Saturday, February 15, 2014

A AN blog post and an apology to my readers

Table of contents for a post
Posted by Luara on December 14, 2013 at 10:26am in How To Do It!
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Just for fun - when Debra Stevenson was inundating A/N with blog posts, I wrote a sample blog post showing how you can put many different blog posts together into one, with the subjects listed in a table of contents at the top.  It uses HTML tags.  So she could have published just one blog post a day, with all of her stuff in it.


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 Permalink Reply by Loren Miller on December 17, 2013 at 7:48am

Very slick stuff, Luara!
 Permalink Reply by Luara on December 17, 2013 at 7:54am

Why thanks :)  I've often felt that the best answer to social problems is to change the physical/technical environment - which creates the social environment.
In this case Debra could have posted all she wanted without annoying people.
Although she may have wanted to annoy people.
 Permalink Reply by Loren Miller on December 17, 2013 at 7:58am

What do you mean, "MAY have?!?" [wry chuckle!]
 Permalink Reply by Luara on December 17, 2013 at 8:20am

I certainly wouldn't assume that.  Other explanations are available.
 Permalink Reply by Pat on December 17, 2013 at 8:28am

I lean toward Luara on this one. My recollection of the Debra Stevenson "blogorrhea" episode was that she struck me as an individual who was trying to find something to have "faith" in. She had tried Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and a plethora of other cults in an attempt to find the one true meaning of life.  Fellow A|N member Melinda (booklover) recently posted a photo which states "Atheism is not a belief, it is a conclusion." My person opinion is that Debra was bouncing from one belief system to another, when she stumbled upon atheism. She had yet to come to a conclusion about anything.
P.S. Thanks Luara, for the info and insight.
 Permalink Reply by Luara on December 17, 2013 at 8:42am

Or compulsively posting for some reason.
People who are obsessive-compulsive must be often very annoying without intending it.  Or people who want attention - it's easier to get negative attention than positive attention.
Anyway, she could have published her personal newspaper once a day without provoking anyone.  With a table of contents, which makes it easier to find content you might be interested in when a lot of it isn't interesting

Well, I previously was given permission to use one of my cousin's old email addresses because none of mine were working at the time. My blog name is B.W. which stands for Brandi Williams. Debra Stevenson is the name my cousin's name.  Please understand, I was not trying to commit identity fraud or anything. Many of my email names were really old and were not working anymore. My cousin Debra said that I could use her one of her old emails that she no longer used to go on since I really wanted to talk to other atheists.  It's true that I did post too much on and I post way too much on here. I repeatedly post the same things too often ( sometimes on the same post and without links!) and I'm not going to do that anymore. Sometimes, the posts won't go through and I have to post more than once.  First of all, I would  not say that I did "try" Jehovah's Witnesses. I was raised as a JW. It didn't work out. I did try Mormonism and many other religions that are considered to either be cult-like or cults in attempt to find out what made sense. They didn't work out. I did bounce from one belief system to other before coming upon atheism but I wouldn't say that I did not yet come to a conclusion about anything during the time I spend being involved with organized religion as the great folks at think.  I did not want to annoy people. I hope Luara doesn't think that I intended to do that. I really didn't. I wasn't trying to "provoke" anyone and I did not mean to act "obsessive compulsive" .  I understand these persons anger with me. Pat assumes I was an individual looking for something to have " faith" in. Sure, I was but so have many members. Trying to find the "one true meaning of life" is something that I did.  Loren Miller told Luara that what I did was very " slick" stuff. I wasn't trying to be "slick". Loren still doesn't seem to like me very much, apparently. I still think he is a really cool dude nonetheless.  I did question my beliefs and kept searching.  I cannot speak on the experiences of any members. I understand the folks at are upset with me still and I don't blame them. I find it interesting that they are still talking about me. I thought they had forgotten all about me.  They didn't and still do not have to accept my apologies but I felt they deserved to hear it. Brother Richard, who created the website especially. I repeatedly violated their requests to not post so excessively and I was WRONG. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I wasn't trying for "negative" attention.  Personally, I don't think that it is acceptable for the AN members to assume that I am " obsessive-compulsive". I am actually not, but I did act inappropriately and I did create an ad nauseum amount of posts. True, I did post too many posts on the AN website.  I do post too much on here and I really shouldn't but I see a lot of things that I find interesting and want to share them. I need to provide links with the articles that I post. This blog is entitled " Atheist Jew of the U.S.". Many of my posts include Wikipedia links to novels and films or sometimes certain subjects that I find interesting. To any of my readers, I apologize for posting so much. I want to add as many of my own thoughts as I can but I fear of regurgitating things that I have already said. Thanks for reading.  B.W.

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