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Jehovah’s Witness Weddings
Submitted by Teeny on February 11, 2011 - 11:31 am One Comment Have you ever been to any Jehovah's Witness Weddings?Have you ever been to Jehovah’s Witness weddings? If you have, you may find this slightly exaggerated version of events funny. If you’ve never taken part in Jehovah’s Witness weddings, you’ll still find this funny. If you’re a Jehovah’s Witness and have been to several Jehovah’s Witness weddings, you won’t find this funny because lets face it, the cult has sucked out any remaining humour you may have had.

Picture this……
As the bride and groom walk out of the Kingdom hall just after getting married, someone in the welcoming crowd throws confetti over the newly married couple. As the confetti is in mid-air, the bride runs away, shrieking in horror as she tries to dodge this Satanic shower.
The groom unfortunately gets pelted with this demon-possessed worldly material and is distraught. His friends drag the guilty person out of the hall premises and deal with him accordingly. How dare they shower this spiritual occasion with Satanist rocks!
At the reception, this irritating worldly relative insists on clinking classes with everyone in the room while cheering; “To the beautiful new bride and groom…cheers!”
As the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the reception room see this act of devilry, they dive for cover. Crystal glasses are smashed, so as to avoid the ritual of Satanic toasting, a ritual which all Jehovah’s Witnesses know full well, may jeopardize their eternal future.
Then, the worst thing possible happens. Put it this way, if this next scene was in a film, the BBFC would insist that the film studio have it removed due to it’s sickness.
I advise all Jehovah’s Witnesses that the section below could cause mental and irrevocable damage.
Viewer Discretion is Advised!The Groom’s twin brother turns up to the wedding reception. He was disfellowshipped for being gay! Oh my God! How can this be? Who invited a disfellowshipped person to this holy wedding?!
Not only does this disfellowshipped one turn up, but he brings his partner with him, his disfellowshipped partner!
At the sight of these two, all the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the room scream with terror! Anarchy hits as families try to leave the reception room via the windows. The witnesses bang on the windows incessantly, in an attempt to have them opened.
“Don’t even look at them!”, screams an elder from across the room.
“Michael (the Groom) will have his privileges taken away”, shouts another man.
……In my opinion, Jehovah’s Witness weddings are messed up, especially if I recall the last Jehovah’s Witness wedding I went to.
Jehovah's Witness Weddings in CyprusNow I know I’ve gone on about Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cyprus being different to any other sort of Jehovah’s Witness I’ve met, but my personal account of Sasha’s and Pampina’s wedding takes the absolute biscuit!
In the Jehovah’s Witness wedding parody, I made note that confetti is strictly forbidden in any Jehovah’s Witness wedding. Or so I thought. As we all waiting for the happy bride and groom to enter the hall, around 8 bubbly Cypriot Jehovah’s Witnesses spread themselves out across the path that the happy couple would take on their way to their table. These paraders then pulled out confetti cannons.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. As the bride and groom entered the wedding hall (not Kingdom Hall), the confetti cannon holding Jehovah’s Witnesses began firing them off.
Now I know I shouldn’t feel stumbled, but I simply couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I turned to a Jehovah’s Witness that was sat near me and I asked him using confetti cannons is a done thing in Cyprus at Jehovah’s Witness weddings.
Well, as long as they’re not actually throwing rice in the air with their hands…
That was his response. Amazing! By the way, did I tell you that the groom, Sasha Bulatovic is a Jehovah’s Witness elder? His father-in-law is also an elder. I digress…

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When I was growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, I had to sit through a weekly Bible Study. This unfortunate weekly waste of my time was carried out by a lovely brother, Richard Baptiste. Richard was (and probably still is) great, which is a shame as I really put him through his paces. You see, [ [...]
Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses Kill Me!
Yes, the Jehovah’s Witnesses who claim to be “anointed” kill me: literally. Or at least they plan to, soon. I didn’t fully realize this until today, as I was perusing an old Watchtower book, trying to learn more about Rutherford’s beliefs: Jehovah must and will execute [...]
A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma
This is a two part article. You have the truth, but no one will listen to you because the authorities they trust have told them that you are a wicked liar in league with the devil. What do you do? How can you break through that wall of prejudice that has been erected against you […] [...]
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Jehovah's Witness Blog » Jehovah's Witness Beliefs » Gay Jehovah’s Witness Victims
Gay Jehovah’s Witness Victims
Submitted by Andrew on March 15, 2012 - 8:35 pm 64 Comments What happens to gay Jehovah's Witnesses?Let’s spare a moment to think about the gay Jehovah’s Witness victims.

If you didn’t know this, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not condone homosexuality. Romans 12:19 is often used to instruct the flock to ‘abhor what is wicked.’ Also, they believe that men who lie with men will not inherit god’s kingdom. In Leviticus, the penalty for homosexuality is death. Leviticus 18:22 says, ““‘And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing.” Verse 29 says, “In case anyone does any of all these detestable things, then the souls doing them must be cut off from among their people.”
Obviously, in the eyes of a Jehovah’s Witness, committing ‘homosexual acts’ is a sin. Jehovah’s Witnesses are told to hate what is bad.
Not only are homosexual people not allowed privileges in the congregation, it is a cause for disfellowshipping. But that doesn’t make Jehovah’s Witnesses homophobic, does it?
Um. Yes! Undoubtedly. By treating homosexual people differently from heterosexual people, they are being prejudiced and even incite hatred. After all, you can’t just ‘hate the act’ as so many Jehovah’s Witnesses like to parrot, when being homosexual is more than just anal sex, which, incidentally, is forbidden (by the Jehovah’s Witness hierarchy), even in heterosexual relations. Sexuality is part of what makes up a person, his or her character, etc.
People don’t choose what sex they are attracted to. It is how they are born. Jehovah’s Witness literature seems to acknowledge this a little bit in the Young People Ask article, Homosexuality – How Can I Avoid It? It says, in an almost backhanded insult, “It is not the purpose of this article to delve into the “nature-versus-nurture” debate. Indeed, it seems that it would be a gross oversimplification to attribute homosexuality to a single cause. Homosexuality—much like other forms of behavior—appears to be far more complex than that.”
It also says, “Regardless of the cause, the important thing to realize is that the Bible condemns homosexual acts. Thus, the person who is struggling with same-sex desires is presented with a reachable goal—he or she can choose not to act on those desires.”
So, god created some people to be homosexual, or allowed them to be born into sin without choice of their sexuality, and will then punish them for it? Also, as a heterosexual man, homosexual relations are not something that attract me, but that doesn’t make it wrong – I used to be a closed minded Jehovah’s Witness too, but since breaking free, I have seen how homosexual relations are more than just sex – they are relationships.
By denying men and women the right to fall in love with someone based on an old, immoral, book, Jehovah’s Witnesses should be ashamed of themselves.
But what of those homosexual people who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, but ‘suppress their urges’, as encouraged in the Watchtower literature? I’ve heard it said, “Yes, but they don’t act on their impulses!” Well, how do we know they don’t? They could be succumbing to their urges even as you read this post.
The fact is that many Jehovah’s Witnesses are homosexual and have to suppress what makes them, them, all due to the homophobia that is preached throughout their ranks. Some people have even been driven to suicide thanks to this abhorrent teaching from a so-called religion of ‘love’.
Tags: Gay Jehovah's Witnesses, Homophobia in the Jehovah's Witnesses

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July 12th, 2012, 09:22 AM
 How Many Significant Trees Were in the Garden of Eden?
August 6th, 2010, 09:05 AM
 Gay Jehovah’s Witness Victims
March 15th, 2012, 08:35 PM
Wayne Williamson: Dear Mert, you are one big jack horse, do you read your bible you are in a CULT Teeny: I have a sneaky feeling the Watchtower Society like the ‘Chinese Whisper’ method of spreading... Lacy Beatty: I heard this many times from elders over here in USA-in several different states. Since I heard it from... Amie lesjw: yep, my uncle ( a big Star Trek fan) loved this topic. “why, Amie, would there be so many planets... Teeny: Where were you when I needed you :-) Featured Articles
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When I was growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, I had to sit through a weekly Bible Study. This unfortunate weekly waste of my time was carried out by a lovely brother, Richard Baptiste. Richard was (and probably still is) great, which is a shame as I really put him through his paces. You see, [ [...]
Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses Kill Me!
Yes, the Jehovah’s Witnesses who claim to be “anointed” kill me: literally. Or at least they plan to, soon. I didn’t fully realize this until today, as I was perusing an old Watchtower book, trying to learn more about Rutherford’s beliefs: Jehovah must and will execute [...]
A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma
This is a two part article. You have the truth, but no one will listen to you because the authorities they trust have told them that you are a wicked liar in league with the devil. What do you do? How can you break through that wall of prejudice that has been erected against you […] [...]
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Jehovah's Witness Blog » JW Emails » Email from a Gay Jehovah’s Witness
Email from a Gay Jehovah’s Witness
Submitted by Teeny on April 27, 2012 - 5:00 am 13 Comments I've used the Liar Liar poster image for the Homosexuality and Jehovah's Witnesses article as some Jehovah's Witnesses have lied in their emailsThe article Ben wrote in March, Gay Jehovah’s Witness Victims, which discussed homosexuality and Jehovah’s Witnesses, has helped a couple of active Jehovah’s Witnesses to the point where they have stopped going to the meetings and have decided to leave the Organisation. This pleases us greatly guys, for it was our intention to try and open the eyes of as many active Jehovah’s Witnesses as possible.

We didn’t expect a barrage of emails from Jehovah’s Witnesses claiming to either be gay, or “gay cured”. I won’t list all the emails in this article as a lot of them are utter trash. If there’s supposed so be so much love in the Jehovah’s Witness faith, I have trouble seeing it nowadays. If we’re not being called the “devil’s play thing”, we’re being told that many hope to have front-row seats to watch the birds peck our eyes out. Hitchcock wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness, was he?
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I decided to share with you the most decipherable and challenging email that was sent to me a couple of weeks ago by someone called Christopher Johns. This is what he wrote:
I love how people who are against Jehovah’s Witnesses, calling them a cult, don’t know what they are talking about. I am a Jehovah’s Witness who is also gay. I’ve been treated as a brother by these loving people.
You speak of how we are suppressed by the Watchtower but in the real world, men have called me fag, gay, queer and many things . I’ve been beaten up harassed and the like.
Guys in my congregation actually hug me without getting creeped out. They ask me to hang out. We are not suppressed. We go by God’s word, not what the Watchtower says.
I love reading anti-witness sites. They’re all wrong. Even ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses are those who don’t want to live by bible standards. Homosexuality is a sin and so is incest. A brother and sister could be in love but no one accepts that because it’s not natural. But neither is two men. It’s imperfection from the fall of Adam and eve.
I forwarded Christopher’s email onto JWB contributor and close friend, Lacy. If you’re an avid JWB reader, you’ll have read Lacy’s story about her struggles with the Jehovah’s Witnesses when coming out. Here’s what Lacy had to say about the above email:
I think  he [Christopher Johns] is full of it just from the comment he made about ‘we go by what the Bible says, not by what the Watchtower says’. Every single Jehovah’s Witness knows you go by what the Watchtower says first and foremost because everything printed in the Watchtower magazine comes directly from God via his holy spirit, which is directed at the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you are going to get instructions from an elder or hear a talk, it all comes from quotes from the publications with support from scriptures, not the other way around.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses might allow a celibate gay, but only if it is someone who does not ever discuss his/her inclinations. That would be possibly corrupting the congregation. If a person was an active, faithful Jehovah’s Witness and still had homosexual attractions, it would mean that either Satan still had hold of that person or that people are just born that way. That means gay Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot exist even if they are celibate.
The one scripture that the elders did open their Bibles for in my so-called hearing was the one Jesus spoke of when he said that even the thought of sleeping with someone was considered as adultery by God. The point the elders were making was that you just had to think inappropriate thoughts for it to be a sin.
The situation for Christopher may be as he says, but that is only because the Jehovah’s Witness around him are not following Organizational direction. The last thing that would make me question the validity of the email is that he seems to be strongly of the belief that homosexuality is unnatural and a gross sin. There are some gay people who feel this way. They are the ones who stay in the closet or commit suicide. People who feel that strongly opposed to it are not out of the closet and barely even admit it to themselves, let alone an entire congregation. None of what he says adds up.
So then, we’ve heard Christopher’s version of being a gay Jehovah’s Witness, and Lacy’s overview. I want you to decide if you think Christopher is telling the truth. After all, he belongs to a group that professes to have “The Truth™.”
Please share your comments below and also pop on over to the JWB Facebook Page. We want to get that community buzzing too!
Tags: Gay Jehovah's Witnesses, I'm Gay and a Jehovah's Witness

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March 15th, 2012, 08:35 PM
Wayne Williamson: Dear Mert, you are one big jack horse, do you read your bible you are in a CULT Teeny: I have a sneaky feeling the Watchtower Society like the ‘Chinese Whisper’ method of spreading... Lacy Beatty: I heard this many times from elders over here in USA-in several different states. Since I heard it from... Amie lesjw: yep, my uncle ( a big Star Trek fan) loved this topic. “why, Amie, would there be so many planets... Teeny: Where were you when I needed you :-) Featured Articles
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When I was growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, I had to sit through a weekly Bible Study. This unfortunate weekly waste of my time was carried out by a lovely brother, Richard Baptiste. Richard was (and probably still is) great, which is a shame as I really put him through his paces. You see, [ [...]
Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses Kill Me!
Yes, the Jehovah’s Witnesses who claim to be “anointed” kill me: literally. Or at least they plan to, soon. I didn’t fully realize this until today, as I was perusing an old Watchtower book, trying to learn more about Rutherford’s beliefs: Jehovah must and will execute [...]
A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma
This is a two part article. You have the truth, but no one will listen to you because the authorities they trust have told them that you are a wicked liar in league with the devil. What do you do? How can you break through that wall of prejudice that has been erected against you […] [...]
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Jehovah's Witness Blog » Science » Jehovah’s Witnesses Misleading Literature
Jehovah’s Witnesses Misleading Literature
Submitted by Andrew on June 15, 2012 - 2:01 pm 4 Comments Misquotes in Watchtower LiteratureI once pointed out to John Taliadoros, the head honcho of the Nicosia English congregation, that the Watchtower often ‘quote-mined’, or took quotes out of context. I also said how scientists are often attacked and written about in a negative light. He asked me to provide some examples, which I gladly did. It wasn’t hard – I just opened the ‘Life – How did it get here?’, facade of a book and found a couple in the first chapter. His reply, word for word, was:

“I do not agree with you that an organization that has done so much to benefit people by enlightening them so they can have hope in a better future (not to mention assisting in disasters, offering free literacy classes etc) would consciously try to get involved in what you described as “quote-mining”. For what purpose? To gain what?”
I’ll be publishing all the emails I had with John on JWB in the near future so you can all see how an elder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses had no real answers to my questions. There are some real classics in there.
For what purpose? To gain what? I’d say to distort the truth and keep people ignorant, to make people believe that the Watchtower’s position is valid.
The other day, I popped on to and came across an article that was originally published in The Watchtower  June 1, 2002. It was called, “Who Is to Blame – You or Your Genes?” It starts off like this, which immediately set alarm bells ringing:
SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not be a relief to find that we are not responsible for our actions but are merely victims of biology? It is human nature to blame someone or something else for our errors.
Did you see that? They snuck “homosexuality” in there along with other “aberrant behavior”. Disgusting pigs at Watchtower HQ!
Anyway, let’s move on to the taking people’s quotes out of context. The article goes on to skew the idea that scientists are wasting their time looking at genes, and that we are responsible for all our actions. It says:
For a long time, scientists have been tackling the monumental task of finding genetic causes and cures for human pathology and behavior. After ten years of work by six teams of researchers, the gene linked to Huntington’s disease was isolated, although the researchers have no idea how the gene causes the disease. However, reporting on this research, Scientific American quoted Harvard biologist Evan Balaban, who said that it would be “almost infinitely harder to discover genes for behavioral disorders.”
Clearly, the article is implying that it took ten years and lots of scientists before they found a gene linked to Huntington’s disease. Then they quote Balaban who talks about behavioural disorder. First off, homosexuality is not a ‘disorder’. Second, the Watchtower is leaving off important information from the context of what and why Balaban said what he said.
As a science geek, I just so happen to read Scientific American, and quickly found the June 1993 issue online that they referred to. Interesting, because the entire paragraph, which appears on page 127, says:
As difficult as it was to pinpoint the gene for Huntington’s, it will be almost infinitely harder to discover genes for behavioral disorders, says Evan S. Balaban, a biologist at Harvard University. Unlike Huntington’s disease, he notes, disorders such as schizophrenia and alcoholism cannot be unambiguously diagnosed. Furthermore, they stem not from a single dominant gene but from many genes acting in concert with environmental effects. If researchers do find a statistical association between certain genes and a trait, Balaban says, that knowledge may never be translated into useful therapies or tests. “What does it mean to have a 10 percent increased risk of alcoholism?” he asks.
You see, the reason why Balaban said that it would be hard (but not impossible) to find genes for behavioural disorders is because the diagnoses of disorders are ambiguous, and that behaviour stems from MANY genes working in tandem and together with environmental effects.
I really hate how the Watchtower constantly, throughout it’s publications, make scientists out to be bad people with bad motives. Are scientists really researching behavioural links to genetics because they are trying to get an excuse to be gay, or violent? No, of course not!
The Watchtower always seems to do this – they find some evidence that they feel disproves something, (in this case that genes are responsible for our behaviour) and then present their alternative. Their alternative, however, has no supporting evidence. They say, “You’re wrong, so we’re right by default!” That isn’t honest and doesn’t prove your argument. I could say that, “because scientists can not link certain behavioural disorders to genes, it must mean that aliens control our minds.” You can see how absurd that is, I hope.
People who read the Watchtower really need to learn what good reasons are to believe something. The rational default position for any claim is not to accept it until evidence is provided to support that claim. In their “Who is to Blame” article, they throw in just enough of a quote to get people doubting scientists and then present their position with no evidence at all. I don’t claim to know enough about genetics and behavioural links to have a position either way – and neither should the uneducated dinosaurs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Governing Body. The right answer would be to say, “we don’t know”, rather than posit our own speculations as if they were fact.

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August 6th, 2010, 09:05 AM
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March 15th, 2012, 08:35 PM
Wayne Williamson: Dear Mert, you are one big jack horse, do you read your bible you are in a CULT Teeny: I have a sneaky feeling the Watchtower Society like the ‘Chinese Whisper’ method of spreading... Lacy Beatty: I heard this many times from elders over here in USA-in several different states. Since I heard it from... Amie lesjw: yep, my uncle ( a big Star Trek fan) loved this topic. “why, Amie, would there be so many planets... Teeny: Where were you when I needed you :-) Featured Articles
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When I was growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, I had to sit through a weekly Bible Study. This unfortunate weekly waste of my time was carried out by a lovely brother, Richard Baptiste. Richard was (and probably still is) great, which is a shame as I really put him through his paces. You see, [ [...]
Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses Kill Me!
Yes, the Jehovah’s Witnesses who claim to be “anointed” kill me: literally. Or at least they plan to, soon. I didn’t fully realize this until today, as I was perusing an old Watchtower book, trying to learn more about Rutherford’s beliefs: Jehovah must and will execute [...]
A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma
This is a two part article. You have the truth, but no one will listen to you because the authorities they trust have told them that you are a wicked liar in league with the devil. What do you do? How can you break through that wall of prejudice that has been erected against you […] [...]
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Jehovah's Witness Blog » Bible » Sex: All Along the Watchtower
Sex: All Along the Watchtower
Submitted by Steve on March 6, 2013 - 9:02 pm 9 Comments The bible is full of sexual encounters, so how does the Watchtower view sex?A famous wit was once asked if he believed in sex before marriage. “Yes,” he replied, “I believe everyone should be male or female prior to marriage.”

But when we refer to sex we typically mean much more than just possessing gender. We mean sexual relations between people, or even with oneself in the case of masturbation. [We should also note that the famous wit's witticism unfairly excludes hermaphrodites.]
They say that authors should write what they know about and have a lot of experience with. According to that formula, if you were to compile a list of of authors who were qualified to write about sex, my name would regrettably appear close to the bottom. But, that’s alright; I’m not going to discuss my own sexual experiences here. This is due not only to an appalling lack of material, but also because it is irrelevant to the real topic under discussion: the Watchtower’s view of sex.
The Bible’s View Of Sex vs. The Watchtower’s View
What do you think the Watchtower would say about a man who was a bi-sexual polygamist, liked to dance around naked, and had many mistresses? I think we can all agree that an individual exhibiting such
behavior would be quickly disfellowshipped for “conduct unbecoming.” Yet the man I’m describing is one of the most revered men in the Bible: King David! (1 Sam 20:41; 25:43; 2 Sam 5:13; 6:20)
What about an incestuous bigamist who, like the modern day Arnold Schwarzenegger, had sex with his wives’ maids? This is the Bible’s account of Jacob, whom God renamed Israel and “blessed abundantly.” (Gen:29:30; Gen:30:4; Gen:30:9; Gen:35:9-12).
Judah and TamarJudah, one of Israel’s sons, was another prominent figure in the Bible. He had sex with a prostitute (just like the modern-day actor Hugh Grant did. Isn’t it odd how we’re quick to condemn the “celebrities” of today for the same actions of the “great men” of the Bible?). But Judah was a real piece of work; in the best tradition of hypocritical double-standards, he then sought to burn his daughter-in-law alive for having “played the whore” by becoming pregnant after her husband had died. In the end, Judah only refrained from the horrific murder of his daughter-in-law when he discovered that she was the prostitute he’d had sex with, and he himself was the father of her unborn twins! No, it’s not a storyline from a daytime soap-opera or trashy novel; it’s Genesis chapter 38.
So, is it really a sin worthy of disfellowshipping for a person to have more than one wife, to have mistresses, or to have sex with ones maids? Is it a sin to have sex with a prostitute? Well, Israel is honored in the Bible (in fact he’s known as one of the “heroes of the Bible” by today’s Christians, and the highest level a Jehovah’s Witness can attain to is to be a “Spiritual Israelite”), so it doesn’t seem to have tarnished his reputation any. Also, we can ask: would God order someone to commit a sin? Well, the prophet Hosea was ordered by God to marry (i.e. have sex with) a prostitute (Hosea 1:2-3).
Solomon's harem
The Bible tells us that King Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived or ever will live (1 Kgs 3:12) [which makes us wonder about how dumb Jesus must've been in comparison.] In all his wisdom, what did Solomon do? He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. (1 Kgs 11:3) That means he could have a different sexual partner every night and not see the same woman twice in over two and a half years! But he probably indulged in more than one woman at a time (just imagine all of the possible permutations!)

Solomon also wrote, in his “wisdom literature:” “Has one found a [good] wife? One has found a good thing, and one gets goodwill from Jehovah.” (Prov. 18:22) And: “Rejoice with the wife of your youth… Let her own breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly.” (Prov. 5:18-19)
Then, Along Came Paul (And Then, Maybe Jesus)
Wedding at CanaSaul/Paul, a true misogynist, said it was better never to touch a woman, and that it’s better not to get married. (1 Corinthians 7:1,8) Afterward, the creators of Jesus’ biographies had him extol the virtues of self-castration! (MT 19:12) So much for the wisdom of Solomon’s “constant ecstasy!” On the other hand, Jesus reputedly performed a miracle just to help a couple celebrate their wedding. (John 2:1-11) One would surmise from that action that he wasn’t entirely against the idea of men and women coming together and doing what’s necessary to bring about children.
Despite these minority opinions of Paul and the creators of the Gospels’ Jesus, the Bible seems to tolerate – if not outright advocate – a healthy indulgence of ones sexual appetite.
The View From The Watchtower
The Watchtower has always taken a hard-line stance against sexual activity, even though Rutherford is known to have had at least two mistresses in addition to a wife (though he was separated from the latter.)
The Watchtower is against premarital sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, and masturbation. They frown upon unmarried couples kissing or even holding hands. You’re not even supposed to “date” an individual unless you’re seriously considering them as a marriage partner. They have also been against certain private sexual practices between a husband and wife, though I’m told they’ve changed their minds on this more than once1 [Interesting how, on their own authority, they can change a practice from being a sin to being acceptable. All the while the Bible continues to say the same things it has said for centuries. It should have been a fairly simple matter to read the Bible and see that it contains no such prohibitions before blurting out opinions that ruin people's lives.]
The Reality
Somehow we came by these hormones which drive our sexual desire. [I recall mine fully raging out of control by the age of 14.] The Watchtower would credit the creation of these hormones to Jehovah. So, according to Watchtower logic, Jehovah gives us these desires and then demands that we not act on them: at least not for several years until we’re of marriageable age and have, in fact, “tied the knot.” This tends to force young people into either marrying before it is economically feasible for them (and then suffering a life of poverty), or into “giving in” to their desires and suffering the consequent Watchtower-imposed guilt. I suspect most of them secretly practice masturbation as the most innocuous and only livable solution to the challenge of simultaneously being human and a Jehovah’s Witness. [I know I did.]
The Watchtower: Out of Bounds
“Do not go beyond the things that are written,” The Bible tells us (1 Corinthians 4:6) – and it didn’t mean the things that are written in the Watchtower. The Bible does not contain any writings about masturbation, nor does it condemn any sexual practices between married couples.2

Paul may have been a homophobe, but it doesn’t appear that anyone else mentioned in the Bible was. The Song of Solomon sings the praises of homosexuality, and despite his many wives and concubines, King David’s favorite lover was a man named Jonathan. (2 Sam 1:26)
Yes, there’s that prohibition in Lev. 18:22, but as all Christians will tell us when we point out other absurd laws in the Hebrew Scriptures: “The old law passed away.”
Consequently, the Watchtower has no business pontificating on these practices. When they declare that such practices are “sinful” They are the ones violating a Bible principle: by going beyond the things that are written.
“Why Do You Not Decide For Yourself What Is Right?” (Luke 12:57)
It is your duty and responsibility as a human being to decide for yourself what is appropriate sexual behavior for you. Such decisions, of course should give sufficient consideration to how your actions affect others – just as all of your decisions should. You must be guided by empathy in such matters where others are involved, and it goes without saying that it must always be completely uncoerced, consensual, and between adults.
dancing_bunnyNow, please don’t misunderstand me; I’m not advocating that Jehovah’s Witnesses go out and enjoy all of the sexual activity they possibly can with complete abandon like oversexed bunny rabbits. For one thing: I certainly don’t want to be held responsible for breeding more Jehovah’s Witnesses! But more importantly, in a civilized society there must be some constraints to our desires. Fulfilling such desires should not be our top priority, and when we do fulfill them we need to do so in a respectful, safe manner with our eyes wide open to the consequences of our actions to everyone involved.
Discipline isn’t a bad thing. But neither is sexual activity properly self-regulated. I emphasized “self” very deliberately in the preceding sentence; the Watchtower has no right poking its nose – or any other appendage – into our bedrooms [or into our kitchens, stairways, or the back-seats of our vehicles - for the more adventurous amongst us.] It’s especially ironic and hypocritical of them when you consider the paedophilia they allow to take place.
The reason you exist is that sex is pleasurable. Otherwise, your mother and father would never have “done the deed.” Somewhere along the line people would’ve gotten bored with procreation and the burdens entailed by caring for the young that are produced thereby [I'm speaking of that long dark period of human history before the invention of condoms.] It’s a really good thing that sex is pleasurable, otherwise we wouldn’t be here, and neither would the Governing Body be here telling us to live our lives in denial of our nature – hmmm, I guess there’s pros and cons to everything.
God, Love, and Sex
Sex is not love, neither is God love (in spite of what 1 John 4:8 claims.) Love is a whole other subject for discussion in a future article. For now I only want to point out that love should not be confused with God or with sex. Love is not that mass-murdering egotistical moron masquerading as “God” in the Bible. Nor is it the physical pleasures of sexual activity. You can have sex without love (which I imagine is fun and exciting for a time, but ultimately shallow). You can also have love without sex (ask anyone who’s been married ten years or more.)
But when love and sex come together in your life: well, it doesn’t get much better than that. It would be one of the greatest mistakes of your life to permit the Watchtower to interfere with such happiness in any way shape or form; they have no reason, no authority, and no clue.
1 “Nevertheless, if future cases of gross unnatural conduct, such as the practice of oral or anal copulation, are brought to their attention, the elders should act to try to correct the situation before further harm results, as they would do with any other serious wrong. Their concern is, of course, to try to help those who go astray and are ‘caught in the snare of the Devil.’ (2 Tim. 2:26) But if persons willfully show disrespect for Jehovah God’s marital arrangements, then it becomes necessary to remove them from the congregation as dangerous “leaven” that could contaminate others.” (Watchtower 12/1/1972 p.734-736)
“A careful further weighing of [oral sex], however, convinces us that, in view of the absence of clear Scriptural instruction, these are matters for which the married couple themselves must bear the responsibility before God” (Watchtower, 2/15/1978)
[Why hadn't they done a "careful weighing" back in 1972 before opening their discreet mouths?]

2 “It must be acknowledged that the Bible does not give any specific rules or limitations as regards the manner in which husband and wife engage in sexual relations.” (Watchtower 2/15/1978 p.30-31)
[Which is exactly what Witnesses were trying to tell the Watchtower prior to 1978, and no doubt being disfellowshipped for their efforts.]

Steve McRoberts Monthly – Steve McRoberts, the author of Falling in Truth: The Education of a Jehovah’s Witness, is a new member of the JWB Team! Steve will be publishing his monthly’s on JWB, so go and tell your friends about him.
Tags: Sex in the Bible, Steve McRoberts, Steve McRoberts Monthly, The Watchtower's View of Sex

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