Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Your hate is also a hate crime in it's own way

Dear Readers,

I remember once reading on "LGBT Weekly" which is a news website for LGBT people about a LGBT group that donated to money to repair a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses that had been burned down. I forgot the location of where it happened at though. Oddly enough, many JW's were leaving some very homophobic comments on there, some were even very preachy. What were they doing on a gay website in the first place? Their not supposed to go on websites like that.  Some comments had JW's once again saying how LGBT people could only be members of the Organization (JW denomination) if they lead a life of romantic and sexual repression or gender dysphoria until death. One JW mentioned how Kingdom Halls would "never" marry same-sex couples. No, they don't have to marry same-sex  couples if they don't want to, it would be nice of them if they did, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that day.  Why would any same-sex couples want to marry in a bigoted fundamentalist Christian denomination anyways? Some comments were from LGBT ex-JW's who told stories of what their experiences were like with the denomination. Another JW stated that they did not ask for anyone's help to repair their Kingdom Hall. Many LGBT commenters and some straight commenters found it odd that the LGBT community would help rebuild a church that was undoubtedly homophobic, even if their intentions were good because the JW's wouldn't do the same for them. One comment by a JW that really struck me as ironic is that this person described the arson of the Kingdom Hall as a hate crime.  I thought to myself " Your hatred of the LGBT community is equally as much of a crime as the destruction of your Kingdom Hall. Your just as hateful and as bigoted as the person who destroyed your house of worship, you just don't act violently about it".

It's just so sad and pitiable how the JW's can call themselves "loving" people, while constantly degrading and dehumanize the LGBT community and stick their noses in other consenting adult's private love lives. A recent example of this word be adding the word "homosexual" into their new edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The word "homosexual" did not come into existence until the 1800's. Certainly the Biblical authors were homophobic, but their views on homosexuality are wrong, just like their views on slavery are wrong and just like it is wrong to think that it is okay to kill people with curses as the Apostle Paul did and other stuff like that. The JW's are homophobic and transphobic. They are bigoted and hateful towards the LGBT community and they know they are.  They just won't admit that their bigotry is actually bigotry and that their hatred is actually hatred. Most of the JW's are good people, but they hold some very wrong ideas about LGBT persons and practically everyone else on the planet if you ask me. The JW's often talk about purging their church congregations of "unclean" people, well that's not the case with pedophiles. LGBT are not "unclean" and neither are their sexual relationships with other consenting adults of the same-sex which by the way, is only the business of their participating couple. Well, even heterosexual JW's have their sex lives controlled by the Governing Body and the Elders. They can only have penile-to-vaginal sex, anything else is punishable. JW Kingdom Halls are no more "clean" than a sewer, especially when it comes to child molesters.  I wouldn't be surprised if some pedophiles only convert into the JW's because they may be familiar with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's lax ways of punishing child molesters.  It's too easy for them to hurt kids in Kingdom Halls. Ask Candace Conti.

Not to mention the treatment that JW's show to non-JW's and ex-JW's. The JW's say they are in the world, but not of the world but if you were to treat them like societal rejects or outcasts, they would immediately complain about how "persecuted" they are. Well, it's apparently okay for them to do that to non-JW's, ex-JW's, LGBT people and doubting JW's because they happen to think that they have the "truth" and that this is what Yahweh wants them to do. No, it doesn't work like that. You don't get to place double-standards on other people and act like hypocrites without getting called out on it and having to face some criticism first.  I'm glad that I never believed much of the JW worldview growing up or else I might have went crazy. That way of life may work for some people, but it certainly doesn't and won't work for everyone. Even if your a JW, you have to acknowledge that your way of life isn't and doesn't work for everyone. Well, I just hope more LGBT JW's will be able to accept themselves for who they are and live their lives the way that they want and not have to have some religious authority always trying to tell them what to do or how to think. Think about it.



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