Monday, June 30, 2014

How do you know what their capable of?

Dear Readers,

How would you feel about this, is it right to call a person, whether they are a child or an adult with autism, Asperger's Syndrome or Down Syndrome "stupid", "retarded", an "idiot", "weird" or "dumb", especially if you are an adult yourself? I don't.  Many people with mental and physical disabilities are intelligent, some of them can live on their own, have families of their own, have careers , drive cars just as good as anyone else. I know and have known such persons.  I think far too many people underestimate, misunderstand and are ignorant of people with disabilities. Some people seem to lack compassion. People with disabilities are human beings like anyone else.  Why should someone with mental disabilities or physical disabilities to live a full life?  How do you know what they are capable of doing, if you don't even give them a chance to prove themselves?

I've heard people make some very heartless statements about disabled persons, would these people openly make racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic or misogynistic statements in public like they do about disabled persons?  Probably not, unless their a bigot.  Making assumptions about a person's intelligence or self-independency level because that person may be autistic or have Down Syndrome is a form of prejudice.  There are autistic people who are way smarter than probably most people, how do you know what their capable of doing for themselves? A lot of them have spouses, lovers, children, careers, own their own homes and drive cars, are fine and upstanding members of society.  I just want to know where is the compassion and understanding towards these people in society? Think about it.



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