Monday, June 29, 2015 member Damien Marie At Hope about me information

About Me:I am a Axiological Atheist, Antitheist, Antireligionist, Ignostic, Secularist, Humanist, Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, educated in Psychology and Sociology; promoting Science, Realism, Axiology, Liberty, Justice, Ethics, Anarchism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, and Anthropology; advocating for Sexual, Gender, Child, Secular, LGBTQI, Race, Class Rights and Equality.
 and soon to be published atheist book "The Tree of Lies and its Hidden Roots" (Exposing the evolution of religion and removing the rationale of faith).

 I am an Axiological Atheist, axiological, or constructive, atheism rejects the existence of gods in favor of a "higher absolute", such as humanity and the science of value in formal axiology. This form of atheism favors humanity as the absolute source of ethics and values, and permits individuals to resolve moral problems without resorting to gOD. Marx, Freud, and Sartre all used this argument to convey messages of liberation, full-development, and unfettered happiness. Axiological Atheism answers or offers a different thinking to one of the most common criticisms of some forms of atheism. Axiological atheism can be thought to believe in good utilizing the understanding of formal axiology and holds truth in objective morality or universal ethics holding that life can be meaningful showing to that denying the existence of a god(s) does not have to lead to moral relativism, leave one with no moral or ethical foundation, or somehow must renders life meaningless and miserable. I thus as an axiological atheist believe good or basic morality seeing it as natural and evolutionary such as all mammals seem to express or display elements of morality such as compassion, empathy, altruism, group bonding, shame, etc. but we human higher reasoning animals are different or more advanced. We do have higher moral reasoning than animals and can affirm or have intentionality in ethical standards we also can grasp the systemic or big picture and future ramifications to actions animals are more commonly fixed in here and now thinking. Doing helpful supportive things creates more good in the world" is NOT a human-limited concept and does not require some kind of "magic book with super being derived morals it is already hard-wired in us as a survive and thrive nature for beneficial evolutionary adaptation success. The "good brings more good" concept is an inherent and fundamental aspect of reality. In a physics example: you create enough heat, eventually things nearby start burning (making additional heat increases, even though it’s happening independently, or beyond, of your original input).
 I am also involved in advocating/activism for the human rights in general but tend to focus on rights of children, women and gender equality including transgender, genderqueer and Intersex people and LGBT as a whole. As well as for Separation of Church and State and universal secularism especially in government and society but also in other groups as well involving both freedom for and freedom from religion and rights of atheists and other nonbelievers or faith questioners.
 I am a prolific writer and meme creator on Facebook with many followers, shares, and likes. He has two atheist pages: “Axiological Atheist” and “Atheists for Non-Aggression”. He also has a political page “Axiological Left-Libertarian Anarchism”, a Facebook group “(HARP) Humanism, Atheism, Rationalism, & Philosophy”, and a “HARP” meetup group. Damien hosts a YouTube channel where you can view more about him and some of the things he is doing like Atheist interviews and Atheist reality TV.
 I live with my two cats “Demon” and “Spirit” and my wife Shayna, with whom I have an open marriage.

About Me:I am a Axiological Atheist, Antitheist, Antireligionist, Ignostic, Secularist, Humanist, Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, educated in Psychology and Sociology; promoting Science, Realism, Axiology, Liberty, Justice, Ethics, Anarchism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, and Anthropology; advocating for Sexual, Gender, Child, Secular, LGBTQI, Race, Class Rights and Equality.
 and soon to be published atheist book "The Tree of Lies and its Hidden Roots" (Exposing the evolution of religion and removing the rationale of faith).

 I am an Axiological Atheist, axiological, or constructive, atheism rejects the existence of gods in favor of a "higher absolute", such as humanity and the science of value in formal axiology. This form of atheism favors humanity as the absolute source of ethics and values, and permits individuals to resolve moral problems without resorting to gOD. Marx, Freud, and Sartre all used this argument to convey messages of liberation, full-development, and unfettered happiness. Axiological Atheism answers or offers a different thinking to one of the most common criticisms of some forms of atheism. Axiological atheism can be thought to believe in good utilizing the understanding of formal axiology and holds truth in objective morality or universal ethics holding that life can be meaningful showing to that denying the existence of a god(s) does not have to lead to moral relativism, leave one with no moral or ethical foundation, or somehow must renders life meaningless and miserable. I thus as an axiological atheist believe good or basic morality seeing it as natural and evolutionary such as all mammals seem to express or display elements of morality such as compassion, empathy, altruism, group bonding, shame, etc. but we human higher reasoning animals are different or more advanced. We do have higher moral reasoning than animals and can affirm or have intentionality in ethical standards we also can grasp the systemic or big picture and future ramifications to actions animals are more commonly fixed in here and now thinking. Doing helpful supportive things creates more good in the world" is NOT a human-limited concept and does not require some kind of "magic book with super being derived morals it is already hard-wired in us as a survive and thrive nature for beneficial evolutionary adaptation success. The "good brings more good" concept is an inherent and fundamental aspect of reality. In a physics example: you create enough heat, eventually things nearby start burning (making additional heat increases, even though it’s happening independently, or beyond, of your original input).
 I am also involved in advocating/activism for the human rights in general but tend to focus on rights of children, women and gender equality including transgender, genderqueer and Intersex people and LGBT as a whole. As well as for Separation of Church and State and universal secularism especially in government and society but also in other groups as well involving both freedom for and freedom from religion and rights of atheists and other nonbelievers or faith questioners.
 I am a prolific writer and meme creator on Facebook with many followers, shares, and likes. He has two atheist pages: “Axiological Atheist” and “Atheists for Non-Aggression”. He also has a political page “Axiological Left-Libertarian Anarchism”, a Facebook group “(HARP) Humanism, Atheism, Rationalism, & Philosophy”, and a “HARP” meetup group. Damien hosts a YouTube channel where you can view more about him and some of the things he is doing like Atheist interviews and Atheist reality TV.
 I live with my two cats “Demon” and “Spirit” and my wife Shayna, with whom I have an open marriage.



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