Thursday, November 26, 2015 article and recent comments reposted in bold and italicized print

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← The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses – a safe group for children with Autism?
The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”
Posted on November 20, 2015

A young woman shows solidarity by holding aloft a French flag in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks that has claimed 130 lives
A young woman shows solidarity by holding aloft a French flag in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks that has claimed 130 lives

In light of the horrendous terror attacks in Paris last week, Facebook users received the option to update their profile photos with an overlay consisting of the red, white and blue colors of the French Flag.

It’s reasonable to assume that individuals who update their profiles with this feature do so in a sincere display of solidarity with the people of France and the victims of a gruesome crime committed by backward thinking, brainwashed Islamic terrorists. Few people would perceive such a gesture as a pledge of allegiance to a government.
Apparently, some active Jehovah’s Witnesses dared to take part in these displays of the French colors, and it quickly stirred up disquiet among pro-JW Facebook groups.
Hemant Mehta over at the Friendly Atheist blog wrote about this very subject a few days ago. He makes some very valid arguments and you may read his article for yourself but I’d like to highlight the kind of silly contretemps this subject has induced in these pro-JW Facebook groups. (See screenshot)
When a Jehovah’s Witnesses inquires whether it’s proper to display French colors in their profile, they are essentially asking; would such a gesture violate my neutrality and my faith?
It’s sad that someone would need input from strangers on a decision that is really a personal matter, but let’s not focus on the inquirers when there is a much more disturbing sentiment in the response by pro-JW moderators of these groups, and in the comments of rank-and-file JW Facebook users.
That disturbing sentiment is… indifference.
Jehovah’s Witnesses use the doctrine of political neutrality to explain why they don’t salute the flag, sing the national anthem, vote in elections or volunteer for military service. They believe that God’s heavenly Kingdom is the only solution to humanity’s problems and as such, most acts of civic duty constitute a lack of faith in God’s Kingdom.
On the surface, such a belief seems harmless, but for most Jehovah’s Witnesses this doctrine envelopes all displays of political awareness including gestures of sympathy. So, it’s no surprise that the reply by the moderator for the “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide” group would include the following statement:

“Those who are putting the colors of the French flag on their profile pictures are thus not showing the same impartiality as Jesus did.”
Not once does the Moderator acknowledge that it could be a solemn sign of sympathy for the French people or even the victims themselves. Instead, the Moderator argues that these gestures aren’t made for “similar or worse terror attacks” and questions: “why should France receive preferential treatment?”
This last statement is a clear snapshot of the Moderator’s indifference: “Terrorism is a part of the world system today; it is a symptom of the corrupt governance that runs the world today. Genuine Christians would therefore stay completely neutral in matters of this sort, and not become nationalistic in their thinking.”
The unquestioned obedience to a group of old men in Brooklyn is bad enough, but the callous indifference to the suffering of human beings that may not share your religious views is far more dangerous.
“How can a religious group that evangelizes to save lives be dangerous?”
Most Jehovah’s Witnesses would argue that they care about their neighbors, and this may be true at a personal level. But really most of their interaction with non-witnesses outside of secular work occurs within the context of trying to convert non-believers.
The truth is there are no JW charities, JW soup kitchens, JW clothing drives, or JW support groups. So far as I know, there are no JW organizations trying to improve the lives of others outside of the ministry work.
It’s difficult to blame rank-and-file JWs for their lack of charity. The organization is run by a group of delusional men who live in a social bubble. They’re protected from the day-to-day worries of the average person and are surrounded by “yes” men. All of their basic necessities are covered and they bask in the adoration of millions of followers who cling to every decree that comes down from the ivory towers in Brooklyn. Their indifference trickles down in their teachings.
Here’s a real example of how this can occur…
On Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 I would have found myself at 150 Broadway in Downtown Manhattan, two blocks away from the World Trade Center, had I not taken a personal day from work to support the service group during a Circuit Overseer visit.
I wouldn’t have been in direct risk of harm as the offices were far enough away to see little harm other than being overcome by the dust storm that followed the Tower collapses. In the aftermath, the company relocated the staff to the midtown offices because parts of downtown would be inaccessible for the weeks that followed.
I make these disclaimers because I don’t want to exploit the 9/11 tragedy to make my point, but my proximity to everything made the events of that day a very personal matter.
Just like millions of people across the world, I watched events on television. I also climbed to the rooftop of my apartment building for a clear view of the Downtown skyline only to find dozens of my neighbors already up there watching the horrible scenes unfold. The Towers eventually collapsed, and the eerie silence of a city that was always buzzing remains the most vivid memory of that day.
Later that evening, I received a Nextel “chirp” (remember those Nextel walkie-talkie phones?) from the Security Coordinator at work. They were trying to organize volunteers to help dig people out of the rubble. I was immediately compelled to assist in any way possible, so I recruited my brother and another Ministerial Servant from the congregation, and we set out to make our way into Manhattan.
Our efforts were thwarted by the police at every bridge and tunnel crossing into the city. Only Emergency Personnel and their vehicles were allowed to pass.
We eventually made our way to the waterfront Promenade in Brooklyn Heights at the feet of Watchtower’s Brooklyn Headquarters. I rang a Bethelite who served in our congregation; he came down from one of the Bethel residential buildings and joined us at the Promenade. The four of us stood there, leaning over the rails, looking across the East River. We could see and smell the smoke that filled the space where the Towers once stood. It felt so close I could touch it.
By that time, my brother and our friend had given up trying to get into Manhattan, but I would not relent. I asked a Police Officer how we could assist, and he pointed us to a nearby Red Cross office that was enlisting volunteers.
My brother and our friend agreed to go with me but they balked at registering to volunteer with the Red Cross because in their minds it was a “religious organization.” I then looked to our Bethelite friend to see if he’d be willing to join us, and he uttered the words that I would never forget: “Let the dead bury their dead.”
My Bethelite friend was quoting the words of Jesus in Luke 9:60 responding to a man who wanted to spend time at home with his aging father before committing himself to follow Christ.
At first I thought; “Surely, he isn’t using this bible quote to point out the futility in offering ourselves to aid in the rescue efforts?” Our Bethelite friend followed up with “the best thing we can do for these people now is inform them about Jehovah’s divine plan.” Those words defeated me.
I did register with the Red Cross and volunteered the next day to clean up Emergency Vehicles that came across the bridge covered in the dust and ash of the rubble, but the indifferent words of my Bethelite friend disturb me to this day.
Overall, my Bethelite friend is a decent human being. I like to think that the events that day simply weren’t as personal to him as they were to me, and that if confronted with the opportunity to lend a hand to someone in need, under different circumstances, love and compassion would motivate his actions.
The reality is that he looked at the events through the filters of his indoctrination. Sure, he was present but not connected in any real way with the victims of the atrocity. He was taught since childhood that it really is a futile endeavor to try to improve the world; that the ONLY remedy to all the bad things about the world is Jehovah, and that we should busy ourselves in the ministry work instead. It probably didn’t help that he also lived in that Bethelite “bubble,” an environment that fosters indifference.
Indifference is the reason a Jehovah’s Witness can view something trivial like displaying French colors on your Facebook profile as an act of disloyalty to Jehovah. Not because they are absent or don’t observe the tragedy, but because they are not connected with the victims.
The indifference does not allow them to look at non-believers as more than just sinners that have not yet accepted the “truth” and converted. It does not allow them to question the authority of those who invent their doctrine and enforce its rules.
This might seem like elitism, pride or arrogance that one could chalk up to a flawed ego. The reason this indifference is dangerous is that it’s not ego, it’s a symptom of their brainwashing. When we stop viewing our fellow man as human, as our equal, we tend to disconnect.
A quote often attributed to Edmund Burke says; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” If we think about many of history’s atrocities, we soon understand that most, if not all of them, occur because a large group of people were indifferent towards another group, often a smaller one.
Most Germans didn’t hate Jews, but their indifference allowed Nazi Anti-Semitism to spread. Most Americans didn’t hate African-Americans, but their indifference allowed those in power to embed their racist views in the political fabric of the country for centuries.
What atrocities have Watchtower leaders been allowed to nurture because they’ve promoted a spirit of indifference within their ranks?
Most Witness love their families, but the indifference that streams down from the Governing Body allows them to view their loved ones a sinners, destined for destruction and worthy of shunning.
Most Witnesses are kind, friendly people, but indifference allows them to accept a view that non-believers are to be kept at arm’s length, and are worthy only of necessary interactions or spiritual aid.
Most Witnesses love their children and would risk their lives to protect them, but their indifference toward life in this “system of things” allows them to forfeit their inherent paternal instincts. They refuse lifesaving blood transfusions for themselves and their children in acts of loyalty to an organization in exchange for the promise of some future life in “paradise.”
I could go on forever about the things JWs forfeit due to the indifference their indoctrination promotes, but I’d rather make a call to action.
The Remedy to Indifference… Action
If you are an Ex-JW still reeling from the damage this cult has caused you, or if you’re an active JW mentally out and unable to walk away right now – you are not powerless. The remedy to indifference is action.
You may not be able to change the minds of those around you directly. It’s also unlikely that anyone in the Watchtower’s hierarchy can be moved to change by your actions alone. However, your activism doesn’t have to be related to the “JW world” in any way. You don’t have go “full apostate” to affect positive changes in your own world. All you have to do is connect.
Volunteer at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Run a 5k to raise awareness for a cause that is personal to you. Take your kids with you. Show them how you can help other humans in more ways than handing them a bible tract or a Watchtower magazine.
If you can, participate in school functions, bake sales, PTA meetings, community yard sales, potlucks, etc. Invite your JW friends too. Chisel away at the indifference and you’ll find yourself connected to the community around you, and not just to people at your local Kingdom Hall. You’ll not only see the world without “JW Goggles” – you’ll be more inclined to sympathy, empathy and forgiveness toward humans in general, but more importantly… yourself.
You may not be inclined to fly the colors of the French flag in your Facebook profile, but you’ll understand those that do. And you may even understand that those hyper-sensitive “moral agents” who think a display of solidarity is treason against a publishing company are merely cold and indifferent self-deceivers.
Let’s take back our lives and connect with world.
Let’s be humane to the humans.
Oh and by the way… “Vive la France”!
A guest post by James Sequoia

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← The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses – a safe group for children with Autism?
163 Responses to The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”

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 JBob says:

 November 20, 2015 at 3:25 pm

Maybe those few bold Witnesses should change from the French colours to the Pride colors–another international movement?
Or, if someone asks me about my use of French colours, I could counter with–but, I have NGO status.
Yes, I’m in a mode today–

 Paul ngugi says:

 November 21, 2015 at 1:32 am

@J Bob
 Perfect response………just like the org. was an NGO affiliated with the UN, we can also be an NGO affiliated with France…but honestly i empathize with the French people just like the way loads of others sympathized with the my country(Kenya) when almost 150 students were killed in a University


 JBob says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:16 pm

@Paul n – as do I. I believe as stated in 2001, with the first act on USA soil, this ideological war will not be over in a few years, but will take a long duration with stunning casualties among civilians.

 PJ Wilcox says:

 November 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm

I fly old glory on my front porch. I want
 a MIA flag and honor those that died for this country. I give blood also. Being in this cult for 45 years took a while to get out. Being shunned is fine by me because the people that don’t talk to me have nothing to say that interests me in the first place.
 I also have given 2 eulogies for for great military soldiers.

Go Army
 Beat Navy


 Julie says:

 November 20, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Brilliant post. I tried to make the point on Twitter that Jehovah’s Witnesses and radical Muslims have something in common. They both forfeit this life and are indifferent to suffering because they are brainwashed into throwing this life away and concentrating on an afterlife. They both yearn for Armageddon. That is why they feel nothing for anybody who does not follow their ideals. So sad, destructive and scary.

 dee says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:45 pm

What an apt comparison Julie, I couldn’t agree with you more.
What is also so sad is the fact that the JWs capitalize on the misfortunes of the victims of terrorist attacks by using these misfortunes as talking points to push their religion yet none of those JWs would donate blood to save the victims’ lives.
I am sure the JWs would be offended by being compared to terrorists but they have a mass execution planned when their god will kill all mankind, including innocent children, who are not JWs at Armageddon. This is the god who made a covenant to never again destroy all life by the waters of a flood (Genesis 9:11, 15).
According to the WT, Isaiah 65:17-25 and Isaiah 11:6-9 indicate that animals will be in paradise. So god is somehow going to protect all the animals on earth and spare them from destruction at Armageddon but kill all the non-witness babies and children. Apparently the animals are more deserving than the innocent babies and children.
I also find it very interesting that persons who are ignorant about Jehovah and are alive when Armageddon strikes will be put to death and their death is final yet persons who are ignorant of Jehovah but die BEFORE Armageddon will be given a resurrection to get a second chance to learn about god.
The JWs will even be rejoicing over the millions of corpses at Armageddon:
“……..rejoice at the fiery destruction that proceeded from Jehovah’s celestial chariot against hypocritical Christendom and all the rest of Babylon the Great. Surely all of us want to be on the side of those who rejoice when that occurs.
– The Nations Shall Know That I am Jehovah – How? (WTBTS, 1971 pg. 191).

“At that time none of Jehovah’s faithful servants, the only ones surviving, will mourn over the destruction of the wicked. To the contrary, they will rejoice, even as Moses and his people rejoiced at the destruction of Pharaoh and his army.” – Watchtower June 1, 1977 pg. 345.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 November 21, 2015 at 6:13 am

Awesome comment Dee, you make some excellent points, a couple I hadn’t thought about before, thank you.

 enlightened now says:

 November 21, 2015 at 4:59 pm

Dee – that has always been my Achilles heel. I could not from such a young age understand why babies and young children would not get through and I remember having sleepless nights worrying about them and how I could somehow save them all!!! Sad really because I now realise that every one of us are deserving of goodness and are pure enough for compassion and true love. I never worry about mankind now because we are all equal and all very much loved as I believe that I am too – from the universe (I left off the Jehovah God analogy).

 enlightened now says:

 November 21, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Dee – that has always been my Achilles heel. I could not from such a young age understand why babies and young children would not get through and I remember having sleepless nights worrying about them and how I could somehow save them all!!! Sad really because I now realise that every one of us are deserving of goodness and are pure enough for compassion and true love. I never worry about mankind now because we are all equal and all very much loved as I believe that I am too – from the universe (I left off the Jehovah God analogy). So I embrace people of all sorts without judgment because there is no judgment just love!!

 dee says:

 November 20, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Some persons view the Bible as a recycling of the Jews’ Torah, with the Koran being a recycling of both. This perhaps explains the commonality between the JWs and the radical Muslims which you mention regarding Armageddon.
Interestly some Christians are of the opinion that the book of Revelation should not have been included in the Bible. There are Christians who believe that Revelation teaches opinions contrary to Jesus and his apostles. There are Christians who believe that the writer of Revelation was writing from his own experience and perspective; he was writing about the fall of the Roman Empire and that God would recreate a New Jerusalem out of its ruins. The book of Revelation is therefore not considered to be prophetic of mankind’s future as far as these Christians are concerned – if there is no Revelation, then there is no Armageddon………but the radical Muslims seem bent on creating an Armageddon of their own.

 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 3:05 am

dee, yes I have heard that before. That theory really doesn’t stand up to scrutiny when the book of Revelation blends in perfectly with the rest of the Bible. The Old Testament is full of references to Armageddon. They are like clues or jigsaw pieces to the puzzle. I guess it proves who wrote the Bible because it was written in the past about the future. It won’t be fully proven till it has actually happened.

 Gardy says:

 November 21, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Julie, I cannot agree with your comparison! Jehovah witnesses and radical Islam are fundamentally different! It’s two different things! That would be unfair, no matter how much you hate the witnesses, to Compare the two! Nevertheless, my heart goes out to the French people and the victims and their families! I, myself like many non- jehovah witnesses, didn’t put French flag on my Facebook page! Not because I wasn’t touch by that tragedy but because I think it would be more appropriate for Facebook to offer the same opportunity to sympathize with other countries that are hit by terrorists’ acts! It’s obviously not a sin or something wrong to put the French flag on my profile and nobody in the congregation could convince me otherwise! But it’s not being numb to human suffering either if someone thinks it’s inappropriate and not impartial to share the French flag on his or her profile when Facebook doesn’t give the same opportunity to all the victims in so many parts of the world!

 Victor says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:51 am

Hello to everybody, congratulations for the work you carry out. I wanted to respond to the comment about the difference between the JW and Muslims. Of course we do not kill nobody PHYSICALLY, but only because the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses being born in the West have fortunately imported Western values ​​and laws. But we abandon “the infidels” to the social death that in some cases leading to suicide (so what’s the difference?), Infidels who in some cases were guilty only of “insulting the prophet” (GB), we have banned in years health therapies that led to the deaths of hundreds of people and continue to do so now with the blood, we’ve tackled totalitarian regimes just for the sake of us persecute and kill so and demonstrate that we were right. So what’s the difference? Just because we were born in the so-called civilized world and not go around to slaughter people? History has shown that all religions are a source of division, hatred and death (at least those monotheistic, the only religion I think is really pacifist is Buddhism, but I do not know the subject well enough). God, if it exists, can not be happy of no religion. Sorry for my poor English, I hope to be able to make myself understood.

 John Baptist says:

 November 20, 2015 at 3:46 pm

Let’s face it these folks and their ideas bespeak Psychotic nature. How could you alow your own child to die because of a flawed doctrine conjured up on Blood which dealt with Animal sacrifices not HUMAN blood transfusions? Your a Murderer!!
 This gives you a notion of just how brainwashed people can be down to death. Your no different then Islamic extremists who blow themselves up.
 Wake up wake up you people haven’t you had enough of that Governing Body!!


 Winston Smith says:

 November 21, 2015 at 10:46 am

@John Baptist
 Your points on blood are well taken. The reason for the original sanction on blood was to teach respect for life. So blood is merely a symbol representing life. The JW’s put more emphasis on respecting the symbol than what it stands for: life. They end up disrespecting life and acting contrary to the actual lesson the blood sanction is intended to teach.


 Man from the lions pit says:

 November 21, 2015 at 10:45 pm

well said WS

 Gardy says:

 November 21, 2015 at 9:58 pm

John Baptist, I agree with you on that the ban on blood transfusion is base on a flawed doctrine, but comparing suicide bombers with Jehovah witnesses refusing blood for themselves and their kids is a false analogy! The intent of the two is obviously not and will never be the same! We should try to be objective and fair in everything we say or in our criticisms!

 Anthony says:

 November 23, 2015 at 7:09 am

I’m sorry, Gardy, but it isn’t a false analogy at all. A Witness parent refusing a blood transfusion for a child that (even legally) has little to no say in the matter is no different than a terrorist that murders someone. The professor (parent/terrorist) is imposing their religious view to the detriment of someone (child/victim) that has no say in the matter. I can think of few better analogies.
The blood issue is the sole reason my family will never have custody of my daughter should something happen to me. Because the doctrine is crazy. Like “blow up a market full of people” crazy.

 jeff canning says:

 November 20, 2015 at 3:53 pm

great article, sums up the Brooklyn bovver boys as the pathetic, family destroying clowns they are… Keep up the good work…

 Average Joe says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Very good post and I wholeheartedly agree with getting involved in humanitarian efforts. The clue is in the name: we are all human first so should not allow anyone to stifle the genuine human capacity to help others in need.
 Being from the UK, I’ve seen first hand for many years how evil terrorism is, having to suffer IRA attacks (funded by many Americans feeling sorry for the poor Irish as it happens until terrorism finally came home to them in 911 and America realised just how horrendous it is) in my country.
 No one should have to justify their humane actions to ANYBODY. This stupid idea that if you have a flag in your status then you’re being patriotic is ridiculous. Unfortunately many JWs seem to no longer be able to think for themselves.
 Hats off to James for helping out with the Red Cross. I would have done the same if I had been there.
 J’suis Paris.


 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:16 am

Do you really think that the USA supported the IRA. That is ridiculous. Maybe some Irish Americans and or first generation Irish immigrants.

 Average Joe says:

 November 22, 2015 at 1:01 pm

Thanks for the reply Markie. Half of my family are from Belfast and can vouch for my previous comment. They are who I got it from. Maybe it was only Irish Americans but Americans nonetheless. Read up about it. The British government asked the American government for more arms to supply the police with in Northern Ireland and were flatly refused so even passively they were supporting the IRA, given that the US & UK are supposed to be allies.
 The group “Clannad” (Irish music group quite big in the 80s and same lead singer as Enya) actually put on the sleeve notes on some of their earlier albums that part of the proceeds go to the support the IRA. Alas, I digress. I don’t think any less of Americans however, only the scum who are the terrorists.


 Mama Joy says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:35 pm

Since everyone else is going to die at Armaggedon so that the Jehovah’s Witnesses can live in a Paradise earth and Isis is trying to start Armageddon, then isn’t Isis doing the Lords work?

 Caltanzee says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:34 pm

Mama only work of the lord was to preach the kingdom good news..Jesus didn’t even allow his disciples to fight on his behalf..So these barbaric acts of violence is not of Christ.. With all the power at his disposal he don’t need the aid of humans..when he told the disciple to put away his sword..he said he could of summoned legions of Angels to his defense if needed be… Thus human barbaric violence is definitely not of Christ. The scriptures clearly States that Christ return will be accompanied with a host of heavenly Angels..Not any earthly humans acting in deluded hypocrisy.

 BG says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:42 pm

This article is interesting to me. The jws are very single minded…basically, the only thing that has real importance is the kingdom. An elder gave a talk one time about a sister whose child was molested, and the mother became something of an activist against molestation. The elder said there were “more important things” to focus on than that. In other words…the kingdom was more important than what happened to her child. I am sorry, but I felt that what happened to this sister’s child was minimized. My children were molested, and it ruined our lives. Unfortunately, I now see how the organization has covered up cases of abuse and it makes sense to me now. I know that Jehovah is the true and loving God and that what happens to us is important, not something to be brushed aside as unimportant. Jesus felt other people’s pain. I often wonder if the watchtower and bible tract society thinks about anything but protecting themselves.

 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 2:42 am

BG. I am so sorry about your kids. But the reality is that they never did care about anything other than themselves. Protecting little ones was not their priority, even though they told us that our children were ‘safe’. It was nothing but a lie.

 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 2:44 am

And I certainly hope you get compensated too. It was their policies that compounded your grief.

 BG says:

 November 21, 2015 at 5:18 am

Thank you for your kind words. It means a great deal to me.

 Caltanzee says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:54 pm

There’s definitely a disconnect between jws and those whom they view as worldly.That is people not in good standing within the organization.You can safely say as I can attest to. That jws lives in a bubble of isolation from the real world around them. If you are not having a jw bible study and attending the KM.Your value to them is as chaft being blown by the wind.You don’t even deserve a donut and a cup of coffee..I remember a few years ago my wife and I attended an assembly at Nassau colosseum in Ny.
 We were refused service at the canteens because we did not display our congregation badges. As they said many homeless and others come only to get a free meal..we had to walk three blocks to McDonald’s.. This goes to show the disconnect and lack of compassion for those they view as not worthy..Jesus had compassion for the poor and needy..Jws elitist attitude creates a vast disconnect from the people around them…I know!! I was once part of that flawed mental attitude. We really should care about others regardless of religious or political affiliations.. Christ died for all..not for one group of individuals. It is just, good and righteous to sigh, and groan over the detestable things that’s going on in this world, and to stand in solidarity and sympathy with the people suffering from these senseless acts of violence.


 Chiafade says:

 November 20, 2015 at 9:10 pm

I remember those conventions at Nassau coliseum. The McDonald’s was the only food establishment nearby and crossing the street to get to it was harrowing. I served food there and always gave out extra danishes badge or not f*** the rules. The food would be wasted otherwise. It certainly wasn’t sent to feed the poor.
 Witnesses live an insulated existence. They question whether it’s okay to do anything of a kind nature when its not related to the org. Give to charity? “Well the best kind of charity is the kingdom preaching”
Feed the poor? This one is tricky because it depends on the country. Let’s say the U.S.
“It’s better to teach them FIRST. Then if they progress we may give them food. You know like Jesus .”
I’ve known many compassionate ones but the majority feel that no one else in the world is WORTHY of ANYTHING good. Even if they worked hard and honestly for it. Like when they point out the houses they’ll move into when the current owners die at armageddon.


 Willy says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:56 pm

Its ok to have Flags on Kingdom Hall properties to prevent Civil fines but they are not allowed to show any type of compassion. Why is anyone surprised? We grew up in the Org, we know how they react on almost all topics so what are we really thinking about? We feel so bad for all the victims of such a cruel religion.
To see the personal growth many of you posters have achieved is what truly bothers the Watchtower and all the Members of their Organization! We know their angry your living a good life, existing strong without high-group-mind-control Elders bossing you, your spouse, your kids or anyone around, who need’s that insanity!
That cheap line “The best way to get even is by living good!” is true, how many times have you run in to your former friends and their telling you about all the bad things happening at the Kingdom Hall or Circuit and they get bummed out when you tell them “I am doing well, a Higher Power is taking very good care of me(Life, Universe, the World) and I am so sorry things are not going well for you.

 Willy says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm

How come the Watchtower has never said one negative thing against Islam while other religions and non-religions boldly speak out? I think their cowards how they attack peaceful Christians, agnostics, atheists and other groups they feel ok to. Can you help me understand why they refuse to speak out against Islam or say anything, its really troubled me since 9-11-2001 because I have yet to read anything. Thank you!

 Average Joe says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

That’s a very good point Willy. Now you come to mention it, I can’t remember reading anything about Islam in the WTS publications either.

 Chiafade says:

 November 20, 2015 at 9:32 pm

I believe it’s because they have yet to penetrate that region of the world. They won’t risk alienating potential converts. Don’t think for one second that they haven’t taken note of all of the Syrian refugees. They’ll say it’s Jehovah opening up the work to reach those people. Without giving one thought to the idea that they are also BLAMING Jehovah for what’s happening to those people. Every tragedy has an angle that the witnesses exploit.
I also think it may be simple ignorance. They don’t know much about Islamic teachings besides some basics. Along with Buddhism,Hindu, and other Eastern religions. It’s easy to attack Christians because they can use the Bible to prove a point. With the others not so much.
However as you already mentioned fear is a big factor. It’s like the bully who knows who NOT to mess with.

 Willy says:

 November 20, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Chia and A.J,
Mr. Rutherford made deals with various Colonial Expansionist that gave the Bible Students rights to preach to everyone except Muslims. Can’t remember where I saw paperwork from the 1920-1940 time-line promising “Islam was off-limit” to prevent the Bible Students from having their heads on a pike.
Now the Watchtower is totally exposed as cowards, why don’t we start making this fact known around the Internet because many people don’t know how much the WTS love’s to hate Catholics, Protestants and peaceful Babylon the Great members(their term, not mine!).
Allow me some time to find those documents Rutherford signed promising “We will stay away from Muslims” in French Algeria and other Colonial Countries, thank you for wonderful responses!

 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 2:34 am

Yes, I agree with Average Joe, Willy, they never did have much to say about Muslims did they? Yet, ISIS hates Christians. Surely, if the JW’s were getting bright light on the scriptures they would be able to identify these times. This is something significant surely, yet they I would imagine are saying the same old same old “Trust in Jehovah”.
Christians from what I am reading and from conversations of people of various Christian faiths are all talking about is this hatred for Christians we are seeing. I mean Christians are saying now about with the laws on homosexuality being passed in the US that it affects some very badly. People have lost businesses over it and gone to gaol over it. Does the Watchtower care? No way. They don’t give a you know what about people because they will not admit that anyone other than themselves is a Christian.

 Willy says:

 November 24, 2015 at 5:09 pm

ISIS has made a deal with the Watchtower Leaders, in ancient Islam during the fake “Age of Enlightenment” Sam Harris debunks, the Islamic Empire needed janitors, washers, septic cleaners, jobs from “Slum Dog Millionaire””.
As long as the Watchtower keeps their mouths shut, ISIS will allow the Watchtower and her people the right to perform jobs Muslims can’t even do using their left hands.
When this happen’s all the Witnesses will be thanking the Governing Body for their protection while the Governing Body keep on living in better apartments, having other Witnesses take their sewage and clean up all the nasties from their homes! Its a great deal, the Faithful Slave once again is taking care of all the troops!

 peggy says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:16 pm

Willy, Very good point about the WT and Islam. I have never read a thing denouncing that religion like they have with every other church in Christendom, and Judaism. They probably are afraid. Allah will trump Yahweh.

 rob says:

 November 20, 2015 at 4:59 pm

I learned many years ago that the witness organization and loyalty to the governing body trumps all. Their message is clear “Nothing is more important than the witness religion and being loyal to the religion is first and foremost”.
Unfortunately people will discard human compassion and all reasoning to give their loyalty to a group of old men who live sheltered lives and seem to have no clue and who want to have no clue as to what life is really all about.

 Paul Small says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:07 pm

I totally agree it is indifference .I remember the book study on the Tuesday evening of 9/11, an elders wife was at the book study I was taking her husband was away and she just poo pooed the situation in New York, no feeling whatsoever.I really told her off in front of the group and it shocked some who where there but I was furious at the callous lack of love. She still is a fool.

 peggy says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:23 pm

On various occasions of tragedy JW’s will only sympathize if it involves their own. A earthquake strikes killing thousands. BUT, they will say how sad it is that like 10 JW’s died It makes me sick. I say what about all the other lives lost. Indifference makes them say, well, they may get a resurrection.

 Tara says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:39 pm

I didn’t change my picture on FB. I wanted to but I knew there would be hell to pay from the cong. I didn’t see it as nationalistic, I saw it as a way for fellow humans around the world to unit in their grief of what happened. It was a sign of solidarity from one human to another. It could have been any flag from any country that had been attacked. It was a symbol of people standing shoulder to shoulder with one another….. I was hurting about the whole thing but there was no way I could express this to another witness and not feel worried they would ‘report’ me…. how utterly wrong is that. So I did what I felt was right by me. I post a song from Les Mis. ‘Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men…’ It was my way of showing I wanted to be heard. Yes, maybe it was a chickens way out but I gave what I could and it came from the heart.

 Bad Penny says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:49 pm

James – Excellent article…
As you say that comment from the bethelite, ‘Let the dead bury their dead’ just proves the lack of compassion that some brothers show.
 It brought to mind the time I and my husband attended the funeral of a disfellowshipped brother. He had been such a lovely, warm hearted individual who had brought joy and laughter to many in the congregation. Yes, he fell into temptation and was disfellowshipped, but when you die aren’t you supposed to have paid for your ‘sin’.
There were just twelve sad little faces at the funeral service. It was heartbreaking to see.
 No other JWs attended, or sent a single flower or message of condolence.
 Empathy? Compassion? Real love for fellow men?
 Actions speak louder than words.


 Nullandvoidboy says:

 November 20, 2015 at 5:57 pm

These people have become numb….its a “natural” direction when you’re taught to ignore everyone who’s not part of the “club”, as an elder once said to me….I told him, in front of quite a few people, ” maybe I don’t want to be in the club?!”….It felt good to finally walk away from these automatons…. But before I did, while I was starting to wake up, I went to my family and said we need to contribute to the 9/11 victim fund the very next day….I live in NYC…the stupid comments my parents and my brother gave me…I stood there stunned, mouth wide open…when I recovered I said I contributed to that fund as it was the least I could do….you should have seen their stupid stunned looks, with mouths wide open…it felt really liberating.

 Tara says:

 November 20, 2015 at 6:19 pm

Wait until they hear me sing Le Marseillais BAHAHAHAHA

 JB Reezner says:

 November 20, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Vive la Tara!

 JB Reezner says:

 November 20, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Great article, James. I’ve been following the attacks in Paris closely. I like that I can now feel better about myself during times like this. That is to say, I no longer stare at the TV screen salivating, desperately hoping that the horrific tragedy I’m watching is the beginning of the thing that’s going to solve all of MY problems. To instead feel a kinship and genuine empathy with other human beings is much more satisfying. And I’ve found that I much prefer the HOPE that things will get better in the world, rather than the alternative.
The anti-nationalism thing was such a tedious thing to live up to. One pet peeve (of many) on that front: I knew Witnesses (as we all did) who wouldn’t even stand up during the National Anthem at concerts and such. Don’t want to put your hand on your heart? Fine. Don’t want to sing along? Fine. But to sit there and look like your protesting the damn thing while everyone else is standing up was a bit much for me (and it was embarrassing to be with JWs who did that). And the exasperated groans by them because they felt so victimized, having to endure it all… Yeesh. Although I was a fairly puritanical Witness, that stuff would bug me.
But now, Vive la France! Vive la liberté! (physique et mentale)
Here’s a snippet from France that most here have likely seen, but if not, it is beautiful:

 Chiafade says:

 November 20, 2015 at 9:56 pm

“I was a fairly puritanical witness”. Sounds like me. A swirly eyed fanatic ready to exact righteous indignation upon the wicked like phineas.
 I always felt bad when other witnesses wouldn’t even at the very least stand. Doesn’t Jehovah know what’s in your heart? It shows that many don’t really believe that. There HAS to be an outward show somehow. That validates their feelings.
 I remember a circuit overseer took a few young brothers out to Yankee stadium for a ballgame. We were fresh out of pioneer school so we KNEW exactly what the right course should be. When it came time for the national anthem us four righteous youngsters were ready to stand our ground ala Daniel and the three Hebrews. The first one to stand up was the C.O. We were shocked. He said ” there’s no need to draw attention to yourself. It’s okay to be respectful during these”. Some are more reasonable than others. I think the majority all lean one way though.


 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 2:18 am

Priceless. I saw that the other night. The kid’s got it right. He’s got a good dad.

 Winston Smith says:

 November 21, 2015 at 1:28 pm

“I no longer stare at the TV screen salivating, desperately hoping that the horrific tragedy I’m watching is the beginning of the thing that’s going to solve all of MY problems. To instead feel a kinship and genuine empathy with other human beings is much more satisfying.”

I have made a similar shift in my perspective, but until I read your post I did not fully appreciate the changes I have made in this regard. Thanks for this sentiment.

 JWChange says:

 November 20, 2015 at 11:29 pm

Very well written article James. Criticism among JWs in showing solidarity with French people in this situation (using the symbol of the French flag) is absurd. If there was a fire that resulted in a local school burning down causing loss of life, JWs who had kids there, would unlikely be criticized for showing the school emblem (or its coat of arms or ‘colors’) on their FB page. Same would apply if a plane crash killed a local college sports team that a JW family supported. Love and compassion should trump Pharisaical pettiness.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 November 20, 2015 at 11:50 pm

Very good article James!
 Thank you.Reflects on need of compassion and expose indifference in its bad.However the things around this F Flag issue are more complex in nature.The world events promoted by main stream media news and consequent reaction and social behavior of targeted audience of such events.that the reason why its affecting and spreading masses ,JW community included.Therefore from this point of view it’s preferential and bias or nationalist in a way.
 Why we don’t discussing same phenomena of JW or ex.JW or shoving their sympathy for events like terrorist attacks in Lebanon just few days prior Paris,or crash of Russian airliner in Egypt, or Indonesia forest fire which is label by some as crime against humanity….how many of us or you put Lebanese,Russian or Indonesian flags over you FB or Twitter or any other social media account to show your support or feelings for those ?
 So from this perspective I think it’s partial treatment or view of Paris attacks. Having to said that there is no wrong at all if someone done so out our pure compassion or sympathy not as social media trending fashion wave.Just because other did.


 James Sequoia says:

 November 21, 2015 at 1:11 pm

I appreciate the kind comments. I agree there are many horrendous atrocities that don’t get much press and we should do our best to inform others about them. But if our aim is to raise more awareness of those issues we do our cause a disservice with the negative critique of what is merely a gesture of sympathy. I think it’s more productive to tap into their goodwill in hopes of moving some of us to act.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 November 21, 2015 at 3:15 pm

I feel we do understand each other well James.
 Your point is well made.I do fully realize that single article can’t cover all aspects of any matter.Therefore some journalist choose to write series of articles to elaborate on the matter in more deeper way although even this is not enough sometimes.In cases like this when single column is wrote and point is well made like yours participant of following discussion can bring other aspect of the matter to the fore which was also my intention.
 If this is made well it contributes to the quality of discussion.
 However what is interesting to observe even under this topic it’s how the option of someones change in their essence based on their current views vs previous views.
 What worry me in particular is how somebody can change from “antiwar kind a pacifist or Christian or JW ” to ex.JW or or ex. Christan who is at present “supporting our troops” of any country by expressing their admiration to great military soldiers for instance.
 I do not understand how such change of option can contribute to love and world peace thus better world.Is this a change to better ? Is this what we are looking for in our personal life journeys and our personal development.
 I do respect choice of this individuals to change their religion and became whatever they want but I will never understand those who want to now achieve peace and love by their “new adopted views” after they left “the cult of JW or any religion” by supporting or respecting war culture of military & weapons whether they are world intellectuals,politicians,social activist,religious leaders,or participants of any internet or other discussions.
 I know that there are many in this world who believe that if both of us have have gun aiming on each other this is the balance this means peace.
 Not for me.
 thanks for your peace,love and compassion promoting article once again,we have never enough of these!
 Live for love not for war !
 The future of humanity is based only on love not war.
 peace to all


 Meredith J says:

 November 21, 2015 at 2:12 am

Thank you James for a wonderful article. Who could forget that day of 9/11? It’s branded on everyones’ brain forever. What you described comes as no surprise from the Bethel brother. I remembered wondering at the time, how close it was to Brooklyn Bethel, and what they were doing if anything about it. We later heard a story about how Bethel gave the emergency crews some tools to help out. Of course they would have offered no manpower I suspect to help, even though there would have been hundreds of volunteer staff at the time not far from the towers.
For a long time now I have been shying away when it comes to community work. That is a legacy of being involved with the Watchtower. They were never big on communal charity. But lately, I have been rethinking this. There is a church in the next town where they have asked for volunteers to come in one day per week to help out in the kitchen as they try on that one day to provide a full meal to anyone who needs it.
Apparently, it’s volunteers who make the world go round so they say. I just wish I had been able to get into it instead of devoting myself to all those hours of preaching work when I was younger and more able bodied.
By the way, I’ve been looking up a little of bible prophecy and the events taking place at the moment are very interesting. If any are still interested in bible prophecy then check this out (could be right, could be wrong, but we don’t have to give up our charitable works for the sake of preaching. That’s just stupid.)

 JB Reezner says:

 November 21, 2015 at 3:07 pm

Meredith J, I went to that link and had a severe BS flashback! Of course, by “BS” I mean “Book Study”. It seemed eerily similar to the same verse-by-verse, purely-speculative-yet-highly-suggestive approach that the Org often takes on matters of prophecy. I know you qualified it with “could be right, could be wrong”, but I’d hate to think of folks replacing the convoluted interpretations of a cult with those from another source that would be equally as unable to verify the accuracy of its own interpretations.
But, I know your faith isn’t centered around whether or not a second-in-command of Russia might be Gog of Magog, and it’s just a topic of interest. So please take this comment as light and respectful as intended –and unrelated to the atheism/faith issue.

 Caroline says:

 November 21, 2015 at 3:45 am

I will never forget the morning when the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed. I ran upstairs to wake up my husband because I thought it was the beginning of Armageddon. I was shocked and horrified but his reaction was that those buildings and the people who worked in those buildings, deserved to be destroyed because it was those buildings and the people who worked in those buildings who were the ones that the world deservedly hated because it was those people who sent all the American jobs overseas. He even was so proud of himself for coming to that conclusion that at work, he would tell the other people he worked with what he thought of it. I think that most everybody he said that to, thought he was crazy.
I don’t think any other Witnesses thought like my husband did, but what they did say was stuff like “I hope none of our brothers and sisters were killed in those towers.” That is always the reaction when it comes to any disaster anywhere in the world, when it comes to Witnesses, is that they only care about the brothers and sisters, whereas most “normal” feeling people care about “all” of the victims, regardless of what religion they are.
We were always given the illustration of emptying the oceans with a teaspoon when it comes to fixing the world’s problems. That was to numb us to it so we would not be affected and put our hope in the “new world” instead and it’s promises through “placing” literature with our neighbors.
That was our “charity”.

 Edward D'Agostino says:

 November 21, 2015 at 5:00 am

France and the europeans brought this horrible tragedy against themselves. Europe is anti-Jews and progressive leftists. They keep allowing “refugees” in, got what they deserved.


 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 November 21, 2015 at 6:06 am

Thank you Lloyd.
It really makes me angry when I think back to when I first met the witnesses. I was 20, at uni, and already an active member of World Vision, Amnesty International and Greenpeace – all worthy causes I believe in and had planned to spend my life involved in one way or another. By the age of 24 I had quit them all (including uni) and got baptised believing “this generation” was about to see a full and comprehensive solution to all these problems and more.
I’m proud to say that 20 years on I have successfully faded this year and recently pledged money to Save the Children and UNHCR. Next year I plan to go back to uni to finish the qualifications I surrendered 20 years ago, and relaunch the career I had planned back then; working with real people on real issues to try and make the world a better place for all (rather than wasting my life on watchtower fantasies.) It also solves one of the problems I’ve had to deal with this year; what do I teach my kids now? Next year intend to get them involved as much as possible with charitable organisations – to help them get a different perspective on life and the world we live in and hopefully inspire them to engage in worthwhile, genuinely Christian, good works.
It also saddens me to think that most JWs Watching these events in Paris are thinking about their own salvation rather than the genuine human tragedy here; hoping that this is the lead up to the UN “turning on false religion” and precipitating the eternal destruction of 8,000,000,000 people at Armageddon so they can see an end to their own problems and start building that big house in paradise. I guess we all want an end to all the problems and to see world peace, but we need a proper perspective, and the more we can personally do to contribute to real solutions the better.

 Tara says:

 November 21, 2015 at 8:22 am

‘hoping that this is the lead up to the UN “turning on false religion” and precipitating the eternal destruction of 8,000,000,000 people at Armageddon so they can see an end to their own problems and start building that big house in paradise’
Oh Eric you hit this one on the nail. It’s all about ‘me’. One ‘sister’ said to me the other day… ‘well we can hold our heads up…’ I wanted to smack her across the head. What a selfish way to look at the mass murder of billions of people.
Is this any better than the ISIS attitude? Or the Nazi cleansing?

 Da' says:

 November 21, 2015 at 8:28 am

Full disclosure .. im not a fan of FB nor do I have a profile(why would I unnecessarily invite strangers into my life or worse allow anyone to comment about it on the internet?) so im wondering who is this poster (Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses WORLDWIDE) and is he/she actually speaking (or thinking)on behalf of
 all JW worldwide ? Do all JW’s really live their lives according to what the poster dictates? I found a few interesting things.. other than the reference to Jesus , not one scripture to support the thoughts. Then, after saying we are all free moral agents, the decision was made for all free moral agents …. no, not right to include the French flag in ones profile. Easy come , easy go! Thanks for the lesson in what Jesus NEVER did, how about what Jesus ALWAYS did. How long before we hear experiences and see pics in the Watchtower of how the local French congregations (under the direction of GB) aided in the tragedy. and rightfully so ! Don’t rain on the GB’s parade


 Clay says:

 November 21, 2015 at 9:33 am

Little off topic but and I’m sure it’s been said before. But at meetings out in service the always talk about how other churches bash them but in the talks given they spend a lot of time bashing all Christain churches.

 Winston Smith says:

 November 21, 2015 at 10:04 am

A very well written and well thought-out article. This topic is near and dear to me: part of what first lead to my awakening from this cult was the fact that they disparaged any efforts that were humanitarian in nature. The concept of sitting back and waiting for God to fix everything while millions suffered seemed counter-intuitive to the Christian philosophy – James 2:15, 16: “If a brother or a sister is lacking clothing and enough food for the day, yet one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but you do not give them what they need for their body, of what benefit is it?” Isn’t this the same as handing out Watchtowers to those in need and telling them to ‘have a nice day’?
One thing that helped me in this regard is that about 3 years prior to my awaking, I got involved with a professional organization that also did community outreach projects. When I saw the effort and time that they put into these projects, I began to realize that they provided a much better service to their fellowman than the JW’s did. Took some time, but I began to see more value in this type of work, than waking people up on Saturday mornings only to tell them that they needed to change their religion or die at Armageddon (not that we used those words, but let’s face it, that was the actual message.)
Another thing that helped was that I actually got to know my “return visits” as people. I don’t think I made many (if any) converts, but I got to know them and to appreciate that their thoughts and opinions were just as valid as mine. My visits became less about converting them and more about just getting to know them and helping each other gain perspective on life. I started seeing them as real people, not just numbers on a monthly report. I developed a very close friendship with one of my former RV’s and at the time of my awakening he was able to provide much support and act as a sounding board in regard to the decisions I had to make.
Well, at the risk of rambling on I’ll wrap this up. Once again excellent article – I wish I could get more JW’s to open up their eyes to information like this.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 November 21, 2015 at 10:43 pm

Very nice personal experience-perspective and story WS.Thanks for sharing & best wishes !

 JB says:

 November 21, 2015 at 3:53 pm

So I know this is not directly related, but in the context of people acting inhuman in the name of religion, such as the Paris attacks by Islamic State and the indifference of Jehovah’s Witnesses, here I think is a petition worth supporting and sharing on Facebook/Twitter etc.

 Lesley says:

 November 22, 2015 at 12:53 am

I live in the UK and was told by an active JW friend (with great pride) that the Brooklyn staff were outside just after the twin towers came down handing out blankets to those fleeing across the bridge. Does anyone know if this is true??

 RetiredLE says:

 November 22, 2015 at 11:56 am

I had a family member who was there on 9/11, not sure about blankets (as it was a warm day), but someone did organize a group to hand out water to those who fled, on foot, across the Brooklyn Bridge.
 More ‘Points for Paradise’. Which reminds me of the question raised by the WT Conductor a few weeks ago..(the type usually aimed at children, but open to everyone on this occasion) “what job do you want to have in Paradise?”
There were the one’s you’d expect. Bob the Builder, Teresa the Teacher, Zoe the Zoologist, …funny… no one wanted to be Gavin the Grave Digger or Beatrice the Baby Burier…???…


 RetiredLE says:

 November 22, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Thinking about upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday -US-(bear with me) and about T3’s comments/talk on the survivors burying the masses of dead after Armageddon. A teaching we JW’s parroted throughout the years, in one form or another….i.e. WT 1953 Pg 606 PP 40-41-“40 Even the once-terrified birds and beasts of the field will share in the benefits of his triumph. Jehovah bids his prophet to invite those long-mistreated birds and beasts to feast upon His great sacrifice, his slaughter of all his foes, whose carcasses will lie strewn upon the ground like fertiLIZER…..41)But what about the bones of Gog’s slain hordes? Will they be left to pollute the soil of the “new earth”? No; but Jehovah will assign them a burial place..”
In public school (US) we were taught that the Pilgrims survived because the Indians taught them to plant a dead fish with their crops…as fertiLIZER.. a bounty resulted and thus ‘Thanksgiving’ was born. So, no doubt those survivors of Armageddon, PP 39 – “(They) will glory in his triumph by Jesus Christ.”..
Can you see, with your minds eye, the anecdotal conversations of joy and celebration?
“John, how did you raise such a large pumpkins?” John; “Oh, what a blessing…I buried a couple hundred ‘lizers’ there under the pumpkin patch!…Praise the GB for giving me this assignment!” –
“Mary, how do you raise such beautiful orchids in these pots?” Mary; “Don’t tell anyone else, my secret….I put a baby ‘lizer’ at the bottom of each pot! Glory to the GB, who allow me the time for my green thumb hobby!”
A new Thanksgiving Holiday, for the New World, will be born!

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:20 am

You’re way too funny, thanks for the laugh

 RetiredLE says:

 November 23, 2015 at 7:43 pm

“There’s a hole in your head, dear ‘lizer’ dear ‘lizer’ there’s a lightning bolt hole in your head, dear ‘lizer’ a hole” …..or was that from a 60# hail stone??? “What da ya thank Bro. Lemuel?”


 RetiredLE says:

 November 23, 2015 at 7:54 pm

Bro. Lemuel….”well, I thank I dun got repented from 8 chal molastatons to make it here az an postus Rmagetton Elter… that there ‘lizer’ surez got a purdy mouth…”


 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 9:24 pm

On a sadder note:
Non-JWs = bird food, fertilizer
if they do not accept JW doctrine and just so that the JWs can live forever on their fantasy paradise earth.
“what job do you want to have in Paradise?..… no one wanted to be Gavin the Grave Digger or Beatrice the Baby Burier…???…”
Which is why the WT is careful to emphasize the “joyful” aspects of the work which they believe will need to be done to restore the earth to paradisaical conditions (whatever that is).
I personally would not be able to watch the carcasses of family and neighbours rot and be torn apart by vultures, I just wouldn’t be able to stomach that, it would definitely have a negative psychological effect on me.
What a stink, public health crisis and nightmare it will be for the JW Armageddon survivors in Asia. According to WT 2014 statistics, 99.98% of Asia’s population are not JWs
703,271 JWs will witness the carcasses of 4,315,055,739 non-JWs rot, be torn apart by vultures and mauled by beasts. Then apparently they will thereafter have to bury the remains – each JW will have to bury 6,136 rotting, mauled carcasses. If they are not psychologically devastated by all of this, they are not human.


 Idontknowhatodo says:

 November 22, 2015 at 3:25 am

I put the flag on my page and was bombarded with a load of judgmental texts etc from my ‘friends’…. I took it off as Im a slow fader and didnt want to face the consequences…. I instead put up a message of sympathy …. it was the least I could do…. some of my witness aquantances put up messages…’we need the end to come quickly etc etc’… what?… so we can watch 8 billion men,women and children die instead…what mentality is this?…. oh wait…I know …. that used to be me.
 I also wonder if the sign…’having no natural affection’ has ever been more manifest than it is amongst some in the congregations of jw’s…. Im getting away as fast as I safely can…. Je Suis Paris.


 Caroline says:

 November 22, 2015 at 3:49 am

@Idontknowwhattodo, I was so sick and tired of hearing how “we need the end” so many times. It was always a conversation stopper every time a person would start to say something they didn’t like or a natural disaster.
When it comes to the Paris attack and people say that, it’s the same as saying that when there is a racoon in the hen house, God’s answer is burn the hen house down. That is about as much sense that comment makes to me.

 Koos says:

 November 22, 2015 at 9:23 am

Julie and Dee, well said.
 Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslims have a lot in common:
 No trinity, Jezus is no deity.
 Jezus was a prophet.
 Jezus was not crucified.
 Jezus was not physically resurrected.
 It is not allowed to worship Jezus.
 Satan and demons (Djinns) exist.
 Satan doesn’t really care what one believes as long as it’s not the truth.
 Day of judgement; the Mahdi and Isa, Islam Jezus, will destroy all infidels. Jezus will defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal (the Antichrist).
 Muslims and JW’s hate Jews, Christians, homo’s, infidels and apostates.
 Call themselves brothers and sisters.
 Women are submissive.
 Clothing and appearance regulations, chaperone.
 They believe that it is allowed to deny faith under compulsion, threat, and fear of death, it is called taqiya, for jw see theological warfare.
 Jw’s have to put Jehovah’s laws first. Sharia, Islamic law, deals with all aspects of day-to-day life, sounds familiar?
 Anti-Semitic; for jw see Letter to Hitler & Declaration of Facts
 There is no honorable way to leave the faith or idiology

Note: One may find differences between Sunni and Shia Islam

 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:54 am

It’s funny in a lot of these posts I see such biased hatred for the JWs and it causes a lot of people to bend the truth. Granted there are some stupid pathetic people such as elders that say stupid things but it’s not just a JW only phenomenon. People everywhere are mean and judgemental. In my old congregation we had two people go to NY after September 11th to volunteer. And I heard of others too. And you can look up stories of Brooklyn Bethel helping out people that came there. I lived in Miami during hurricane Andrew and many many many times did we help out people that were not JWs with food, roofing etc….. So to say the JWs don’t help is just not true. Read some of the witness stories about Haiti and so on. It’s funny most of you say how bad and judgemental JWs are but you are doing the same thing. We all see what we want to see.

 yawn says:

 November 22, 2015 at 12:11 pm

Right. JW’s are “god’s representative organization on earth” until they get caught doing something bad, then it becomes “well, we’re imperfect, just like anyone else.” They set up a higher standard for themselves and then cry when people hold them to it. Well, you can’t have it both ways.
Yes, there are decent people in the organization. Just like there are decent people in every organization in the world. Two people going to volunteer does not constitute an organizational philosophy. The character of the organization is revealed just in the fact that the person who wanted to put up the flag colors felt they had to ask permission first, and that they could not make a decision based on their own conscience. THAT is the issue, not “good” or “bad” people.

 Caroline says:

 November 22, 2015 at 12:37 pm

Markie, most of us commenting here were JW’s, so that is so untrue that there are a lot of comments that are biased and show a hatred for JW’s. Can you be specific in what you are claiming? What comments here were “bending” the truth? Tell us what those comments were, please.
Comments such as yours are exactly what Watchtower claims all “apostates” are like and that is simply not true. That is a “lie” that Watchtower implants in the minds of the active Witnesses to make Witnesses “afraid” to examine their own religion and nobody should be “afraid” of examining their own religion up against the Bible.
We either are Witnesses right now, were Witnesses or have close friends and relatives who are still Witnesses so it would make no sense for us to be biased against JW’s as a whole and hate them.
It is the Governing Body that we are biased against, not the rank and file and I for one, really do hate the Governing Body. I hate the Governing Body for their lies and cover ups and their policy of shunning those of us who want to leave the Organization and warn our friends and relatives. They don’t care if we leave. They just can’t stand the idea that we would take our brothers and sisters with us. That they can’t stand and they will do anything they can to stop us.
As long as you are standing up for the Watchtower Organization, can you prove that God is backing them with all their false prophecies and pharisaical laws and regulations?

 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:24 pm

In your own words you are saying your biased due to your hatred of the GB. So you said it yourself. When your biased your views are inherently not truthful. I for one think the GB are a bunch of self righteous fat men taking advantage of the rank and file. But I am sure a few of them really want to help their fellow man. And they do what they think is best pointing to God’s kingdom. Sorry you have been hurt by people. I wish I could help people who have been hurt by fellow JWs. Just like in any organization there are some bad people filled with hate and so judgemental they want to prove themselves at the expense of their fellow man. Can I prove god is backing the Gb? No I can not. But who can prove that any religion is God’s representative on earth. I hope if there is a god out there and that he is bigger then all of us and one day will fix all the wrongs on the earth.

 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:45 am

Markie, you have lost faith in the Governing Body. These men make the policies that have caused so much damage to people. Most people haven’t left because of the lack of love of Witnesses, although there would be nothing wrong with that if as a group they do not measure up to the standards of real Christians. Markie it is their policies that are wrong. The policies like not reporting pedophiles and creating the ‘pedophile paradise’ and treating victims as sinners is disgusting and evil. How can you honestly say that you support such a bad religious group that literally plays God and splits up families. You need to do more research mate.

 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:45 am

See that is where you are wrong. You said I lost faith in the GB. I listen to the bible and never had faith in the GB. The bible tells us not to have faith in man. Only god. The GB is just a bunch of schmucks like the rest of us. Never let a fellow human control your life. Pedophile paradise? I do think now they encourage reporting it. The problem arose because JWs are too trusting and never thought pedophiles could be in our ranks. Which of couse they can. And some of them my have power to influence others in the organization so as to keep it swept under the rug. Which of course is clearly wrong. And attorneys have found the organization to have deep pockets so now it is making the news. I always laugh when the Watchtower mentions the pedophile priests. But faith in the GB? No, never!


 Caroline says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:46 am

Markie, you said that you “hope” that “if” there is a god out there that he is bigger than all of us and one day will fix all the wrongs on the earth.
You see “hope” and faith are different. If you “hope” there is a god, then you don’t have faith in God. Having faith in somebody is knowing that person personally such as a friend or mate and you know them day to day well enough and you can personally have faith in that person that they will not betray you.
Even then, as long as you don’t live in that person’s body, you can only “hope” they won’t betray you. The only one you can truly have faith in is yourself. If you know yourself, you will know if you will betray a friend of yours. Do you see what I am getting at? If you own a car and that car always starts up in the morning, then you can “faith” in that car that it will start up in the morning.
As long as I was a Witness, I was to be made ashamed, if I didn’t have “faith” in God’s promise for the new world. Faith according to the Bible is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. So what we all have and had was a “hope” for the new world but we were led to believe that we had to have “faith” in the new world and we put all our one and only life on hold, promoting that hope and were made to feel ashamed if we didn’t have “faith” in that new world and expressed any doubts about what the Bible actually said about it.
All religions control people, either through the Bible or other holy books but people don’t need those holy books to tell them right from wrong. People are born with an innate sense of right and wrong and they pass that down to their children.
Just because a person goes to a church or doesn’t go to a church, doesn’t make them good or bad. People can be bad and go to church too. Everybody who belongs to a religion, thinks they have the “truth”. Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t the only ones who think they have the “truth”.
Most people who belong to their religion don’t think that their leaders would deliberately lie to them and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the same. I never thought that the Governing Body would deliberately lie to us but I found out that that they do deliberately lie to us about a whole bunch of things. That is when I decided that I don’t want anything to do with the “truth” anymore. I can’t stand behind and promote liars and neither should you.
Just because Witnesses have a sense of community in the congregations, should not be the reason to be a Witness. You need to know that what you are believing in and promoting from door to door is the honest to God truth and nothing but the truth. If you can’t do that, then you are no different than what the Bible says is false religion and will be destroyed along with all the other false religions at Armageddon, if you believe in Armageddon.
You need to know that what you have as your religion is true according to the Bible and not go along with it just to belong to a religion, if you really believe in the Bible.
A person needs to have a clean conscience. If you can’t prove that you have the “truth” and nothing but the “truth”, then you are promoting something you don’t know what it even is.
You need to examine your religion according to the Bible, just as Witnesses ask of those they study with to do with their religion.
We should not be afraid to examine our religion but all Witnesses are barred from examining their own religion, on the threat of expulsion and shunning.
Any religion that prohibits their members from examining their own religion has to be a cult and if it’s a cult, you are wasting the one and only life you have on it. That is why it is so important for you to not be afraid to examine the JW religion up against what the Bible actually does say.

 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:56 am

Please don’t tell me what to do and I won’t tell you what to do. Your hatred is quite apparent. What have you in your opinion found to be the truth? All religion is flawed. I would never be so judgemental like you to say I found the truth. I don’t think humans can find the truth. I actually don’t use that word to describe myself as a witness. Hope you can get over the hatred that is consuming you.


 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 5:54 pm

Well, good on you Markie. You don’t know it yet, but you are half way there. I am so glad that you have an opinion because that is what so few have.


 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:03 pm

But please Markie, please don’t be rude on here. The people here have been through a lot and do not need to be spoken down to. People like Caroline have had a tough life and do not deserve such harsh words. Just please consider this before you have a go at people. They are only trying to help you to see the truth.


 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:14 pm

“I would never be so judgemental like you to say I found the truth. I don’t think humans can find the truth. I actually don’t use that word to describe myself as a witness”.
Can you also tell this to your GB, elders, CO and every single JW that you know, as well as the non-JWs whom you witness to or is it that you can only find the bravery to state these things anonymously on this site?
“JWs are too trusting and never thought pedophiles could be in our ranks. Which of couse they can” – so the GB lied again, the JW religion is not the spiritual paradise that they make it out to be.
“And attorneys have found the organization to have deep pockets so now it is making the news.”
Do you think that the child molestation victims deserve to be compensated? If so, how?


 Caroline says:

 November 24, 2015 at 4:21 am

Markie, I don’t have hatred “consuming” me like you said.
 Since I stopped going to the meetings, I am the happiest I have been in 50 years. If you are happy being a Witness, then be happy being a Witness. Nobody is trying to take that away from you and if you have clean conscience protecting an organization that protects pedophiles, then have a clean conscience.

As for me, I can’t do that. That sure doesn’t mean that I have any malice towards the rank and file. The rank and file are being kept in the dark as far as what is really going on at the headquarters of the Watchtower and how they protect thousands and thousands of pedophiles and rapists.
The rank and file are victims, just as I was a victim and just as a lot of members of my family are victims and don’t realize it.
Did you realize that the Society is deliberately lying about 607? What do you think about that lie? All of the publications would have to be destroyed and the religion would have to start over from scratch if they owned up to 607. How can you go to meetings and service and raise your hand and answer up at the meetings, knowing that the Society won’t tell the truth about 607?


 Winston Smith says:

 November 22, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Yes, there are people in the JW organization who do try to help out when there are disasters. However, they are the minority for sure. Imagine, telling your CO that you can’t auxiliary pioneer during the memorial season because you are volunteering at a soup kitchen. What reaction would you expect?
On the whole the organization deters participation in community outreach programs or even making charitable donations to them. Other organizations do a lot more to help people with their practical needs and it’s not dependent on their religious affiliation or whether they are “interested.”
But the issue here is not whether to volunteer or not to volunteer. It is the unhealthy level of control the organization exerts over its members. Why should it be an issue if someone wants to display an image of the French flag on Facebook to show compassion for the victims of this tragedy? The fact that rules not found in scripture are being made in this regard is part of the problem.
Steve Hassan, the leading authority on cult mind control, offers the BITE model on ways that cults try to control: Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion. In all these areas the organization seeks to exert control and many of us who post comments suffered years of this level of control. That’s what we are speaking out against, not specific individuals who may or may not participate in charitable activities.

 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 9:59 pm

See that’s where people like you go wrong. Why would I “go tell my CO” what I was going to do. It sounds like a lot of people on this website give too much control to the elders, CO, GB etc…. They are just imperfect men. I do exactly what I want. For example I have a JD and llm in taxation. None of any ones busines! I have a child starting law school too and another one finishing his bachelor’s degree and going on to get a masters. I would never shun my family because of them. People need to do what’s best for themselves. In this “time of the end” the GB are taking care of themselves. Beautiful new digs in Warick etc…. I’ll be dammed if spent my life as a window washer or janitor. No religion is perfect, they all have stupid things in them. Born again Christian think if you don’t accept Jesus your going to burn in hell. Catholic priest think you need to pay them or your going to be in purgatory etc….. I have always wondered how humble Christ like men could raise through the ranks and become members of the GB. It’s because they are not humble. Moral of the story is to do what’s best for you. Don’t let yourself be controlled.

 dee says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:22 pm

 You have me a bit curious, I can’t help but ask:
– what do you personally believe is the truth?
– why are you in the JW religion?
– do you preach to non-JWs, if you do, what do you tell them?


 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:36 pm

I personally believe if there is a god out there he is bigger then all of us and only he can judge us. Thought that as a child at the kingdom hall. Why would he kill the whole world and not us. Now as I get older I wonder how long does God need these system of things to go on to vindicate his name.
I go to the meetings to try and help those that are being hurt by the ocasional self- righteous elder, elderette, co etc…
When I go from door to door I offer the magazines and tell them there maybe something in the magazine that they might find interesting and if they would like to read it please take it.


 Caroline says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:19 am

Markie, you said you have a JD and a lim in taxation. What are those things you are talking about? What education have you had? What country are you from? Thanks

 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:52 pm

You don’t know what a JD is?


 Caroline says:

 November 25, 2015 at 4:18 am

Markie, that is why I asked. No. What is a JD? The reason I asked is because I don’t have a degree and only graduated from high school, but the way you write and spell, makes me think you are not very well educated and may be faking everything you are saying here. All of us “real” Witnesses, can spot a fake real easy.


 Markie says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:02 pm

I just thought you were kidding. A JD is a law degree. And yes I got my degrees while being a witness. I have my own small firm where I specialize in wills, estates and international taxation. Believe my it wasn’t fun going to the meetings with some brothers who wete after me and my brother because we were going to school. So I know what people go through at the kh. I one saw a 3 year old little girl whose parents were just comming back (who appeared to be drug abusers) tap the water fountain and the PO flick the little girls ear. He actually chased her down until he got it. Made the little girl cry. I wanted to beat him silly but of course I didnt. But my family and I took the little girl and her sisters new dollies and other toys and some food. That is why I still go to the meetings! It was horrible and mean. But in all fairness he did that to his own kids. Although that doesn’t make it right. I do feel bad for people that have been hurt or stumbled by some of the jerks that somehow think they are elders here to enforce gods will (their interpretation of it of course).


 Winston Smith says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:01 am

Glad to hear that you limit the amount of control the organization has over you. That is difficult for many when they are constantly reminded at meetings and in the literature that they are supposed to report everything they hear to the elders.
This constant indoctrination is consistent with the brain washing techniques used in mind control cults. It seems like you may be less effected by it, but others are not so fortunate, especially those of us who were immersed in it from infancy. Keep in mind that everyone is different and responds to undue influence differently.
You mention other religions that may also have issues with their teachings. That’s true of course. But why do we need to belong to any of them? Being a true follower of Christ does not require membership in a large organization – ‘if there are 2 or 3 gathered in my name I am with them.’
The question I have is that if you don’t believe many of the teachings of the GB, why stay with it and continue to promote it from door to door? What is the hold they have on you? Surely you must know that to disagree even a little with the GB is to be labeled an apostate? Maybe you are lucky enough to belong to a congregation where they are not as strict. That is not the norm. Look beyond your own personal experience and you will find a lot of people being controlled and hurt by this organization.

 JB Reezner says:

 November 22, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Markie, it seems that you’re mainly wanting to make the point that sometimes, in a comment, you see the JW organization–including ALL of its members–painted in a negative way with too broad of a brush. That does happen from time to time. (Could I give some specific examples? Yes but, although I am a little dumb, I’m not dumb enough to do THAT.)
I’m not sure why it happens, but I think it sometimes has to do with how badly affected we ourselves have been by the Org. Understandably, an especially painful personal experience as a JW can occasionally manifest itself in the form of a comment that relies on the “nuclear option” rather than a pinpoint strike.
Whatever the reason though, it’s a good idea to remember that most everyone here really does hope that the genuinely goodhearted and well-intentioned people in the Org (however many–or few–there may be) find their way to freedom, far from the grasp of this life-ruining cult.
So, although occasionally one can find a comment here that’s more broadly judgmental than is technically warranted, it shouldn’t be mistaken for the same type of attitude found in the many (but not all) JWs out there who wholeheartedly subscribe to the mercilessly judgmental doctrine of the Org.

 Markie says:

 November 22, 2015 at 10:50 pm

Sorry for all the hurt people have had to endure. The broad brush of negativity happens a lot more then time to time. Positive things about the organization are never mentioned here. Good news doesn’t sell. You have to realize most people that come to this site have been hurt or stumbled or they wouldn’t be here. You yourself are calling it a life-ruining cult. Maybe in your experience but I am sure there are millions that feel otherwise. And I for one see a lot of imperfection in the organization too. But which one is perfect. To me your as judgemental as you say the JWs are. But I am sorry that things did not go well for you.

 JB Reezner says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:07 am

Markie, to your main complaint, why would a JW cult education/recovery site be a place where you would hope to hear praise directed toward that cult and its members?
The JW religion meets the Bible’s own definition of a false prophet, and has been quite prolific with those false prophecies since its very beginning.
You can attribute as many faults as you want to “no religion being perfect”, but there is no getting around the fact that the Bible itself would have you get the hell out of this profane religion and stay as far away from it as possible.
And if you’re not really a religious person, then LIFE itself is calling for you to disconnect from this cult and and stay as far away from it as possible.
On the other hand, if you’re like many here whose family would be destroyed if you left, then just be honest about being stuck in the thing, and quit bragging about not letting them tell you what to do, as if to say that there’s a way to be a Jehovah’s Witness on your own terms. You’re in a cult, and you’ve only succeeded in adding an additional layer of self-deception.

 Markie says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:40 pm

I am a witness on my own terms. Always have been always will be. Wasn’t really expecting kind words here. I just find the comments here are usually very biased, untruths nd mostly over exaggerations. People here are doing the same thing they say the wtbts is doing. Then they quote someone else’s opinion like it’s a fact. Like the so called ex-jws that are now self declared cult experts. Like the Bite acronym that so cult expert has come up with. Oh yeah that dude is really an expert. And please don’t tell me I am bragging, what to do etc… Aren’t you just some fustrated ex jw yourself?


 JB Reezner says:

 November 26, 2015 at 5:36 pm

Markie, I’ve devoted too much real estate on this page to this exercise in futility. Let’s just move on.


 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:27 pm

“I would never be so judgemental like you to say I found the truth. I don’t think humans can find the truth. I actually don’t use that word to describe myself as a witness”.
Can you also tell this to your GB, elders, CO and every single JW that you know, as well as the non-JWs whom you witness to or is it that you can only find the bravery to state these things anonymously on this site?
“JWs are too trusting and never thought pedophiles could be in our ranks. Which of couse they can” – so the GB lied again, the JW religion is not the spiritual paradise that they make it out to be.
“And attorneys have found the organization to have deep pockets so now it is making the news.”
Do you think that the child molestation victims deserve to be compensated? If so, how?


 Winston Smith says:

 November 26, 2015 at 8:22 am

I don’t want to debate with you as I feel this argumentation is reaching the point of futility. But for the sake of others reading along, I will comment on this statement:
“Like the Bite acronym that so cult expert has come up with. Oh yeah that dude is really an expert”
Your comment is argumentative and reveals that you have done little research into the topic of cult mind control. Steve Hassan IS an accepted authority on cult mind control. He is not an ex-JW or in any way related to this organization. In his original release of Combating Cult Mind Control, he does not even mention the JWs (the most recent edition has been updated to include them). He did not begin to research this group until he began to receive letters from former JWs who read that first book.
Markie, I encourage you to do some careful research into this organization and into cults in general (i.e. don’t rely solely on Watchtower sources). If you do so with an open mind you will be benefited.


 Victor says:

 November 24, 2015 at 1:57 am

Positive or negative, perfect or imperfect…. really who cares? The real question is: the JWs have the “truth”? If “yes”, make sense to do all the stuff, meetings, door to door etc. If “no” or “i don’t know”….

 questionall451 says:

 November 22, 2015 at 6:16 pm

This is something that has frustrated me for a long time. As a JW, I invested so much of my life in the concept that we don’t need to worry about any of those “worldly” things now because they will all be taken care of in a few short years. Now that 35 years have gone by, those things that we put on a back burner because Armageddon was coming are now staring us in the face.

 Elwin says:

 November 22, 2015 at 7:36 pm

Compare this:
“Denying the holiness of the Koran or the prophecies of Muhammad is straightforward apostasy. But Zarqawi and the state he spawned take the position that many other acts can remove a Muslim from Islam. These include, in certain cases, selling alcohol or drugs, wearing Western clothes or shaving one’s beard, voting in an election—even for a Muslim candidate—and being lax about calling other people apostates. Being a Shiite, as most Iraqi Arabs are, meets the standard as well, because the Islamic State regards Shiism as innovation, and to innovate on the Koran is to deny its initial perfection. (The Islamic State claims that common Shiite practices, such as worship at the graves of imams and public self-flagellation, have no basis in the Koran or in the example of the Prophet.) That means roughly 200 million Shia are marked for death. So too are the heads of state of every Muslim country, who have elevated man-made law above Sharia by running for office or enforcing laws not made by God.”
IS—Denying the holiness of the Koran or the prophecies of Muhammad is straightforward apostasy.
 WTS—Denying the holiness of the Bible or the prophecies is straightforward apostasy.
 IS—Zarqawi and the state he spawned take the position that many other acts can remove a Muslim from Islam. These include, in certain cases,
 WTS—JWs and the WTS organisation it spawned take the position that many other acts can remove a Christian from God’s congregation. These include, in certain cases,
 IS—selling alcohol or drugs
 WTS—selling drugs or eating/receiving/giving blood
 IS—wearing Western clothes
 WTS—wearing modern Western clothes
 IS—shaving one’s beard
 WTS—growing one’s beard
 IS—voting in an election—even for a Muslim candidate
 WTS—voting in an election—even for a Christian candidate
 IS—being lax about calling other people apostates
 WTS—being lax about calling other people apostates
 IS—being a Shiite, as most Iraqi Arabs are, meets the standard as well, because the Islamic State regards Shiism as innovation
 WTS—being a Catholic or Protestant as most Christians are, meets the standard as well, because the WTS regards them as innovation [not original Christianity]
 IS—to innovate on the Koran is to deny its initial perfection. (The Islamic State claims that common Shiite practices, such as worship at the graves of imams and public self-flagellation, have no basis in the Koran or in the example of the Prophet.)
 WTS—to innovate on the Bible is to deny its initial perfection. (The WTS claims that common Christian practices, such as worship at the graves of Saints and public self-flagellation, have no basis in the Bible or in the example of Jesus.)
 IS—That means roughly 200 million Shia are marked for death.
 WTS—That means roughly 7 billion people are marked for death.
 IS—So too are the heads of state of every Muslim country, who have elevated man-made law above Sharia by running for office or enforcing laws not made by God.
 WTS—So too are the heads of state of every Christian country, who have elevated man-made law above the Bible by running for office or enforcing laws not made by God.


 Wip it says:

 November 22, 2015 at 9:06 pm

Just this year we were able to travel to Paris for a short stay, absolutely wonderful, loved the experience, people etc, so we were upset,horrified to see what unfolded, and yes we have heard the comments here as to the non care attitude, even in this Sundays WT, their was appoint about people in Africa being turned on but due to divine protection all our brothers were safe, delusional comment, no sympathy for these lovely people , as i said to my wife no one deserves that

 Wip it says:

 November 22, 2015 at 9:35 pm

Another comment that came out the other nite at dinner form an elders wife was, are dont worry we are so close, look at Daniels prophecy, the feet & toes of the image, the clay & steel dont mix, radical governments, opposed to liberal governments, you know what she said, we could wake up tomorrow & it all could be over, as i looked at her & the new baby i thought, you poor women, when are you going to wake up, People in general are not evil, People in general are good, when we got talking about the go bag, i said our neighbors will help us & i will help them.

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 November 23, 2015 at 12:08 am

Thinking Jehovah’s Witnesses are a peaceful religion is the most childish attitude one can have. Consider this, what, spiritual law from their own books:
Yet it is not enough simply to teach your children to avoid bad associates. Help them to find good ones. One father says: “We would always try to substitute. So when the school wanted our son on the football team, my wife and I sat down with him and discussed why that wouldn’t be a good idea—because of the new companions that would be involved. But then we suggested getting some of the other children in the congregation and taking all of them to the park to play ball. And that worked out fine.”
18 Wise parents help their children to find good friends and then to enjoy wholesome recreation with them. For many parents, though, this matter of recreation presents challenges of its own. (fy chap. 8 pp. 96-97 pars. 17-18)!

That’s about family happiness.

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 2:16 am

“I personally believe if there is a god out there ………only he can judge us…..Why would he kill the whole world and not us”.
If I understand you correctly, God would not destroy the good Catholics, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Mormons, Adventists, Lutherans, Buddhists, Muslims, Bahai, Hindus, Jainists, Jews, Druze, Taoists, Inter-faith, No faith, agnostics, atheiests etc.etc.?
If I understand you correctly, the following GB teaching is therefore incorrect?
“Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God’s new system. There is only one. There was just the one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization—God’s visible organization—that will survive the fast-approaching “great tribulation.” It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal. (Matthew 7:21-23; 24:21) You must be part of Jehovah’s organization, doing God’s will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life.—Psalm 133:1-3″ – You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (1982) p. 255

“…….I wonder how long does God need these system of things to go on to vindicate his name.”
As you have stated, the GB members are imperfect men and you cannot prove that they have God’s backing. So then couldn’t this GB doctrine about the system of things ending and God vindicating his name be incorrect?

“When I go from door to door I offer the magazines and tell them there maybe something in the magazine that they might find interesting and if they would like to read it please take it.”
Wouldn’t it also be good and honest of you to also tell the householders what you really believe when you give them the magazines? – the GB who write the magazines are imperfect men and you cannot prove that they have God’s backing (so the information in the magazines may be erroneous)?


 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:53 am

dee, your quote from the ‘Live Forever’ Book is the one that got me in. It sucked me in good and proper and it was a lie. Just one ark and God’s Visible Organisation. What a crock of you know what. Come on Mark, think for yourself. Don’t believe the lies.

 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 7:06 am

What I was saying is I don’t know what’s going to happen if anything. Buena suerte!

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:01 am

 It’s very sad that you did not answer my questions but have instead deflected them with this response which is not equivalent to what you stated above. You pointed out that there are flaws in all religions but yet you shy away from answering my questions about the JWs. Perhaps you have now finally realized that your JW religion is so flawed and you are living a lie that the shock of the realization is just too much for you to bear that you refuse to answer my questions?

I am not surprised that you deflected my questions as this is what JWs typically do when they are uncomfortable answering questions. Your failure to answer my questions has in fact validated why the persons on this site are critical of and as you have stated judgmental of the WT. Your failure to answer my questions has certainly given us more reason to have nothing positive to say about the WT as you have mentioned.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen if anything.” So why go from door-to-door giving persons magazines which clearly and boldly state what is going to happen? If you ‘do not know what is going to happen if anything’, yet distribute magazines which boldly and clearly state what is going to happen then you are misleading the householders and living a lie.
Alas, you have confirmed why the ex-JWs have left and are leaving the religion – the GB’s failed prophecies and constant doctrinal changes prove that just like you, they ‘don’t know what’s going to happen if anything’.
I refuse to be a part of a religion that ‘doesn’t know what’s going to happen if anything’, yet tells me that I must avoid all other religions as they are false, evil and Satanic and only they have the truth. I cannot go preaching to persons, telling them how wrong their religion is with the intent of getting them to leave their religion and join the JWs when the JWs themselves ‘don’t know what’s going to happen if anything’.
I, unlike you, cannot continue going from door- to-door misleading persons with lies, while expecting such persons to trade in their religion for the JW religion which is not “the truth” as the JWs claim.

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 12:04 pm

@ Markie
Tenga un buen día y buena suerte igualmente.

 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:31 pm

What you said below is not very nice. And are you talking for everyone?


 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:31 pm

I thought I did answer your questions. I am growing weary of this blog. I think your biased mind would say the same thing no matter what i said. Traveling today so hasta la vista!

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 2:09 pm

We are happy to know that you are growing weary of this blog.
Tenga un buen viaje!


 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Oh & BTW, given that this commentary is about the French, it would certainly be most appropo to also wish you:
Bon voyage!


 Robert67 says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:26 am

Remember Christ words to his followers at Mark 9:38-42
 John said to him: “Teacher, we saw someone expelling demons by using your name, and we tried to prevent him, because he was not following us.” (WT criticizes any others claiming to follow Christ) 39 But Jesus said: “Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one who will do a powerful work on the basis of my name who will quickly be able to say anything bad about me. 40 For whoever is not against us is for us. 41 And whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, I tell you truly, he will by no means lose his reward. 42 But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith, it would be better for him if a millstone that is turned by a donkey were put around his neck and he were pitched ( WT guilty of shunning, pedophilia, false prophecies, mental slavery and outright killing the faith of thousands every year)


 Markie says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:04 pm

I do think there are a lot of elders with millstones! Hopefully I am not one.

 Syl says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:47 am

Great article.
 Being from Paris and having had friends involved directly in these horrible events made up for a pretty awful week. Us french usually have difficulties to use our flag or our anthem, much more than in America or in Britain (where I now live). The reason being it’s usually connoted with extreme right wing nationalists (National front), so we’re a bit suspicious towards using them. But following these events it just meant solidarity and for the first time I was happy to sing our anthem.
 But the fatalist attitude of witnesses towards world problems in general, drives me mad, now that I woke up and want to get involved to try to change things at my level. Whenever my JW family discuss the world, it ends up by “anyway, there’s nothing we can do, only the new kingdom will fix it”. So they just wait until it magically gets fixed and it creates this passive attitude. They won’t even try to think of what they can do to consume less, pollute less, be better for the environment, for example, as the end is so near anyway. What’s the point? That just drives me mad.


 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 4:08 am

I don’t know if any of you have seen this. I was told about it by someone and was very suspicious of it until I actually saw it. It is a testimony by a 15 year old Jewish boy who had a near death experience. He claims he went to Heaven and saw and heard many things. Sounds wacky but if you have the guts to watch it, I was stunned.
Of course JB Reezner might think he is back in the old book study again but this is quite different to that. This kid talks about certain things in the future. I watched it today. Again, it may be a fake but it doesn’t look like it to me. Judge for yourselves. It does contain subtitles and references to Jewish stuff but I am sure you can follow it okay. This is also showing that JW’s are not the only ones interested in prophecy.


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← The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses – a safe group for children with Autism?
The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”
Posted on November 20, 2015

A young woman shows solidarity by holding aloft a French flag in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks that has claimed 130 lives
A young woman shows solidarity by holding aloft a French flag in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks that has claimed 130 lives

In light of the horrendous terror attacks in Paris last week, Facebook users received the option to update their profile photos with an overlay consisting of the red, white and blue colors of the French Flag.

It’s reasonable to assume that individuals who update their profiles with this feature do so in a sincere display of solidarity with the people of France and the victims of a gruesome crime committed by backward thinking, brainwashed Islamic terrorists. Few people would perceive such a gesture as a pledge of allegiance to a government.
Apparently, some active Jehovah’s Witnesses dared to take part in these displays of the French colors, and it quickly stirred up disquiet among pro-JW Facebook groups.
Hemant Mehta over at the Friendly Atheist blog wrote about this very subject a few days ago. He makes some very valid arguments and you may read his article for yourself but I’d like to highlight the kind of silly contretemps this subject has induced in these pro-JW Facebook groups. (See screenshot)
When a Jehovah’s Witnesses inquires whether it’s proper to display French colors in their profile, they are essentially asking; would such a gesture violate my neutrality and my faith?
It’s sad that someone would need input from strangers on a decision that is really a personal matter, but let’s not focus on the inquirers when there is a much more disturbing sentiment in the response by pro-JW moderators of these groups, and in the comments of rank-and-file JW Facebook users.
That disturbing sentiment is… indifference.
Jehovah’s Witnesses use the doctrine of political neutrality to explain why they don’t salute the flag, sing the national anthem, vote in elections or volunteer for military service. They believe that God’s heavenly Kingdom is the only solution to humanity’s problems and as such, most acts of civic duty constitute a lack of faith in God’s Kingdom.
On the surface, such a belief seems harmless, but for most Jehovah’s Witnesses this doctrine envelopes all displays of political awareness including gestures of sympathy. So, it’s no surprise that the reply by the moderator for the “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide” group would include the following statement:

“Those who are putting the colors of the French flag on their profile pictures are thus not showing the same impartiality as Jesus did.”
Not once does the Moderator acknowledge that it could be a solemn sign of sympathy for the French people or even the victims themselves. Instead, the Moderator argues that these gestures aren’t made for “similar or worse terror attacks” and questions: “why should France receive preferential treatment?”
This last statement is a clear snapshot of the Moderator’s indifference: “Terrorism is a part of the world system today; it is a symptom of the corrupt governance that runs the world today. Genuine Christians would therefore stay completely neutral in matters of this sort, and not become nationalistic in their thinking.”
The unquestioned obedience to a group of old men in Brooklyn is bad enough, but the callous indifference to the suffering of human beings that may not share your religious views is far more dangerous.
“How can a religious group that evangelizes to save lives be dangerous?”
Most Jehovah’s Witnesses would argue that they care about their neighbors, and this may be true at a personal level. But really most of their interaction with non-witnesses outside of secular work occurs within the context of trying to convert non-believers.
The truth is there are no JW charities, JW soup kitchens, JW clothing drives, or JW support groups. So far as I know, there are no JW organizations trying to improve the lives of others outside of the ministry work.
It’s difficult to blame rank-and-file JWs for their lack of charity. The organization is run by a group of delusional men who live in a social bubble. They’re protected from the day-to-day worries of the average person and are surrounded by “yes” men. All of their basic necessities are covered and they bask in the adoration of millions of followers who cling to every decree that comes down from the ivory towers in Brooklyn. Their indifference trickles down in their teachings.
Here’s a real example of how this can occur…
On Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 I would have found myself at 150 Broadway in Downtown Manhattan, two blocks away from the World Trade Center, had I not taken a personal day from work to support the service group during a Circuit Overseer visit.
I wouldn’t have been in direct risk of harm as the offices were far enough away to see little harm other than being overcome by the dust storm that followed the Tower collapses. In the aftermath, the company relocated the staff to the midtown offices because parts of downtown would be inaccessible for the weeks that followed.
I make these disclaimers because I don’t want to exploit the 9/11 tragedy to make my point, but my proximity to everything made the events of that day a very personal matter.
Just like millions of people across the world, I watched events on television. I also climbed to the rooftop of my apartment building for a clear view of the Downtown skyline only to find dozens of my neighbors already up there watching the horrible scenes unfold. The Towers eventually collapsed, and the eerie silence of a city that was always buzzing remains the most vivid memory of that day.
Later that evening, I received a Nextel “chirp” (remember those Nextel walkie-talkie phones?) from the Security Coordinator at work. They were trying to organize volunteers to help dig people out of the rubble. I was immediately compelled to assist in any way possible, so I recruited my brother and another Ministerial Servant from the congregation, and we set out to make our way into Manhattan.
Our efforts were thwarted by the police at every bridge and tunnel crossing into the city. Only Emergency Personnel and their vehicles were allowed to pass.
We eventually made our way to the waterfront Promenade in Brooklyn Heights at the feet of Watchtower’s Brooklyn Headquarters. I rang a Bethelite who served in our congregation; he came down from one of the Bethel residential buildings and joined us at the Promenade. The four of us stood there, leaning over the rails, looking across the East River. We could see and smell the smoke that filled the space where the Towers once stood. It felt so close I could touch it.
By that time, my brother and our friend had given up trying to get into Manhattan, but I would not relent. I asked a Police Officer how we could assist, and he pointed us to a nearby Red Cross office that was enlisting volunteers.
My brother and our friend agreed to go with me but they balked at registering to volunteer with the Red Cross because in their minds it was a “religious organization.” I then looked to our Bethelite friend to see if he’d be willing to join us, and he uttered the words that I would never forget: “Let the dead bury their dead.”
My Bethelite friend was quoting the words of Jesus in Luke 9:60 responding to a man who wanted to spend time at home with his aging father before committing himself to follow Christ.
At first I thought; “Surely, he isn’t using this bible quote to point out the futility in offering ourselves to aid in the rescue efforts?” Our Bethelite friend followed up with “the best thing we can do for these people now is inform them about Jehovah’s divine plan.” Those words defeated me.
I did register with the Red Cross and volunteered the next day to clean up Emergency Vehicles that came across the bridge covered in the dust and ash of the rubble, but the indifferent words of my Bethelite friend disturb me to this day.
Overall, my Bethelite friend is a decent human being. I like to think that the events that day simply weren’t as personal to him as they were to me, and that if confronted with the opportunity to lend a hand to someone in need, under different circumstances, love and compassion would motivate his actions.
The reality is that he looked at the events through the filters of his indoctrination. Sure, he was present but not connected in any real way with the victims of the atrocity. He was taught since childhood that it really is a futile endeavor to try to improve the world; that the ONLY remedy to all the bad things about the world is Jehovah, and that we should busy ourselves in the ministry work instead. It probably didn’t help that he also lived in that Bethelite “bubble,” an environment that fosters indifference.
Indifference is the reason a Jehovah’s Witness can view something trivial like displaying French colors on your Facebook profile as an act of disloyalty to Jehovah. Not because they are absent or don’t observe the tragedy, but because they are not connected with the victims.
The indifference does not allow them to look at non-believers as more than just sinners that have not yet accepted the “truth” and converted. It does not allow them to question the authority of those who invent their doctrine and enforce its rules.
This might seem like elitism, pride or arrogance that one could chalk up to a flawed ego. The reason this indifference is dangerous is that it’s not ego, it’s a symptom of their brainwashing. When we stop viewing our fellow man as human, as our equal, we tend to disconnect.
A quote often attributed to Edmund Burke says; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” If we think about many of history’s atrocities, we soon understand that most, if not all of them, occur because a large group of people were indifferent towards another group, often a smaller one.
Most Germans didn’t hate Jews, but their indifference allowed Nazi Anti-Semitism to spread. Most Americans didn’t hate African-Americans, but their indifference allowed those in power to embed their racist views in the political fabric of the country for centuries.
What atrocities have Watchtower leaders been allowed to nurture because they’ve promoted a spirit of indifference within their ranks?
Most Witness love their families, but the indifference that streams down from the Governing Body allows them to view their loved ones a sinners, destined for destruction and worthy of shunning.
Most Witnesses are kind, friendly people, but indifference allows them to accept a view that non-believers are to be kept at arm’s length, and are worthy only of necessary interactions or spiritual aid.
Most Witnesses love their children and would risk their lives to protect them, but their indifference toward life in this “system of things” allows them to forfeit their inherent paternal instincts. They refuse lifesaving blood transfusions for themselves and their children in acts of loyalty to an organization in exchange for the promise of some future life in “paradise.”
I could go on forever about the things JWs forfeit due to the indifference their indoctrination promotes, but I’d rather make a call to action.
The Remedy to Indifference… Action
If you are an Ex-JW still reeling from the damage this cult has caused you, or if you’re an active JW mentally out and unable to walk away right now – you are not powerless. The remedy to indifference is action.
You may not be able to change the minds of those around you directly. It’s also unlikely that anyone in the Watchtower’s hierarchy can be moved to change by your actions alone. However, your activism doesn’t have to be related to the “JW world” in any way. You don’t have go “full apostate” to affect positive changes in your own world. All you have to do is connect.
Volunteer at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Run a 5k to raise awareness for a cause that is personal to you. Take your kids with you. Show them how you can help other humans in more ways than handing them a bible tract or a Watchtower magazine.
If you can, participate in school functions, bake sales, PTA meetings, community yard sales, potlucks, etc. Invite your JW friends too. Chisel away at the indifference and you’ll find yourself connected to the community around you, and not just to people at your local Kingdom Hall. You’ll not only see the world without “JW Goggles” – you’ll be more inclined to sympathy, empathy and forgiveness toward humans in general, but more importantly… yourself.
You may not be inclined to fly the colors of the French flag in your Facebook profile, but you’ll understand those that do. And you may even understand that those hyper-sensitive “moral agents” who think a display of solidarity is treason against a publishing company are merely cold and indifferent self-deceivers.
Let’s take back our lives and connect with world.
Let’s be humane to the humans.
Oh and by the way… “Vive la France”!
A guest post by James Sequoia

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← The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses – a safe group for children with Autism?
163 Responses to The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”

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 Doc Obvious says:

 November 23, 2015 at 8:08 am

Who cares what the Watchtower thinks! The Pharisaical Watchtower Society is what it is. Jesus Christ stated that we should love our neighbors. By changing your Facebook profile picture to a French flag just shows that you care about the victims of that particular area of the world.

 Reader says:

 November 23, 2015 at 9:35 am

Let the dead bury their dead.
 1] The opportunity to follow Jesus on his earthly ministry. Now that really was something to miss out on! only available for 3.5 years in all history.
 2] The good Samaritan is about helping accross any divides, you did right.


 Pow says:

 November 23, 2015 at 9:42 am

Great comment,
 Who really is MY neighbor?


 Tara says:

 November 23, 2015 at 8:01 pm

Brilliant comment.

 Tara says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:00 am

Had a little experience with a MS last night. I was looking through other posts on this site and came across one about the typo in the silver bible at NUmbers 35 I think it is. Being a brat I texted said MS (whom has been a friend to me) and made a comment. He came back with ‘I bet the proof reader is df’d now’. I said he’s probably in chains bellow Warwick. ‘He said ‘yeah, never to be forgiven’. I said ‘yup, an infidel!’ after a few more comments I managed to slip in that the WT has over 7 billion lined up as infidels at armageddon… He agreed lol. I just shook my head.

 James Broughton says:

 November 23, 2015 at 10:30 am

A very powerful and topical contribution. Indifference is a coping mechanism used by the Witnesses (and others!) when confronted with issues they would rather not face. The right response to indifference is to challenge it by showing a better way.

 Big B says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:07 pm

A well written article and so true.
“Indifference” is the mainstay for this sect that had blinded me with their purple haze of “Paradise Earth” for over 55 years.
And to the indifferent, self-serving, so called “Christian Bethelite brother” who dared quote Jesus’ words “let the dead bury the dead” during this tragedy brings to mind this dialog between Ebeneezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas present…
“Man,” said the Ghost, “if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die?”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Both show their indifference to humanity; one indifferent monetarily the other emotionally in the face of true tragedy.

 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:40 pm

@Big B
((Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol))……..tis the season to be jolly, falalalalahlalalalah……..have you decked the halls and started your Christmas shopping as yet?……only 31 to go:)☺

 Justin (formerly J*L*C*R) says:

 November 23, 2015 at 4:26 pm

Congrats, Big B on leaving the JW Religion! I know how difficult it can be for those who leave, especially after such a long time within the sect. Continue to celebrate your freedom and rest assured that there is a community for ex-JW support.

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 November 25, 2015 at 2:14 am

Out of interest Big B… have you keft or are you fading? I got baptised at 13 after being brought up as a witness… Im now 57 and started fading 2 years ago after the lights in my head were switched on completely and finally after years of suppressed doubt…I would be interested to know your story.

 Big B says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:07 pm

Congrats on fading yourself. My story is that I started out in the JW’s as a non-baptized publisher, with my parents, in 1957 and was baptized in 1969. I started my own fading process after the death of my father (presiding overseer) in 2000. Non of us expected to die, or see loved ones die in this system, but instead were expecting to live to see Armageddon…so the death of my father was a great shock. My fading process was a slow and gradual and culminated in 2013 with the “New Light” in the July issue of the Watchtower. I have not been to a meeting/ assembly/ convention since. I told the elders during their one “shepherding call” in two years, that I would never be going back… EVER. After years in “the truth” I am disgusted with their policy, doctrine changes, etc. After living through 1975…enough is enough. I celebrated Halloween for the first time this year, with my non-JW family, as a 63 year old man. I will be celebrating Christmas for the first time since 1960. I hope my story helps you to continue your fade from this mind controlled indoctrination/cult of the JW’s and my one piece of advice would be to take back your Christian Freedom and Conscience from those who would wish to control you…ie the governing body.

 Syl says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:17 pm

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything”
Albert Einstein
 The most à propos quote.


 dee says:

 November 23, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Awesome comments James, Big B, Syl.
When I was in high school, I used to preach like Paul about man’s inability to solve mankind’s problems and that only god’s kingdom can solve mankind’s problems. One of my classmates countered that the world is not perfect and we may not be able to solve all of the world’s problems but we can’t just take a hands-off approach and not do anything since any effort we make may not help everyone but it will at least help a few persons and that is better than not helping anyone at all.
Looking back I’ve asked myself how was my classmate able to have such a realistic view of the world at that young age yet I resorted to accepting the JW’s idealistic view and was convinced that it was a waste of time to get involved in initiatives to try to make the world a better place. As I got older I would feel guilty and conflicted about participating in such activities as, according to the GB’s narrative, when we participate in such activities we are showing that we believe in Satan’s system of things and we are not looking forward to the new system.
After a while I came to realize that the GB needs us to be indifferent about the world’s problems as this is just their way of deluding us with their fantasy paradise. The GB needs us to believe that everything around us is so bad and can’t be solved in order to keep us hooked on their fantasy paradise.
This indifferent attitude towards problems can also be very unhealthy at the personal level – the indifference could spill over into our personal lives and make us feel that we can’t successfully solve the problems or deal with challenges we may face in your personal lives.

 Justin (formerly J*L*C*R) says:

 November 23, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Outstanding comment, @dee! I agree wholeheartedly.

 peggy says:

 November 23, 2015 at 3:32 pm

Thank you James for this excellent article. After I left the org. I started to work on fund raisers for various causes. To do charitable work, to do something to improve the lives of members of my community, and more. It felt so good. I hate indifference. Once at some lunch hospitality I heard some very pious comments. They indicated these members of our community who do not accept WT. are simply bird food. They said IT LIKE THEY DID NOT CARE. And they do not. Yep God sends vultures to eat their neighbors. And they are down with that. Sick people.They don’t know how they sound.

 Grace says:

 November 23, 2015 at 4:33 pm

I love this guys videos especially this video it’s great, simple & reasonable.
I apply this to the indifference of JW’s.

 Meredith J says:

 November 23, 2015 at 5:50 pm

Yes, Grace, this guy presents a rational approach to JW’s brainwashed personalities. You don’t get it till you actually leave. It does make us more understanding towards our loved ones who are still sucked in by the cult. They are just reflecting the parasitic personality that comes from uptop down to the blinded flock.
Still, I am trying with my own family, but I have been told to butt out of their lives in no uncertain terms. They haven’t shunned us but they have made it clear they do not want to be reminded of our opinions, but at least they know we have not changed our minds, like they probably want us to.

 Grace says:

 November 23, 2015 at 6:47 pm

It’s a shame that people are so insecure about their faith that they can’t have an open discussion about it. I suppose if I were to think back to when I was indoctrinated, I was so emotionally invested in it that I didn’t want anything to undermine my belief.
Funny, I also knew deep down that I had many doubts but suppressed them to keep going.

 Justin (formerly J*L*C*R) says:

 November 23, 2015 at 5:25 pm

Excellent article, James! Keep up the great work.

 Cherie says:

 November 24, 2015 at 6:00 am

If that response is any indication of the JW reaction to 911, it’s truly despicable. In times of crisis and disaster, compassion should supersede religious beliefs. I remember my late witness father refused to participate in his company’s United Way campaign years ago. He kept them from getting 100 percent participation and he was proud of it. I do a charitable gift in his memory every year. I guess it’s my way of making up for it, at least in part.

 Amber Waves says:

 November 24, 2015 at 6:43 am

Thank you, James, for the exceptionally well written and expressed thoughts. It’s been a rough year for me. Having recently been the recipient of some much needed assistance through the local Catholic church (this is not an endorsement of Catholicism or any other religion for that matter – merely an example), I mentioned just the other day to my Catholic boyfriend that there is no such provisions through the JW congregation. If you need assistance, you are told to have more faith. Pray more. Go out in service more. Seek first the Kingdom, and everything else would be added to you. It was at that time that I had an epihany (and, again, this is not an endorsement of Christianity or any particular religion. I myself am not sure what my beliefs are at this juncture): Christ’s ministry involved so much more than preaching. He fed people, he healed people, he geneuinely helped their real world here and now problems.. not just as a foregleam of what he would do in the future, as the Witnesses say, but because they needed it then and there. If it is all some grand story, or truth, he was an excellent example of a kind humanitarian whose ministry was more than just preaching. The JW’s completely miss that point.

 dee says:

 November 24, 2015 at 10:38 am

Awesome thoughts Amber, just absolutely awesome.

 dee says:

 November 24, 2015 at 10:41 am

Thanks for sharing.

 keinlezard says:

 November 24, 2015 at 7:29 am

 First :)
 I would thank everybody who share this horror with french people. ( I’m french … :) )

But, the aim of my message is to share this with you … I was very shocked by this :
In France at “Place de la République” JW have placed an “Awake”
and a “Watchtower” ….

It’s a shame on JW !

 Tara says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:21 am

Bonjour Keinlizard.
Il est à peine une surprise . Le WT pense que les magazines guérissent tout.
L’amour pour le peuple de France.

 Gone Awhile says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:03 am

This post pointed out in me some residual fear in the form of what a very few family members might think. Wanting to do a thing, but still having that ingrained fear of doing it. This after all the other “sins”! Yet somehow held back on that one. Strange, one should logically think, but not to anyone who has experienced such a group. It can show up in the oddest pieces of life.

 dee says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:12 pm

Some more interesting thoughts on the comparison between JWs & radical Islam:

 phoenix_rising says:

 November 25, 2015 at 11:46 am

So my mom today was still talks to me even though I am df’d called me upset. It pains me to see the mental anguish she is going through as all people in her hall are talking about and predicting is that ISIS and the Paris Attacks are going to bring about the end. 1) it disturbs her (as it does all of us) what ISIS has been doing. 2) it scares her that if I am not reinstated and the end does come that I am at risk of being destroyed. I am awake but not sharing too much at the moment with her. So I had to use some of Lloyds excellent reasoning. I asked her “I know the world can seem scary and there is a lot of bad – but honestly would you rather be living now or lets say in the early 1900’s?” and she admitted “Well no I would rather be living now.” and I asked “Lets focus on the good! What kind of things do you enjoy now?” and she said cute things like “Italian food, Seinfeld, my cell phone etc.” and I laughed and said “Exactly! All those things are here and now and to be enjoyed. Could you imagine if we lived in the 1900’s? I wouldn’t be able to send you a text – I would have to send a carrier pigeon and send a black and white photo of the food I was enjoying!” which we both got a good laugh at(I feel humor is something that is a true weapon against cult thinking.) and then I dropped a little comment like “And mom could you imagine how disappointed we would be when David and Abraham weren’t resurrected and having a drink with Ruthorford at his mansion he built for them?” lol! And she gets quiet and says “Okay what in the world are you talking about?” And I kindly pointed her to the proclaimers book. Later she texted me and said “That is the craziest thing I have ever read!” and I texted back “It is crazy isn’t it! And thank God we live today so you could text me instead of sending that smelly old carrier pigeon.” to which we both laughed again.
I think my least favorite thing about the JW’s is the constant atmosphere of FEAR they are always living in. Having been out for two years I have really noticed how negative and sad and worried they are. I might write an article for this sight gathering all my thoughts on how fear is truly a path to the dark side(Sorry Star Wars is coming out.) and how we can use humor to bring our loved ones back and how it allows us to drop subtle but powerful truths and doubts. Amazing how many things I have been able to open her eyes to – but only by laughing at it. And a good reminder for all of us – that laughter and humor is truly therapeutic. Aggressive activism would never have worked on me. When Lloyd prank called Tony I was just dying laughing and to see not only how funny it was – but it also exposed what a loon TM3 is! That’s when for me my own fear and PTSD started to disappear. What does ISIS and the JW’s have in common: they both haven’t had a good belly laugh in a long time. Sorry if this was a little off topic – but I felt the conversation was relevant based on the Paris attack.

 JBob says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:34 pm

The heightened excitement among Watchtower group–I hadn’t put my finger on it, until I did the math… Moses and the Israelites exodus from Egypt and then 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, but led by a pillar of fire and smoke. So, doing the math:
1914 + 40 = 1955 – a spike in the number of active JW’s
1975 – a spike due to published speculations from Watchtower
1975 + 40 = ?? anyone?? anyone?? raised or lowered expectations? 2015.

 dee says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:54 pm

We didn’t have to do the math for this one, it has already been done for us:
Watchtower 2003 Dec 15 p.15 “Warned of Things Not Yet Beheld”
draws a parallel with the 120 years leading up to the flood of Noah’s day:

“In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”-Genesis 6:17.
Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. “After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,” says the apostle Paul, “[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) What about us?
We are certainly in “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” states the Bible. (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah’s will with a keen sense of urgency.”
2033/2034 anyone?
 Yup, there ain’t no better way for the GB to have fun than with the numbers game (their favourite past time apparently).


 dee says:

 November 25, 2015 at 7:26 pm

GB member#1:
“Eureka! By George! The tensions in the Middle East are just the god-send we need right now!……..time to create some hype and get our recruitment numbers back up boys!”

GB member#2:
 Yeah. That November JW Broadcast about “Come Back to Jehovah” by Mark Sanderson was so lame. I really didn’t see how we were going to get our numbers back up after that lame presentation (but promise not to tell him that I said so).

(yup, it’s all about the numbers game)

 Tara says:

 November 25, 2015 at 6:23 pm

What a loving son :) How wonderful that you used humour to show your mum some plain truths and because of your delivery she probably accepted it more than if you had gone in hard. You are totally right, When trying to deal with people we need to show empathy etc. Turn our knowledge of teaching into something wonderfully positive to show our loved ones how futile and damaging the WT is.

 JBob says:

 November 25, 2015 at 5:30 pm

The typical JW position is “neutrality” on politics, but the issue–the terrible actions in France stem from an ideology that opposes on a spiritual level not government. In the case of other incidents, being JW puts one on a side regardless because if one holds to the infallibility of the Bible, they are opposition to the radical “jihadist” who holds to the infallibility of the Quran.
And, really when we’re rational about things, being neutral is taking a side–failing to act against atrocities or failing to support justice puts one on the side of supporting the evil or the injustice. So, failing to act against the Holocaust and to publicize it, or failing to support anti-apartheid in South Africa or the USA, is equivalent of supporting the evil side.
Some individuals also hold the belief that “God’s will is at work” so why cast my vote and upset His plan? Yet, the counterargument is perhaps God is using your vote to enact His plan and by your inaction and not voting, you are going against the Plan.
There’s always a valid counterargument when it comes to a matter that should be individual conscience and decision-making.

 Chiafade says:

 November 25, 2015 at 9:01 pm

Thank you for this comment. I remember a sister in my hall who was assigned to jury duty. There were so many JWs I knew that absolutely refuse to serve on a jury. Well, when the sister went with her jury group before the judge the first thing the judge said was ” if anyone is even thinking of saying I can’t serve serve on the jury for religious reasons, remember… If you want to get justice you have to give justice!”
The organization has instilled such an insular mentality among the witnesses that it’s as if real life is a television show to them. They can see the “worldly people” around them but they just can’t relate to them.

 Barb Moor says:

 November 25, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I have no problem with the French flag overlay on Facebook, but what I think everyone needs (especially JW’s) is a wider worldview. Beirut had a bombing that day too. Mali has suffered. France is lovely and perhaps more psychologically appealing to some to support than Beirut.
Thus, I felt it was too much of a trend to simply add the French flag. Sort of like the Ice-bucket challenge: Everyone did it but did everyone donate? I know so, so many who did it for the video and not for raising funds or awareness.
We need to be aware of terror and evil ALL over the world. It makes it that much more capable of helping and not imitating the ignorance of JW’s as a whole who often relish bad news as some sort of justification.
I also see so much silence about the refugee crisis from the few local JW’s I know. It’s not them so it doesn’t exist.

 Starlight says:

 November 25, 2015 at 10:56 pm

What happened in France is sad. Now, It’s amazing how you guys use tragedies likes those terrorist atacks in France to criticize Jehovah Witnesses. Where is the article that YOU or cedars have written to condemn those attacks? It’s seems like you guys don’t care about what happened to those people or the pain their families are experiencing these days, you just care about what Jws do on social media. Why don’t you send a letter to ISIS leaders condemning the Attacks? What are you waiting for: another attack or are you waiting that ISIS leaders wear “tight pants”?
Show the world that you are against terrorism, send a letter to ISIS. You did send a letter to jw leaders and that was ok, maybe you didn’t get the answers you were waiting for, but you had the courage to write them. You even had an opportunity to talk with Morris III. Try to make a joke to ISIS, call them. Maybe ISIS will answer you with details.

 JB Reezner says:

 November 26, 2015 at 5:09 pm

Starlight, the express purpose of this site is to expose the JW religion as a cult. Although some visitors here may be interested in activism related to other causes, this will likely never be a staging area for it. If unflattering talk toward the JW Org irritates you, this site is probably not the place for you.

 dee says:

 November 26, 2015 at 3:49 pm

I invite you and your mom to release yourselves from the fear of Armageddon imposed by the JW’s delirium, obsession and fascination with the destruction of the world, by reconsidering the claim that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible word of God.
If you were to browse the following websites, for example, you will discover that there are in fact Christians who believe that the Bible is NOT the infallible, inerrant word of God. So it is possible to be a Christian and yet believe this:
When I was in high school, my Biology teacher who was a nun, stated that some Catholics believe that some of the accounts in the Bible are fables and legends and stories about events that did not actually occur. I of course, was shocked by all of this given my JW indoctrination and brainwashing. I was so convinced that those Catholics are just pain evil for believing such a thing about the Bible.

 JB Reezner says:

 November 24, 2015 at 8:07 pm

O diligent, automatic, comment-flagging spam robot, how I do love thee. And your fickle ways only add to your charm.

 Meredith J says:

 November 24, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Mine disappeared and now it’s come back again.

 Markie says:

 November 25, 2015 at 6:31 pm

It’s only charming when it works.

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16 Responses to Videos

 KtotheRAD "Konrad" says:

 August 25, 2013 at 6:55 pm

With every word they reveal and “impart” far more than they ever intended…

 george says:

 August 27, 2013 at 4:45 am

Sorry Cedars, I can only access the first video on my I pad. There are a lot of over sized play icons and they won’t work.

 Luke says:

 October 27, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Continue the good work on this site that expose what Watchtower Organization really are — a fanatic end-time driven cult that only serve interests of its leaders. I left this
 cult three years ago for good. My only regret is that I had not left the Watchtower Cult earlier! On Easter Sunday this year, I was baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and received into Eastern Orthodox Church, apostolic Church that preserved the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

Cedar, you have my blessings of your work on this site that
 will yet help millions of JWs to see the truth of so-called ‘Truth’.


 Fred says:

 November 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Forget taking your numbers from a 1974 yearbook if you question the amount of those killed, interned, etc get the numbers from the Holocaust museum. You forgot to mention the ‘JEWS’ were and its quoted several times in the Watchtower publications as it is related in the bible, “ONCE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE” but they did not remain that because of their actions. Your quotes from WT publications are based on the latter that they fell out of favour in God’s eyes. They therefor were NOT written in an anti-Semitic nature. Many Jews have become JW’s over the years are they lesser beings because they were of Jewish blood?…ABSOLUTELY NOT! All races are equal so this video in my opinion is twisted in its presentation. Not to mention the ridiculous claim of Rutherford’s so called love letter to Adolf Hitler. No blinders on here, I have checked the facts. Sorry but this video paints an untruthful twist of events and statements about the WT as regards the comments on the Nazi’s and Jews.

 Palma says:

 February 28, 2014 at 3:48 am

Hi everybody! Hi cedars!
 I found this article about a discovery in egypt that brings light to the origin of story of joseph in the bible.
 What do you think?

 Idris says:

 March 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

Thank you for this page, it has been a great help to me, as I seek the truth of the word of God, however I noticed in the video ‘Does the Bible speak of ‘Paradise Earth’ the speaker quotes Luke 21v43 twice, regarding Jesus word on the cross, there should be a correction note as the verse he mentions is in Luke 23 v 43.
 Keep up the good work


 Julia Orwell says:

 July 17, 2014 at 3:47 am

Been to internationals before and this elaborate souvenir thing is entirely new. The last one I went to in 2009, the last ones they had, had nothing like this so it’s not a matter of you having not noticed it in the past, it’s a matter of it being a new phenomenon.
 I theorize that the wt motives for this involve keeping the masses busy and therefore obedient. Jws would volunteer to do this because there are no other legitimate outlets for creative expression. Armageddon being near has nothing to do with it: it’s about keeping the sheeple busy and happy. Making stupid trinkets is also a team building activity as it involves jws working together, thus reinforcing the herd mentality jws have.


 frankie fernandez says:

 February 27, 2015 at 4:44 pm

dear friends I was baptized in 1974. Thank God I am no longer a member of the WT. Free at last and oh what a relief it is. A member of my former congregation who I considerd my best friend molested a minor. There was a big argument amognst the elders on the judicial committee. One elder who was a maverick, wanted to notify the police. But, instead they followed the instuctions of the society. They kept this crime against the child, hush hush. So as not to tarnish the name of Jehovah. But in reality it was a coverup to protect the wt’s reputation. Meanwhile this poor child that was raped has to carry the heavy burden of a victim for the rest of thier lives without compensation and without justice. While the abuser has remaind a member in good standing. The congregation he is attending now has not been notified that he is a sexual preditor.

 Holy Connoli says:

 November 17, 2015 at 1:14 am

Frankie.If I were you I would turn him into the police now even though it may have been several years ago he committed this crime. Many sexual predators get turned in years later after the crime is reveled. At the very least he will be investigated and his Name will be mud for being a creep.
 He deserves it and so does the WT for its NON protection of the flock and not caring for the victim but only their phony reputation.


 Kirtley W. Burggraf says:

 March 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

Tell me, since governing body members are elected (replacing someone who dies) at what point do do they become “divinely inspired” or “spirit guided”? Were they always thus in the lower ranks or does this just “happen” the moment that they are appointed? What’s Watchtower’s take on this?

 Alone in MD says:

 March 31, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Regards your video on the Memorial Service. I am one of those “non believers” married to a baptized witness. I go to just keep the peace but I’ve made it known that I consider this service one of the worst religious ceremonies that I have ever been to. “Anointed What”. Also it was announced at last years meeting that “this may be the last memorial service”. They are at it again. Thanks for the great videos.

 frankie fernandez says:

 May 10, 2015 at 9:50 pm


 pj wilcox says:

 July 31, 2015 at 3:21 am

I watched the latest video of the inept elder being questioned by the commission. Who prepared this man for testimony? You all are aware of the dentist who shot Cecil the lion in Kenya? Well his life is over. He is in hiding. What he did ,did not break laws in Kenya and his is in a world of trouble with public sentiment. But this elder being questioned is far worse. He covered deeds that drove people to think of killing themselves. Should he not go into hiding? Is his life over? Has he know conscience? Emotion, caring? You know the answer. Bet ya, damage control is working overtime on this.

 Adrian says:

 September 8, 2015 at 3:32 am

I think the Royal Commission videos demonstrate that fragility of the governance within the WT society. Yes, it’s an Australia branch issue but cross examination only points to the seat of control on which the governing body members sit. Everything starts and stops with the governing body, they set the policy but where are they? Sitting comfortably in NY watching from a distance ready to abdicate any responsibility whatsoever. A governing body governs and leads but I see no leadership I see the followers talking and being bashed around the head with questions, all too easy for the legal team.
However, it might just be me but does anyone else not see the lawyer’s gap in knowledge regarding the fundamental rationale for the WT society policies, they fall back in their comfort zone knowing that they can say ‘well we don’t have the authority to go beyond the bible.’
It’s this gap in knowledge of the legal representatives which the WT society exploit. I mean nobody is going to ask ‘ where actually did this translation come from anyway?’ What were the academic qualifications of the translators? Is there a possibility that you have interpreted things wrongly or even worse, translated things incorrectly? If there’s a possibility that your interpretation on how to deal with modern day child abuse cases in congregations may be flawed, then are you in agreement that your policies could result in lasting harm to victims of abuse? In my view that translation is the ‘elephant in the room’ every scholar knows it’s perverse but no one is holding this cult to account. So easy to say it’s all in the bible but should they really be saying it’s all in the NWT instead?
The WT society in the videos almost give of an innocence as if to say, ‘ but that’s what we understand from the scriptures’, and I think it works in their favor, but a savvy legal representative would do well to tease out the basis for the rendering of certain verses on which doctrine, policy and organisational decisions are based. So far the WT Society appears to be one step ahead because their authority is not a person but a book, which they are ‘only trying to understand and live by’. Expose the origin of the NWT and the basis for so many ridiculous uncaring decisions is called into question.

 Rick Viger says:

 November 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Thanks John for all you do with your videos.
 I’m an ex JW for 40 years now. I hope your videos reach some witnesses and make them think. For all of you that have left Watchtower remember you made the right decision.


 S.T. says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I was wondering if anyone has heard that Jehovah’s witnesses are telling there congregations that the end of this system could have only hours left? My sister who is a Jehovah’s Witness said they are preaching this at the congregations. Has anyone else heard this?

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◾JB Reezner on The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”
◾JB Reezner on The Friday Column: “Let the dead bury their dead”
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20 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

The Friday Column looks at displays of indifference by some #jehovahswitnesses in the wake of the #ParisAttacks

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17 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

Some interesting numbers coming out of bethel for the annual report. If true, they confirm growth is at a total standstill.

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16 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

Have you heard ‘Still Sleepwalking Toward Armageddon’ by @SamHarrisOrg on #SoundCloud? #np


4 Nov   @avoidjw_org 

@cedarsjwsurvey responds to Mark Sanderson's "come home to Jehovah" November broadcast: … #wakeup

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13 Nov   @avoidjw_org 

The Friday Column: Jehovah's Witnesses - a safe group for children with Autism?:

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13 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

Jehovah's Witness caught with indecent images of young girls

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13 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

JWsurvey writer James Strait explores the suitability of the JW faith for a child with autism...

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6 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

Guest writer John Redwood examines the authoritarian control exemplified in the latest Watchtower study edition...

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1 Nov
 Great_ReTweeterRadio   @Great_ReTweeter 

Cult Awareness Video of the Week: @cedarsjwsurvey thoughts on JW Broadcasting 13

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1 Nov
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

My thoughts on JW Broadcasting 13, with Gerrit Lösch ( )...  via @YouTube

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25 Oct
 Watchtower&Awakening   @ApostateAwake 

So the #ClocksGoBack.
Great, could someone let #Creationists know they can bring theirs forward a couple of thousand years?
Cheers guys.

Retweeted by Lloyd Evans

23 Oct
 Susannah JW Reporter   @JWReport 

Dont bother to write to #Jehovahswitnesses here is what they are told to say #bonkers #Awake or just #wakeup #free

Retweeted by Lloyd Evans

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23 Oct
 JW.borg   @jw_borg … very interesting guidelines for JWorg, regarding correspondence. Thanks @cedarsjwsurvey  and to whoever leaked this.

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23 Oct   @avoidjw_org 

Racial Segregation & Jehovah’s Witnesses

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23 Oct
 Anthony   @armathenia 

Cheers to @cedarsjwsurvey and his insider getting this out.  is bogged down, but check out his article soon.

Retweeted by Lloyd Evans

23 Oct
 JW.borg   @jw_borg 

@HowardandCarlos @cedarsjwsurvey Big day for this leak. It splashed on reddit.....hard. The more people who know about this cult, the better

Retweeted by Lloyd Evans

23 Oct
 Snoop-a-Loop   @Alesiskorg 

@cedarsjwsurvey didn't know a "true Christian" does not participate in tying of tubes/vasectomy unless life danger

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23 Oct
 Lloyd Evans   @cedarsjwsurvey 

Announcing the latest leak of highly-sensitive #Watchtower documents...  via @YouTube

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23 Oct   @avoidjw_org 

Highly-secretive "Talmudic" Correspondence Guidelines document leaked by Watchtower insider:

Retweeted by Lloyd Evans

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