonable requests of the court were flatly refused by Watchtower, they had restrictions placed on them barring them from responding to the evidence put forward by Irwin Zalkin on Lopez’s behalf.
Now, the personal “declaration” of Gerrit Lösch, in which he gives his reasons for refusing the court order, have been made available online. The signed three-page document is viewable below…

It is more than likely that Lösch’s comments about Watchtower were a means of distancing the Governing Body from Watchtower, and insulating Governing Body members against any court action incurred by the organization.
Even so, at best Lösch is splitting hairs by suggesting he is ONLY answerable to the Governing Body, of which he is a member. At worst, he is seriously misrepresenting his personal relationship with the organization, and that of Jehovah’s Witnesses in general.
One can only imagine what fate would befall an ordinary Jehovah’s Witness who stood up before a packed kingdom hall and uttered the words “I do not answer to Watchtower,” and “Watchtower does not have, and never has had, any authority over me.” Undoubtedly, the back room would beckon! And yet such an individual could point out that he is only repeating the words of an exemplary Governing Body member.
Lösch’s statements about his power over the organization are similarly evasive and disingenuous. While it may be true that he does not have “any authority as an individual to make or determine corporate policy for Watchtower,” the statement is worded in such a way as to distract from the fact that Lösch is very much a decision-maker for Watchtower provided these decisions are met with the approval of his fellow Governing Body members.
All things considered, sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses will be dismayed at the lengths one of their leaders (a member of their “highest ecclesiastical authority”) has gone to in order to avoid taking a stand in defense of the organization.
It was Jesus who purportedly said, “People will hand you over to local courts, and you will be beaten in synagogues and be put on the stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them” (Mark 13:9, New World Translation) – and yet rather than take his place on the stand to give a “witness,” Lösch has done everything in his power to distance himself from ‘God’s organization’ – denying almost any affiliation with Watchtower.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that, in order for a Jehovah’s Witness to respect the Governing Body members, and give them the reverence they crave, they must know as little as possible about their words and actions.


Further reading…
◾Watchtower ordered to pay $13.5 million in sex abuse case as Gerrit Lösch fails to testify
◾Link to court documents on Imgur
◾License to harm: Predator Gonzalo Campos was allowed by elders to prey on children
◾JWpodcast interview with Irwin Zalkin
◾The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Explained
Related video…

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99 Responses to “I do not answer to Watchtower” – Stunning Gerrit Lösch declaration revealed

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 Willows (formerly anonymous) says:

 November 12, 2014 at 4:14 am

@ Ola. You are exactly right. That is why that court wanted Losch to come to that trial and testify for the Society. That is why it doesn’t make any sense that he wouldn’t do it, claiming he doesn’t have anything to do with the Watchtower.
That money that he forfeited was contributed to build kingdom halls in Africa. He didn’t care at all about that money or else he’d gotten on a plane and did what the courts asked him to do to save that money for those kingdom hall projects, where it was meant to go. Losch is not the owner of some large business that he can just throw away $13.5 million dollars because he didn’t want to answer a summons to appear in court.
That money doesn’t belong to him and he had no right to give it away for nothing or for his own pleasure, anymore than he could have taken that money and bought a huge mansion for himself or a yacht for himself. It doesn’t belong to him. None of that money belongs to him. He’s a thief and a coward and a liar.
He should have done everything in his power to defend the Watchtower but he is a coward.
The reason he didn’t show up is because he can’t defend the Watchtower’s 2 witness rule and he can’t defend how anybody who has been abused in this religion is barred on threat of disfellowshipping, from reporting the abuse to the authorities, until the elders have determined that this Witness has been either convicted in their court of justice or exonerated in their court of justice.
Losch can’t defend that and so that is why he weaseled out of going to California to defend the Society.

 James Broughton says:

 November 12, 2014 at 7:47 am

I came across this quote which I think every sincere JW should be made aware of and so I share it with you now. “The members of the Governing Body decided, many years ago, that they were to go to heaven the instant they died, to be rewarded with, not just everlasting life immediately, but also immortality. No more testing, no chance of death or failing but guaranteed positions as kings and priests in heaven. To a casual observer, it could appear that the membership on the whole have drawn a short straw” Trevor Willis ‘Opening the Door to Jehovah’s Witnesses’ p.119 (Pinpoint Publications 2001).

 Excelsior! says:

 November 12, 2014 at 10:07 am

Ola and Caroline,
I entreat you to consider the victims in this case. Campos was allowed free access to his victims, in the full knowledge of the Elders. They KNEW he was a child rapist.
Have either of you researched the child protection policy of the WTBTS? If not, then why are you bothering to offer your ignorant opinions?
I’m sorry, but people like you disgust me. How dare you criticise people who are trying to protect children from the child rapists that your revolting religion protects!
Gerrit Losch’s refusal to testify is an act of cowardice and cruelty, and I hope he spends a long time in jail, along with the other members of the governing body.
Please, do your research and then come and help us protect children and young people in your religion.
Sadly, if either of you have children, then they are at a higher risk of abuse than those outside your religion. I really hope that your children are not raped. I’m doing all I can to change the policies. Are you two?
Peace be with you,

 Fader says:

 November 13, 2014 at 7:50 pm

A whole new low. Sickening, to say the least. Cedars, love your writing and insights.

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 2:02 am

Lloyd, I watched your latest video last night and it made me realize just how big a deal it is, that signed letter to the courts from Losch where he said that he didn’t answer to the Watchtower.
When I first saw this story on jwsurvey, I told my husband about it and his answer for it was “it wasn’t the Society’s fault. It was the fault of those elders and the guy that molested those children. That’s who they should be going after.”
That is the same excuse you will get from all the rest who are still brainwashed also.
Okay, so they are right. The elders were at fault for assigning Campos to study with the boy when they knew he was a child molester and it was the fault of Campos who was the molester. But if it wasn’t the fault of the Society, then why didn’t the Society (Losch) show up in that court room to defend the Society and tell the court that it wasn’t their fault????? Why did Losch jump through hoops Not to DEFEND the Society?????
That $13.5 million dollars was meant for the worldwide work, not to pay off child abuse cases and to protect the Society from culpability.
If the Society was not at fault in these cases, they would logically jump through hoops to defend the Society, not jump through hoops not to defend the Society. Obviously, the answer is that they can’t defend the Society and this signed document of Losch proves it.
I printed out the document and I will carry it with me from now on and forever and if anybody again asks me why I am not at the meetings, I will show them that signed document and ask them “why are you going”???
That signed document of Losch, should be the ticket for every one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to jump off the side of the boat and escape.
All we have to do is show our friends and relatives that document and when they say “no it wasn’t the Society’s fault and they should be going after the molester” then come back with “then why didn’t the Society show up in that courtroom and tell them that, if that’s true?”

 Willows says:

 November 15, 2014 at 4:56 am

Mr. Zalkin put the Society between a rock and a hard place. If Losch showed up to point the finger of blame at the elders, all the elders had to do was pull out their Shepard the Flock book and point the finger right back at the Society so the Society decided to lie and take the coward’s way out.

 minion says:

 November 19, 2014 at 11:26 pm

All those who have violated “human beings” under the age of 16 years, should be accountable for there crimes”. Regardless of title held at the KH. They will have there day in court.
Wild animals of the forest “protect there own” they would have a field day at the KH.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
How much longer will Jehovah hold back his blaze and anger, only time will tell…….

 Vidiot says:

 November 20, 2014 at 3:27 pm

“…at best Lösch is splitting hairs by suggesting he is ONLY answerable to the Governing Body, of which he is a member. At worst, he is seriously misrepresenting his personal relationship with the organization…”
That’s cheating.
And if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs…
 …your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.

 minion says:

 November 21, 2014 at 7:02 am

If WT has 5,000 +- lawsuits for voilateing “human beings,” under the age of 16 years this is an act of crime. Someone has to be accountable for the crime or injustice imposed involuntary or duress against another “human being”.
My heart and prayers go out to All the victims.
* * * Only an example: if the average settlement is $15.0 million X 5,000 = $75. billion.
One local paper (NY) has WT (all) assets at $2. billion. Ouch.
What options do (WT) they have? How do you see this play out?

 sharon lee murray says:

 November 27, 2014 at 3:03 pm

This whole thing sickens me…my mother molested a 15yr old years ago. We (all those in ‘the truth’) were told not to call police…not to tell others in the congs. what was going on, or WE would be df’d for slander. She left NY with him and they returned on his 18th birthday so they could marry. GO FIGURE! Anyway, they are still married, and he is now an elder…(jehovah forgave them) But the wreckage left in this wake are many…my brothers and sisters and myself I might add are all messed up in the head. Those still in, are the worst in my opinion…they are so self-righteous it is alarming that one could think so highly of one’s self when as Christians we are to be humble. But I can’t fault them, being that way seems to me a protection…although I never held that thought about myself. I never felt worthy…a cult tool to keep you in. It’s frightening that people will stick by this ludicrous society…satan has perfected his mind control on them and it is thorough. I just keep thinking about what Jesus said about his sheep knowing his voice. It is what keeps me away after being in for 53yrs since I was 3…the gb thinking it will go to heaven really is disturbing that they are making this decision and not God…but I doubt the members will even pick up on this…it is a sad statement on the control these men in Brooklyn NY have…and satan has on them. So sad.

 John says:

 December 1, 2014 at 8:11 am

What he meant to say…..
Gerrit Losch: “I do not answer to Watchtower; Watchtower answers to me!”
This is a top down organization after all…

 Anthony Callet says:

 December 2, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Does this mean i can grow a beard,since,i don’t answer to Watchtower?

 Cacanisso says:

 December 10, 2014 at 8:04 am

My mother in law during his life, fought fervently to bring people to JW (house preaching at home). Today, is a home of the 3rd Age, and for 07 years, never seen there, a stupor of JW or WT or Tvgia, to wonder, how many hours does a month, or you need diapers or have other needs, perhaps esperitual up, nothing. As had legs to walk from house to house, they said her sister was very spiritual s. Today, no one seeks to know it. My mother, constantly giving, or deposited in the box and contributions paid once € 700 / dollars, the chairs of a hall of Albufeira, Algarve. I’ve never been caught by WT, because me and my wife, we are smart, never let it be manipuados by the mind control.

 brandnew says:

 December 17, 2014 at 6:28 pm

Well lets see, lazarus gave jesus up to the people who killed him……and peter denied jesus 3 times that same night.
 Lösch denied the watchtower in plain view of the world.
 Governing body pretty much giving up children to pedophiles, so long as Watchtowers name is not stained…

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:51 am

James Broughton.Excelsior & Willows.Your comments above are Brilliant & the Logic of your reasoning is Perfect.Pity the Governing Body can’t use Logic.!!

 Pickled Brain says:

 December 24, 2014 at 3:53 am

And the same goes for many of the other comments!

 lolo says:

 January 10, 2015 at 9:07 am

Hello guys. Can you tell me if you know/you know almost all!!/ how much money Society already paid to victims of such ” sexual” abuse so far???
 Any proven data???

 Oubliette says:

 February 14, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Lösch is a loser.
The GB guys talk tough, but they are clearly cowardly wimps as this maneuver proves.
Whaddya expect? It’s a cult!

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