Monday, November 25, 2013

Mormon ad on Joseph Smith criticism

I disagree that Joseph Smith was a 'prophet'.  I don't believe Abraham or Moses were 'prophets' nor do I believe that they existed.   Joseph Smith was a polygamist and a storyteller.  The LDS Church which is the largest branch of the Mormon denomination no longer practice polygamy but believe that men will have multiple wives in the afterlife if they make it to the Celestial Kingdom.  Mormons promoted polygamy and yet they act like true bigots when same-sex couples get married by the government or by religious institutions that welcome, accept, affirm and embrace LGBT persons and same-sex couples. How hypocritical! I am a former Mormon and I don't think Joseph was a 'prophet' at all but a man who had quite an imagination.  I suggest to anyone that you do research on Joseph Smith without simply resorting to websites owned and operated by the LDS Church or other fundamentalist Christian groups who simply view Mormons as being 'false Christians' because of how different their beliefs and practices are from other Christian denominations, sects, branches, splinter-groups and movements. They whitewash too much of their history, specifically the most controversial aspects. This is done to gain more converts for the Church. It is dishonest to lie about your history.  The LDS Church has done much wrong and they need to learn to pay for their mistakes. Many Mormons are doubting and questioning the Church's beliefs and practices and are leaving the denomination because of the Church's dishonesty and the bigotry that they show towards other people and I don't blame them.  I had to do it myself.  I am an atheist now and am a secular Jew.  Mormons may be mostly good people but they have a lot to answer for with their unproven beliefs and their controlling methods as well as their sexist, toned-down racism, their homophobia and transphobia and their intolerance towards other religions.

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