Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Judge Ross and prejudice over kids crossdressing

Dear Readers,

I recently saw a preview of "Judge Ross" where a teacher received complaints from parents about kids who cross dressed in his class. The woman he was dealing with said that boys don't just cross dress just because they see another guy wearing a dress. She didn't think it was a big deal. The teacher and Judge Ross both said that it is a "big deal". So what if kids want to cross dress? Who is it hurting? No one. If a boy wants to wear girls' clothing and goes to the bathroom in the girls' restroom, who cares as long as he isn't hurting anyone? If a girl wants to wear boys' clothing and goes to the bathroom in the boys' room as long as she isn't hurting anyone, who cares? Judge Ross is bad example of a judiciary official to me. He's clearly a very bigoted man when it comes to cross dressers and members of the LGBT community which is probably why Fox News airs his show. Justice is never served when personal bigotry is involved.  I think that cross dressing may even promote tolerance towards people of different sexes and gender identities. A parent or other legal guardian cannot force a boy to identify as a boy in the physical or psychological sense of the word nor can a parent or legal guardian force a girl to identify as a girl in the physical or psychological sense of the word. There are more than two genders.

Most cross dressers are heterosexual and usually tend to be more tolerant. A male cross dresser, I think is less likely to be a misogynist than a socially and politically conservative man who is against the right for a woman to vote or hold political office, as an example. If kids, want to cross dress, let them. I think it may teach them to be more tolerant and help reduce gender stereotypes. Gender isn't black and white, but Judge Ross' thinking strikes me as being clearly black-and-white. He's a very ignorant man, even if he did go to law school and he really needs to learn a lesson in tolerance and understanding for people who express themselves differently than others. The parents who show prejudice over kids cross dressing are equally as ignorant. I mean, were talking about kids engaging in an activity that isn't hurting anyone.

 I think not allowing kids to cross dress if they choose to do so, is actually violating their freedom of self-expression. How is this any different than the freedom to be able to wear religious symbols on your clothing? Why is it that children raised by Christians can wear crosses around their necks but children raised by Laveyan Satanists can't wear an inverted pentagram necklace or outfits with occult symbols on them?  Isn't that discrimination on the basis of religious expression? I was once a Laveyan Satanist, a few years ago. If I was still a student at a public educational facility and were told that I couldn't wear a symbol of my religion, I'd even go so far as to take it to the Supreme Court. Even if I were an atheist as a teenager if I wanted to wear the scarlet A, I should be allowed to do that. Just because it makes some people uncomfortable, too bad. If some kids want to cross dress and some parents and students don't like it, too bad. It's not hurting you or preventing you from living your life the way you want, so you really should learn to deal with it and get over it, if you ask me. Think about it.



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