Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bionic Dance reposting of YT videos part 6

All comments (119)

Personally,  I don't think it is any of this man's business what married or unmarried same-sex couples do in bed, just like it isn't his business what other married or unmarried heterosexual couples do in bed.  To me, the Bible's views on same-sex relationships is entirely wrong just like it's views on slavery or the stoning of adolescent children. I think  that LGBT persons have every right in the world to pursue and enter a romantically and sexually-active relationship with another consenting adult of the same-sex gender or go through the process of having a sex-change operation. I fully support the right for same-sex couples to marry and to raise a family. Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt or have children through artificial insemination in my eyes.

I love Bionic Dance's videos. 

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Conversation removed.

P Dav3 hours ago

This guy says morality is absolute. Then, I say, all of the horrendous acts done by or sanctioned by god in the bible, such as murder, slavery, rape, genocide, cannibalism, and treatment of women as property are absolutely immoral.


ThomasTrue4 days ago

Within my own lifetime it was once 'moral' to punish children in school by striking them across the hands with a leather strap or a cane (or across the buttocks with a paddle in US schools) and a man could not rape his wife but was merely exercising his 'moral' conjugal 'rights'.  Go back less than a century and a husband had the 'moral right' to strike his wife with a rod 'no thicker than his thumb' (hence, "rule of thumb").  These 'morals' were based upon Biblical teaching and yet we now look upon them as examples of a barbaric past we have since thankfully rejected.  If this fool thinks that the Bible has 'stood the test of time', then he is so sadly deluded I frankly feel sorry for him.


BionicDance1 week ago



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Mundus Novus Ordo
1 week ago

+LegendaryAsshole which one


1 week ago

Nicely done, Keight.


1 week ago

Thanks! :)


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

You forgot temple. XD Funny how xtians enjoy to blame others for what they are doing. He also does not seem to realize that marriage is a law, not a god thing.
LOL on the lightning.
LOL Faith, he believes in wishful thinking = easy answers that agrees with one's own thinking.
3500 years ago, where did he get that? Also, what rewrite/translation is he talking about? More like centuries.
Good video.

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Julia Reed
1 week ago

How many times did you have to do that flailing during the smiting before you finally got it right? That awesomely hilarious! I'm still smirking from it.


1 week ago

Believe it or not, that took one take.
There were other shots, tho...


Julia Reed
1 week ago

I applaud you, I really do, I'd probably have a bloopers reel at the end of a video due to ADD tangents, stuttering and my mild lisp


1 week ago

Believe me, I've been tempted to make a bloopers vid. :)


Julia Reed
1 week ago

Oh I'd watch that in a heart beat! 


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

+BionicDance oh you so should make a bloopers video! After all this time you should have lots of good stuff to chose from.


4 days ago

+BionicDance A Bloopers vid would go viral! 


4 days ago

Well, it'll probably be a few months to gather enough GOOD blooper footage, but I've started collecting some...


4 days ago

Damn but the struck by lightning bit was funny!  I was half expecting you to end the video with a long fade to black then.


Chris Cunningham1 week ago (edited)

You mean: one man, many wives... :p


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Heiner Lilje
1 week ago

Totaly fine with me. Same as vice-versa, or something in between. Unless someone is forced into it, like in the bible. But besides that, it should absolutly be recogniced under the law.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

There are good reasons why this is illegal in all modern Western countries. It causes a lot of crime and problems in society. It shallows the gene pool, hoards women, creates a lot of single men which leads to genocide because they cannot get even a single wife, it leads to going after young girls and child brides, and systematic paedophiles who prey upon children. It also leads to beastiality because young men cannot get mates. Have you never visited Yemen? Saudi Arabia? The Middle East? Ever? It also leads to murder, rape, torture, sodomy, and sadism. It damages men, women, and children.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago (edited)

+Steve Harvey
What the fuck are you talking about? Can a women marry many men in yemen? Can 5 men marry 5 women?

Also, it isnt illegal in any civilised country. Its just not recogniced by the state.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In fact, it's easier just to list the countries where it is legal. Mostly in Africa and the Middle East.
Also, what part about the practice and Yemen as an example of how bad it is to society do you not understand?
There is ample research and books, reports from the UN, and a good way to begin to understand is to pick a country where polygamy is legal and look at its index.
This level of ignorance in the 21st century is unacceptable. Polygamy is illegal in its entirety of the Americas from Canada to all South American countries. Illegal in China, Russia, Europe, Australia. You would have a harder time finding countries where it is legal.
"Faced with high levels of intra-sexual competition and little chance of obtaining even one long-term mate, unmarried, low-status men will heavily discount the future and more readily engage in risky status-elevating and sex-seeking behaviors. This will result in higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping (especially of females), sexual slavery and prostitution."
The research is in. Gay people are not a threat to our society, but polygamy is.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
What IS illegal in those places is to marry more then one person. Not to live with more then one person in a similar arrangment.

What you brought up is an issue with to less freedom, not to much of it - i.e. only one men and many wives, not both ways or more then 1 of each gender.
Wether the US is civilised of course is up for debate...
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Oh did I call the savages civil? My bad. Hahaha! Seriously though please read the research.


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
See, the research is on polygynous societies, i.e. those that only allow one male and multiple females. Of course that will lead to problems, thats obvious.

But to claim that all polygamous/polyamorous arangements would lead to similar results is unwarrented.
Also, i live in Europe. Germany to be precise. Polygamy is perfectly legal unless you somehow have a legal marriage with more then one person. The same appears to be true for most (40 States) of the US.
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Yes and I do actually understand the differences you bring up. I knew you were German due to your name.

The problem is the society does pay for its cost and ends up indirectly subsidizing its own costs and detriments to the society.
For example, the FLDS cult does not formally marry, each man has 10 wives and 20 kids all on welfare, and so the state pays for this one man to have more kids then he can afford. In addition, it throws out young boys called the lost boys and then the states have to pay for them also. So everyone pays for these people to spread their inferior shallow genes faster than anyone else.
I'm not talking about 10 people having an orgy. I'm talking about a single retarded male having 100 retarded kids. Causing humanity to devolve.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

I fail to see this issue. Quite the opposite actualy. If there are 3, 4, maybe 10 people in a relationship, not only would it increase the diversity of the genpool, but also mean more family ties so they wouldnt have to rely on the state if someone is in a rough spot but on each other. Not allways, but its more likely then in a case where there is just one other party involved.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

What about 1 wife & many husbands ??? Me & some of my degenerated male friends have double teamed (& even triple teamed) complete willing girls. In fact, I have little interest in fulfilling my traditional male gender role of being monogamous to an overweight stay at home wife. So is there a place in society for my kind of depravity ??? 


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Again, i dont think any state recognizes this yet. But thats what i was saying, go for it.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

Personally, (as long as nobody is underage or trapped in a compound) I think polygamy should be completely legal. In fact (despite popular opinion) I think such relationship are actually more discriminating against the males. Since it's the young men that are expelled from such communities to allow for a surplus of wives.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago (edited)

+Jackson Heathen
Allthough the party im a member off here in germany would want it to be recognised. Not close to the main issue, main issues are things like privacy, corruption in politics and the like. Despite the fact that its still small and regularly bashed by the media (how dare we bring up the constitution anyways), we got a few things done. One thing I was suprised to hear myself where unisex restrooms in public buildings in one german federal state - as not to discriminate against transgenders and the like. Of course, genderspecific ones still are there as well. Also, no costs, just one relabled if there where more then 2.

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Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Having multiple wives is hoarding. Period. It's not good for the women either because it oppresses them. It's not good for the community either because of all the single males it creates who cannot find mates. It's more about power and domination and control and it damages the society financially and criminally.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
You are a sexist. Period.
Otherwise having multiple husbands would also be hoarding.


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
It is.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
Okay. Well, i still dont see anything wrong with it. Unless you can back up your other claims with some societies in which neither sex is dominant and either marriages between 1 female and multiple males are similarly common as the opposite in similar proportions or alternativly societies where people marry more then one male and one female for one male and one female each (i.e. 3 males and 3 females)
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Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

In fact, the latter couldnt even be called hoarding.


Star Laughter1 week ago

"I believe in absolute truth!" He says, while munching on shellfish that was harvested on the Sabbath...


Dragnauct Sylvas1 week ago

I love how they want to dissolve the negative connotations of terms used against them. Can't wait till they do it to the word "Faith."


Charles Kunkle1 week ago

and we're totally ignoring the fact that God does NOT define marriage as one man and one woman...
Otherwise, many of the patriarchs of the Christian religion were violating God's law. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines? Excatly how is that "one man and one woman"


Inannalu1 week ago

Harmful to an ideology is not the same thing as harmful to people.
Behaviors and activities which do the former, but do not do the latter, are perfectly okay ethically, so far as I'm concerned.
In fact, if some behavior or activity harms an ideology which is responsible for much harm to people, so much the better.


themplar1 week ago

Another great video from you. And again very right.
I personally cannot understand the objections people have against gays and gay marriage.  Sadly its not just religious biggots i've been in many discussions with non theist who were still absolute biggots.

Its funny how they Always accuse me of intolerance when i call their arguments absolute bogus and them biggots.  Every time the arguments are.. its not natural.. well obviously it is..  what if everybody turned gay the human species would end... wouldnt happen and if so what? They still can get children by In Vitro.
In the end all their arguments are invalid. and only one real arguments is left over they wont pronounce.

They suffer from imagination and see two gays going at it and they think its Icky. And thats all it is for them.. they think its icky.. well then stop fantasizing about it.
Towards religious biggotry.... i whish it was allowed to smack them around with their own bibles...
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1 week ago

Not to mention that there's also the ridiculous idea that gays want to recruit children for the sole purpose of making them gay.
People don't just become gay. Usually a person has a predisposition to being gay, but this is something many people will deny. I myself, a person who grew up in a Christian home, had a predisposition to being pansexual, but it's easier to deny something than to actually own up to it. I'm so glad I grew out of that horseshit though, I'm much happier.
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Red Cloud1 week ago

You can't just re-define words to fit your own ends. Start doing that all willy-nilly, and you ruin the foundation of language itself, the fact that we can understand it. You can't just destroy an entire language, because you don't like how some of the words coming together make you feel, that's bullshit. Words like Tolerance are there, because we need them, if we didn't need them, we wouldn't have them. 


CarefulAtheist1 week ago

WTF moment @7:05. Gold!


mikeyvester1 week ago

Speaking from experience living in a country where gay marriage has been legal for almost 9 years, I haven't noticed anything different. I would have never known the law changed except it was on the news.  The only reason I can see why a person would be against gay marriage, they are fucking assholes and they like to hurt people.


Moor Letoh1 week ago



markedfang1 week ago

What if god was true? What would actually change?
He'd still have to come up with good arguments to justify his demands. I would see god as no more then another human with another opinion and unless he can convince me of his case I still wouldn't feel any obligation towards him.
Worship blinds you to attrociaties.


Griffin98571 week ago

7:03 I nearly jumped out of my own skin shakes fist at Kate.


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1 week ago

Neener. ;)


1 week ago

Any more surprises? :P


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, now would they? :D


1 week ago

+BionicDance *Glares*


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 *sticks out tongue*


5 days ago

Hey, blame "god", not Kate for that one. :P


Felhaven1 week ago (edited)

You really shouldn't quote old testament based definitions of marriage while wearing a polyblend shirt.  


1 week ago

Gives a whole new meaning to "don't throw stones while standing in a glass house".


RRoocckkyy501 week ago

Nice new intro! : )


1 week ago

Thanks! I was going for a kind of 80s look. :)


VGatheist1 week ago (edited)

well the moral argument against abortion is that you are killing a baby. A mother does not have a right to kill her new born baby, so the question then comes about, at what point does a baby have the right to live. But the trick in proving abortion immoral within a real world sense is to prove that the fetus is being harmed. Big argument and I am not going to go through the whole case for abortion, but I just don't find your "if you do not agree with abortion don't have one." as a valid point because the whole reason there is any argument is the attempt to demonstrate that the fetus should have rights. I think the laws for abortion are very close to taking all of this in account. But the Christians idea of egg + sperm = no abortion is just not valid. I think the laws very, but right now all states at least use viability and not birth as the starting point for fetus rights. Allot of laws will use the trimester to determine if an abortion as legal. But you know as a Lesbian you likely will never have to worry about it. If you have a baby, you'd have to choose it.
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Justin Atheist via Google+1 week ago

Love you Bionic!!! 


1 week ago

D'awww, shucks. *blush*


Justin Atheist
1 week ago

On a less creepy note. The style you bring and the voice you express is great. Always great to watch one of your videos.


TheRealPaulMarshall1 week ago

@7:05- Nice green cross.  Faded in a bit early but still nice.


1 week ago

Heh. It's a chromakey guide mark to keep CGI elements in place relative to the camera.


1 week ago

I figgered.  Still nice given the context.


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All comments (119)

Personally,  I don't think it is any of this man's business what married or unmarried same-sex couples do in bed, just like it isn't his business what other married or unmarried heterosexual couples do in bed.  To me, the Bible's views on same-sex relationships is entirely wrong just like it's views on slavery or the stoning of adolescent children. I think  that LGBT persons have every right in the world to pursue and enter a romantically and sexually-active relationship with another consenting adult of the same-sex gender or go through the process of having a sex-change operation. I fully support the right for same-sex couples to marry and to raise a family. Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt or have children through artificial insemination in my eyes.

I love Bionic Dance's videos. 

Also share on Google+


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Conversation removed.

P Dav3 hours ago

This guy says morality is absolute. Then, I say, all of the horrendous acts done by or sanctioned by god in the bible, such as murder, slavery, rape, genocide, cannibalism, and treatment of women as property are absolutely immoral.


ThomasTrue4 days ago

Within my own lifetime it was once 'moral' to punish children in school by striking them across the hands with a leather strap or a cane (or across the buttocks with a paddle in US schools) and a man could not rape his wife but was merely exercising his 'moral' conjugal 'rights'.  Go back less than a century and a husband had the 'moral right' to strike his wife with a rod 'no thicker than his thumb' (hence, "rule of thumb").  These 'morals' were based upon Biblical teaching and yet we now look upon them as examples of a barbaric past we have since thankfully rejected.  If this fool thinks that the Bible has 'stood the test of time', then he is so sadly deluded I frankly feel sorry for him.


BionicDance1 week ago



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Mundus Novus Ordo
1 week ago

+LegendaryAsshole which one


1 week ago

Nicely done, Keight.


1 week ago

Thanks! :)


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

You forgot temple. XD Funny how xtians enjoy to blame others for what they are doing. He also does not seem to realize that marriage is a law, not a god thing.
LOL on the lightning.
LOL Faith, he believes in wishful thinking = easy answers that agrees with one's own thinking.
3500 years ago, where did he get that? Also, what rewrite/translation is he talking about? More like centuries.
Good video.

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Julia Reed
1 week ago

How many times did you have to do that flailing during the smiting before you finally got it right? That awesomely hilarious! I'm still smirking from it.


1 week ago

Believe it or not, that took one take.
There were other shots, tho...


Julia Reed
1 week ago

I applaud you, I really do, I'd probably have a bloopers reel at the end of a video due to ADD tangents, stuttering and my mild lisp


1 week ago

Believe me, I've been tempted to make a bloopers vid. :)


Julia Reed
1 week ago

Oh I'd watch that in a heart beat! 


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

+BionicDance oh you so should make a bloopers video! After all this time you should have lots of good stuff to chose from.


4 days ago

+BionicDance A Bloopers vid would go viral! 


4 days ago

Well, it'll probably be a few months to gather enough GOOD blooper footage, but I've started collecting some...


4 days ago

Damn but the struck by lightning bit was funny!  I was half expecting you to end the video with a long fade to black then.


Chris Cunningham1 week ago (edited)

You mean: one man, many wives... :p


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Heiner Lilje
1 week ago

Totaly fine with me. Same as vice-versa, or something in between. Unless someone is forced into it, like in the bible. But besides that, it should absolutly be recogniced under the law.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

There are good reasons why this is illegal in all modern Western countries. It causes a lot of crime and problems in society. It shallows the gene pool, hoards women, creates a lot of single men which leads to genocide because they cannot get even a single wife, it leads to going after young girls and child brides, and systematic paedophiles who prey upon children. It also leads to beastiality because young men cannot get mates. Have you never visited Yemen? Saudi Arabia? The Middle East? Ever? It also leads to murder, rape, torture, sodomy, and sadism. It damages men, women, and children.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago (edited)

+Steve Harvey
What the fuck are you talking about? Can a women marry many men in yemen? Can 5 men marry 5 women?

Also, it isnt illegal in any civilised country. Its just not recogniced by the state.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In fact, it's easier just to list the countries where it is legal. Mostly in Africa and the Middle East.
Also, what part about the practice and Yemen as an example of how bad it is to society do you not understand?
There is ample research and books, reports from the UN, and a good way to begin to understand is to pick a country where polygamy is legal and look at its index.
This level of ignorance in the 21st century is unacceptable. Polygamy is illegal in its entirety of the Americas from Canada to all South American countries. Illegal in China, Russia, Europe, Australia. You would have a harder time finding countries where it is legal.
"Faced with high levels of intra-sexual competition and little chance of obtaining even one long-term mate, unmarried, low-status men will heavily discount the future and more readily engage in risky status-elevating and sex-seeking behaviors. This will result in higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping (especially of females), sexual slavery and prostitution."
The research is in. Gay people are not a threat to our society, but polygamy is.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
What IS illegal in those places is to marry more then one person. Not to live with more then one person in a similar arrangment.

What you brought up is an issue with to less freedom, not to much of it - i.e. only one men and many wives, not both ways or more then 1 of each gender.
Wether the US is civilised of course is up for debate...
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Oh did I call the savages civil? My bad. Hahaha! Seriously though please read the research.


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
See, the research is on polygynous societies, i.e. those that only allow one male and multiple females. Of course that will lead to problems, thats obvious.

But to claim that all polygamous/polyamorous arangements would lead to similar results is unwarrented.
Also, i live in Europe. Germany to be precise. Polygamy is perfectly legal unless you somehow have a legal marriage with more then one person. The same appears to be true for most (40 States) of the US.
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Yes and I do actually understand the differences you bring up. I knew you were German due to your name.

The problem is the society does pay for its cost and ends up indirectly subsidizing its own costs and detriments to the society.
For example, the FLDS cult does not formally marry, each man has 10 wives and 20 kids all on welfare, and so the state pays for this one man to have more kids then he can afford. In addition, it throws out young boys called the lost boys and then the states have to pay for them also. So everyone pays for these people to spread their inferior shallow genes faster than anyone else.
I'm not talking about 10 people having an orgy. I'm talking about a single retarded male having 100 retarded kids. Causing humanity to devolve.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

I fail to see this issue. Quite the opposite actualy. If there are 3, 4, maybe 10 people in a relationship, not only would it increase the diversity of the genpool, but also mean more family ties so they wouldnt have to rely on the state if someone is in a rough spot but on each other. Not allways, but its more likely then in a case where there is just one other party involved.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

What about 1 wife & many husbands ??? Me & some of my degenerated male friends have double teamed (& even triple teamed) complete willing girls. In fact, I have little interest in fulfilling my traditional male gender role of being monogamous to an overweight stay at home wife. So is there a place in society for my kind of depravity ??? 


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Again, i dont think any state recognizes this yet. But thats what i was saying, go for it.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

Personally, (as long as nobody is underage or trapped in a compound) I think polygamy should be completely legal. In fact (despite popular opinion) I think such relationship are actually more discriminating against the males. Since it's the young men that are expelled from such communities to allow for a surplus of wives.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago (edited)

+Jackson Heathen
Allthough the party im a member off here in germany would want it to be recognised. Not close to the main issue, main issues are things like privacy, corruption in politics and the like. Despite the fact that its still small and regularly bashed by the media (how dare we bring up the constitution anyways), we got a few things done. One thing I was suprised to hear myself where unisex restrooms in public buildings in one german federal state - as not to discriminate against transgenders and the like. Of course, genderspecific ones still are there as well. Also, no costs, just one relabled if there where more then 2.

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Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Having multiple wives is hoarding. Period. It's not good for the women either because it oppresses them. It's not good for the community either because of all the single males it creates who cannot find mates. It's more about power and domination and control and it damages the society financially and criminally.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
You are a sexist. Period.
Otherwise having multiple husbands would also be hoarding.


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
It is.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
Okay. Well, i still dont see anything wrong with it. Unless you can back up your other claims with some societies in which neither sex is dominant and either marriages between 1 female and multiple males are similarly common as the opposite in similar proportions or alternativly societies where people marry more then one male and one female for one male and one female each (i.e. 3 males and 3 females)
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Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

In fact, the latter couldnt even be called hoarding.


Star Laughter1 week ago

"I believe in absolute truth!" He says, while munching on shellfish that was harvested on the Sabbath...


Dragnauct Sylvas1 week ago

I love how they want to dissolve the negative connotations of terms used against them. Can't wait till they do it to the word "Faith."


Charles Kunkle1 week ago

and we're totally ignoring the fact that God does NOT define marriage as one man and one woman...
Otherwise, many of the patriarchs of the Christian religion were violating God's law. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines? Excatly how is that "one man and one woman"


Inannalu1 week ago

Harmful to an ideology is not the same thing as harmful to people.
Behaviors and activities which do the former, but do not do the latter, are perfectly okay ethically, so far as I'm concerned.
In fact, if some behavior or activity harms an ideology which is responsible for much harm to people, so much the better.


themplar1 week ago

Another great video from you. And again very right.
I personally cannot understand the objections people have against gays and gay marriage.  Sadly its not just religious biggots i've been in many discussions with non theist who were still absolute biggots.

Its funny how they Always accuse me of intolerance when i call their arguments absolute bogus and them biggots.  Every time the arguments are.. its not natural.. well obviously it is..  what if everybody turned gay the human species would end... wouldnt happen and if so what? They still can get children by In Vitro.
In the end all their arguments are invalid. and only one real arguments is left over they wont pronounce.

They suffer from imagination and see two gays going at it and they think its Icky. And thats all it is for them.. they think its icky.. well then stop fantasizing about it.
Towards religious biggotry.... i whish it was allowed to smack them around with their own bibles...
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1 week ago

Not to mention that there's also the ridiculous idea that gays want to recruit children for the sole purpose of making them gay.
People don't just become gay. Usually a person has a predisposition to being gay, but this is something many people will deny. I myself, a person who grew up in a Christian home, had a predisposition to being pansexual, but it's easier to deny something than to actually own up to it. I'm so glad I grew out of that horseshit though, I'm much happier.
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Red Cloud1 week ago

You can't just re-define words to fit your own ends. Start doing that all willy-nilly, and you ruin the foundation of language itself, the fact that we can understand it. You can't just destroy an entire language, because you don't like how some of the words coming together make you feel, that's bullshit. Words like Tolerance are there, because we need them, if we didn't need them, we wouldn't have them. 


CarefulAtheist1 week ago

WTF moment @7:05. Gold!


mikeyvester1 week ago

Speaking from experience living in a country where gay marriage has been legal for almost 9 years, I haven't noticed anything different. I would have never known the law changed except it was on the news.  The only reason I can see why a person would be against gay marriage, they are fucking assholes and they like to hurt people.


Moor Letoh1 week ago



markedfang1 week ago

What if god was true? What would actually change?
He'd still have to come up with good arguments to justify his demands. I would see god as no more then another human with another opinion and unless he can convince me of his case I still wouldn't feel any obligation towards him.
Worship blinds you to attrociaties.


Griffin98571 week ago

7:03 I nearly jumped out of my own skin shakes fist at Kate.


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1 week ago

Neener. ;)


1 week ago

Any more surprises? :P


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, now would they? :D


1 week ago

+BionicDance *Glares*


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 *sticks out tongue*


5 days ago

Hey, blame "god", not Kate for that one. :P


Felhaven1 week ago (edited)

You really shouldn't quote old testament based definitions of marriage while wearing a polyblend shirt.  


1 week ago

Gives a whole new meaning to "don't throw stones while standing in a glass house".


RRoocckkyy501 week ago

Nice new intro! : )


1 week ago

Thanks! I was going for a kind of 80s look. :)


VGatheist1 week ago (edited)

well the moral argument against abortion is that you are killing a baby. A mother does not have a right to kill her new born baby, so the question then comes about, at what point does a baby have the right to live. But the trick in proving abortion immoral within a real world sense is to prove that the fetus is being harmed. Big argument and I am not going to go through the whole case for abortion, but I just don't find your "if you do not agree with abortion don't have one." as a valid point because the whole reason there is any argument is the attempt to demonstrate that the fetus should have rights. I think the laws for abortion are very close to taking all of this in account. But the Christians idea of egg + sperm = no abortion is just not valid. I think the laws very, but right now all states at least use viability and not birth as the starting point for fetus rights. Allot of laws will use the trimester to determine if an abortion as legal. But you know as a Lesbian you likely will never have to worry about it. If you have a baby, you'd have to choose it.
Show less


Justin Atheist via Google+1 week ago

Love you Bionic!!! 


1 week ago

D'awww, shucks. *blush*


Justin Atheist
1 week ago

On a less creepy note. The style you bring and the voice you express is great. Always great to watch one of your videos.


TheRealPaulMarshall1 week ago

@7:05- Nice green cross.  Faded in a bit early but still nice.


1 week ago

Heh. It's a chromakey guide mark to keep CGI elements in place relative to the camera.


1 week ago

I figgered.  Still nice given the context.


Show more

All comments (119)

Personally,  I don't think it is any of this man's business what married or unmarried same-sex couples do in bed, just like it isn't his business what other married or unmarried heterosexual couples do in bed.  To me, the Bible's views on same-sex relationships is entirely wrong just like it's views on slavery or the stoning of adolescent children. I think  that LGBT persons have every right in the world to pursue and enter a romantically and sexually-active relationship with another consenting adult of the same-sex gender or go through the process of having a sex-change operation. I fully support the right for same-sex couples to marry and to raise a family. Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt or have children through artificial insemination in my eyes.

I love Bionic Dance's videos. 

Also share on Google+


Top comments


Conversation removed.

P Dav3 hours ago

This guy says morality is absolute. Then, I say, all of the horrendous acts done by or sanctioned by god in the bible, such as murder, slavery, rape, genocide, cannibalism, and treatment of women as property are absolutely immoral.


ThomasTrue4 days ago

Within my own lifetime it was once 'moral' to punish children in school by striking them across the hands with a leather strap or a cane (or across the buttocks with a paddle in US schools) and a man could not rape his wife but was merely exercising his 'moral' conjugal 'rights'.  Go back less than a century and a husband had the 'moral right' to strike his wife with a rod 'no thicker than his thumb' (hence, "rule of thumb").  These 'morals' were based upon Biblical teaching and yet we now look upon them as examples of a barbaric past we have since thankfully rejected.  If this fool thinks that the Bible has 'stood the test of time', then he is so sadly deluded I frankly feel sorry for him.


BionicDance1 week ago



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Mundus Novus Ordo
1 week ago

+LegendaryAsshole which one


1 week ago

Nicely done, Keight.


1 week ago

Thanks! :)


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

You forgot temple. XD Funny how xtians enjoy to blame others for what they are doing. He also does not seem to realize that marriage is a law, not a god thing.
LOL on the lightning.
LOL Faith, he believes in wishful thinking = easy answers that agrees with one's own thinking.
3500 years ago, where did he get that? Also, what rewrite/translation is he talking about? More like centuries.
Good video.

Show less


Julia Reed
1 week ago

How many times did you have to do that flailing during the smiting before you finally got it right? That awesomely hilarious! I'm still smirking from it.


1 week ago

Believe it or not, that took one take.
There were other shots, tho...


Julia Reed
1 week ago

I applaud you, I really do, I'd probably have a bloopers reel at the end of a video due to ADD tangents, stuttering and my mild lisp


1 week ago

Believe me, I've been tempted to make a bloopers vid. :)


Julia Reed
1 week ago

Oh I'd watch that in a heart beat! 


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

+BionicDance oh you so should make a bloopers video! After all this time you should have lots of good stuff to chose from.


4 days ago

+BionicDance A Bloopers vid would go viral! 


4 days ago

Well, it'll probably be a few months to gather enough GOOD blooper footage, but I've started collecting some...


4 days ago

Damn but the struck by lightning bit was funny!  I was half expecting you to end the video with a long fade to black then.


Chris Cunningham1 week ago (edited)

You mean: one man, many wives... :p


Hide replies

Heiner Lilje
1 week ago

Totaly fine with me. Same as vice-versa, or something in between. Unless someone is forced into it, like in the bible. But besides that, it should absolutly be recogniced under the law.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

There are good reasons why this is illegal in all modern Western countries. It causes a lot of crime and problems in society. It shallows the gene pool, hoards women, creates a lot of single men which leads to genocide because they cannot get even a single wife, it leads to going after young girls and child brides, and systematic paedophiles who prey upon children. It also leads to beastiality because young men cannot get mates. Have you never visited Yemen? Saudi Arabia? The Middle East? Ever? It also leads to murder, rape, torture, sodomy, and sadism. It damages men, women, and children.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago (edited)

+Steve Harvey
What the fuck are you talking about? Can a women marry many men in yemen? Can 5 men marry 5 women?

Also, it isnt illegal in any civilised country. Its just not recogniced by the state.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In fact, it's easier just to list the countries where it is legal. Mostly in Africa and the Middle East.
Also, what part about the practice and Yemen as an example of how bad it is to society do you not understand?
There is ample research and books, reports from the UN, and a good way to begin to understand is to pick a country where polygamy is legal and look at its index.
This level of ignorance in the 21st century is unacceptable. Polygamy is illegal in its entirety of the Americas from Canada to all South American countries. Illegal in China, Russia, Europe, Australia. You would have a harder time finding countries where it is legal.
"Faced with high levels of intra-sexual competition and little chance of obtaining even one long-term mate, unmarried, low-status men will heavily discount the future and more readily engage in risky status-elevating and sex-seeking behaviors. This will result in higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping (especially of females), sexual slavery and prostitution."
The research is in. Gay people are not a threat to our society, but polygamy is.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
What IS illegal in those places is to marry more then one person. Not to live with more then one person in a similar arrangment.

What you brought up is an issue with to less freedom, not to much of it - i.e. only one men and many wives, not both ways or more then 1 of each gender.
Wether the US is civilised of course is up for debate...
Show less


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Oh did I call the savages civil? My bad. Hahaha! Seriously though please read the research.


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
See, the research is on polygynous societies, i.e. those that only allow one male and multiple females. Of course that will lead to problems, thats obvious.

But to claim that all polygamous/polyamorous arangements would lead to similar results is unwarrented.
Also, i live in Europe. Germany to be precise. Polygamy is perfectly legal unless you somehow have a legal marriage with more then one person. The same appears to be true for most (40 States) of the US.
Show less


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Yes and I do actually understand the differences you bring up. I knew you were German due to your name.

The problem is the society does pay for its cost and ends up indirectly subsidizing its own costs and detriments to the society.
For example, the FLDS cult does not formally marry, each man has 10 wives and 20 kids all on welfare, and so the state pays for this one man to have more kids then he can afford. In addition, it throws out young boys called the lost boys and then the states have to pay for them also. So everyone pays for these people to spread their inferior shallow genes faster than anyone else.
I'm not talking about 10 people having an orgy. I'm talking about a single retarded male having 100 retarded kids. Causing humanity to devolve.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

I fail to see this issue. Quite the opposite actualy. If there are 3, 4, maybe 10 people in a relationship, not only would it increase the diversity of the genpool, but also mean more family ties so they wouldnt have to rely on the state if someone is in a rough spot but on each other. Not allways, but its more likely then in a case where there is just one other party involved.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

What about 1 wife & many husbands ??? Me & some of my degenerated male friends have double teamed (& even triple teamed) complete willing girls. In fact, I have little interest in fulfilling my traditional male gender role of being monogamous to an overweight stay at home wife. So is there a place in society for my kind of depravity ??? 


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Again, i dont think any state recognizes this yet. But thats what i was saying, go for it.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

Personally, (as long as nobody is underage or trapped in a compound) I think polygamy should be completely legal. In fact (despite popular opinion) I think such relationship are actually more discriminating against the males. Since it's the young men that are expelled from such communities to allow for a surplus of wives.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago (edited)

+Jackson Heathen
Allthough the party im a member off here in germany would want it to be recognised. Not close to the main issue, main issues are things like privacy, corruption in politics and the like. Despite the fact that its still small and regularly bashed by the media (how dare we bring up the constitution anyways), we got a few things done. One thing I was suprised to hear myself where unisex restrooms in public buildings in one german federal state - as not to discriminate against transgenders and the like. Of course, genderspecific ones still are there as well. Also, no costs, just one relabled if there where more then 2.

Show less


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Having multiple wives is hoarding. Period. It's not good for the women either because it oppresses them. It's not good for the community either because of all the single males it creates who cannot find mates. It's more about power and domination and control and it damages the society financially and criminally.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
You are a sexist. Period.
Otherwise having multiple husbands would also be hoarding.


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
It is.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
Okay. Well, i still dont see anything wrong with it. Unless you can back up your other claims with some societies in which neither sex is dominant and either marriages between 1 female and multiple males are similarly common as the opposite in similar proportions or alternativly societies where people marry more then one male and one female for one male and one female each (i.e. 3 males and 3 females)
Show less


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

In fact, the latter couldnt even be called hoarding.


Star Laughter1 week ago

"I believe in absolute truth!" He says, while munching on shellfish that was harvested on the Sabbath...


Dragnauct Sylvas1 week ago

I love how they want to dissolve the negative connotations of terms used against them. Can't wait till they do it to the word "Faith."


Charles Kunkle1 week ago

and we're totally ignoring the fact that God does NOT define marriage as one man and one woman...
Otherwise, many of the patriarchs of the Christian religion were violating God's law. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines? Excatly how is that "one man and one woman"


Inannalu1 week ago

Harmful to an ideology is not the same thing as harmful to people.
Behaviors and activities which do the former, but do not do the latter, are perfectly okay ethically, so far as I'm concerned.
In fact, if some behavior or activity harms an ideology which is responsible for much harm to people, so much the better.


themplar1 week ago

Another great video from you. And again very right.
I personally cannot understand the objections people have against gays and gay marriage.  Sadly its not just religious biggots i've been in many discussions with non theist who were still absolute biggots.

Its funny how they Always accuse me of intolerance when i call their arguments absolute bogus and them biggots.  Every time the arguments are.. its not natural.. well obviously it is..  what if everybody turned gay the human species would end... wouldnt happen and if so what? They still can get children by In Vitro.
In the end all their arguments are invalid. and only one real arguments is left over they wont pronounce.

They suffer from imagination and see two gays going at it and they think its Icky. And thats all it is for them.. they think its icky.. well then stop fantasizing about it.
Towards religious biggotry.... i whish it was allowed to smack them around with their own bibles...
Show less


1 week ago

Not to mention that there's also the ridiculous idea that gays want to recruit children for the sole purpose of making them gay.
People don't just become gay. Usually a person has a predisposition to being gay, but this is something many people will deny. I myself, a person who grew up in a Christian home, had a predisposition to being pansexual, but it's easier to deny something than to actually own up to it. I'm so glad I grew out of that horseshit though, I'm much happier.
Show less


Red Cloud1 week ago

You can't just re-define words to fit your own ends. Start doing that all willy-nilly, and you ruin the foundation of language itself, the fact that we can understand it. You can't just destroy an entire language, because you don't like how some of the words coming together make you feel, that's bullshit. Words like Tolerance are there, because we need them, if we didn't need them, we wouldn't have them. 


CarefulAtheist1 week ago

WTF moment @7:05. Gold!


mikeyvester1 week ago

Speaking from experience living in a country where gay marriage has been legal for almost 9 years, I haven't noticed anything different. I would have never known the law changed except it was on the news.  The only reason I can see why a person would be against gay marriage, they are fucking assholes and they like to hurt people.


Moor Letoh1 week ago



markedfang1 week ago

What if god was true? What would actually change?
He'd still have to come up with good arguments to justify his demands. I would see god as no more then another human with another opinion and unless he can convince me of his case I still wouldn't feel any obligation towards him.
Worship blinds you to attrociaties.


Griffin98571 week ago

7:03 I nearly jumped out of my own skin shakes fist at Kate.


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1 week ago

Neener. ;)


1 week ago

Any more surprises? :P


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, now would they? :D


1 week ago

+BionicDance *Glares*


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 *sticks out tongue*


5 days ago

Hey, blame "god", not Kate for that one. :P


Felhaven1 week ago (edited)

You really shouldn't quote old testament based definitions of marriage while wearing a polyblend shirt.  


1 week ago

Gives a whole new meaning to "don't throw stones while standing in a glass house".


RRoocckkyy501 week ago

Nice new intro! : )


1 week ago

Thanks! I was going for a kind of 80s look. :)


VGatheist1 week ago (edited)

well the moral argument against abortion is that you are killing a baby. A mother does not have a right to kill her new born baby, so the question then comes about, at what point does a baby have the right to live. But the trick in proving abortion immoral within a real world sense is to prove that the fetus is being harmed. Big argument and I am not going to go through the whole case for abortion, but I just don't find your "if you do not agree with abortion don't have one." as a valid point because the whole reason there is any argument is the attempt to demonstrate that the fetus should have rights. I think the laws for abortion are very close to taking all of this in account. But the Christians idea of egg + sperm = no abortion is just not valid. I think the laws very, but right now all states at least use viability and not birth as the starting point for fetus rights. Allot of laws will use the trimester to determine if an abortion as legal. But you know as a Lesbian you likely will never have to worry about it. If you have a baby, you'd have to choose it.
Show less


Justin Atheist via Google+1 week ago

Love you Bionic!!! 


1 week ago

D'awww, shucks. *blush*


Justin Atheist
1 week ago

On a less creepy note. The style you bring and the voice you express is great. Always great to watch one of your videos.


TheRealPaulMarshall1 week ago

@7:05- Nice green cross.  Faded in a bit early but still nice.


1 week ago

Heh. It's a chromakey guide mark to keep CGI elements in place relative to the camera.


1 week ago

I figgered.  Still nice given the context.


Show more

All comments (119)

Personally,  I don't think it is any of this man's business what married or unmarried same-sex couples do in bed, just like it isn't his business what other married or unmarried heterosexual couples do in bed.  To me, the Bible's views on same-sex relationships is entirely wrong just like it's views on slavery or the stoning of adolescent children. I think  that LGBT persons have every right in the world to pursue and enter a romantically and sexually-active relationship with another consenting adult of the same-sex gender or go through the process of having a sex-change operation. I fully support the right for same-sex couples to marry and to raise a family. Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt or have children through artificial insemination in my eyes.

I love Bionic Dance's videos. 

Also share on Google+


Top comments


Conversation removed.

P Dav3 hours ago

This guy says morality is absolute. Then, I say, all of the horrendous acts done by or sanctioned by god in the bible, such as murder, slavery, rape, genocide, cannibalism, and treatment of women as property are absolutely immoral.


ThomasTrue4 days ago

Within my own lifetime it was once 'moral' to punish children in school by striking them across the hands with a leather strap or a cane (or across the buttocks with a paddle in US schools) and a man could not rape his wife but was merely exercising his 'moral' conjugal 'rights'.  Go back less than a century and a husband had the 'moral right' to strike his wife with a rod 'no thicker than his thumb' (hence, "rule of thumb").  These 'morals' were based upon Biblical teaching and yet we now look upon them as examples of a barbaric past we have since thankfully rejected.  If this fool thinks that the Bible has 'stood the test of time', then he is so sadly deluded I frankly feel sorry for him.


BionicDance1 week ago



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Mundus Novus Ordo
1 week ago

+LegendaryAsshole which one


1 week ago

Nicely done, Keight.


1 week ago

Thanks! :)


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

You forgot temple. XD Funny how xtians enjoy to blame others for what they are doing. He also does not seem to realize that marriage is a law, not a god thing.
LOL on the lightning.
LOL Faith, he believes in wishful thinking = easy answers that agrees with one's own thinking.
3500 years ago, where did he get that? Also, what rewrite/translation is he talking about? More like centuries.
Good video.

Show less


Julia Reed
1 week ago

How many times did you have to do that flailing during the smiting before you finally got it right? That awesomely hilarious! I'm still smirking from it.


1 week ago

Believe it or not, that took one take.
There were other shots, tho...


Julia Reed
1 week ago

I applaud you, I really do, I'd probably have a bloopers reel at the end of a video due to ADD tangents, stuttering and my mild lisp


1 week ago

Believe me, I've been tempted to make a bloopers vid. :)


Julia Reed
1 week ago

Oh I'd watch that in a heart beat! 


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

+BionicDance oh you so should make a bloopers video! After all this time you should have lots of good stuff to chose from.


4 days ago

+BionicDance A Bloopers vid would go viral! 


4 days ago

Well, it'll probably be a few months to gather enough GOOD blooper footage, but I've started collecting some...


4 days ago

Damn but the struck by lightning bit was funny!  I was half expecting you to end the video with a long fade to black then.


Chris Cunningham1 week ago (edited)

You mean: one man, many wives... :p


Hide replies

Heiner Lilje
1 week ago

Totaly fine with me. Same as vice-versa, or something in between. Unless someone is forced into it, like in the bible. But besides that, it should absolutly be recogniced under the law.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

There are good reasons why this is illegal in all modern Western countries. It causes a lot of crime and problems in society. It shallows the gene pool, hoards women, creates a lot of single men which leads to genocide because they cannot get even a single wife, it leads to going after young girls and child brides, and systematic paedophiles who prey upon children. It also leads to beastiality because young men cannot get mates. Have you never visited Yemen? Saudi Arabia? The Middle East? Ever? It also leads to murder, rape, torture, sodomy, and sadism. It damages men, women, and children.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago (edited)

+Steve Harvey
What the fuck are you talking about? Can a women marry many men in yemen? Can 5 men marry 5 women?

Also, it isnt illegal in any civilised country. Its just not recogniced by the state.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In fact, it's easier just to list the countries where it is legal. Mostly in Africa and the Middle East.
Also, what part about the practice and Yemen as an example of how bad it is to society do you not understand?
There is ample research and books, reports from the UN, and a good way to begin to understand is to pick a country where polygamy is legal and look at its index.
This level of ignorance in the 21st century is unacceptable. Polygamy is illegal in its entirety of the Americas from Canada to all South American countries. Illegal in China, Russia, Europe, Australia. You would have a harder time finding countries where it is legal.
"Faced with high levels of intra-sexual competition and little chance of obtaining even one long-term mate, unmarried, low-status men will heavily discount the future and more readily engage in risky status-elevating and sex-seeking behaviors. This will result in higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping (especially of females), sexual slavery and prostitution."
The research is in. Gay people are not a threat to our society, but polygamy is.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
What IS illegal in those places is to marry more then one person. Not to live with more then one person in a similar arrangment.

What you brought up is an issue with to less freedom, not to much of it - i.e. only one men and many wives, not both ways or more then 1 of each gender.
Wether the US is civilised of course is up for debate...
Show less


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Oh did I call the savages civil? My bad. Hahaha! Seriously though please read the research.


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
See, the research is on polygynous societies, i.e. those that only allow one male and multiple females. Of course that will lead to problems, thats obvious.

But to claim that all polygamous/polyamorous arangements would lead to similar results is unwarrented.
Also, i live in Europe. Germany to be precise. Polygamy is perfectly legal unless you somehow have a legal marriage with more then one person. The same appears to be true for most (40 States) of the US.
Show less


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Yes and I do actually understand the differences you bring up. I knew you were German due to your name.

The problem is the society does pay for its cost and ends up indirectly subsidizing its own costs and detriments to the society.
For example, the FLDS cult does not formally marry, each man has 10 wives and 20 kids all on welfare, and so the state pays for this one man to have more kids then he can afford. In addition, it throws out young boys called the lost boys and then the states have to pay for them also. So everyone pays for these people to spread their inferior shallow genes faster than anyone else.
I'm not talking about 10 people having an orgy. I'm talking about a single retarded male having 100 retarded kids. Causing humanity to devolve.
Show less


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

I fail to see this issue. Quite the opposite actualy. If there are 3, 4, maybe 10 people in a relationship, not only would it increase the diversity of the genpool, but also mean more family ties so they wouldnt have to rely on the state if someone is in a rough spot but on each other. Not allways, but its more likely then in a case where there is just one other party involved.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

What about 1 wife & many husbands ??? Me & some of my degenerated male friends have double teamed (& even triple teamed) complete willing girls. In fact, I have little interest in fulfilling my traditional male gender role of being monogamous to an overweight stay at home wife. So is there a place in society for my kind of depravity ??? 


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Again, i dont think any state recognizes this yet. But thats what i was saying, go for it.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

Personally, (as long as nobody is underage or trapped in a compound) I think polygamy should be completely legal. In fact (despite popular opinion) I think such relationship are actually more discriminating against the males. Since it's the young men that are expelled from such communities to allow for a surplus of wives.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago (edited)

+Jackson Heathen
Allthough the party im a member off here in germany would want it to be recognised. Not close to the main issue, main issues are things like privacy, corruption in politics and the like. Despite the fact that its still small and regularly bashed by the media (how dare we bring up the constitution anyways), we got a few things done. One thing I was suprised to hear myself where unisex restrooms in public buildings in one german federal state - as not to discriminate against transgenders and the like. Of course, genderspecific ones still are there as well. Also, no costs, just one relabled if there where more then 2.

Show less


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Having multiple wives is hoarding. Period. It's not good for the women either because it oppresses them. It's not good for the community either because of all the single males it creates who cannot find mates. It's more about power and domination and control and it damages the society financially and criminally.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
You are a sexist. Period.
Otherwise having multiple husbands would also be hoarding.


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
It is.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
Okay. Well, i still dont see anything wrong with it. Unless you can back up your other claims with some societies in which neither sex is dominant and either marriages between 1 female and multiple males are similarly common as the opposite in similar proportions or alternativly societies where people marry more then one male and one female for one male and one female each (i.e. 3 males and 3 females)
Show less


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

In fact, the latter couldnt even be called hoarding.


Star Laughter1 week ago

"I believe in absolute truth!" He says, while munching on shellfish that was harvested on the Sabbath...


Dragnauct Sylvas1 week ago

I love how they want to dissolve the negative connotations of terms used against them. Can't wait till they do it to the word "Faith."


Charles Kunkle1 week ago

and we're totally ignoring the fact that God does NOT define marriage as one man and one woman...
Otherwise, many of the patriarchs of the Christian religion were violating God's law. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines? Excatly how is that "one man and one woman"


Inannalu1 week ago

Harmful to an ideology is not the same thing as harmful to people.
Behaviors and activities which do the former, but do not do the latter, are perfectly okay ethically, so far as I'm concerned.
In fact, if some behavior or activity harms an ideology which is responsible for much harm to people, so much the better.


themplar1 week ago

Another great video from you. And again very right.
I personally cannot understand the objections people have against gays and gay marriage.  Sadly its not just religious biggots i've been in many discussions with non theist who were still absolute biggots.

Its funny how they Always accuse me of intolerance when i call their arguments absolute bogus and them biggots.  Every time the arguments are.. its not natural.. well obviously it is..  what if everybody turned gay the human species would end... wouldnt happen and if so what? They still can get children by In Vitro.
In the end all their arguments are invalid. and only one real arguments is left over they wont pronounce.

They suffer from imagination and see two gays going at it and they think its Icky. And thats all it is for them.. they think its icky.. well then stop fantasizing about it.
Towards religious biggotry.... i whish it was allowed to smack them around with their own bibles...
Show less


1 week ago

Not to mention that there's also the ridiculous idea that gays want to recruit children for the sole purpose of making them gay.
People don't just become gay. Usually a person has a predisposition to being gay, but this is something many people will deny. I myself, a person who grew up in a Christian home, had a predisposition to being pansexual, but it's easier to deny something than to actually own up to it. I'm so glad I grew out of that horseshit though, I'm much happier.
Show less


Red Cloud1 week ago

You can't just re-define words to fit your own ends. Start doing that all willy-nilly, and you ruin the foundation of language itself, the fact that we can understand it. You can't just destroy an entire language, because you don't like how some of the words coming together make you feel, that's bullshit. Words like Tolerance are there, because we need them, if we didn't need them, we wouldn't have them. 


CarefulAtheist1 week ago

WTF moment @7:05. Gold!


mikeyvester1 week ago

Speaking from experience living in a country where gay marriage has been legal for almost 9 years, I haven't noticed anything different. I would have never known the law changed except it was on the news.  The only reason I can see why a person would be against gay marriage, they are fucking assholes and they like to hurt people.


Moor Letoh1 week ago



markedfang1 week ago

What if god was true? What would actually change?
He'd still have to come up with good arguments to justify his demands. I would see god as no more then another human with another opinion and unless he can convince me of his case I still wouldn't feel any obligation towards him.
Worship blinds you to attrociaties.


Griffin98571 week ago

7:03 I nearly jumped out of my own skin shakes fist at Kate.


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1 week ago

Neener. ;)


1 week ago

Any more surprises? :P


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, now would they? :D


1 week ago

+BionicDance *Glares*


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 *sticks out tongue*


5 days ago

Hey, blame "god", not Kate for that one. :P


Felhaven1 week ago (edited)

You really shouldn't quote old testament based definitions of marriage while wearing a polyblend shirt.  


1 week ago

Gives a whole new meaning to "don't throw stones while standing in a glass house".


RRoocckkyy501 week ago

Nice new intro! : )


1 week ago

Thanks! I was going for a kind of 80s look. :)


VGatheist1 week ago (edited)

well the moral argument against abortion is that you are killing a baby. A mother does not have a right to kill her new born baby, so the question then comes about, at what point does a baby have the right to live. But the trick in proving abortion immoral within a real world sense is to prove that the fetus is being harmed. Big argument and I am not going to go through the whole case for abortion, but I just don't find your "if you do not agree with abortion don't have one." as a valid point because the whole reason there is any argument is the attempt to demonstrate that the fetus should have rights. I think the laws for abortion are very close to taking all of this in account. But the Christians idea of egg + sperm = no abortion is just not valid. I think the laws very, but right now all states at least use viability and not birth as the starting point for fetus rights. Allot of laws will use the trimester to determine if an abortion as legal. But you know as a Lesbian you likely will never have to worry about it. If you have a baby, you'd have to choose it.
Show less


Justin Atheist via Google+1 week ago

Love you Bionic!!! 


1 week ago

D'awww, shucks. *blush*


Justin Atheist
1 week ago

On a less creepy note. The style you bring and the voice you express is great. Always great to watch one of your videos.


TheRealPaulMarshall1 week ago

@7:05- Nice green cross.  Faded in a bit early but still nice.


1 week ago

Heh. It's a chromakey guide mark to keep CGI elements in place relative to the camera.


1 week ago

I figgered.  Still nice given the context.


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All comments (119)

Personally,  I don't think it is any of this man's business what married or unmarried same-sex couples do in bed, just like it isn't his business what other married or unmarried heterosexual couples do in bed.  To me, the Bible's views on same-sex relationships is entirely wrong just like it's views on slavery or the stoning of adolescent children. I think  that LGBT persons have every right in the world to pursue and enter a romantically and sexually-active relationship with another consenting adult of the same-sex gender or go through the process of having a sex-change operation. I fully support the right for same-sex couples to marry and to raise a family. Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt or have children through artificial insemination in my eyes.

I love Bionic Dance's videos. 

Also share on Google+


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P Dav3 hours ago

This guy says morality is absolute. Then, I say, all of the horrendous acts done by or sanctioned by god in the bible, such as murder, slavery, rape, genocide, cannibalism, and treatment of women as property are absolutely immoral.


ThomasTrue4 days ago

Within my own lifetime it was once 'moral' to punish children in school by striking them across the hands with a leather strap or a cane (or across the buttocks with a paddle in US schools) and a man could not rape his wife but was merely exercising his 'moral' conjugal 'rights'.  Go back less than a century and a husband had the 'moral right' to strike his wife with a rod 'no thicker than his thumb' (hence, "rule of thumb").  These 'morals' were based upon Biblical teaching and yet we now look upon them as examples of a barbaric past we have since thankfully rejected.  If this fool thinks that the Bible has 'stood the test of time', then he is so sadly deluded I frankly feel sorry for him.


BionicDance1 week ago



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Mundus Novus Ordo
1 week ago

+LegendaryAsshole which one


1 week ago

Nicely done, Keight.


1 week ago

Thanks! :)


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

You forgot temple. XD Funny how xtians enjoy to blame others for what they are doing. He also does not seem to realize that marriage is a law, not a god thing.
LOL on the lightning.
LOL Faith, he believes in wishful thinking = easy answers that agrees with one's own thinking.
3500 years ago, where did he get that? Also, what rewrite/translation is he talking about? More like centuries.
Good video.

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Julia Reed
1 week ago

How many times did you have to do that flailing during the smiting before you finally got it right? That awesomely hilarious! I'm still smirking from it.


1 week ago

Believe it or not, that took one take.
There were other shots, tho...


Julia Reed
1 week ago

I applaud you, I really do, I'd probably have a bloopers reel at the end of a video due to ADD tangents, stuttering and my mild lisp


1 week ago

Believe me, I've been tempted to make a bloopers vid. :)


Julia Reed
1 week ago

Oh I'd watch that in a heart beat! 


Lance Zimmerman
1 week ago

+BionicDance oh you so should make a bloopers video! After all this time you should have lots of good stuff to chose from.


4 days ago

+BionicDance A Bloopers vid would go viral! 


4 days ago

Well, it'll probably be a few months to gather enough GOOD blooper footage, but I've started collecting some...


4 days ago

Damn but the struck by lightning bit was funny!  I was half expecting you to end the video with a long fade to black then.


Chris Cunningham1 week ago (edited)

You mean: one man, many wives... :p


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Heiner Lilje
1 week ago

Totaly fine with me. Same as vice-versa, or something in between. Unless someone is forced into it, like in the bible. But besides that, it should absolutly be recogniced under the law.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

There are good reasons why this is illegal in all modern Western countries. It causes a lot of crime and problems in society. It shallows the gene pool, hoards women, creates a lot of single men which leads to genocide because they cannot get even a single wife, it leads to going after young girls and child brides, and systematic paedophiles who prey upon children. It also leads to beastiality because young men cannot get mates. Have you never visited Yemen? Saudi Arabia? The Middle East? Ever? It also leads to murder, rape, torture, sodomy, and sadism. It damages men, women, and children.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago (edited)

+Steve Harvey
What the fuck are you talking about? Can a women marry many men in yemen? Can 5 men marry 5 women?

Also, it isnt illegal in any civilised country. Its just not recogniced by the state.


Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje United States: Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In fact, it's easier just to list the countries where it is legal. Mostly in Africa and the Middle East.
Also, what part about the practice and Yemen as an example of how bad it is to society do you not understand?
There is ample research and books, reports from the UN, and a good way to begin to understand is to pick a country where polygamy is legal and look at its index.
This level of ignorance in the 21st century is unacceptable. Polygamy is illegal in its entirety of the Americas from Canada to all South American countries. Illegal in China, Russia, Europe, Australia. You would have a harder time finding countries where it is legal.
"Faced with high levels of intra-sexual competition and little chance of obtaining even one long-term mate, unmarried, low-status men will heavily discount the future and more readily engage in risky status-elevating and sex-seeking behaviors. This will result in higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping (especially of females), sexual slavery and prostitution."
The research is in. Gay people are not a threat to our society, but polygamy is.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
What IS illegal in those places is to marry more then one person. Not to live with more then one person in a similar arrangment.

What you brought up is an issue with to less freedom, not to much of it - i.e. only one men and many wives, not both ways or more then 1 of each gender.
Wether the US is civilised of course is up for debate...
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Oh did I call the savages civil? My bad. Hahaha! Seriously though please read the research.


Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

+Steve Harvey
See, the research is on polygynous societies, i.e. those that only allow one male and multiple females. Of course that will lead to problems, thats obvious.

But to claim that all polygamous/polyamorous arangements would lead to similar results is unwarrented.
Also, i live in Europe. Germany to be precise. Polygamy is perfectly legal unless you somehow have a legal marriage with more then one person. The same appears to be true for most (40 States) of the US.
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Steve Harvey
6 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
Yes and I do actually understand the differences you bring up. I knew you were German due to your name.

The problem is the society does pay for its cost and ends up indirectly subsidizing its own costs and detriments to the society.
For example, the FLDS cult does not formally marry, each man has 10 wives and 20 kids all on welfare, and so the state pays for this one man to have more kids then he can afford. In addition, it throws out young boys called the lost boys and then the states have to pay for them also. So everyone pays for these people to spread their inferior shallow genes faster than anyone else.
I'm not talking about 10 people having an orgy. I'm talking about a single retarded male having 100 retarded kids. Causing humanity to devolve.
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Heiner Lilje
6 days ago

I fail to see this issue. Quite the opposite actualy. If there are 3, 4, maybe 10 people in a relationship, not only would it increase the diversity of the genpool, but also mean more family ties so they wouldnt have to rely on the state if someone is in a rough spot but on each other. Not allways, but its more likely then in a case where there is just one other party involved.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

What about 1 wife & many husbands ??? Me & some of my degenerated male friends have double teamed (& even triple teamed) complete willing girls. In fact, I have little interest in fulfilling my traditional male gender role of being monogamous to an overweight stay at home wife. So is there a place in society for my kind of depravity ??? 


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Again, i dont think any state recognizes this yet. But thats what i was saying, go for it.


Jackson Heathen
3 days ago

Personally, (as long as nobody is underage or trapped in a compound) I think polygamy should be completely legal. In fact (despite popular opinion) I think such relationship are actually more discriminating against the males. Since it's the young men that are expelled from such communities to allow for a surplus of wives.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago (edited)

+Jackson Heathen
Allthough the party im a member off here in germany would want it to be recognised. Not close to the main issue, main issues are things like privacy, corruption in politics and the like. Despite the fact that its still small and regularly bashed by the media (how dare we bring up the constitution anyways), we got a few things done. One thing I was suprised to hear myself where unisex restrooms in public buildings in one german federal state - as not to discriminate against transgenders and the like. Of course, genderspecific ones still are there as well. Also, no costs, just one relabled if there where more then 2.

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Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Jackson Heathen
Having multiple wives is hoarding. Period. It's not good for the women either because it oppresses them. It's not good for the community either because of all the single males it creates who cannot find mates. It's more about power and domination and control and it damages the society financially and criminally.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
You are a sexist. Period.
Otherwise having multiple husbands would also be hoarding.


Steve Harvey
3 days ago

+Heiner Lilje
It is.


Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

+Steve Harvey
Okay. Well, i still dont see anything wrong with it. Unless you can back up your other claims with some societies in which neither sex is dominant and either marriages between 1 female and multiple males are similarly common as the opposite in similar proportions or alternativly societies where people marry more then one male and one female for one male and one female each (i.e. 3 males and 3 females)
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Heiner Lilje
3 days ago

In fact, the latter couldnt even be called hoarding.


Star Laughter1 week ago

"I believe in absolute truth!" He says, while munching on shellfish that was harvested on the Sabbath...


Dragnauct Sylvas1 week ago

I love how they want to dissolve the negative connotations of terms used against them. Can't wait till they do it to the word "Faith."


Charles Kunkle1 week ago

and we're totally ignoring the fact that God does NOT define marriage as one man and one woman...
Otherwise, many of the patriarchs of the Christian religion were violating God's law. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines? Excatly how is that "one man and one woman"


Inannalu1 week ago

Harmful to an ideology is not the same thing as harmful to people.
Behaviors and activities which do the former, but do not do the latter, are perfectly okay ethically, so far as I'm concerned.
In fact, if some behavior or activity harms an ideology which is responsible for much harm to people, so much the better.


themplar1 week ago

Another great video from you. And again very right.
I personally cannot understand the objections people have against gays and gay marriage.  Sadly its not just religious biggots i've been in many discussions with non theist who were still absolute biggots.

Its funny how they Always accuse me of intolerance when i call their arguments absolute bogus and them biggots.  Every time the arguments are.. its not natural.. well obviously it is..  what if everybody turned gay the human species would end... wouldnt happen and if so what? They still can get children by In Vitro.
In the end all their arguments are invalid. and only one real arguments is left over they wont pronounce.

They suffer from imagination and see two gays going at it and they think its Icky. And thats all it is for them.. they think its icky.. well then stop fantasizing about it.
Towards religious biggotry.... i whish it was allowed to smack them around with their own bibles...
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1 week ago

Not to mention that there's also the ridiculous idea that gays want to recruit children for the sole purpose of making them gay.
People don't just become gay. Usually a person has a predisposition to being gay, but this is something many people will deny. I myself, a person who grew up in a Christian home, had a predisposition to being pansexual, but it's easier to deny something than to actually own up to it. I'm so glad I grew out of that horseshit though, I'm much happier.
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Red Cloud1 week ago

You can't just re-define words to fit your own ends. Start doing that all willy-nilly, and you ruin the foundation of language itself, the fact that we can understand it. You can't just destroy an entire language, because you don't like how some of the words coming together make you feel, that's bullshit. Words like Tolerance are there, because we need them, if we didn't need them, we wouldn't have them. 


CarefulAtheist1 week ago

WTF moment @7:05. Gold!


mikeyvester1 week ago

Speaking from experience living in a country where gay marriage has been legal for almost 9 years, I haven't noticed anything different. I would have never known the law changed except it was on the news.  The only reason I can see why a person would be against gay marriage, they are fucking assholes and they like to hurt people.


Moor Letoh1 week ago



markedfang1 week ago

What if god was true? What would actually change?
He'd still have to come up with good arguments to justify his demands. I would see god as no more then another human with another opinion and unless he can convince me of his case I still wouldn't feel any obligation towards him.
Worship blinds you to attrociaties.


Griffin98571 week ago

7:03 I nearly jumped out of my own skin shakes fist at Kate.


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1 week ago

Neener. ;)


1 week ago

Any more surprises? :P


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 If I told you, they wouldn't be surprises, now would they? :D


1 week ago

+BionicDance *Glares*


1 week ago

+Griffin9857 *sticks out tongue*


5 days ago

Hey, blame "god", not Kate for that one. :P


Felhaven1 week ago (edited)

You really shouldn't quote old testament based definitions of marriage while wearing a polyblend shirt.  


1 week ago

Gives a whole new meaning to "don't throw stones while standing in a glass house".


RRoocckkyy501 week ago

Nice new intro! : )


1 week ago

Thanks! I was going for a kind of 80s look. :)


VGatheist1 week ago (edited)

well the moral argument against abortion is that you are killing a baby. A mother does not have a right to kill her new born baby, so the question then comes about, at what point does a baby have the right to live. But the trick in proving abortion immoral within a real world sense is to prove that the fetus is being harmed. Big argument and I am not going to go through the whole case for abortion, but I just don't find your "if you do not agree with abortion don't have one." as a valid point because the whole reason there is any argument is the attempt to demonstrate that the fetus should have rights. I think the laws for abortion are very close to taking all of this in account. But the Christians idea of egg + sperm = no abortion is just not valid. I think the laws very, but right now all states at least use viability and not birth as the starting point for fetus rights. Allot of laws will use the trimester to determine if an abortion as legal. But you know as a Lesbian you likely will never have to worry about it. If you have a baby, you'd have to choose it.
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Justin Atheist via Google+1 week ago

Love you Bionic!!! 


1 week ago

D'awww, shucks. *blush*


Justin Atheist
1 week ago

On a less creepy note. The style you bring and the voice you express is great. Always great to watch one of your videos.


TheRealPaulMarshall1 week ago

@7:05- Nice green cross.  Faded in a bit early but still nice.


1 week ago

Heh. It's a chromakey guide mark to keep CGI elements in place relative to the camera.


1 week ago

I figgered.  Still nice given the context.


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