Monday, May 19, 2014

Lesbian couple on Judge Ross

Dear Readers,

A friend of mine whose house I was visiting was watching "Judge Ross" and they were forced to pay the surrogate father. Ross seemed homophobic by the way he treated these women. He asked that man if he would tell the child that he is his biological father and the man said yes. However, the lesbian couple has stated that this man is complete stranger and they seemed to very suspicious of him and they don't want him involved in their family life. I'm sure these women will make sure that their child has a male role model that they would find to be more suitable than this man.  I disagree with Judge Ross over being this man being the "father". He may be the child's father in the biological sense of the word, but not in the emotional sense. Kind of like how my mother is not my "mother" in the emotional sense of the word, she is only my biological mother.  It does seem that Judge Ken Ross is homophobic, that's quite sad because he seems like such a nice guy. Unfortunately, even the judicial system isn't free of it's prejudices or favoritism which is why religious minorities loose custody of their children for not raising their children as fundamentalist Christians or enforcing prayer in public institutions or why black men are usually given the death penalty due to hidden racist antics of the judges and jurors. Think about it.



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