Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Traditional marriage ads

Do You Support Traditional Marriage?
Vote Now!

Do You Support Traditional Marriage? Click Here To Vote
( A picture of a man and a woman and an equal sign with two men and two women
and a question mark is posted beside the two women?)

Dear Readers,

As you know, I am a married, monogamous heterosexual woman and I don't believe in the concept of "traditional marriage". I fully support the right for same-sex couples to legally marry. To put an equal sign in front of a drawing of two same-sex couples and a question mark beside them, symbolize people's discomfort over something that isn't their business. Another thing, homosexuality isn't all about sex, you don't have to be legally married to have sex. Why would gay people want to marry, just to have sex when they could have sex just as easily without being married. Here's another question to my fellow heterosexuals: did you only marry your current spouse just to be able to have sex with them? I can assure you that I didn't not marry my hubby for sex. I married him because I genuinely cared about him and I wanted to show him how much I loved by accepting his marriage proposal and we have been married for 42 years. The concept of  marriage has changed and evolved throughout history. Gay marriage is just another step in this evolving process. I think consenting adults of the same-sex have every right to marry each other and raise children too, if they want.  I don't have kids and my husband I are okay with that. I'm 60 years old. I still look quite young, honestly. Women in my family tend to age slowly. I've had people ask me if I graduated from college. I have had no surgery or anything like that. I just try take good care of myself. No grey hairs on my head yet. Not even one. Marriage is a right that heterosexuals abuse all the time.

I mean, we don't prevent people from remarrying, do we? We don't throw people in prison for adultery , do we? Unless you live in Arizona or something.  If same-sex couples want to legally marry, how is their marriage, going to threaten yours or mine? If your a woman, is your husband going to stop wanting to be with you because the gay couple next door just got married. Is your wife going to go and tell you that she doesn't want to have any more kids because the lesbian couple who recently married each other have kids? Think about it?



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