Thursday, December 11, 2014

Many Voices part 6

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How to respond to negative claims about the Bible & LGBT
When someone claims they “know what the Bible says,” learn from this 6×9 card how to respond in a way that respects LGBT Christians and creates an opening for dialogue.

Order both our cards in packs of 10 or 50 in our shop.
Share this card with LGBT and non-LGBT alike – family, friends, pastors, church leaders, and anyone with whom you’d like to open dialogue.
The Bible LGBT w copyright_Page_2
The Bible LGBT w copyright_Page_1

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How to respond to negative claims about the Bible & LGBT
When someone claims they “know what the Bible says,” learn from this 6×9 card how to respond in a way that respects LGBT Christians and creates an opening for dialogue.

Order both our cards in packs of 10 or 50 in our shop.
Share this card with LGBT and non-LGBT alike – family, friends, pastors, church leaders, and anyone with whom you’d like to open dialogue.
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Which Bible verses could I use?
Pastors often ask us,
“Which Bible verses could I use to minister to gay and transgender folks?” and
“Which verses could I use to open up dialogue about sexuality and gender?”
The best verses are the ones you already know well and use often—the verses related to love, justice, hospitality, and beloved community.
When you are reminding your congregation about Jesus’ example of standing with those whom society has marginalized, you can include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families as an example of those who are marginalized.
When you are speaking of justice for all people, you can raise the same issues of justice that you raise for everyone—discrimination in employment, health care, housing, etc.—that LGBT people and their families also face. And so on.
Following are some ideas to help you make the connections. We know that you’re already preaching and teaching from these verses. Upon reflection, the connections will become more obvious, and you’ll see opportunities everywhere you turn.
•Jeremiah 31:3— I have loved you with an everlasting love
•Luke 10:27—the Great Commandments
•I Cor. 16:14—Let all you do be done in love
•Romans 12:9-13—Let love be genuine
•John 15:12—Love one another as I have loved you
•Romans 13:8-10—Love one another
•John 13:34-35—Everyone will know you…by your love
•1 John 4:7-11—Let us love one another because God is love
•1 John 4: 19-21—We love because God first loved us
•John 3:16—For God so loved the world
•1 Cor. 13—Love Chapter
•Micah 6:8—What does the Lord require of you but to do justice…
•Psalm 33:5—God loves righteousness and justice
•Psalm 106:3—Happy are those who do observe justice
•Isaiah 58:6-11—The Lord desires kindness and justice
•Matthew 12:18—I will pour out my Spirit… and he will proclaim justice
•Amos 5:24—Righteousness flows like a stream
•Luke 4:18—The Lord has anointed me to preach good news…
•Matthew 7:12—Do to others as you would have them do to you
•Hebrews 13:1-2—Strangers
•Luke 19:1-10—Zacchaeus
•Luke 10:29-37—Good Samaritan
•Luke 14:7-24—Great Dinner
•John 13:1-20—Foot washing
•Acts 8:14-17—Samaritans
•Acts 8:38-39—Eunuch
•Acts 10:45-48—Gentiles
•Acts 16:13-15—Women
Beloved community
•Galatians 3:26-28—…You are all children of God
•Matthew 25:31-46—If you did it to the least of these…
•Matthew 12:46-50—Whoever does the will of God…
•Ephesians 4:4-5—There is one body, one Spirit…
•Ephesians 2:19—So then you are no longer strangers…
•John 10:16—I have other sheep…
•I Cor. 12:26—If one suffers, all suffer
•I Cor. 12:12-17, 24-27—The body, though made of many parts…

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Which Bible verses could I use?
Pastors often ask us,
“Which Bible verses could I use to minister to gay and transgender folks?” and
“Which verses could I use to open up dialogue about sexuality and gender?”
The best verses are the ones you already know well and use often—the verses related to love, justice, hospitality, and beloved community.
When you are reminding your congregation about Jesus’ example of standing with those whom society has marginalized, you can include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families as an example of those who are marginalized.
When you are speaking of justice for all people, you can raise the same issues of justice that you raise for everyone—discrimination in employment, health care, housing, etc.—that LGBT people and their families also face. And so on.
Following are some ideas to help you make the connections. We know that you’re already preaching and teaching from these verses. Upon reflection, the connections will become more obvious, and you’ll see opportunities everywhere you turn.
•Jeremiah 31:3— I have loved you with an everlasting love
•Luke 10:27—the Great Commandments
•I Cor. 16:14—Let all you do be done in love
•Romans 12:9-13—Let love be genuine
•John 15:12—Love one another as I have loved you
•Romans 13:8-10—Love one another
•John 13:34-35—Everyone will know you…by your love
•1 John 4:7-11—Let us love one another because God is love
•1 John 4: 19-21—We love because God first loved us
•John 3:16—For God so loved the world
•1 Cor. 13—Love Chapter
•Micah 6:8—What does the Lord require of you but to do justice…
•Psalm 33:5—God loves righteousness and justice
•Psalm 106:3—Happy are those who do observe justice
•Isaiah 58:6-11—The Lord desires kindness and justice
•Matthew 12:18—I will pour out my Spirit… and he will proclaim justice
•Amos 5:24—Righteousness flows like a stream
•Luke 4:18—The Lord has anointed me to preach good news…
•Matthew 7:12—Do to others as you would have them do to you
•Hebrews 13:1-2—Strangers
•Luke 19:1-10—Zacchaeus
•Luke 10:29-37—Good Samaritan
•Luke 14:7-24—Great Dinner
•John 13:1-20—Foot washing
•Acts 8:14-17—Samaritans
•Acts 8:38-39—Eunuch
•Acts 10:45-48—Gentiles
•Acts 16:13-15—Women
Beloved community
•Galatians 3:26-28—…You are all children of God
•Matthew 25:31-46—If you did it to the least of these…
•Matthew 12:46-50—Whoever does the will of God…
•Ephesians 4:4-5—There is one body, one Spirit…
•Ephesians 2:19—So then you are no longer strangers…
•John 10:16—I have other sheep…
•I Cor. 12:26—If one suffers, all suffer
•I Cor. 12:12-17, 24-27—The body, though made of many parts…

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Resources in "Concerns about the Bible"

How to respond to negative claims about the Bible & LGBT
Biblical Themes, Black Church Conversations, Concerns about the Bible, Dialogue, How to Think about the Bible

Which Bible verses could I use?
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Concerns about the Bible"

How to respond to negative claims about the Bible & LGBT
Biblical Themes, Black Church Conversations, Concerns about the Bible, Dialogue, How to Think about the Bible

Which Bible verses could I use?
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We welcome everyone; why should we broadcast one particular welcome?
Thank you for all that you do to create a welcoming and inclusive community of faith. But why would you want to hide your light under a bushel?
Here’s the deal: Many people associate Christianity with condemnation.
Your congregation may welcome all, but you may be missing many people who are longing for a welcoming space—
• gay and transgender people who are unwilling to risk rejection again,
• young adults who long for an inclusive church,
• parents who want to raise their children in a truly welcoming environment like yours.
The list is very long. Stating your welcome publicly is one step to inviting many disenfranchised worshippers back into the fold!
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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We welcome everyone; why should we broadcast one particular welcome?
Thank you for all that you do to create a welcoming and inclusive community of faith. But why would you want to hide your light under a bushel?
Here’s the deal: Many people associate Christianity with condemnation.
Your congregation may welcome all, but you may be missing many people who are longing for a welcoming space—
• gay and transgender people who are unwilling to risk rejection again,
• young adults who long for an inclusive church,
• parents who want to raise their children in a truly welcoming environment like yours.
The list is very long. Stating your welcome publicly is one step to inviting many disenfranchised worshippers back into the fold!
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Congregational Dialogue"

We welcome everyone; why should we broadcast one particular welcome?
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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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Talking to gay teens – what should the church say?
I was outraged as my research produced one account after another of violence against black lesbian teens! I was equally angered at the number of violent crimes against young black gay men. One article identified a pattern of the gruesome violence against gay black males: someone familiar to the victim and desecration of the body. The pattern of violence against lesbians was rape and fatal shootings. Some of these rapes and murders were committed by black church folks, even pastors. The Houston Chronicle published a brief article about a Fort Worth, Texas pastor charged with raping a 22-year-old member who sought his counsel as one struggling with her sexuality. The Rev. Leonard Ray Owens, 63, of the Prayer House of Faith Church told the young women she had a “lesbian demon” and allegedly sexually assaulted her in his effort to excise the demon. Egregious crimes such as these did not merit an outcry from the black community, least of all a cry of outrage from the Black Church.
What should the church say to gay teens?  “Forgive me, for I have failed to love you.” and “Come, let me be your sanctuary.”As I begin this essay on talking to gay teens, I must confess my anger at the Black Church, an institution which I dearly love, for failing Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (GLBTQ) black teens. Also, I want to briefly note two assumptions associated with talking with black teenagers. The first assumption is that the Black Church wants to say something positive and life-giving to all teenagers about black sexuality regardless of their skin color, social status, gender, and sexual orientation. A related assumption is that the Black Church wants such a positive conversation with black gay teens. Black congregations commonly communicate negatively to youth using abstinence and homophobic rhetoric spoken from Sunday morning pulpits and pews as well as weekday youth programs. As ethicist Victor Anderson has noted, black congregations and their leaders are consistently vocal about the “abominable sin of homosexuality” among the young and old. I believe more congregations speak negatively about black sexuality to youth than those congregations that speak positively, and I wish to suggest a positive approach to black sexuality, specifically, to consider a positive word for black gay teens. So, what should the church say to gay teens? I suggest two things: “Forgive me, for I have failed to love you.” And “Come, let me be your sanctuary.”
The African American Church Must Seek Forgiveness from Gay Teens
The perfect love that we receive from God enables us to act on behalf of gay teens.First, the African American Church must ask forgiveness of gay teens for failing to love them. Loving black gay teens involves loving like Jesus loved. John’s Gospel records how Jesus prayed for his disciples and for those who would believe in him because of them, “…the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17: 26b). Loving as God loves is unconditional and perfect. Love “…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (I Corinthians 13:7) Since love is from God, we are called to love one another for “Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love…If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfect in us.” (I John 4:8 and 11b) The Bible is clear that we should love all people without any conditions, including their sexual orientation. The perfect love that we receive from God enables us to act on behalf of gay teens.
Perfect love advocates and protects gay teens along with all other teenagers. This type of love fashions youth ministries relevant to negotiating the difficult, death dealing, and bullying terrains of school, home, and peers. Perfect love must accompany black gay teens as they journey toward a “whole” and wholesome identity that includes race, religion, and sexuality. Generally, within the black community youth view being homosexual as the worst mark of identity. In an ethnographic study with low-income black teenagers, Carissa Froyum discovered that teens construct affirming identities through heterosexuality. Froyum observed poor black teens using strategies to create and protect their heterosexual identities that included appropriating heterosexist ideologies. Froyum’s research suggests that black teens may not be able to deny being poor but at least they are not gay; for poor black youth, being gay is the absolute worst mark of identity.1 Perfect love provides a corrective to such dehumanizing and class stratifying beliefs.
The African American Church must become a Sanctuary for Gay Teens
The Black Church becomes truly holy where gay teens realize that they are created in the image of God. Second, the Black Church must become a sanctuary for gay youth, inviting them to a physical and metaphorical place of safety where God dwells. A sanctuary is a holy place where God, known in Jesus Christ and present in the world today as the Holy Spirit, provides a place that should shelter gay youth from harm. I have argued that the Black Church should allow black youth to express their anger and well as their joy in the presence of God and the congregation. This is the physical setting of the church where gay youth can be themselves without fear of being exploited or ridiculed. Metaphorically, the church should be a safe place for gay youth to be their authentic selves with all their emotions, gifts, and concerns. The Black Church becomes truly holy where gay teens realize that they are created in the image of God, created in God’s own goodness. In the sanctuary, gay teens can live into their “sacred-selves” with confidence.
I imagine the Black Church as a place of safety where the Spirit of God dwells. How does a sanctuary church function in a homophobic society? Let us imagine the Black Church as a place where gay youth literally run when someone threatens to kill them or when they are being bullied. I want to imagine a “sanctuary” for fifteen year old Sakia Gunn who was killed on May 11, 2003. She and her lesbian friends, ages 15-17, were returning from New York City’s Greenwich Village to Newark, New Jersey, early Sunday morning when two men driving by propositioned them at the bus stop. When Sakia told the men they were not interested and that they were lesbians, the two men jumped out of the car and attacked the three girls, stabbing Sakia as she defended her girlfriend. Sakia died in her friend’s arms on the way to the hospital. I want to imagine a Black Church that would have been a hiding place, a place of safety where the Spirit of God dwells for girls like Sakia.
I wonder what the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, feels when Black congregations refuse to love and offer sanctuary to gay teenagers. I also wonder how gay teens would have responded to the question of what should the Black Church say to them. I am concerned that we keep asking the question until black gay teens lift their voices and speak to the Black Church and we listen and accept them.
Pat Davis, “Okay with Who I Am” Listening to Lesbian Young Women Talk about Their Spiritualities. In Evelyn L. Parker, ed., The Sacred Selves of Adolescent Girls: Hard Stories of Race, Class, and Gender. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 2006.
Support Groups
 Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, Online location:
 Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Online location:
 Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth, ROSMY, Online location:
 The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, Online location:  Sisters of Sakia, Online location:
1. Carissa M. Froyum, “At Least I‟m Not Gay”: Heterosexual identity Making Among Poor Black Teens. In Sexualities, December 2007, Vol. 10 Issue 5, pp. 603-622.

By Evelyn L. Parker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Education at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Reprinted with permission from the Dialogue Corner of The African American Lectionary.

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Talking to gay teens – what should the church say?
I was outraged as my research produced one account after another of violence against black lesbian teens! I was equally angered at the number of violent crimes against young black gay men. One article identified a pattern of the gruesome violence against gay black males: someone familiar to the victim and desecration of the body. The pattern of violence against lesbians was rape and fatal shootings. Some of these rapes and murders were committed by black church folks, even pastors. The Houston Chronicle published a brief article about a Fort Worth, Texas pastor charged with raping a 22-year-old member who sought his counsel as one struggling with her sexuality. The Rev. Leonard Ray Owens, 63, of the Prayer House of Faith Church told the young women she had a “lesbian demon” and allegedly sexually assaulted her in his effort to excise the demon. Egregious crimes such as these did not merit an outcry from the black community, least of all a cry of outrage from the Black Church.
What should the church say to gay teens?  “Forgive me, for I have failed to love you.” and “Come, let me be your sanctuary.”As I begin this essay on talking to gay teens, I must confess my anger at the Black Church, an institution which I dearly love, for failing Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (GLBTQ) black teens. Also, I want to briefly note two assumptions associated with talking with black teenagers. The first assumption is that the Black Church wants to say something positive and life-giving to all teenagers about black sexuality regardless of their skin color, social status, gender, and sexual orientation. A related assumption is that the Black Church wants such a positive conversation with black gay teens. Black congregations commonly communicate negatively to youth using abstinence and homophobic rhetoric spoken from Sunday morning pulpits and pews as well as weekday youth programs. As ethicist Victor Anderson has noted, black congregations and their leaders are consistently vocal about the “abominable sin of homosexuality” among the young and old. I believe more congregations speak negatively about black sexuality to youth than those congregations that speak positively, and I wish to suggest a positive approach to black sexuality, specifically, to consider a positive word for black gay teens. So, what should the church say to gay teens? I suggest two things: “Forgive me, for I have failed to love you.” And “Come, let me be your sanctuary.”
The African American Church Must Seek Forgiveness from Gay Teens
The perfect love that we receive from God enables us to act on behalf of gay teens.First, the African American Church must ask forgiveness of gay teens for failing to love them. Loving black gay teens involves loving like Jesus loved. John’s Gospel records how Jesus prayed for his disciples and for those who would believe in him because of them, “…the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17: 26b). Loving as God loves is unconditional and perfect. Love “…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (I Corinthians 13:7) Since love is from God, we are called to love one another for “Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love…If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfect in us.” (I John 4:8 and 11b) The Bible is clear that we should love all people without any conditions, including their sexual orientation. The perfect love that we receive from God enables us to act on behalf of gay teens.
Perfect love advocates and protects gay teens along with all other teenagers. This type of love fashions youth ministries relevant to negotiating the difficult, death dealing, and bullying terrains of school, home, and peers. Perfect love must accompany black gay teens as they journey toward a “whole” and wholesome identity that includes race, religion, and sexuality. Generally, within the black community youth view being homosexual as the worst mark of identity. In an ethnographic study with low-income black teenagers, Carissa Froyum discovered that teens construct affirming identities through heterosexuality. Froyum observed poor black teens using strategies to create and protect their heterosexual identities that included appropriating heterosexist ideologies. Froyum’s research suggests that black teens may not be able to deny being poor but at least they are not gay; for poor black youth, being gay is the absolute worst mark of identity.1 Perfect love provides a corrective to such dehumanizing and class stratifying beliefs.
The African American Church must become a Sanctuary for Gay Teens
The Black Church becomes truly holy where gay teens realize that they are created in the image of God. Second, the Black Church must become a sanctuary for gay youth, inviting them to a physical and metaphorical place of safety where God dwells. A sanctuary is a holy place where God, known in Jesus Christ and present in the world today as the Holy Spirit, provides a place that should shelter gay youth from harm. I have argued that the Black Church should allow black youth to express their anger and well as their joy in the presence of God and the congregation. This is the physical setting of the church where gay youth can be themselves without fear of being exploited or ridiculed. Metaphorically, the church should be a safe place for gay youth to be their authentic selves with all their emotions, gifts, and concerns. The Black Church becomes truly holy where gay teens realize that they are created in the image of God, created in God’s own goodness. In the sanctuary, gay teens can live into their “sacred-selves” with confidence.
I imagine the Black Church as a place of safety where the Spirit of God dwells. How does a sanctuary church function in a homophobic society? Let us imagine the Black Church as a place where gay youth literally run when someone threatens to kill them or when they are being bullied. I want to imagine a “sanctuary” for fifteen year old Sakia Gunn who was killed on May 11, 2003. She and her lesbian friends, ages 15-17, were returning from New York City’s Greenwich Village to Newark, New Jersey, early Sunday morning when two men driving by propositioned them at the bus stop. When Sakia told the men they were not interested and that they were lesbians, the two men jumped out of the car and attacked the three girls, stabbing Sakia as she defended her girlfriend. Sakia died in her friend’s arms on the way to the hospital. I want to imagine a Black Church that would have been a hiding place, a place of safety where the Spirit of God dwells for girls like Sakia.
I wonder what the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, feels when Black congregations refuse to love and offer sanctuary to gay teenagers. I also wonder how gay teens would have responded to the question of what should the Black Church say to them. I am concerned that we keep asking the question until black gay teens lift their voices and speak to the Black Church and we listen and accept them.
Pat Davis, “Okay with Who I Am” Listening to Lesbian Young Women Talk about Their Spiritualities. In Evelyn L. Parker, ed., The Sacred Selves of Adolescent Girls: Hard Stories of Race, Class, and Gender. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press, 2006.
Support Groups
 Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, Online location:
 Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Online location:
 Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth, ROSMY, Online location:
 The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, Online location:  Sisters of Sakia, Online location:
1. Carissa M. Froyum, “At Least I‟m Not Gay”: Heterosexual identity Making Among Poor Black Teens. In Sexualities, December 2007, Vol. 10 Issue 5, pp. 603-622.

By Evelyn L. Parker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Education at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Reprinted with permission from the Dialogue Corner of The African American Lectionary.

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Aren’t children too young to learn about sexual and gender differences?
Many people worry that talking with young children about these issues will only confuse or worry them.
But children need caring adults to help them sift through the conflicting and misleading messages they hear about gender and orientation and to provide them with a context for developing positive attitudes and respectful values based on accurate information.
Here are just a few examples:
• Elementary school children hear “you’re so gay” as a put-down and will repeat it unless adults step in and explain that name-calling is hurtful and unacceptable.
• When children point out differences in public and are told to be quiet, they learn that these things can’t be talked about. Adults who speak openly and respectfully teach children that differences are okay.
• Even very young children encounter attitudes and ideas about sexual orientation and gender in the form of storybooks and videos where a prince meets a princess and they live happily ever after, adults who hug little girls but shake hands with little boys, and TV commercials showing boys playing in the dirt with toy trucks and girls playing with dolls.
Openness and guidance from caring adults can prevent prejudice and stereotyping and cultivate acceptance.

Adapted from All God’s Children: Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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Aren’t children too young to learn about sexual and gender differences?
Many people worry that talking with young children about these issues will only confuse or worry them.
But children need caring adults to help them sift through the conflicting and misleading messages they hear about gender and orientation and to provide them with a context for developing positive attitudes and respectful values based on accurate information.
Here are just a few examples:
• Elementary school children hear “you’re so gay” as a put-down and will repeat it unless adults step in and explain that name-calling is hurtful and unacceptable.
• When children point out differences in public and are told to be quiet, they learn that these things can’t be talked about. Adults who speak openly and respectfully teach children that differences are okay.
• Even very young children encounter attitudes and ideas about sexual orientation and gender in the form of storybooks and videos where a prince meets a princess and they live happily ever after, adults who hug little girls but shake hands with little boys, and TV commercials showing boys playing in the dirt with toy trucks and girls playing with dolls.
Openness and guidance from caring adults can prevent prejudice and stereotyping and cultivate acceptance.

Adapted from All God’s Children: Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Many people worry that if we’re open with our children about sexual orientation and gender diversity, it will encourage them to experiment, perhaps out of curiosity, and perhaps influence their development.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are internal experiences. Research shows clearly that adults do not cause children to become lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or heterosexual.
Adults can, however, influence how children feel about themselves, including all the ways they may feel out of sync with cultural messages. Adults can have a huge impact on whether children accept or reject themselves and how they feel about and treat those around them.
Please see important research on the impact of family acceptance vs. rejection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. See the Family Acceptance Project’s findings in English and in Spanish.
Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Many people worry that if we’re open with our children about sexual orientation and gender diversity, it will encourage them to experiment, perhaps out of curiosity, and perhaps influence their development.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are internal experiences. Research shows clearly that adults do not cause children to become lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or heterosexual.
Adults can, however, influence how children feel about themselves, including all the ways they may feel out of sync with cultural messages. Adults can have a huge impact on whether children accept or reject themselves and how they feel about and treat those around them.
Please see important research on the impact of family acceptance vs. rejection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. See the Family Acceptance Project’s findings in English and in Spanish.
Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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What if a child is gay or transgender?
You may sense that a child in your class, congregation, or family may be gay or transgender. What should you do?
• Love that child unconditionally as an amazing gift from God.
• Deepen your understanding of sexual orientation and gender—read, discuss, and learn as much as you can.
• Get help—don’t go it alone. Find a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) or other support group.
Sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t choices, and you can’t change them. However, your responses can change how children feel about themselves and their outlook on life.
Here is an easy-to-understand research report in English and in Spanish about the impact of family acceptance or rejection; it shows that healthy and supportive parenting or teaching that enhances self-esteem can have a vital impact on the well-being of any child.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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What if a child is gay or transgender?
You may sense that a child in your class, congregation, or family may be gay or transgender. What should you do?
• Love that child unconditionally as an amazing gift from God.
• Deepen your understanding of sexual orientation and gender—read, discuss, and learn as much as you can.
• Get help—don’t go it alone. Find a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) or other support group.
Sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t choices, and you can’t change them. However, your responses can change how children feel about themselves and their outlook on life.
Here is an easy-to-understand research report in English and in Spanish about the impact of family acceptance or rejection; it shows that healthy and supportive parenting or teaching that enhances self-esteem can have a vital impact on the well-being of any child.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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What if a child’s parents are less affirming than I am, and the child comes to me with questions?
Information isn’t dangerous. Respond to children’s questions and provide factual, age-appropriate information. They’ll appreciate your openness and candor.
If the response calls for values, particularly values that may not be shared, let love and respect be your guides.
With older children, point out that some people see things differently, explain the various views, and encourage them to find out what their parents think.
Loving and supporting children for who they are helps them become happy, well-adjusted people.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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What if a child’s parents are less affirming than I am, and the child comes to me with questions?
Information isn’t dangerous. Respond to children’s questions and provide factual, age-appropriate information. They’ll appreciate your openness and candor.
If the response calls for values, particularly values that may not be shared, let love and respect be your guides.
With older children, point out that some people see things differently, explain the various views, and encourage them to find out what their parents think.
Loving and supporting children for who they are helps them become happy, well-adjusted people.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Resources in "Children & Youth"

Talking to gay teens – what should the church say?
Children & Youth, Education, Frequently Asked Questions, Youth Group Programs

Aren’t children too young to learn about sexual and gender differences?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions

Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child is gay or transgender?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child’s parents are less affirming than I am, and the child comes to me with questions?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions



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Resources in "Children & Youth"

Talking to gay teens – what should the church say?
Children & Youth, Education, Frequently Asked Questions, Youth Group Programs

Aren’t children too young to learn about sexual and gender differences?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions

Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child is gay or transgender?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child’s parents are less affirming than I am, and the child comes to me with questions?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions



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Questions you may have about God & LGBT
Because of outdated Biblical teachings, many gay and transgender Christians ask themselves if God can ever truly love them. This 6×9 card responds to this and other urgent questions in a loving and compassionate way.

Order both our cards in packs of 10 or 50 in our shop.Share this card with LGBT and non-LGBT alike – family, friends, pastors, church leaders, and anyone with whom you’d like to open dialogue.

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Questions you may have about God & LGBT
Because of outdated Biblical teachings, many gay and transgender Christians ask themselves if God can ever truly love them. This 6×9 card responds to this and other urgent questions in a loving and compassionate way.

Order both our cards in packs of 10 or 50 in our shop.Share this card with LGBT and non-LGBT alike – family, friends, pastors, church leaders, and anyone with whom you’d like to open dialogue.

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What does “gender diversity” mean?
Sex and gender. They’re always present, they’re important aspects of who we are, yet they’re rarely discussed in a thoughtful way.
The following definitions are intended to provide a framework for discussion about gender – physical sex, assigned sex, gender identity, gender role, gender presentation, and perceived gender.
Note, first, that even researchers and clinicians disagree about the use of the words sex and gender. You may be accustomed to using those words in a different way than they’re used here. If so, please don’t let that sidetrack you. Instead, listen for the concepts underlying the words.
Physical sex
Physical sex is often identified simplistically in terms of the genitals we have, but physical sex is much more than that. Just as human beings come in many shapes, sizes and colors, we also come in many varieties of physical sex, based on our own unique combination of chromosomes, hormones, and physical characteristics.
Inspecting a newborn’s genitals to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl can be inconclusive or misleading. Experts have estimated that approximately one percent of babies (at least 40,000 annually in the United States alone) are born with bodies that differ in some way from what is considered standard for males or females.
Some babies have physical characteristics that lead to confusion about whether they’re male or female.
…My wife and I just had our first baby. People keep asking, Is it a girl or a boy?” and I don’t know what to say because the baby has what the doctors call ambiguous genitals. The doctors are recommending a series of surgeries to “correct” the problem. I’ve never heard of this. I usually follow doctors’ recommendations, but I don’t know what to do. I feel so alone.
Other atypical aspects of physical, genetic, and brain sex are invisible to the eye but may become apparent later, perhaps at puberty, or become apparent only if genetic tests are performed.
Assigned sex
Assigned sex is what people declare a baby to be at birth. Assignment is the answer to the question, “Is it a girl or a boy?” Most of us don’t realize that sex was assigned to us, and we take for granted that we are the male or female that we were originally said to be.
However, sometimes sex is ambiguous, as in the above example, but even when a baby’s genitals look the way we expect them to, sex assignment on that basis alone isn’t necessarily accurate.
…Our child was born with a girl’s body, externally, but when she was about four, our doctor noticed a slight bulge in her groin. After blood work and ultrasound, we learned that she had male chromosomes (XY) and testes rather than ovaries.
Still other people have unambiguous genitals, but have a profound sense that their assignment was wrong, and they’re deeply troubled by the bind they find themselves in.
Gender identity
Gender identity is a person’s internal understanding of their own true gender. Most people never question or contradict their assigned sex. They were declared to be a boy or girl at birth, and that suits them completely.
Some children, however, know from a very young age that their assigned gender and apparent physical sex are wrong for them, that they are really the other gender.
…My nephew is four years old. He’s been telling his parents for two years that he’s a girl and wants to wear dresses. My brother is beside himself. He keeps pointing to the child’s penis and saying, “You’re a boy, just like Daddy.” But the kid won’t buy it and is getting more sullen by the day.
For some people, neither male nor female fits their understanding of themselves.
…I’m 24 years old and look androgynous. People don’t know what I am. I don’t feel that either label—male or female—fits me. I’ve been trying to explain this to my mom, but she doesn’t get it. She keeps saying that I have to decide whether I’m a boy or a girl. I’m so frustrated.
Gender role
Gender role is what society says is appropriate for males and females, including dress, behavior, and other activities such as using a particular restroom.
When children encounter gender role restrictions that don’t make sense to them, they often conclude that they have a problem and begin monitoring themselves to make sure they don’t step outside the gender role considered appropriate for their assigned sex. For example, you’ve probably known
• an intelligent girl who played dumb to try to become more popular, or
• a boy who held back tears at his grandfather’s funeral because boys aren’t supposed to cry.
We often forget how culturally specific gender roles are, that what is acceptable in one culture is completely unacceptable in another. For example,
• In the United States, adult women are allowed to drive; in some countries, it is forbidden.
• In some countries, men express their affection for each other freely; in the United States, doing so can be dangerous.
Gender presentation
Gender presentation is the way people express their gender or gender role outwardly—including
• Clothing and jewelry they choose,
• Their mannerisms,
• The way they walk and use their hands,
• Their hairstyle,
• The interests they express, and
• Their speech.
If you stand on a street corner in any major city, you can observe a huge range of choices to express gender. And if you look back at your own life, you may remember different periods of experimenting with or changing how you presented yourself as a man or woman.
…I’m a 34-year-old woman. When I was a kid, I felt comfortable only in boys’ clothes. I was so relieved when I grew up and no longer had to fight with my parents over dresses. I wear men’s clothes all the time, and people are fine with it The only exception is the choir I sing in, which requires women to wear long skirts and men to wear tuxes. It’s not that I want to wear a tux, but I find wearing that skirt incredibly stressful.
Perceived gender
Perceived gender is how someone appears to others. Think about how you “know’ whether someone is male or female. We usually see people clothes, so we perceive gender based on gender presentation and how they fit society’s gender roles.
We may think that we can always tell whether someone is male or female, but what we perceive can be inaccurate. For example, at first glance, many people perceive the woman in the photo on this page to be male because of the way she dresses and carries herself.
As another example, look at the photo of the other person. You probably see him as male, and he agrees. Your perception and his own male gender identity, however, don’t match the sex he was assigned at birth: female.
What does all this mean?
Take a moment to consider the distinctions we’ve just made between physical sex, assigned sex, gender identity, gender role, gender presentation, and perceived gender. You probably can’t remember how you learned about your own gender, your physical sex, or the sex you were assigned. We learn these things before we learn to talk. Most of us take them for granted and assume that everyone else does too.
Then again, you may be able to recall some of the ways you learned about what was considered appropriate for boys and girls. You probably learned these things as a very young child by watching your family and friends. You may remember instances when you unknowingly crossed a gender line and were corrected, ridiculed, or punished.
Of course, if you objected to the rules, they were probably rigidly enforced. For example, if you were a girl who didn’t want to wear dresses, or a boy who did, you were probably not given a choice, but made to conform.
Notice that we haven’t mentioned sexual orientation. Many people confuse gender and sexual orientation, and although they’re related, they’re quite separate issues.

Adapted from Made in God’s Image
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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What does “gender diversity” mean?
Sex and gender. They’re always present, they’re important aspects of who we are, yet they’re rarely discussed in a thoughtful way.
The following definitions are intended to provide a framework for discussion about gender – physical sex, assigned sex, gender identity, gender role, gender presentation, and perceived gender.
Note, first, that even researchers and clinicians disagree about the use of the words sex and gender. You may be accustomed to using those words in a different way than they’re used here. If so, please don’t let that sidetrack you. Instead, listen for the concepts underlying the words.
Physical sex
Physical sex is often identified simplistically in terms of the genitals we have, but physical sex is much more than that. Just as human beings come in many shapes, sizes and colors, we also come in many varieties of physical sex, based on our own unique combination of chromosomes, hormones, and physical characteristics.
Inspecting a newborn’s genitals to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl can be inconclusive or misleading. Experts have estimated that approximately one percent of babies (at least 40,000 annually in the United States alone) are born with bodies that differ in some way from what is considered standard for males or females.
Some babies have physical characteristics that lead to confusion about whether they’re male or female.
…My wife and I just had our first baby. People keep asking, Is it a girl or a boy?” and I don’t know what to say because the baby has what the doctors call ambiguous genitals. The doctors are recommending a series of surgeries to “correct” the problem. I’ve never heard of this. I usually follow doctors’ recommendations, but I don’t know what to do. I feel so alone.
Other atypical aspects of physical, genetic, and brain sex are invisible to the eye but may become apparent later, perhaps at puberty, or become apparent only if genetic tests are performed.
Assigned sex
Assigned sex is what people declare a baby to be at birth. Assignment is the answer to the question, “Is it a girl or a boy?” Most of us don’t realize that sex was assigned to us, and we take for granted that we are the male or female that we were originally said to be.
However, sometimes sex is ambiguous, as in the above example, but even when a baby’s genitals look the way we expect them to, sex assignment on that basis alone isn’t necessarily accurate.
…Our child was born with a girl’s body, externally, but when she was about four, our doctor noticed a slight bulge in her groin. After blood work and ultrasound, we learned that she had male chromosomes (XY) and testes rather than ovaries.
Still other people have unambiguous genitals, but have a profound sense that their assignment was wrong, and they’re deeply troubled by the bind they find themselves in.
Gender identity
Gender identity is a person’s internal understanding of their own true gender. Most people never question or contradict their assigned sex. They were declared to be a boy or girl at birth, and that suits them completely.
Some children, however, know from a very young age that their assigned gender and apparent physical sex are wrong for them, that they are really the other gender.
…My nephew is four years old. He’s been telling his parents for two years that he’s a girl and wants to wear dresses. My brother is beside himself. He keeps pointing to the child’s penis and saying, “You’re a boy, just like Daddy.” But the kid won’t buy it and is getting more sullen by the day.
For some people, neither male nor female fits their understanding of themselves.
…I’m 24 years old and look androgynous. People don’t know what I am. I don’t feel that either label—male or female—fits me. I’ve been trying to explain this to my mom, but she doesn’t get it. She keeps saying that I have to decide whether I’m a boy or a girl. I’m so frustrated.
Gender role
Gender role is what society says is appropriate for males and females, including dress, behavior, and other activities such as using a particular restroom.
When children encounter gender role restrictions that don’t make sense to them, they often conclude that they have a problem and begin monitoring themselves to make sure they don’t step outside the gender role considered appropriate for their assigned sex. For example, you’ve probably known
• an intelligent girl who played dumb to try to become more popular, or
• a boy who held back tears at his grandfather’s funeral because boys aren’t supposed to cry.
We often forget how culturally specific gender roles are, that what is acceptable in one culture is completely unacceptable in another. For example,
• In the United States, adult women are allowed to drive; in some countries, it is forbidden.
• In some countries, men express their affection for each other freely; in the United States, doing so can be dangerous.
Gender presentation
Gender presentation is the way people express their gender or gender role outwardly—including
• Clothing and jewelry they choose,
• Their mannerisms,
• The way they walk and use their hands,
• Their hairstyle,
• The interests they express, and
• Their speech.
If you stand on a street corner in any major city, you can observe a huge range of choices to express gender. And if you look back at your own life, you may remember different periods of experimenting with or changing how you presented yourself as a man or woman.
…I’m a 34-year-old woman. When I was a kid, I felt comfortable only in boys’ clothes. I was so relieved when I grew up and no longer had to fight with my parents over dresses. I wear men’s clothes all the time, and people are fine with it The only exception is the choir I sing in, which requires women to wear long skirts and men to wear tuxes. It’s not that I want to wear a tux, but I find wearing that skirt incredibly stressful.
Perceived gender
Perceived gender is how someone appears to others. Think about how you “know’ whether someone is male or female. We usually see people clothes, so we perceive gender based on gender presentation and how they fit society’s gender roles.
We may think that we can always tell whether someone is male or female, but what we perceive can be inaccurate. For example, at first glance, many people perceive the woman in the photo on this page to be male because of the way she dresses and carries herself.
As another example, look at the photo of the other person. You probably see him as male, and he agrees. Your perception and his own male gender identity, however, don’t match the sex he was assigned at birth: female.
What does all this mean?
Take a moment to consider the distinctions we’ve just made between physical sex, assigned sex, gender identity, gender role, gender presentation, and perceived gender. You probably can’t remember how you learned about your own gender, your physical sex, or the sex you were assigned. We learn these things before we learn to talk. Most of us take them for granted and assume that everyone else does too.
Then again, you may be able to recall some of the ways you learned about what was considered appropriate for boys and girls. You probably learned these things as a very young child by watching your family and friends. You may remember instances when you unknowingly crossed a gender line and were corrected, ridiculed, or punished.
Of course, if you objected to the rules, they were probably rigidly enforced. For example, if you were a girl who didn’t want to wear dresses, or a boy who did, you were probably not given a choice, but made to conform.
Notice that we haven’t mentioned sexual orientation. Many people confuse gender and sexual orientation, and although they’re related, they’re quite separate issues.

Adapted from Made in God’s Image
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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What is sexual orientation?
Let’s face it. Americans bring sex into everything from toothpaste to cars, yet most of us have a hard time affirming sexuality as a gift of God.
And if it’s hard to talk about sexuality in an open, honest, caring way, it may seem nearly impossible to talk about differences in sexual orientation. One reason is that when people think “sex,” they tend to think of sexual behavior. But sexuality encompasses a lot more than behavior.
Sexuality encompasses all of these:
• how we understand and express our gender;
• how we grow and change over the years;
• how we view our bodies;
• how we relate to each other;
• whom we like, love, and are attracted to;
• how we reproduce;
• how we’re alike and different  in appearance and behavior;
• what we believe is important;
• and much, much more.
Sexuality includes biological sex
Given that every newborn is greeted with the same question—is it a boy or a girl?—biological sex can appear to be the most fundamental aspect of our sexuality.
Yet even that simple question doesn’t always have a simple answer. Some babies have physical characteristics that lead to confusion about whether they’re male or female. For other babies, atypical aspects of physical, genetic, and brain sex may be invisible at birth and become apparent in early childhood, at puberty, or even later when genetic tests are performed. Some people don’t learn until they’re adults and can’t conceive, for example, that their genetic makeup is not simply either/or.
In addition, our biological sex may not match our gender identify, which is how we see ourselves on the spectrum of female and male, what we let the world see about us, and how congruent our bodies are with our internal experience.
Biological sex and gender diversity are explained more fully in Made in God’s Image.
Sexuality includes gender roles
Despite real variations in physical sex, parents do label their child as a boy or a girl, and from that moment on, children begin learning what’s considered appropriate for them as boys or girls—and what’s not.
One gender role expectation that children learn early is not to act “gay” or not to act like a “sissy,” “faggot,” or “dyke.” Rather than be free to be themselves, boys and girls learn to stifle anything that might be considered “wrong”—too feminine for boys or too masculine for girls.
These playground rules, which extend into adult relationships, demonstrate that people confuse gender role with sexual orientation, which will be discussed shortly.
Sexuality includes sensuality and intimacy
Sexuality includes being sensual, which has to do with
• the ways we feel pleasure,
• our comfort with touching and feelings,
• the image we have of our bodies,
• how we accept ourselves,
• what we know about our bodies, and
• how we take care of them.
Sexuality also includes intimacy, which has to do with our ability to
• trust another person,
• to become known,
• to share,
• to show affection,
• to reveal ourselves honestly, and
• to allow others to reveal themselves to us.
Sexuality includes behavior
Sexual behavior has many components: how we walk and talk, how we dress, how we express affection.
When people use the term “having sex,” they’re talking about a subset of a huge range of behaviors, from holding hands to kissing to various forms of giving and receiving pleasure, including different kinds of sexual intercourse.
Sexuality includes sexual orientation
Sexual orientation refers to the sex of the people to whom we’re physically and romantically attracted. We discover our own orientation by noticing the patterns of our dreams, fantasies, longings, physical and emotional arousal, comfort, and love.
Please note that when people label their orientation, they’re indicating only their internal sexual orientation, not their sexual behavior. For example, a woman who identifies herself as heterosexual is simply saying that she’s attracted, physically and romantically, to men. She isn’t saying that she’s attracted to all men, nor is she saying that, at the moment, she acts on her attraction.
So it is with homosexuality (gay or lesbian) and bisexuality, which are also sexual orientations.  Gay males that that the people they’re attracted to, physically and romantically, are other males; lesbians find that the people they’re attracted to are other women. Bisexual people find that they’re attracted to some who are male and some who are female.
Like heterosexuality, the terms homosexuality and bisexuality describe an internal experience that’s unique for each person. In fact, many people feel that such words are inadequate descriptors of their own personal experience.
And sexuality includes identity
Our identity is who we say we are to ourselves and to others. Note that a person’s identity, orientation, and behavior don’t always line up. For example, a bisexual woman may be married to a man. Her internal orientation is bisexual, but unless she specifically talks about it, people will probably assume that she’s heterosexual.
Of a man who’s uncomfortable with his attraction to other men may insist, both to himself and to others, that he’s heterosexual. Unless he specifically talks about his attraction to men, people will probably assume that he’s heterosexual.
Or a woman who understands herself to be lesbian and has a long-time woman partner may feel that her workplace isn’t a safe place to be “out,” so she allows others to assume that she’s a single, heterosexual woman and then deals with their efforts to help her find a man.
So you see that people’s sexual identity—both their private understanding of their sexual orientation and the public image they project—may not align with their relationships and behavior.

Adapted from And God Loves Each One
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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What is sexual orientation?
Let’s face it. Americans bring sex into everything from toothpaste to cars, yet most of us have a hard time affirming sexuality as a gift of God.
And if it’s hard to talk about sexuality in an open, honest, caring way, it may seem nearly impossible to talk about differences in sexual orientation. One reason is that when people think “sex,” they tend to think of sexual behavior. But sexuality encompasses a lot more than behavior.
Sexuality encompasses all of these:
• how we understand and express our gender;
• how we grow and change over the years;
• how we view our bodies;
• how we relate to each other;
• whom we like, love, and are attracted to;
• how we reproduce;
• how we’re alike and different  in appearance and behavior;
• what we believe is important;
• and much, much more.
Sexuality includes biological sex
Given that every newborn is greeted with the same question—is it a boy or a girl?—biological sex can appear to be the most fundamental aspect of our sexuality.
Yet even that simple question doesn’t always have a simple answer. Some babies have physical characteristics that lead to confusion about whether they’re male or female. For other babies, atypical aspects of physical, genetic, and brain sex may be invisible at birth and become apparent in early childhood, at puberty, or even later when genetic tests are performed. Some people don’t learn until they’re adults and can’t conceive, for example, that their genetic makeup is not simply either/or.
In addition, our biological sex may not match our gender identify, which is how we see ourselves on the spectrum of female and male, what we let the world see about us, and how congruent our bodies are with our internal experience.
Biological sex and gender diversity are explained more fully in Made in God’s Image.
Sexuality includes gender roles
Despite real variations in physical sex, parents do label their child as a boy or a girl, and from that moment on, children begin learning what’s considered appropriate for them as boys or girls—and what’s not.
One gender role expectation that children learn early is not to act “gay” or not to act like a “sissy,” “faggot,” or “dyke.” Rather than be free to be themselves, boys and girls learn to stifle anything that might be considered “wrong”—too feminine for boys or too masculine for girls.
These playground rules, which extend into adult relationships, demonstrate that people confuse gender role with sexual orientation, which will be discussed shortly.
Sexuality includes sensuality and intimacy
Sexuality includes being sensual, which has to do with
• the ways we feel pleasure,
• our comfort with touching and feelings,
• the image we have of our bodies,
• how we accept ourselves,
• what we know about our bodies, and
• how we take care of them.
Sexuality also includes intimacy, which has to do with our ability to
• trust another person,
• to become known,
• to share,
• to show affection,
• to reveal ourselves honestly, and
• to allow others to reveal themselves to us.
Sexuality includes behavior
Sexual behavior has many components: how we walk and talk, how we dress, how we express affection.
When people use the term “having sex,” they’re talking about a subset of a huge range of behaviors, from holding hands to kissing to various forms of giving and receiving pleasure, including different kinds of sexual intercourse.
Sexuality includes sexual orientation
Sexual orientation refers to the sex of the people to whom we’re physically and romantically attracted. We discover our own orientation by noticing the patterns of our dreams, fantasies, longings, physical and emotional arousal, comfort, and love.
Please note that when people label their orientation, they’re indicating only their internal sexual orientation, not their sexual behavior. For example, a woman who identifies herself as heterosexual is simply saying that she’s attracted, physically and romantically, to men. She isn’t saying that she’s attracted to all men, nor is she saying that, at the moment, she acts on her attraction.
So it is with homosexuality (gay or lesbian) and bisexuality, which are also sexual orientations.  Gay males that that the people they’re attracted to, physically and romantically, are other males; lesbians find that the people they’re attracted to are other women. Bisexual people find that they’re attracted to some who are male and some who are female.
Like heterosexuality, the terms homosexuality and bisexuality describe an internal experience that’s unique for each person. In fact, many people feel that such words are inadequate descriptors of their own personal experience.
And sexuality includes identity
Our identity is who we say we are to ourselves and to others. Note that a person’s identity, orientation, and behavior don’t always line up. For example, a bisexual woman may be married to a man. Her internal orientation is bisexual, but unless she specifically talks about it, people will probably assume that she’s heterosexual.
Of a man who’s uncomfortable with his attraction to other men may insist, both to himself and to others, that he’s heterosexual. Unless he specifically talks about his attraction to men, people will probably assume that he’s heterosexual.
Or a woman who understands herself to be lesbian and has a long-time woman partner may feel that her workplace isn’t a safe place to be “out,” so she allows others to assume that she’s a single, heterosexual woman and then deals with their efforts to help her find a man.
So you see that people’s sexual identity—both their private understanding of their sexual orientation and the public image they project—may not align with their relationships and behavior.

Adapted from And God Loves Each One
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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What causes different gender experiences and sexual orientations?
Sexual orientation and where we are on the gender spectrum are core parts of our human makeup.
We don’t know why some people are heterosexual and others aren’t or why some people fit society’s expectations of female and male and others don’t.
Perhaps what should matter is how we and our children learn to relate to the diversity of experience.

Adapted from All God’s Children.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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What causes different gender experiences and sexual orientations?
Sexual orientation and where we are on the gender spectrum are core parts of our human makeup.
We don’t know why some people are heterosexual and others aren’t or why some people fit society’s expectations of female and male and others don’t.
Perhaps what should matter is how we and our children learn to relate to the diversity of experience.

Adapted from All God’s Children.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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Why don’t gay, lesbian, bisexual people change?
This question implies that something needs to be fixed—but there’s really nothing wrong. Homosexuality and bisexuality are normal variations of human sexuality.
Confirmation of this fact has come from all the major health and mental health organizations, which have all come to recognize that homosexuality is not deviant, not a symptom or category of illness, but simply normal.
You may have heard of people who claim to have changed their orientation, but they appear to be confusing behavior, identity and orientation. They may have been able to stop acting on their attraction. They may have publicly identified themselves as heterosexual. But nothing has been found to change a person’s internal orientation.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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Why don’t gay, lesbian, bisexual people change?
This question implies that something needs to be fixed—but there’s really nothing wrong. Homosexuality and bisexuality are normal variations of human sexuality.
Confirmation of this fact has come from all the major health and mental health organizations, which have all come to recognize that homosexuality is not deviant, not a symptom or category of illness, but simply normal.
You may have heard of people who claim to have changed their orientation, but they appear to be confusing behavior, identity and orientation. They may have been able to stop acting on their attraction. They may have publicly identified themselves as heterosexual. But nothing has been found to change a person’s internal orientation.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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Are bisexual people going through a stage?
Our society tries to simplify attraction—something that’s extremely complex—into two polor opposites: Either you’re heterosexual or you’re gay/lesbian.
But not everyone’s experience fits that oversimplification. For bisexuals, the other person’s biological sex may not play as large a role in their attractions as other personal characteristics.
It does happen sometimes that gay/lesbian people will begin their coming-out by thinking and saying that they’re bisexual, which may seem safer to them at first. But it also often happens that may people who are bisexual never mention it.
That, coupled with society’s insistence on only two possible sexual orientations, supports the impression that bisexuality is rare. It’s not. Actually, it’s quite common.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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Are bisexual people going through a stage?
Our society tries to simplify attraction—something that’s extremely complex—into two polor opposites: Either you’re heterosexual or you’re gay/lesbian.
But not everyone’s experience fits that oversimplification. For bisexuals, the other person’s biological sex may not play as large a role in their attractions as other personal characteristics.
It does happen sometimes that gay/lesbian people will begin their coming-out by thinking and saying that they’re bisexual, which may seem safer to them at first. But it also often happens that may people who are bisexual never mention it.
That, coupled with society’s insistence on only two possible sexual orientations, supports the impression that bisexuality is rare. It’s not. Actually, it’s quite common.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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What do same-sex couples do together?
Just like other couples, same-sex couples pursue whatever interests they have in common—singing, playing ball, gardening, worshipping, raising families, and so on.
They have the same potential for positive and negative relating—caring, hurting, nurturing, fighting, having fun, abusing, competing, or cooperating.
They also have available the same means for making love—holding hands, intimate eye contact, and touching with every part of the body.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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What do same-sex couples do together?
Just like other couples, same-sex couples pursue whatever interests they have in common—singing, playing ball, gardening, worshipping, raising families, and so on.
They have the same potential for positive and negative relating—caring, hurting, nurturing, fighting, having fun, abusing, competing, or cooperating.
They also have available the same means for making love—holding hands, intimate eye contact, and touching with every part of the body.

Excerpted from And God Loves Each One.
Contributed by Ann Thompson Cook

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Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Many people worry that if we’re open with our children about sexual orientation and gender diversity, it will encourage them to experiment, perhaps out of curiosity, and perhaps influence their development.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are internal experiences. Research shows clearly that adults do not cause children to become lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or heterosexual.
Adults can, however, influence how children feel about themselves, including all the ways they may feel out of sync with cultural messages. Adults can have a huge impact on whether children accept or reject themselves and how they feel about and treat those around them.
Please see important research on the impact of family acceptance vs. rejection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. See the Family Acceptance Project’s findings in English and in Spanish.
Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Many people worry that if we’re open with our children about sexual orientation and gender diversity, it will encourage them to experiment, perhaps out of curiosity, and perhaps influence their development.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are internal experiences. Research shows clearly that adults do not cause children to become lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or heterosexual.
Adults can, however, influence how children feel about themselves, including all the ways they may feel out of sync with cultural messages. Adults can have a huge impact on whether children accept or reject themselves and how they feel about and treat those around them.
Please see important research on the impact of family acceptance vs. rejection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. See the Family Acceptance Project’s findings in English and in Spanish.
Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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What if a child is gay or transgender?
You may sense that a child in your class, congregation, or family may be gay or transgender. What should you do?
• Love that child unconditionally as an amazing gift from God.
• Deepen your understanding of sexual orientation and gender—read, discuss, and learn as much as you can.
• Get help—don’t go it alone. Find a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) or other support group.
Sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t choices, and you can’t change them. However, your responses can change how children feel about themselves and their outlook on life.
Here is an easy-to-understand research report in English and in Spanish about the impact of family acceptance or rejection; it shows that healthy and supportive parenting or teaching that enhances self-esteem can have a vital impact on the well-being of any child.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

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What if a child is gay or transgender?
You may sense that a child in your class, congregation, or family may be gay or transgender. What should you do?
• Love that child unconditionally as an amazing gift from God.
• Deepen your understanding of sexual orientation and gender—read, discuss, and learn as much as you can.
• Get help—don’t go it alone. Find a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) or other support group.
Sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t choices, and you can’t change them. However, your responses can change how children feel about themselves and their outlook on life.
Here is an easy-to-understand research report in English and in Spanish about the impact of family acceptance or rejection; it shows that healthy and supportive parenting or teaching that enhances self-esteem can have a vital impact on the well-being of any child.

Adapted from All God’s Children:Teaching Children about Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Contributed by Melany Burrill

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Resources in "Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity"

Questions you may have about God & LGBT
Black Church Conversations, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Gay/Transgender Experience, Moral Reflections, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What does “gender diversity” mean?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What is sexual orientation?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What causes different gender experiences and sexual orientations?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Why don’t gay, lesbian, bisexual people change?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Are bisexual people going through a stage?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What do same-sex couples do together?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child is gay or transgender?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity



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Resources in "Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity"

Questions you may have about God & LGBT
Black Church Conversations, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Gay/Transgender Experience, Moral Reflections, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What does “gender diversity” mean?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What is sexual orientation?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What causes different gender experiences and sexual orientations?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Why don’t gay, lesbian, bisexual people change?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Are bisexual people going through a stage?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What do same-sex couples do together?
Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

Wlll talking with children about sexuality and gender influence them?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity

What if a child is gay or transgender?
Children & Youth, Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions, Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity



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Prayer of Hope
Prayer affords us the opportunity to strengthen our hope and our resolve for health and wholeness.
God of Hope,
All of us are affected by HIV/AIDS.
At this time of Advent Hope, as we prepare for the coming of your son into the world, we give thanks for signs of hope.
For growing understanding,
For medical advances,
For changing attitudes and behavior,
For greater awareness and concern in your church.

God of Unity, bind us together with strong ties of love,
That this church community may be a place where all can find acceptance.
May it be a place of welcome for all affected by HIV/AIDS.
May it be a place where care is given and received, especially for affected children and youth.
Where stories are told and heard,
Where fear is overcome by love,
Where you are to be found.


Adapted from the Diakonia Council of Churches in South Africa.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Prayer of Hope
Prayer affords us the opportunity to strengthen our hope and our resolve for health and wholeness.
God of Hope,
All of us are affected by HIV/AIDS.
At this time of Advent Hope, as we prepare for the coming of your son into the world, we give thanks for signs of hope.
For growing understanding,
For medical advances,
For changing attitudes and behavior,
For greater awareness and concern in your church.

God of Unity, bind us together with strong ties of love,
That this church community may be a place where all can find acceptance.
May it be a place of welcome for all affected by HIV/AIDS.
May it be a place where care is given and received, especially for affected children and youth.
Where stories are told and heard,
Where fear is overcome by love,
Where you are to be found.


Adapted from the Diakonia Council of Churches in South Africa.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Resources in "Advent"

Prayer of Hope
Advent, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
Prayer affords us the opportunity to strengthen our hope and our resolve for health and wholeness.



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Resources in "Advent"

Prayer of Hope
Advent, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
Prayer affords us the opportunity to strengthen our hope and our resolve for health and wholeness.



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Prayer for Christmas Day
May we see God's presence and strength among the vulnerable of our day.

Holy One,
born among us in Jesus,
live in us through the power of your Spirit
as we seek to follow the way of the One
who is found among the most vulnerable
and yet embodies the strength of the ages.

From Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance. Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Prayer for Christmas Day
May we see God's presence and strength among the vulnerable of our day.

Holy One,
born among us in Jesus,
live in us through the power of your Spirit
as we seek to follow the way of the One
who is found among the most vulnerable
and yet embodies the strength of the ages.

From Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance. Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Light of Epiphany
Our light shines even brighter as we work for justice in the world.

Holy One,
you have called us to be a light for the nations;
give us the strength and courage to shine with love,
embodying justice, mercy, and humility,
that all the world might be drawn to you
through Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

From Gay, Lesbian Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance. Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Light of Epiphany
Our light shines even brighter as we work for justice in the world.

Holy One,
you have called us to be a light for the nations;
give us the strength and courage to shine with love,
embodying justice, mercy, and humility,
that all the world might be drawn to you
through Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

From Gay, Lesbian Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance. Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Epiphany prayer
In this Collect we invite wisdom inherent in Epiphany to sweep over us.

Holy One,
your steadfast love, embodied in Jesus, the Christ,
draws wisdom seekers to you in search of hope.

In our search for wisdom,
may we be drawn ever closer to you,
through Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world.

From Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance.  Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Epiphany prayer
In this Collect we invite wisdom inherent in Epiphany to sweep over us.

Holy One,
your steadfast love, embodied in Jesus, the Christ,
draws wisdom seekers to you in search of hope.

In our search for wisdom,
may we be drawn ever closer to you,
through Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world.

From Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Alliance.  Used with permission.
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Christmas & Epiphany"

Prayer for Christmas Day
Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
May we see God's presence and strength among the vulnerable of our day.

Light of Epiphany
Call to Worship, Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Worship
Our light shines even brighter as we work for justice in the world.

Epiphany prayer
Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
In this Collect we invite wisdom inherent in Epiphany to sweep over us.



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Christmas & Epiphany"

Prayer for Christmas Day
Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
May we see God's presence and strength among the vulnerable of our day.

Light of Epiphany
Call to Worship, Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Worship
Our light shines even brighter as we work for justice in the world.

Epiphany prayer
Christmas & Epiphany, Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Worship
In this Collect we invite wisdom inherent in Epiphany to sweep over us.



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Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday
Our request for the light of God to shine in our lives brightly and in full force is heard and will be answered.

Radiant God, source of light,
as you surrounded Jesus with your glory,
so you come to us in penetrating brightness.

You catch us off guard and expose our weakness.

We choose the limelight while you call us to explore the shadows
and brighten the darkness.

We seek the spectacular while you bind up the broken in
countless acts of mercy.

We seek to stay on the mountain or in a comfortable pew while
you walk to the valleys of need.

Radiant God,
fill us with light and courage to carry good news into all the
corners of the world and to bring back the joy of your presence.

By Reconciling Congregation Program From Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God’s Grace in an Inclusive Church, Copyright 2000. Reprinted by permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday
Our request for the light of God to shine in our lives brightly and in full force is heard and will be answered.

Radiant God, source of light,
as you surrounded Jesus with your glory,
so you come to us in penetrating brightness.

You catch us off guard and expose our weakness.

We choose the limelight while you call us to explore the shadows
and brighten the darkness.

We seek the spectacular while you bind up the broken in
countless acts of mercy.

We seek to stay on the mountain or in a comfortable pew while
you walk to the valleys of need.

Radiant God,
fill us with light and courage to carry good news into all the
corners of the world and to bring back the joy of your presence.

By Reconciling Congregation Program From Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God’s Grace in an Inclusive Church, Copyright 2000. Reprinted by permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Transfiguration Sunday: A transgender perspective
Who are the people who are with us, who witness our transfiguration, our transformation?...
As Jesus headed up the mountain, he took his followers, Peter, James and John, with him (Mark 9:2-9). While there, they were joined by the prophets Elijah and Moses. Each of them witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration and responded in various ways.
Who are our bedazzled disciples,
those who have known us for a long time or known us well and yet are still befuddled by our transforming selves?
Who serves as our Elijah, Moses and Jesus’ companions
who had experienced their own wilderness and mountain top experiences?
Who are the people in our lives– our trans companions,
the trans people who have been there before us – who know the wilderness times of aloneness and also know the mountaintops?
Who are those who pronounce our new names
when we wake up from surgery and see our new bodies for the first time?
Who are the disciples in our lives
who always want to say or do the right thing but don’t quite get things right with us?
Who are like Simon Peter
who sometimes want to “set up tents,” wanting to idealize, tokenize, or displaytrans-people saying, “Look at our trans members. Look how inclusive we are”?

From Out In Season: A Transgender Encounter with the Church Year. Published by the Human Rights Campaign Religion & Faith Program. Access the full resource here.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Transfiguration Sunday: A transgender perspective
Who are the people who are with us, who witness our transfiguration, our transformation?...
As Jesus headed up the mountain, he took his followers, Peter, James and John, with him (Mark 9:2-9). While there, they were joined by the prophets Elijah and Moses. Each of them witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration and responded in various ways.
Who are our bedazzled disciples,
those who have known us for a long time or known us well and yet are still befuddled by our transforming selves?
Who serves as our Elijah, Moses and Jesus’ companions
who had experienced their own wilderness and mountain top experiences?
Who are the people in our lives– our trans companions,
the trans people who have been there before us – who know the wilderness times of aloneness and also know the mountaintops?
Who are those who pronounce our new names
when we wake up from surgery and see our new bodies for the first time?
Who are the disciples in our lives
who always want to say or do the right thing but don’t quite get things right with us?
Who are like Simon Peter
who sometimes want to “set up tents,” wanting to idealize, tokenize, or displaytrans-people saying, “Look at our trans members. Look how inclusive we are”?

From Out In Season: A Transgender Encounter with the Church Year. Published by the Human Rights Campaign Religion & Faith Program. Access the full resource here.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Transfiguration Sunday"

Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday
Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Transfiguration Sunday, Worship
Our request for the light of God to shine in our lives brightly and in full force is heard and will be answered.

Transfiguration Sunday: A transgender perspective
Church Seasons, Transfiguration Sunday
Who are the people who are with us, who witness our transfiguration, our transformation?...



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Transfiguration Sunday"

Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday
Church Seasons, Prayers for Various Occasions, Transfiguration Sunday, Worship
Our request for the light of God to shine in our lives brightly and in full force is heard and will be answered.

Transfiguration Sunday: A transgender perspective
Church Seasons, Transfiguration Sunday
Who are the people who are with us, who witness our transfiguration, our transformation?...



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Ash Wednesday reflection
Spring is a season of renewal and many Christians observe Ash Wednesday. In so doing we enter a time of personal and collective renewal. Among the relevant questions for this time are:
•Who are we?
•What is the basis of our decisions?
•How do we treat others?

The invitation to examine who we are is an invitation to reflection, introspection and awareness. We may utilize Lent to become more fully aware our unique giftedness and that of others, including our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers. Each of us may declare,
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” Psalm 139:14

Deciding to live consistent with what we understand to be true, and acting in accord with those truths, is another opportunity available to us in this season. May we love out loud and pursue justice with vigor.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” I Corinthians 16:14

Chief among our considerations is the nature and quality of our relationships. Lent provides space to extend ourselves; to be the powerful creation God intended, to stand for others and to bring love, peace and justice into concrete existence.
“Happy are those who observe justice , who do righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3

May this season reveal the ever-present embrace of God available to all – without exception.
O Creator of us all, we sometimes forget.
We forget that we are not alone,
We forget that you made us,
We forget that we have had help along the way,
We forget to ask for what we need.

Embodied Spirit, remind us that we are surrounded.
We are surrounded by the people you have created,
And by the many gifts you have given them to share.
Remind us of our own gifts,
And the ways we may use them in community.

Suffering Savior, we confess that in our own struggle to survive,
We have ignored other communities.
We have forgotten that they too have the right to survive.
Make us mindful. Make us compassionate.
Help us to see you in one another.

In your most holy name we pray,

By Reverend Cedric A. Harmon.  Prayer written by Reverend Marc W. Blakesley Copyright@2012 Special Folk Worship Consulting. Used with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Ash Wednesday reflection
Spring is a season of renewal and many Christians observe Ash Wednesday. In so doing we enter a time of personal and collective renewal. Among the relevant questions for this time are:
•Who are we?
•What is the basis of our decisions?
•How do we treat others?

The invitation to examine who we are is an invitation to reflection, introspection and awareness. We may utilize Lent to become more fully aware our unique giftedness and that of others, including our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers. Each of us may declare,
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” Psalm 139:14

Deciding to live consistent with what we understand to be true, and acting in accord with those truths, is another opportunity available to us in this season. May we love out loud and pursue justice with vigor.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” I Corinthians 16:14

Chief among our considerations is the nature and quality of our relationships. Lent provides space to extend ourselves; to be the powerful creation God intended, to stand for others and to bring love, peace and justice into concrete existence.
“Happy are those who observe justice , who do righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3

May this season reveal the ever-present embrace of God available to all – without exception.
O Creator of us all, we sometimes forget.
We forget that we are not alone,
We forget that you made us,
We forget that we have had help along the way,
We forget to ask for what we need.

Embodied Spirit, remind us that we are surrounded.
We are surrounded by the people you have created,
And by the many gifts you have given them to share.
Remind us of our own gifts,
And the ways we may use them in community.

Suffering Savior, we confess that in our own struggle to survive,
We have ignored other communities.
We have forgotten that they too have the right to survive.
Make us mindful. Make us compassionate.
Help us to see you in one another.

In your most holy name we pray,

By Reverend Cedric A. Harmon.  Prayer written by Reverend Marc W. Blakesley Copyright@2012 Special Folk Worship Consulting. Used with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Resources in "Lent"

Ash Wednesday reflection
Ash Wednesday, Lent



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Resources in "Lent"

Ash Wednesday reflection
Ash Wednesday, Lent



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Ash Wednesday reflection
Spring is a season of renewal and many Christians observe Ash Wednesday. In so doing we enter a time of personal and collective renewal. Among the relevant questions for this time are:
•Who are we?
•What is the basis of our decisions?
•How do we treat others?

The invitation to examine who we are is an invitation to reflection, introspection and awareness. We may utilize Lent to become more fully aware our unique giftedness and that of others, including our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers. Each of us may declare,
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” Psalm 139:14

Deciding to live consistent with what we understand to be true, and acting in accord with those truths, is another opportunity available to us in this season. May we love out loud and pursue justice with vigor.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” I Corinthians 16:14

Chief among our considerations is the nature and quality of our relationships. Lent provides space to extend ourselves; to be the powerful creation God intended, to stand for others and to bring love, peace and justice into concrete existence.
“Happy are those who observe justice , who do righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3

May this season reveal the ever-present embrace of God available to all – without exception.
O Creator of us all, we sometimes forget.
We forget that we are not alone,
We forget that you made us,
We forget that we have had help along the way,
We forget to ask for what we need.

Embodied Spirit, remind us that we are surrounded.
We are surrounded by the people you have created,
And by the many gifts you have given them to share.
Remind us of our own gifts,
And the ways we may use them in community.

Suffering Savior, we confess that in our own struggle to survive,
We have ignored other communities.
We have forgotten that they too have the right to survive.
Make us mindful. Make us compassionate.
Help us to see you in one another.

In your most holy name we pray,

By Reverend Cedric A. Harmon.  Prayer written by Reverend Marc W. Blakesley Copyright@2012 Special Folk Worship Consulting. Used with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Ash Wednesday reflection
Spring is a season of renewal and many Christians observe Ash Wednesday. In so doing we enter a time of personal and collective renewal. Among the relevant questions for this time are:
•Who are we?
•What is the basis of our decisions?
•How do we treat others?

The invitation to examine who we are is an invitation to reflection, introspection and awareness. We may utilize Lent to become more fully aware our unique giftedness and that of others, including our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers. Each of us may declare,
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” Psalm 139:14

Deciding to live consistent with what we understand to be true, and acting in accord with those truths, is another opportunity available to us in this season. May we love out loud and pursue justice with vigor.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” I Corinthians 16:14

Chief among our considerations is the nature and quality of our relationships. Lent provides space to extend ourselves; to be the powerful creation God intended, to stand for others and to bring love, peace and justice into concrete existence.
“Happy are those who observe justice , who do righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3

May this season reveal the ever-present embrace of God available to all – without exception.
O Creator of us all, we sometimes forget.
We forget that we are not alone,
We forget that you made us,
We forget that we have had help along the way,
We forget to ask for what we need.

Embodied Spirit, remind us that we are surrounded.
We are surrounded by the people you have created,
And by the many gifts you have given them to share.
Remind us of our own gifts,
And the ways we may use them in community.

Suffering Savior, we confess that in our own struggle to survive,
We have ignored other communities.
We have forgotten that they too have the right to survive.
Make us mindful. Make us compassionate.
Help us to see you in one another.

In your most holy name we pray,

By Reverend Cedric A. Harmon.  Prayer written by Reverend Marc W. Blakesley Copyright@2012 Special Folk Worship Consulting. Used with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday reflection
Ash Wednesday, Lent



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday reflection
Ash Wednesday, Lent



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5 Keys to preparing couples and clergy for marriage ceremonies
Careful, deliberate and prayerful thought allows us to create celebrations worthy of the commitment and love couples share in the covenant of marriage.

When celebrating the marriage or commitment of a same-gender couple for the first time, clergy may have a host of questions and concerns. It may feel like a completely new territory or unfamiliar ground, but the desire of the couple before you is just like any other couple we counsel and serve: They come to us with love for one another and the hope of a ceremony to honor, share and seal that love before God and by law. We have a great opportunity to assist the couple in naming and seeing what is essential and important to them for this day.
These are some questions to be asked and some considerations to be observed.
Key #1: Family
A particularly sensitive conversation for same-gender couples is the one about family attendance and participation. For some couples, the family of origin is ready to celebrate their commitment, but for others, this step into marriage causes friction. Some parents, siblings or relatives may decline to be present. Aiding the couple in creating a celebration that honors their love and demonstrates their commitment to the world can be healing in the face of existing tension. The strength of love to “conquer all things” is made real in this experience.
Key #2: Language
The words used in the ceremony should reflect the wishes of the couple and be appropriate to their commitment. For example, do they wish to be referred to as spouses, life companions, life partners, husbands, or wives? Is the ceremony a wedding, celebration of marriage, holy union, marriage commitment, commitment ceremony, etc.?
Key #3: Ritual
The structure and amount of formal liturgy in the ritual should be discussed. Some couples desire a fairly traditional ceremony with adaptations. Other couples will want their spiritual commitment demonstrated and God’s presence honored, but not in highly traditional form. Talk this through with the couple so that the meaning of this life transition is powerful and reflective of their lives now and into the future. Readings, prayers, meditations, music and the vows are all opportunities for creating a beautiful and true celebration of these two lives.
Key #4: Statement of Intention/Commitment, Pledge of Support
This portion of the ceremony offers an opportunity to invite the couple to state their freely chosen intent to enter into marriage and for the family, friends, and community to state their full support of the couple in their lives together. Enveloping same-gender couples in this blanket of love and support is highly affirming and comforting as they embark on a new journey together.
Key #5: Pronouncement
Another time where language and desire intersect is the declaration of marriage. Will they be introduced as wife and wife, husband and husband, spouses, partners for life, companions for life, etc.? Will they share last names?  Will the religious ceremony follow or precede a legal ceremony in a jurisdiction where marriage of same gender couples is the law? Are you only performing the religious ceremony, but not acting as an agent of the State and signing the Marriage License?
There are certainly other questions that will arise for individual clergy and particular questions for specific couples. We invite you to share questions and experiences with us here or via our Forum. We can all learn and become better equipped in more completely affirming and blessing the unions of couples in our care.

Contributed by Reverend Cedric A. Harmon
Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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5 Keys to preparing couples and clergy for marriage ceremonies
Careful, deliberate and prayerful thought allows us to create celebrations worthy of the commitment and love couples share in the covenant of marriage.

When celebrating the marriage or commitment of a same-gender couple for the first time, clergy may have a host of questions and concerns. It may feel like a completely new territory or unfamiliar ground, but the desire of the couple before you is just like any other couple we counsel and serve: They come to us with love for one another and the hope of a ceremony to honor, share and seal that love before God and by law. We have a great opportunity to assist the couple in naming and seeing what is essential and important to them for this day.
These are some questions to be asked and some considerations to be observed.
Key #1: Family
A particularly sensitive conversation for same-gender couples is the one about family attendance and participation. For some couples, the family of origin is ready to celebrate their commitment, but for others, this step into marriage causes friction. Some parents, siblings or relatives may decline to be present. Aiding the couple in creating a celebration that honors their love and demonstrates their commitment to the world can be healing in the face of existing tension. The strength of love to “conquer all things” is made real in this experience.
Key #2: Language
The words used in the ceremony should reflect the wishes of the couple and be appropriate to their commitment. For example, do they wish to be referred to as spouses, life companions, life partners, husbands, or wives? Is the ceremony a wedding, celebration of marriage, holy union, marriage commitment, commitment ceremony, etc.?
Key #3: Ritual
The structure and amount of formal liturgy in the ritual should be discussed. Some couples desire a fairly traditional ceremony with adaptations. Other couples will want their spiritual commitment demonstrated and God’s presence honored, but not in highly traditional form. Talk this through with the couple so that the meaning of this life transition is powerful and reflective of their lives now and into the future. Readings, prayers, meditations, music and the vows are all opportunities for creating a beautiful and true celebration of these two lives.
Key #4: Statement of Intention/Commitment, Pledge of Support
This portion of the ceremony offers an opportunity to invite the couple to state their freely chosen intent to enter into marriage and for the family, friends, and community to state their full support of the couple in their lives together. Enveloping same-gender couples in this blanket of love and support is highly affirming and comforting as they embark on a new journey together.
Key #5: Pronouncement
Another time where language and desire intersect is the declaration of marriage. Will they be introduced as wife and wife, husband and husband, spouses, partners for life, companions for life, etc.? Will they share last names?  Will the religious ceremony follow or precede a legal ceremony in a jurisdiction where marriage of same gender couples is the law? Are you only performing the religious ceremony, but not acting as an agent of the State and signing the Marriage License?
There are certainly other questions that will arise for individual clergy and particular questions for specific couples. We invite you to share questions and experiences with us here or via our Forum. We can all learn and become better equipped in more completely affirming and blessing the unions of couples in our care.

Contributed by Reverend Cedric A. Harmon
Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Prayer for clergy
Prayer written for pastors meeting with a couple planning to marry.
Holy Spirit, dwelling within me, give me an open mind and heart, as I meet with these two people who seek your blessing upon their faithful commitment [of many years]. May I listen deeply and discern clearly the ways that, through them, you invite me into deeper understanding of your love and your grace for all creation.
Allow me, I pray, to witness the ways you have been at work in each of them and in their unfolding relationship. May I be an honest and faithful companion to them on their spiritual journey.
Help me understand the ways you may be calling me to be a force for healing and reconciliation in their lives individually and as a couple. May I be an instrument of your peace, justice, and grace, instilling hope and love where possible.
O God, guide me to understand and reflect the hopes, dreams, and desires of this couple that have already been realized and that long for further deepening and development  in  your holy wisdom. May I understand, affirm, and bless the ways this couple has already and will continue to reflect your own yearning – hopes dreams, and desires for furthering love and justice, hope and mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation in them and in the world.
I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, our brother and savior, Amen.

By Reverend Dr. Kenneth Orth published in Covenant Conversations: Pre-Marriage or Blessing Preparations with Same-Gender Couples (Cleveland: UCC Coalition Publishers, 2007).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Prayer for clergy
Prayer written for pastors meeting with a couple planning to marry.
Holy Spirit, dwelling within me, give me an open mind and heart, as I meet with these two people who seek your blessing upon their faithful commitment [of many years]. May I listen deeply and discern clearly the ways that, through them, you invite me into deeper understanding of your love and your grace for all creation.
Allow me, I pray, to witness the ways you have been at work in each of them and in their unfolding relationship. May I be an honest and faithful companion to them on their spiritual journey.
Help me understand the ways you may be calling me to be a force for healing and reconciliation in their lives individually and as a couple. May I be an instrument of your peace, justice, and grace, instilling hope and love where possible.
O God, guide me to understand and reflect the hopes, dreams, and desires of this couple that have already been realized and that long for further deepening and development  in  your holy wisdom. May I understand, affirm, and bless the ways this couple has already and will continue to reflect your own yearning – hopes dreams, and desires for furthering love and justice, hope and mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation in them and in the world.
I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, our brother and savior, Amen.

By Reverend Dr. Kenneth Orth published in Covenant Conversations: Pre-Marriage or Blessing Preparations with Same-Gender Couples (Cleveland: UCC Coalition Publishers, 2007).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Words of welcome and statement of the occasion open the ceremonies of celebration we know as weddings. Here are eight examples are for your use and inspiration.
1) Dear friends and family, throughout religious history, people have felt a need to celebrate the great moments of life.  At those times they call upon their friends to help commemorate the high moment because they could not do justice to that moment alone.  But even more, so they have felt the need to hold those experiences up before God.  Thus, in this sanctuary, before those loved ones and friends, these two people come now to enter into the covenant of marriage.
2) Dear friends and family, we gather here to praise and thank God, to celebrate the gift of life, and the special gift of marriage as a unique covenant.  It is a relationship affirmed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  In this event, Jesus embraced the joy and possibilities open through this relationship when God’s spirit and values are present. Thus we honor this covenant, and enter into it with reverence, understanding and celebration before God.
3) This is a religious ceremony.  Religious, as when two people promise together in marriage, to love and honor each other as they stand in the presence of all they cherish – in the presence of justice, beauty, truth, and honor.  May your love for each other be grounded in the God who loved you first.  In this faithful understanding, we gather to celebrate the decision of _______ & ______ to enter into the covenant of marriage; to affirm and rejoice in their choosing each other; and to share as family and friends in the occasion of their vows.  As a community of faith, we embrace this covenant, as well as the interdependence of life beyond marriage.
4) Friends, we have gathered here as the Church, to celebrate and praise God for the union
of _____ & _____ in this holy covenant.  The bond and union of this relationship is part
of the goodness of God’s creation.  The Apostle Paul announced that where Christ is
present, there is surely equality as well as unity.  Let us begin this special service.
6) The One who is the source of all things and from whom all life flows has called you forth this day in the presence of family and friends that your commitment to one another may reflect the eternal love of God back into the world where all who will affirm it may partake in its gifts.
Amen and Blessed Be.
7) We gather today to encircle ____ and ____ with our love, to bear witness and bless the vows uniting them in the marriage of heart, body, and soul. We also gather to celebrate the reality of human s, created in the image of God, we have been given the gift of tender hearts – open to possibilities of love and given the freedom to enter into covenants of mutuality and care.  A covenant relationship is meant to be the full expression of love between two people: a sign to all they meet that they belong to each other with affection and tenderness. It is a commitment entered into prayerfully, thoughtfully, and with reverence for the great gift that it is. To this moment, ____ and ____ each bring a heart full of cherished moments as well as their hopes and dreams for the future life together. They also bring unique and complementary gifts, which flow together to form the beauty of their relationship. In a world where love may be offered without commitment, and commitments made without love, we give thanks to God for this sacred bond and holy union full of grace.
8) In the midst of a world where too many people are burdened by indifference and too many places shattered by violence, we gather to rejoice in the power of love!
We bear witness to love: that of God, source of hope, that of ____ and ____, cause for celebration, that of community, channel of strength, that of enemies, gateway to peace.
God, Creator; Christ, Redeemer; and Spirit, Sustainer, as we worship you, fill this congregation, the couple in our midst, and the world around us with love overflowing and transforming!

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus, and also Craig M. Nowak, Laura Rose, Ann B. Day from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources For Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Words of welcome and statement of the occasion open the ceremonies of celebration we know as weddings. Here are eight examples are for your use and inspiration.
1) Dear friends and family, throughout religious history, people have felt a need to celebrate the great moments of life.  At those times they call upon their friends to help commemorate the high moment because they could not do justice to that moment alone.  But even more, so they have felt the need to hold those experiences up before God.  Thus, in this sanctuary, before those loved ones and friends, these two people come now to enter into the covenant of marriage.
2) Dear friends and family, we gather here to praise and thank God, to celebrate the gift of life, and the special gift of marriage as a unique covenant.  It is a relationship affirmed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  In this event, Jesus embraced the joy and possibilities open through this relationship when God’s spirit and values are present. Thus we honor this covenant, and enter into it with reverence, understanding and celebration before God.
3) This is a religious ceremony.  Religious, as when two people promise together in marriage, to love and honor each other as they stand in the presence of all they cherish – in the presence of justice, beauty, truth, and honor.  May your love for each other be grounded in the God who loved you first.  In this faithful understanding, we gather to celebrate the decision of _______ & ______ to enter into the covenant of marriage; to affirm and rejoice in their choosing each other; and to share as family and friends in the occasion of their vows.  As a community of faith, we embrace this covenant, as well as the interdependence of life beyond marriage.
4) Friends, we have gathered here as the Church, to celebrate and praise God for the union
of _____ & _____ in this holy covenant.  The bond and union of this relationship is part
of the goodness of God’s creation.  The Apostle Paul announced that where Christ is
present, there is surely equality as well as unity.  Let us begin this special service.
6) The One who is the source of all things and from whom all life flows has called you forth this day in the presence of family and friends that your commitment to one another may reflect the eternal love of God back into the world where all who will affirm it may partake in its gifts.
Amen and Blessed Be.
7) We gather today to encircle ____ and ____ with our love, to bear witness and bless the vows uniting them in the marriage of heart, body, and soul. We also gather to celebrate the reality of human s, created in the image of God, we have been given the gift of tender hearts – open to possibilities of love and given the freedom to enter into covenants of mutuality and care.  A covenant relationship is meant to be the full expression of love between two people: a sign to all they meet that they belong to each other with affection and tenderness. It is a commitment entered into prayerfully, thoughtfully, and with reverence for the great gift that it is. To this moment, ____ and ____ each bring a heart full of cherished moments as well as their hopes and dreams for the future life together. They also bring unique and complementary gifts, which flow together to form the beauty of their relationship. In a world where love may be offered without commitment, and commitments made without love, we give thanks to God for this sacred bond and holy union full of grace.
8) In the midst of a world where too many people are burdened by indifference and too many places shattered by violence, we gather to rejoice in the power of love!
We bear witness to love: that of God, source of hope, that of ____ and ____, cause for celebration, that of community, channel of strength, that of enemies, gateway to peace.
God, Creator; Christ, Redeemer; and Spirit, Sustainer, as we worship you, fill this congregation, the couple in our midst, and the world around us with love overflowing and transforming!

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus, and also Craig M. Nowak, Laura Rose, Ann B. Day from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources For Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Scripture readings

Genesis 1:26-28
Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
So God created humankind in God’s image, in the image of God created them; male and female God created them.
God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
Psalm 118
This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.  This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Save us, we beseech thee, O Lord!  O Lord, we beseech thee, give us success!  Blessed be the one who enters in the name of the Lord!  We bless you from the house of the Lord. The Lord is God, and has given us light. Bind the festal procession with branches,  up to the horns of the altar!  Thou art my God, and I will give thanks to thee; thou art my God, I will extol thee.  O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; for God’s steadfast love endures for ever!
Matthew 22:33-40
And when the crowd heard it, they were astounded at his teaching.
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.  “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”  Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment.  And a second is like it:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Philippians 4:4-9
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Other suggested passages
Song of Solomon 2:10-14, 16a; 8:6-7  Love is strong as death
Isaiah 43:1-7  You are precious in God’s eyes
John 1:1-11 The marriage feast of Cana
Ephesians 2:4-10 God’s love for us
I John 3:18-24 Love one another
I John 4:7-16 God is love

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus and Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Scripture readings

Genesis 1:26-28
Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
So God created humankind in God’s image, in the image of God created them; male and female God created them.
God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
Psalm 118
This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.  This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Save us, we beseech thee, O Lord!  O Lord, we beseech thee, give us success!  Blessed be the one who enters in the name of the Lord!  We bless you from the house of the Lord. The Lord is God, and has given us light. Bind the festal procession with branches,  up to the horns of the altar!  Thou art my God, and I will give thanks to thee; thou art my God, I will extol thee.  O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; for God’s steadfast love endures for ever!
Matthew 22:33-40
And when the crowd heard it, they were astounded at his teaching.
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.  “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”  Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment.  And a second is like it:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Philippians 4:4-9
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Other suggested passages
Song of Solomon 2:10-14, 16a; 8:6-7  Love is strong as death
Isaiah 43:1-7  You are precious in God’s eyes
John 1:1-11 The marriage feast of Cana
Ephesians 2:4-10 God’s love for us
I John 3:18-24 Love one another
I John 4:7-16 God is love

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus and Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Through prayers we welcome the presence and power of God as two lives are united in oneness.

Example 1:
O God, who gives life to all people and meaning to every moment, we pray that _____ & ______ may be faithful to the covenant they have made before us.  May the home they establish be a place of peace and love in which all may share.  May your grace and love be their constant companion as they fulfill their life together.
Example 2:
O Great Creator, we rejoice with _____ & ______.  We thank you for their families and
friends who have helped to shape their lives.  We thank you for the opportunities and
events which challenge them to their life’s work.  We thank you for their ever deepening
relationship and their decision to share the future together.  We pray that we may be
responsible witnesses to them, enabling them to share their lives for the sake of all
Example 3:
God the Eternal keep you in love with each other, so that the peace of Christ may abide in
your home.  Go to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.  Bear witness to the
love of God in this world so that those to whom love is a stranger will find in you,
generous friends.  The Grace of Jesus the Christ, and the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you, now and always.

Example 4:
Spirit of God, teaching us through the Lord Jesus that love is the fulfilling of the law, help _____ & _____ to persevere in love, to grow in mutual understanding, and to deepen their trust in each other, that in wisdom, patience and courage, their love may be a source of happiness and their home a place of shalom to all with whom they share it.

Example 5:
May these two people find a communion of ideal being and perfect grace.  May their love reach the level of every day’s quiet need.  By sun and by candlelight may they love freely as people strive for right; may they love purely; may they find the strength to meet the adversities, tolerance for the prejudice, reverence for the beauties, respect for the truths and faith for the uncertainties which will come their way.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Through prayers we welcome the presence and power of God as two lives are united in oneness.

Example 1:
O God, who gives life to all people and meaning to every moment, we pray that _____ & ______ may be faithful to the covenant they have made before us.  May the home they establish be a place of peace and love in which all may share.  May your grace and love be their constant companion as they fulfill their life together.
Example 2:
O Great Creator, we rejoice with _____ & ______.  We thank you for their families and
friends who have helped to shape their lives.  We thank you for the opportunities and
events which challenge them to their life’s work.  We thank you for their ever deepening
relationship and their decision to share the future together.  We pray that we may be
responsible witnesses to them, enabling them to share their lives for the sake of all
Example 3:
God the Eternal keep you in love with each other, so that the peace of Christ may abide in
your home.  Go to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.  Bear witness to the
love of God in this world so that those to whom love is a stranger will find in you,
generous friends.  The Grace of Jesus the Christ, and the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you, now and always.

Example 4:
Spirit of God, teaching us through the Lord Jesus that love is the fulfilling of the law, help _____ & _____ to persevere in love, to grow in mutual understanding, and to deepen their trust in each other, that in wisdom, patience and courage, their love may be a source of happiness and their home a place of shalom to all with whom they share it.

Example 5:
May these two people find a communion of ideal being and perfect grace.  May their love reach the level of every day’s quiet need.  By sun and by candlelight may they love freely as people strive for right; may they love purely; may they find the strength to meet the adversities, tolerance for the prejudice, reverence for the beauties, respect for the truths and faith for the uncertainties which will come their way.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Statement of intention
Example 1:
I require and charge you both as you stand in the presence of these loved ones and of
God, that having considered the holy covenant you are about to make, you do now
declare your pledge of faith, each to the other.  If the vows you make this day are kept,
your life together will be full of joy and peace, and the home which you make shall abide
through every unknown future.

Example 2:
_____ & _____, you are here in the presence of God to declare midst the community of
faith your commitment to each other.  It is made in the context of human limitations and
the uncertainties of life and calls for tremendous faith:  faith in yourselves as persons,
faith in the strength of your relationship under God, and faith that together you will be
able to deal creatively and responsibly with whatever the future holds.  In that spirit, you
come now to affirm your intentions.

Example 1:
_____, are you willing to step forth in faith and affirm that you will accept _____ and
him(her) alone, in sickness and health, poverty and good fortune, difference and
agreement, in times of comfort and times of struggle as long as you both shall live?
I am willing.
Example 2:
_____, will you here affirm that you choose _____ to be your husband (wife)(partner)?
Will you love, respect and honor him(her), share your plans and interests, ideals and
emotions, through crisis and anxiety, through joy and pleasure, caring for him(her) in a
lifelong commitment?
I will.
Example 3:
____ & ____ I ask you to state now your commitment and intention to share your lives with each other.
Will you, ____ have ____ to be your companion for life’s journey, to love, honor and support him/her as long as you both shall live?
I will.
Will you ___ have  ____ to be your companion for life’s journey, to love, honor and support him/her as long s you both shall live?
I will.
____ and ____ have publicly declared their commitment and intention, their covenant will also unite their individual families, their friendships and relationships. Will you, who are present love, honor and support them in the life together. If so, say We will.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Krause & Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
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Statement of intention
Example 1:
I require and charge you both as you stand in the presence of these loved ones and of
God, that having considered the holy covenant you are about to make, you do now
declare your pledge of faith, each to the other.  If the vows you make this day are kept,
your life together will be full of joy and peace, and the home which you make shall abide
through every unknown future.

Example 2:
_____ & _____, you are here in the presence of God to declare midst the community of
faith your commitment to each other.  It is made in the context of human limitations and
the uncertainties of life and calls for tremendous faith:  faith in yourselves as persons,
faith in the strength of your relationship under God, and faith that together you will be
able to deal creatively and responsibly with whatever the future holds.  In that spirit, you
come now to affirm your intentions.

Example 1:
_____, are you willing to step forth in faith and affirm that you will accept _____ and
him(her) alone, in sickness and health, poverty and good fortune, difference and
agreement, in times of comfort and times of struggle as long as you both shall live?
I am willing.
Example 2:
_____, will you here affirm that you choose _____ to be your husband (wife)(partner)?
Will you love, respect and honor him(her), share your plans and interests, ideals and
emotions, through crisis and anxiety, through joy and pleasure, caring for him(her) in a
lifelong commitment?
I will.
Example 3:
____ & ____ I ask you to state now your commitment and intention to share your lives with each other.
Will you, ____ have ____ to be your companion for life’s journey, to love, honor and support him/her as long as you both shall live?
I will.
Will you ___ have  ____ to be your companion for life’s journey, to love, honor and support him/her as long s you both shall live?
I will.
____ and ____ have publicly declared their commitment and intention, their covenant will also unite their individual families, their friendships and relationships. Will you, who are present love, honor and support them in the life together. If so, say We will.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Krause & Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Blessing of families
Words of blessing should surround couples as they embark on life's journey together.
Example 1:
Will the families of _____ & _____ give your blessing to them in their new relationship?  Will you support them with the freedom and love they need?  Will you share your experiences and wisdom with them, and seek to learn from them as well?
We bless and support them.
Example 2:
The marriage of _____ & _____ unites their families and creates and new one.  They ask for your blessing.
We rejoice in your union, and pray God’s blessing upon you.
Example 3:
Having journeyed with  ____ and ____ on their separate paths, and come to witness as their paths merge, will you, the family and friends of these women/men, give your love and bestow upon them your support, counsel, and the gift of listening? Will you be there for them when the days are hard? Will you party with them when times are good? Will you teach them your wisdom and learn from their example? If so, please say (with some enthusiasm), “We will!”

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus &  also Greg Morisse from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources for Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
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Blessing of families
Words of blessing should surround couples as they embark on life's journey together.
Example 1:
Will the families of _____ & _____ give your blessing to them in their new relationship?  Will you support them with the freedom and love they need?  Will you share your experiences and wisdom with them, and seek to learn from them as well?
We bless and support them.
Example 2:
The marriage of _____ & _____ unites their families and creates and new one.  They ask for your blessing.
We rejoice in your union, and pray God’s blessing upon you.
Example 3:
Having journeyed with  ____ and ____ on their separate paths, and come to witness as their paths merge, will you, the family and friends of these women/men, give your love and bestow upon them your support, counsel, and the gift of listening? Will you be there for them when the days are hard? Will you party with them when times are good? Will you teach them your wisdom and learn from their example? If so, please say (with some enthusiasm), “We will!”

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus &  also Greg Morisse from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources for Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
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Readings to enrich the ceremonies celebrating couples and their devotion.

“i carry your heart with me”
i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate, my sweet i want
no world for beautiful you are my world, my true
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart i carry it in my heart
e.e. cummings

Pablo Neruda’s Cien Sonetos de Amor, Soneto XLIX

“Es hoy: todo el ayer se fue cayendo”
(It’s today:  all of yesterday dropped away)

It’s today: all of yesterday dropped away
among the fingers of the light and the sleeping eyes.
Tomorrow will come on its green footsteps;
no one can stop the river of the dawn.

No one can stop the river of your hands,
your eyes and their sleepiness, my dearest.
You are the trembling of time, which passes
between the vertical light and the darkening sky.

The sky folds its wings over you,
lifting you, carrying you to my arms
with its punctual, mysterious courtesy.

That’s why I sing to the day and to the moon,
to the sea, to time, to all the  planets,
to your daily voice, to your nocturnal skin.

Pablo Neruda’s Sonnet XVII

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off
in secret, between the shadow and the soul

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
than this:  where I does
not exist, nor you
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

G. Gibran’s  The Prophet

Then Almita spoke again and said, “and what of Marriage, master?”
And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Readings to enrich the ceremonies celebrating couples and their devotion.

“i carry your heart with me”
i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate, my sweet i want
no world for beautiful you are my world, my true
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart i carry it in my heart
e.e. cummings

Pablo Neruda’s Cien Sonetos de Amor, Soneto XLIX

“Es hoy: todo el ayer se fue cayendo”
(It’s today:  all of yesterday dropped away)

It’s today: all of yesterday dropped away
among the fingers of the light and the sleeping eyes.
Tomorrow will come on its green footsteps;
no one can stop the river of the dawn.

No one can stop the river of your hands,
your eyes and their sleepiness, my dearest.
You are the trembling of time, which passes
between the vertical light and the darkening sky.

The sky folds its wings over you,
lifting you, carrying you to my arms
with its punctual, mysterious courtesy.

That’s why I sing to the day and to the moon,
to the sea, to time, to all the  planets,
to your daily voice, to your nocturnal skin.

Pablo Neruda’s Sonnet XVII

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off
in secret, between the shadow and the soul

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
than this:  where I does
not exist, nor you
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

G. Gibran’s  The Prophet

Then Almita spoke again and said, “and what of Marriage, master?”
And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

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From their hearts, couples speak vows that capture their love for one another and the power of this special moment. See 7 examples below for your use.

1) Joyfully and with utter seriousness, I, _____, make to you _____ this covenant of partnership (marriage).  I promise to love and trust you, to speak the truth to you and hear it from you, to sustain and nurture you in faith and tenderness, and with you to receive every day as a gift of God, until we are parted by death.

2) I, _____, take you _____, to be my wife (husband)(partner), to live with you according to God’s purposes, to love and trust you, to speak the truth to you and hear it from you; to sustain and nurture you; and with you to receive each day as a gift from God.

3) _____, in the name of God, I take you to be my wife(husband)(partner) from this time onward, to join with you and to share all that is to come, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond, and in all our life together to be loyal to you with my whole being, as long as we both shall live.

4) I take you, _____, to be my partner and I promise you these things:
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you, trust you, help you, listen to you, and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will forgive you as we have been forgiven, and I will try with you
to better understand ourselves, the world, and God,
so that together we may serve God and others forever.

5) I, _____, take you, ______, to be no other than yourself.  Loving what I know of you,
trusting what I don’t yet know, with respect to your integrity, and faith in your love for
me, through our years together, and in all that life may bring us, I accept you as my
partner in life.
6) To you I give my heart, I give my soul, I give my very self:
Into your hands I place my hopes and dreams, my strength and weakness.
To you I give my trust, my highest and my best.
To you and only you will I be forever true.
7) _____, I marry you this day, freely and joyfully joining my life with yours. Blessed by the Spirit, may the love of our tomorrows be as the love we share today – wondrous as the stars light, strong as an oak, faithful as the sun’s rising, enduring as the sea. Wherever we go, whatever life brings, I promise to do all in my power to live this love with you.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus, & also Bishop Jonathan Blake and Ann B. Day from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources for Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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From their hearts, couples speak vows that capture their love for one another and the power of this special moment. See 7 examples below for your use.

1) Joyfully and with utter seriousness, I, _____, make to you _____ this covenant of partnership (marriage).  I promise to love and trust you, to speak the truth to you and hear it from you, to sustain and nurture you in faith and tenderness, and with you to receive every day as a gift of God, until we are parted by death.

2) I, _____, take you _____, to be my wife (husband)(partner), to live with you according to God’s purposes, to love and trust you, to speak the truth to you and hear it from you; to sustain and nurture you; and with you to receive each day as a gift from God.

3) _____, in the name of God, I take you to be my wife(husband)(partner) from this time onward, to join with you and to share all that is to come, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond, and in all our life together to be loyal to you with my whole being, as long as we both shall live.

4) I take you, _____, to be my partner and I promise you these things:
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you, trust you, help you, listen to you, and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will forgive you as we have been forgiven, and I will try with you
to better understand ourselves, the world, and God,
so that together we may serve God and others forever.

5) I, _____, take you, ______, to be no other than yourself.  Loving what I know of you,
trusting what I don’t yet know, with respect to your integrity, and faith in your love for
me, through our years together, and in all that life may bring us, I accept you as my
partner in life.
6) To you I give my heart, I give my soul, I give my very self:
Into your hands I place my hopes and dreams, my strength and weakness.
To you I give my trust, my highest and my best.
To you and only you will I be forever true.
7) _____, I marry you this day, freely and joyfully joining my life with yours. Blessed by the Spirit, may the love of our tomorrows be as the love we share today – wondrous as the stars light, strong as an oak, faithful as the sun’s rising, enduring as the sea. Wherever we go, whatever life brings, I promise to do all in my power to live this love with you.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus, & also Bishop Jonathan Blake and Ann B. Day from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources for Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2010).

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Blessing & exchange of rings/symbols
We pray God's blessing at the time of giving and receiving symbols of love and devotion.
Blessing of rings/symbols
Example 1:
Wedding rings serve as the symbol of the covenant you have just spoken.  They are the
outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love which binds your hearts
together.  As they are of the finest of earth’s materials, so your love is of the richest of
spiritual values.  As rings are without edge or seam, having no beginning and no end, so
they symbolize the perfection of a love that cannot end.

Let us pray.  Bless these rings, O God, to be the visible sign of the vows here made, that each who gives a ring and each who wears one may be reminded of their promises, evermore living and growing in the spirit of your love.  Amen.

Example 2:
The wedding ring is a symbol of God’s eternal and unbroken love and grace, given to humankind in a unique blessing in this holy covenant.  It signifies the uniting of _____ & _____ in this covenant.

Example 3:
Bless, O Lord these rings to be a sign of the solemn vows by which these two people
have bound themselves to each other in this Holy Covenant
(Holy Matrimony); through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Example 4:
Bless, O Lord, the giving of these rings that they who wear them may live in your peace, and continue in your favor all the days of their lives, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

Example 5:
These are rings of precious metal, they have value and great worth. Today, they are pristine and shining. With wearing they will become weathered and worn and yet their value and worth will deepen. The rings are complete and whole, they are endless circles; without identifiable beginning and without ending. May your love for each other bear each of these characteristics in the years to come, even as you present these symbols each to the other.
Let us pray.
Precious God, bless these symbols of love and devotion. In their exchange may they be ever-present reminders of the value, worth, pristine, complete, whole and endless love you have given us. Bind the hearts of ___ and ___ tightly together as they live into your brilliance. Amen
Exchange of rings/symbols
Example 1:
_____, I give you this ring as a sign of our covenant.
Example 2:
_____, I give you this ring as a sign of my promise.
Example 3:
_____, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.  Amen.
Example 4:
____, I place this ring on your finger as a reminder of God’s unending love for you and as a pledge of my love for you.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus & Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Blessing & exchange of rings/symbols
We pray God's blessing at the time of giving and receiving symbols of love and devotion.
Blessing of rings/symbols
Example 1:
Wedding rings serve as the symbol of the covenant you have just spoken.  They are the
outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love which binds your hearts
together.  As they are of the finest of earth’s materials, so your love is of the richest of
spiritual values.  As rings are without edge or seam, having no beginning and no end, so
they symbolize the perfection of a love that cannot end.

Let us pray.  Bless these rings, O God, to be the visible sign of the vows here made, that each who gives a ring and each who wears one may be reminded of their promises, evermore living and growing in the spirit of your love.  Amen.

Example 2:
The wedding ring is a symbol of God’s eternal and unbroken love and grace, given to humankind in a unique blessing in this holy covenant.  It signifies the uniting of _____ & _____ in this covenant.

Example 3:
Bless, O Lord these rings to be a sign of the solemn vows by which these two people
have bound themselves to each other in this Holy Covenant
(Holy Matrimony); through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Example 4:
Bless, O Lord, the giving of these rings that they who wear them may live in your peace, and continue in your favor all the days of their lives, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

Example 5:
These are rings of precious metal, they have value and great worth. Today, they are pristine and shining. With wearing they will become weathered and worn and yet their value and worth will deepen. The rings are complete and whole, they are endless circles; without identifiable beginning and without ending. May your love for each other bear each of these characteristics in the years to come, even as you present these symbols each to the other.
Let us pray.
Precious God, bless these symbols of love and devotion. In their exchange may they be ever-present reminders of the value, worth, pristine, complete, whole and endless love you have given us. Bind the hearts of ___ and ___ tightly together as they live into your brilliance. Amen
Exchange of rings/symbols
Example 1:
_____, I give you this ring as a sign of our covenant.
Example 2:
_____, I give you this ring as a sign of my promise.
Example 3:
_____, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God.  Amen.
Example 4:
____, I place this ring on your finger as a reminder of God’s unending love for you and as a pledge of my love for you.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus & Reverend Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Declaration of marriage
Official pronouncement of the couple as spiritually and legally wed.

Example 1:
You have declared your consent and vows before God and this congregation.  May God
confirm your covenant and fill you both with grace.

Example 2:
Now that _____ & _____ have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the
joining of hands, and the giving and receiving of rings, I announce that they are husband
and wife (partners in life), in the name of God the Creator, the Redeemer, the Sustainer.

Example 3:
Let those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

Example 4:
The joining of your lives into one common life did not begin and does not end with this
service.  It is a continuing process to which you have, for the first time, publicly
dedicated yourselves today.  Each day you must make again the decision to engage in life
together.  These rings will serve as a reminder that in the midst of all the possibilities of
separation which are open to you, you have decided once again to be faithful to the
covenant which you have made before us.  I now pronounce you husband and wife, in the
Name of God the Creator, and in Christ the Redeemer, and the Spirit who is Holy.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Declaration of marriage
Official pronouncement of the couple as spiritually and legally wed.

Example 1:
You have declared your consent and vows before God and this congregation.  May God
confirm your covenant and fill you both with grace.

Example 2:
Now that _____ & _____ have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the
joining of hands, and the giving and receiving of rings, I announce that they are husband
and wife (partners in life), in the name of God the Creator, the Redeemer, the Sustainer.

Example 3:
Let those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

Example 4:
The joining of your lives into one common life did not begin and does not end with this
service.  It is a continuing process to which you have, for the first time, publicly
dedicated yourselves today.  Each day you must make again the decision to engage in life
together.  These rings will serve as a reminder that in the midst of all the possibilities of
separation which are open to you, you have decided once again to be faithful to the
covenant which you have made before us.  I now pronounce you husband and wife, in the
Name of God the Creator, and in Christ the Redeemer, and the Spirit who is Holy.

Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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The blessing
A blessing for couples that draws upon their love for each other to extend justice and wholeness to the world around them.

Living God, Creator of Humankind,
Bless N and N as they go their way together
in love and unity of purpose.
Loving Christ, Creator of Compassion,
Bless N and N as they develop their skills
so that their love will bring wholeness  to people.
Refreshing Resilient Spirit, Creator of Vitality,
Bless and encourage them to engage in lively activity
and to seek justice throughout their lives,
to turn disappointment into challenges,
to transform darkness into light,
to root their deeds in the ground that they walk.
Go in Grace
with Confidence
and know Peace.

From Courage To Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community, Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. © 2002 Geoffrey Duncan
Contributed by Geoffrey Duncan

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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The blessing
A blessing for couples that draws upon their love for each other to extend justice and wholeness to the world around them.

Living God, Creator of Humankind,
Bless N and N as they go their way together
in love and unity of purpose.
Loving Christ, Creator of Compassion,
Bless N and N as they develop their skills
so that their love will bring wholeness  to people.
Refreshing Resilient Spirit, Creator of Vitality,
Bless and encourage them to engage in lively activity
and to seek justice throughout their lives,
to turn disappointment into challenges,
to transform darkness into light,
to root their deeds in the ground that they walk.
Go in Grace
with Confidence
and know Peace.

From Courage To Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community, Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. © 2002 Geoffrey Duncan
Contributed by Geoffrey Duncan

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Jumping the broom
The African American wedding tradition of jumping the broom has its roots in West African culture. There the broom is a symbol of home and family life. During the time of slavery Black people were not free to marry and enjoy the legal recognition of their unions. However, couples spoke their love and commitment to one another as they began life together.  As sign of their uniting they jumped the broom.
Honoring the strength of the ancestors and in celebration of African American heritage couples continue this tradition of  jumping the broom.
Example 1.
_______and ______ have chosen to honor the tradition of our ancestors. In days when legal marriage was not afforded to slaves, couples yet found love in the heart of their beloved. Their voices stated their commitments, their word was proof of their intentions. To symbolize the transition to life together they would jump the broom. And so, with full legal recognition and as homage to those gone before us, _____ and_____ now jump the broom.

Contributed by Reverend Cedric A. Harmon
Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Jumping the broom
The African American wedding tradition of jumping the broom has its roots in West African culture. There the broom is a symbol of home and family life. During the time of slavery Black people were not free to marry and enjoy the legal recognition of their unions. However, couples spoke their love and commitment to one another as they began life together.  As sign of their uniting they jumped the broom.
Honoring the strength of the ancestors and in celebration of African American heritage couples continue this tradition of  jumping the broom.
Example 1.
_______and ______ have chosen to honor the tradition of our ancestors. In days when legal marriage was not afforded to slaves, couples yet found love in the heart of their beloved. Their voices stated their commitments, their word was proof of their intentions. To symbolize the transition to life together they would jump the broom. And so, with full legal recognition and as homage to those gone before us, _____ and_____ now jump the broom.

Contributed by Reverend Cedric A. Harmon
Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
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Complete services of christian marriage

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
And also with you.
SENTENCES OF SCRIPTURE  adapted from 1 John 4.7-12
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God;
everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
God’s love was revealed among us in this way:
God sent Christ into the world so that we might live through Christ.
In this is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us
and sent Christ to be the reconciliation between God and creation.
Beloved, since God loved us so much,
we also ought to love one another.
No one has ever seen God;
if we love one another, God lives in us,
and God’s love is perfected in us.
We are gathered together
to witness and bless
the promises of faithfulness
that Name and Name make to each other
as they join their lives in the covenant of marriage.
Marriage is a good gift from God,
who shares a communal life within the Holy Trinity
and has created us in God’s image,
designing us for shared life as well.
Loving God,
you have created us in your image,
calling us to love you and each other,
help us to share our lives with one another
in ways that honor you and each other.
Name and Name have found in each other
companions for the journey of life.
As they publicly declare their love for each other
and pledge their faithfulness to one another,
give them strength to speak the truth in love
and to live in the way of Jesus
through the power of your Spirit.
Name and Name,
I ask you to state your intention
to share your lives with each other
within the covenant of Christian marriage.
To the first person:
Will you, Name, have Name
to be your companion in the journey of life,
to love, honor, and support her/him
as long as you both shall live?
I will.
To the second person:
Will you, Name, have Name
to be your companion in the journey of life,
to love, honor, and support her/him
as long as you both shall live?
I will.
The marriage of Name and Name
unites their individual families
and creates a new family.
Will you,
who represent their individual families,
love, honor, and support them
in their life together?
We will.
Name and Name
depend not only upon their families,
but also their larger community
of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances for support.
Will you, who represent their community,
honor, encourage, and support them
in their life together?
We will.
The family members who have escorted the couple down the aisle may be seated.
Gracious God,
in your great love,
you called creation into being
with but a word.
Through the power of your Spirit,
speak to us through these words of Holy Scripture
that we might be reminded of your love
for all that you have made
and moved to love as you love
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Having publicly stated your intention
to commit your lives to one another
as covenant companions in the journey of life,
I invite you now
to make your public vows of faithfulness
to each other.

The couple may turn and face one another, joining their hands.
The minister may prompt them, line by line, as they make their vows using these or other words.

To the first person:
I take you as my spouse,
my covenantal partner in the journey of life,
and I promise to love, support, and honor you
in all the varied circumstances of life:
in plenty and in want,
in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
for the rest of my life.

To the second person:
I take you as my spouse,
my covenantal partner in the journey of life,
and I promise to love, support, and honor you
in all the varied circumstances of life:
in plenty and in want,
in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
for the rest of my life.
The minister asks for the rings and places them upon the service book.
She/he then places a hand over the rings and offers a blessing.
These rings are circles,
a shape without beginning and without end.
They symbolize the love of God for God’s creation
and serve as a model for you
as you strive to embody that love
for each other
and all the world.
Let us pray.
Everlasting God,
your love for us is steadfast,
without beginning and without end.
As Name and Name
have made promises of faithfulness to each other,
may these rings serve as a reminder to them
of your unending love for all that you have made
and as a model of their for one another
through Jesus Christ, who embodied love,
and your Spirit, who is power of love at work among us.
The first person takes a ring from the service book,
places it on the hand of her/his partner,
and says:
I place this ring on your finger
as a reminder of God’s unending love for you
and as a pledge of my love for you
as I live to honor my vows to you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God and Mother of us all.
The second person takes a ring from the service book,
places it on the hand of her/his partner,
and says:
I place this ring on your finger
as a reminder of God’s unending love for you
and as a pledge of my love for you
as I live to honor my vows to you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God and Mother of us all.
The minister may invite the couple to kneel,
joining the hands which bear the rings of their commitment.
She/he may wrap one side her/his stole around their hands
and offer a prayer of blessing.
Faithful God,
We give you thanks for Name and Name,
for the love they have for each other
that has led them to promise their faithfulness
to each other before you and this community.
Give them the strength and courage to keep the promises
they have made to each other and to you
and may their life together give them the strength
to more fully embrace themselves
that they might more fully love each other
and the world around them
through Jesus Christ, the One who teaches us how to love
and your Spirit of Hope who gives us the courage to risk for the sake of love.
Name and Name,
you have bound your lives together in loving commitment.
You have come from separate backgrounds,
with your own unique personalities, strengths, and needs.
The two candles represent your separate lives.
Together you light the center candle,
as a sign of unity and commitment.
Our hope is that you will show human love at its fullest,
and that your relationship will equip both of you
to bring love and compassion to each other and the world.
The two side candles representing the two individuals are lighted first, and the center candle representing the marriage is lighted at this or some later point in the service.  The side candles are not extinguished because both individuals retain their personal identities.
God be with you.
And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the God of all.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Eternal God,
in love you created the world
and through love you sustain it.
You look with joy upon all that you have made.
Though your love knows no bounds,
our love fails to reflect your unconditional love for us.
When our love fails,
your love remains steadfast.
We give you thanks for your unrelenting love
embodied in the life of Jesus, the Christ,
and for the ways in which his love
draws us closer to you and each other.
We give you thanks for the ways in which the love of Name and Name
reflects your love in Christ for us.
May your Spirit draw us ever closer to one another
that all of our lives may embody your unconditional love
that your reign may come to fullness in and through us.
As children turn a mother for strength and comfort,
so in a broken and fearful world,
we turn to God,
praying as Jesus taught us:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and forever.
To the couple:
Love one another
with a love purely passionate,
fiercely forgiving,
and unyieldingly understanding,
To the congregation:
Love one another as Jesus, the Christ, has loved us,
giving of himself to embody justice, mercy, and humility.
May the blessing of the Holy One,
Creator, Christ, and Holy Comforter,
be with us and strengthen us to follow faithfully
now and all the days of our lives.

Contributed by Reverend Wes Jamison
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Complete services of christian marriage

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
And also with you.
SENTENCES OF SCRIPTURE  adapted from 1 John 4.7-12
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God;
everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
God’s love was revealed among us in this way:
God sent Christ into the world so that we might live through Christ.
In this is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us
and sent Christ to be the reconciliation between God and creation.
Beloved, since God loved us so much,
we also ought to love one another.
No one has ever seen God;
if we love one another, God lives in us,
and God’s love is perfected in us.
We are gathered together
to witness and bless
the promises of faithfulness
that Name and Name make to each other
as they join their lives in the covenant of marriage.
Marriage is a good gift from God,
who shares a communal life within the Holy Trinity
and has created us in God’s image,
designing us for shared life as well.
Loving God,
you have created us in your image,
calling us to love you and each other,
help us to share our lives with one another
in ways that honor you and each other.
Name and Name have found in each other
companions for the journey of life.
As they publicly declare their love for each other
and pledge their faithfulness to one another,
give them strength to speak the truth in love
and to live in the way of Jesus
through the power of your Spirit.
Name and Name,
I ask you to state your intention
to share your lives with each other
within the covenant of Christian marriage.
To the first person:
Will you, Name, have Name
to be your companion in the journey of life,
to love, honor, and support her/him
as long as you both shall live?
I will.
To the second person:
Will you, Name, have Name
to be your companion in the journey of life,
to love, honor, and support her/him
as long as you both shall live?
I will.
The marriage of Name and Name
unites their individual families
and creates a new family.
Will you,
who represent their individual families,
love, honor, and support them
in their life together?
We will.
Name and Name
depend not only upon their families,
but also their larger community
of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances for support.
Will you, who represent their community,
honor, encourage, and support them
in their life together?
We will.
The family members who have escorted the couple down the aisle may be seated.
Gracious God,
in your great love,
you called creation into being
with but a word.
Through the power of your Spirit,
speak to us through these words of Holy Scripture
that we might be reminded of your love
for all that you have made
and moved to love as you love
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Having publicly stated your intention
to commit your lives to one another
as covenant companions in the journey of life,
I invite you now
to make your public vows of faithfulness
to each other.

The couple may turn and face one another, joining their hands.
The minister may prompt them, line by line, as they make their vows using these or other words.

To the first person:
I take you as my spouse,
my covenantal partner in the journey of life,
and I promise to love, support, and honor you
in all the varied circumstances of life:
in plenty and in want,
in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
for the rest of my life.

To the second person:
I take you as my spouse,
my covenantal partner in the journey of life,
and I promise to love, support, and honor you
in all the varied circumstances of life:
in plenty and in want,
in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
for the rest of my life.
The minister asks for the rings and places them upon the service book.
She/he then places a hand over the rings and offers a blessing.
These rings are circles,
a shape without beginning and without end.
They symbolize the love of God for God’s creation
and serve as a model for you
as you strive to embody that love
for each other
and all the world.
Let us pray.
Everlasting God,
your love for us is steadfast,
without beginning and without end.
As Name and Name
have made promises of faithfulness to each other,
may these rings serve as a reminder to them
of your unending love for all that you have made
and as a model of their for one another
through Jesus Christ, who embodied love,
and your Spirit, who is power of love at work among us.
The first person takes a ring from the service book,
places it on the hand of her/his partner,
and says:
I place this ring on your finger
as a reminder of God’s unending love for you
and as a pledge of my love for you
as I live to honor my vows to you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God and Mother of us all.
The second person takes a ring from the service book,
places it on the hand of her/his partner,
and says:
I place this ring on your finger
as a reminder of God’s unending love for you
and as a pledge of my love for you
as I live to honor my vows to you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God and Mother of us all.
The minister may invite the couple to kneel,
joining the hands which bear the rings of their commitment.
She/he may wrap one side her/his stole around their hands
and offer a prayer of blessing.
Faithful God,
We give you thanks for Name and Name,
for the love they have for each other
that has led them to promise their faithfulness
to each other before you and this community.
Give them the strength and courage to keep the promises
they have made to each other and to you
and may their life together give them the strength
to more fully embrace themselves
that they might more fully love each other
and the world around them
through Jesus Christ, the One who teaches us how to love
and your Spirit of Hope who gives us the courage to risk for the sake of love.
Name and Name,
you have bound your lives together in loving commitment.
You have come from separate backgrounds,
with your own unique personalities, strengths, and needs.
The two candles represent your separate lives.
Together you light the center candle,
as a sign of unity and commitment.
Our hope is that you will show human love at its fullest,
and that your relationship will equip both of you
to bring love and compassion to each other and the world.
The two side candles representing the two individuals are lighted first, and the center candle representing the marriage is lighted at this or some later point in the service.  The side candles are not extinguished because both individuals retain their personal identities.
God be with you.
And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the God of all.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Eternal God,
in love you created the world
and through love you sustain it.
You look with joy upon all that you have made.
Though your love knows no bounds,
our love fails to reflect your unconditional love for us.
When our love fails,
your love remains steadfast.
We give you thanks for your unrelenting love
embodied in the life of Jesus, the Christ,
and for the ways in which his love
draws us closer to you and each other.
We give you thanks for the ways in which the love of Name and Name
reflects your love in Christ for us.
May your Spirit draw us ever closer to one another
that all of our lives may embody your unconditional love
that your reign may come to fullness in and through us.
As children turn a mother for strength and comfort,
so in a broken and fearful world,
we turn to God,
praying as Jesus taught us:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and forever.
To the couple:
Love one another
with a love purely passionate,
fiercely forgiving,
and unyieldingly understanding,
To the congregation:
Love one another as Jesus, the Christ, has loved us,
giving of himself to embody justice, mercy, and humility.
May the blessing of the Holy One,
Creator, Christ, and Holy Comforter,
be with us and strengthen us to follow faithfully
now and all the days of our lives.

Contributed by Reverend Wes Jamison
Contributed by Rev. Wes Jamison

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Weddings/Commitments"

5 Keys to preparing couples and clergy for marriage ceremonies
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Careful, deliberate and prayerful thought allows us to create celebrations worthy of the commitment and love couples share in the covenant of marriage.

Prayer for clergy
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Prayer written for pastors meeting with a couple planning to marry.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Words of welcome and statement of the occasion open the ceremonies of celebration we know as weddings. Here are eight examples are for your use and inspiration.

Scripture readings
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Through prayers we welcome the presence and power of God as two lives are united in oneness.

Statement of intention
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Blessing of families
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Words of blessing should surround couples as they embark on life's journey together.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Readings to enrich the ceremonies celebrating couples and their devotion.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
From their hearts, couples speak vows that capture their love for one another and the power of this special moment. See 7 examples below for your use.

Blessing & exchange of rings/symbols
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
We pray God's blessing at the time of giving and receiving symbols of love and devotion.

Declaration of marriage
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Official pronouncement of the couple as spiritually and legally wed.

The blessing
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
A blessing for couples that draws upon their love for each other to extend justice and wholeness to the world around them.

Jumping the broom
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Complete services of christian marriage
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments



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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
©2010 Many Voices, All Rights Reserved  |  Terms of Use

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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Weddings/Commitments"

5 Keys to preparing couples and clergy for marriage ceremonies
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Careful, deliberate and prayerful thought allows us to create celebrations worthy of the commitment and love couples share in the covenant of marriage.

Prayer for clergy
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Prayer written for pastors meeting with a couple planning to marry.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Words of welcome and statement of the occasion open the ceremonies of celebration we know as weddings. Here are eight examples are for your use and inspiration.

Scripture readings
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Through prayers we welcome the presence and power of God as two lives are united in oneness.

Statement of intention
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Blessing of families
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Words of blessing should surround couples as they embark on life's journey together.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Readings to enrich the ceremonies celebrating couples and their devotion.

Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
From their hearts, couples speak vows that capture their love for one another and the power of this special moment. See 7 examples below for your use.

Blessing & exchange of rings/symbols
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
We pray God's blessing at the time of giving and receiving symbols of love and devotion.

Declaration of marriage
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
Official pronouncement of the couple as spiritually and legally wed.

The blessing
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments
A blessing for couples that draws upon their love for each other to extend justice and wholeness to the world around them.

Jumping the broom
Rituals & Blessings, Weddings/Commitments

Complete services of christian marriage
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Liturgy for the Claiming of a New Name
Embracing our true identity is cause for ceremony and celebration. Naming ritual is a wonderful way to honor truth.
Collect for the Changing of a Name
Celebrant:  God be with you.
People: And also with you.
Celebrant: Let us pray.
Holy One of Blessing, in baptism you bring us to new life in Jesus Christ and you name us Beloved.  We give you thanks for the renewal of that life and love in ______, who now fully claims _____ name.  Strengthen and uphold ______ as ____ grows into the power, and authority, and meaning of this name; we pray in the Name above all names, Jesus your Son, whom with you and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, we adore.  Amen.
If the service is not bound by lectionary rubrics, readings might include some of the following:
•from Justin Tannis’s Trans-gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003): Gen 32:24-30; Song of Solomon 1:2b-3; Isaiah 45:3-4; Luke 10:20b
•from Changes: Prayers and Services Honoring Rites of Passage (New York: Church Publishing, 2007), 47-49: the Proper for the Feast of the Holy Name (Jan. 1): Exodus 34:1-8; Psalm 8; Romans1:1-7 or Philippians 2:9-13; Luke 2:15-21.
•From Rev. Karen Schaefer’s : Gen 1:27; Proverbs 3:13-20; John 1:1-5
The Candidate might be invited to give the homily, which might include some sharing about the Candidate’s journey to this point
At this point, prior to the start of the Prayers of the People, a congregation might renew its Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, pp. 304-305) or do a similar process that reaffirms the empowerment of the ministry of the laity.
Prayers of the People
The prayers that follow draw upon scripture readings from the Great Vigil of Easter, calling upon us to join our voices with the voices of Scripture, that we might see in our own lives and in the world around us, the “stories of salvation history.”  The refrain is an ancient baptismal hymn from which the Apostle Paul quotes in his letter to the Galatians (3:28).  During the pause between the prayers, all are invited to offer prayers silently or aloud, and to come forward and light a candle (e.g. tea candles that surround a single large candle, or several large candles, set up on a table in front of the altar, near where the candidate will stand).
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “The prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand and sang,” ‘Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously.’”  We pray for the renewal of God’s church in all its forms.
Leader:  As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader:  “God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.’” We pray for the health and welfare of the earth and all its peoples.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.” We pray for all who struggle against oppression, sickness, or any kind of trouble.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “‘And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and bring you up from your graves, O my people. I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and will act,’ says the Lord”.  We pray in love and joy for all who have died.
Leader:  As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”  We give thanks for all the blessings of this life.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
The Giving of the Name
The Candidate for renaming comes forward.  The Celebrant then continues:
Celebrant: Hear the promises and commandments of God:
Thus says our God: Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come, and me deliverance be revealed.  “Happy is the mortal who does this, the one who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath, not profaning it, and refrains from doing any evil.  Do not let the foreigner joined to God say, ‘God will surely separate me from the people’; and do not let the eunuch say, ‘I am just a dry tree.’  For thus says God: to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast to my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.”
Turning to the person claiming the new name, the Celebrant asks:
Celebrant: How do you respond to God’s calling?
Candidate: I will seek God’s presence in all things.
Celebrant: We are here to affirm the name of ___________.  This name symbolizes all that _____ is and all that ______ is becoming, through the grace of God.  We honor the name given to _____ by ______ parents and acknowledge that the time has come to declare a new name.  This name is the culmination of a journey of discovery and, at the same time, its beginning.
Turning to the gathered community:
Will you do al in your power to assist ____________ to maintain justice, to do what is right, to honor God and hold fast to God’s covenant?
All: We will.
Celebrant: Will you honor __________ in name and in spirit as ____ continues on his path?
All: We will.
Celebrant: Dynamic and holy God, we remember how you changed the names of Abraham and Sarah, as they set out to follow you.  We know that you changed the name of Jacob, after a long night of wrestling with you.  We now declare publicly and affirm the name you have bestowed upon _____________.
All come forward and lay hands upon the candidate’s head, or upon the shoulders of those around the candidate.
______________, receive the blessings of God, Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.
Walk in the Spirit, this day and always, knowing that God has made an everlasting covenant with you that shall never be cut off.
Candidate: Holy Creator, you make us and you change us.  I come before you today, surrounded by community, with awe and humility to put on the mantle of a new name.  May your Holy Spirit surround us and transform me in all truth, that with the name of  _________ I might grow ever more surely into the full stature of Christ.
Celebrant: Jesus said, ‘Rejoice that your names are written in heaven!”
All: Amen!
Celebrant: O God, in renaming your servants Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, and Paul, you gave them new lives and new tasks, new love and new hope.  We now hold before you our friend _________.  Bless ____ with a new measure of grace as _____ takes this new name.  Write ______ again in your heart and on your palm.  And grant that we all may be worthy to call ourselves Christian, for the sake of your Christ whose name is Love, and in whom, with you and the Spirit we pray. Amen.
Prior to the Peace, the service might continue with the Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant, Book of Common Prayer pp. 292-294
Celebrant: The peace of the risen Christ be always with you.
People: And also with you.
The people are invited to share God’s peace with one another.
Holy Communion
If the service continues with Holy Communion, the Candidate might be invited to serve at the altar and/or offer the cup.
An especially appropriate Communion hymn would be “One Bread, One Body.”
Post Communion Prayer
All: Gracious God, you have fed us heavenly food in the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.  Grant that with ______, we may share in this mystery and may, with ____, ever turn to the One whose Name is above all names.  Amen.
In the words of Bishop Barbara Harris, May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, of Jesus, born of our Sister Mary, and of the Holy Spirit who broods over her people like a mother over her children, bless you and remain with you always.  Amen.

• The opening collect is from Changes: Prayers and Services Honoring Rites of Passage (New York: Church Publishing, 2007), 47.
• The Prayers of the People are adapted from the Easter liturgical booklet of St. Luke’s and St. Margaret’s in Allston/Brighton, MA for the context of the name change of a transgender parishioner.  They were written by Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, drawing on the suggested themes for the Prayers of the People, and the Great Vigil of Easter in the Book of Common Prayer (New York: Church Publishing, 1979).
• “The Giving of the Name” title comes from Changes (p. 48)
• The text from “Hear the promises and commandments of God” up until “that shall never be cut off” is from Justin Tanis, Trans-gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003), 189-191
• The prayer by the Candidate was adapted by Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge from a prayer written by parishioner Sam T.
• “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven!” and response is from Tanis, (quoting Luke 10:20b) p. 191
• The prayer “O God, in renaming your servants Abraham and Sarah,” is from Changes (p. 48)
• The Post Communion Prayer is also from Changes (p. 49)
• Bishop Barbara C. Harris (now retired, from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) always uses her signature blessing!
Contributed by Reverend Dr. Cameron Partridge

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Liturgy for the Claiming of a New Name
Embracing our true identity is cause for ceremony and celebration. Naming ritual is a wonderful way to honor truth.
Collect for the Changing of a Name
Celebrant:  God be with you.
People: And also with you.
Celebrant: Let us pray.
Holy One of Blessing, in baptism you bring us to new life in Jesus Christ and you name us Beloved.  We give you thanks for the renewal of that life and love in ______, who now fully claims _____ name.  Strengthen and uphold ______ as ____ grows into the power, and authority, and meaning of this name; we pray in the Name above all names, Jesus your Son, whom with you and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, we adore.  Amen.
If the service is not bound by lectionary rubrics, readings might include some of the following:
•from Justin Tannis’s Trans-gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003): Gen 32:24-30; Song of Solomon 1:2b-3; Isaiah 45:3-4; Luke 10:20b
•from Changes: Prayers and Services Honoring Rites of Passage (New York: Church Publishing, 2007), 47-49: the Proper for the Feast of the Holy Name (Jan. 1): Exodus 34:1-8; Psalm 8; Romans1:1-7 or Philippians 2:9-13; Luke 2:15-21.
•From Rev. Karen Schaefer’s : Gen 1:27; Proverbs 3:13-20; John 1:1-5
The Candidate might be invited to give the homily, which might include some sharing about the Candidate’s journey to this point
At this point, prior to the start of the Prayers of the People, a congregation might renew its Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, pp. 304-305) or do a similar process that reaffirms the empowerment of the ministry of the laity.
Prayers of the People
The prayers that follow draw upon scripture readings from the Great Vigil of Easter, calling upon us to join our voices with the voices of Scripture, that we might see in our own lives and in the world around us, the “stories of salvation history.”  The refrain is an ancient baptismal hymn from which the Apostle Paul quotes in his letter to the Galatians (3:28).  During the pause between the prayers, all are invited to offer prayers silently or aloud, and to come forward and light a candle (e.g. tea candles that surround a single large candle, or several large candles, set up on a table in front of the altar, near where the candidate will stand).
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “The prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand and sang,” ‘Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously.’”  We pray for the renewal of God’s church in all its forms.
Leader:  As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader:  “God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.’” We pray for the health and welfare of the earth and all its peoples.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.” We pray for all who struggle against oppression, sickness, or any kind of trouble.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People:  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “‘And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and bring you up from your graves, O my people. I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and will act,’ says the Lord”.  We pray in love and joy for all who have died.
Leader:  As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
Leader: “For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”  We give thanks for all the blessings of this life.
Leader: As many of you as have been baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ.
People: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of us are one in Christ Jesus.
The Giving of the Name
The Candidate for renaming comes forward.  The Celebrant then continues:
Celebrant: Hear the promises and commandments of God:
Thus says our God: Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come, and me deliverance be revealed.  “Happy is the mortal who does this, the one who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath, not profaning it, and refrains from doing any evil.  Do not let the foreigner joined to God say, ‘God will surely separate me from the people’; and do not let the eunuch say, ‘I am just a dry tree.’  For thus says God: to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast to my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.”
Turning to the person claiming the new name, the Celebrant asks:
Celebrant: How do you respond to God’s calling?
Candidate: I will seek God’s presence in all things.
Celebrant: We are here to affirm the name of ___________.  This name symbolizes all that _____ is and all that ______ is becoming, through the grace of God.  We honor the name given to _____ by ______ parents and acknowledge that the time has come to declare a new name.  This name is the culmination of a journey of discovery and, at the same time, its beginning.
Turning to the gathered community:
Will you do al in your power to assist ____________ to maintain justice, to do what is right, to honor God and hold fast to God’s covenant?
All: We will.
Celebrant: Will you honor __________ in name and in spirit as ____ continues on his path?
All: We will.
Celebrant: Dynamic and holy God, we remember how you changed the names of Abraham and Sarah, as they set out to follow you.  We know that you changed the name of Jacob, after a long night of wrestling with you.  We now declare publicly and affirm the name you have bestowed upon _____________.
All come forward and lay hands upon the candidate’s head, or upon the shoulders of those around the candidate.
______________, receive the blessings of God, Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.
Walk in the Spirit, this day and always, knowing that God has made an everlasting covenant with you that shall never be cut off.
Candidate: Holy Creator, you make us and you change us.  I come before you today, surrounded by community, with awe and humility to put on the mantle of a new name.  May your Holy Spirit surround us and transform me in all truth, that with the name of  _________ I might grow ever more surely into the full stature of Christ.
Celebrant: Jesus said, ‘Rejoice that your names are written in heaven!”
All: Amen!
Celebrant: O God, in renaming your servants Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, and Paul, you gave them new lives and new tasks, new love and new hope.  We now hold before you our friend _________.  Bless ____ with a new measure of grace as _____ takes this new name.  Write ______ again in your heart and on your palm.  And grant that we all may be worthy to call ourselves Christian, for the sake of your Christ whose name is Love, and in whom, with you and the Spirit we pray. Amen.
Prior to the Peace, the service might continue with the Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant, Book of Common Prayer pp. 292-294
Celebrant: The peace of the risen Christ be always with you.
People: And also with you.
The people are invited to share God’s peace with one another.
Holy Communion
If the service continues with Holy Communion, the Candidate might be invited to serve at the altar and/or offer the cup.
An especially appropriate Communion hymn would be “One Bread, One Body.”
Post Communion Prayer
All: Gracious God, you have fed us heavenly food in the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.  Grant that with ______, we may share in this mystery and may, with ____, ever turn to the One whose Name is above all names.  Amen.
In the words of Bishop Barbara Harris, May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, of Jesus, born of our Sister Mary, and of the Holy Spirit who broods over her people like a mother over her children, bless you and remain with you always.  Amen.

• The opening collect is from Changes: Prayers and Services Honoring Rites of Passage (New York: Church Publishing, 2007), 47.
• The Prayers of the People are adapted from the Easter liturgical booklet of St. Luke’s and St. Margaret’s in Allston/Brighton, MA for the context of the name change of a transgender parishioner.  They were written by Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, drawing on the suggested themes for the Prayers of the People, and the Great Vigil of Easter in the Book of Common Prayer (New York: Church Publishing, 1979).
• “The Giving of the Name” title comes from Changes (p. 48)
• The text from “Hear the promises and commandments of God” up until “that shall never be cut off” is from Justin Tanis, Trans-gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003), 189-191
• The prayer by the Candidate was adapted by Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge from a prayer written by parishioner Sam T.
• “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven!” and response is from Tanis, (quoting Luke 10:20b) p. 191
• The prayer “O God, in renaming your servants Abraham and Sarah,” is from Changes (p. 48)
• The Post Communion Prayer is also from Changes (p. 49)
• Bishop Barbara C. Harris (now retired, from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) always uses her signature blessing!
Contributed by Reverend Dr. Cameron Partridge

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Transgender Renaming Service
Ceremony to honor and commemorate persons coming into the fullness of their identity with the support of their worshipping community.

Minister: We are here to affirm the name of ___________, ____________, and _____________. Each name symbolizes all that you are becoming through the grace of God. We honor the names given you by your parents. We release them into your history and acknowledge that the time has come to declare a new name. This name is the culmination of a journey of discovery and, at the same time, its beginning.
(Spoken to the congregation)
Will you do all in your power to assist ____________, _____________, and ______________ to maintain justice, to do what is right, and to live fully into the person that God has created them to be?
Congregation: We will.
Prayer of Blessing:
Dynamic and holy God, we remember how you changed the names of Abraham and Sarah, as they set out to follow you. We know that you changed the name of Jacob, after a long night of wrestling with you. We now declare publicly and affirm the name you have bestowed upon _______________, ______________, and _____________ (laying hands upon each head)
___________, _______________, and ________________ receive the blessings of God. Walk in the spirit this day and always, knowing that God has made an everlasting covenant with you, that shall never be cut off.
In the name of the Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit, Amen.
Minister:  Jesus said, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Congregation:  Alleluia! Amen.
Contributed by Reverend Dr. Cameron Partridge

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Transgender Renaming Service
Ceremony to honor and commemorate persons coming into the fullness of their identity with the support of their worshipping community.

Minister: We are here to affirm the name of ___________, ____________, and _____________. Each name symbolizes all that you are becoming through the grace of God. We honor the names given you by your parents. We release them into your history and acknowledge that the time has come to declare a new name. This name is the culmination of a journey of discovery and, at the same time, its beginning.
(Spoken to the congregation)
Will you do all in your power to assist ____________, _____________, and ______________ to maintain justice, to do what is right, and to live fully into the person that God has created them to be?
Congregation: We will.
Prayer of Blessing:
Dynamic and holy God, we remember how you changed the names of Abraham and Sarah, as they set out to follow you. We know that you changed the name of Jacob, after a long night of wrestling with you. We now declare publicly and affirm the name you have bestowed upon _______________, ______________, and _____________ (laying hands upon each head)
___________, _______________, and ________________ receive the blessings of God. Walk in the spirit this day and always, knowing that God has made an everlasting covenant with you, that shall never be cut off.
In the name of the Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit, Amen.
Minister:  Jesus said, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Congregation:  Alleluia! Amen.
Contributed by Reverend Dr. Cameron Partridge

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Naming/Transitioning"

Liturgy for the Claiming of a New Name
Litanies & Liturgies, Naming/Transitioning, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
Embracing our true identity is cause for ceremony and celebration. Naming ritual is a wonderful way to honor truth.

Transgender Renaming Service
Naming/Transitioning, Rituals & Blessings
Ceremony to honor and commemorate persons coming into the fullness of their identity with the support of their worshipping community.



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Naming/Transitioning"

Liturgy for the Claiming of a New Name
Litanies & Liturgies, Naming/Transitioning, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
Embracing our true identity is cause for ceremony and celebration. Naming ritual is a wonderful way to honor truth.

Transgender Renaming Service
Naming/Transitioning, Rituals & Blessings
Ceremony to honor and commemorate persons coming into the fullness of their identity with the support of their worshipping community.



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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Pastoral charge
The charge offers encouragement, inspiration and focus to those entering new journeys of ministry.
I charge you to be faithful to the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help others to be nourished in this understanding through the best of the Black religious traditions.
I charge you to take seriously the ravages of the corporate sins of racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, ethnocentrism, and all other forms of oppression and internalized oppression, helping the congregation to become aware of these and to develop skills of resistance to the oppressive forms.
I charge you to be active in community struggles, bearing witness to God’s love for the world and thereby being a sign and symbol of Emmanuel, God with us in times of trouble, standing with the least of these.
I charge you to take seriously the ministry of presence as expressed in visits to congregants in times of joy and in times of sorrow. Continue to develop a listening ear so you can be and effective pastoral counselor to those going through shadowy valleys and climbing mounts of transfiguration.
I further charge you to continue your education, reading materials which will sharpen your analyses of the world around us and the spirit within us. As you do so, share with others through formal Christian Education venues, blogs, and other forms of social media, being mindful that pictures of yourself are not necessary to get the messages across.
I charge you to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, and to keep close those who love, nurture and support you in your career & personal development. Also, always find time to nurture and support others with whom you share your life, whether they be family, friends, spouse and/or children.
I also charge you to keep a healthy sense of humor.
I also charge you to preach in powerful and liberating ways, bringing to the pulpit strong spiritual power, immersed in social justice, contoured by sharp intellectual and hermeneutical insights, engaging cultural criticism, pointing always to Jesus, who wants us to be responsible agents of his love and promise to always keep our back.

Reverend Dr. Randall Bailey, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA. Revised charge for Ordination and Installation service originally commended to Rev. Billy Michael Honor. Reprinted with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Pastoral charge
The charge offers encouragement, inspiration and focus to those entering new journeys of ministry.
I charge you to be faithful to the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help others to be nourished in this understanding through the best of the Black religious traditions.
I charge you to take seriously the ravages of the corporate sins of racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, ethnocentrism, and all other forms of oppression and internalized oppression, helping the congregation to become aware of these and to develop skills of resistance to the oppressive forms.
I charge you to be active in community struggles, bearing witness to God’s love for the world and thereby being a sign and symbol of Emmanuel, God with us in times of trouble, standing with the least of these.
I charge you to take seriously the ministry of presence as expressed in visits to congregants in times of joy and in times of sorrow. Continue to develop a listening ear so you can be and effective pastoral counselor to those going through shadowy valleys and climbing mounts of transfiguration.
I further charge you to continue your education, reading materials which will sharpen your analyses of the world around us and the spirit within us. As you do so, share with others through formal Christian Education venues, blogs, and other forms of social media, being mindful that pictures of yourself are not necessary to get the messages across.
I charge you to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, and to keep close those who love, nurture and support you in your career & personal development. Also, always find time to nurture and support others with whom you share your life, whether they be family, friends, spouse and/or children.
I also charge you to keep a healthy sense of humor.
I also charge you to preach in powerful and liberating ways, bringing to the pulpit strong spiritual power, immersed in social justice, contoured by sharp intellectual and hermeneutical insights, engaging cultural criticism, pointing always to Jesus, who wants us to be responsible agents of his love and promise to always keep our back.

Reverend Dr. Randall Bailey, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA. Revised charge for Ordination and Installation service originally commended to Rev. Billy Michael Honor. Reprinted with permission.

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Remembering the young among us
We ask for greater tenderness in remembering young people as they come to know themselves, even as we too came to understand our identity.
Holy One-
You have completely loved us. We have too often forgotten to love one another.  In our adulthood we have been concerned about small things. Cause our vision to expand. Help us to see the larger picture. May our care, compassion and concern extend to young men and young women within our communities. Open our hearts to the harm caused to our children by careless actions, inappropriate conversations, blind neglect and stigmatizing blame.
You, who have given us gifts and abundant grace, ignite in us a fire for hospitality. Let all who enter our sanctuaries, houses of worship, homes and neighborhoods find comfort and safety there. Grant that in our families, from the youngest to the oldest, all will experience respect and loving care. We ask this with unfailing hope and unwavering expectation.

Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Remembering the young among us
We ask for greater tenderness in remembering young people as they come to know themselves, even as we too came to understand our identity.
Holy One-
You have completely loved us. We have too often forgotten to love one another.  In our adulthood we have been concerned about small things. Cause our vision to expand. Help us to see the larger picture. May our care, compassion and concern extend to young men and young women within our communities. Open our hearts to the harm caused to our children by careless actions, inappropriate conversations, blind neglect and stigmatizing blame.
You, who have given us gifts and abundant grace, ignite in us a fire for hospitality. Let all who enter our sanctuaries, houses of worship, homes and neighborhoods find comfort and safety there. Grant that in our families, from the youngest to the oldest, all will experience respect and loving care. We ask this with unfailing hope and unwavering expectation.

Contributed by Rev. Cedric A. Harmon

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Support Many Voices
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And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Life Transitions"

Pastoral charge
Black Church Conversations, Blessings for Persons, How to Think about the Bible, Life Transitions, Preaching, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
The charge offers encouragement, inspiration and focus to those entering new journeys of ministry.

Remembering the young among us
Blessings for Persons, Life Transitions, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
We ask for greater tenderness in remembering young people as they come to know themselves, even as we too came to understand our identity.



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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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Support Many Voices
Please spread the word about Many Voices.
And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Life Transitions"

Pastoral charge
Black Church Conversations, Blessings for Persons, How to Think about the Bible, Life Transitions, Preaching, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
The charge offers encouragement, inspiration and focus to those entering new journeys of ministry.

Remembering the young among us
Blessings for Persons, Life Transitions, Rituals & Blessings, Worship
We ask for greater tenderness in remembering young people as they come to know themselves, even as we too came to understand our identity.



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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Light My Step
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]

There’s a light that shines into the darkness.
 There’s a song that rises from the earth.
 There’s a hope that guides us on our journey.
 There’s a love that springs to life new birth.

Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when loneliness surrounds you,
 when the pain seems too much to bear.
 Can you hear the voice of love that calls you?
 In your grief, know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when we are called to journey.
 When the road ahead becomes unclear.
 Just take one step and know that I am with you.
 Walk in faith and know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.

© 1999 Thomas W. Nichols and Daniel Chadburn    All Rights Reserved.
Nichols – Chadburn – Light My Step.mp3
Chadburn-Nichols Light My Step.pdf
 Contributed by Dan Chadburn & Tom Nichols

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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Support Many Voices
Please spread the word about Many Voices.
And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
Donate Now


Light My Step
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]

There’s a light that shines into the darkness.
 There’s a song that rises from the earth.
 There’s a hope that guides us on our journey.
 There’s a love that springs to life new birth.

Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when loneliness surrounds you,
 when the pain seems too much to bear.
 Can you hear the voice of love that calls you?
 In your grief, know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when we are called to journey.
 When the road ahead becomes unclear.
 Just take one step and know that I am with you.
 Walk in faith and know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.

© 1999 Thomas W. Nichols and Daniel Chadburn    All Rights Reserved.
Nichols – Chadburn – Light My Step.mp3
Chadburn-Nichols Light My Step.pdf
 Contributed by Dan Chadburn & Tom Nichols

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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Support Many Voices
Please spread the word about Many Voices.
And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Choir or Small Group"

Light My Step
Choir or Small Group, Congregational Singing, Love/Relationships, Music & Media, Solo, Stewardship & Creation
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]



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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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Support Many Voices
Please spread the word about Many Voices.
And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Resources in "Choir or Small Group"

Light My Step
Choir or Small Group, Congregational Singing, Love/Relationships, Music & Media, Solo, Stewardship & Creation
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]



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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
©2010 Many Voices, All Rights Reserved  |  Terms of Use

Many Voices
A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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Support Many Voices
Please spread the word about Many Voices.
And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Light My Step
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]

There’s a light that shines into the darkness.
 There’s a song that rises from the earth.
 There’s a hope that guides us on our journey.
 There’s a love that springs to life new birth.

Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when loneliness surrounds you,
 when the pain seems too much to bear.
 Can you hear the voice of love that calls you?
 In your grief, know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when we are called to journey.
 When the road ahead becomes unclear.
 Just take one step and know that I am with you.
 Walk in faith and know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.

© 1999 Thomas W. Nichols and Daniel Chadburn    All Rights Reserved.
Nichols – Chadburn – Light My Step.mp3
Chadburn-Nichols Light My Step.pdf
 Contributed by Dan Chadburn & Tom Nichols

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
©2010 Many Voices, All Rights Reserved  |  Terms of Use

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A Black Church Movement for Gay & Transgender Justice
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And donate today, at whatever level you can.
Together, we can achieve the justice and liberation that we so long for, affirm the lives of our gay and transgender brothers and sisters, and call the Black church into the full expression of God’s unconditional love.
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Light My Step
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]

There’s a light that shines into the darkness.
 There’s a song that rises from the earth.
 There’s a hope that guides us on our journey.
 There’s a love that springs to life new birth.

Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when loneliness surrounds you,
 when the pain seems too much to bear.
 Can you hear the voice of love that calls you?
 In your grief, know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when we are called to journey.
 When the road ahead becomes unclear.
 Just take one step and know that I am with you.
 Walk in faith and know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.

© 1999 Thomas W. Nichols and Daniel Chadburn    All Rights Reserved.
Nichols – Chadburn – Light My Step.mp3
Chadburn-Nichols Light My Step.pdf
 Contributed by Dan Chadburn & Tom Nichols

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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Light My Step
Allow yourself to bask in the glow and warmth of God's holy light surrounding you wherever you go. [Includes MP3 and PDF of score.]

There’s a light that shines into the darkness.
 There’s a song that rises from the earth.
 There’s a hope that guides us on our journey.
 There’s a love that springs to life new birth.

Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when loneliness surrounds you,
 when the pain seems too much to bear.
 Can you hear the voice of love that calls you?
 In your grief, know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.
There are times when we are called to journey.
 When the road ahead becomes unclear.
 Just take one step and know that I am with you.
 Walk in faith and know that I am here.
Light my step, guide my feet.
 Show me the path to my life.
 In Your love, rescue me.
 Light my step, guide my feet.

© 1999 Thomas W. Nichols and Daniel Chadburn    All Rights Reserved.
Nichols – Chadburn – Light My Step.mp3
Chadburn-Nichols Light My Step.pdf
 Contributed by Dan Chadburn & Tom Nichols

Please give credit: The person or organization who contributed this resource has made it available for you to download free for use for worship or education in your congregation or faith community. Whenever you use it, please attribute to the contributors as they are named, adding the words, "downloaded at" Use of this resource for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
Please give feedback: To share anything about your experience using this resource, enter your comments below. Your feedback helps build a vibrant community.
Please give a donation: If you appreciate the opportunity for free downloads, please consider a donation so we can continue offering guidance to all who seek to broaden their welcome.


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3133 Dumbarton Street, NW  |  Washington, DC 20007  |
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