Monday, November 4, 2013

Judge Mathis' mention of religion when dealing with the court case of a gay couple

Judge Mathis dealed with a case involving two gay men who were in an abusive relationship with another. At one point, Mathis said he believes in loving all people 'like the bible says you should'. The bible doesn't 'say' anything. The bible does not read that you should 'love all people'. Mathis doesn't seem to be homophobic to me. He said he goes to church a lot because he 'needs a lot'. That's fine but what does he 'need' from church that the non-religious world cannot provide.  He has no proof for his beliefs. He did mention that he talks about church too much in a public court. The younger gay man who is 24 years younger than the other man said his boyfriend got him going back to church. Judge Mathis thought this was 'good'. I personally don't. Sexually-active gay men in same-sex relationships are usually not welcome nor wanted in most churches and are usually denied membership. He didn't mention what the denomination of the church  was that he attended.  Personally, I don't think these gay men should go to church, since it's an institution that dehumanizes gays and degrades same-sex relationships; it also discriminates against them by getting involved in politics.

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