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← News Bulletin: Watchtower tightens shunning rules to include “sinful” inactive ones.
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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 1: Shunning

Posted on June 2, 2016

worst1articleThis summer millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide will flock to their regional conventions, a much-anticipated event in the JW calendar.
Local newspapers are already lining up to write articles lauding the influx of Witnesses at sports venues and convention centers. Conventions are typically a big money-spinner for local businesses, so journalists are often compelled to write favorably about these events.

“It’s a weekend to learn. In that sense, each day is less like a church service and more like an educational symposium,” opines Chelsea Davis at the Missoulian.
“The city has estimated that each of the three conventions can generate as much as $1.5 million worth of economic activity in Cornwall and area,” enthuses Todd Hambleton for the Cornwall Standard-Freeholder.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere to the form of Christianity that Jesus taught and that his apostles practiced,” gushes a commendably-unnamed correspondent at South Coast Today.
Every year, flattering pieces like this overlook the more sinister underpinnings of Witness conventions, which amount to little more than indoctrination rallies orchestrated by the New York-based Watch Tower Society and its Governing Body leadership.
Usually the coercive element of these gatherings is harder to spot for an undiscerning local journalist who simply wants to push out a favorable review that will sail past his editor and keep the pay-checks rolling in. But this year, there really are no excuses.
Firstly, it’s difficult to imagine a theme that is more Orwellian: “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” Precisely how is anyone supposed to relate to this circle-the-wagons rhetoric who hasn’t been indoctrinated into equating Watchtower with God’s one true organization on earth today? How do you “remain loyal” to something to which you haven’t pledged allegiance?
Secondly, and most crucially, any remotely switched-on journalist who sits through one or more of the string of highly-manipulative videos being shown at this year’s convention should be struck by the blatant coercion and fear-mongering as though they’ve been clobbered in the face by a wet halibut.
And for the most disturbing example of this jaw-dropping video propaganda, we need look no further than a series of three appalling videos that should come with a parental warning and be titled: “How to shun your daughter for 15 years just for sleeping with someone to whom she isn’t married.”
(Below is my video rebuttal to the shunning videos, as well as one of the convention talks of the symposium in which they are shown…)

We are introduced to Sonja, a girl raised by devout Witness parents, who reaches a crossroads in her teenage years when a childhood of indoctrination begins to conflict with her burgeoning individuality. Feelings of uncertainty about her beliefs are suppressed, as she goes through the motions simply to satisfy her parents – something many raised as Witnesses will relate to.
Since even masturbation is off the menu for Jehovah’s Witnesses (despite not a single scripture in the bible supporting this prohibition) it’s no real surprise when years of sexual repression climax in a night of carnal abandon involving Sonja and a work colleague in a hotel room. Sonja initially experiences pangs of guilt, but later correctly accepts that sex is something that happens when two people are in love.
At this point, Sonja’s boyfriend Eric is jettisoned from further participation in the drama. All we know is that he was kind and attentive to Sonja, and that her love for him was reciprocated.
As far as Watchtower is concerned, Eric is an imposter who was instrumental in a Witness youth falling from grace. Any good intentions he may have had toward Sonja are irrelevant in the eyes of the filmmakers. What matters is that he is NOT a Jehovah’s Witness, and therefore should have no place in Sonja’s life. De-humanized, and with his work done, Eric exits stage left so that Sonja’s story can continue.
How Sonja’s elders come to learn of her forbidden romance is not depicted. Instead, we are taken straight to the meeting where Sonja is announced as disfellowshipped. Immediately the focus is on Sonja’s parents, and how her actions have “crushed” them. Sonja is further cast as the villain when she is shown acting obstinately, arms folded, when her father delivers the news that she needs to leave home.
A more accurate depiction of the scenario would show an errant teenager, traumatized by his or her impending estrangement from the family, pleading with their indoctrinated father or mother to show mercy and reconnect with their parental instincts. But to fit with Watchtower’s “blame the victim” message, Sonja must be a scowling, defiant brat who anyone would be glad to see the back of.
Sonja is portrayed as a scowling, indignant teen who anyone would be glad to be rid of
Sonja is portrayed as a scowling, indignant teen

Divine execution
With Sonja ejected from the family home, her ‘victims’ gather on the sofa to read an Old Testament account that will make them feel better about abandoning their child. The bible passage describes Aaron being instructed, on pain of death, to not mourn his sons Nadab and Abihu who have been executed by God with fire from heaven. Sonja’s parents resolve to use this account as a blueprint for purging their emotions and pretending Sonja is dead.
This is not the first time the Nadab and Abihu story has been invoked by Watchtower to order parents not to grieve the loss of their shunned children, as should be evident from the following quote from the July 15, 2011 Watchtower study edition (the same magazine issue in which apostates are described as “mentally diseased”)…
Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 11.42.32
Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to purge their emotions, as Aaron was commanded to do on pain of death
Jehovah’s Witness parents are expected to purge their emotions when shunning, as Aaron was commanded to do on pain of death

It isn’t long before Sonja’s parents get the chance to put their instructions into practice. Sonja is shown calling her parents’ cellphone, which begins ringing on the kitchen worktop. Her mother checks to see who is calling. On noticing Sonja’s number, she refuses to pick up.
For all we know, Sonja could have been stranded by the roadside, or in the process of being attacked, robbed, raped or murdered – but paramount in her parents’ minds is the need to show loyalty to Watchtower by pretending she no longer exists.
Sonja tells the audience that her parents did the right thing by refusing to pick up, and quotes almost verbatim from an experience printed in a 2013 Watchtower in which a once-disfellowshipped man named Robert praises his parents for not giving him the “small dose” of contact he needed that might have delayed his decision to return. Family contact, apparently, is some kind of illicit drug, and depriving disfellowshipped children of it is the humane, loving thing to do.
Watchtower is virtually holding its hands up and saying: “We expect parents to emotionally blackmail their disfellowshipped kids. If they end up returning just to end the shunning rather than because they genuinely believe the religion, at least the ends justify the means.”
In the final instalment of the shunning trilogy, after 15 years of being shunned (a punishment apparently entirely deserved after sleeping with someone), Sonja is depicted getting reinstated. Finally reunited with her family, Sonja is engulfed in a tide of post-meeting love-bombing by congregation members who now shower her with conditional love.
Not shown are the months of humiliating attendance of meetings at which she is required to sit in disgrace on the last rows of the seats while literally an entire congregation shuns her. Only by doing this can disfellowshipped Witnesses get back into Watchtower’s good books, and even then it isn’t always that simple.
In my rebuttal video (above), I give one tragic example in which a disfellowshipped Witness named Kaatje was repeatedly refused reinstatement due to her chronic depression. Her brother Bjorn is convinced that this treatment by elders directly contributed to her eventual suicide. (My interview with him will feature in a future video on the “John Cedars” YouTube channel.)
Kaatje and Bjorn in happier times
Kaatje and Bjorn in happier times

Sadly, Kaatje is just one of many who have paid the ultimate price for Watchtower’s extreme shunning policy, which its own literature once described as “altogether foreign to bible teachings.”
The media black-out
Even more tragic is the grim reality that there is no end in sight to this abhorrent treatment, at least while the media in general resolutely refuses to give Watchtower’s brand of shunning the scrutiny and criticism it deserves. True, Rawstory has wasted little time in describing one of the shunning videos as “disturbing,” but so far it is a lone voice.
Rather than the inevitable avalanche of puff pieces heralding the “Remain Loyal To Jehovah” convention as a commercial success, we should be seeing Sonja’s face in multiple newspapers, magazines and blogs as her foul treatment at the behest of a cruel cult is rightly condemned. It should be made perfectly clear that, in the 21st Century, such blatant manipulation and coercion by religious leaders aimed at breaking up families is intolerable, and certainly should not be endorsed through tax exemptions and even charitable status.
Perhaps the only way we can ever live to see public opinion close the gap on Watchtower is by doing what we can to give this dreadful material the exposure it deserves in whatever way possible. For that reason, I would urge all of you to share this video and article on social media (if you are able), as well as the videos and articles that will follow in this #worstconventionever series.
It may be that our efforts to get the media to take notice amount to little more than a phone call that goes unanswered, but at least by trying we honour the memory of those like Kaatje who paid the ultimate price for Watchtower’s barbarity. I can think of few better reasons to share a hashtag.
This is the first in a series of six articles examining various features of the Remain Loyal to Jehovah convention of 2016. To read leaked transcripts and videos from the convention, please click here.

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← News Bulletin: Watchtower tightens shunning rules to include “sinful” inactive ones.
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117 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 1: Shunning

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 Doc Obvious says:

 June 2, 2016 at 5:54 am

The governments need to institute conditions on religions that they need to be obedient to. If one of the conditions are not met, the government needs to remove them as a recognized religion in the country. Essentially removing their tax-exempt status and any rights that they might have had. Then, once a religion has met the conditions, the government should validate all conditions and through a period of testing for fitness and reinstate them as a recognized religion.
In this way, Watchtower can experience how it feels to be emotionally blackmailed.
I believe one of these conditions, is the illegality of shunning, in any form.

 JBob says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:49 am

@DocObv – That sounds like the ideal solution, but being former JW mindset also means I have become more enlightened about individual liberties and freedoms. Corporations have been penalized in civil courts to the point these embrace respect for the individual and diversity/inclusion, yet religions (not only Witnesses) have not had this penalty levied as yet. Religious choice and practices are one of the “golden calves” provided in the USA and many imitators of its form of government.
JW’s are not alone in “shunning” and exiling former members. Amish and Mennonites also “shun” and Mormon communities can also exhibit harsh exclusion practices when someone turns counter to the belief systems.
Some religions still practice racism as a tenet. As long as that believe is docile (no arms accumulated for a race war, nor lynchings), the group has a peaceful existence. However, the tendency is that these groups given a “pass” on some basic human rights always cross a legal and moral boundary.
As we saw with Branch Davidians who foray into arms accumulation ended in fiery chaos, Ruby Ridge, etc. so too the Watchtower is digging its own fiery bunker end with a litany of child molestation and adult rape cover-ups. I also have heard rumors that there could be another layer of this coming if Branch and Bethel sexual harassment and assaults become public (example: prurient talk, jokes or questions directed to young, naive and intimidated young men or women with no explicit corporate policies against or avenues for bringing a concern without fear of retaliation).
The Watchtower possibly might not end, but its walls of seeming infallibility and tenability would crumble and a long nightmare of feudalism would end.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 2, 2016 at 1:34 pm

It always a difficult situation when it comes to government regulation of religion. Most democratic governments have a laissez faire attitude when it comes to religion. But I think we could see some progress around certain actions perpetuated by a specific group, such as harassment and intimidation. If it can be proven in a court of law that shunning and other similar practices are a form of harassment and intimidation, then there may perhaps be grounds for litigation or legislation against groups promoting such behavior. But it’s a tricky thing to hold a specific group or organization accountable for.

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:05 am

American companies are held accountable when there is sexual harassment in their company. The company’s C-Level execs abhor sexual harassment in the workplace. However, the employees themselves may think differently. Just as the GB abhor Child Sexual Abuse. However, their people think differently on the matter. That is why the government holds the company responsible for sexual harassment. The government needs to hold the religion responsible if they know of Child Sexual Abuse. As far as shunning, I feel that it is a form of bullying. If you have shunning and Child Sexual Abuse, you have a deadly combination. Shunning magnifies the real problem. This is where the government needs to have certain standards and laws in place to have a checks-and-balances system with religions. When there is no checks-and-balances you have a permissive entity that thinks they can do whatever they want.

 chatpal says:

 June 2, 2016 at 6:21 am

two observations I had while watching the wt clips, how nice of a home was that they used for the couple [and later family], who was supposedly missionaries, while just recently suggesting that persons with such a home, give it up to spend more time slaving for the org. how on earth does one go from ‘full time servant’ to having a home like that one that the girl ‘left’.
please explain WT, what employment that is ‘part time’, or approved employment by the GB that gets one such a home? I make a good hourly wage cleaning homes, but in order to afford a home even close to that caliber, Id have to work 70 hours a week, leaving me no energy or time to attend a single meeting.
 second, the announcement, she is now reinstated to a Jw. That is key. No mention of being a ‘follower of Christ’. The bible scriptures they seem to be using so much of lately is from the old testament. they are in fact trying to be like ancient Jews/Israelite’s are they not? Christ was a follower of the law, but only condemned the heavy handed pharisees when they obviously stepped out of line,[ but never do I understand Jesus to say they taught wrong teachings.] and so the GB want to people be willing members of a religious sect of ancient Jerusalem in a modern world which as we know is not possible.


 Winston Smith says:

 June 2, 2016 at 1:45 pm

I have not watched the video (reading or watching anything from watchtower for more than a few minutes turns my stomach at this point in my awakening) and have not had a chance to view Cedars rebuttal video yet, but do I understand correctly that the young woman is not reinstated for 15 years?!
Was she sinning that whole time, jumping from partner to partner? With most young people who leave, they usually settle down into a normal life, getting married to their partner and having children. Let’s assume she moved in with this young man after her parents kicked her to the curb. A few years later they get married. At this point she is no longer sinning by JW standards, so why is she not immediately reinstated? Oh that’s right, she has not gone through humiliating reinstatement process. I wonder how many times she had to petition for reinstatement, what hoops she had to jump through, what intimate details she had to share with a committee of creepy old men? In the only Bible record of excommunication, the young man is welcomed back as soon as he stops sinning. Why do the JWs refuse to follow this example?

 Holly Chu says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:31 pm

Because they are just a bunch of bastards, that’s why. Seriously, WS, myself and other awakend ones have posed the same question, is someone has quit “sinning”, why not immediate reinstatement? Oh but, they love to see begging and groveling, don’t they?

 Sarah says:

 June 3, 2016 at 1:03 pm

Stomach churning can be minimized by scooting through the video fairly quickly. I watch a few seconds here and there and get the gist.
 It’s an odd symptom and one I note crops up regularly here.


 JBob says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:39 pm

@chatpal – if you search on you will find an article on the murder/suicide of a JW family in USA where the residence looks upper-middle income.
There are several videos that also seem to be non sequitors–typical JW disconnect from rational and holistic thinking–a young woman pursues pioneering, works part-time, and yet seems to afford world travel. Later her part-time working husband support them both while they ambitiously strive for “evangelizing school” and fervently eschew the “blessings from J*” of having a child or two.
Children–with some historical exceptions–are anathema for JW’s on the ambitious full-time service career track; in some past cases, couples “accidentally” having a child, were pitied and soon excluded from the social “circuit” of ambitious devotees to pioneering, or serving in expanded ways.

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 2, 2016 at 6:37 am

I dont think anything has made me more annoyed than this video….pure emotional blackmail….studies should be told up front of this draconian edict…you seem pretty annoyed too Lloyd…to think I once participated in this for many years makes me feel so guilty… it is an evil way to act towards a family member and goes far beyond the instructions of Corinthians…. I wish I could apologise to everyone I have shunned… I am deeply deeply sorry.

 Will says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:03 am

This is awful. My wife attends with my my kids (8 & 12) and I don’t know how to get them out. I haven’t been to the meeting in about 2 years. I refused to attend the Memorial and Convention because of this BS. I remember when I started studying with the Witnesses in the early 90s and hearing how witnesses break up families. My conductor said it was ridiculous because of all the articles and books the society has written to keep families together, but in recent years I noticed how Jehovah’s Witnesses are horrible for families. I agree with you, Lloyd. The media should be ashamed. The only thing that got some attention was the horrible homophobic cartoon, but that’s because it’s a subject that has a lot of attention now.

 Big B says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:46 am

@ Will
The media unfortunately, reports news worthy items for ratings. The more people watch, the more ratings they receive, and thus the more their sponsors will advertise on their News shows to sell their wares.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not newsworthy, only when a JW does some outlandish thing like attack an airport in New Orleans does it make national news or a media celebrity dies like Prince.
Less than 8 million strong worldwide, on a good day (if you can trust what the WTBTS says), Jehovah’s Witnesses are considered by most as a “fringe” religion bordering on fanaticism. A cultist, negative bunch of doomsday naysayers, socially inept losers and misfits, uneducated buffoons that merit only a worthy, curt “not interested” dismissal at your doorstep.
Even here in the Southeastern part of the United States, barely 200 miles from Washington, D.C., rarely are Jehovah’s Witnesses mentioned in the news media. Why? No one cares, period. Sad but true. 🙁

 JBob says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:47 pm

@Big B – that is classic. The scripted and rare individual heaping praises on Witnesses for honesty, etc displayed at conventions and meetings is a self-aggrandizing action.
But, the words to memorize from henceforth are “Fentanyl” and “wrongful death suit.”
What happens when you defer needed surgery to relieve pain because a belief system obfuscates what is a “kosher” medical treatment or not “kosher”? Pain reliever medications.

 ScotWm says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:28 pm

Will says: “This is awful. My wife attends with my kids (8 & 12) and I don’t know how to get them out.”
Here’s what you are up against. Watchtower doctrine can be distilled into two distinct points:
1. God’s name is JEHOVAH and He is gathering his witnesses together in these last days. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones who use God’s name.
2. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only organization preaching the good news of GOD’S KINGDOM to the entire world before the end comes.
Therefore, JWs believe that God has chosen the Watchtower organization and it’s Governing Body as his earthly representatives. For most Witnesses, these two points over rule any doubts they may briefly consider.
Obviously, you are not so easily fooled. However, your wife wants to continue believing Watchtower lies, for the time being. Hopefully, the bizarre antics of the Governing Body may be enough to make your wife finally realize that she does not have the truth.

 Amber Waves says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:03 am

I had the thought just this morning to contact local news outlets and then I came here. I have been fortunate up until now to have parents that are still in to have something to do with their disfellowshipped, “unrepentant wrong-doer” of a child. My mother told me she would always be kind and that they would always take my call and be available if I NEEDED them. Now, I’m not so sure. I know this convention will be devestating to them. They are in agony enough and my mother has expressed that she has prayed that this particular policy (my word, not hers) would be changed, but that if it stood, then it must be Jehovah’s way. She is in because of her strong belief and hope in the resurrection. I know that this convention will be difficult for her but she will be bouyed at the end when they show the video of some being resurrected and everyone who was LOYAL living happily ever after. I fear this will strengthen her resolve to then do as they say and not even take my phone calls any more. I don’t make waves. I don’t rock the boat. I have been silent, as I knew that speaking out would brand me an apostate in their eyes. But I am ready to make some waves. I don’t want to be silent and I certainly don’t want to be diplomatic. I’m losing my family.

 John ship says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:01 am

Ive been in since 60s woke up about a year ago .have felt somthing was badly wrong for years though especialy since the ” new” governing body appeared .its gone into some sort of lockdown .ive most family in and wife so have been fading.i havent done anything in the cong since 80s had depression and breakdown better now out of borg mind control. I am keeping quiet like you as im hoping family will see whats going on . But ive promised to take wife to friday and sunday convention but am so uoset at the shunning and the horrible bunker scenes that remind me of the terror i felt as a child in 50s when we were constantly told “how to survive nuke war”.in fact i was so upset after seeing the vid i had sleepless night.and children my grandchildren will be subjected to this evil vile stuff im near to screaming at the KH .as you say this assem is my last..

 John ship says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:01 am

Ive been in since 60s woke up about a year ago .have felt somthing was badly wrong for years though especialy since the ” new” governing body appeared .its gone into some sort of lockdown .ive most family in and wife so have been fading.i havent done anything in the cong since 80s had depression and breakdown better now out of borg mind control. I am keeping quiet like you as im hoping family will see whats going on . But ive promised to take wife to friday and sunday convention but am so uoset at the shunning and the horrible bunker scenes that remind me of the terror i felt as a child in 50s when we were constantly told “how to survive nuke war”.in fact i was so upset after seeing the vid i had sleepless night.and children my grandchildren will be subjected to this evil vile stuff im near to screaming at the KH .as you say this assem is my last..

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:34 am

I have just watched the ‘bunker’ videos….. they are a disgrace…children should not be allowed to see these frightening scenarios…especially the one on faith at the end ..fear inspiring brainwashing…Im shocked.

 Mama Joy says:

 June 2, 2016 at 7:54 am

After 15 years of unforgiveness- F$&@ them!
Jehovah won’t forgive them for their unforgiveness. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”.

 Searcher says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:59 am

You are so right! Isn’t it funny how those who proclaim to be the chosen religion or most righteous (whatever that means) are the ones that are the most unforgiving? The very tenants of christ, love, freedom from law, and forgiveness, is not on the radar for this horrible religion/cult. They use law of the old testament and the letters that Paul sent to congregations thousands of years ago ONLY when it’s convenient to them (GB and WT leadership). They aren’t christian! They are modern day Pharisees! The ‘brood of vipers’ that Christ spoke about.

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:23 am

Im sorry to post again but these videos have realky disturbed me…Im walking around my house saying out loud..’this is a disgrace’…and..’I cant beleive this’… I know my husband will come home full of it when he sees it…and my children…and all I can think is….Wake Up!!!!!….. they would laugh if another organizattion made this…and now one of the bunker videos intimates Witnesses shouldnt have long coffee breaks with workmates…..what can I do to make my family see? Today I really am…Idontknowhatodo.

 Big B says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:44 am

@ Idontknowhatodo
Where can these “bunker” video’s be found, other than going to the Kingdom Hall? I would like to see these “videos” myself as many have written about them on this site.
Many Thanks

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:05 am

They are videos being shown at the convention on the Sunday…I saw them on a link from the previous column about the assembly…they depict a group of witnesess in someones basement while the GT goes on around them…this includes 2 small children…they all discuss different experiences that include a video of that experience…the final one is entitled faith and you hear the GT going on around them… till finally the door is broken down by men in police riot gear as they look loudly for witnesses…you see the door of the basement being knocked down and there is music played to biild up the fear factor…the women and children are ushered behibd the men of the group who have only just stopped discussing scripture and the men in riot gear move threateningly towards the group of defensless witnesess…the music reaches a climax and you have a close up of ‘brother browns’ face…and fade….

 Jill Hileman says:

 June 3, 2016 at 2:15 pm

@ Big B-
Search – 2016 regional convention. They are the vids from the Sunday symposium. A light-hearted way to end a joy-filled weekend of indoctrination.

 Lesley HUmphreys-Jones says:

 June 3, 2016 at 12:41 pm

I am doing the same thing, I have faded because of all the rubbish the Org spouts but my only daughter is still in, I don’t want her head filled with This garbage, don’t even know if she will still talk to me afterwards. She is my only family. They are truly evil people. I feel they will fall sooner rather than later.

 rob says:

 June 2, 2016 at 8:47 am

I find it very difficult to comprehend how a child can be thrown away by parents just because at some point in their lives they are acting up.
There could be a million reasons why a child rebels. Do the witnesses try to talk to the child and understand what is going on in their lives, what could be missing, what other factors may be a play?
No, they simply throw them away. Children are a gift from God, we were told that in the meetings, and yet they should be thrown away just because they act up and are not being repentent in the eyes of men who are not pyscologists or have any proper training in the emotional ups and downs of teenagers.
Some of these kids by acting out are in reality crying out for help – but they are not being heard. And therefore they continue to act out.
It is shameful that a religion that professes to follow the example of Jesus would treat children this way.
I am so disturbed by the practices of the witness religion and it makes me so angry and sad to think that people will actually leave the assembly and remarking how great the program was.
The media needs to get on this abhorrent practice of shunning.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 2, 2016 at 6:03 pm

With teenagers and young adults there certainly is a time to consider “tough love.” But this is typically a last resort when all other options have failed. And the door needs to remain open when the person starts to make changes or agrees to seek professional help. It does not involve shutting a child out of your life for 15 years.

 rob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:47 am

I agree with your comments and find it unbelievable that the religion would actually present a scenario that shows a 15 year shunning. How sad that witnesses look at this and think that it is ok. I am sickened by this whole tragic mess.

 Holly Chu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 5:16 pm

I totally agree with you once again, WS. Tough love after all else fails. And not because some self-named “Judicial Commitee”, AKA Kangaroo Court, tells you as parents to do so.

 Searcher says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:18 am

“It is shameful that a religion that professes to follow the example of Jesus would treat children this way.”
I commented earlier to a post, but it’s worth saying again. It is usually the religions (not just JW’s) that claim they are the only ‘chosen’ or most ‘righteous’ (however that term is defined by them) that are the most unforgiving and cruel. Just as Jesus said to the Pharasees, “You brood of vipers”. This applies to the modern day Pharasees called the GB and WT leadership down to the overly zealous elders. They forgot all about the tenents of Christ; love, freedom from law, forgiveness. Christ even said to his disciples that it’s not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. He didn’t in any way, shape, or form say to ignore someone who needs help and guidance. These GB circus clowns use the old testament laws and letters that were written by Paul thousands of years ago to congregations that no longer exist for there rule making and judgement. They are truly Pharisees!!!

 M Saurus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:23 am

I am no longer a witness, and do not approve of the practice of shunning. However, I do have a question.
Someone mentioned in the comments about the “illegality” of shunning. Please explain and/or elaborate. Even though it is an abhorrent, immoral practice, I doubt seriously that it is “illegal”.
Other than being extremely hurtful to the one being shunned, it is a choice that people of this cult make and if that is illegal, then something is wrong.
Yes, they were “never told” about the shunning when they first joined, etc etc. But when they did find out about it they had choices, i.e. stay in and shun, or get out because it’s a horrible thing to do.
Bottom line, immoral and hurtful, yes. Illegal – no. Or at least I hope not. Government has too much say in our personal lives as it is.

 John ship says:

 June 2, 2016 at 10:21 am

The domestic abuse law has been extended in UK to now include coersive and controling behaviour towards a family member so as to cause metal and emotional distress .it can be punished by up to 5years in jail or heavy if you know anyone is beinf sujected to this or names of elders telling family members to do this report it to social services and police it is now a criminal offence…more court cases for WTUK.

 Big B says:

 June 2, 2016 at 12:06 pm

@ M Saurus
I agree with you; shunning is both immoral and hurtful. However, even in the eyes of the U.S. government, they must adhere to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Which is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris.
Eleanor Roosevelt supported the adoption of the Declaration as a declaration rather than as a treaty because she believed that it would have the same kind of influence on global society as the United States Declaration of Independence had within the United States. In this, she proved to be correct. Even though it is not legally binding, the Declaration has been adopted in or has influenced most national constitutions since 1948.
The third column (articles 18–21) is concerned with spiritual, public, and political freedoms such as freedom of association, thought, conscience, and religion.
“The right is enshrined in Articles 18 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 18
 1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice”.
Although not an universal law per se we must agree that in the eyes of the signers of the UDHR the WTBTS coerces its membership into staying in the organization and will punish (by shunning) those that don’t. This egregious behavior should not be allowed to stand in the eye’s of world opinion.
A warning to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses (calling themselves ‘the Faithful and Discrete slave’) and the WTBTS:
Your “great tribulation bunker videos” will be a self-fulfilling prophecy as the world moves against you and your cult followers for your inhumane treatment of those that disagree with your inane practices. Namely: shunning, pedophile protection, and ad hominem attacks on those who dare to fade quietly.

 M Saurus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 12:31 pm

I respectfully disagree. To read this thread, you would think that to leave this cult you have to sneak out in the dead of night and that they will come for you with pitchforks and torches.
That is just not true. The “coercion” is in the minds of the ones that want to leave. If you are fed up with this cult and it’s craziness – LEAVE! And when you are “visited” by elders or CO’s – respectfully tell them you have nothing to say to them. Ask them not to come back. Then LIVE YOUR LIFE!
The fact that people don’t want to deal with being shunned is on THEM. I know I will get slammed for this, but this is NOT as big a deal as people are making it.
If you are depressed or have suicidal thoughts after leaving due to the shunning – GET PROFESSIONAL HELP.
To say that the government has to protect you from the teachings of a religion is ridiculous.
Sorry, not sorry.

 Big B says:

 June 2, 2016 at 12:59 pm

@ M Saurus
The UDHR although not legally binding on any nation, is signed by many nations that agree to uphold its principles. By signing the UDHR document infers that they (the signatories) will protect people of different religious persuasions to worship within reason and the right of adherents to ‘leave or change religions’ without fear of reprisals from the governmental or from their former religions.
To say “that the government has to protect you from the teaching of a religion” is not the point I’m trying to make. My point is: Does anyone have the right to punish (shun) you for freely leaving any religion? Is leaving any religion to join or not join another religion a crime? I say it isn’t and my personal opinion is that the UDHR would agree.
The pertinent question is ‘will they (the signatories) enforce it’ (UDHR)? The answer remains to be seen.
Always enjoy your comments. 🙂

 M Saurus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 1:14 pm

In a “free” (such that it is) country, I think I have the right to shun (speak to, associate with) anyone I see fit without being sanctioned by the government.
If I belong to a group that says I have to shun someone, and I don’t want to shun them then I don’t. If that means I can’t be in the group any more, so be it. That was MY CHOICE.
This cult, although persuasive, does not hold a gun to anyone’s head and say they can’t or must do something. People can do or not do anything they CHOOSE. But if it goes against the “rules” of the group, then they aren’t a member anymore.
What is so hard about this?
PS – I enjoy your comments too!


 Al says:

 June 2, 2016 at 2:14 pm

I agree that shunning isn’t legal at least in the USA. But I do think it’s reason enough for the government to reasses the wt tax exempt status. An org that has created enforces harmful procedures and serves absolutely no value to the rest of the community should not be tax exempt.

 Searcher says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:23 am

Honestly, no religion should have a tax exempt status. If the government is blind to religion, then they should be blind to the fact that they are a religion and make them pay their FAIR share of the burden of society.


 JBob says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:59 pm

@M Saurus – you seem to be non-JW or perhaps a recently interested party in JW’s?
Thus, it may seem like no big deal to simply wake-up and say, “I’m done with this church and moving to another one”. However, what you probably are not aware is that to become a JW, one is encouraged and disciplined, even prodded, to cut social ties with non-JW friends and family that are opposed to the new progress toward becoming a JW.
If you are raised JW, you are encouraged to avoid seeking social ties with non-JW’s. For some JW families, the non-JW (or shunned) members barely see their grandchildren, nephews, cousins, etc who are JW. Thus, if you do “wake up” and if you choose to immediately sever all ties, you have NO social network since JW’s have innocuously made themselves your sole social network. And, by extension, they also seek to take away family ties.
So, “getting over it” is not as simple as it is to state.
That is why faders probably have a semblance of a plan, if they are using their “gray area” to build social ties, relationships, and even spiritual journey outside of Watchtower community.
If your family members also became JW’s along the way, they are encouraged, as this video suggests to not have extended social ties with you.
This was not always the case, at one time, it only meant family could not discuss spiritual matters or exchange spiritual ideas.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 2, 2016 at 6:38 pm

I’ll add to his chain that this extreme treatment may be on par with things like cyber-bullying, which has been reported to have driven some people to commit suicide. Technically cyber bullying is not a crime, “However, prosecutors have used existing laws on the books to prosecute individuals suspected of cyberbullying. Criminal harassment statutes can often provide a basis for bringing charges in severe cases, and more serious criminal charges have been brought in cases where the offense has resulted in suicide or other tragic consequences.” – See more at:
It should be similar with issues due to coerced shunning.


 M Saurus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 6:59 pm

J-Bob – my mother became a witness in 1973 when I was 10 years old. I have been raised in the cult since then up until I decided to leave in 2013, along with my husband and grown son (also raised in it).
My mother, who lives out of state asked why we left and we told her (child abuse scandals, UN involvement, 2013 “new light”). She has not spoken to us since.
I live in the same town I lived in when we became associated in 1973. I have had the same “friends” in local congregations in the area for over 40 years.
So, yes, I had a lot to “lose” and no it wasn’t easy, but not really that difficult either. It was necessary. Why would I stay associated with this organization? To retain “friendships”? To make my mother happy?
My experience in leaving may not be typical – but the experience can be as easy or as difficult as you wish to make it.


 Bright Lightbulb says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:40 am

Bunker video(s) link

 MARS says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:44 am

Obviously the Convention videos are propaganda geared for the average JW , why the public is even invited is puzzling. The shunning video was shown while a speaker was talking about apostates . In a youtube video I saw . The whole intent of the convention is not loyalty to J , but loyal to the organization GB . I saw also a dooms day senario video shown durning the convention, that illustrated JWS hiding from persecution in a celler , that one stuck out , that the GB is incorporated fear mongering as well.

 AnonymousL0pht says:

 June 2, 2016 at 5:11 pm

@Mars – yup, fear, uncertainty and doubts. The same tactics used pre-1975 with emphasis on the Nazi German persecution of Bible Students and persecution in various South American, European, and African lands. It was to create a “bunker mentality” (An attitude of extreme defensiveness and self-justification based on an often exaggerated sense of being under persistent attack from others.)
I do believe as M Sauros noted that individuals may choose NOT to abide by the intimidation of the Governing Body, but it will also depend on how “loyal” and ambitious the local elders are in enforcing this policy. There are a number of reasons to think that the local elders would NOT have incentive to enforce this policy:
1) the donation, or tithing, edicts
 2) what’s the up-factor for being loyal? the District Overseer posts and Circuit Overseer posts are saturated and a few substitutes may be hand-picked here and there, upward mobility is less likely and only some younger MS and naive elders would fall for this “loyalty” schtick.
 3) elders have family and friends that are in the “gray” and faded
 4) while blackmail is a “cardinal sin,” the thick atmosphere of “cover ups” is rife for someone to bring out photos and “remember when you—“.


 nullandvoidboy says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:46 am

I’m going to write a screen treatment about this and shop it to Hollywood….Titled: The Shunning
An action movie melodrama following the exploits of Nigel, the fader, who has to go through evasive measures….car chases….being followed by gestapo elders…..and former bean pod friends ( like the people in Invasion of the body snatchers ) . Hopefully it’ll do well and will be a trilogy, like the Godfather….no pun intended

 Telescopium says:

 June 2, 2016 at 3:31 pm

 Nigel hides in his closet, barely visible in the dark. Sweat drips from his brow. He’s trembling.

We hear slow FOOTSTEPS approaching from the hallway outside the room. They stop.
Nigel’s eyes are wide with fear.
BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. Pounding on the door.
 Nigel? Are you in there? Nigel?
 We’ve missed you at the meetings…
You need to return to Jehovah, Nigel.

Nigel stares as the door handle begins to turn.

 Tara says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:19 pm

Lol I’d love to paste it but can’t. The picture of Jack Nicholson from the shining as he peers in through the door he has just hacked a hole in….

 Sval says:

 June 2, 2016 at 3:46 pm

I am completely disgusted! This exact same thing happened in our family. My 17 yr old daughter got involved with an “unbeliever.” Long story short, she was disfellowshipped. My husband and I couldn’t do it. We could not dispose of our daughter. We loved her unconditionally. We were “warned” that if we continued to associate with her that we would probably be disfellowshipped also. So we decided to take our chances in the “world” and guess what…we’re still alive!!! We are now able to live a happy life with our daughter and her family. NEVER going back! EVER!!!

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:06 am

to SVAL! Right on. You did the right thing!
 Good for you guys, The Wt is the same as the NAZIS. They are Brown shirts in fancy suits, They rule by fear. Do you notice I all those talks there is barely a mention of Jesus Christ or his name? Everything is Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah? They claim to follow Christ but rarely use his name or refer to him. If you read the Christian Scriptures they rarely use the name Jehovah but always Christ but not the WT,


 Winston Smith says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:18 am

Technically HC, the New Testment (to avoid the JW cult jargon) never uses the name Jehovah. Of the nearly 5000 ancient copies of the NT that have been recovered, there is no indication that the Tetragrammaton was used in any of them. The Watchtower took it upon themselves to decide it was okay to add it to their translation of the bible. I recently came across an interesting analysis of this at:

 Winston Smith says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:28 am

Trying again, as my previous reply was blocked:
Technically HC, the New Testment (to avoid the JW cult jargon) never uses the name Jehovah. Of the nearly 5000 ancient copies of the NT that have been recovered, there is no indication that the Tetragrammaton was used in any of them. The Watchtower took it upon themselves to decide it was okay to add it to their translation of the bible. I recently came across an interesting analysis of this at:

 Searcher says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:31 am

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Shunning can work the other way too!

 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 10:08 am

Exactly. Why do you want people like that in your life? Its healthier to be without them. It takes a few years for most raised in it to undo the indoctrination but it is not impossible. Sometimes you just have to cut the cords. Way too much drama and emotional manipulation as far as im concerned.

 Markw1509 says:

 June 4, 2016 at 12:39 am

Fabulous to hear that, Sval.

 Cherie says:

 June 2, 2016 at 9:56 am

Two words for the Sonja video: Slut Shaming!

 WideAwake says:

 June 2, 2016 at 10:31 am

My nephew committed suicide because of being df’d.
 And I wish there were a way to get the stats on the high rate of suicide among the so called “happiest people on earth.”
The hypocrisy of this cult run by the “gang of seven” is mind boggling.
 According to their literature this “loving god” Jah doesn’t have any qualms about killing billions of people on this planet. And we call Hitler a monster?
 However, won’t it be wonderful for them!
 Too bad those billions of Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, Seventh day Adventists, Catholics etc. etc. etc. didn’t get the “inspired” Watchtower message!
 What is so disturbing is how effective relentless propaganda is and how “group think” takes over a person’s ability to think clearly.
 Their videos make me sick because they are so emotionally abusive, manipulative and damaging to children’s psyche.
 This religion is becoming more and more judicial and less and less loving and compassionate.
 The “faithful and discreet slave” has effectively replaced Jesus and his message of forgiveness.


 Chico Trinidad says:

 June 2, 2016 at 10:37 am

No religion is perfect nor will any religion do anything perfect. The bible does say that if a christian acts a certain way that they should be removed from the congregation, it does say that. However, I don’t understand who authorized the governing body to do so and what makes them believe they’ve been endorsed to add there own little interpretations of it.
Moses was sent to the nation of Israel after 40 or whatever years of training. Upon arriving, Jehovah had his staff turn into a snake and had his arm develop leprosy before going clean again as an undeniable sign he was to be the chosen leader. Despite Jesus going around healing folks, resurrecting, expelling demons etc, God still spoke from heaven 3x’s to tell everyone this was his chosen one. According to the Witnesses or bible, even Satans “worldly” manmade government have been endorsed by God as being put in place to maintain some order.
One day Charles Taze Russell went in a room, came out, said this is the truth believe it or die. And thats it. No endorsement whatsoever. And somewhere down the line, even though CT Russell had one, no beards or you lose all your “privileges”. However after 100+ years, and the millions who were living but are long dead, still no endorsement from God himself which doesn’t even follow the scriptural pattern of God’s “chosen” people and their leader. Unfortunately I choose to remain an active witness for my entire family, literally, are Witnesses and its my personal choice. But for the most part I just go to the meetings waiting to hear this endorsement from God himself that they’ve never gotten.

 Bright Lightbulb says:

 June 2, 2016 at 10:46 am

They authorized it themselves, the same way they appointed themselves to be the Faithful & Discreet slave! No credentials necessary!

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 2, 2016 at 3:06 pm

To Chico: I understand how you feel and for a while Id di the same thing as you for the family. After a while I could no longer stomach it and I had to stop. Since you are doing this for the sake of the family what would you do if you or your family had an medical emergency and needed a Blood transfusion?
I could not allow my kids to die for refusing a blood transfusion.
Or what if your children want to join a sports team or a club at school? Or part take in a Birth day celebration?

 Telescopium says:

 June 2, 2016 at 3:42 pm

 Small side point, but I think there may new light on the whole beard issue. The September 2016 Watchtower (Study Edition) contains the following:

17. What are some factors that may affect
 whether a brother wears a beard?

17 What about the propriety of brothers
 wearing a beard? The Mosaic Law
 required men to wear a beard. However,
 Christians are not under the Mosaic
 Law, nor are they obliged to observe
 it. (Lev. 19:27; 21:5; Gal. 3:24, 25) In
 some cultures, a neatly trimmed beard
 may be acceptable and respectable, and
 it may not detract at all from the Kingdom
 message. In fact, some appointed
 brothers have beards. Even so, some
 brothers might decide not to wear a
 beard. (1 Cor. 8:9, 13; 10:32) In other
 cultures or localities, beards are not
 the custom and are not considered acceptable
 for Christian ministers. In fact,
 having one may hinder a brother from
 bringing glory to God by his dress and
 grooming and his being irreprehensible.
—Rom. 15:1-3; 1 Tim. 3:2, 7.


 Chico Trinidad says:

 June 3, 2016 at 3:52 am

That’s interesting about the beards. I’ll have to read that. But where I’m from thats not going to fly. Its funny, where I’m from the brother’s shave their heads. We see nothing wrong with it, its very common, and you can do it whetger you’re appointed or not. But I was shocked to find out in some places in the US, including bethel, its not allowed, or “frowned upon” in Witness lingo.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:16 am

TO Chico: What area are you from Chico? Why do the brothers shave their heads there? Is it a culturall thing or they are doing it for a certain style or look?

 curious george says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:03 am

i am curious, this shunning of people who aren’t disfellowshipped, are baptized, but have left the JW org. are families not allowed to talk to them at all?? though they have really done nothing but left the organization?

 M Saurus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:19 am

Technically that is correct. If you pass them on the street, you are to look the other way. I know of lots of witnesses, however, that do NOT shun adult family members… they just haven’t been caught yet.

 Covert Fade says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:29 am

New guidelines unveiled at this convention state that if a “fader” or “inactive” one (baptised and left but not FD or DA) is known to be “sinning” (basically anything you can get DA or DF for) then yes. They are to be shunned.

 curious george says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:35 am

thanks for your prompt answer and the explanation

 ruthlee says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:17 am

If they stay in that bunker for three days they will smell like corpses. Something fishy always turns out to be a fish. The trouble with this charity is that the shunning of perceived wrong doers is not very charitable. Charity begins at home so that’s an easy one if you have permission to kick out your kids. Its not as if the kids go around murdering people, how can anyone reduce their children to rent boys and girls because they sling them out without a care, to the mercy of a world they know little about. These gifts from god are a christmas jumper to be discarded after a season as not suitable. I do hope god sees all this and takes note cheerless Ruthlee

 Average Joe says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:33 am

Ok so here are is my observation for you. Did anyone else notice how the announcement was based on the old school style? “Sonya Ericsson has been disfellowshipped”. They’ve not said that since the 90s. They now would say “Sonya Ericsson is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”.
Apart from that huge oversight by the GB who supposedly check everything with Divine backing, who else thinks that is a great name for a woman? The female version of Sony Ericsson. Great product placement!


 Cedars says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:35 am

I think that might actually have been deliberate, since Sonja was apparently disfellowshipped at least 15 years prior to her narration of the video.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:24 am

Cedars: Did you also Notice in the Video after Sonja was DF’d and by herself apparently watching TV that they gave her dark baggy looking eyes trying to make her look tired, worn out, depressed? All apparently bc she was DF’s and left the BORG? Also I do not remember seeing anything about a husband with the children so we have to assume she also got a divorce right? Giving more evidence that the WT is ALWAYS correct and she married that BAD Worldly person!
Another thing Cesar. I thought you did a great job in your you tube Video around 39-40 minutes into it when you discussed the point about how Jehovah cleansed the heavens to protect his spiritual family by sending the demons down to the earth! Now his physical family as to fight them. That was great how you rolled your eyes in sarcasm. It actually was good food for thought. How important for God to get rid of these pesty demons right but then he gave them to mankind to deal with and of course the F&D Slave as well of al of JW’s now have to fight them!

 Stupid4Jesus says:

 June 2, 2016 at 11:34 am

They put this young woman up for shunning because of immorality and not because she found out the Watchtower is financial supported by billions of stock on Wall street which include Defense and Tobacco in the portfolio.
It’s always about the problems of the followers and not the leaders and their child abuse problems. Shifting the blame for so many leaving the faith and so that they don’t have to address their U.N. involvement.

 Twmack says:

 June 2, 2016 at 12:43 pm

Over 40 years ago I threw my 18 year old son out of
 the family home. I was influenced by a WT article
 stating, “That any elder having disruptive older
 children that were a bad example, if he wished to
 remain an elder, should remove the unruly children
 from the house hold.

My son, at the time had acquired a liking for a few pints
 of strong ale ( still has ) and was coming home past
 midnight. Another elder became aware of this and
 complained to me about it, adding more pressure.

That particular elder, I had seen, one time “Blind drunk”
knocking back whiskey shots in one go, saying “Now I’ll
 show you how a Scots Man does it” ( do as I say, not as
 I do)

Adding more pain and confusion to my situation was a
 meeting with the D,O, in which he commended an elder
 who stepped down in order to give more time to his son
 who was spiritually weak. ( They pull the string one way
 then the other).

I decided from that point, to use my own judgement.
Paternal feelings, instincts, returned also remembered
 my own, far from unblemished youth. I asked my sons
 forgiveness and implored him to return home. Which he
 did, after some persuasion.

I still have bitter regrets over that un-necessary episode,
 although I accept the blame, for allowing myself to be
 manipulated, allowing strangers to interfere in my family.


 KimJones says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:39 pm

You’re a very good father and you really are a nice man.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:33 am

to TWMACK. I did some of the same things with my son when he was like 15-20 years old. I have apologized to him for being a weak WT influenced
 maniac at times. I never threw him out of the house but I did things to make his life uncomfortable and tried to micro manage him due to the Brothers saying I could not b an Elder if I let him play sports or allowed him to go to Rock Concerts once in a while. He was a strong individual at the time and I am proud he saw thru the BS of the WT! He actually helped me fade away by his example and the way he was. We today are very close. Only his mother is still in and his sister but they are both on the extreme side still. Let’s see what happens after these shunning talks? You and I both made parental mistakes but we have learned and are free now.Let’s be glad the chains are broken.


 Free Thinker says:

 June 2, 2016 at 1:00 pm

“Conventions are typically a big money-spinner for local businesses, so journalists are often compelled to write favorably about these events.”
True, bec. “The answer is always money”.
Big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ rules. Pecunia non olet. For $$$, we don’t care, we are ready to swallow crap, cockroaches, rats, toads, … yum!

 WideAwake says:

 June 2, 2016 at 1:28 pm

Yes, shifting blame is what the GB does best.
 Their politics involve throwing out “red herrings” and assigning blame .
 Not once have they apologized to all the children whose lives have been ruined .
 Jesus, hit the scribes and Pharisees hard. Illustrating how corrupt they had become, and heartless. They would measure out “the tenth of the mint and the dill and cumin” while forgetting what really mattered, namely, mercy and kindness.


 Sval says:

 June 2, 2016 at 3:17 pm

I am completely disgusted! This exact same thing happened in our family. My 17 yr old daughter got involved with an “unbeliever.” Long story short, she was disfellowshipped. My husband and I couldn’t do it. We could not dispose of our daughter. We loved her unconditionally. We were “warned” that if we continued to associate with her that we would probably be disfellowshipped also. So we decided to take our chances in the “world” and guess what…we’re still alive!!! We are now able to live a happy life with our daughter and her family. NEVER going back! EVER!!!

 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:59 am

Excellent. I congratulate you. Stand strong against their brainwashing.

 Holly Chu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:35 pm


 D.S. says:

 June 2, 2016 at 4:23 pm

To this day, I cannot watch any of the videos or talks. I am instantly irritated at any of the sounds of the bland talks and zombie acting videos. I still cant believe I fell for this religion’s beliefs and practices for so many years. What a waste!

 Songbird says:

 June 2, 2016 at 5:24 pm

I was surprised and pleased when last night’s local news featured one man’s experience of shunning by JWs.

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 2, 2016 at 5:36 pm

This scenario reminded me of the situation in Japan where the parents of a 7yr old boy abandoned their child on the edge of a remote bear infested forest in an attempt to ‘teach him a lesson’ and punish him for being naughty. As far as I know he hasn’t yet been found and is still missing presumed dead. The world is outraged at their actions!!
 Granted he was only 7 and not 17 but to me the principle is the same!
 Why would any parent send their beloved child out into ‘the world’ (when it’s drummed into them that it’s such a dangerous satanic place) and expect them to return unharmed and repentant for their misconduct?
 Likewise if it’s a parent that is shunned by their adult children- how does that show ‘honour’ to their mother/father?
 When has it ever made sense to expect to receive love in return for hate??


 Tara says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:34 pm

The boy was found. He was dehydrated but alive.

 Chico Trinidad says:

 June 3, 2016 at 3:45 am

No children. Family all adults. If they don’t want blood I’m not about to force it on anyone. I use to work in one of the top hospitals in the US by the delivery dock. Because I’ve seen how they handle it, blood, I’m not in favor of it myself, at least on me.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:41 am

Chico: We might not be in favor of blood and try other alternatives but sometimes it is the ONLY alternative right? So if it came down to a life and death matter you would still refuse it? If so is this bc of your JW beliefs and you feel God would punish you? Blood has saved a lot more lives than it ever harmed.

 Dean says:

 June 3, 2016 at 3:55 am

DISGUSTING…..Why many act like this beats me…and forced to do this under guilt and fear says it all,may be those concerned should see what unconditional love is as that is what is taught to many JW..and yet not practised

 Gary says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:23 am

For 15y the woman in the video was ignored until she compiled.
 Can anyone tell me what her children did to their grandparents for them to be ignored too?


 Gary says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:34 am

Grandparents. . . .’we would have sent you presents but we don’t celebrate Christmas or birthdays’.

 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:54 am

For real! Lol. Yet in turn they accept christmas and birthday gifts dont they? Hypocrites.

 Gary says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:42 am

And so the reinstated woman takes her children along to the meetings and the cycle of abuse continues only for them to be later disfellowshipped
 and their children to suffer the same fate.


 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:56 am

Exactly Gary. They are not able to break the cycle of abuse so they pass it on. To paraphrase the bible (as JW always do) ‘like a dog returning to its own vomit’.

 rob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:07 am

Do any of the septopopes at Bethel even know what its like to live in the real world? They get their meals prepared for them, their clothes laundered, free housekeeping, free luxury travel, a winter getaway in Palm Beach Florida (disguised as a training facility), free health care, and never have to do an honest days work and have lawyers and accountants surrounding them who really run the show.
They live off of the backs of working class people who send them their donations and sometimes leave them their estates when they die, and they are adored by millions of witnesses worldwide. So when they set these shunning rules or other rules that are so invasive and family destroying, they dont give a care as to the consequences, because it does not affect them or their cushy lifestyle.
But I still believe that God sees this whole mess and will bring justice to those whose lives have been destroyed or whose families have been torn apart by this awful religion. Unfortunately it just isn’t happening soon enough.

 Searcher says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:42 am

Have you ever notice how hung up on sex, genitals, and the like that the WT and many other religions have? This is ‘serious sin’ unless performed exactly as we say you should. If it’s so bad, then how did 8 billion people get on the earth? Seems like it works pretty good in my humble opinion. Teenagers and young adults are going to have sex. That is just natural and part of being a living human being. Granted, it shouldn’t be forced upon anyone or performed on any child. That is breaking personal barriers and wrong! Any time anyone tries to limit a natural function, not just sex, it seems like bad things come of it. Just look at the record of the JW’s and Catholic priesthood sleazeballs that have come to light lately.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:26 am

I once learned that in the early Puritan settlements there were laws passed that required sex only be performed in the missionary position (man on top). So the extreme obsession with sex predates the JWs. It seems most high control religions have an obsession with it.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:38 am

To Winston. Rememebr the Ayatollah Humeni who overthrew Iran in the 80’s and kicked out the Shah? He became the political and Spritual leader of Iran after that. He had 100’s of rules on proper sex positions and the proper way to have Sex.
He also was religious fanatic who wanted to institute his way of rule into every aspect of life. Cults do that as a regular way to control;.

 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:50 am

Just another fanatical psycho religion that caters to the imbalanced. My parents not only banned their own families but also banned their only two children yet wanted to be involved with the grandchildren. Nope. You just dont get the chance to indoctrinate another generation. Now the last living parent is 70 years old and alone; but after over 25 years of estrangement how are the children supposed to care for this bible thumping fanatical induvidual who has no awareness of the damage he has inflicted and still beleives he is a good person who did the right thing?

 Peter the Digger says:

 June 3, 2016 at 10:33 am

I’m not sure, even in Aaron’s day, that the offence of a teenage Isrealite sleeping with, say, a teenager from the Philistines would be of the same rank of seriousness as usurping the High Priest’s priveliges and duties by ‘offering illegitmate fire before Jehovah’. In fact there are numerous cases in the Bible where illicit relations were forgiven by Jehovah, even where, as in King David’s case, a death, effectively a murder, resulted. King David simply repented, albeit straightaway, but only when he was rebuked by the priest. So – Aaron’s son’s sin justifies present day ‘social death by shunning’????? not sure on this at all.

 Twmack says:

 June 3, 2016 at 10:45 am

@ KimJones, Holy Connoli. Thanks for your kind and
 helpful comments. Battles of will between parents and
 their teenage children are a natural part of life.

But when the adult is in an indoctrinated state, these
 battles can become bitter and distressing, even destroying

One reason for this is, that compromise comes over from
 the platform as spiritual weakness, so there is no giving way
 even an inch on the parents part. Rules replace


 rob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:07 am

Funny that witness tribunals view fornication between two single people the same as adultery.
Correct me if I am wrong but in the old testament if a single man slept with a virgin, he would have to marry her. But if two people committed adultery they would be put to death.
Shunning a person for 15 years – how revolting.

 Peter the Digger says:

 June 3, 2016 at 1:11 pm

There are quite a few of these ‘clever conflations’. For example, somehow, dressing in neat clean clothes = ma;e JWs MUST wear suits. Because all Bros can afford them. Well all bros can afford face tattoos too!! Or ‘Showing Love’ = Love for Jehovah and Organisation = Love for Elders = no duty for ordinary members to love each other. Brilliant wordsmithery, really.

 GEM says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:34 am

I thought the most perceptive comment came from a Commentator on the Raw Story article, called “bibleexpert”:
Point 3 raised: “The Makers of the video failed to note that the parents are actually ignoring “the biblical lesson of Aaron” by acting sad their daughter left home”
Another example of WT’s “Iron fist in a velvet glove”! Poor, hurt, faithful….henchmen and women. Unable to exercise their freedom of conscience and speech, and living in fear of these Tyrants.

 Gary says:

 June 3, 2016 at 1:31 pm

And the veiled threat award goes to Jehovahs Witnesess for ‘lose living in your family home if we don’t forgive you’.


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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 1: Shunning

Posted on June 2, 2016

worst1articleThis summer millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide will flock to their regional conventions, a much-anticipated event in the JW calendar.
Local newspapers are already lining up to write articles lauding the influx of Witnesses at sports venues and convention centers. Conventions are typically a big money-spinner for local businesses, so journalists are often compelled to write favorably about these events.

“It’s a weekend to learn. In that sense, each day is less like a church service and more like an educational symposium,” opines Chelsea Davis at the Missoulian.
“The city has estimated that each of the three conventions can generate as much as $1.5 million worth of economic activity in Cornwall and area,” enthuses Todd Hambleton for the Cornwall Standard-Freeholder.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere to the form of Christianity that Jesus taught and that his apostles practiced,” gushes a commendably-unnamed correspondent at South Coast Today.
Every year, flattering pieces like this overlook the more sinister underpinnings of Witness conventions, which amount to little more than indoctrination rallies orchestrated by the New York-based Watch Tower Society and its Governing Body leadership.
Usually the coercive element of these gatherings is harder to spot for an undiscerning local journalist who simply wants to push out a favorable review that will sail past his editor and keep the pay-checks rolling in. But this year, there really are no excuses.
Firstly, it’s difficult to imagine a theme that is more Orwellian: “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” Precisely how is anyone supposed to relate to this circle-the-wagons rhetoric who hasn’t been indoctrinated into equating Watchtower with God’s one true organization on earth today? How do you “remain loyal” to something to which you haven’t pledged allegiance?
Secondly, and most crucially, any remotely switched-on journalist who sits through one or more of the string of highly-manipulative videos being shown at this year’s convention should be struck by the blatant coercion and fear-mongering as though they’ve been clobbered in the face by a wet halibut.
And for the most disturbing example of this jaw-dropping video propaganda, we need look no further than a series of three appalling videos that should come with a parental warning and be titled: “How to shun your daughter for 15 years just for sleeping with someone to whom she isn’t married.”
(Below is my video rebuttal to the shunning videos, as well as one of the convention talks of the symposium in which they are shown…)

We are introduced to Sonja, a girl raised by devout Witness parents, who reaches a crossroads in her teenage years when a childhood of indoctrination begins to conflict with her burgeoning individuality. Feelings of uncertainty about her beliefs are suppressed, as she goes through the motions simply to satisfy her parents – something many raised as Witnesses will relate to.
Since even masturbation is off the menu for Jehovah’s Witnesses (despite not a single scripture in the bible supporting this prohibition) it’s no real surprise when years of sexual repression climax in a night of carnal abandon involving Sonja and a work colleague in a hotel room. Sonja initially experiences pangs of guilt, but later correctly accepts that sex is something that happens when two people are in love.
At this point, Sonja’s boyfriend Eric is jettisoned from further participation in the drama. All we know is that he was kind and attentive to Sonja, and that her love for him was reciprocated.
As far as Watchtower is concerned, Eric is an imposter who was instrumental in a Witness youth falling from grace. Any good intentions he may have had toward Sonja are irrelevant in the eyes of the filmmakers. What matters is that he is NOT a Jehovah’s Witness, and therefore should have no place in Sonja’s life. De-humanized, and with his work done, Eric exits stage left so that Sonja’s story can continue.
How Sonja’s elders come to learn of her forbidden romance is not depicted. Instead, we are taken straight to the meeting where Sonja is announced as disfellowshipped. Immediately the focus is on Sonja’s parents, and how her actions have “crushed” them. Sonja is further cast as the villain when she is shown acting obstinately, arms folded, when her father delivers the news that she needs to leave home.
A more accurate depiction of the scenario would show an errant teenager, traumatized by his or her impending estrangement from the family, pleading with their indoctrinated father or mother to show mercy and reconnect with their parental instincts. But to fit with Watchtower’s “blame the victim” message, Sonja must be a scowling, defiant brat who anyone would be glad to see the back of.
Sonja is portrayed as a scowling, indignant teen who anyone would be glad to be rid of
Sonja is portrayed as a scowling, indignant teen

Divine execution
With Sonja ejected from the family home, her ‘victims’ gather on the sofa to read an Old Testament account that will make them feel better about abandoning their child. The bible passage describes Aaron being instructed, on pain of death, to not mourn his sons Nadab and Abihu who have been executed by God with fire from heaven. Sonja’s parents resolve to use this account as a blueprint for purging their emotions and pretending Sonja is dead.
This is not the first time the Nadab and Abihu story has been invoked by Watchtower to order parents not to grieve the loss of their shunned children, as should be evident from the following quote from the July 15, 2011 Watchtower study edition (the same magazine issue in which apostates are described as “mentally diseased”)…
Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 11.42.32
Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to purge their emotions, as Aaron was commanded to do on pain of death
Jehovah’s Witness parents are expected to purge their emotions when shunning, as Aaron was commanded to do on pain of death

It isn’t long before Sonja’s parents get the chance to put their instructions into practice. Sonja is shown calling her parents’ cellphone, which begins ringing on the kitchen worktop. Her mother checks to see who is calling. On noticing Sonja’s number, she refuses to pick up.
For all we know, Sonja could have been stranded by the roadside, or in the process of being attacked, robbed, raped or murdered – but paramount in her parents’ minds is the need to show loyalty to Watchtower by pretending she no longer exists.
Sonja tells the audience that her parents did the right thing by refusing to pick up, and quotes almost verbatim from an experience printed in a 2013 Watchtower in which a once-disfellowshipped man named Robert praises his parents for not giving him the “small dose” of contact he needed that might have delayed his decision to return. Family contact, apparently, is some kind of illicit drug, and depriving disfellowshipped children of it is the humane, loving thing to do.
Watchtower is virtually holding its hands up and saying: “We expect parents to emotionally blackmail their disfellowshipped kids. If they end up returning just to end the shunning rather than because they genuinely believe the religion, at least the ends justify the means.”
In the final instalment of the shunning trilogy, after 15 years of being shunned (a punishment apparently entirely deserved after sleeping with someone), Sonja is depicted getting reinstated. Finally reunited with her family, Sonja is engulfed in a tide of post-meeting love-bombing by congregation members who now shower her with conditional love.
Not shown are the months of humiliating attendance of meetings at which she is required to sit in disgrace on the last rows of the seats while literally an entire congregation shuns her. Only by doing this can disfellowshipped Witnesses get back into Watchtower’s good books, and even then it isn’t always that simple.
In my rebuttal video (above), I give one tragic example in which a disfellowshipped Witness named Kaatje was repeatedly refused reinstatement due to her chronic depression. Her brother Bjorn is convinced that this treatment by elders directly contributed to her eventual suicide. (My interview with him will feature in a future video on the “John Cedars” YouTube channel.)
Kaatje and Bjorn in happier times
Kaatje and Bjorn in happier times

Sadly, Kaatje is just one of many who have paid the ultimate price for Watchtower’s extreme shunning policy, which its own literature once described as “altogether foreign to bible teachings.”
The media black-out
Even more tragic is the grim reality that there is no end in sight to this abhorrent treatment, at least while the media in general resolutely refuses to give Watchtower’s brand of shunning the scrutiny and criticism it deserves. True, Rawstory has wasted little time in describing one of the shunning videos as “disturbing,” but so far it is a lone voice.
Rather than the inevitable avalanche of puff pieces heralding the “Remain Loyal To Jehovah” convention as a commercial success, we should be seeing Sonja’s face in multiple newspapers, magazines and blogs as her foul treatment at the behest of a cruel cult is rightly condemned. It should be made perfectly clear that, in the 21st Century, such blatant manipulation and coercion by religious leaders aimed at breaking up families is intolerable, and certainly should not be endorsed through tax exemptions and even charitable status.
Perhaps the only way we can ever live to see public opinion close the gap on Watchtower is by doing what we can to give this dreadful material the exposure it deserves in whatever way possible. For that reason, I would urge all of you to share this video and article on social media (if you are able), as well as the videos and articles that will follow in this #worstconventionever series.
It may be that our efforts to get the media to take notice amount to little more than a phone call that goes unanswered, but at least by trying we honour the memory of those like Kaatje who paid the ultimate price for Watchtower’s barbarity. I can think of few better reasons to share a hashtag.
This is the first in a series of six articles examining various features of the Remain Loyal to Jehovah convention of 2016. To read leaked transcripts and videos from the convention, please click here.

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← News Bulletin: Watchtower tightens shunning rules to include “sinful” inactive ones.
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117 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 1: Shunning

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 Gary says:

 June 3, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Of course if a child is so unruly so as to disrupt the rest of the family a person may decide to take such action. However, that’s not for the Watchtower to decide. Nither is it for them to decide whether you maintain contact. Conscience.
 It real does seem that the real issue of concern for the Watchtower (dressed up in another way) is exposure.
 Considering the biblical and historical point of view there is no suggestion that a person must be shunned, brother sister or not.
 A greeting in biblical terms is far more than a simple hello. I agree with this reasoning.
 Each person, having the facts of each individual case, bearing in mind the person and their ability, should themselves decide.
 Watchtower is frightened.


 rosemary osborn says:

 June 3, 2016 at 2:34 pm

I know about shunning. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother who shun me and as one of their Watchtower articles said they should treat me as Satans follower. This has been since I believe 10 years or so. I am a Christian and a 21 year Hospice volunteer taking care of terminally ill patients. Shame. They are sooo brain-washed. Sad.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:26 pm

So I finally had a chance to watch Lloyd’s video with the clips from the shunning video.
 Great job on your video, Lloyd.

On the shunning video, why does the narrator sound like she is a 15 year old girl? I mean she is supposed to be looking back after being disfellowshipped for 15 years! If she was out of school and working when she got DF’d she had to be about 20 and now 15 years have gone by so she must be about 35. That little girl voice of the narrator creeped me out more than anything.

 Holly Chu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 6:03 pm

Just watched the bunker video. And that was the most nauseating thing I have seen in a very long time. There is not enough space on this website to critique every thing on this hideous video series. Fear mongering, and scaring young children into submission.

 QuietObserver says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:08 pm

Has anyone considered if the GT video is because the Orgy know that nearly all the governments of the Western world are coming after them for their position on child abuse and oppression of women, including sexual harassment that happens at the Bethels? Here in Australia the general consensus is that they are selling off the Bethel here and all their equipment as well as many KHs before the Royal commission comes after them for the compensation scheme. If they create this fear for the R&F that the governments are after them because it’s the GT and not because of their own lies and betrayals, they will close ranks around the GB to protect them. What do you think?

 Dwc says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:01 am

One cannot help but wonder if the very proclamation of “she has fallen” starts with the WT Bible and tract society. I could go on and on and would really like to tell my story as so many of you have just as it’s therapeutic! Lol
The bottom line is the organization is dying. Most intelligent people can see this. The WT for the week of June 5th is a perfect example of this.
For me what I am most grateful to John and all who post here is the clarity to see through the messages. To take the purity and “holiness” of Gods message and twist it into a policy procedures, publishing company is incredible. But what is truly amazing is if anyone takes a look at the the parallel of the WTBS and its funding challenges like any other company out there… Except those haven’t harboured and protected pedophiles.
Anyways interesting to see if the very organization that claims to be Gods “chosen” will be the first to go.

 Mounia says:

 June 4, 2016 at 2:19 am

Well, I was a bible student since 2 years and a proclaimer unbaptized (please don’t hesitate to correct me because my English is not good). I just sent a letter to my ex-kingdom hall to let them know officialy that I have finished with them and notified some points where I simply don’t agree. Anyway, eventhough I was not officially J.W., my “friends” simply reject me with poor arguments, such as I am under the devil, I am weak, or I must suffer so much that I need help ! Oh My God. Their “arguments” just confirm me that these people are very simpled mind, with no capability to think by themselves. In fact, by their remarks on me, they symply describe themselves… I looked twice at this video: it is empty of good sense,of responsability and spirituality. The governing body, by showing these kind of videos are killing again Jesus-Christ as they carry on searching sentences in the ancient scriptures of the bible and if I remember Jesus Christ has abolished the ancient laws by being killed on the cross. The account of the “adulteress” of Jean 8 is one of most beautiful of the Gospel. This woman sinner, condemned by the integrist ones of the time, is raised by Jesus, is forgiven, released from her indicters… with this formula remained famous: “That that which never sinned throws him the first stone. Good luck to all J.W., they really need it.

 vicent says:

 June 4, 2016 at 2:38 am


 James Broughton says:

 June 4, 2016 at 7:24 am

On Friday evening in the UK I watched the Danish TV programme ‘Dicta’, about a fictional crime reporter in Arrhus, Denmark. It opened with a flashback to when she was a teenager giving birth to an illegitimate child who was subsequently taken away from her. Returning to modern day, she was seen outside a Kingdom Hall and attempted to greet her parents whom she had not seen since then. They refused to have anything to do with her, presumably because she had been disfellowshipped, and the door was closed in her face. I have no idea how it will turn out for Dicte but it is interesting that owing to the success of the series perhaps many people who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses will learn how repulsive this cult is.

 Joe says:

 June 4, 2016 at 10:28 pm

Hi all,
I’d like to make couple of points. It saddens me to see
 a departure from the policies that stipulated limited contact. The reasons why limited was permitted (relatives) in my view was due to the following.

A departure from one’s system of beliefs should not translate into a complete annihilation from their families.
 Secondly, that limited contact safe guarded the fundamental principles of family structure and the gift of free will. Anyone who’ve read the original article initially publish about how to deal with dis-fellowship relatives will know that dis-fellow shipping DOES NOT break family ties. It was clearly written in in that article. September 15 1981 Questions from readers.


 Joe says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:20 am

The September 15 1981 article has two parts to it. The first deals with how to treat dis-fellowship people in general and the second part deals with relatives in particular. However, i’ve heard people saying for a very long time that families of dis-fellowship relatives are not allow to actively seek association with them just for the sake of it but should only contact them when it’s absolutely necessary. Thats far from the truth. The article in itself was not deterministic nor conclusive or lay blanket rules about those matters. Rather what it sought to achieve was to lay general principles. For example, can you invite a dis-fellowship relative for a wedding at the hall? Again, there isnt a yes or no answer. Highly discretional with the following principles in mind. The article states ” We cannot say whether a dis-fellowship relative should attend the wedding but it’ll be up to those involve to resolve”. Sept. 15 1981 Pages 26-31. Can a disfellowship person attend the reception? Well the answer lay bare in the principles that it brought out. Because the fellowship person may be more likely to seek to associate with people which includes other witnesses attending the reception it MAY be best for them not to attend. Another thing that need to be taken into account is how will other invitee’s to the occasion feel about seeing a disfellowship person around. Sept. 15 1981 Pages 26-31. Again principles in play, even though this answer leans more toward a no from a sound judgement perspective, its not conclusive, it doesn’t categorical say no or yes. The answer lies on a case by case basis because all scenarios cannot possibly be thought off or written about due to it infeasibility. Again the overriding principle was if you chose to associate with a DISFELLOWSHIP RELATIVE, keep it to the minimum; with no conditions attached to the minimum association or contact rule.
 I believe a sudden twist in policy violates two fundamental principles. The gift of free-will and the cohesiveness of the family structure. The assumption that underpins that policy is “ All witnesses children will have only two options, become a witness and remain in the family circle or have a different view and be thrown out”. Having said that I also have strong reservations about dis-associated people been classified in the dis-fellowshipped category again because it violates the principles of free will. That’s probably one of the reasons why mankind weren’t created as robots but humans.
 Point two, I don’t always agree with cedars on all published articles but a few. One of the few common grounds we share is the issue of disfellowshipped relatives and the application of Lev. 10:1-6 on disfellowship relatives. Anyone reading this passage will know that this passage was a specific instance where Jehovah executed divine judgement. It was not carryout through proxies and henceforth applying that scripture to relatives of disfellowshipped people or persons is just not fit for purpose.
 Finally cedar mention that masturbation is not explicitly prohibited in the scriptures. Cedars you’re right there isn’t a scripture that specifically prohibits masturbation but as a MST graduate you should know that there are principles that cover that subject. For example if you turn the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you’ll not find a single verse or passage that says “ do not smoke” however there are principles that governs. Paul said don’t take in anything that’ll harm your body (that passage cover smoking). As Christians we are admonish to keep morally and mentally clean and of course masturbating will NOT be consistent with that principle.

More to come……………………

 Searcher says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:24 pm

OK Joe,
You say, “Finally cedar mention that masturbation is not explicitly prohibited in the scriptures. Cedars you’re right there isn’t a scripture that specifically prohibits masturbation but as a MST graduate you should know that there are principles that cover that subject. For example if you turn the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you’ll not find a single verse or passage that says “ do not smoke” however there are principles that governs. Paul said don’t take in anything that’ll harm your body (that passage cover smoking). ”
This topic is very intriguing to me. I can’t help but bite! Please explain to me,with actual facts, how a normal human bodily function, whether self-induced or through a partner, has the same deadly danger as using tobacco. Yes, I agree tobacco is bad for you. There is factual proof it leads to cancer and other breathing disease. However, I don’t agree that masturbation is bad for a persons psyche. Some people will say, “Well, it makes you selfish.”, “It turns you into a perv”, “It gives you hairy palms and dark circles under your eyes.”, and it can go down from there. Well, there is no proof of that. I just want to know why organized religion (an not just JW’s, but overzealous Christians, Jews, and Muslims) have such a hang up on a sexually oriented topic like this? I just want to hear a fact-proven explanation about how masturbation is deadly as tobacco. Oh yeah, and don’t try using that greek-to-cult translation of pornea either. That dog don’t hunt!!! That definition has been stretched and pulled like salt-water taffy by the WTBTS to suit their control freak needs.
If these two acts are deadly sins, then quit breathing without a gas mask! There is chemical and radiological pollution, germs, and virus in the air. These are natural acts of our bodies too and can have harmful effects when taken into our bodies. No rule on using a gas mask in the bible, but the principle is there. Right?
I am a very skeptical mind that would like to be enlightened with factual evidence other than partial verses from the bible woven together as a collage to fit a preferred outcome. (This should be good!)

 Ejecting to Sanity says:

 June 6, 2016 at 11:52 pm

Heinous. Hateful. Unconscionable. WT has reached their own hell. Shame on them.

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 10, 2016 at 7:28 am

The act of shunning is a form of bullying. I hate when people bully people into submission to a cause. Kids bully other kids at school. It is a very juvenile situation. Shunning people for different ideas or actions is very juvenile.

 Scrubmaster says:

 June 10, 2016 at 9:27 am

Here is the most fascinating thing about the shunning and dis-fellow shipping the Org does. A family will treat a love one as dead for years and years per the organization. Parents have shun their children for years as required. Then when these same parents face financial difficulties, guess what the org, says they should do? They should contact the one’s(children) they have shunned for years for financial support. The supposed biblical basis for this is based on a scripture 1 Tim 5:8 “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” But if a shunned love one is supposed to be treated as dead. Why can they be ask for financial support? Why doesn’t the congregation help the parents who have follow directions and shunned their children and provide financial support if it is need? Truly a case of applying scriptures in a way that benefits the organization. All the while mis-applying the scriptures about dis-fellow shipping, Shunning and apostasy(to the benefit of the org of course).

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The Friday Column: What it means to be a Jehovah’s Witness
Posted on June 2, 2016

sophia-mom2There’s been a lot of buzz lately surrounding the new video release from featuring the characters “Caleb and Sophia.” The video series is called “Be Jehovah’s Friend” and aims to indoctrinate children into the Witness religion. Watchtower has obviously watched the children’s entertainment market for quite some time before launching their own copycat version, as the animation style of the shorts is extremely reminiscent of modern-day children’s blockbusters.
This new episode was themed around the condemnation of homosexuality and it was met with some harsh criticism by a number of people. Rightly so in my view, as it teaches children to use guilt to control their peer’s thoughts and feelings about homosexuality. They are instructed to hang the hope of entry into a paradise earth over the heads of classmates with same-sex parents.
The dead horse
readImageThis whole fiasco brings an age old debate into the forefront of our minds: is homosexuality a choice? I, for one, have already seen enough evidence that strongly suggests homosexuality is not a choice. I don’t see the debate as really open anymore, but nonetheless it’s still a routinely discussed topic. I believe this is largely due to outfits such as the Watchtower who keep bringing up an already settled issue.
But for the sake of argument, let’s say that it is a choice. Even if that were true how does that make it OK to demand that people with homosexual behaviors change? If two people of the same sex love each other just as much as two people of the opposite sex, what’s the measurable harm caused by that relationship? More to the point, does trying to suppress one’s sexuality cause harm? Lets examine below.
High control
images-3To illustrate: what if you were promised a reward by stopping the use of your favorite colors in favor of others chosen by someone else? What if you were threatened with punishment if you didn’t? If that ever happened you could stop using them, but you’d have an extremely difficult time ceasing your preference for them.
Anyone who asked this of you would no doubt be interested in controlling you on a fundamental level. They would have no interest in you having control over your own future, but would rather control your future themselves.
It’s the same when a group tells you that you are required to change your sexuality if you wish to join. It means they want you to join the same hyper-controlling structure they are currently in. And it’s never just your sexuality a cult wants you to change, it will be more or less every aspect of your life.
What’s in the bag?
metaphor2The knockoff animation uses a metaphor to explain how homosexuals can change. It speaks of a man who’s trying to catch a plane and is stopped at a security checkpoint. He is asked to leave behind his bag because it contains items that are prohibited. Homosexuality is therefore likened to something you can simply put in a bag and leave behind.
This metaphor can be used to explain all types of requirements that being a Jehovah’s Witness entails. Again, it’s not just your sexuality that you must “leave behind” when you become a Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is, in essence, your past self that resides within the bag. The Witnesses speak about putting on a “new personality.” You are supposed to change into a completely different person. Meaning you must change your hopes, dreams, life aspirations, your view of the world and existence in general.
You must also “leave behind” your moral framework, as accepting the JW faith means justifying the atrocities mentioned in the Bible. As a child I had an extremely hard time accepting the stories of mass slaughter and mayhem orchestrated by a supposed “all-loving” creator. In order to be accepted in my community I had to align my world view to one where the wholesale slaughter of women and children was sometimes the right thing to do. That innate gut instinct telling me it was wrong was expected to be dismissed.
Among the vast array of things you must leave behind to become a Jehovah’s Witness are your cultural roots. You are expected to join their culture and for the most part forsake your own. A good example of this is the Witnesses curious aversion to long hair on men. There are many cultures that venerate this hairstyle on men and boys. Some families cherish this tradition, but to be a JW they are forced to rethink the wisdom of such a decision. For example, they hear things like this at their meetings:

“One sister working in a store was somewhat frightened by the physical appearance of a regular customer. Nevertheless, when the appropriate occasion arose, she tried to witness to him about God’s promised Paradise. He brusquely replied that he did not believe in fairy tales and that he was a hippie and drug addict. But she did not give up. One day he asked her what she thought about his long hair, so she tactfully explained what the Bible says on the matter. (1 Cor. 11:14) To her pleasant surprise, the next day he was clean-shaven and had short hair! He asked for a Bible study, which a brother was happy to conduct, and progressed to dedication and baptism. Like this man, many who are serving Jehovah today are grateful for the impartial, persistent efforts of those who brought them the Kingdom message.” – Our Kingdom Ministry, July 4th 2004
In this example they claim to show how cutting off your long hair, as a male, is an instruction from the Bible and something that occurs before baptism. According to the March 2016 Watchtower Study Edition baptism as a Jehovah’s Witness is not only “the greatest privilege any human could have”, but also “a vital step toward gaining salvation.” Meaning that if you don’t change your lifestyle habits, even down to the way you wear your hair, you will not survive the coming Armageddon.
Everything you ever were is in that bag, and they tell you to leave it behind. That is the hallmark of a mind control cult.
BITE control
manipulation-puppetIn the Watchtower animation the mother tells her child that homosexuals can “change.” Returning to the color analogy, if someone really did stop using their favorite color, under threat of punishment or promise of reward, that doesn’t mean they’ve changed. It only means they’ve conformed to a set of behaviors because of a certain desired outcome. Such “change” only proves that people can be manipulated with threats and promises. That is no amazing truth that deserves to be the lesson of a children’s video.
Destructive cults seek to control the behaviors, information, thoughts and emotions of their members. (See the BITE Model as created by cult expert Steve Hassan.) Requiring a homosexual to change meets each and every one of those criteria. They require conformity to their views on “by-design” sexual behavior. They require rejecting all the exhaustive scientific studies that conclusively prove that one’s sexuality is natural. They also dictate which thoughts are acceptable, and demean any individuals who exhibit the “wrong” ones.
The BITE model is often employed by people who claim to be simply protecting those they love. But in reality if anyone uses this type of undue influence you can be sure their true priority is the total control of other people; usually to create workers for their cause.
Be yourself
It’s true that outside of the world of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are often bombarded by the message of “be yourself.” Individuality is a recurring theme in all forms of media, whether it’s a play, TV show, a movie or a book. It’s become a cliché at this point, but I still think it’s a worthy sentiment. Considering there are groups out there who seek to dominate your mind, body and spirit by way of child indoctrination, it’s no wonder many have felt it necessary to send such a positive counter-message, especially to vulnerable and impressional children.
No matter what the Watchtower says, there is more than one destination. I would strongly suggest finding a new flight that lets you take your bag with you.

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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker →

51 Responses to The Friday Column: What it means to be a Jehovah’s Witness

 Jill Hileman says:

 June 3, 2016 at 2:02 pm

I had nearly forgotten the phrase “new personality” after being out 18 years. Wow, the memory rush.

 Oubliette says:

 June 3, 2016 at 2:23 pm

James, I always enjoy your articles. This one was really well reasoned and argued.
I would however disagree with your comment that “being yourself” is cliché. Nothing could be more important than figuring out who we are as individuals and then living that authentic life.
This is of course the last thing that any high-control, authoritarian cult wants.

 JBob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:44 pm

@oubliette – I believe James, if I may defend his article, was stating the same which you stated in conclusion, which is “being yourself” and “living authentic” is vital. It is cliche in that the secular media throws it around like parade confetti, and it really should be viewed as precious gold.
It is an article like this that answers the oft posed question here when visitors understandably ask “what’s the big deal with the Watchtower and leaving it? Just get over it”.
This is like asking a traveler who checked a bag at an airport locker but now has no recollection which city, which airport nor which locker to deplane and collect their bag and resume where they embarked.
It’s worse for someone who has never had the freedom to explore and “discover” themselves–growing up in a BITE model. A baby born on the plane, which now has to find the bags their parents left in an nondescript locker, in an unknown airport, in an unknown city. Fair reason to see why it is so difficult for persons to even think about leaving the Watchtower–a daunting adventure, an intimidating one as well. Fair reason why so many of us fumble, fall, get wounded, try again, fall, stumble and keep trying “2 get through this thing called life” (“Let’s Go Crazy”, RPN)

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 2:34 pm

“Be Jehovah’s Friend”
*** w68 2/1 p. 71 Shocking Religious Persecution in Malawi ***
 They have been robbed, over a thousand women have been raped, men have been beaten unconscious and a number of them have been killed. Where? In Malawi, a narrow, landlocked country in Central Africa, somewhat to the southeast.

Yes, it seems getting a baptism as a Jehovah’s Witness is not only “the greatest privilege any human could have”, but also “a vital step toward gaining salvation.” EVEN WHEN it calls for being raped!!
Do you think Malawi’s Jehovah’s Witnesses were more stupid than the rest of the world? If you think so, you need to reconsider your Bible Understanding:
Bible says: (1 Corinthians 1:27) . . .but God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world to put the strong things to shame. . .

 Markie says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:13 pm

I guess this may be construed as an attack but some times your posts are just off topic or just plain ridiculous. So now your blaming the JWs for rapes that happened in Malawi almost fifty years ago? And yes I know all about the Mexico\Malawi controversy. I guess maybe you have taken a lesson from Donald Trump.

 Minion says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:34 pm

Greetings to all,
@ M,
The scenario above ‘Be Jehovah’s friend’, which expression fits best:
a). Wait on Jehovah,
B). It must have been Jehovah’s hand,
c). I think we need to talk to the elders,
M, and don’t forget to report your field service time of 15 minutes and 3 million+ return visits, and be sure to thank, JWsurvey for allowing you this platform to extend your ministry where the need is greater. And be sure to read the following sentence.
* * Support The Worldwide Work * *
Peace out,

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 June 4, 2016 at 2:56 am

@ Markie,
*** w68 2/1 p. 71 Shocking Religious Persecution in Malawi ***
 In another place one night a group of these Christians was awakened by Congress Party officials. The men were beaten and slashed with sticks and pangas [machetes] and then were forced to look on while ten of their women were raped. Two of the women were pregnant, one of whom later had a miscarriage as a result.

From that if you cannot tell ” What it means to be a Jehovah’s Witness” all you will be able to tell is that my comments are “off topic”!

 Markie says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:27 pm

If we use your logic then when a gay person gets beaten to death it has nothing to do with the thugs that did the beating it’s the gay persons fault. He or she caused the perceived threat to the thugs. Shame you.

 dee2 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:28 pm

Not quite sure what your counter-argument is, however, my question to you is this:
How could the WT not be complicit when they applied a policy that called on ordinary people, men, women and children, to face loss of home and lands, endure beatings, torture, rape and death because of refusal to pay a legal fee for the card of the organization that is, to all intents and purposes, the ruling power of their country, Malawi, while at the same time the WT told men in another country – Mexico – that it is acceptable for them to bribe military officers for a card that falsely states they fulfilled their military service and are in the first reserves of the army?
The WT believed the position taken in Mexico, allowing JW men to exercise their personal conscience with regard to obtaining a military certificate (even illegally through bribes) to be acceptable. There, in Mexico, JW men could be members of the first reserves of the army and still be Circuit or District Overseers or members of the Bethel family. The WT made decisions regarding Mexico and the practice of bribing there, leaving it to the individual conscience, and so it was acceptable that a man could pay such bribe for a military certificate and still be used in the most responsible way, with no need for particular concern before God on the part of those directing the work there.
The WT should certainly have accorded to the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience in a matter that involved no bribing, no illegality, no falsification but rather the payment of a legal price in a lawful way for a party card of the government running the country. Instead, the WT turned a blind eye to the obvious disparity between the position in Mexico and that taken in Malawi.
The WT accepted the Mexico policy allowing the twenty-year-old policy in Mexico to continue in effect while simultaneously insisting upon a totally different standard for the JWs in Malawi and elsewhere. If the WT had allowed the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience as the JWs in Mexico, then it could be said that WT was not complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. But since the WT did not, but instead turned a blind eye and allowed a double standard, then they are complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. The WT was insensitive to the consequences to people from such a double standard and are therefore complicit. The WT turned a blind eye to the inconsistency in all of this and its effect on people’s lives.


 Markie says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:29 pm

If we use your logic then when a gay person gets beaten to death it has nothing to do with the thugs that did the beating it’s the gay persons fault. He or she caused the perceived threat to the thugs. How shameful of you.

 dee2 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:29 pm

Not quite sure what your counter-argument is, however, my question to you is this:
How could the WT not be complicit when they applied a policy that called on ordinary people, men, women and children, to face loss of home and lands, endure beatings, torture, rape and death because of refusal to pay a legal fee for the card of the organization that is, to all intents and purposes, the ruling power of their country, Malawi, while at the same time the WT told men in another country – Mexico – that it is acceptable for them to bribe military officers for a card that falsely states they fulfilled their military service and are in the first reserves of the army?
The WT believed the position taken in Mexico, allowing JW men to exercise their personal conscience with regard to obtaining a military certificate (even illegally through bribes) to be acceptable. There, in Mexico, JW men could be members of the first reserves of the army and still be Circuit or District Overseers or members of the Bethel family. The WT made decisions regarding Mexico and the practice of bribing there, leaving it to the individual conscience, and so it was acceptable that a man could pay such bribe for a military certificate and still be used in the most responsible way, with no need for particular concern before God on the part of those directing the work there.
The WT should certainly have accorded to the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience in a matter that involved no bribing, no illegality, no falsification but rather the payment of a legal price in a lawful way for a party card of the government running the country. Instead, the WT turned a blind eye to the obvious disparity between the position in Mexico and that taken in Malawi.
The WT accepted the Mexico policy allowing the twenty-year-old policy in Mexico to continue in effect while simultaneously insisting upon a totally different standard for the JWs in Malawi and elsewhere. If the WT had allowed the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience as the JWs in Mexico, then it could be said that WT was not complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. But since the WT did not, but instead turned a blind eye and allowed a double standard, then they are complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. The WT was insensitive to the consequences to people from such a double standard and are therefore complicit. The WT turned a blind eye to the inconsistency in all of this and its effect on people’s lives.


 nullandvoidboy says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:58 am

@Markie…..Why do I see Hakizimana’s point?….though off topic….why, even when you have the full story about the Mexico/Malawi difference, do you not see the responsibility that WT had in rapes and murders in Malawi????……it’s called being COMPLICIT….no, they didn’t have to physically be a part of the mob scene that carried those crimes…..they just cultivated the fertile ground for these atrocities to happen in Malawi, that’s all??!! COMPLICIT…look up the word.

 Markie says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:15 pm

So according to your logic if a woman wears a short skirt and gets raped it’s her fault for wearing the skirt and one could say it’s also the fault of the manufacturer of the skirt as they “cultivated the fertile grounds” for the rape to happen. Your logic and for that matter Jean’s is shameful. Or maybe your hatred has caused you to be illogical. May I suggest therapy?

 dee2 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:31 pm

Not quite sure what your counter-argument is, however, my question to you is this:
How could the WT not be complicit when they applied a policy that called on ordinary people, men, women and children, to face loss of home and lands, endure beatings, torture, rape and death because of refusal to pay a legal fee for the card of the organization that is, to all intents and purposes, the ruling power of their country, Malawi, while at the same time the WT told men in another country – Mexico – that it is acceptable for them to bribe military officers for a card that falsely states they fulfilled their military service and are in the first reserves of the army?
The WT believed the position taken in Mexico, allowing JW men to exercise their personal conscience with regard to obtaining a military certificate (even illegally through bribes) to be acceptable. There, in Mexico, JW men could be members of the first reserves of the army and still be Circuit or District Overseers or members of the Bethel family. The WT made decisions regarding Mexico and the practice of bribing there, leaving it to the individual conscience, and so it was acceptable that a man could pay such bribe for a military certificate and still be used in the most responsible way, with no need for particular concern before God on the part of those directing the work there.
The WT should certainly have accorded to the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience in a matter that involved no bribing, no illegality, no falsification but rather the payment of a legal price in a lawful way for a party card of the government running the country. Instead, the WT turned a blind eye to the obvious disparity between the position in Mexico and that taken in Malawi.
The WT accepted the Mexico policy allowing the twenty-year-old policy in Mexico to continue in effect while simultaneously insisting upon a totally different standard for the JWs in Malawi and elsewhere. If the WT had allowed the JWs in Malawi the same right to exercise their conscience as the JWs in Mexico, then it could be said that WT was not complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. But since the WT did not, but instead turned a blind eye and allowed a double standard, then they are complicit in the intense suffering of the JWs in Malawi. The WT was insensitive to the consequences to people from such a double standard and are therefore complicit. The WT turned a blind eye to the inconsistency in all of this and its effect on people’s lives.


 Don Leske says:

 June 3, 2016 at 3:15 pm

So, this blog or group of individuals say: “RELIGIOUS NEUTRALITY – Do not post comments that are evangelical in nature or may be construed as imposing one person’s religious beliefs (or lack thereof) over those of another.” – Funny, comments not of the moderators liking are tossed out? Whether construed as imposing one person’s religious beliefs (or lack thereof) over those of another… would be a comment you cannot allow in your atheistic evil slave class blog?
The only people it seems that reads this vile post or article are ex-JWs who feel guilty about being kicked out or not being a part of those friendly kind people who only talk about Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering etc.
Homosexuality? Yes, if you do not believe in the Bible then you can condone just about anything.
Why do you all keep spending your whole lives fighting against JWs, do these people mean that much to you? Do you not have anything better to do?
“And so now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nothing: But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it; lest haply you be found even to fight against God.” Acts

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:14 pm

Methinks the lady doth protest too much…

 Telescopium says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:23 pm

 You ask:
“Why do you all keep spending your whole lives fighting against JWs, do these people mean that much to you? Do you not have anything better to do?”

Many of the writers, moderators, and commenters on this site have made themselves available to listen to JWs (both former and current) express themselves in ways that would be extremely difficult or painful in any congregational setting. If someone has doubts about the overlapping generation or J.F. Rutherford’s spotless reputation or any other topic, where can they ask for straightforward answers? The elders? I tried. In the end I only scared them. They weren’t even interested in the scriptures I found. That’s when I realized there is no avenue to say “I don’t think I believe that.”
This website provides that needed path.
So stick around for a while. Just keep it clean and don’t be rude… It would look really bad if the only nasty person in the room was an active Witness. Okay?

 Big B says:

 June 3, 2016 at 4:35 pm

@ Don Leske:
So saith the Jehovah’s Witness apologist whose own coveted “time” must be wasted trying to convince “apostates” on an “apostate site” that their opinions are not worthy of expression.
Yes, they (J.W.’s) talk about “Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, etc.” except they don’t practice it. Why? Because they are pedophile protecting perverts that distort the scriptures to fit their own agenda.
And what is their agenda? To make Watchtower dupes of everyone so they can “cold call” the world as salesmen of a doomsday cult; oh and get their money, especially their money. “Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom”-J.F. Rutherford (2nd President of the WTBTS). ‘Oh by the way, while your advertising, on your own dime, be sure to sell my books’ saith the drunken sot.
In answer to your statement of fighting J.W.’s (and I think I can speak for most on this site) our fight isn’t with J.W.’s (all of us were once J.W.’s with many years in servitude) but with the idiotic governing body and their money grubbing WBTS corporation of Pharisaic Rules and ever changing doctrines. Both of which prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are not backed by Jehovah’s Holy Spirit but are, in fact, a part of Babylon the Great and the evil slave class. Their involvement as a NGO of the United Nations for 10 years proves as much since being outed by the Guardian newspaper! Oh, you didn’t hear that?! Since you obviously have no trouble with your conscience visiting apostate web sites I left you some information on their involvement, if you dare to look at it.
And don’t get me started about the multi-million dollar payouts to child molestation victims that went unnoticed, and unresolved by their elders thus putting the congregation and the general public in danger by not reporting these incidents to the proper authorities.


 JBob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 5:14 pm

Acts 5:38-39, if your going to quote, please use the references.
Tell me, where can I find such a big, broad generalizing paint brush that you seem to wield?
“The only people it seems that reads this vile post or article are ex-JWs who feel guilty about being kicked out or not being a part of those friendly kind people who only talk about Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering etc.”

I’d say many folks reading weren’t kicked out, but fed up and disgusted and some have stopped lending support to a corrupt and vile system. And, a few were violated by this system in physical and emotional manners that your callous remarks carelessly rip open scars and wounds.
There are some quiet devout JW’s who are here because it’s an outlet to vent frustration with the direction of “new light” or leadership, since the system is top-down only governance.
But, let’s dissect this Acts chapter 5 you threw at us for the bit of non sequitor in it. Ananias sells some land and brings the money to Peter and the apostles; no where in the beginning of this story does it tells us that Ananias tells the apostles this is the full price of the land. The only liar is Sapphira in the context of the details. As we go through this chapter it becomes clear that this was the credentialing for the apostles–the miracles, the signs, the wonders, and Gamaliel pleading to let these guys alone, lest they be fighting against God.
Yet, all over the internet blogs and videos have already shattered any claim to apostolic credentials of the Watchtower’s human leadership in countless discussions and approaches. Fire has already come down and consumed the altars, I suppose we’re waiting for the casting down to the dogs?

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 3, 2016 at 10:30 pm

So true JBob. Might I add also that the account in acts 5 (v 28-30) includes the legalistic, controlling, self-righteous Pharisees commanding the apostles to keep silent. So who fits that description today? When you leave you have to stay silent, or be silenced – the consequence of a raft of emotionally manipulative threats and measures that have been Implemented expressly for that purpose – to silence those who leave from speaking the real truth, discussing facts and exposing this cult for what it is. That’s why I and so many others come here, because it gives us a voice (the silent majority!)

 Minion says:

 June 3, 2016 at 6:21 pm

Greetings to all,
@ D,
Your assessment seems to be one of a JW newbie.
You comments lack substance and conjecture.
To win your brother over ‘using the power of reasoning’, please prove and explain to all active, Bible students and ex-jws, why The Watchtower Corporation has failed with so many predictions. If it’s the sole channel Jehovah is using.
If any astute Bible student and active JWs, really wants to ‘make the truth there own’ then you need to go outside the box. In the business world its call “perform a due diligence” on whatever the category of interest.
You go to a Porsche dealership to find out it’s performance, and its limits.
Perhaps, you then decide to ask questions on a Ferrari Testarosa, and take a test drive. You compare both vehicles, but, one you will decide to buy “based on the information and the due diligence you gathered”. Outside the box, which The Watchtower Corporation prohibits.
 Have you ever wonder, why?

The same is true with all religions. You research outside the box, and you find out it’s not pretty.
That’s why, JWSurvey has evolved into an out reach program to, many active JWs, Bible students and ex-jws. The no spin zone.
If you can win over your brother, even one, then it’s worth the fight!
* * Support The Worldwide Work * *
Peace out,

 Julien says:

 June 3, 2016 at 6:23 pm

The bible is nothing more than a fairy tale. An old archaic book to which people have given way too much power and it has lead to enormous conflicts. I will fight any controlling, brainwashing, indoctrinating, destructive and divisive religion every step of the way. Why? Because someone has to stand up to people like you.

 Minion says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:57 pm

Greetings to all,
@ D,
Be sure to turn in your field service time of 15 minutes, and
 3 million+ return visits, and be sure to thank JWsurvey for this platform for you to extend your ministry where the need is greater.

* * Support The Worldwide Work”
Peace out,

 Winston Smith says:

 June 4, 2016 at 5:30 am

“Why do you all keep spending your whole lives fighting against JWs, do these people mean that much to you? Do you not have anything better to do?”

Woman who have been raped often join/support rape awareness programs, adults who were molested as children join support groups, folks who have lost loved ones due to drunk driving join organizations like MADD and similar.
Would you say to these folks: “don’t you have anything better to do?” We have been manipulated and controlled by the Watchtower organization. Some have been mentally abused; others physically and sexually abused. We come here for support and to do what we can to raise awareness about this dangerous cult.
“Do these people mean that much to you?” YES! For many of us our wives, husbands, children, parents, friends, etc. are still trapped in this cult and we want to see them get free. We want our families back. We want our lives back.
If you can’t understand that, then you simply don’t understand what it means to be human.

 dee2 says:

 June 4, 2016 at 7:27 am

@Don Leske:
“Homosexuality? Yes, if you do not believe in the Bible then you can condone just about anything.”
If one is to believe in the Bible then killing homosexuals, paedophilia, child abuse, incest, rape, killing a rape victim and human trafficking/fathers pimping their daughters would be right, so would slavery and killing disobedient children. The Bible is not the best source for morality.

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 June 4, 2016 at 9:56 am

@Don Leske,
 May I ask a question? (1) What do you mean by “The only people it seems that reads this vile post or article are ex-JWs who feel guilty about being kicked out or not being a part of those friendly kind people who only talk about Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering etc.”
(2) Have you read the article or you have dreamt about it!

If you have read the article, I am afraid you are in ex-jws whom you have described in your comments (kicked out, guilty…)!
But, if you have dreamt about the article, I invite you to read the following and ponder the content:
*** w86 1/1 p. 13 par. 12 Days Like “the Days of Noah” ***
Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah’s organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting. It is to be noted, also, that during the past year, 36,638 individuals had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, the greater number of them for practicing immorality

Sex, sex and sex is JWs’ everyday spiritual meal

 rob says:

 June 3, 2016 at 3:22 pm

I totally agree with your point that becoming a witness means leaving behind your cultural roots, your dreams and aspirations, your talents, your desire to learn and study in college or university, your non witness family, and in essence your entire self.
You must become a clone.
On the surface you will dress the same, speak the same, look the same and you will forever have that plastic smile on your face to show others how happy you are to be a witness.
Underneath all of this will be your inner struggle that tugs away at your mind and heart telling you that all is not right, that your talents and likes and dislikes, and your entire self is being suppressed and squashed.
The end result for many could be a feeling of emptiness, despair, or an underlying sadness lurking just below the transparent smile which I myself saw in the faces of so many witnesses.

 Holly Chu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:16 pm

Rob, such an insightful and empathetic comment on the whole JW experience. Hopes and dreams dashed, lives wasted…..

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 3, 2016 at 10:37 pm

So eloquently expressed Rob, describes me to a tee and everything I surrendered at the age of 24 to join. As the years went by I found it harder to leave that bag behind and I increasingly resented being conditioned to always be representing “Jehovah and his organisation” wherever and whenever I was, in everything I did. As I became more and more uncomfortable with the policies and teachings I was meant to be representing I finally woke up and jettisoned them. Now I am just relieved, happy and proud to be representing nobody else but me. The real me, the authentic me!

 Holly Chu says:

 June 3, 2016 at 7:04 pm

The main problem with all these control issues in my opinion is with those children born into the cult. They have no control over their early life and subjection to endless brain numbing mind control at weekly meetings. The endless indoctrination causes cognitive dissonnance lasting years, if not for life. For so many years when I was active, and some one called JW a cult, I vehemently said absolutely not! Well guess what, after the slightest bit of education (something the WT despises) , I now realize they are the poster child for cult like behavior.

 rob says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:31 am

It is true that for many children born into the witness religion, the indoctrination causes them to be wary of anything or anyone outside of the organization. They are in many cases afraid to venture outside of the confines of the “compound” and you are correct they will defend the cult, only because that is all they really know.
The powers that be know that education will cause many of these children to perhaps take a peek at what lies outside of the boundaries of the compound.
But the powers that be in the religion put in a quick fix for this problem. Higher education is not necessary, could be harmful due to bad association and is highly frowned upon and also no privileges for those that don’t adhere to this policy.
And now with the reinforcement on shunning, it appears that the walls of the watchtower are getting higher and higher and more difficult to climb out of.

 mamaditto says:

 June 3, 2016 at 8:47 pm

The ex-gays who I am acquainted with would take issue with the truth about homosexuality being equated with “indoctrination.” While it’s true that we don’t choose how we feel, we do have control over our behavioral responses to our feelings. Someone may be inclined toward a bad temper. We would expect that person to learn to control his temper via anger management. Likewise, someone may be predisposed to obesity. That does not mean they are destined to be fat all their life. It just means they may have to work harder at diet and exercise than the average individual. Why should human sexuality be any different? It’s not hardwired and can be quite fluid during a person’s lifetime. (Prison populations bear this out.)
 Folks, the WTBTS is a pseudo-Christian cult, but let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Homosexuality is a sin. The Scriptures support that view, Jesus supports that view, the Early Church Fathers support that view. It’s only during the past generation that homoerotic activists have invaded the church with their strategy to overthrow Judeo-Christian morality.
 I suggest that James Strait google NARTH and also the Restored Hope Network for a solid clinical and spiritual discussion of the etiology of homosexual development and how people of faith can and have dealt with a condition that is statistically proven to shorten one’s lifespan.


 James Strait says:

 June 3, 2016 at 9:20 pm

Hello mammadito, thanks for your comment. Anger isn’t always necessarily wrong. There are situations that genuinely call for anger. It must be managed in the same way as something like sexuality. There is an appropriate context for anger and there is an inappropriate. You can’t equate anger management with celibacy. That’s what calling homosexuality a sin calls for.

 Paul Brinkman says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:37 pm

Thanks for the professional remarks like “Pseudo-christian cult” = WTBTS

 Victor says:

 June 4, 2016 at 1:12 am

Where Jesus support the idea that homosexuality is a sin?

 Hakizimana Jean de Dieu says:

 June 4, 2016 at 3:12 am

You say “Homosexuality is a sin. The Scriptures support that view, Jesus supports that view, the Early Church Fathers support that view.”
Well, “The Scriptures support” this, too:
 (Deuteronomy 13:6-11) . . .“If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or your cherished wife or your closest companion should try to entice you in secrecy, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ gods that neither you nor your forefathers have known, 7 from the gods of the peoples all around you, whether near you or those far away from you, from one end of the land to the other end of the land, 8 you must not give in to him or listen to him, nor should you show pity or feel compassion or protect him; 9 instead, you should kill him without fail. Your hand should be the first to come upon him to put him to death, and the hand of all the people afterward. 10 And you must stone him to death, because he has sought to turn you away from Jehovah your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and become afraid, and they will never again do anything bad like this among you.

That’s “What it means to be a Jehovah’s Witness”, are you ready to stone “your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or your cherished wife” just because “The Scriptures support” it?

 dee2 says:

 June 4, 2016 at 7:45 am

According to reports, some homosexuals have tried fighting their inclination/tendency using conversion therapy, prayer, faith and repentance. This approach has, however, not worked for everyone – for example, according to
“Exodus International, a Christian ministry that long promoted gay conversion therapy, is shutting its doors and apologizing to the gay community for “years of undue judgment.” ”
See also:
****”Judeo-Christian morality.”
As I stated above, the Bible is not the best source for morality. If one is to follow the Bible then killing homosexuals, paedophilia, child abuse, incest, rape, killing a rape victim and human trafficking/fathers pimping their daughters would be right, so would slavery and killing disobedient children.

 Paul Brinkman says:

 June 3, 2016 at 11:34 pm

There are a lot of believers who are no part more of the Watchtower mankind religion but still believing in the 10 commands. So many people not shall defend your meaning, opinion and even not share it. People are free to express but it not means that we need to accept it as true and right lifestyle. Is JWsurvey the morality standard for JW’s or Ex-Jw’s?

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 4, 2016 at 3:52 am

It doesn’t mention homosexuality in the Ten Commandments…
I personally don’t think that others can truly make a stand on the issue of homosexuality until their own child has come out as gay.
 You can bang on about scripture as much as you like, but until you are personally faced with having to pick a side over your child or the relevance of something written 2000+ years ago, you won’t really be able to speak with authority- regardless of who you claim said authority comes from!
 The only ‘choice’ in play then comes from your own decision on whether you will choose to support your child or condemn your loved one to death and abandon him or her. Lifelong celibacy is NOT an option.


 alanv says:

 June 4, 2016 at 3:12 am

This youtube anti gay video has had nearly a million hits. Of those who voiced a preference only 6% thought it was a good video or message from the org.


 Jason says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:29 am

Thank you for bringing up Watchtower’s hatred towards longhaired men. As a man with a longhair identity, I never felt right with having short hair yet I was forced by Watchtower to go against this. It’s an amazing thing to finally be free of this undue influence. Do they even realize how bigoted their little illustration about the man who cut his hair sounds? As if holiness comes with having short hair.

 Richard says:

 June 4, 2016 at 5:30 am

Great article and spot on.

 Sarah says:

 June 4, 2016 at 11:50 am

This is a good support site and much appreciated. I might not agree with everything printed but it’s always good to consider other persons’ opinions. Being broadminded is not always an allowance for any sort of behavior.
A couple of homosexuals were once neighbours of mine. I considered them friends.
However I do believe there are some lines to be drawn and we have the option to draw them where we like. I am against adultery due to the hurt it causes. A single person, if he/she follows scripture, has to keep some sort of control in place. All of this requires sacrifice. Remaining with a spouse one no longer loves could be hard but maybe the best course in some circumstances.
Giving free reign to our feelings might not always be the best thing. When you get older it’s easier, and feelings don’t play so great a part in life.
Take care all of you.

 Twmack says:

 June 4, 2016 at 1:12 pm

Don’t know the Weekly routine of JWs now, but in the
 50s through to 80s they made sure you didn’t have any
“Time” to develop any other personality than the one they
 had planned for you.

5 meetings a Week, plus Saturday Mag, work, Sunday morn
 FS, usually trying to con the H, Holder into buying some
 unintelligible publication on Revelations. Times not at the KH.
 were spent swotting up, underlining,for the times when we were
 there. Then there were talks on M,S, parts on the S,M,

Then, if you got to be an elder or M,S there were many other
 time consuming “Privileges” to care for. Just no time to
 cultivate any other interests. So when we met socially as
 JWs , the conversation was almost exclusively limited to the
 to the Bible or F,S, experiences, etc,

Altogether, an insular, inward turning lifestyle that stifles any
 individuality or personality development, which are discouraged
 as Satanic by their twisted propaganda.


 dee2 says:

 June 4, 2016 at 2:30 pm

“A good example of this is the Witnesses curious aversion to long hair on men. There are many cultures that venerate this hairstyle on men and boys.”
In Jamaica, for example, some men who are not Rastafarians have long dreadlocks as it is culturally acceptable in Jamaica for men to have long dreadlocks whether or not they are Rastafarians.

 GratefulThinker says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:17 am

As a gay ex-JW, I just want to pipe in and say that I really grow weary of the ongoing ‘nature vs nurture’ argument and whether or not homosexuality is a choice or not.
 Firstly – live and let live! Does my homosexuality affect you in any way? No? Then don’t judge me. And even if it DID, let’s turn the tables around: do I judge those that are heterosexual? Contrary to what many may think, one’s sexuality isn’t really such a big deal and is not the only or indeed premier defining characteristic of a person!
 Secondly – if homosexuality IS a choice then by default heterosexuality must be, too… and yet, THAT is deemed to be “normal”. I would suggest that there is no such thing as “normal”, only “common”. Society has been conditioned to accept heterosexuality as “normal” only because it is the most common form of sexuality.
 My JW step-mother (now also ex-JW) once asked me “When/at what age did you know/decide that you were gay?” Whilst incredulous at her naivety, I merely answered “About the same age YOU ‘decided’ to be straight”.

Anyway, just my gay 2 cents’ worth.

 rob says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:19 am

When I was a witness, I too would have judged you and looked at you as someone who would have to change, but interestingly enough it was me who had to change my views.
When I left the witness religion I left behind a very narrow view of life and I also left behind a very detailed list of expectations that I had with regards to how people should behave.
I agree with you “live and let live”. I no longer would ever want to change someone. The witness religion is a now a speck in my rear view mirror.

 Sam says:

 June 6, 2016 at 3:22 am

Why would you choose to be Gay in Uganda, Jamaica, Russia or Iran?

 Searcher says:

 June 6, 2016 at 9:46 am

Better yet. Why would you choose to be gay in Saudi Arabia. Those oil rich barbarians (in my humble opinion) will cut your head off, only to have it respectfully sewn back on your dead neck before they bury you. Yet, there are still executions of homosexuals in Saudi Arabia now.

 Searcher says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:34 am

This article is great! I have recently raised the question in a few earlier blogs, “Why do organized religions (not just JW’s, but overzealous Christians, Jews, and Muslims) have such a hang up on sexual topics such as masturbation, premarital sex, sex foreplay between married couples, homosexuality, and the like?” Sexual activity is a natural, personal, pleasant, and procreative act. We have 8 billion people on earth. Seems like it works pretty good so far, even with all the alternative ways sexual behavior is expressed by those 8 billion people. We are no where near an endangered species. Homosexuality, masturbation, oral sex, foreplay, premarital sex, and all the other religiously ‘deviant’ behaviors have not hurt humankind in the least for its survival. What are the FACTS to support such taboo behaviors are toxic for humankind? Exceptions are for sex and sexual behaviors that are forced upon unwilling participants. That is a forced invasion of a person’s body and a crime! For religions to govern, much less spend inordinate amounts of time on sexual behavior between consenting adults or personal behavior (i.e. masturbation) just doesn’t make good sense to me.

 Not da Judge says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Well written article James, I find the Caleb and Sophia cartoon characters and videos totally repugnant. I hated the video about Sophia donating her icecream money to the Watchtower organization.
Just when you think Watchtower has hit an all time low; in how to totally demoralize a young person, they come up with more bigoted rubbish to indoctrinate impressionable minds.
Ugh ! Watchtower may you go rot in hell.
Regards Not da Judge

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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker

Posted on June 4, 2016

worst2articleBy now, you may have already seen what have become known as the “Bunker” videos shown during the 2016 Regional convention. The films are centred around a small group of Witnesses huddled in a basement converted into a makeshift bunker, during the period of worldwide turmoil that Watchtower teaches will take place just before the battle of Armageddon, known as the Great Tribulation.
The narrative moves between the characters as they each flashback to a moment that occurred before the Great Tribulation broke out.
The videos are intended as teaching aids to help Jehovah’s Witnesses take to heart the lessons that the Governing Body wants them to learn.
But what are these lessons? Follow me into the Bunker and lets take a detailed tour though events that Watchtower teaches will happen in the very near future, and the actions and attitudes it believes Witnesses will need to show in order to survive them.
Bunker Video 1 – Pride
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.16.18Bunker 1 claims to be a video about the dangers of pride, and features an Elder recounting an example of when the sin of pride almost got the better of him. He explains how another elder at his hall, presumably the School Overseer, gave him some feedback on mistakes he made whilst giving a public talk.
How does his wife react to this? Does she say; “do you think what he said was valid?” or “Did he have a point?” No. She says;

Please tell me you didn’t argue with him.
The wife is not concerned about whether the feedback is valid or not. Her only concern is that he might not have unquestioningly accepted it. The husband replies;

No of course not.
It is as if the very idea would be absurd.
What becomes clear is that the “right” attitude the elder is expected to display here is to unquestioningly accept whatever direction is given to him. No evaluation. No pushback.
It’s healthy to accept constructive criticism, yes, but one should always be ready to push back and challenge criticism or instructions if one does not believe them to be valid after careful consideration. To be a well rounded individual, it is vital to strike this balance between open mindedness and self confidence.
The kind of behaviour being presented here is not that of a well rounded individual capable of evaluating and accepting constructive criticism, rather it is that of an intellectual doormat, who will blindly accept any command from authority and say “thank you” at the end of it. Indeed the dangerous sin as presented here is not even that he argued the point, it’s that he felt resentment even though he blindly accepted it.
Essentially, what had been presented at the outset as a discussion of the dangers of “pride” morphs into a lesson about unquestioningly accepting orders from Watchtower authority with a smile.
Keep that in mind. It won’t be the last time we see this theme of blind unquestioning loyalty sneaking around in the shadows during the Bunker series.
Bunker Video 2 – Improper entertainment
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.29.03Bunker 2 deals with a young man watching pornography on his phone.
Sort of.
It’s actually quite hard to work out what he is supposed to have done. He specifically states that he is NOT watching pornography, but states that the material he is watching is giving him immoral thoughts. Thus it’s hard to work out exactly what the material was supposed to have been. Steamy movies? Artwork featuring attractive people? Catalogue photographs? In any case, the man gives us the comment that:
Anything that stirs up unclean thoughts is worthless, and I should turn my eyes away.
That’s quite a broad and vague command. One cannot simply drop out of sensory experience, closing one’s eyes every time an attractive person passes you on the street.
Much of how you feel about this video might depend on your view of sexual morality as presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses or by faiths with similar teachings on sex. If you share this viewpoint, you may find little to criticise here, and feel the advice well captures a spiritually clean view of sex. Others may consider this view of sex to be repressive and unhealthy. Much will depend on your subjective view.
However, one might also suggest that Watchtower is trying to make Witnesses a little bit afraid of their internet phones, because there is something on that phone even more dangerous to a Witness than pornography.
That thing is: Google.
On the privacy of their smartphone, all a Witness has to do is type a few words into a search engine, say “Jehovah’s Witnesses child abuse,” or “Jehovah’s Witnesses shunning” or even just “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” and of the many sites that will spring up in response, only one will be I remember sitting in a meeting, reading JW Survey articles during one of the more boring talks on my trusty smartphone. A free flow of information is not something Watchtower is in favour of for its followers, and today’s smartphones are portals to all the information in the world…
Bunker Video 3 – Bad associations
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.48.19Bunker 3 deals with the wife of the elder we met in the first video, relating an experience of how she almost fell into “bad association” at work when her workmates invited her to grab a coffee with them in the break area.
The people in the office appear to be offering genuine friendship, but the friendship the Witness is offering in return comes with an ulterior motive. She apparently has no interest in them as people, just as potential recruits for her religion. As she states;
I still thought I could give a witness and actually teach them something about Jehovah.
At one point we see her try to share a scripture, only to be horrified when the people she is talking to offer an opinion different to hers, as if they had no right to interrupt her attempts at preaching. She closes her bible in shock. One of the co-workers smiles knowingly and states…
Too much information, right?
While most intellectually healthy people would consider the sharing of viewpoints and information to be a good thing, here it is presented as something that is damaging to the faithful. Additionally, the video seems to infer that her friends talking about families and husbands, a perfectly normal topic for most people, was somehow a bad thing. The Witness laments…
In reality, I was the one being taught, and I was a quick learner
This video casts the sister as if she is some weak creature with no agency, blown hither and thither by the opinions of those around her. No thought is given to the fact that a mature, rational person should be able to evaluate new viewpoints, decide if they are valid, and reject or adopt them accordingly.
No, she is presented being as doe eyed and impressionable as a small child. I can imagine that many Witnesses might feel uncomfortable and even a little insulted by the assumption from the Governing Body that they are all this impressionable and intellectually feeble.
Bunker Video 4 – Fear of Man
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.16.40Bunker 4 tells us the saga of Kevin.
Kevin is a witness who isn’t in the bunker. The narrative implies that he was always a bit of a spiritually weak Christian, but apparently the final straw for poor Kevin was, according to one of the Bunker folk:

When our message changed form good news to judgement, he was telling everyone that it would make problems for us, and that he was done.
It is inferred that one of the reasons that the Witnesses might be in hiding is that their “message of judgement” helped trigger the Great Tribulation and caused the population and the governments of the world to rise up against them and hunt them down.
Let’s set aside the acknowledged cases of repressive regimes (such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia) persecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses, because often those regimes persecute other religious groups just as badly, and instead focus on the idea that all democratic, liberal governments will turn specifically on Watchtower because Watchtower will begin to proclaim “judgement.”
The problem with this delusion of grandeur is that the Governing Body have clearly never heard of the Westboro baptist church.
For those who don’t know, Westboro is an infamous fundamentalist church known for antagonising the population of United States with its own messages of “judgement”, picketing the funerals of US Servicemen with signs saying “Thank God for dead solders,” and turning up at Gay Pride events with “God hates fags” banners.
The Church sets out to be as antagonistic and fractious as possible with its “judgement messages” going far beyond the limits of any message that Watchtower would ever contemplate carrying. Yet as of 2016, the church members of Westboro have not been hunted down into bunkers by Government goons. Most citizens just dismiss them as unpleasant idiots.
I humbly propose that the Witnesses can, in most free countries, make their message as judgemental as they like, and the very worst that will happen is that people will simply consider them to be a bunch of jerks.
If Governments in liberal democracies DO ever come for Watchtower, it will be because of things like failure to report child abuse, or the enforcement of cruel and abusive practices like shunning, and not because Witnesses started walking around with signs saying “Jehovah will trample you in the wine-press of his anger.”
Bunker Video 5 – Appreciation
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.19.52Bunker 5 is very interesting, especially if one is aware of the recent problems Watchtower has experienced worldwide with news coverage of its child abuse scandal, and with difficulties concerning its “New Light” teaching of the “Overlapping Generations.”
The video begins with the bunker crew reading Psalm 116:12:

“With what will I repay Jehovah, for all the good he has done for me?”
When asked for suggested applications of the scripture, one of the Bunker dwellers says:

What really makes a difference is how we respond to that goodness. For some in the congregation, those good things became a test of their loyalty.
Hmm. Where are they going with this? What are the “good things?” Are they talking about the ransom sacrifice? The hope for the paradise earth? The Bible?
We soon see that this video is yet another example of bait and switch.
The “good things” in the context of this film are basically whatever the Organisation decides to do or say. We see a montage of announcements being made from the platform and of “new light” being given as teachings are changed. We see a couple of brothers looking unhappy about it in the audience. A stern voiceover warns us that these brothers…

…found fault with what the organisation was doing, or not doing
I find that specific wording very interesting.
One thing that the organisation is not doing right now is reporting child abusers to the police, and I know from my own experiences that more and more witnesses are being exposed to this fact. Many Witness often deny this practice exists out of genuine ignorance, and you can sometimes tell it has upset them when they see proof of the claims.
It’s impossible that they are not talking to the elders about it, and it’s impossible that reports of this disquiet won’t have reached the Governing Body. Given the context of the video, it seems clear Watchtower is saying that any criticism of what it “isn’t doing” is disloyal, and fails to show appreciation to God.
I can’t see a loving God appreciating anyone who helps a child molester evade justice. I can’t see how anyone can possibly class this as a “good thing”
Additionally, it is implied that the frowning brothers do not like the “New Light” being taught. Now, there is only really one major “new light teaching in recent years that could ruffle the feathers (although the 2016 shunning clampdown might give it a close run for its money), and that is the teaching of the Overlapping Generations.
As explained here in a previous JW Survey article by the site’s founder Lloyd Evans:

For decades Watchtower publications insisted that Armageddon was imminent because, they argued, the generation of anointed Witnesses (who believed they were going to heaven) who witnessed and understood the events of 1914 would not die out before Armageddon arrived.
This claim was based on Matthew 24:34, where Jesus told his followers that the generation that witnessed various apocalyptic signs would not die out until all his words, including the “great tribulation” (the prelude to Armageddon), came true.
Sounds great. Until you realise that this generation of people are now basically all dead. Lloyd continues:

The most recent solution, as proposed by Watchtower in 2010… is to essentially embellish Jesus’ words by suggesting that “this generation” doesn’t have to be just one generation, but can be two.
The first “group” of “this generation” would witness and understand the events of 1914, and the second group would be those who were born before the last individuals in the first group died (hence an “overlapping” generation).
If you don’t understand this, it is not due to any failure on your part. It is because it doesn’t make sense. The teaching rides roughshod over the English language, redefining what “generation” means, and relying on the audience to willfully bypass their logical thinking skills by asserting the incomprehensible as indisputable truth.
After all, if you can arbitrarily insist that a generation can be composed of two groups, why not have three, four, five – on into infinity? The word “generation” quickly loses all meaning.
This teaching came into force shortly before I left, but even at the time I knew from my own discussions with Witnesses that no-one could really explain it, no-one liked discussing it, and on my way out of the faith I pointedly asked one elder if he really believed it and could prove it to me just using the Bible.
He looked a little awkward and suggested the teaching would be “further refined.”
My experience clearly isn’t an isolated one. The problem is apparently so bad that JW Broadcasting had to devote an entire episode to trying to explain it, as seen below, again with analysis from Lloyd Evans.

So, in summary, we see yet another video that claims to be about one thing, appreciation, but actually ends up being about something else, namely: “Stop asking embarrassing questions, stop pointing out flaws in our policies and doctrines, just do what we tell you to do and think what we tell you to think.”
Bunker Video 6 – Self Control
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.23.47Bunker 6 deals with a Sister who admits that the struggle she had to overcome was that of “negative thinking.”
What does she mean by negative thinking?
It’s never expressly stated exactly what this means. Feeling of unworthiness? Low self esteem? I can’t be 100% certain, but listen to the way she describes her emotions:

I would pray, but at times the feelings were so strong, I didn’t know what to do.
Will I ever stop feeling like this?
To me, that sounds like she’s describing depression. I should know: I’ve struggled with depression, as have people close to me. What is the response of the older sister that this apparently seriously depressed person turns to?

The scriptures tell us as Christens we pray for self control in our actions, but we need the same self control for our thoughts.
This sister is essentially told that her depression is her fault. She lacks self control, and needs to read more scriptures and pray harder to control her depression. No mention is made of seeking professional medical help. The sister is simply expected to study the bible, pray about it, and overcome her sinful lack of self control. It’s implied that if she cannot do this, she is disloyal to God. 1 Corinthians 9:25 is invoked to back this up.

Now everyone competing in a contest exercises self-control in all things. Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, but we, one that does not perish.
I will be honest, this video made my blood boil.
As I have said, I have direct experience with how serious an issue depression can be. In the worst case scenario, people can take their own lives. Serious cases of depression often require professional help and sometimes medication, and with such assistance a real improvement in the life of the depressed person can indeed be possible.
But the idea that you should tell a person with depression that they simply need to develop “self control” to cope with the issue is insulting and downright dangerous. You can’t “fix” depression by reading scriptures and implying to the person that their feelings are “their fault” for not having self control.
I don’t really know what else to say here. This video will be like a slap in the face to any Witness genuinely suffering from depression and will only make them feel worse for their “sin” of being depressed.
It could make their fellow witnesses even less understanding, might cause them to view the depressed one as someone lacking self control and loyalty, and thus “bad association,” causing them to withdraw from the depressed Witness. Add into the mix the fact that the need for skilled professional help is totally ignored in the video, and I shudder to think what impact this video may have on vulnerable Witnesses.
Bunker Video 7 – Love
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.29.30The basic theme of Bunker 7 is: “you all have too much stuff.”
It features a pioneer couple, in flashback, describing how they apparently once had a comfortable life, despite both being pioneers. It’s made clear that having a comfortable life is a bad thing. They couple sell up, move to a much smaller home, and get rid of most of their possessions.
Granted, it would nice if Watchtower didn’t try shaming those who work hard and choose to live comfortably within their means, but some people do find that slimming down their life gives them the chance to focus on other life-goals that matter to them. Each to their own.
The problem is, this pioneer couple then decide to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelisers and move to serve where the “need is greater.” I’m sure they feel that Jehovah and his Organisation will care for them….
…the same organisation that is currently slimming down its Bethel staff, getting rid of the older travelling overseers, and generally tossing full time servants out on their ear due to budget cuts. But we’re coming to the end of the video series because in Bunker 8, the police break down the door.
Bunker Video 8 – Faith
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.34.08There is actually not that much that I found noteworthy about Bunker 8. The Bunker Buddies basically review the previous videos, read a bunch of scriptures to strengthen their faith, the police finally work out that maybe the Witnesses are hiding behind the big white door (what are these, the Keystone Cops?) and the scene fades to black as the armoured thugs close in on our Bunker Brotherhood.
It has to be said though, the overall theme of the series is indeed fascinating. The videos return time and again to the same themes. Stop asking awkward questions. Stop being depressed. Stop questioning New Light. Stop listening to people who have different opinions. Do whatever we tell you and smile when when you say yes sir.
Watchtower convention programs are not written at random. The talks are often a response to issues and trends currently concerning Watchtower’s leaderships. So what can we learn about current trends in the worldwide congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses from this video?
Witnesses are asking awkward questions. Witnesses are depressed. Witnesses are questioning “new light.” Witnesses are listening to other opinions. Not enough Witnesses are doing what they are told – or if they are, they are grumbling.
I don’t think all is well in the land of Watchtower.
I think the Governing Body has a problem. It might not just be the rank and file Witnesses for whom this ends up being the #worstconventionever.
For further analysis of this video, including many points not covered here, please check out the video from JW Survey’s Lloyd Evans below. Believe it or not, this article has not even scratched the surface of how disturbing this video is. Click, if you dare, and Lloyd will take you even further into this crazy bunker shaped rabbit hole.


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172 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker

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 KimJones says:

 June 4, 2016 at 4:55 pm

Great article Covert Fade. The Bunker Videos remind me of a childhood game we used to play called “Simon Says.” For example, the society used to say, don’t clap when it’s announced from the platform someone has been reinstated and now recently they say yes you can clap when it’s announced from the platform someone is reinstated. Instead of Simon Says it’s the GB says.

 QuietObserver says:

 June 4, 2016 at 5:25 pm

I put this thought on another thread, but it seems more appropriate here. Has anyone considered if the GT video(bunker videos) is because the Orgy know that nearly all the governments of the Western world are coming after them for their position on child abuse and oppression of women, including sexual harassment that happens at the Bethels? Here in Australia the general consensus is that they are selling off the Bethel and all their equipment as well as many KHs before the Royal commission comes after them for the compensation scheme. If they create this fear for the R&F that the governments are after them because it’s the GT and not because of their own lies and betrayals, they will close ranks around the GB to protect them. What do you think?
Thank you Covert Fade for this excellent article. Hubby and I are enjoying these immensely.

 LJ says:

 June 7, 2016 at 1:47 pm

Sexual Harassment at Bethel??
 This is the first time I’ve heard of this. But as I think about it I’m not surprised at all. Can you share any links with me with more information.


 Markie says:

 June 4, 2016 at 5:43 pm

I think this bunker crap is just plain wishful thinking and is also to create a sense of urgency in the brothers and sisters. But I also believe that the selling off of certain buildings by the society due to pedophile lawsuits is also wishful thinking by many people posting on this site. It’s just a reorganization by a big corporation trying to put their resources to the best use.
I do believe that the GB will have to come up with new light and the “Methusala Generation” after the overlapping generation does not panout.

 millwallandrew says:

 June 6, 2016 at 2:53 am

The GB ‘loves’ to dream alot. They come up with radically crazy and weird theories and scenarios so as to entice/enslave or threaten their 99% gullible flock. Its outrageous and absurd just sitting there at the KH and having to consume all that ‘Hogwash’ for 1hr:45min. Its depressing and really boring! And the elders keep drumming on the idea that ‘spiritually weak xtianz are those who do not attend FIELD, MEETINGS, go to UNIVERSITY, QUESTION GB ORDERS, ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT JW TEACHINGS, do not COMMENT AT MEETINGS……Am really tired of their trash.

 QuietObserver says:

 June 4, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Hmmm….wishful thinking….well, take a look at the ARC and the PROMISE that they are coming after the Org and that the Org WILL be made to participate in the compensation scheme for child abuse victims. They have been given 2 years to come into compliance with the findings of the ARC. Within 6 months of this directive by the ARC, Bethel Australia began selling off all equipment and trucks and machinery in Bethel Australia and the Branch itself has been put up for sale. Looks like a duck, walks like a duck….wishful thinking means it must be a cooked goose.,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx

 Markie says:

 June 4, 2016 at 6:11 pm

Or maybe they just over built in Warwick and need the cash. I guess we will just have to wait and see. They were idiots selling off Brooklyn.

 alanv says:

 June 5, 2016 at 5:18 am

Why were they idiots? It just makes good business sense. Especially now there is much less printing space needed. It’s no different to me downsizing my house now that I am the only one living in it. No real need to have a three or four bedroom house any more.

 Markie says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Because it was in such a desirable spot and now they went and put the money in Warwick which is in the middle of no where and its also a toxic waste dump. So they will never have the windfall they had selling Brooklyn again. I also think they should have waited to sell some of it because they started the sell off back in 2010 when the market was down.
 They always say we are deep in the time of the end but they used all those brothers and sisters time to build that place when they should have been out in the preaching work. They took care of their future but hypocritely tell us not to prepare for our future in this system in regards to education, professional jobs etc…


 Chiafade says:

 June 5, 2016 at 10:24 pm

“Or maybe they just over built in Warwick and need the cash”
Sounds like wishful thinking Markie.

 Jill Hileman says:

 June 4, 2016 at 7:30 pm

This was a stellar analysis, Covert Fade. Truly well done. Thank you personally for giving voice to the piece about depression, curiously renamed by the Governing Body as “Negative Thinking”.
The shame of depression in the Witness organization lies at the feet of their leadership, not the people suffering. They’ve clearly changed their tune about reaching out for professional help since I left under the weight of chronic suicidal depression in the ’90’s.
Knowledge is truly power.

 Cobb says:

 June 4, 2016 at 9:10 pm

“When our message changed form good news to judgement” Hmm. Matthew 24:14 will have to be changed from “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” To “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth until the Governing Body arbitrarily decides to change Jesus’ message to one of judgement which will piss people off.. and then the end will come.” In any case, they have switched to a message of doom before in an attempt to ‘bring it on’ and we see how well that worked.

 vivian says:

 June 4, 2016 at 10:47 pm

oh my god. This is some crazy stuff. I cant believe this was made. Why didnt they put at least a double lock on that door? Why is everyone still dressed like they are going to a pot luck dinner? This stuff is UNBELIEVABLE. im so embarrassed. Good god.

 Paul brinkman says:

 June 4, 2016 at 11:10 pm

For the Watchtower it is like the communistic leaders in 1989. The members have no more energy(only a few of them obey blind the GB), so the most “worse convention” is all about the GB himself how they shall be destroyd soon and not the worldsystem, first.
 Thank you Covert Fade for this excellent article !


 Sarah says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:14 am

Thanks Covert. The ‘do what you are told or else’ attitude is dreadful. We are supposed to check what is said to see if it is correct from God’s point of view. No way can we follow anyone blindly. We are supposed to be wise, and be able to think for ourselves.
God doesn’t hate anyone, fag or not. The organization’s stance makes people go in the opposite direction. There is a problem with unbridled sex. Sexually transmitted diseases are rife and cause awful damage. Antibiotics are losing the battle. There are psychological and physical problems with having many sexual partners. Gay people do die younger than most.
If the org presented the wish of God to help people rather than simply condemn, it would be far more effective. That is, if they get it right in the first place.

 Grey Tower says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:44 am

What the current “intake” of Witnesses fail to realize is that every 30 years or so the organization regurgitates all the fear-mongering about Armageddon in order to whip up the faithful to work harder and to get ready for the persecution that’s imminent.
My parents became Witnesses in the late 1930’s, believing they were part of the generation alive in 1914 that would see the “end of this wicked system of things” at Armageddon. Before my father died in 1999 his attitude towards the significance of 1975 changed, which is around the time I voted with my feet and left the organization.
What’s changed is the desperation of the Governing Body to hold onto their power and to retain control over the rank and file. I think you are right in suggesting this could be “the worst convention ever” because the new shunning policy, along with the heavy-handed methods of the GB to enforce unthinking and unquestioning obedience, is likely to backfire spectacularly. I think the GB have shot themselves in the foot, spiritually speaking, and that large numbers of Witnesses will now wake up to the way they are being manipulated.
Interesting comments about how the Society is responding to the Australian Royal Commission findings.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:53 am

@Grey tower: I really hope you are correct about this backfiring. I was planning to boycott this year’s convention and just not waste my time, but now I think I will attend with my husband. I have to see how he reacts.
I genuinely don’t know if he will agree with the points made, or if he will see it for what it is.
He is so skeptical about almost everything else: commercials and politicians, etc., bold and unproven or unsupported claims of any type. I can’t believe he wasn’t first before me to see through the lies and manipulation of the GB.
But regardless of what happens in my personal situation, I hope that many people who were on the fence or giving the organization the benefit of the doubt and/or making excuses for them will start to see through them and begin to pay more and greater attention to their own unanswered questions and their own sense of conscience, of justice and common sense right and wrong.
Of course the GB will have an answer for the great exodus and will attempt to shame and vilify those who leave. And will praise those who stay for their loyalty and unshakeable faith.

 John ship says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:52 am

I think also it should be mentioned about the new technology and jw broadcast.i do not like the broadcast and neither does my wife we are both over 70 and cannot cope with the new techno tablets etc we do not want jw broadcast. The elders know this but keep pestering us to have some device fitted to our tv so we can watch jw broacast ” every evening” yukwe have told em we dont want it cant afford it . But still they keep on …i think many are like us and will be pressured …well it wont work .i told my wife if they keep on ill just give up( which ive been fading for over a year) its a problem for the g b im sure…

 Freed Mason says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:35 am

@John ship – exact comments from my 81 year old mother who has been a witness for 60 years, the tech is expensive, impersonal and non interactive – this is probably the reason for it in the first place.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 5, 2016 at 5:20 am

Reminds me of the telescreens from Orwell’s 1984.

 Tara says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:25 am

When I was still attending meetings, albeit few and far between, one MS at the book counter asked if I wouldn’t just prefer to download all the crap… I mean literature. I told him I would once the GB bought me a tablet. He was quite taken aback, as were those standing around.

 Gameisover says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:51 am

Depression? I knew well two bethelites who hung themselves AT Bethel. And a regular pioneer who threw herself off her balcony.
 Everyone was shocked but not for long. The topic died out almost immediately because
” if would bring reproach on Jehovahs name”. As incredible as it may seem I still stayed on for another 10 years. When I ponder over all these abuses and realize how robotic and submissive people are in this organization I can only hope that
 some world wide scandal awakens the many good hearted people that are still in, including my children. I don’t even know where they are. This is shunning in the extreme!


 ScotWm says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Regarding Bethel suicides:
The Watchtower claims to have the truth that leads to eternal life. The Governing Body claims that they are the faithful slave appointed by Jesus to guide His followers into the new world.
A Bethel slave wants to do everything possible to please Jehovah, who they believe is represented on earth by the Governing Body. The Governing Body will always demand more and more from its cult members, even those who are serving at Bethel. No amount of faithful service to the Watchtower will ever be enough.
Therefore, some Bethel slaves — and regular Witnesses — become seriously depressed when their hope for eternal life appears to be unattainable.

 Big B says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:18 pm

@ ScotWm
Hope for eternal life in “paradise earth” is definitely unattainable. Why? Because it (“paradise earth”) cannot be found in the entire Bible.
As soon as the G.B. admits that their interpretation of the 144,000 is wrong and is a symbolic number, as is everything else in Revelation, the better off everyone will be.
As of now the G.B. cannot explain away the increase of memorial partakers (to the tune of more than 500 per year) for the last 10 years. What does this mean? The number of partakes is growing and not diminishing as time passes as they said would happen.
Also, J.W.’s (Watchtower study edition July 15, 2013 chart) now have a “rapture” like many born again, evangelical faiths. The remnant leaving for heaven before the great tribulation starts. This is something we poked fun at.
No wonder many are discouraged, disgruntled, disappointed, disgusted and depressed; not only at Bethel but congregational as well.
In my area, of Southeastern Virginia, a certain congregation had to ask another congregation elder to become the coordinator of elders. Why? Because no one wanted to become the coordinator amongst their body of elders, no one.


 ScotWm says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:56 pm

Regarding Big B — “Rapture”: I just downloaded the July 2013 Study Edition and there it was:
From the endnotes on page 8:
“Paragraph 8: [2] One of the events mentioned in these verses is the ‘gathering of the chosen ones.’ (Matt. 24:31) Hence, it appears that all anointed ones who still remain on earth after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed will at some point be raised to heaven before the outbreak of the battle of Armageddon.”
In this statement, a rapture before Armageddon “appears” possible. In the following statement, this rapture becomes a fact:
From the chart on page 11: “Shortly before Armageddon, the remaining faithful anointed ones are gathered to the heavens.”
Wow, that was a fast “adjustment.” On page 11, we had new light on what was stated on page 8 of the same magazine.


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:13 pm

My father has been faithfully attending meetings for over 40 years. Meeting attendance was never an issue for him at any point in my entire life!
He always studied thoroughly and prepared well for all the meetings. He looked things up in the cited references. He wasn’t lazy and didn’t take shortcuts.
But he’s in his 80’s now and doesn’t own a computer, tablet, or smartphone. And he’s kind of intimidated about trying to learn to use them at his age.
I’ve watched his meeting attendance fall off by about 60% and it’s not because he’s old or sick and it’s too much trouble to leave the house.
He said to me that he feels lost at the meetings with the new format. Since he’s out of sync with the technology, he can’t study properly before hand and he can’t really keep up and follow along while he’s there.
I feel like they know that the older ones who aren’t familiar with the technology and the people of any age who can’t afford it will get left behind, but they just don’t even care.
I feel like those individuals have been deemed irrelevant and disposable.

 Anthony Mangan says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:37 am

great article! loved it. i feel sick after reading it.
 quite a lot of typos though in the article. Keep up the great work. best wishes, wildelover.


 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:56 am

I know you say there was nothing noteworthy about bunker video 8…. I think the fear factor was ramped up with the military style invasion of the basement…and I think it is a disgrace that children are watching this en masse and being told this is the truth…this is what is going to happen…. I was brought up in this crappy organization and know how afraid I was as a child…when we read about persecution in Malawi I was afraid…when we read about concentration camps I was afraid…when we read about people dying from not having a blood transfusion I was afraid…. dont be fooled that these young minds are not drinking in every word in these dramatizations…. they are…and that is how the control starts.

 John ship says:

 June 5, 2016 at 4:41 am

It reminds me of the fear of nuke war i grew up with in the 50s .the bunker scene upset me so much it brought back the terror feelinds .i could not sleep that night after seeing it and im over 70 what will this do to the minds of children.?

 Joe says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:26 am

Hi all,
I’d like to make couple of points. It saddens me to see
 a departure from the policies that stipulated limited contact. The reasons why limited was permitted (relatives) in my view was due to the following.

A departure from one’s system of beliefs should not translate into a complete annihilation from their families.
 Secondly, that limited contact safe guarded the fundamental principles of family structure and the gift of free will. Anyone who’ve read the original article initially publish about how to deal with dis-fellowship relatives will know that dis-fellow shipping DOES NOT break family ties. It was clearly written in in that article. September 15 1981 Questions from readers.


 Joe says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:30 am

The September 15 1981 article has two parts to it. The first deals with how to treat dis-fellowship people in general and the second part deals with relatives in particular. However, i’ve heard people saying for a very long time that families of dis-fellowship relatives are not allow to actively seek association with them just for the sake of it but should only contact them when it’s absolutely necessary. Thats far from the truth. The article in itself was not deterministic nor conclusive or lay blanket rules about those matters. Rather what it sought to achieve was to lay general principles. For example, can you invite a dis-fellowship relative for a wedding at the hall? Again, there isnt a yes or no answer. Highly discretional with the following principles in mind. The article states ” We cannot say whether a dis-fellowship relative should attend the wedding but it’ll be up to those involve to resolve”. Sept. 15 1981 Pages 26-31. Can a disfellowship person attend the reception? Well the answer lay bare in the principles that it brought out. Because the fellowship person may be more likely to seek to associate with people which includes other witnesses attending the reception it MAY be best for them not to attend. Another thing that need to be taken into account is how will other invitee’s to the occasion feel about seeing a disfellowship person around. Sept. 15 1981 Pages 26-31. Again principles in play, even though this answer leans more toward a no from a sound judgement perspective, its not conclusive, it doesn’t categorical say no or yes. The answer lies on a case by case basis because all scenarios cannot possibly be thought off or written about due to it infeasibility. Again the overriding principle was if you chose to associate with a DISFELLOWSHIP RELATIVE, keep it to the minimum; with no conditions attached to the minimum association or contact rule.
 I believe a sudden twist in policy violates two fundamental principles. The gift of free-will and the cohesiveness of the family structure. The assumption that underpins that policy is “ All witnesses children will have only two options, become a witness and remain in the family circle or have a different view and be thrown out”. Having said that I also have strong reservations about dis-associated people been classified in the dis-fellowshipped category again because it violates the principles of free will. That’s probably one of the reasons why mankind weren’t created as robots but humans.
 Point two, I don’t always agree with cedars on all published articles but a few. One of the few common grounds we share is the issue of disfellowshipped relatives and the application of Lev. 10:1-6 on disfellowship relatives. Anyone reading this passage will know that this passage was a specific instance where Jehovah executed divine judgement. It was not carryout through proxies and henceforth applying that scripture to relatives of disfellowshipped people or persons is just not fit for purpose.
 Finally cedar mention that masturbation is not explicitly prohibited in the scriptures. Cedars you’re right there isn’t a scripture that specifically prohibits masturbation but as a MST graduate you should know that there are principles that cover that subject. For example if you turn the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you’ll not find a single verse or passage that says “ do not smoke” however there are principles that governs. Paul said don’t take in anything that’ll harm your body (that passage cover smoking). As Christians we are admonish to keep morally and mentally clean and of course masturbating will NOT be consistent with that principle.

More to come……………………

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:02 am

There is a principle in the bible from Jesus Christ that says ‘any man who looks at a woman…commits adultry in his heart’ …. however that is not grounds for scriptural divorce in the organization….
There is a statement of firm instruction from Paul… ‘marry only in the lord’…. you are not disfellowshipped if you do….
They pick and choose which principles to attatch laws to and the decision is arbitrary.
 You say that associating with a disfellowshipped relative is a matter of free will…I think you are mistaken…in a neighbouring congregation a brother had all his privileges removed because he attended the ceremony of his long time disfellowshipped brother…
There are countless instances in my area of the organization coming down in a very strong way against association with disfellowshipped, disassociated and inactive ones in a family…..I dont know your background but I suspect you are an elder with doubts… I am now 58 and only woke up properly 4 years ago…all my family are witnesses including my very much ‘in’ spouse…. Im fading to try and avoid being shunned by my children… now that quiet avenue of using my free will and leaving is beibg removed from me.


 Joe says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:50 am

Thanks Idontknowwhattodo, i’ll clarify couple of points. As per the article, association with DISFELLOWSHIPPED relatives SHOULD BE discretional and kept to the minimum, so i’m not mistaken. (READ THE ARTICLE) Unfortunately body of elders have this tendency to cohort with one another to suppress the clear interpretation of the article and rather follow the supposedly SPIRITUAL interpretation which involve outright shunning using fear and intimidation.
 Secondly, i don’t know the full circumstances of that case but what i can say and cedars should know this is when a brother has privileges, HE IS REQUIRED TO BE EXEMPLARY AT ALL TIMES. Even though the limit contact rule SHOULD apply equally to everyone, it doesn’t. So that brother knew he was an elder, at some stage cohort with other body of elders to counsel another member of the congregation to either limit (hopefully he encourage limited association) or shun a dis-fellowship relative. The brother in question should have known that the requirement to be exemplary primarily applies to brothers with privileges. So he should have been very careful, because might have been the same person telling people what to do, The scripture say ” you telling someone what to do, teach yourself”. There was nothing scripturally wrong with attending weddings of a disfellowshipped relative but the brother should have known that even though there was nothing wrong with it, others were going to twist it and use it against him. He also should have known the organisation doesnt have a structure and fair system to handle appear cases, using discernment, he should have stay away just to safe guard his privileges. Its called wisdom.


 Joe says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:56 am

Regarding the issue of looking at a woman with the intent of having sexual relations, you can be counsel on it and if a person doesnt desist they can be dis-fellowship as a last resort depending on the body of elders that handle your case, a body may be self-righteous, another may be very human.

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:44 am

You miss my point…Im saying that though there are principles the gb use to make laws they pick and choose the principle that needs these supplementary laws to fullfill the principle…the ones that suit them…ie: a rule about masturbation…. yet the principle on looking at a woman has no rule attatched… you intruigue me Joe… do you agree with these arbtrary rules then?

 Cedars says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:46 am

“Cedars you’re right there isn’t a scripture that specifically prohibits masturbation but as a MST graduate you should know that there are principles that cover that subject.”
Ah, so you’re into creating supplemental rules for the sake of preventing people from breaking actual biblical rules. Interesting. I know an organization you should consider joining.

 Searcher says:

 June 8, 2016 at 7:21 pm

I’ll bet the Bethel rule makers said, “Because kids do it so much, it feels good to them, and it involves the genitals, then it MUST be sinful. We need to make a law! HA HA. What a bunch of knuckleheads.

 Tara says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:36 am

I attended my df’d sons wedding. A month or so later I had a ‘shepherding call’. The two elders were very nice until we finally got to the real reason for their ‘loving, shepherding call’.
Elder – ‘Can you tell us how you can justify attending your df’d sons wedding?’
Me – certainly. God gave me a conscience. I used it.
Elders – blank look.
Me – thank you for coming.
I have refused every attempt at them returning. I haven’t been to a meeting in 6 months. I have not returned calls or notes pushed through my door. I am shunning the persistent wrong doers.

 Oubliette says:

 June 5, 2016 at 8:02 am

Tara, good for you for taking a stand for your son and yourself!

 JWIntellect says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:48 am

I am doing the same thing. I recently received a card from an elder in my congregation, but I don’t plan on responding to it.

 Will says:

 June 5, 2016 at 9:43 pm

That’s amazing!!!

 Outandabout says:

 June 6, 2016 at 3:24 pm

It’s amazing how easy it is to make these poor people look silly. I recently had an elder and servant on my doorstep and without being rude to them, I very quickly had them squirming and looking at the ground. I invited them in and they declined. I’m not even a jw and I knew more than they did. Also, the first thing the elder did was lie to me and then went on to reveal himself as he left. Surely, this cult can’t last like this.

 Searcher says:

 June 8, 2016 at 7:26 pm

“Cedars you’re right there isn’t a scripture that specifically prohibits masturbation but as a MST graduate you should know that there are principles that cover that subject. ”
Yeah? I’m waiting for the Caleb and Sophia cartoon where Caleb gets caught playing with his privates and Mom has to explain how bad it is. That should be a good one!

 Joe says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:34 am

Meant to be MTS graduate……

 Balcácer says:

 June 5, 2016 at 5:53 am

Bunker Video 8 – Faith
It can be also related as: ” The Watchtower Modern Version of the musical West Side Story”
The Jets represented by the JW’s and the Sharks represented by the stormtroopers police.
What a bad joke.

 Dee says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:29 am

I love your analyses Floyd. Always spot on, pull no punches. Thankyou. If the GB have to threaten and cajole their “remaining” followers. It’s apparent they are desperately trying to stem the tide out the exit door. Scare tactics ala Nazi Germany is all they have left to use. I do fear the Koolaid is next. And I think the GB will take the money squirreled in the Caymans and abandon ship before the police break down THEIR white door.

 happymother says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:12 am

I finally get what I think is the real meaning of bunker 7 where the couple sells belongings. Whilst viewing I couldn’t understand how selling their house and all their belongings would strenghen the couple’s faith. I realize only now that doing so probably has nothing to do with faith. When all is sold I’m pretty sure the cash won’t stay in the bank too long. Guess who’ll be there to make sure you donate it?

 Oubliette says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:52 am

It’s interesting to compare what the WTBTS is NOT DOING in regards to their pedophile problem with the Catholic church.
I read in the paper just this morning that Pope Francis has approved new rules that hold bishops accountable if they fail to protect their flock from pedophiles.
I remember in the late ’80s when the child abuse scandal in the Catholic church was becoming public, we (JWs) would wag our fingers and shake our heads disapprovingly and say things like, “That just proves they are a false religion. Aren’t we glad we are not like that?”
Well it’s clear that the JW religion is actually worse than the Catholic church. The RCC is now making changes while the WTBTS continues to hypocritically cover up their moral failings.
Thanks for shining a bright light on this issue!
Let’s review: It’s a cult!

 QuietObserver says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:58 am

Hi Joe, thanks for all the hard work that went into your comment. But your information is based on
 September 15 1981 Questions from readers. That is old, out of date information and not acceptable.

July 15, 2011 Watchtower study edition gives you the new, up-to-date information that all here are concerned about. Read on:
16 The message is clear. Our love for Jehovah must be stronger than our love for
 unfaithful family members.
 17 Today, Jehovah does not immediately execute those who violate his laws. He lovingly gives them an opportunity to repent from their unrighteous works. How would Jehovah feel, though, if the parents of an unrepentant wrongdoer kept putting Him to the test by having unnecessary association with their disfellowshipped son or daughter?

My question is, who gets to decide what is “having unnecessary association”? Do you get to decide? Or do the Elders decide for you? Most of us here know from personal experience, your conscience doesn’t count. The only acceptable decision is the one the Elders make for you. If you proceed according to the September 15, 1981 information and the Elders hear you used your own conscience, they will be calling on you. Hope you are ready.

 Joe says:

 June 6, 2016 at 1:07 am

Thanks Quietobserver, i’m not sure how well you understand referencing but Cedars can help you in this regard. He’s very passionate about it. The Gods Love book has an appendix that references the September 15 1981; In as much as the God Love good is still in use (meaning not discontinued)then the references it uses are valid. When an article is use as a reference, it serves as an authority over that piece of work regardless of how old it is except when there is a new article. The article you’re referencing doesnt conclusively address the issue rather gives synopsis. Let assume that appendix was in the knowledge book then you’ll be 100 percent right but this is not the case. The God’s Love book is still use to teach students through to baptism; therefore in as much as it references an article publish in the eighties, it is valid. The extend of it relevance is debatable.

 QuietObserver says:

 June 6, 2016 at 4:26 am

So Joe, when your Elders come after you for associating with someone whom they deem is not worthy and your reasons (say a death in the family) are not valid enough, you are gonna bring out that information and show it to them? They will bow their heads and humbly admit that they should allow you to exercise your own conscience? Hmmmm….let us know how it turns out, ok?

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:37 am

 I get the impression Joe is an elder and having a struggle with things going on in the congregation…QuietObserver ..well made points and well referenced I dont think you needed his very ‘elder-like’ instruction on referencing… I feel for him that he has to satisfy his need to counsel us…I dont need that instruction any more…I am intelligent enough..not overly…just enough to understand what is going on around me and can decide myself what is lies and deceit… watching every munute of the ARC opened my eyes to the fact that the gb lie…and I will never allow them or the elders to tell me what to do again.


 joe says:

 June 7, 2016 at 8:23 pm

Hey Idontknowwhatodo, this has nothing to do with putting you down i’m sorry you felt that way. Rather its just a basic academic standard of referencing. Neither was i counselling you either. I was just making a factual statement whether you agree or not is not my problem. We will all be accountable for our actions at some point in time.


 M Saurus says:

 June 6, 2016 at 9:30 am

So, Joe – how would your fellow elders feel about you participating in a discussion (or even looking at) on an “apostate” website? You have committed a disfellowshipping offense.

 Zappa-Esque says:

 June 5, 2016 at 8:14 am

This is all about Fear – Ramping. And brain-washing. There must surely be some desperation within the hallowed halls of GB-dom right now.
 If you visit you will notice that many religions are under the cosh in different countries – not just JW. Org –

 Telescopium says:

 June 5, 2016 at 10:49 am

If Video #6 is indeed about depression, then I too am disgusted by the portrayal. Would a wounded soldier be disloyal to his commander because he can’t run as fast as his uninjured comrades?
I find that people who have never experienced deep depression do not understand the terminology used to describe the effects on the depressed mind. The video producers seem to fall into this category. They do try to convey the sister’s pain (I’m sure they have many examples to draw from) but the solutions betray their lack of understanding.
For me, depression tricks me into not wanting to feel better. Taking my hope of living away from me takes with it any reason or desire to do anything, making simple tasks (like just getting out of bed) impossible because there’s no reason to. If you then throw in ACTUAL reasons not to get out of bed (Saturday field service, Sunday meetings) you’re mixing a recipe for a whole batch of depressed Witnesses, which is what seems to be the case.
I’m glad I left. The year after my wife and I made the decision was the hardest year of my life. But now we look at the Organization with a different point of view and try to laugh at how zany everything is.

 ScotWm says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:11 am

From the Bunker video: “Anything that stirs up unclean thoughts is worthless, and I should turn my eyes away.”
Watchtower cult members should avoid reading from the old testament. Those ancient accounts of gross sexual misconduct and genocidal mass murderer will certainly stir up unclean thoughts.

 Telescopium says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:42 pm

And what about the Song of Solomon?
“The curves of your thighs are like ornaments.”
 “Your navel is a round bowl.”
 “My breasts are like towers.”

Better turn my eyes away… because it’s startin’ to get pretty hot in here.

 ScotWm says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:23 pm

That’s a good one. Here’s another one:
“Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (1 Sam 15:3)

 Chiafade says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:07 pm

I’ll add my two cents with this one : “The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” Hosea 13:16

 Cartan says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:30 am

I never comment the posts, but I think this one deserves real attention. I am a fader, just like many people here, and I started to get in touch with the JW thing that I was “missing” for not being there anymore by following your blog and Patheos, basically. In the future I will write Lloyd to thank him for his great effort in bringing to light many of the obscure things that happens behind Kingdom Hall’s doors, and are not taken seriously by people outside, sometimes. For now I want to resume what this “bunker video” shows me about the future directions of the JW Organization: they’re going full cult. Although there always have been this kind of “apocalyptic” message in conventions (the old “district congress”, I guess), it’s clear that the organization wants to get rid of ANY kind of reason, critics, and independent thought. As Lloyd pointed in some video before, the more dense literature such as the old book “Insight” and even others that simulated some kind of “erudiction” are now cast away, replaced by dumb and melodramatic videos with childish moral lessons about being “loyal” without question. Some things that specially called my attention in this drama are:
 1) The “sister in work” tale:
 I think this is really a misogynist story, when JW’s organization passes the following (not so subtle) lesson: Women working and thinking for themselves are bad. The demand of women for not being “submissive” and the fight for equal rights mave have reached the “adorable sisters”, as the one that enters with the husband in the ending of the movie is shown as an example: she doesn’t even speaks without her husband’s permission. That is the lesson JW will learn in this part: “Do not be an independent woman that think for yourself. You can be the supporting wife or you can be the depressed, emotionally cripped young sister that probably suffers for not finding a husband, but don’t you dare to find a job and be a normal human being.”
2) The “brother Kevin’s” tale:
 This tale again attacks any kind of independence as dangerous to spirituallity: brother Kevin is not fully commited to the nonsense, pretty much as most of the witnesses I met, they do what they have to do, but don’t sell their things and go where is needed. The brother Kevin is the “common witness” that maybe even has some independent thought. Now this witnesses are being accused of cowardice and laziness.
 I wonder where this kind of propaganda will take the organization: maybe more people inside that see themselves as Kevin will commit hardly, or you fall slowly, just fading, while the accusation keeps on. This new way of JW’s teaching is given us, the “sordid apostates”, something good, although: these are the same teachings we know our entire lives and become questioners and criticizers, but now they are all in video, for anyone to see, clear as water, and this is JW’s organization bringing they worst to light. I hope that all this can bring more people inside to think, even for a moment, and not to see this as a “sign of the end being real close”, and let themselves go along the hardcore-cult way that the organization seems to be going now.


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:13 pm

@Cartan, I agree. I recently had an acute crisis of faith that precipitated my decision to stop attending meetings and preaching, but looking back, I realized that for years I have always identified more easily with many of the ‘bad examples’ like Kevin.
The dramas and skits often have characters who are clearly doing the wrong thing in anyone’s eyes. That’s a common theme in morality plays from any source. I’m not talking about those.
In Watchtower plays there are often more subtle examples where people are just trying to do ordinary things that are not actually wrong in normal circles. Like, um, having coffee with your co-workers, for example.
I realized, on my own and before this article, that I always saw myself as the person who was shown to be doing the wrong thing.
And I always thought it was ridiculous to be cast that way and I always just thought to myself: I’m pretty sure that counsel was intended for me and others like myself, but I’m actively choosing to ignore it.
Now, admittedly for a time, most of my life, in fact, I would wonder (according to the principle of being faithful in least) if my attitude would result in my eventual demise at Armageddon.
Sure it’s not a big deal to ignore this counsel now, but one day my life may depend on it.
But now I’m just more convinced that this is evidence that this is not and was never the truth.
God wouldn’t shame or condemn us for having a pleasant conversation with our co-workers, or having nice things or a job we enjoy that isn’t pioneering.
I have never wanted to be promiscuous or to abuse drugs or to hurt other people in any way. I have only ever wanted what lots of people want. A comfortable home, good friends I can spend time with, to make memories, to share meals, to have a husband and children who love me. Even to volunteer and help others less fortunate through actual charities that solve problems now.
And there are so many times and so many ways the society and it’s publications and programs make those things seem abnormal and perverse, like pursuing them will result in God’s disapproval and earn adverse judgment.
They tell us that it seems innocent, but it’s not. It’s a trap and a diversion from what’s really important.
They want us to see Kevin and decide not to be like him, but it’s true, many of us are already trying to be normal and more like everyone else we share the planet with.
And many of us will refuse to change course.
That’s not the bad thing they are making it out to be. And I hope more people will see themselves as Kevin and realize that the problem is not us, it’s them!

 Grace says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:52 pm

Fallingangel 75,
You make so many good points. I like how you say that the older ones aren’t that important anymore above. I think you are on to something there. It’s all geared up for attracting a newer generation. The old one’s can just go away & retire. There not needed anymore.
Also, I think we all have a bit of “kevinism” in us that’s why his character seems to draw so much emotion from me. Kevin isn’t stupid & doesn’t want to be so fanatic that he throws away his logical thinking to follow along with someone else’s silly ideas. Yet he’s being treated like someones who deserves a death sentence.

 Cartan says:

 June 7, 2016 at 10:36 am

I was raised a JW in some kind of “old way”, like learning to do entire talks for people in preaching using the back of the bible and having some kind of independence to study and make questions, so that I grew open to the contradictory, even though I was an active and “exemplar” member of the congregation. The older brothers really liked me because I knew things far ahead of the basic sunday’s watchtower study and could talk about other subjects, but I watched this new 2000’s generation comes with very less reasoning and more appeal to emotion and religious catharsis. By now I know that my disposition to listen others and the other opinions that make me find for myself the failures in the religion: I even frequently visited “apostates” sites during my active period, because I always thought that “if it is the ‘truth’, then there is no argument that could prove it failed.” Well, here I am, and I am sure that the GB understood that no concession can be given, and that this system of belief is so flawed that it can only be sustained by fear and threat, so that’s what they will do by now.

 ScotWm says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:32 am

The Governing Body uses repetition, repetition, repetition as its primary brainwashing technique. Although it was difficult, I watched the entire Bunker video. In this 28 minute video, the name “Jehovah” was used 34 times. The same level of repetition occurs in all of the other 2016 conven-shun videos. This is an obvious attempt to create the belief that loyalty to the Watchtower equals loyalty to Jehovah.

 Twmack says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:53 am

It’s obvious they’ve got some imaginative writers and
 schemers at HQ. Recently they came out with the line.-

“All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may
 receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic
 or human standpoint or not”. / All very mysterious.

A well known writers technique to keep the readers turning
 the pages, pose some puzzle, but don’t give the answer,
 keep them on the edge of their seat , guessing.

Now we’ve got the “Bunker” pilot episodes, which will
 probably turn into a long running series,
 like the X Files. There’s a major flaw in their scheme
 though, this story has no end, it just goes on and on
 and we’ve heard it all before. BORING !


 Iwuztheir says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:04 pm

Yeah awesome stuff. Anyone else catch the changing of the message from what Jesus commanded (the good news) to a persecution-inciting judgement message?
Also, was anyone else told to ride minimum 4 to a car to the conv. or just certain venues? I’m really curious.

 Grace says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:59 pm

Yes I’m sure that line was deliberate to put into the subconscious of the diehard followers. To be more judgemental & not to become tolerant of others opinions. That would be the beginning of accepting outside criticism to their deluded thinking.

 Grace says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:13 pm

When you think about it, this religion relies on the adherents being extremely judgemental on others. Otherwise it wouldn’t survive.
If you look up the antonym for judgemental, you have words like; undiscriminating, undemanding, unfussy, charitable & forgiving.

 KimJones says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:11 pm

This article has me thinking so much to the point of distraction. I just put my burrito inside the freezer but I was trying to put it in the microwave. I had to reopen the freezer door to pull it out. It’s in the microwave now. I was just thinking a person is supposed to return to Jehovah God because of their love for Jehovah not because of peer pressure. Something is wrong. A mother who wont pick up a phone to answer it to see if her daughter is ok has the wrong attitude and is acting as a bad parent. It seems like the mother is showing the kind of person she nis and it’s not good. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The society causes people to act and behave against their own judgement. Makes me have chills thinking about it.

 Grace says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:04 pm

That part disturbed me too. What kind of horrible, heartless mother would do that to their own child. Having lost my child, that part made my blood boil! To see that cruel behaviour coming from someone who is supposed to be more mature than the daughter.
It’s not like she stole from them, beat them up or killed somebody. She had a boyfriend for god’s sake. You would think that a normal parents reaction to a child that slept with someone she hardly knows would be to work on helping them build their self worth up not throwing them out like a piece of garbage. Only stupid people behave like that.

 ruthlee says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:30 pm

Well I’m still not going to this convention. There is nothing to persuade me to go. Do you think there is a place at warwick for the chosen faithful who donate the most or are nubile young virgins? It is verging on the ridiculous all this fearmongering. It will definitely traumatise the children who watch this. Its a good job I’m getting raptured beforehand I will miss out in all that anxiety and trouble!!!! cheers Ruthlee

 Dwc says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:41 pm

These videos are going to “strengthen” the brothers and sisters because they genuinely long for that new system. They long for Christ to come and do away with this wicked world. They long for a system that is nothing like this one.
So the concept of this video series will appeal to them! Hell it appealed to me. I long for a different economic and political world. We all do (I think 😉
But at the end of the day the message is clear. No matter what we tell you do it and you will survive! No matter the evils you are going to hear that this organization has committed just listen to us cause we are gods channel for these things.
What upsets me most is that as my wife puts it, “where else are you going to get your spiritual knowledge from?” I said the bible. “How will you understand it?”
 “I can read. It doesn’t take me long to know what the bible is saying”

It saddens me. No thoroughly examining the scriptures as the boreans were admonished for.

 Telescopium says:

 June 5, 2016 at 2:17 pm

 When my wife and I started to do what was asked (read Bible daily, increase field service, join RBC, prepare for meetings) we actually started seeing all the old familiar scriptures in their actual context.

Nothing more enlightening than to find out that:
 -Paul’s “refuse” contained things prescribed by the Law.
 -“Marry only in the lord” was directed at widows.
 -The whole “Not providing for those who are his own, being worse than one without faith” was also talking about caring for widows.

This was the beginning of waking up with a new perspective on the religion we both grew up with.

 Dwc says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:43 pm

Really appreciate the experience. Here is thing as I’ve said before. I do really appreciate the spiritual truths… But the bible asks us to move on from the elementary teachings. Yet the wtbs is asking us every meeting to digest and learn from Sophia and Caleb?!?!
I actually knew 10 years ago this was not the truth. However for my marriage and family input on the airs as so many have.
Now my wife and I are at crossroads and I pray and hope she will see what I have to say. I have so much evidence… The new generations understanding with including Sanderson was just too much for me.
 I will never have anything to do with organized religion again.


 Gary says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:45 pm

A real and genuine thank you for the article and for Lloyds rebuttal.
 After reading the article and watching Lloyds video it struck me as to why I was so unhappy as a Jehovahs Witness. Endless rules, regulations and demands, it’s almost like saying your guilty for using your own mind, it was so depressing 🙁
Fear fear fear guilt guilt guilt, your not good enough, do better!
 Wow that’s brought memories back. . . Thank you so much for helping me understand and how I had been manipulated by these people.
🙂 nice one x


 Peter the Digger says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:47 pm

Funny that JWs don’t like ‘dissent’ – doesn’t the Bible have an account where Abraham argued with Jehovah himself about how many ‘good’ people would have to be in Sodom for Jehovah not to destroy it – Abraham ‘bargains down’ Jehovah from 50 right down to 5. And as for ‘the bunker’ / great tribulation, tghe JW’s once deduced that 2 major world events must occur just before then. 1) A ‘Declaration of Peace and Security’ (OK we’ve had e.g. 1988 when the UN declared a Year of Peace and Security, but OK no Armaggeddon in 1989, and 2) After (?) the Peace and Security, a turning on world religion, the main ones, Christianity, Islam etc, and then the JWs get picked on too. It always e=seems strange to me that AFTER we got P & S, world govts would bother to ‘turn on mainstream religion’, but the Bible seems to say ‘Jehovah will put it in their minds’ (to do something we won’t expect). But does this mean we’ll see Armaggeddon coming some months ahead, if we watch world events??

 Dwc says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:57 pm

It was 1986 that was the year of peace. But that was just religious groups not countries.
As well the peace and security “understanding” has changed. It will be after the attack on “false religion” (I believe all organized religion, WTBS included) will be attacked marking the beginning of the GT. Then after that has been accomplished the cry of peach and security will be “shouted” in a worldwide sentiment.
I actually do not disagree with that. As I said there are some good biblical truths given. However the dependable not on Jesus, the source of truth and light, has been fully replaced by the “faithful slave”. Sickening IMHO.
It seems because they are christs brothers they are therefore already on a level playing field and thus Jehovah’s mediator on earth.

 Chiafade says:

 June 5, 2016 at 11:33 pm

I said this before and I’ll say it again. If watchtower said it or implied you can comfortably throw it in the trash and never worry about it again.

 Gary says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:06 pm

It’s all so contrived, that’s how I would describe my Jehovahs Witness experience.
 Be seen, clap on que, please stand now, hours and conditional love, all contrived and ultimately untruthful of the real man inside. I was so unhappy.
 I have more faith now after leaving the JWs
 At last I’m free to be me, no need to hide and cover the real me, no need to be seen, no guilt and no more fear and no more give give give, and I would have continued to do so until I realised they didn’t care for me at all, it was all on condition, theirs.


 Gary says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:21 pm

I did enjoy 🙂 the use of a bit of choice language (passion) (how’d you keep a lid on it?, lots of editing no doubt 🙂 ) I would of told them years ago if I didn’t always get my mucking words fuddled.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Haha. I see what you did there, Gary.;-)

 Gary says:

 June 5, 2016 at 1:59 pm

 Lloyd should release a bloopers video, I’m sure it would be hilarious 🙂
Obviously bleeped in various places:-)
 Apostates are so miserable . . .its almost like waiting for armeggedon in a bunker 🙂


 Karl says:

 June 5, 2016 at 3:15 pm

When I first saw the videos I didn’t make the connection between the “negative thoughts” and depression. I think some of the reason for the odd depiction was due to an attempt to make the videos apply to as many people as possible – the “negative thoughts” could just as easily be doubts about the cult, or its leadership and the video would be just as applicable.
The video about the “not porn” on the guy’s phone is the same – they want to control the thoughts and behaviors of as many as possible, so they leave it vague hoping to get more to apply it to themselves. The result is that the video is a little clunky and awkward, but on day 3 most of the JWs in attendance are exhausted from sitting in uncomfortable seats for 3 days and they’re not really thinking about anything they’re being told at that point.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm

 That’s a good point about how tired all the R&F are by the end of day 3. I never made the connection before, but sleep deprivation and/or discomfort are some of the ways cults try to break down your defenses against indoctrination. Albeit a mild form, I think this element does come into play at the conventions.


 Iwuztheir says:

 June 5, 2016 at 9:25 pm

That’s interesting, that explains why I felt so much better, and couldn’t really remember the things I “learned” or the different a parts of the convention/assembly when I didn’t stay all the way through and had a chance to get adequate rest and food

 Dwc says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:49 pm

Obviously they don’t like the chive lol

 Katya says:

 June 5, 2016 at 5:37 pm

We were “in” the org form 80′-97′. Both in S.F. Bay Area, and Washington State. Presently, the one thing that stands out more then anything else is after 35 years of being around the org I have never seen such a wide path of destruction of families. One after another, there is destruction, be it husbands and wives, children and extended family members. Set aside everything else, and this shines through as the most prominent. So horridly sad!

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:36 pm

@katya. I’m considering your comments about the wide path of destruction as I struggle daily with the question of whether to try to fight for my marriage and wait to see if my husband also has an awakening or whether to cut my losses and move on while I am still young and have more options.
And I keep thinking that if you really believe that your spouse or parents or siblings or children were going to DIE and be separated from you forever, but not for being horrible, hurtful people, instead for being spiritually weak or for giving in to temptation of some sort, even ‘temporary enjoyment of sin’…. Why wouldn’t you still want to spend what time is left with them? Why wouldn’t you think that loving them and showing them kindness would have a more positive effect than shunning? The entire practice is both unloving and counterintuitive.

 Iwuztheir says:

 June 5, 2016 at 9:36 pm

I’m sorry to hear about your situation.. When one spouse awakens and the other does not, it can be very difficult. I’m going through the same thing here. All I get is rationalizations and side-steps when I bring things up. Some people have been able to help awaken their spouses but they had to be gentle and slow and careful, asking a lot of questions to get the other person thinking. For me, I’m concerned about my very young child and so I know that if my wife doesn’t awaken, she will be forced to leave w/ the child because there’s no way I can let her be subjugated to these wolves (they would say I’m a spiritual danger). But for those w/ no children, if it’s hopeless, perhaps you can leave the Borg and let the chips fall where they may, the sooner the better.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 5, 2016 at 10:14 pm

@Iwuztheir, terrible choices, eh?

 ruthlee says:

 June 6, 2016 at 1:43 am

me too my husband andhis vast tribe all in and asleep. will justify every mistake they make and will be one of the last standing. That grieves me because I made a vow before god but my faith is more important and it is not jdubland ruthlee


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 6, 2016 at 5:25 am

I have been speaking to my husband little by little about my enlightenment and the conversation always ends with him telling me that I am an apostate and I’m trying to destroy his faith and our marriage.
What gives me any hope at all is this: he also tells me that he loves me more than anything or anyone in the world.
He says he would do anything to save me. If he had to, he would die to save me.
Some people say these types of things and you know it is bs and lies.
But my husband is that kind of person. He is a quietly heroic person, like a policeman or firefighter who will risk his own safety to save strangers, and not think he did anything more than any decent person would do.
I know he means it when he says he would risk everything to save me from physical danger.
I continue to tell him about the emotional pain that I am in because of this whole situation. He continues to remind me that as much as he loves me, he doesn’t and shouldn’t love me more than he loves Jehovah.
He also continues to say that the only reason he’s a good person is because he’s a JW.
I am certain that I don’t need organized religion to be a good person, to be a good wife and mother.
But he keeps saying that he does. He needs the structure and accountability of a religious community. He needs to feel like he must answer to God.
I’m not sure who he will be without ‘the truth’. At first I thought he would be the same man I love, but he does keep telling me otherwise.
I honestly don’t know. He used to be in the world. He did not grow up a witness and he tells me that he was an awful person.
The truth transformed him, he says.
I didn’t know him then, but he is so kind to me and caring -except for this- that I cannot imagine that this is not the real him.
Even as we have this mighty struggle, and fuss and fight over it, daily he finds ways to show me he loves me.
Small acts of affection, like rubbing my neck and shoulders after a long day at work or drawing a bath for me and bringing me a glass of wine.
He is going out of his way to make me feel loved and appreciated.
All without stipulations or conditions and not asking anything in return.
He’s that guy. And he always has been for as long as I’ve known him.
It isn’t the love-bombing people speak of. He didn’t just start because he is afraid that I will leave him. It’s not a last ditch effort to salvage our faltering union.
So when he tells me that he would be selfish and uncaring, angry and perhaps unfaithful if he wasn’t a witness, I don’t believe it.
But he continues to say so. And I would feel very stupid indeed if I convinced him to leave and our marriage did deteriorate as a result.
I don’t want to strip him of religion if I will still lose the man I love, even if, especially if, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don’t know if he really thinks so or if it is a manipulation. I know him very well, but not well enough to tell whether he’s bluffing or if it is what he believes.
I think it is what he believes, and it’s a problem for me if he wholeheartedly believes he needs religion and decides that all restraints are off of he leaves the congregation.
So I’m not sure how earnestly I should try to get him out. I’m not sure if I should stay and say nothing more, or if I should leave him and let him sort it all out without me.
I have said this to him, and he always begs me not to leave him. He says that even if I divorced him, he would still consider us married in the eyes of God until I married someone else.
And he says that in a committed, loving way, not in a creepy, stalker way, lol!
Anyway, so uncertain about what the future holds for us.

 Angela says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:15 am

Seems a really difficult situation you are in.
I am in a split up family too and it hurts like hell. I probably never will get over it.
My sincere sympathy goes out to you.
I hope you understand how fortunate you are having such a loving husband. They surely don´t grow on trees. Even though you are in a difficult situation you are a lucky woman.
A matrimony is before God, not GB or religion. Is it possible for you to just be husband and wife and put religion aside?
Give him a promise to respect him for his faith if he also respect you for your point of view without namecallings like apostate. It is a respectless labeling based on fanatism with rules made up that you no longer want to partake in.
You have to be true to yourself. Ask him if he wants an empty shell for a wife, a person who does what is expected of her without a true heart in it. That is daily forced to live lying to herself and all those around her. If he REALLY loves you he would never demand that.
Maybe he himself genuinly needs religion for now to keep standards up. Give him time. He needs to be true to himself too. He most probably feel challenged in his conviction and needs to protect himself.
It is difficult for him not to be able to share what he values the most with the woman he loves. And the same for you, not be able to share your awakened insights in a calm and neutral environment.
It goes without saying, it creates a lot of tensions.
The positive part is that you have been a JW and know exaktly what he knows and feels. You know the terminology and driving force.
Support him.
Create a calm environment for him to be a JW.
And ask him if he wants to create a peaceful environment for you to be truthful and honest about what is in your mind and heart.
And if you love him, let him feel secure of your commitment to your marrige.
If he says he needs to love Jehovah more than you, just say… that´s great.
That means that he has a commitment to you as his wife and not as a religious member (a sister).
Jehovah created husband and wife to be united. Jehovah did not create them as brother and sister cultmember.
And remember that it is written that all the commandments given from Jehovah is based on love and nothing else.
So your husbands love for Jehovah is only beneficial for you as Gods laws overrule GB:s rules of action.
Wish you the best of luck.


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 6, 2016 at 7:55 pm

@Anglea, thank you very much for your kind words. It would be a difficult situation no matter what, but what makes it more heart-rending is this: 6 months ago he told me that he believes he is one of Christ’s brothers.
I was already having doubts about whether this was the truth and he’d been acting strangely as well.
I thought he was also questioning our beliefs and I was wondering and worrying about how we would make our exit without making too many waves.
When we finally got it all out in the open, it was terrible.
I introduced my position in the hypothetical. I asked him what he thought about people – good people who love God and neighbor – who have seen the bad side of the organization.
Those who know about child molestation and battered wives and other injustices that were mishandled to the point that they cannot believe the witnesses are God’s representative people on earth.
Do you really believe Jehovah will kill them all?
Yes! He said with firm conviction.
Really? No mercy?
No, he said. Jehovah has to cleanse the earth completely and start over just like in the days of Noah.
When I told him I was putting myself in that class of people, he looked pained and said, No. Not you.
Why not me? I said. Because you love me? Now that makes it unfair and unjust?
I feel like I lost so much in that moment. I was just coming to terms with accepting that paradise is a lie and I won’t have eternal life, and the fact that the here and now is all we have, and then I had the realization that he was more determined than ever before to stay in.
Because he’s going to heaven to rule with Christ.
So even if I put the blinders back on, I know he no longer has the desire to share the common future we’d always talked about. He is still planning to leave me behind when he goes to be with God.
And I know he will never be able to see through the GB and their propaganda as long as he believes that he is one of the anointed.
But, yes, he does believe our marriage is sacred in the eyes of God and even if I am an apostate, he should still love me as earnestly as he did before.
Even the elders have instructed him to show me nothing but love.
I think I get a temporary pass on shunning because of the change in his hope, but I don’t know how long my special exemption will last.
Maybe not beyond this convention program.


 Julien says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:40 pm

The only power the WT has over another is whatever power you allow these imbecils to have over you. Their whole concept of love is so immature, superficial and fake. Find genuine people. If you need god and religion so badly in your life find another church. These people are a joke. What a waste of energy and of time.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 5, 2016 at 7:35 pm

 Absolutely correct about the power. Once I realized that I was responsible for giving the org power over me and made a conscious decision to no longer do so, it was much easier to fade.


 M Saurus says:

 June 6, 2016 at 11:09 am

WS – that says it all in a nutshell for me. Thank you!

 Big B says:

 June 6, 2016 at 5:43 pm

@ M Saurus & Winston Smith
Ditto. They cannot control you nor have power over you unless YOU let them have it.
Write no letters of disassociation, period! Why not? It is what THEY want and to do so would continue their control over YOU.
Don’t acknowledge them in any way, shape, fashion or form. They (the elders, Circuit Overseers or G.B.) will get a clue soon enough and will definitely leave you alone.
And really, isn’t that what all of us truly want, “TO BE LEFT ALONE AND NOT BOTHERED BY THEIR CULTIST IDIOCY”?!

 Miker Tower says:

 June 5, 2016 at 6:45 pm

I ask permission to translate this excellent article in to Spanish.

 FadingJosie says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:22 am

Thank you for this article. I shall indeed go and watch the video.
 Bunker video 7 is the only one that I have watched so far and I must say that as a South African I fail to see how our brothers and sisters will relate to the so called simplification of lifestyle, for many living here and indeed many other third world countries, the so called simplification would be like moving into a palace! Unless of course there will be something produced in the region relative to the economic situation.
 On the whole, this series seems to be fear mongering a la 1975 and I know many who will lap it up and see it as the GB knowing that the end is upon us. The judgement message will begin shortly after the convention I am sure and it will be directed at the “Kevins” in the organisation, not the world.


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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker

Posted on June 4, 2016

worst2articleBy now, you may have already seen what have become known as the “Bunker” videos shown during the 2016 Regional convention. The films are centred around a small group of Witnesses huddled in a basement converted into a makeshift bunker, during the period of worldwide turmoil that Watchtower teaches will take place just before the battle of Armageddon, known as the Great Tribulation.
The narrative moves between the characters as they each flashback to a moment that occurred before the Great Tribulation broke out.
The videos are intended as teaching aids to help Jehovah’s Witnesses take to heart the lessons that the Governing Body wants them to learn.
But what are these lessons? Follow me into the Bunker and lets take a detailed tour though events that Watchtower teaches will happen in the very near future, and the actions and attitudes it believes Witnesses will need to show in order to survive them.
Bunker Video 1 – Pride
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.16.18Bunker 1 claims to be a video about the dangers of pride, and features an Elder recounting an example of when the sin of pride almost got the better of him. He explains how another elder at his hall, presumably the School Overseer, gave him some feedback on mistakes he made whilst giving a public talk.
How does his wife react to this? Does she say; “do you think what he said was valid?” or “Did he have a point?” No. She says;

Please tell me you didn’t argue with him.
The wife is not concerned about whether the feedback is valid or not. Her only concern is that he might not have unquestioningly accepted it. The husband replies;

No of course not.
It is as if the very idea would be absurd.
What becomes clear is that the “right” attitude the elder is expected to display here is to unquestioningly accept whatever direction is given to him. No evaluation. No pushback.
It’s healthy to accept constructive criticism, yes, but one should always be ready to push back and challenge criticism or instructions if one does not believe them to be valid after careful consideration. To be a well rounded individual, it is vital to strike this balance between open mindedness and self confidence.
The kind of behaviour being presented here is not that of a well rounded individual capable of evaluating and accepting constructive criticism, rather it is that of an intellectual doormat, who will blindly accept any command from authority and say “thank you” at the end of it. Indeed the dangerous sin as presented here is not even that he argued the point, it’s that he felt resentment even though he blindly accepted it.
Essentially, what had been presented at the outset as a discussion of the dangers of “pride” morphs into a lesson about unquestioningly accepting orders from Watchtower authority with a smile.
Keep that in mind. It won’t be the last time we see this theme of blind unquestioning loyalty sneaking around in the shadows during the Bunker series.
Bunker Video 2 – Improper entertainment
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.29.03Bunker 2 deals with a young man watching pornography on his phone.
Sort of.
It’s actually quite hard to work out what he is supposed to have done. He specifically states that he is NOT watching pornography, but states that the material he is watching is giving him immoral thoughts. Thus it’s hard to work out exactly what the material was supposed to have been. Steamy movies? Artwork featuring attractive people? Catalogue photographs? In any case, the man gives us the comment that:
Anything that stirs up unclean thoughts is worthless, and I should turn my eyes away.
That’s quite a broad and vague command. One cannot simply drop out of sensory experience, closing one’s eyes every time an attractive person passes you on the street.
Much of how you feel about this video might depend on your view of sexual morality as presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses or by faiths with similar teachings on sex. If you share this viewpoint, you may find little to criticise here, and feel the advice well captures a spiritually clean view of sex. Others may consider this view of sex to be repressive and unhealthy. Much will depend on your subjective view.
However, one might also suggest that Watchtower is trying to make Witnesses a little bit afraid of their internet phones, because there is something on that phone even more dangerous to a Witness than pornography.
That thing is: Google.
On the privacy of their smartphone, all a Witness has to do is type a few words into a search engine, say “Jehovah’s Witnesses child abuse,” or “Jehovah’s Witnesses shunning” or even just “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” and of the many sites that will spring up in response, only one will be I remember sitting in a meeting, reading JW Survey articles during one of the more boring talks on my trusty smartphone. A free flow of information is not something Watchtower is in favour of for its followers, and today’s smartphones are portals to all the information in the world…
Bunker Video 3 – Bad associations
Screenshot 2016-06-02 21.48.19Bunker 3 deals with the wife of the elder we met in the first video, relating an experience of how she almost fell into “bad association” at work when her workmates invited her to grab a coffee with them in the break area.
The people in the office appear to be offering genuine friendship, but the friendship the Witness is offering in return comes with an ulterior motive. She apparently has no interest in them as people, just as potential recruits for her religion. As she states;
I still thought I could give a witness and actually teach them something about Jehovah.
At one point we see her try to share a scripture, only to be horrified when the people she is talking to offer an opinion different to hers, as if they had no right to interrupt her attempts at preaching. She closes her bible in shock. One of the co-workers smiles knowingly and states…
Too much information, right?
While most intellectually healthy people would consider the sharing of viewpoints and information to be a good thing, here it is presented as something that is damaging to the faithful. Additionally, the video seems to infer that her friends talking about families and husbands, a perfectly normal topic for most people, was somehow a bad thing. The Witness laments…
In reality, I was the one being taught, and I was a quick learner
This video casts the sister as if she is some weak creature with no agency, blown hither and thither by the opinions of those around her. No thought is given to the fact that a mature, rational person should be able to evaluate new viewpoints, decide if they are valid, and reject or adopt them accordingly.
No, she is presented being as doe eyed and impressionable as a small child. I can imagine that many Witnesses might feel uncomfortable and even a little insulted by the assumption from the Governing Body that they are all this impressionable and intellectually feeble.
Bunker Video 4 – Fear of Man
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.16.40Bunker 4 tells us the saga of Kevin.
Kevin is a witness who isn’t in the bunker. The narrative implies that he was always a bit of a spiritually weak Christian, but apparently the final straw for poor Kevin was, according to one of the Bunker folk:

When our message changed form good news to judgement, he was telling everyone that it would make problems for us, and that he was done.
It is inferred that one of the reasons that the Witnesses might be in hiding is that their “message of judgement” helped trigger the Great Tribulation and caused the population and the governments of the world to rise up against them and hunt them down.
Let’s set aside the acknowledged cases of repressive regimes (such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia) persecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses, because often those regimes persecute other religious groups just as badly, and instead focus on the idea that all democratic, liberal governments will turn specifically on Watchtower because Watchtower will begin to proclaim “judgement.”
The problem with this delusion of grandeur is that the Governing Body have clearly never heard of the Westboro baptist church.
For those who don’t know, Westboro is an infamous fundamentalist church known for antagonising the population of United States with its own messages of “judgement”, picketing the funerals of US Servicemen with signs saying “Thank God for dead solders,” and turning up at Gay Pride events with “God hates fags” banners.
The Church sets out to be as antagonistic and fractious as possible with its “judgement messages” going far beyond the limits of any message that Watchtower would ever contemplate carrying. Yet as of 2016, the church members of Westboro have not been hunted down into bunkers by Government goons. Most citizens just dismiss them as unpleasant idiots.
I humbly propose that the Witnesses can, in most free countries, make their message as judgemental as they like, and the very worst that will happen is that people will simply consider them to be a bunch of jerks.
If Governments in liberal democracies DO ever come for Watchtower, it will be because of things like failure to report child abuse, or the enforcement of cruel and abusive practices like shunning, and not because Witnesses started walking around with signs saying “Jehovah will trample you in the wine-press of his anger.”
Bunker Video 5 – Appreciation
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.19.52Bunker 5 is very interesting, especially if one is aware of the recent problems Watchtower has experienced worldwide with news coverage of its child abuse scandal, and with difficulties concerning its “New Light” teaching of the “Overlapping Generations.”
The video begins with the bunker crew reading Psalm 116:12:

“With what will I repay Jehovah, for all the good he has done for me?”
When asked for suggested applications of the scripture, one of the Bunker dwellers says:

What really makes a difference is how we respond to that goodness. For some in the congregation, those good things became a test of their loyalty.
Hmm. Where are they going with this? What are the “good things?” Are they talking about the ransom sacrifice? The hope for the paradise earth? The Bible?
We soon see that this video is yet another example of bait and switch.
The “good things” in the context of this film are basically whatever the Organisation decides to do or say. We see a montage of announcements being made from the platform and of “new light” being given as teachings are changed. We see a couple of brothers looking unhappy about it in the audience. A stern voiceover warns us that these brothers…

…found fault with what the organisation was doing, or not doing
I find that specific wording very interesting.
One thing that the organisation is not doing right now is reporting child abusers to the police, and I know from my own experiences that more and more witnesses are being exposed to this fact. Many Witness often deny this practice exists out of genuine ignorance, and you can sometimes tell it has upset them when they see proof of the claims.
It’s impossible that they are not talking to the elders about it, and it’s impossible that reports of this disquiet won’t have reached the Governing Body. Given the context of the video, it seems clear Watchtower is saying that any criticism of what it “isn’t doing” is disloyal, and fails to show appreciation to God.
I can’t see a loving God appreciating anyone who helps a child molester evade justice. I can’t see how anyone can possibly class this as a “good thing”
Additionally, it is implied that the frowning brothers do not like the “New Light” being taught. Now, there is only really one major “new light teaching in recent years that could ruffle the feathers (although the 2016 shunning clampdown might give it a close run for its money), and that is the teaching of the Overlapping Generations.
As explained here in a previous JW Survey article by the site’s founder Lloyd Evans:

For decades Watchtower publications insisted that Armageddon was imminent because, they argued, the generation of anointed Witnesses (who believed they were going to heaven) who witnessed and understood the events of 1914 would not die out before Armageddon arrived.
This claim was based on Matthew 24:34, where Jesus told his followers that the generation that witnessed various apocalyptic signs would not die out until all his words, including the “great tribulation” (the prelude to Armageddon), came true.
Sounds great. Until you realise that this generation of people are now basically all dead. Lloyd continues:

The most recent solution, as proposed by Watchtower in 2010… is to essentially embellish Jesus’ words by suggesting that “this generation” doesn’t have to be just one generation, but can be two.
The first “group” of “this generation” would witness and understand the events of 1914, and the second group would be those who were born before the last individuals in the first group died (hence an “overlapping” generation).
If you don’t understand this, it is not due to any failure on your part. It is because it doesn’t make sense. The teaching rides roughshod over the English language, redefining what “generation” means, and relying on the audience to willfully bypass their logical thinking skills by asserting the incomprehensible as indisputable truth.
After all, if you can arbitrarily insist that a generation can be composed of two groups, why not have three, four, five – on into infinity? The word “generation” quickly loses all meaning.
This teaching came into force shortly before I left, but even at the time I knew from my own discussions with Witnesses that no-one could really explain it, no-one liked discussing it, and on my way out of the faith I pointedly asked one elder if he really believed it and could prove it to me just using the Bible.
He looked a little awkward and suggested the teaching would be “further refined.”
My experience clearly isn’t an isolated one. The problem is apparently so bad that JW Broadcasting had to devote an entire episode to trying to explain it, as seen below, again with analysis from Lloyd Evans.

So, in summary, we see yet another video that claims to be about one thing, appreciation, but actually ends up being about something else, namely: “Stop asking embarrassing questions, stop pointing out flaws in our policies and doctrines, just do what we tell you to do and think what we tell you to think.”
Bunker Video 6 – Self Control
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.23.47Bunker 6 deals with a Sister who admits that the struggle she had to overcome was that of “negative thinking.”
What does she mean by negative thinking?
It’s never expressly stated exactly what this means. Feeling of unworthiness? Low self esteem? I can’t be 100% certain, but listen to the way she describes her emotions:

I would pray, but at times the feelings were so strong, I didn’t know what to do.
Will I ever stop feeling like this?
To me, that sounds like she’s describing depression. I should know: I’ve struggled with depression, as have people close to me. What is the response of the older sister that this apparently seriously depressed person turns to?

The scriptures tell us as Christens we pray for self control in our actions, but we need the same self control for our thoughts.
This sister is essentially told that her depression is her fault. She lacks self control, and needs to read more scriptures and pray harder to control her depression. No mention is made of seeking professional medical help. The sister is simply expected to study the bible, pray about it, and overcome her sinful lack of self control. It’s implied that if she cannot do this, she is disloyal to God. 1 Corinthians 9:25 is invoked to back this up.

Now everyone competing in a contest exercises self-control in all things. Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, but we, one that does not perish.
I will be honest, this video made my blood boil.
As I have said, I have direct experience with how serious an issue depression can be. In the worst case scenario, people can take their own lives. Serious cases of depression often require professional help and sometimes medication, and with such assistance a real improvement in the life of the depressed person can indeed be possible.
But the idea that you should tell a person with depression that they simply need to develop “self control” to cope with the issue is insulting and downright dangerous. You can’t “fix” depression by reading scriptures and implying to the person that their feelings are “their fault” for not having self control.
I don’t really know what else to say here. This video will be like a slap in the face to any Witness genuinely suffering from depression and will only make them feel worse for their “sin” of being depressed.
It could make their fellow witnesses even less understanding, might cause them to view the depressed one as someone lacking self control and loyalty, and thus “bad association,” causing them to withdraw from the depressed Witness. Add into the mix the fact that the need for skilled professional help is totally ignored in the video, and I shudder to think what impact this video may have on vulnerable Witnesses.
Bunker Video 7 – Love
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.29.30The basic theme of Bunker 7 is: “you all have too much stuff.”
It features a pioneer couple, in flashback, describing how they apparently once had a comfortable life, despite both being pioneers. It’s made clear that having a comfortable life is a bad thing. They couple sell up, move to a much smaller home, and get rid of most of their possessions.
Granted, it would nice if Watchtower didn’t try shaming those who work hard and choose to live comfortably within their means, but some people do find that slimming down their life gives them the chance to focus on other life-goals that matter to them. Each to their own.
The problem is, this pioneer couple then decide to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelisers and move to serve where the “need is greater.” I’m sure they feel that Jehovah and his Organisation will care for them….
…the same organisation that is currently slimming down its Bethel staff, getting rid of the older travelling overseers, and generally tossing full time servants out on their ear due to budget cuts. But we’re coming to the end of the video series because in Bunker 8, the police break down the door.
Bunker Video 8 – Faith
Screenshot 2016-06-02 22.34.08There is actually not that much that I found noteworthy about Bunker 8. The Bunker Buddies basically review the previous videos, read a bunch of scriptures to strengthen their faith, the police finally work out that maybe the Witnesses are hiding behind the big white door (what are these, the Keystone Cops?) and the scene fades to black as the armoured thugs close in on our Bunker Brotherhood.
It has to be said though, the overall theme of the series is indeed fascinating. The videos return time and again to the same themes. Stop asking awkward questions. Stop being depressed. Stop questioning New Light. Stop listening to people who have different opinions. Do whatever we tell you and smile when when you say yes sir.
Watchtower convention programs are not written at random. The talks are often a response to issues and trends currently concerning Watchtower’s leaderships. So what can we learn about current trends in the worldwide congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses from this video?
Witnesses are asking awkward questions. Witnesses are depressed. Witnesses are questioning “new light.” Witnesses are listening to other opinions. Not enough Witnesses are doing what they are told – or if they are, they are grumbling.
I don’t think all is well in the land of Watchtower.
I think the Governing Body has a problem. It might not just be the rank and file Witnesses for whom this ends up being the #worstconventionever.
For further analysis of this video, including many points not covered here, please check out the video from JW Survey’s Lloyd Evans below. Believe it or not, this article has not even scratched the surface of how disturbing this video is. Click, if you dare, and Lloyd will take you even further into this crazy bunker shaped rabbit hole.


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172 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker

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 Checker says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:22 am

I’m looking forward to, in 10 years or so, seeing the little children grown up and having left the org, relating in a youtube video: Ha ha, I was the kid with big classes in the 2016 great tribulation videos LOL.

 Sam says:

 June 6, 2016 at 3:05 am

Why is the “Great Tribulation” necessary? According to the JW organisation Jehovah can see into our hearts, why create all this fear. Why not just step in and kill off all the wicked people like flicking a light switch?

 JK says:

 June 6, 2016 at 9:32 am


 Covert Fade says:

 June 6, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Sam – That is an excellent point, and one I raised repeatedly when I was a JW to no effect.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:38 pm

Maybe because there is somebody who wants or need it.I do believe its not a God. I would tent to look for the culprit on opposite side of the spectrum.If Devil would be the one than you would have to believe at least in universal concept of existence of “Good and Bad”represented by already mention regards Sam,

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 7, 2016 at 4:27 am

Sam, first let me say that I absolutely agree with you, but I believe the human thinking behind it is this: then they will know.
Self-righteous humans want the wicked (in their eyes, whoever they may be) to suffer and be afraid. There’s an ‘I told you so’ aspect as well.
There are many JWs and other fundamentalists who want to see the godless destroyed. These individuals imagine they will watch the carnage and destruction with glee.
I also believe the vast majority of people who think that have never experienced war or intense violence, or even a natural disaster first hand.
But they want there to be a contrast. They want that moment when the wicked will realize that what they have been preaching – the message of judgment – is true. They want the wicked to simultaneously be aware of their own destruction side by side with the salvation of the God-fearing.
They want the wicked to acknowledge the were wrong and to feel regret and fear.
If God made it clean, swift, clinical, and relatively painless, this could not happen. It must be global and traumatic.
If we read the bible we can see that God has always had a flair for theatrical spectacles.*
The Red sea, Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah’s flood….
*and yes, that is sarcasm.

 Mark W says:

 June 7, 2016 at 2:27 pm

Excellent points…thank you so much for making them. I really enjoy all your comments

 Anonymous says:

 June 8, 2016 at 11:13 am

Because the god of Watchtower in Old Testament is portrayed as an egotistical deity who brooks no god before Him and also insists that any one opposing his “chosen people” must “know that I am the Lord [and according to the Pewter Blade, “Jehovah”]. It’s a very over-the-top phrasing too (Ezekiel 33:29; 20:44; and no I’m not referring to 25:17–nerds!)
Furthermore, this Great Trials and/or Tribulation thingy is also a fixture in most evangelical religions that look forward to a Time of Judgement and/or Rapture of the Good prior to Judgement of the Wicked.
But, your focus should really be on why has this cult decided it needs to push the hand of Jehovah toward doomsday midnight. And, I say has decided to push the hand, because their other videos such as the one with Sophia being instructed to tell the implied lesbian couple of their doom would indicate they have taken steps toward issuing “judgement” messages, now.
The theology was always present that before the Great Trib, a judgement message would be issued which was stronger in tone than the publications they always issued, but a review of these since 1874 indicates they’ve always been acerbic in tone. In fact, the “Finished Mystery” book which was compromised later, originally named governments and openly defied legal authorities. If anything, the current group message had become “watered down” since they avoid confrontations, even compromising on letting individuals registered with Selective Service rather than violate law of the land in USA.
Given the signs that hardliners have taken up majority of leadership, I would say we can expect to see some bumping of heads in the coming year or two which may well end up with a siege of the compounds at Tuxedo Park, Palm Coast, Walkill, Paterson, and elsewhere ending in them being the only blistering wieners roasting as though the Lord’s own fire came down and consumed them.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 6, 2016 at 4:25 am

OMG. Just watched the videos. Watchtower productions have always been cheesy, but these are just horrific. Not sure if this has been covered, but has anybody noticed that this seems to be the JW equivalent of the 7 deadly sins?

 Ejecting to Sanity says:

 June 7, 2016 at 12:06 am

‘Horrific’ nails it…have been trying to find the right words..revolting, shameful, Satanic, disgusting all rolled into one. Shame on this fake religion. I’ll never look back. I’m so appalled..please bear with my repetitive comments tonight.

 Searcher says:

 June 6, 2016 at 5:27 am

Great article and conclusion! This is exactly my thoughts when I reviewed the videos. The one thing I noticed is how the police tromped around the upstairs floor yelling, “Are there any WITNESSES here?” As if there is nothing more on their minds than a maddening extermination of all JW’s (Nazi SS?). I cannot think of a more text book example of cult propaganda than this series of vids.

 ligniappe says:

 June 6, 2016 at 6:21 am

Here is a short explanation about the English word “the” used for translating the Greek word “ho” (definite article). Since the WT chooses to tell us that “The Great Tribulation” is nearly here they make a basic mistake. The Greek word for “the” is not used in the Greek text at Matt 24:21.
So when quoting the verse the word “the” cannot be used and the verse must be read as there will be “great tribulation” (non capitalised). Why? Because the word “the” is not in that verse of the Greek text.
It can be hard to explain the effect the definite article has but to illustrate, everyone knows what the term “The Great War” means (1914-18). A specific event in time.
But if I said “great war” began in 1914 (see also Dan 12:1) , most people would understand, (because it is non capitalised) that I would be talking about an undefined period of time that would be characterised by terrible wars. Which was what Christ meant when he spoke of “great tribulation”.
So when does/did “great tribulation” begin? Most historians agree that the world has been in turmoil since 1914 and horrific wars have marked the last century right up until now. So, we have been in “great tribulation” since that time in line with Christ’s forecast.
Just to illustrate, I saw news footage of an incident a year or so, in Syria, where Assad’s regime used Sarin gas on his own citizens and a young child died in hideous agony, while a grief stricken mother cradled her dead son in her arms. That image hurt and remains with me.
Try telling that woman to stop crying, because “she aint seen nothing yet”, because the WT is spinning the line that we haven’t had “The Great Tribulation” yet. What worse could you do to that woman? Even death wouldn’t hurt as much as what she has seen. We have had tribulation of some kind all over the Earth since the 1914 War began.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 6, 2016 at 6:48 am

 I agree with your assessment of the definite article “the”, especially since the JWs put so much emphasis on it for their interpretation of John 1:1.

However, I disagree with your assessment that great tribulation has been here since 1914. There have been periods of tribulation in many different periods of time as well as periods of prosperity. The Black Plague, the inquisition, and the crusades were certainly times of great tribulation. The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest conflicts ever fought (more Americans died in this war than either of the world wars). In fact the American Civil War was seen as support for the Bible students original interpretation of the last days having begun in 1799 and culminating in Christ’s presence in 1874.
The point is that you can argue for a period of great tribulation for any number of time periods, not just 1914. And to parallel the time period of Jerusalem’s destruction, the great tribulation at the time lasted for about 4 years, from 66 to 70. Over the last 102 years since 1914, we have had both times of trouble and times of prosperity. It is over generalizing to classify the entire 102 years as a time of great tribulation.

 Sarah says:

 June 6, 2016 at 7:17 am

Both interesting points of view. I have recently looked up global warming again due to local celebrities stating that a 2 degree of warming would be catastrophic.
Just looking at Florida’s problems as an example, I was horrified at the millions being spent on defences already. Soon their main source of water could be contaminated by sea water and islands could disappear. The resulting homelessness will cause untold hardships.
The future does not look too good for our children.

 Sarah says:

 June 7, 2016 at 12:31 am

PS. In Revelation 7:14 the Greek does use ‘the’ with regard to the great tribulation. But then the Greek language uses the definite article differently from English. It would put ‘the’ before God or Paul where English would not.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 7, 2016 at 4:10 pm

 There have been various untold hardships for the human family throughout history. But we are survivors; we find ways to make it work. The issues with global warming and water supply are just more of the same and I am confident we will find ways to address them. I’d rather be alive in the 21st century with the advancements we have made than in some other time period in the past. Our problems are not insurmountable and as a human family we can work together to find solutions.


 Big B says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:25 am

@ Winston Smith;
I seem to recall that the Watchtower may have backed down on 1914 being the start of the Great Tribulation. I think I may have read 1914 was the beginnings of the “pangs of distress” not the beginnings of the Great Tribulation.
I do agree with you that during the period in Europe of the Hundred Years War conflict, famine and pestilence swept the European continent. The ‘Black Death’ destroyed entire communities and the people at that time thought it was the end of the world (and in their minds rightfully so).
Pulitzer Prize winning Historian Barbara Tuchman describes the riding of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in her book “A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century”. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. ISBN 0394400267. She was famous for Tuchman’s Law “The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold” (or any figure the reader would care to supply). Tuchman’s Law has been defined as a psychological principle of “perceptual readiness” or “subjective probability”.
Who can say whether there will be another catastrophe in this century that will define the “end times” as 1914 did for the 20th century.

 Trapped says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:12 am

So I never really comment but after attending this last convention and seeing the videos and more importantly the reaction on those in attendance I have to say something.
First off I have been a witness for over 40 years and did the full gambit Pioneered, Bethel , Internation Construction, Elder Ect . I always had doubts but the last 5 or so years I have no doubt this is a cult and it is getting worse . I am married and have 4 kids and I struggle every day because I know if I full on leave then it will utterly destroy my family. My wife is semi into the religion she is mostly there for the social aspect and is not a critical thinker at all and does not want to see the religion for what it is .
I have done the reasearch and showed her everythign – but the I think the loss of her social circule is too much to bare and she would ratrher not think about it then take ant action. Recently my feeling have come to light and I have recived multiple visits from the elders along with phone calls from my life long friends who are devout elders and JW’s .
My “friends” do not want to hear anything have to say they just want me to get back in line . I can also tell that if I push the line too much the friendships that have spanned 20 years will be gone. The funny thing is when I was younger most of my family left the truth and I cut them off saying to myself my spiritual brothers are all I need they will never leave me . Nowhere 20 years later my family that I treated like garbage are there for me unconditional, and my spiritual brothers will drop me if I don’t get in line .
The change in conversation is incredible before they knew how I felt we were close and could talk about everything – after they found out I was having doubts ( And I did not make it public my wife contacted them and they asked me and I told them how I felt that is it ) our conversation are now very metered and awkward .
As far as this convention and these videos I see many people thinking the witnesses will see this for what it is and rebel or at least question what is being taught. The exact opposite is what I see happening – They saying this is the best convention ever . The videos are created to hit people emotionally so they react without thinking . The society knows how powerful movies are and they are doing their best to get people inline .
My wife left the convention even more convinced than ever . And everyone I talked to felt that this was the best convention ever because it made them cry it hit them emotionally and it scared them that if they strayed they could lose their life . I so wish that people would see through what they were showing but they will not . Throughout history religion has suppressed and controlled and the JW’s do this better than anyone .
As far as my family I have some tough choices , I know once I leave I will no longer be welcome in my home and my kids will be told I have been overtaken by Satan. I can stay and keep my family together, but that comes at a cost of me condoning what they are learning and at the same time being looked at as inefficient or lacking for not being a spiritual head . Its really seems to be a pay now or pay later scenario . There is one thing I do know this organization will not let me leave with my family without a fight and it is a fight that is stacked against me .

 Dwc says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:29 pm

Love you post and I so feel for you. I truly believe that it isn’t a cult in its truist form. These people genuinely believe they are serving God. Yes they won’t make any leaps of faith without the “faithful slave” (which is the wrong application of that scripture) And we all know that it is more the concept and the promises laid in the bible that has 8 million plus absolutely hooked.
I spoke with my mother in law this morning and asked her to call my wife as she’s quite distraught at my choice. She was really pleasant and genuine. The argument we always get is “well how else is the preaching work getting done” to which I replied, does it matter if there is no love?
Anyways loved your post and would love to chat brother! Glad to hear you are once again having a relationship with your family.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 6, 2016 at 7:58 pm

 By definition, it is a cult. It has nothing to do with whether people really believe they are serving God. The people who drank the kool aid in heavens gate really believed they were serving God too. It comes down to the indoctrination process and the BITE model to determine whether a belief system is a cult.


 Holy Connoli says:

 June 7, 2016 at 1:12 am

To DWC: My wife always says the same thing to me also… ” We are the only ones preaching the kingdom worldwide! Nobody else is doing it. We have 8 Million people doing it in 400 languages etc”. I say to her yes, you are preaching but preaching the wrong Kingdom bc you teach that the Kingdom was established in 1914 and that Jesus came that same year.
We all know the Kingdom was not established that year and therefore the Kingdom you are preaching about is the wrong one. She has admitted 607 BCE is not an accurate year and other things but always goes back to the “only ones” preaching the Kingdom. Well, they have an ever changing and convoluted kingdom message from 8 million people.
No different than any other religious group
 that thinks they are unique and preaching a different convoluted message.


 Dwc says:

 June 7, 2016 at 8:01 am

@holyconnli: I hear what you’re saying. I personally still believe in the bible. That’s my choice. But the preaching work is always going to be that argument, and they will take that.
What I find interesting about all religion but specifically this one is it gives people purpose and focus. Now they believe they are doing this for Jehovah and Jesus. They all really do. We know they in reality do not but here is the point.
Here’s what’s fascinating… As wrong as it is, if it is working for them they won’t leave. It is why they don’t see really huge success as well. It is why any person who finds their niche in work and they just kill it at work… Because they have found that little slice of what works for their lives.
A lot of people come on here and are resentful and rightly so. Me personally, I am happy so many can see this work for their life. It has never fully worked for my life. It was always something I couldn’t just go all hung ho on. I do believe we are about to see a mass exodus from the faith to which they’ll claim a new understanding of Matt. 24 and the “love of the greater number cooling off”. But for the hard core ones be happy it works for them. They at least live good lives.
If anyone can find something that makes them a better person good on them.

 Idontknowhatodo says:

 June 6, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Unfortunately in our situation…mine is nearly the same…there is no really dignified way to leave… we are trapped…I absolutely feel for you…Im fading but Im starting to feel the pressure ramping up.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 6, 2016 at 1:59 pm

@Trapped. I’m in a similar situation. Even with perfectly good critical thinking skills it is painful knowing the rift there will be when I eventually tell people how I really feel and it is enough to keep me silent.
I know no one will listen to me or change course as a result of anything I could possibly say.
I have no delusions that most JWs in attendance will see through the lies. But I do think it will be a significant number. Because there is definitely a large group of individuals like ourselves who already have doubts and misgivings.
There are enough witnesses in developed lands with access to the Internet and sites like this one, that even 5% of those in attendance would be a significant number.
It will be hard to know how many are affected because simultaneously there is the crackdown on shunning. So as much as some will feel inclined to leave after this convention program, they will also know in their hearts that being true to their convictions will mean banishment.
I don’t think you can attend and listen and pay attention and not be moved one way or the other. As I said before, I think some will double down. Probably most will, but others will be awakened.
But then what? Of that number what percentage feel trapped like us by their family ties and friendships?
How many will truly have the courage to make a swift, clean break!
I’m not judging anyone for that. I have repeatedly said that I don’t.
Terrible choices! Sometimes it makes me wish there was an end in sight, just for the resolution.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:17 pm

 You seem to be in the same situation I was in about 4 years ago when I first started waking up. My wife is like yours: not a critical thinker, just in it for the social aspect. I went through the phases that you are going through. First confronting the wife, then all my JW “friends” – we are friends no longer.

You do get past all those things. Take advantage of friends you make outside of the religion. Reconnect with family members that you left behind – believe it or not they will forgive you. Try to make it work with your wife – agree to disagree. At least try to make it work long enough until your kids are grown.
I am now awake 4 years. Have not been to a meeting in almost 3 years. I have my freedom. I feel a sense of relief. My wife is still in and we are still together. There’s tension at times but not unbearably so. I am still able to be there for my kids. What I am getting at is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you don’t necessarily have to loose everything. In fact that feeling is part of your cult indoctrination kicking in. I cannot promise that your situation will work out like mine – no two are the same. But rest assured that there is life after Watchtower. They cannot take everything from you.

 M Saurus says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:32 am

I agree with Trapped. I will not attend the convention so will miss out on the reactions. But all the witnesses I know bar none (most especially my Mother) will react as Trapped described.
They will NOT see it for what it is. These ridiculous videos will have the opposite reaction. They will dig their heels in even further, knowing “what’s going to happen”.
I hate to say it, but all the witnesses I know will think this is the best, not the worst convention ever.

 KimJones says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:55 am

@Trapped, take your time, don’t feel pushed. So many of us here understand what you are going through. I’m a survivor. I can give some good advice actions I’ve used that helped me make it through what you are going through now. Keep your patience. You need to set healthy boundaries around yourself. This is done by being careful who you talk to, Information is used like a weapon. Your wife is still indoctrinated so you need to let her know she is crossing a healthy boundary by talking about you to a friend or an elder or a family member. Let her know You need to be able to trust her and you can’t when she complains about you to an elder in the congregation. Let her know she undermines her relationship with you that way because it makes it so you can’t trust her. Remind her of the old saying, ‘Trust is a must or the game is a bust.’ You’ll have to put your foot down about this. This will help stop outside influences from sabotaging you and your marriage. Set these healthy boundaries so life will be easier for you as you fade. The JW religion isn’t based on respect, it’s based on control and manipulation. I hope the best for you.

 M Saurus says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:32 pm

I find it so interesting/funny that people who left this religion call themselves “survivors”,(Melodramatic to the extreme) and talk about watching who they talk to and what they say and where they go…
How are you “free” if you have to sneak around and watch your back? Even though it’s hard to do, you owe it to yourself to make a clean break and let the chips fall where they may. Then you ARE free to live and speak and act – HOWEVER YOU WANT!!
You are leaving a religion, for God’s sake (pun intended) – no one is going to shoot you as you cross the border.

 KimJones says:

 June 6, 2016 at 2:45 pm

His wife might.

 KimJones says:

 June 6, 2016 at 2:52 pm

It isn’t about sneaking around. People use information like a weapon. The JWs don’t have to know his business. M Saurus, That’s why his wife needs to stop being a tattle tail. Now is the time he has to speak up for himself. And yes, I survived, and I don’t care what you think about that. You are as judgemental as a JW. You are showing the kind of person you are and it isn’t good. I’m staying away from you. You’re no good.

 M Saurus says:

 June 6, 2016 at 7:41 pm

I am judgemental? You have judged me to be “no good” – and you don’t even know me.
As far as the wife being a tattle tail, you can only control your own actions, not those of anyone else. If he had made a clean break, then he wouldn’t care who “tattled”.
Also, I am sorry I struck a nerve with my survivor comment. When I hear the term “survivor” -I think of survivors of Nazi death camps, cancer survivors, or survivors of a tornado or an earthquake. Not someone who decided not to belong to a religious group. Not nearly as big of a deal to have “survived” changing your beliefs.


 Winston Smith says:

 June 6, 2016 at 7:54 pm

M Saurus,
 As I recall from previous posts, you were lucky enough to have your spouse and your child leave with you. Can you show empathy toward those who do not have that situation? Would you have Trapped leave his wife and his children to the mercy of this cult and go off and start life over again?


 Holy Connoli says:

 June 7, 2016 at 1:00 am

To M Saurus: I think the word Survivor is appropriate bc many people feel they were mentally and emotionally enslaved and they to this point are now out of it and have survived to see things differently and b free free from those chains. Maybe they are not 100% as free mentally as you have become but they are getting there. one BIG THING to remember is that many JW’s have family members, wife’s, husbands, children, extended and in laws still in and many close friends. It isn’t easy to be shunned by them and the WT forces that fear on their fellow members. I am glad your family and children left with you guys but not everyone will do that.The fact that the JW’s have a high % of mental illness and higher % of suicide shows the negative effect mentally that this Cult has ad on people. we all move forward at different paces. Be merciful toward those moving at different paces, Help them with your experience to be more free.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 7, 2016 at 10:14 am

Also, let’s not forget: PEOPLE HAVE DIED as a result of following Watchtower doctrines. Individuals have refused life-saving medical treatment.
Even if you factor that some of these were gravely ill and might have died anyway, some have died needlessly.
Also, some have died as a result of taking a stand for their beliefs: not voting, refusal of military service, etc.
Not to mention countless people who were depressed out of their minds by unreasonable expectations of godly devotion and moral uprightness and stayed in until they couldn’t deal with it anymore and took their own lives.
Or those who left and couldn’t bear to be shunned, but also couldn’t bear to return. So, again, suicide.
So, no. It is not melodramatic to call oneself a ‘survivor’.
You can survive a single incident in life like a car accident or a holdup, and that gives you the right to refer to it for life.
Does it compare to the Holocaust? No. But it could have killed you and it didn’t.
The mind control and emotional manipulation people endure while in and the trauma they endure when leaving is a real human reaction that is not unique to Witnesses. It is predictable and measured and documented.
It should not be belittled just because some don’t experience it. I think the comments are evidence that most do.

 M Saurus says:

 June 7, 2016 at 11:23 am

Agreed that we all, including me, need to be more compassionate to those trying to fade.
But again, Fallingangel, those people you mentioned that have died for not taking blood, not voting etc. They were not held prisoner and forced to do (or not do anything). They made a choice. The religion did not kill them. The GB did not kill them. Their own choices killed them.
I feel like quite a few people who were duped by this cult want total absolution from all personal responsibility.
I know it sounds better to them than saying “I was fooled all these years and made some really poor choices.”


 Winston Smith says:

 June 7, 2016 at 4:03 pm

Undue influence is just that: influence beyond that which is ethical or normal. You can’t say that people who have lost their lives because of this religion bear all the responsibility themselves. They were being influenced by a deceptive entity. They were given flawed information on which to base their decisions.
Back in the 1950s women were given thalidomide for morning sickness. No one forced them to take it. The result was children born with severe birth defects. Are the mothers to blame because they took thalidomide? Or Is it the result of doctors and drug companies releasing a drug without sufficient testing? The information provided was flawed. ‘This won’t hurt you or your child’ was implied. Based on that misinformation, thousands of children were born with defects. Who really bears the heavier blame? Is it not those responsible for the misinformation?


 rob says:

 June 6, 2016 at 11:01 am

When I was a witness year after year after every convention I would hear the same words, “That was the best convention ever. ”
Not sure if the witnesses are simply saying that to show that they were loyal and appreciative or if they said it simply to be a crowd pleaser.
But still very disturbing to hear the same words this year even after the watchtower is ramping up the rules and making sure that everyone toes the line on shunning and also instilling more and more fear with the videos.
I do have to give the GB and their advisors credit – they do know how to prey on people’s emotions, they know how to capture and imprison the victim without the victim realizing they are being held captive.

 JustMakinObservation says:

 June 6, 2016 at 11:13 am

I have a theory about the so called Bunker videos. Again, I repeat, it is just a theory not a confirmed truth! So please go easy on me.
For you to assimilate my point I have to model it from the Eastern Europe perspective. As you well know that during the days of the USSR, JW’s used to congregate figuratively “underground” in secret in their apartments in smaller groups of maximum 7 people in casual clothes for fear the neighbors would alert the authorities. I know this because my wife comes from Slovakia. She likes joking about how she was baptized in a bathtub, and at that time there were 5 people in attendance. Anyway, they also met in basements, they called pivnica. So, that was underground meetings in a literal sense.
So, at present in Slovakia, meeting attendance is not going so well, congregations are shrinking, e.g most towns used to have 3 congregations, but for the past 5 years, attendance is so atrocious that individuals from the 3 groups get to be lumped into one or two congregations. This effect is starting to be visible on convention levels and assemblies. Slovak JW’s have to travel to near by Czech Republic to fill in with their numbers, just to hide the embarrassment of poor attendance. And my wife still reports that no one is non-the-wiser : JW numbers are shrinking, they can’t see the illusion being maintained.
Bearing this mind game in mind, I think the ORG is playing the so called Bunker Videos to psychologically acclimate the JW minds to their next move. Which is: they are preparing to drop new light; The authorities are about to hunt down JW’S and all witnesses must revert to the Underground method of meeting in small groups. This will help the Brooklyn Gods dodge the bullet and give a reasonable explanation to the rank and file that the JW numbers are growing strong. Its all a lie that there is a massive hemorrhaging going on. Also, the ORG can conveniently claim all proceeds from the sales of all Watchtower estates such as kingdom halls, assembly halls etc…
It all fits in nicely when you consider that meetings can be conducted via Skype or satellite link. Also the Brooklyn Gods have their own Broadcasting Channel. Everyone has tablets. So you do not have to go to meetings anymore, the meetings will come to you. In the comfort of your own home with a cup of coffee and biscuits. The Brooklyn Gods will self grandiose over this and claim that they have reviewed the situation and sympathize with brothers who have to travel miles and miles to get to Jehovah’s banquet. And all the sheep will admire them more and see them as progressive shepherds. I think the ORG is going to be more of a virtual Organization, and things like ministry will still have to be done in the real world. And your donations can still roll in by postal order and credit card. That is the future of the Watchtower, at least in the developed world. I have come to learn a very important lesson about the Governing Body, they evolve their agenda at snail’s pace, by the time you wake up, they would become an entirely new species of an ORG. They are senile old coots but meticulous. Make no mistake about their deceit, It is not in-vane that they have implemented all the changes you have been observing for the past years.


 rob says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:18 pm

Very interesting theory. But in my opinion, once you eliminate the social gathering aspect of this religion, which is the reason many of the people stay in – and if the witness religion were to become a “virtual religion” I believe this would be the end of the religion.
I do believe that in the western world, many stay in the religion because their friends are there and it is the social club aspect that keeps them going to meetings and conventions.
Also, the meetings and conventions are the tools that the GB use to indoctrinate and by having everyone attend meetings everyone keeps a close eye on everyone else and this keeps the rank and file in line.
I believe, no actual meetings, no mind numbing routine, = no more witness religion.

 JustMakinObservation says:

 June 6, 2016 at 2:18 pm

True, absolutely true about the social neediness and opportunity for indoctrination. I suppose I did not consider that point much because, I always got the sense that JW are looking forward to darker days of persecution, and actually regard that as badge of honer. So, being social under hush conditions, incognito(virtual or otherwise) would be a non-matter. I just wonder then, how would the Brooklyn Gods explain the consolidation of the various congregations to maintain the illusion of greater numbers. Do you have an idea?

 Man from the lions pit says:

 June 6, 2016 at 9:01 pm

JMO to your question ,They don’t have to explain it.This is the point majority of bros will still accept it without explanation 🙂

 Dwc says:

 June 6, 2016 at 12:35 pm

Have to be honest, I would welcome that vs the current format.
The on all the KH is so a cross it isn’t funny. And the teaching is so basic and stupid now. At least in a basement group you can talk scripture and more importantly use the truths of the bible. Maybe even Holy Spirit will actually lead people to question the crap.

 rob says:

 June 6, 2016 at 1:32 pm

But isn’t that one of the reasons why they got rid of the book study groups?

 Dwc says:

 June 6, 2016 at 2:05 pm

Yes and ever since then it’s been this garbage. I never missed a book study because I could freely dig deep, use other scriptures. At then end of the day it’s still an organized religion.

 JBob says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:27 pm

One reason they kept the personal homes book study nights leading up to 1975 was constant reminder that during WW II and other persecuted countries, the private home book study meetings were “excellent subterfuge” from prying eyes of the “big brother” governments. When that was abolished (due to legal & insurance liabilities issues), it was noted on many of dissenter forums this past justification for maintaining those private home meetings.
The bunker videos may be glitzier and more self-aggrandizing but the message is nothing new. JW’s and Watchtower pubs have ALWAYS taught that governments would hunt down Christendom first, then JW’s explicitly because they would be “last man standing” in terms of being the last holdouts clinging to religious beliefs.
The conspiracy theoris which paint some “invisible hand” (usually the Illuminati using Amtrak “maintenance sheds” as concentration camps) as compelling atheism and driving Christians underground are on par with JW, Adventist, Assemblies of God, and other evangelical end-time aware groups doomsday scenarios.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:55 pm

JMO tell your wife she has a buddy who knows and been in pivnica as well 🙂

 JustMakinObservation says:

 June 6, 2016 at 10:12 pm

Man from the lions pit. What a name! and I think it says it all about your days in pivnica. Keep strong. You have gained a friend too!

 Man from the lions pit says:

 June 7, 2016 at 9:13 pm

Thanks JMO,once we can exchange contacts here I will do it ! big hugs for both

 M. says:

 June 6, 2016 at 4:48 pm

 is running out
 The end
 is near
For the Watchtower:


 Quendi says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:13 pm

The news about this summer’s convention cycle has convinced me more than ever that with respect to my more than thirty years’ association with Jehovah’s Witnesses, being disfellowshipped was the best thing that could have happened to me. I must say, however, that I am deeply saddened, but not surprised, to learn that the reaction of most rank-and-file Witnesses is that the convention was the “best ever” and proof of God’s loving care. That only lends added credence to the saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Despite this, I also believe in the old truism ‘you reap what you sow.’ The Watchtower’s bad fruitage is becoming increasingly abundant and I really believe that a harvest is inevitable. I may not be around when “the End” finally comes, but I take satisfaction in my conviction that the End will be that of the Watchtower, and deservedly so.

 Man from the lions pit says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:46 pm

Thanks for your article well written as always CF.
 I can say I can relate to many things mention in your article on personal level as someone who came from also was JW in “Eastern block” and know what is the life as JW “under the ban” to some regards,


 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 6, 2016 at 8:58 pm

I don’t know whether it’s just me, but when I got to the end of these videos and the heavies burst in I wanted to jump and scream out “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our two weapons are fear and surprise, and….an almost fanatical devotion to the pope….oh, I’ll come in again. (Or maybe that should read “nobody expects the Australian royal commission”…because while the first 28 cases were exposing Babylonian filth, case 29 was a satanic attack on gods people….. oh give me a break )

 Winston Smith says:

 June 7, 2016 at 8:52 am

 LOL- Spanish Inquisiton – great reference


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 7, 2016 at 10:43 am

Right? WS? I thought so too. Laughed out loud for real.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:57 am

Bunker video no. 7 – no, not the comfy chair!

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 9, 2016 at 2:19 am

The Spanish Inquisition line made me chuckle….and then this popped into my head…

 ruthlee says:

 June 7, 2016 at 6:48 am

Isnt it strange that only jdubs have to go through so much and devote all their money, lifeblood, time,etc to get their prize of everlasting battery life and if they slip on the soap at the end nope too bad you can’t come in. What a booby prize it is. It really is not worth the effort or the time slip it is written on. They really are daft and so was I to be so scared for so long. Still not going to this convention. There isn’t another religion who preaches an earthly hoop jumping hope no wonder we could not get the worldly people to flocked to us in their droves it was all too good to be true. Just think now you have to live in a bunker before paradise. I did not sign up for that. It was not in my baptism clause. Witnesses do not think for themselves for one minute they are very silly and the gb are piping a merry tune to watch their puppets dance. Ruthlee

 A Patient Man says:

 June 7, 2016 at 7:12 am

I was baptized in 1966, even at the tender age of 14 I did not really understand fully what I was doing. Do I understand now what that decision did to my life? You better believe I do! All of the youngsters in our hall were doing it, some as young as 9. My parents were right in there with the rest of the parents pushing for myself and my four sisters to excel along with the other unsuspecting children. What was that motivation that made us conform? It really was fear. That pressure from the parents along with repeated meetings, assemblies, ministry, and then there were those in powerful positions who put added pressure by telling us we were going to miss out on something wonderful in the end. That was 64 years ago for me, and they are still doing it! I remember a person who considered himself one of the special class along with his wife. He was anything but special, he would sit in the back of the hall and watch all of us kids and take notes. Then he would tell the parents of those children, including my mom and dad who was misbehaving. If my dad thought that it was serious enough it would require the hand or the belt to bring me back into line, all with the blessing of the organization. I was one messed up little kid. On the one hand I did not want to displease my parents, and on the other I did not want to lay in wait for that life eternal that may or may not be granted to me. As all of you know this theme of correction and discipline is still alive and well, it is at what seems to be a new level now though. To be able to put a video in front of you on a very large screen designed to scare the crap out of you works for many to keep them conforming, and sad to say it really frightens the youngsters in attendance. I am here to tell you like many of the ones who comment here, I am not that frightened little boy anymore. I see past the the terrible hypocritical special people, and the ones who believe they can meddle in my life. I cannot wait for the day when this powerful hold the organization has on the lives of people will be gone. For now I am taking my time, being very careful what I say and for the most part keeping my mouth shut, (except for comments here!). Thanks to all of you for speaking your mind and helping those who want help. I am reminded of going to AA meetings where you learn that, “I am here to listen and to speak If I so desire. I am also here to take what everybody says and If it applies to me, use it to benefit myself to continue on my path to sobriety. And whatever I feel does not apply to me, I know in my heart that it will help someone else.”

 william says:

 June 7, 2016 at 11:04 am

Dear all ; I am not of any Religion. I have no doctrine/s except the Truth of the Word of God.
 I am not even Christian ; but simply a disciple of Christ.
 Please allow me to share the following with you in love ; and each one can then make up his or her mind for themselves.
 I was a JW for 37 years and therefore believe myself to be more qualified than most to deliver truthful and realistic commentary on this Organisation.
 What I am about to share with you ; is not merely my opinion/s ; but candidly only the Truth.
 The JW are a people that do not keep the Holy Law and Commandments of love of God; claiming that the Holy Law of the very God they claim to worship is nailed to the Cross in shame with Christ. They are the very ones Jesus also warned about such like ones at Matt 5 : 17 to 19 … that teach others that the Law is no more (abolished) ; and will as a result therefore cause themselves to be” the least in the Kingdom of God.”
Yes ; they appear to follow Jesus’s Commission to go preach this Good News of the Kingdom ; but are they truly doing what Jesus Commanded them ; or more so what their Organisation tells them and trains them to do …??? ( As false prophets )

Jesus simply said ” And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world …” Matt 24:14
 But then in Matt 28:19 & 20 Jesus clarifies and specifies His Command” Go ye therefore …and (teach) all nations ; baptizing them etc……. and then in verse 20 — (teach) them what ..? :”All things whatsoever ever I commanded you …..” ( Read John 15:10 ; what this simple Command is and was )
 Now that is what Jesus said (Commanded ) isn’t it ..?
 But now lets look at what Jesus did NOT say ….
Go teach them your Opinion of what is right or wrong/ your faith or Religion ……

This is unfortunately precisely what they do …. I know ; I used to be one of them ( and hated every moment of it ) knowing in my heart that this was wrong …. but never could you say anything for fear that you will be castigated as either apostate or an infidel.
I love the Lord my God and Worship Him with all I am ; I keep all of His Law and Commandments of Love and the Testimony of Christ ; and by this faith I am Justified without having to buckle down to the commandments of men … Not any of you ; nor I was ever commanded to follow anyone else but Christ … hence my decision to be no part of “Christianity ” and especially a SECT = JW that is also a false Prophet against whom Jesus warned ; that many will come in my name ( Gods Holy name in this instance = Yahweh ) and then nogal calling themselves the ” Truth ” ; when clearly there is only one TRUTH ; which is Christ !!! ( John 14:6 ) ” I am the Way ; the Truth and the Life ; no one comes unto my Father but by me …”
Not any Organisation ; church or institution ….. but only by CHRIST !!

Not only are they a Mind Control Organisation shaping your thoughts according to their own self – righteousness ( Since they decline Gods Holy Law = Only standard of Righteousness ); but also are false prophets ; having come out of the Seventh day Adventists and both of them from another false prophet ; the Millerites ( William Miller ) their founder in the Mid and latter 1800’s .
In Conclusion : Jesus’s Words at Matt 24:4 to His disciples on the Mount of Olive was : Beware that no man deceives you …”
Deception my dear friends ; is our Biggest enemy ; it already started at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ….

The JW are an Organisation driven impulsively by their own standard/s of Self – Righteousness ….
How can you claim to Worship a God that has no Law /s … the very same God that created all of the Universe with Laws of Order and even disorder ( The Laws of Thermodynamics – in particular the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which deals with entropy ; chaos and disorder ) The very Law that explains why we grow old ; diseased and die ….. all because of our sinful nature.
I am so free and Soar as an eagle ; no longer bound to the commandments of men ( just as Jesus spoke of the Scribes and Pharisees ) ; but drinking of lifes water free every day ; free from Organisations and Religiosity ; free of mind control ; lies and deceit.
May you all have been blessed by this Testimony in this post of Commentary today …..
We are no longer in bondage ; when we are free in Christ.


 Bearwoody says:

 June 7, 2016 at 1:33 pm

The Good News: Apparently the elder’s eyesight has been healed, since he’s not wearing glasses at the beach fruit festival.
The Bad News: Apparently, the Kingdom’s healing powers don’t extend to receding hairlines.
Drat! I was hoping to get a full head of hair again.

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 7, 2016 at 7:44 pm

Missing Scene in Watchtower movie between militant men and paradise fruit scene.
How can Watchtower forget the Great Tribulation Holocaust scene.

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 7, 2016 at 7:47 pm

Oops. Forgot the link.
Missing Scene from Watchtower

 JBob says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:09 pm

I think this reference in either the initial or quote of the article needs expansion,
“If you don’t understand this, it is not due to any failure on your part. It is because it doesn’t make sense. The teaching rides roughshod over the English language, redefining what “generation” means, and relying on the audience to willfully bypass their logical thinking skills by asserting the incomprehensible as indisputable truth.”
One, it highlights another game of Watchtower, Inc–“semantic gymnastics”–of playing games with English words translated from Hebrew. The blog also falls victim to this game by playing along. To comprehend what “generation” means, one would need to dive deep into Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and in this case Greek languages, paleontology AND culture to fully understand what import the writers meant.
The general consensus is that genea is considered to have several definitions:
1) fathered, birth, nativity
 2) that which has been begotten, men of the same stock, a family
 2a) the several ranks of natural descent, the successive members of a genealogy
 2b) metaph. a race of men very like each other in endowments, pursuits, character
 2b1) esp. in a bad sense, a perverse race
 3) the whole multitude of men living at the same time
 4) an age (i.e. the time ordinarily occupied be each successive generation), a space of 30 – 33 years

The Watchtower thus “prayerfully” picked 2a–the lesser of four or five evils. I mean, can you imagine 1914+33 = 1944-1947 and Watchtower projecting the end-time?
Oh wait, there was some speculation on that, too.
So, “2a” which means the “sword of Damacles” or “the Judgement D” hanging over your heads until death do you part. Ye are sinners in the hands of an angry God! Feel the fear, yet?
Yes, this will work out rather nicely–we have a rolling doomsday prophecy and no need to pin the definitive date on the donkey, and we can ratchet up the sense of urgency [often being likened to that “dance” rushing to the restroom] until everyone feels compelled to come to KHall wearing adult diapers and will open up their coffers to alleviate the guilt of being a wayward sinner and slacker.

 JBob says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:13 pm

 Vidiot says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:05 pm

“…I shudder to think what impact this video may have on vulnerable Witnesses.”
That’s easy. It’ll make ’em wanna leave.
Which is cool with the WTS, since they don’t really want ’em.

 KinseyScale6 says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:12 pm

Will the Watchtower be dismissing Jehovah and Holy Spirit soon?
Here’s why–Holy Spirit sired Jesus through “virgin” Mary. Yet, Jesus constantly refers to the Father entity which scripture indicates begot Him. Thus, Jesus has two dads. If two moms are a cause for ejection and rejection from Paradise, surely two dads (men being the “dominant” gender) is more than sufficient reason.

 Josie Whale says:

 June 8, 2016 at 7:17 pm

So what big events are coming to crush the WTBTS to toss all JWs into the bunkers? Interesting how no one covers the core of this “Self fulfilling prophecy”.

 JBob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 6:58 am

The social aspects is a key role today, but there are “secret organizations” which maintain their enclaves with small, private gatherings but maintain numbers through fostering a sense of elitism–Lodges, Masons, and KKK.
One of the aspects of the early Bible Students was a sense of being “chosen,” “set apart,” and “elect” even though you were only one reading Russell’s monthly journal in a small city or rural area. Another aspect of early Bible Students was their resembling small lodges, even using the availability of available Masonic venues to put on conventions and events.

 DB says:

 June 10, 2016 at 4:19 am

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 10, 2016 at 7:10 am

Instead of helping people like Jesus Christ, Watchtower is quick to condemn people. This is exactly how the Pharisees acted. The act of labeling people is what the Pharisees did to the common people. The bubble boys at Watchtower Babble and Tract Society should not be telling their people to be negative to their fellow man. If I were in a “bunker” talking about negative things, I would want to get out. No wonder there is a high level of anti-depressant drug use in the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion.

 James Broughton says:

 June 10, 2016 at 8:36 am

I thought Trapped’s comments were superb. I notice he still writes about those who “leave the truth”. It is only when you finally make the break, however costly it may be, that you appreciate what the truth really is.

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← The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker
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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story

Posted on June 7, 2016


“The way of the truth is the best way of living.”
So begins Kingdom Song 64, “Make the Truth Your Own.” This mantra is one with which Jehovah’s Witnesses are very familiar. In fact, it’s quite common to hear the mantra expanded on in the following way:

Even if this wasn’t the Truth, it would still be the best possible way to live.
If you’ve been associated with the Witnesses, you’ve probably heard a statement like this, often in response to doubts or challenges about how valid Witness teachings are. The narrative being presented is that even if Watchtower is wrong, living according to the Governing Body’s commands would still result in the most satisfying life possible.
It’s a win-win scenario!
But is this statement true?
Well, let’s take a look at how Watchtower presents Witness life in a series of videos being played at the 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah Regional Convention. The videos follow a character, Sergei, from childhood to most-likely, his death.
As we see his story unfold, I’d like you to keep in mind that oft-made claim:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Let’s see if the story of Sergei’s life supports that claim.
Sergei – When Young
Screenshot 2016-06-07 14.20.58Sergei’s story begins when he is a boy, and we fade in on him playing the violin with considerable skill. The narrative unfolds to show an exceptionally talented Sergei being offered special tuition by a music conservatory which would help him make a career out of the art he loves so much.
Great! Not many people get the chance to explore their gifts in this way, and it seems the young Sergei could be starting on a thrilling road of self-discovery and creative fulfilment. Who knows, maybe his artistic legacy will live on for centuries?
Except that Sergei’s father has other ideas. He dismisses Sergei’s musical aspirations by telling his son that the pressure will be something he cannot handle. He dismisses the idea of a young Witness making music “their life, their career.” Sergei is warned that he will have to compete with other musicians, that he will be surrounded by people who do not love Jehovah (sn: just like every day at school or work) and that he must show Jehovah he loves him first.
Apparently, Jehovah hates professional musicians.
If you didn’t know beforehand that the father’s position was the one that Watchtower was promoting, you could play this scene word-for-word, beat-for-beat, and the audience would see Sergei’s father as a closed-minded parent, brutally crushing his son’s dreams and aspirations. Indeed, it’s heartbreaking when the young Sergei pleads with his father, “But I really love it, and I’m not good at anything else! This is what I’m good at!”
I can relate to his plea.
The things I was really good at as a child, the skills and talents around which I would ordinarily have built a satisfying career in the creative industry, were not things I was allowed to make a career due to my Witness beliefs. Instead, I had to choose another road, one far less satisfying and interesting to me, and at which I simply was not as good. Granted, now that I have left the cult, I am trying to resurrect the career I should have started all those years ago, but the lost time and experience is something I will never recover.
So in summary, what do we see from the first video? Sergei’s dreams of being a professional musician are crushed, not because he lacks talent or the drive to succeed, but because his parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses that enforce Watchtower’s strict lifestyle choices upon him. Sergei the violinist will never exist, his potential works lost to future generations, and his dream future denied to him.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Persecuted
Screenshot 2016-06-07 14.51.34We next see Sergei as a young man, conducting a Bible Study. As the scene progresses, it becomes clear that he is living in a country where Jehovah’s Witnesses are under ban. The Witnesses are risking arrest by practicing their faith and carrying out Watchtower’s commands. During the video, Sergei returns home to discover that the police are waiting inside and have brutalized his father.
(Possibly by subjecting him to their awful acting.)
The police demand to know where Sergei has hidden the Watchtower literature. Sergei refuses to answer the questions, and later, refuses to play the national anthem on his violin. This is not a random choice on Sergei’s part; Watchtower instructs Witnesses, like Sergei, that to do so would compromise Watchtower’s particular interpretation of political neutrality. (Never mind that Watchtower has compromised this doctrine on numerous occasions for its own benefit, often carefully ensuring that normal Witnesses never find out.)
As a result, the police incarcerate Sergei.
This is sadly an all-too-plausible scenario. In many counties across the world over the past century, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been subjected to horrific persecution for obeying Watchtower’s commands on political neutrality. From the savagery meted out in Malawi to the dreadful inhumanity of the concentration camps of the Third Reich, Witnesses have been incarcerated, tortured and murdered by repressive regimes. No one who respects the concept of universal human rights can do anything other than unreservedly condemn such barbaric repression.
Those who wish to sincerely practice their faith in a manner that does not infringe on the human rights of others, should always be free to do so, but obviously no one would wish to endure the kind of savagery Sergei encounters for serving a religion that was not true.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Tempted
Screenshot 2016-06-07 17.06.06Our next video finds Sergei still in prison, reciting scripture to keep his spirits up. The prison officials give him the tragic news that his father, also an inmate, is dying.
Weeping, Sergei requests permission to see his father, and the prison officer offers Sergei “an even better solution.” He offers to let Sergei and his father, both, leave the prison! All Sergei has to do is sign a document renouncing his faith.
Watchtower is unequivocal on this point. There is no room for an individual Witness to decide that the paper and “renunciation” are meaningless, okay to sign, and then continue worshiping as normal, once they are free. “Theocratic Warfare” may allow Watchtower leaders to lie in court when being questioned about not reporting child abuse, but it does not allow Witnesses to sign documents they give no credence to in order to alleviate terrible suffering and regain their freedom.
Witnesses are expected to refuse all such offers, no questions asked.
So, Sergei does what Watchtower expects and refuses to sign. Then, he is then dragged back to his cell where he is to serve out the rest of his five-year prison term, never to see his father again.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Praised
Screenshot 2016-06-07 17.48.47We next meet Sergei some considerable time later, as a middle-aged man, serving as a substitute Circuit Overseer for Watchtower.
For those unfamiliar, a Circuit Overseer (C.O.) is someone who works full-time for Watchtower, travelling to visit a select, geographic group of congregations. They will hold meetings with the Elders, Ministerial Servants and Pioneers, give special talks from the platform, organize the Field Service for the week, and generally make sure that the congregation is running according to Watchtower’s policy. It’s an exhausting job, often requiring long days of activity for little remuneration, though the meals and board for a C.O are usually provided for by the host congregation. A substitute C.O is often someone training to be a permanent C.O, and they will step in when the regular C.O is ill or indisposed.
He is reunited with his old friends Alexia and Natalia, with whom, in the second video, he was shown studying. He and his wife accept and share a meal together with some friends. During the meal, Sergei is complemented on the quality of his talks, as well as his unwavering faith; those present infer that they wish he was the permanent C.O, citing a number of perceived flaws with the present one.
My personal experience, having met many C.O’s in my time, is that they vary significantly in quality and temperament. I’ve met kind, sincere men who genuinely cared about their flock, and I’ve met unkind, hard, cruel men who made the lives of those in their Circuit a misery. It’s common for a hard-pressed congregation to desperately wish for a change, especially if they’ve met one of the nicer C.O’s on the list.
How does Sergei respond to the conversation? Granted, it must be awkward for him to hear others complain about his colleague but how does he deal with these complaints, along with complements given to him?
He rejects them all. He refuses to take credit for any of his abilities. He has no sense of ownership for his achievements. With downcast eyes, he credits everything to Jehovah’s spirit. He also makes this point: “Jehovah chooses those who serve in the congregations” and this is a way to imply that such men are above criticism from the rank and file.
(Does Jehovah choose the Elders who’ve covered up child abuse, or Servants who are actually child abusers? Watchtower can’t have it both ways. Either the “appointed men” are chosen by God or they are not.)
Now, remember how excited and full of confidence little Sergei was in the first video? As a young child, Sergei had found his passion, his calling, and was full of confidence that he could achieve wonderful things with his music. He was good at it, and he KNEW he was good at it. He had full confidence in his abilities. The future lay before him, vast and glittering, before his father tore his confidence and dreams away. What do we find when we look at Sergei now?
A man working long hours as a religious administrator in return for very little compensation, his dreams of music forgotten, his father lost to religious persecution, along with apparently five years of his own life. A man so lacking in self-worth that he cannot even bring himself to take credit for the experience and skills that others see in him and admire.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Tired
Screenshot 2016-06-07 18.08.16The next video finds Sergei at his place of employment, a factory or workshop of some kind, welding torch in hand, a far cry from the concert halls or recording studios in which he could have spent his life. He looks tired and drawn as he pulls off his welding mask, and is summoned to his managers office.
We find out that Sergei has been working to cover the shifts of others and is exhausted. Nonetheless, his manager barks orders for him to start attending a facility one hour away to cover another absent employee. Sergei protests. He has a family and religious responsibilities to attend to.
It transpires that the manager claims to show consideration for Sergei’s meeting times and religious duties, and Sergei doesn’t challenge this so we are left with the impression that this assertion is correct. Nonetheless, Sergei is given a choice. Go cover the absent employee or go find another job.
Sergei relents and makes preparations to attend the new work plant, but then ponders his Bible and remembers that he needs to attend his family Bible study that night.
He returns home to his family instead of work, and carries out the family study.
No mention is given about what happens to Sergei’s job, but given the attitude of the manager, and that he apparently just walked offsite without notifying anyone, one can safely assume that he was fired. However, in the video, no acknowledgment is made for this possibility and whilst Sergei’s family seem to be eager for the “spiritual food” they are about to receive, I fear that before long they will discover that physical food is rather important as well.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Abandoned
Screenshot 2016-06-07 18.43.30The next installment of what is fast becoming “The Tragedy Of Sergei” takes place when Sergei is an older man, with greying hair. Once again, we meet Sergei’s friend, Natalia, though it seems that his other friend Alexi, is absent. Sergei asks if he can stop by and visit Alexi but a grief-stricken Natalia whispers,

You can’t.
Has Alexi died? Has he been dragged off to prison? Did he emigrate to Outer Mongolia?
It appears that all that has happened to Alexi is that he stopped believing the Watchtower religion. (It’s not specified if he was Disfellowshipped, Disassociated or simply faded)
So good news Sergei!
You CAN go and see him! He’s probably at home right now and all you need to do is pop on round, ring the bell, and chat with your old friend who, despite no longer believing that Steven Lett represents God’s appointed channel on Earth, is probably the same guy you’ve known and loved all these years.
Except that Sergei is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It doesn’t matter that his old friend is probably the same man he always was, Sergei is not allowed to judge his friends by  their character, but can do so only by their opinions on Watchtower doctrine.
Make no mistake, Sergei is now under orders from Watchtower: If Alexis has been disfellowshipped or disassociated, Sergei must treat his old friend as if he no longer exists, as if he has died. If he passes Alexi on the street he must not even say a greeting. Total shunning is to be enforced. Even if Alexi has successfully faded without Judicial Sanction, Watchtower makes it clear that unless Sergei has a very good reason, he shouldn’t be interacting with him at all.
And as of this 2016 convention, if the faded Alexi does anything on Watchtower’s prohibited list, like celebrate a birthday, attend a religious service, or give blood, then the shunning laws snap right back into place.
So Sergei, clearly devastated, turns his back on a man he describes as a second father, for no reason other than his religion expects and demands it of him. It is not Alexi who has abandoned Sergei, but rather Sergei who has abandoned his friend.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Facing Death
Screenshot 2016-06-07 19.22.28“The Tragedy of Sergei” is drawing to a close. In the final video, we see Sergei in a hospital bed, gravely ill. His daughter, looking through his old photographs, sees young Sergei with his violin. She shows it to him and says:

I didn’t know you played the violin.
Sergei shrugs and replies.

I lost interest in it, I guess.
It’s no surprise to see that Sergei’s passions and talents have been beaten out of him over the years, given all that he has been forced to give up and to suffer on account of Watchtower commands and doctrine. He has lost his art, his father, five years of his life, his closest friend, and spent a life toiling in a punishing career that he clearly never wanted to have, a career that he possibly even endangered or crippled at one point due to following Watchtower commands about time spent at work.
Nonetheless, things are going to get worse. It’s made clear that unless Sergei undergoes an operation, he is doomed. The doctor advises him that the chances of surviving the operation are much lower if he refuses blood.
Again, Watchtower doctrines snap into place here. If Sergei is judged to have willingly and unrepentantly accepted a blood transfusion, he will be viewed as a disassociated person and shunned by all of his family and friends. Additionally, Sergei will have been indoctrinated all of his life to view such a transfusion as sinful, an act that could jeopardize his chances at gaining eternal life in the paradise earth yet to come.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that Sergei refuses blood, thus lowering the chances he will survive the operation. In the closing moments of the video, Sergei and his daughter both talk about their hope for the future, of being reunited in the Paradise Earth that Watchtower teaches is yet to come. We flash back through the key moments of Sergei’s life, where loyalty to Watchtower first set him off on a journey of hardship, denial and persecution, and Sergei faces what is potentially his death with a tearful smile on his face.
And thus we come to the point.
If Watchtower teachings are correct, and Sergei’s tragic life of missed opportunities, suffering, persecution and lost friends, has enabled him to get access to a wonderful paradise, where his dead loved ones are reunited with him forever, one can make the argument that his life of denial and pain was worth the sacrifice.
But if Watchtower teachings are wrong, then Sergei’s tragic suffering due to following their commands has been entirely without meaning. Quite simply, it is absurd to suggest, given what we have reviewed above, presented by Watchtower itself no less, that there can be any credibility in the statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
If this were not “the Truth,” Sergei would have been far better living a normal life. Had he taken the other road, we could be looking at Sergei, the respected and successful musician, who was able to see his father when he died, who didn’t lose five years of his life to incarceration, who never had to shun his closest friend, who spent his life following his passions and not toiling in a workshop, and who is being assured by the doctors that there is a good chance he will survive.
Sergei’s story might be extreme, but it’s not uncommon among Witnesses, and even those who suffer less, still have to give up and sacrifice much on Watchtower’s altar.
Before one sacrifices the life they have now, in the hopes that they will gain a life to come, one needs to research both sides of the argument. There is too much at stake to do otherwise. If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses reading this, I urge you to study carefully the following places of information. is a great place to start your journey. I invite you to double and triple check every fact and assertion there made and compare them with the claims made at
I invite you to do the same for the articles residing here on this website. Check our claims, check our sources, check our facts.
But don’t stop there.
Question everything, research everything, and take note of the fact that, should your elders become aware you are doing this, they will likely try to stop you.
And when that happens, remember this:
Truth has nothing to hide. Falsehood is terrified of questions.
For even more analysis of “The Tragedy Of Sergei,” please click on the link below, which will take you to the video companion piece to this article, presented by JW Survey founder Lloyd Evans


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← The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker
The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts →

108 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story

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 Michael Spengler says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:05 am

excellent summary of a horrible set of videos which are only there to indoctrinate the rank and file to obey their master -the GB..
what a waste of precious lives, talents and opportunities..

 Sarah says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:06 am

Hope you don’t mind me stating another opinion. Sometimes we have to standup for what we believe. In the last world war millions died to prevent Hitler from taking over. This was not a good way of life for those soldiers.
Sometimes people ask what would have happened if everyone was like the Witnesses and refused to fight. Would those millions of soldiers have lived longer lives?
Don’t get me wrong. WT is hiding some very unlawful procedures which are destructive. I am going to stand up against this until it is corrected. This is not a good way of life for me but it will benefit others in the long run.
However I was grateful to be able to consider all your arguments, thanks, Covert.

 dee2 says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:37 am

Your comment suggests:
 1). That Hitler could have been deterred/stopped by other means apart from war
 2). He should have been allowed to take over the countries which were earmarked/targetted in his takeover plan.

Do you think that 1) was possible? or that 2) should have been allowed?

 Meg Bailey says:

 June 8, 2016 at 8:30 am

1) probably! It certainly could have been tried
 2) no, of course not! But if the scenario was that everyone was taking the Witnesses position on taking part in warfare…. where would he have got his soldiers from?


 Carlos Soto says:

 June 8, 2016 at 10:29 am

You are assuming that all the brethren are good wholesome people. Unfortunately, the majority of these people are selfish, judgmental, and in some cases criminal. Who would need Hitler and his brainwashing, when you have a group of men who are masters at similar types of brainwashing.

 dee2 says:

 June 8, 2016 at 10:50 am

@Meg Bailey
According to ,
 efforts were made to secure peace through negotiation rather than war with Hitler/Germany:

In May 1937, Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister of Britain. He felt that giving in to Hitler’s demands would prevent another war. This policy, adopted by Chamberlain’s government became known as the policy of Appeasement.
The most notable example of appeasement was the Munich Agreement of September 1938 which Hitler signed declaring ‘Peace in our time.’ When Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, he broke the terms of the Munich Agreement. Although it was realised that the policy of appeasement had failed, Chamberlain was still not prepared to take the country to war over “..a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing.” Instead, he made a guarantee to come to Poland’s aid if Hitler invaded Poland.

The Witnesses are to be commended for their position on not taking part in warfare and so too the other religions which also do not take part in warfare:
*Moravians (one of the very first Protestant religions dating back to the 1500’s)
 *Brethern (Dunkards) groups, including Church of the Brethren
 *Anabaptist groups, including
– Mennonites (16th century group numbering 1.5 million)
– Hutterites
– Schwenkfelders
– Bruderhof Communities
– Amish (numbering approximately 200,000)
 *Society of Friends (Quakers)
 *Doukhobors – 17th century breakaway from Russian Orthodox
 *Molokans – 17th century breakaway from Russian Orthodox
 *Some Pentecostal groups such as the Pentecostal Charismatic Peace Fellowship
 *Seven Day Adventists
 *Community of Christ
 *Worldwide Church of God
 *Pax Christi – A Catholic peace movement
 *Fellowship of Reconciliation – A group formed in 1914 to unite pacifists regardless of denomination.
 All major religious denominations have affiliated associations including
 *Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
 *Methodist Peace Fellowship
 *Baptist Peace Fellowship
 *Orthodox Peace Fellowship
 *Lutheran Peace Fellowship
 *Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
 (list taken from:
* Jainism

 Big B says:

 June 8, 2016 at 10:52 am

@ Meg
Good point. Hitler would probably called in his political favors and asked His Holiness the Pope.
 (If he had asked nicely.) 🙂

No, really. The Vatican had a standing army at that time. Now, other than the police of the City of Rome, the Vatican calls upon the Swiss Guard (with modern weaponry) to protect His Holiness.

 Anonoymous says:

 June 8, 2016 at 1:19 pm

I’m reminded of a quote:
“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.” – Bertrand Russell
I think it’s a stretch to say that the soldiers motivation in fighting Nazi Germany in WWII was that they were standing up for their beliefs. Not only was Hitler a despot who needed to be stopped. The horrors Nazi Germany perpetrated against humanity, were objective facts.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Point-counterpoint: What if only the Americans had refused to fight in WWII (like the Witnesses)? That was actually a very real possibility as most Americans at the time didn’t want to get involved with what was seen as purely a European conflict. Sprichst du Deutsch?
The problem is that the JW solution only works if you can guarantee that absolutely everyone will abide by it. If you only have even a handful of oppressive folks who are willing to pursue power to the detriment of others, there will always be a need for war. Although horrible in nature, I feel that WWII was probably one of the most necessary wars. Should Hitler have been allowed to run unchecked, causing misery and suffering of countless millions? While a horrible reality for the soldiers who died fighting him, their lives are ones of honor as they stood up for the rights of others.

 Mark Hunter says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:34 am

Amazing summation of a truly horrendous piece of abusive propaganda.
This religion is showing – in plain sight – how awful the life of a typical Jehovah’s Witnesses can – and often will – be.
Meanwhile, in the ubiquitous ivory towers in New York, the leaders are shielded and protected from the hardships they foist upon the faithful, shifting and changing the rules as they see fit.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 2:15 am

I have also had the thought that they are making us think that it could be worse. I know many husbands and fathers including my own who have passed up promotions and raises because job duties would interfere with meetings and field service.
And some who have been completely fired from jobs.
Granted, secular work isn’t everything, and sometimes people pursue careers and chase money to the detriment and neglect of their families as well, and that is the other extreme.
But I feel like this video is partially to indoctrinate (and reassure, and potentially guilt and shame) those who regret their choices. Or like in my case – their spouse’s or their parents’ choices.
Because losing a job or missing a promotion is NOT as bad as going to prison or dying for lack of a blood transfusion. So I believe a deliberate effort is being made to compare and contrast.
The GB propaganda machine is acknowledging that people are making constant sacrifices at their behest.
Individuals are constantly making choices and decisions that are diminishing their quality of life now in the hopes of earning life in paradise.
But I believe that they deliberately featured an extreme example to make the average JWs in Western lands feel better about the things that they have given up.
I think the takeaway is this: my life sucks right now, but not as bad as Sergei’s did. If he cold put up with and remain faithful after losing almost everything, I can deal with the loss of one or two things.
Health or career or material possessions or friends and family abandoned through shunning.
It’s not so bad.
It could be much worse.

 Jeffreycanning says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:59 am

Don’t you just hate the dumb bastards…

 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:07 am

“The truth and nothing but the truth”.
It’s a motto I keep to and which, I think, allows my mind the freedom to be open, search and to question.
 In Lloyds rebuttal video a scene is depicted (produced by Watchtower) at the Kingdom Hall where Sergei asks an old friend where such and such is so he can make arrangements to see him. . . Her reply is telling. . .”YOU CAN’T” (30:11)
 He, it appears,”has left the “truth” (a fate worse than death, q the mournful music)
 Because he no longer accepts Watchtowers version of “the truth” he is to be shunned, he is dead.
 All on the word of mouth of others. . . Shut the door on a life long friendship now without question!
 The reason I point this out is because twice this week I have been pre-emptively shunned because I don’t attend meetings regularly.
 There is another saying. . The truth will find you out.


 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:11 am

At least Sergei’s had a positive life 🙂

 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:29 am

“Nobody in history has been more prolific at killing Jehovahs Witnesess than Watchtower itself”
A stunning conclusion, thank you JWSurvey.


 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 8, 2016 at 4:34 am

I can’t believe how appalling these videos are, but I think they reveal more than Watchtower would like to admit. Some themes are coming through loud and clear (other than the usual two – fear and guilt.)
Firstly, it’s clear that people are leaving. The real truth is getting out there and into the Kingdom Halls one way or another. I see in these videos Watchtower’s response to that trend – they are trying to frighten and threaten people into staying (ie. the bunker videos) and they are trying to severe the connections between those leaving and those still in so that those leaving can’t explain their reasons and what they are discovering.
Secondly, they are trying to pre-empt and anticipate every scenario so that everything is scripted in advance. In other words, when you face this situation, or hear this from somebody else, this is how you respond, this is what you say. Don’t think about it, just do what we say. (Control, control, control!)
I could say more but I have to go and vomit now – the emotive music and cheezy acting are making me feel nauseous.

 Freed Mason says:

 June 8, 2016 at 9:51 am

I agree with you Eric, people are no fools, the principles such as “the golden rule” and “blood is thicker than water” are built into our psyche from birth and are the basic principals that most of us live and die by.
 In my experience – I was initially disowned and viewed as dead by my friends and family after I left along with very strong worded and vindictive messages – I did not retaliate – my usual response was “please respect my choice as I respect yours”.
Ten years later my family and a few former friends have apologized and admit that nothing should be allowed to come between us, it took time yes, but the penny eventually dropped that I was not the enemy as most leavers are portrayed as by the organisation.
 If we all take this stand along with our family and friends we will have the best weapon at our disposal against a cult – Love and Respect of your fellow man.


 nullandvoidboy says:

 June 8, 2016 at 4:41 am

My mouth is left wide open….I can not believe that for 40 yrs of my life I was a drone…I would’ve looked at this video and been shamed by the fact that Sergie was a better “brother” than me….and now that I’m out, I can’t believe how flagrant WT is shaming, repressing and stealing ones life away from people….all with our permission….and now I take back my life, my self worth and I’m angry…I shake my fist at that Tower of lies…and every time I drive by it in Brooklyn, I raise my middle finger and give them the salute they deserve.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:13 am

Soon they won’t even be in Brooklyn! A lot less people will be driving by their toxic headquarters in Warwick.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:11 am

The Jehovah’s Witnesses love the simple command, “You can’t”. I’ve heard that many times while I was still brainwashed but I would never swallow the fact that I couldn’t do anything. When I heard “you can’t” then that would propel me to go and do that very thing, and rub it in the faces of the ‘brothers’ who told me that I couldn’t.
 I’m not talking about doing something that was obviously wrong, I’m talking about how these power-hungry, and lofty JWs would try and keep you out of school, a career, a vacation or visiting someone who was disfellowshipped. I did all of that and now I don’t even bother to slow down to hear what they THINK I can or cannot do.


 Jesse says:

 June 8, 2016 at 5:48 am

Really fantasize that some radical would drive a truck filled with TNT into Warwick…
…all those people who died on 9/11… I really wished they flew into the Watchtower headquarters instead.
Born into the “faith”, once I could leave home I did. Needless to say I had to make a family as mine is silent.
Anonymous, can you perform a DoSA on JW servers?
Something needs to be done to combat this.

 Covert Fade says:

 June 8, 2016 at 8:10 am

I understand that Watchtowers violation of human rights are very upsetting, but I would be horrified if a terrorist attack were carried out up Jehovah’s Witnesses. It would be an appalling act of mass murder.
Personally speaking, I don’t support DoSA attacks on either. I support freedom of speech. Jehovah’s Witnesses have the right to speak, and we have the right to criticise their speech with ours. Not a fan of shutting anyone’s speech down.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 8, 2016 at 3:49 pm

Consider too that an attack on Watchtower headquarters would only serve to make martyrs of the victims. They would be elevated to Saint-like status. Not the way to operate.

 JBob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 11:48 am

@Jesse – this is one reason “just get over it” is difficult. Tons of anger, resentment and frustration without outlet. And, I’m not judging these emotions as improper or invalid. The issue is finding a positive outlet to defuse or release those bundled-up emotions.
As the videos in this series indicate, for so long we were in an environment that portrayed ideals–ideal people–and dealt with people who judged us for not living up to those ideals that even they couldn’t meet 100%. Some got “free passes” while others did not.
We grew up in an environment where there were so many contradicting goals and objectives and a lack of how to resolve these conflicting goals. Many of these goals flew directly against human nature–the God-given nature.
I encourage you to seek out professional assistance–someone whom you can talk out your frustrations with reflective understanding on specific sources of anger, or frustration. This will aid you in moving away from indirect influence of the Watchtower, because even though you are physically away from this group, it still operates on your psychological core and emotional core.
It is one reason–though I dislike the severance from family–I don’t oppose shunning, because it actually helps individuals get further away from a toxic spew from the Watchtower. And, sometimes, these JWSurvey articles which focus on the events in Watchtower-land are not the best readings for persons experiencing the anger/frustration phase of leaving. It helps when the articles dissect the material to explain how we were “unduly influenced” but no help if it beats the same drum of angst on material the Watchtower keeps repeating over and over and over without offering a roadmap out of the anger-cycle.
Now, the positive news?
You’re no longer handcuffed to the stob the Watchtower used on you as a baby elephant. You are free to roam. You’re even free to pursue whatever dream you wanted before being derailed by Watchtower “icons” in your local congregation.
The best payback in this case is becoming a better you than the Watchtower envisioned for you.

 Straw Heart says:

 June 8, 2016 at 6:00 am

Ah those memories years ago,
 When life was full and rich with woe,
 To serve Jehovah you were hated
 But ha ridicule is overrated.
 You saddled up and on your way
 To preach good news and pray and pray,
 That you will live forever more,
 And not be killed or starve before
 The kingdom of love arrived
 And you would keep your eyes on the prize,
 Your pain was nothing, your hurt was good,
 The Watchtower said it,
 So it must be true,
 But don’t fear because Jehovah cares for you.
 So hide your pain and have no pride
 Keep suffering he’s on your side.


 dee2 says:

 June 8, 2016 at 12:08 pm

You sound like you could be a poet…….. good that you didn’t let the WT squash your talent! ☺

 Chico Trinidad says:

 June 8, 2016 at 6:06 am

In regards to the varying temperament of Circuit Overseers. I had a CO once named “Slicing Dyson”. He was notorious for deleting appointed brothers and regular pioneers, thus his nickname “Slicing”. If a pioneer didn’t have a bible study they got deleted. When he visited halls and had the elder servant meeting usually at 7PM on a non meeting night, he would lock the doors to the Kingdom Hall so latecomers couldn’t attend, as if these elders and servants didn’t have jobs rush to the hall from tgat provided for their families, for a meeting that only took place twice a year. Talk about being Christ like.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:50 pm

Yes, we had one like that too, known locally as “Bob the Bulldozer.” When it was announced to the body that we were getting him next, most of the older elders groaned in pain. One of them later said to me, “Bob may be a bulldozer, but we have to replant the roses he uproots after he’s been through.” Actually, in hindsight I’m glad I met him because he contributed a big way to my awakening. Bob the Bully more like.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 8, 2016 at 3:56 pm

An abrasive (and seemingly corrupt) CO contributed to my awakening as well. The kind of guy who would lie right to your face and not even flinch. Must have been his version of theocratic warfare.
This is really sort of funny: we had him back when Facebook was just starting to get popular. He said that if any elder or servant or members of their household had a FB account they would be deleted. He then said that he had an account under a fake name to see who he could catch.

 Big B says:

 June 8, 2016 at 8:32 am

Great article Covert Fade. A concise summary and comments on a possible productive life wasted on a covetous, time bandit cult.
Hopefully, many active or fading Jehovah’s Witnesses that visit this site will come to the same conclusions that were summarized in the article. The Almighty Sovereign of the Universe does not want anything from his human creation other than love; which happens to be the first and most important of the Ten Commandments (which is why it is listed first).
God Almighty does not expect anyone to have loyal love to a manmade organization of imperfect men. Sergei’s life shows what happens when a cult decides to control every aspect of a person’s life. “Serve Jehovah now, you have an eternity to follow your talents and dreams in Paradise Earth;” a hope that will never be realized in your lifetime.
Persecuted for his “faith” in the faulty interpretations of imperfect men (the Governing Body of the Watchtower Corporation), we see Sergei missing out on a productive fulfilling life, spending five years in prison, losing his father, losing contact with a friend who has left “the TRUTH”, working at a slavish blue collar job for a dictatorial supervisor who demands more of his time than his religion allows, and finally, to add insult to injury, he is expected to die from an operation that requires him to refuse blood. What pathos, a wasted life built on false hopes and promises but Sergei has persevered and “fought the fine fight for the faith”. Or has he?
What is even more saddening is the fact that this drama (bad acting set aside) typifies the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult to a tee. In answer to the statement, “Even if this were not the Truth it is still the best way of living” all Jehovah’s Witnesses need only to ask Sergei. Oh, sorry… he died; disappointed, discouraged, disgruntled, disillusioned, and unfulfilled. To bad, so sad. Hypothetically speaking, if he could travel back in time, knowing how his life turned out, would he do things differently? We would certainly hope so.

 rob says:

 June 8, 2016 at 9:10 am

Many years ago I was told by a fellow witness that we had to suffer if we wanted to gain everlasting life. That we had to give up things that we loved and had to make sacrifices to be approved for the new system.
Why? God made the beautiful earth for us to enjoy, he made music, he made people who have wonderful personalities different from ours so that we could talk and reason with them and see a different perspective.
But the witnesses cannot enjoy this earth, they cannot develop their talents for fear that they will not work hard for the corporate religion.
They must shun anyone who does not think like them or act like them and who tells them that perhaps the witness religion has some flaws.
All in all it becomes a life of waiting, not enjoying the great things that God gave us to enjoy, not allowing oneself to manifest and celebrate their own talents because that would be prideful and would be selfish. They must put the corporate religion first.
So many people unfortunately never realize that their lives have passed them by. I wasted so many years telling myself that it didn’t matter if i passed up a scholarship or did not play on a sports team or did not take that holiday because of the convention coming up, or did not talk to my non witness family, all because I would be in the new system and could enjoy myself then – in the future – in a different world.
Pretty presumptuous on my part to think firstly that just because I called myself a witness and attended meetings I would be saved and would be in the new system and pretty presumptuous to think that if I was not a witness I would not be saved.
 I was not charitable, I did not volunteer at soup kitchens, I did not help others in need other than to go to their homes on saturday morning and judge them unworthy for salvation because they did not accept the magazines.

I finally freed myself from the shackles, although the scars do still exist and the pain from the shackles still manifest themselves from time to time because of losing lifetime friends and close family to this religion.
I finally realized that in order to be a spiritual person suffering was not mandatory, but that suffering happens and affects all people and bad things happen to all people, but along with the suffering there should be moments of joy from experiencing life and living life and that God wants us to live our lives and develop our talents and just as Jesus did, talk to all people and just try to be happy.
I was not happy as a witness. How could I be? I was constantly told that everything was bad – holidays – higher education – playing organized sports and the list goes on and on. Being a witness was an experience from which I learned to never let anyone tell me not to enjoy things which God made me to enjoy, because these moments of happiness are always interspersed between times of unhappiness and even tragic events.
I feel bad for the witnesses who put everything on hold for the new system – who sacrifice everything for a religion that equates itself with God. Who feel that they cannot enjoy this life because something way better is in store for them. I just cannot believe that God would want people to be unhappy and even shun other people.
I do feel that God has a plan for me in the future and I definitely try to now live my life as a charitable person and try to help others when I can but also have realized that God has given me this life and that is a great gift for me.

 Big B says:

 June 8, 2016 at 11:03 am

@ Rob
Very well stated and very true. If only our ex- brothers and sisters would see the TRUTH about the “truth”. Well there is always hope that someday they will do research, without the fear of men (Governing Body) thus seeing through this veil of deception and deceit.

 Eric Arthur Blair says:

 June 8, 2016 at 4:14 pm

Rob, you just summarised my whole life, thank you. It’s great to be alive (and free.) Rock on!

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 2:44 am

@ rob, it seems so backwards to me that Witnesses go to such great lengths to tell people how wonderful the earth is, and our bodies, and nature. All evidence that we were designed by God to enjoy life on earth and not in heaven.
All evidence of his great love for us.
We are not supposed to suffer now to learn to be angels. This is not what Jehovah wants for us, for he is a happy God who wants us to enjoy life with our families.
This belief is supposedly at the core of Witness doctrine.
But, yet this same God asks us to defer every normal human goal and desire, to deny our presumably God-given talents, and constantly recommend that others do the same?
To what end?
THE END, obviously, but once you realize that isn’t the unassailable truth you’ve been told it is, the sacrifices demanded are not only meaningless, they are also harmful and cruel.

 Amber Waves says:

 June 10, 2016 at 9:21 am

It’s like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer… because it’s going to feel SO good when you stop.

 Oubliette says:

 June 8, 2016 at 9:40 am

CF, Really excellent analysis and deconstruction of this bit of propaganda from the WTBTS.
I think it was particularly effective the way you kept referring to your thesis: “Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live” and allowed the account to answer for itself, a resoundingly obvious, “No!”
That being said, I think we could also ask the question: “Even if this IS ‘the Truth,’ would this still be the best way to live?”
My experience shows that the answer to that question is also a firm negative. What kind of God would require such things of his faithful followers? Not one worthy of my worship.
The plain fact is this: the leadership of the WTBTS do not represent “truth” or any creator worthy of following. Their teachings and practices destroy lives and breakup families all for the sake of their own selfish gain.
The members of the Governing Body repeatedly demonstrate that they are paranoid believing that the world is “out to get them,” when the fact of the matter is that the majority of humans could not care less about their religion. The few governments that have “persecuted” the JWs have either done so because of destructive behavior which the religion has brought on its members, or because those governments were persecuting many groups.
The Governing Body members are clearly deluded, believing and forcing their followers to believe ideas with no basis in reality. Their behavior shows them to be mental ill. Anyone that follows them will inevitably exhibit the same traits: paranoia, delusional thinking, depression and abusive behavior towards others.
This is why it is so important that those of us that have left educate ourselves on the methods of manipulation that were used on us. It’s an important part of our healing process and can perhaps help us help others that have faded or our beginning their escape from the clutches of this high-control, authoritarian religion.
Let’s review: It’s a cult!

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:26 am

@Oubliette, you ask what kind of God would require such things of his faithful followers?
And then you conclude: not one worthy of your worship.
I have said this to my husband many times of late and all he has heard is blasphemy and apostasy, as he is still all in and with blinders on.
I have said to him: this person they are telling us is God. This person who demands these cruel sacrifices, this cannot be the same Creator who loves us.
And if he IS the true God, and they have got it right, and he is simultaneously heartless and cruel and also supposedly the epitome of love, justice and wisdom and this is the way he treats us –
If he constantly takes from us the basic things that would make us happy now and says that loyalty means we should give them up willingly and not even miss them, then I don’t want to serve that God.
Not even if he IS eventually going to reward me with everlasting life in heaven or on earth.
No thanks! The price of entry is too high.
I’ll take my one short regular human life span and make the most of it, thank you very much!
Even if I were to be proven wrong and the end is real and nearer than I believed and I will die for my so-called lack of faith, so be it.
I’m taking a stand for my belief that the God they are selling is not worthy of my devotion.
But it still pains me that we have this rift, my husband and me, because I do love this man that I married more than anyone I have ever known. And if we will not have forever together, like I once wholeheartedly believed we would, and daily anticipated, I wish we could find a way to be in sync again about the life we have in the here and now. 🙁

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 4:30 am

There is a lot of effort put in to making us believe that Jehovah (as described by the WTBTS) cares about us as individuals. We are constantly told to cultivate a close personal relationship with him through prayer and to have earnest belief that he hears those prayers.
We are also told that he can see into our hearts and minds and he knows our emotions and thought patterns.
Those of you who have followed my comments know that I stopped going to the meetings when my husband had a change in his hope of living on earth and told me that he is now of the anointed heavenly class.
Ok, yeah, whatever.
Everyone I’m in contact with offline in the real world keeps telling me that it is foolish to lose out on my reward because I don’t like the path Jehovah has chosen for me/us.
But is it?
I mean, really? Even within the framework of their belief system (which I have since abandoned) it stinks to high heaven!
Because I can’t accept it.
That is true. I literally can’t accept it.
I cannot wrap my mind around it.
I cannot believe that a God who loves me and knows me, and knows how long I waited and prayed for a love like ours, a marriage like ours, would let me have it for a brief time and then reveal to us both that our union is to have an expiration date determined by him when he takes my husband to heaven while I remain behind on the earth.
Presumably to start over with someone else, I guess?
Everyone says: but what if your husband died? Wouldn’t you remarry? What if he was unfaithful and you decided to get a scrptural divorce? Wouldn’t you move on with your life?
Yes. Of course I would.
But those are not equivalent scenarios. Not at all.
If my husband was a jerk who mistreated or abused me, or dishonored our marriage by sleeping around, of course I would be happy to move on.
But he is loving and kind and devoted to me.
If he were to die due to accident or illness, also, no choice but to move on. Stuff happens to everyone.
But the difference no one ever wants to address or acknowledge when I confront them is this: JW doctrine teaches that Jehovah chooses each individual that will rule with Christ in heaven.
He calls them personally.
So that means that Jehovah called my husband and chose to separate us, even though he knows that I would not be able to accept it?
Even though he knew the level of my disbelief and disillusionment would be so great that I would not be able to serve him in the way that he has commanded through his one approved channel.
But my inability to worship him in the prescribed way inevitably lead to my death, right?
If he knows me, he would have foreseen this.
One doesn’t even have to be God to observe a close friend or family member and know whether or not your actions will hurt them.
We make choices all the time and refrain from actions like lying or adultery because we know these actions will cause irreparable damage to our relationships.
Jehovah (as described) would have to know that anointing my husband would cause irreparable damage to my relationship with him.
So what thought follows then?
He decided that I was expendable after a lifetime of service and sacrifice and hopes and dreams deferred?
As you would expect, not one person has had any satisfying answers for me.
Except that I should adjust my viewpoint.
If one more person tells me to watch the Important Reminder video, I swear to God….
I have been told to focus on my individual relationship with Jehovah and ignore my husband’s delusion. And I have been told that even though Jehovah plans to take this husband from me, surely he will see to it that I get a better one in the new system.
I have been told that I think my husband is the best I can do, but if I am faithful and loyal, Jehovah will prove me wrong in a spectacular way!
Even if I do simply brush my husband’s new belief about his destiny aside as a delusion, it is still a delusion inspired and supported by the JW belief system.
And no one is willing to talk about that at all!
I don’t believe it is true, but I keep coming back to what it would mean for me and my relationship with Jehovah if it was true.
What if it was the truth? Would this still be the best way of life?
Continuing to serve the God who would separate me from the man I want to spend forever with out of fear I will be destroyed otherwise? Going through the motions and routines of coerced and practiced ‘loyalty’ in the hopes that the same God who is taking my husband will give me a new and better one some time in a hazy and indefinite future?
Yeah, sure. Sign me up!
I keep telling everyone that it’s not even about whether my husband’s hope changes back or whether he wakes up one day and decides he was wrong.
I have still rejected the belief system that created and supported the delusion. It is part of how I came to recognize the doctrines as false, and I cannot come back from that.

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:39 pm

..the same principle applies to all who are married to a jw if they personally can no longer be a part of the religion. I’m out but my husband is still in. It’s a bit hard to take when I think that he believes that I’m going to die at Armageddon whilst he supposedly lives forever. How can he accept that I am good enough for him but unacceptable to Jehovah?? In their way of thinking I deserve to die because last year I had a Christmas tree and excercised my right to vote in the general election. It’s pathetic.
 I left the religion when I discovered my autistic son is homosexual. He was age 15 at the time. I couldn’t bear the thought of him being alone for the rest of his life and couldn’t accept that he was doomed to die at Armageddon. My first reaction wasn’t one of repulsion, shock or shame, it was omg if he’s going to die at Armageddon I can’t abandon him and let him die alone. I’ll die with him! I’ve since realised that it’s all bs. Yet it hurts me that they can bury their heads in the sand and rely upon Jehovah to see something in my heart that will redeem me. I’m no better or worse than any other human. I don’t believe in much if anything now! Why are they so blind and gullible? Why can’t they be moved with the natural compassion that we should feel for our family members and close loved ones and feel as I did about my son and choose me? Family should come before religion.
 I have come to the decision that I am worth more than that! If, after hearing the programme of talks and videos at this coming District Convention, the attitude of my adult jw children and my husband leans toward shunning me then I will walk away from them and start a new life for myself.
 We have a holiday booked prior to convention and already I’m thinking…’will this be the last holiday I take with my husband?’ I truly hope that it doesn’t come to that. I never believed it when worldy people would say that jws split families apart but I know for sure now that it’s true. I just hope that it’s not true for my family.


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 4:48 pm

You truly sound like a kindred spirit, Imgonaburn. I would have made the same choice if I had a homosexual child.
I have known and befriended far too many homosexuals to believe it is something they could or should suppress.
Of all people I have known, homosexual and heterosexual alike, I have seen people who were promiscuous and unable to maintain stable relationships.
It does seem better to be in committed and monogamous relationships and for children to have two parents who love them.
But I have seen no superiority in families with one man and one woman.
And of parents, same-sex couples rarely have children by accident. They have or adopt children mindfully and intentionally.
I would put my family first also. Which is why it hurts me so much for me to see that my husband believes he was chosen and I was not and he’s not just as heart-broken at the thought as I am.
Why is it not a complete non-sequitur that he can continue to adore me, and know that I am a good and loving person, but also believe that God has rejected me?
How can he accept that God made us so predictably human, but that the same God would punish us for not being uncharacteristically transcendent?
Even if I believed, I would not want heaven if my husband could not come.
I ask myself every day if this means I love him more than he loves me.
I’ve asked him too. He says it doesn’t. He says he’s taking the long view of what is best for us eternally and my view is too narrow and too human.
Oh. Ok.
Part of what I always loved about him even while we were both in is that he was on the more lenient and less conservative side in all things.
He’s a little bit of a bad boy and a little bit of a rebel.
He used to joke with me and say: if we ever get into trouble, let’s do it right and do it together. I never want to be without you.
And I was always the straight man who said: let’s not get into trouble so we never have to make that choice.
And now this: idealogically divided and I didn’t even do anything wrong.
Punished and facing exclusion same as if I had.


 John ship says:

 June 10, 2016 at 3:07 am

I am in similar position .im woken up .wife still you say .one of my sons is gay and my brothers are not jws. Id rather be with family than with people who would treat you as dead just because of differing beliefs…ive been in 50 years now 72 but am free from mind control and ok with jesus and new life its so hard tho when partner is still trapped..this convention will be my last ive told my wife.


 Winston Smith says:

 June 10, 2016 at 11:27 am

 BTW, voting has been relegated to a conscience matter per w99 11/1 pp. 28-29 Questions From Readers. They technically cannot make trouble for you over your choice to vote in an election.



 Winston Smith says:

 June 9, 2016 at 6:10 am

Excellent assessment Oubliette!
 Following the GB seems to fit the scriptural concept: “Can the blind guide the blind? Won’t they both fall into a pit?”


 ScotWm says:

 June 8, 2016 at 9:55 am

For those who have wondered where the Watchtower gets its video “actors”, the link below provides some answers. It’s interesting to see how cult members wrestle with their consciences when they are assigned to play roles of bad boys and girls.
The video’s main bad boy actually does a credible job in his portrayal of a Witness gone wrong. The brother of the prodigal son is the worst actor of the bunch. This guy would have made a great Nazi. The young Witness starlets must be developing a fan base of congregation fan boys who would like to date them and have them to do a reprisal of their video roles.
The ‘behind the scenes’ video interview and “The Prodigal Returns” can be found here:

 ruthlee says:

 June 8, 2016 at 11:01 am

They don’t want the poor chap to learn the violin because they will never need the sad music coming from his gifted hands. Boy they do have to work so hard for their paradise. Good luck to them I’m sure bunkering down with the uneducated and ignoramus elite will be just fine and dandy. Just a precursor to eternity and not a panda in sight . I hope someone takes a panda into the bunker or there will be some very disappointed children when they emerge .Can anyone tell me if any point of what we believed was true? I’m at a loss to find anything credible now (apart from the bible). Was it all really such bunkem. I hope people will see how living in a bunker is not gods plan. In thought, but not fear and trepidation. cheers Ruthlee

 Steve McRoberts says:

 June 8, 2016 at 1:02 pm

@Ruthlee: I think they were right about there being no literal hell-fire; that Christmas has pagan origins (as do most things); and about religion having been largely a force for evil throughout history.
Pretty much wherever their beliefs match what atheists have been saying for centuries, they are spot-on.

 JBob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 12:21 pm

@ruthlee – I have reached a point on my spiritual journey that puts the Bible into a different perspective than the Watchtower taught (and many fundamental/evangelical groups).
Most of what the Watchtower taught I now see reflects on their goal to earn money for Watchtower, Inc. [albeit wrapped in “the new system is so close”]. This includes their steering younger persons away from immediate marriage and bearing children to focus on full-time ministry to their steering new converts to drop all non-Watchtower pursuits and transform into Watchtower, Inc. “agents”.

 Sarah says:

 June 8, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Does someone want to give an opinion on ‘Jehovah chooses the elders’? I like to read what you’re all thinking.
My own view is that this is a piece of false modesty. An elder might like to think he was not appointed by men, but that God did. Are they forgetting Jesus telling them not to lord it over others, or that they are not masters of anyone’s faith?
Does this belief in being appointed by holy spirit give these ones the viewpoint they are above, and better than, anyone else?
Thanks, Covert, for starting the ideas rolling.

 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:32 pm

From a biblical point of view the answer, in my opinion, is no.
 The apostles were directly chosen by Christ and then appointed within the congregations as the older men no doubt to feed the new sheep, others would join them to be elders and then assist with congregation activity.
 Paul made the point to Timothy not to “hastily put your hands upon a man’ indicating responsibility and likely Eldership.
 That certain men would ‘slip in’ or ‘like the best seats’ shows that Holy Spirit appointments don’t happen and especially after the apostles died.
 Hence Christingdom was eventually born.
 For Witnesses to say they are appointed by Holy Spirit is in fact a falsehood similar to other churches.
 Furthermore even if a person was to be appointed by Holy Spirit it does not guarantee continued faithfulness.


 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:45 pm

The reason I believe the Jehovahs Witnesses say Elders are appointed by Holy Spirit is for ecclesiastical authority.
 Holy Spirit for instance appointed Watchtower leaders ‘over all the masters belongings’ in 1919.
 Either they are mistaken or the Holy Spirit is a lair.


 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 2:56 pm

If the 1919 appointment is false, as it surely is, then Watchtower is guilty of misleading the entire worldwide brotherhood into a false teaching.
 The alternative is that God is a liar.
 Never once, on any occasion, has the Watchtower admitted it’s ‘mistakes’ and apologised.
 and counting. . .


 Dwc says:

 June 8, 2016 at 4:59 pm

At the district convention prob 7 years ago I attended in Kamloops BC, brother lett from the platform outright apologized about 1975 and said they were wrong. Shocked the entire audience.

 Tara says:

 June 9, 2016 at 12:35 pm

I guess I was there too!

 Sarah says:

 June 8, 2016 at 11:41 pm

Yes, thanks. At Pentecost everyone received holy spirit – men and women. John the Baptist was scathing about the Scribes and Pharisees who ‘seated themselves in the seat of Moses’. Jesus said we only have one leader and one teacher.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:17 am

To Gary: The WT wants everyone to “REPENT” and show remorse for their sins and apologize. Yet, Never, I repeat NEVER has the WT ever apologized for the horrendous false prophecies and harm they have done to the flock by pursuing a course of selfishness and falsehood. All those false dates I guess just keep “OVERLAPPING” each other! lol

 Dwc says:

 June 8, 2016 at 4:55 pm

Jehovah not Jesus nor the Holy Spirit choose elders or ministerial servants. I say this because there have been, for example, a kgb agent who infiltrated a congregation became and elder and had the other elders arrested. Did Jehovah appoint him through HS when God cannot do bad?
Young ms who party hard and lead double lives… Does Jehovah choose them? Yet they are appointed.
 Pedophiles that go untouched and undisciplined yet serve for years and years… That’s not God nor Jesus not HS.

Here’s what really appoints a person:
 1). Above the congregation avg. in hours
 2). Stellar meeting attendance
 3). Happy, subservient attitude

You display those three things and you get appointed plain and simple. It’s bull shit!!

 Winston Smith says:

 June 9, 2016 at 7:22 pm

Because of the way the organization operates, about 80% of all elders appointed are simply organizational yes men. They are typically spineless moral wimps who will simply follow what they are told whether it be for the good or for the bad of the congregation (Ex 23:2?).
About 10% are power hungry and want to lord it over others and that fuels their drive to have their position (Matt 20:25). And about 10% really want to help congregation members and serve them (Isa 32:2).
Of course these are general statistics based on my experience. The mix in any one congregation is a crap shoot. Thus you may end up with a really loving body or a really aweful one. But either way the cult influence still exists.
And they are decidedly NOT appointed by Holy Spirit.

 Sarah says:

 June 9, 2016 at 11:33 pm

That’s been my experience too. Elders will follow the secret rules set out in secret letters rather than do what the scriptures tell them.

 Grace says:

 June 8, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Excellent article CF,
I think that’s why there is so much depression & anxiety in the cult. So much sickness & paranoia from what I experienced because its constantly reminding to always dwell on the negatives in life like;
The end is sooooo close.
 We don’t want to make Jehovah sad.
 The governments going to turn on religion.
 We must pack a go bag or find a basement to hide in until they come.
 When the authorities come after us, pray repetitively.
 We don’t want to practice what is pagan like anything that unites families. (because that’s showing favour to satan).
 Satan rules the world.
 The signs are there, the world is falling apart.
 No point having children in this system.
 Don’t pursue an education or career, there’s no point.
 If life is going good for you, you must be doing something wrong because satan is not attacking you.

Argh, I feel depressed just writing this.

 Big B says:

 June 9, 2016 at 7:25 am

@ Grace
Yep, it’s the old FOG ploy/plan implemented once and for all time. It never changes Fear, Obligation & Guilt.
Everything you mentioned is absolutely true. How many lives have gone unfulfilled in pursuit of talents, the joys of family and having children forgone, and having an education that will serve to be employed comfortably in a descent paying career abandoned. To what end, to what purpose?
The answer is uncomplicated if Jehovah’s Witnesses would just open their hearts and minds and simply “see”.
According to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society nothing in this life is worthwhile, “the world is passing away and so is its desires”, wait for Jehovah and the New System where the ‘real life’ awaits.
Oh, and while you’re waiting for that New System cold call the people at their homes and ‘sell’ our message of impending doom and salvation by works and our literature. Oh, don’t forget asking for a contribution.
None are so blind as those that REFUSE to see.

 Grace says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:41 pm

Big B,
I remember back when I was trying to witness to my sister & I was trying to use the doom & gloom message to plead to her sensitivities. But she responded back with; “but I try not to dwell on the negative things going on in the world because I have enough to worry about with keeping my family together”.
Then it dawned on me what Jesus had said about “his load being light”. I feel like the load is not light with this cult & I was just loading her with stuff that she wasn’t able to cope with. Not everyone has the strength of mind to worry constantly about the world & its dramas or even be in a position to fix it. Ramming end-times down someones throat doesn’t fix the world. Besides it’s not healthy & I was not in a healthy place myself. I was depressed.
I realised looking back on that conversation, that I can’t fix the world by fearing her into becoming obligated to slave for the 7 little dwarfs in NY, she had her family to worry about.
And me too, all that I can do is concentrate on making my world a safer place by being “spiritual” & being spiritual to me is being the best possible humanitarian that I can be. I always like the line in the movie “Pay it forward” or what Jesus tried to simplify the overloaded sheep with; “Love God & Love your Neighbour”.

 Christopher says:

 June 8, 2016 at 7:15 pm

Looks like the theme of this drama is give everything you have of value to us your talents your freedoms your relationships and in the end your very life and it will all be worth it in the end because you get to live in the fictonal paradise. All I can say is thank God I woke up before I let them take anymore life from me, I am so glad I left.

 Quendi says:

 June 8, 2016 at 9:45 pm

I enjoyed the summary and have a few observations to make. I was disfellowshipped eleven years ago and have not set foot in a Witness gathering for six years now. I’m glad to be out and free. Still, there are a few Witness tenets that I still believe in because they accord with my own personal beliefs.
I refuse to salute any nation’s flag or sing its national anthem. I will stand out of respect when the colors are presented but that is as far as I will go. I agree with Albert Einstein’s sentiment that nationalism is “the measles of mankind” and that it has done irreparable harm to the human family. Therefore I have nothing to do with patriotic ceremonies or sentiments. My job as a school teacher finds me in positions where flag salute ceremonies are commonplace. I stand quietly and respectfully, but won’t place hand over heart or recite the words. Since I don’t make a big deal out of this, I have never encountered any problems from school officials.
With respect to blood transfusions, I have fortunately never been in a position where one was called for. Should that occasion arise, I probably would insist on an alternative unless it can be shown that the transfusion is the only way to negotiate the medical crisis. There are still many problems associated with the use of blood and I think it wise to use it only as a last resort and not a first or routine one as is often the case.
Shunning works both ways. I don’t go out of my way to greet Witnesses who do not wish for it. I don’t care what reasons they have for shunning me. If they don’t want my company, then I certainly don’t want theirs. A few Witnesses I knew have maintained their ties with me and that has been good. Most severed our relationship and while it was difficult at first, I have moved on with no regrets. The loss is theirs, not mine.
I can relate to Sergei’s loss of a satisfying and creative life as a musician. I sacrificed a career in science and engineering which would have given me much happiness. However, before I left the organization, I returned to college and earned degrees that allowed me to enter the teaching profession and that has opened other doors of achievement for me. When congregation elders questioned my decision to go back to school, I told them that God had given me my life to spend as I saw fit and their interference was not wanted. That ended the discussion.
The sad thing about the Sergei videos is that most Witnesses will swallow their poisonous message hook, line and sinker. What they have chosen to forget is that whether their hopes of a paradise earth are realistic or not, our current lives are transitory and ephemeral and should be lived with all the gusto they can have. That is something a “happy God” would want most for his children, not the joyless, ascetic ones the Watchtower imposes on its adherents.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 5:13 am

What is mind-boggling to me is this: when my husband first told me of the change in his hope, I rejected it outright and instantly.
But I have been a good and model JW for my entire life, so when he said, let’s talk to the elders about it, I also did what a good wife would do and I went.
Ok, back to the mind-boggling part: their direct counsel was to make the most of our lives together now. Don’t miss any opportunities to make memories and show each other our love and devotion. Travel, spend time with loved ones, spend more time with each other doing things we enjoy.
Don’t focus on the future and what will happen when the end comes and whether life in paradise will or won’t be the future we imagined together.
Wait? What?
I’m confused.*
Focus on the future? Don’t focus on the future? Live your best life now, no don’t, make any sacrifice necessary to serve Jehovah.
What the hell?!
*I’m not really confused, but I do have great difficulty with the constantly conflicting advice and counsel.

 dee2 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 6:23 pm

Blood transfusions have potential adverse effects/side effects/risks just like any other prescribed drug or medical procedure. One needs to evaluate these potential adverse effects/side effects/risks just like they would for any prescribed drug/medical procedure but the bottom line is that blood transfusions save lives despite any adverse effects/side effects/risks associated with it.
Note that the Bible says nothing about blood transfusions or the adverse effects/side effects/risks of same. The JWs have however, developed their no blood transfusion doctrine from scriptures which state that blood is not to be eaten which is with regard to the blood from animals, not from humans (Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 7:26; 17:10, 12-14; 19:26, Leviticus 7:26-27, Acts 15:29); blood must be poured out onto earth, in reference to dead animals (Deuteronomy 12:23, 24).
Even when meat is properly drained, there is still some blood in the meat, so anyone who eats meat, also eats blood.

 Quendi says:

 June 10, 2016 at 12:39 pm

Dee2, I agree that blood transfusions are useful, even life-saving, and that all patients must carefully evaluate their administration in each case. I merely say that they are often routinely administered without those risks being considered by either physician or patient. The dangers cannot simply be dismissed out of hand merely because a medical authority advocates the use of blood, and it is in light of this that I would want blood transfused as a last resort and not a first one.
When one reads the Bible’s discussion on the handling of blood, it is clearly in the context of hunting, animal husbandry and ritual sacrifice. Those were the legitimate situations in ancient Israel and why proscriptions were given. They clearly were not meant to be interpreted for medical practice as the Watchtower has chosen to do so. So I agree with you when you criticize the Watchtower’s fanaticism about the blood ban it has imposed on its members.
That must also be the reasoning applied to the words of the apostolic letter of the first century which was sent to all the known congregations of that time. Eating blood was a common practice–the mention of blood puddings and blood sausages in ancient writings make that clear–and the apostles and elders in Jerusalem wanted to remind fellow Christians that they would also do well to avoid such foods. This is still commonplace today in many lands and on the rare occasion when I was offered “black sausages” when traveling abroad, I politely declined. But it is also certain that first century Christians would never have thought about using blood in any medical context as that was inconceivable to them. The Watchtower’s irresponsible interpretation of the Bible’s words about blood usage is just one more egregious crime the organization is guilty of.

 Gary says:

 June 8, 2016 at 10:57 pm

They failed to portray segei’s abuse.
If the database of alleged abusers were to be released and the true number known it would be the end for Watchtower (no wonder their hiding in bunkers while judging the rest of humanity with their ‘new light’ judgement message).
 Not necessarily because of the number of paedophiles associated with the Watchtower but the number of times it failed to report accusations to the authorities.
 Let me put it like this, someone has access to it.


 vivian says:

 June 8, 2016 at 10:57 pm

My father left jws in the late 80s, early 90’s and watched his children grow up in the cult. last year i finally woke up. when i watch these videos and anti jw publications of sorts with him he finds no humor and sarcasm any more. So much sadness. Hes watched it all for so long, and hoped for decades it would fall. Yet, most family are at warwick, missionary, circuit work etc and i have little hope for the generation in front of me, my mother aunts and uncles and grand parents. The family has been so completely immersed for so many decades they would function so poorly at this point. the group is so child like and immature in nature im filled with embarrassment and sadness.

 Cheryl says:

 June 9, 2016 at 12:35 am

So Sergei lives a life unfulfilled sacrificing his potential music career but Prince is lauded by the JWs as been one of their own and allowed to maintain his life and fame. Hypocritical much?

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 5:15 am

I had that exact same thought, Cheryl.

 Jakemon75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 7:10 am

Wow, Spielberg beware! The “” has their very own summer blockbusters!
What’s next? A video about a kid that wants to see the next Nemo movie and yet decides that it would be more fun to donate it to Watchtower?
I think I’ll go to a convention this summer with a big bag of popcorn and some 3D glasses. With the budgets that they have for these films (hundreds of millions of dollars from New York property sales) they should be able to afford Adam Sandler soon.

 rob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 8:33 am

I still marvel at the fact that the dramas and presentations and videos shown at the conventions are so out of touch with reality and so overly dramatic and so unrealistic. And if someone on the stage did have a moment of lapse or a moment of anger at certain things that happened, they would suddenly and instantly have an epiphany and then all would be right and all would be forgiven and everything would go back to perfect.
I used to chuckle when I would see a family on the stage and the children would rather go in service than to a movie or the park. And the parents would be gushing at how wonderful it was to have the privilege to serve the religion rather than pursuing a worldly career or education.
Instead they should present reality – kids who don’t want to go in service. Parents who fight all the time because of financial difficulties. Brothers and sisters who gossip about everything and everyone in the cars during field service. Witnesses who drink to excess to try and numb the depression and anxiety of trying to keep the endless hours of personal study and making sure the watchtower was studied and underlined so that no one would see the pages of the watchtower unmarked and getting the children ready for the meetings week after week and making sure the children sat perfectly quiet in the meetings for fear they should distract anyone trying to listen to the endless drivel from the platform. The anxiety of having to cold call on strangers every saturday morning and the endless knocking on doors that would not open. Drinking to forget the unfulfilled dreams and wasted talents.
Also, the ever so constant worry and constant looking over one’s shoulder wondering about anything that was said or done which was a little inappropriate, perhaps a dress a little too short, a brother unshaven, a joke that was a little risque, a comment made in passing about not agreeing with a particular sentence in the watchtower.
Even more serious, the families torn apart by disfellowshipping, and throwing young children out on the street, and the suicides resulting from disfellowshipping, the cover ups of pedophiles, the ever changing doctrine, the inability to question anything in the watchtower, the control and manipulation of some power hungry elders…..
This religion operates in an atmosphere of suspicion, everyone watches everyone to make sure that the rules are being followed. This is absolutely not how it is presented on the stage and not how it is presented to the unsuspecting world.

 Big B says:

 June 9, 2016 at 10:16 am

Right on Rob!
Can you imagine the horror of living in a “New System” (Paradise Earth) for eternity, if you’re fortunate to survive to the end of the Millennial Reign, with these back stabbing, snitching, stool pigeons?
Talk about a living Hell; day in and day out, for eternity with the constant “lets watch how we walk and watch how we talk and stumble none in our ministry” attitude.
Not my idea of a Paradise, how about you?

 Grace says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:49 pm

I couldn’t have put it better like you did. You expressed the secret thoughts that I had for long while I was in. Depressed & wondering why I never felt good enough.
It’s funny how the depression lifts when you let it go & leave it behind you.

 John ship says:

 June 10, 2016 at 5:55 am

An elder said to me .”we will all be elders in the new world.” I said but ive never wanted to be an elder ..went down like lead baloon..circuit overseer asked me how i like the broadcast…i said id rather watch a good john wayne western ….thats good now ill never make elder ..ha ha

 John ship says:

 June 10, 2016 at 5:55 am

An elder said to me .”we will all be elders in the new world.” I said but ive never wanted to be an elder ..went down like lead baloon..circuit overseer asked me how i like the broadcast…i said id rather watch a good john wayne western ….thats good now ill never make elder ..ha ha

 Enrico Iglesias says:

 June 9, 2016 at 8:48 am

Wow. I’m going to the assembly in a few weeks. All this stuff is there? No matter. I’m here to enjoy life now. I am old. Over the last 56 years I have served in every possible positin in the congregation, from congregation servant to MS to elder to pioneering. And yes, I gave up everything secularly to do that. Got fired. Defrauded by brothers. Slandered. Looked down on. Restricted by the Overseer personally because he had a bug up his nose about me. I was voted the best public speaker in the USA, and best reader. I’m not. Just an an actor who sounds like the best speaker and reader. Acted in all the big dramas back when. Yes, been there done it. Now I attend all the meetings and make interesting and sometimes humorous comments that people constantly verbally validate. I won’t take a position of responsibility anymore. Too much politicking. I just like doing my stuff now. I decided I want the paradise early. My income is limited. I moved to the largest lake in the world. Everyday I bring coffee and plain donuts and just enjoy nature. Go for walks in the forest. As far as I am concerned, I am already in paradise. I no longer buy into the neurotics of others. I mind my own business. I do it alone. I go door to door yet. Love that. I don’t preach to people. I entertain them on their doorstep. I make it like its no big deal if we believe differently. I get into nice conversations. I will even change to a Russian accent or an Irish brogue as I talk to them. Make it fun. These are people with the same problems as anyone else.
As I sit here now enjoying the blue sky and waters of the expansive lake, impressed by the green shoreline in the distance, with a light fog forming across the way, I could not care less about information coming out of New York that may be off the wall. If that stuff blows smoke up their pants, fine for me. I’m already in paradise. And I don’t see any bad people walking around. I see cordial people. We talk. All I say to them is: “Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole earth was this beautiful?” They with drooping appreciative eyelids nod and sigh. What’s so bad about my life? The past is unchangeable.

 rob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 9:17 am

Your outlook is refreshing and very positive and I agree that I also could care less now about anything that comes out of New York. But unfortunately I still have family with whom I live and who are very entrenched in the witness religion and who will probably now shun me because of my fading and celebrating holidays.
I unfortunately cannot be an actor and cannot go in service to preach about a religion I no longer accept. I cannot be a part of a religion that on the surface looks shiny and clean but underneath is full of corruption.
I wish it was as easy for me to think that I am already in paradise but the religion just wont allow me to leave without destroying my family ties. Certainly not paradise.

 Holy Connoli says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:30 am

Enrico: Like Louis Armstrong song says, “and I say to myself” it’s a wonderful world”.
I am glad you are enjoying yourself like that. However going door-door and just talking with people for fun about a Religion or a belief that you don’t really believe yourself seems like a waste of time. That is why I stopped going door-door bc I did not believe the teachings so how could I teach that to others? Not judging you but after 56 years of disappointment I am glad you are having fun.

 James says:

 June 9, 2016 at 9:21 am

In an alternative universe…
Sergei pursues his career in music and becomes a world renowned violinist. He plays great violin concertos all over the world and makes his dad proud. He is moved and deeply grateful for the hard work his dad put in to support him financially and emotionally in making his dream come true. He makes a comfortable life for himself and moved with appreciate he ensures his dad is supported financially and emotionally in his old age.
Not bound by social rules of the JWs, he makes friends of people from all walks of life. He is not judged by his friends based on field service and other ‘kingdom pursuits’ but rather by the content of his character as a human being.
He meets the love of his life during one of his performances, marries and has four children. They all pursue higher education and have careers in sciences, arts and business. Sergei approaches retirement but has to undergo an operation. The doctor says he may need a blood transfusion during the op which means the chances of his survival is very high.
Sergie lives well into his late 80s and early 90s. He is surrounded by his family and friends and passes away peaceful ‘old and satisfied with age’.

 Free Thinker says:

 June 9, 2016 at 1:24 pm

Hi guys
this is a topic that concerns and touches me personally.
I am one of those who “sacrificed” abilities, gifts, interests, talents, … on the altar of JW.Org-will to do their bidding and “enjoy the glorious ‘Privileges'” of “Full Time Ministry”.
While still a child, I self-taught several musical instruments (no teacher, no lessons, no instructions) and got so good on one of them that I soon was able to perform publicly in front of audiences. While getting better, I requested my folks (who had become JW around this time) to get me a teacher or send me to music school, bec. I felt this was my calling – irresistibly. While other kids were playing around, I was seriously practising and honing my skills as a solo instrumentalist. My music teacher in school who was an accomplished pianist urged me in the same direction (getting tutored and promoted). Alas – “This is not necessary, you don’t need a teacher, since you can teach everything you need yourself. Further, we don’t strive for ‘perfection’ or a high level of expertise anyways, all you need is just ‘getting by’ (= playing KD-Songs). Our main focus is ‘The Kingdom Work’, and spending too much time with other ‘unnecessary activities’ is a waste of time, and you are not going to become a musician anyways, since this is incompatible with ‘Theocratic Activities’ “. When my music teacher from school wanted to talk to my folks, they declined – “Not necessary, we know what he is going to say.”
Other than that, I got several nat’l awards for various scientific research projects which I had undertaken, I won at reading contests, was a straight A-student … when my HS-teachers learned that I was not going to University after HS, again – uproar, request to talk to my folks to ask them “How can you let such potential and talent go to waste” etc. To no avail; the “Kingdom came first”, we were not to “invest in a doomed and dying system”.
So, I “humbly” shoved aside what was (and still is) the core essence of my true self at great mental cost, “humbly” learned one of those JW.Org-glorified “practical trades” that didn’t interest me in the least and was way below my abilities to support myself part time, “humbly” embarked on this “wonderful and blessed career”, the “Privilege” of “Pioneering”, suffering through endless hours of horribly dreadful door-to-door-preaching, often in rain and cold and during dreary days, being mocked and humiliated, even physically threatened by “enemies of the Truth” during many frightful hours of “Public Witnessing”, later to attend one of JW.Org’s “Elite Schools” and being ordered (“Privileged”) to come to Bethel, “humbly” toiling at various “Branch Offices” in several countries. What I have seen & experienced there, the sheer baseness and utter meanness of small-minded yet power-hungry individuals – there are no words to describe it. This went on, until I decided to pull the brake, quit Bethel and “Full Time Service”, and then had to face the unpleasant truth that (1) I was “middle-aged”; (2) didn’t have a solid academic education; (3) but a hefty number of years of JW.Org-servitude on my CV. Did the first 2 of those factors already make it extremely difficult to land a halfway decent job – no. 3 was the total killer. Nobody was going to hire a “sect nut”. I barely survived on fumes for a couple of years, doing all kinds of odd jobs until an unexpected “golden” opportunity came along to emigrate to a country where none of those factors really mattered, and now, all is well.
And here is where my life deviates from that of poor and pitiful JW.Org-loyal Sergei: For the first time in my entire life, I have a job I really like and can identify with (and – on a side note – is paying very well). After having drastically reduced (by now: Lowered to zero) my activities for JW.Org by relinquishing all “privileges” and “assignments”, I “shamelessly” and “selfishly” revived my musical ambitions, intensely practicing and getting ready for upcoming concerts; I have published a series of sheet music of arrangements of classical music plus my own compositions, some of which have become best-sellers and one of which won the 1st award of a nat’l contest for new compositions a few years ago. I am also fine-tuning my skills in biblical Hebrew and Greek, in bold defiance of the JW.Org’s central committee’s directives given in the Sept. 2007-km (FADS does not approve of JW to dabble in the biblical languages, for fear they might discover the “true quality” of the NWT).
Yes, I am NOT going to end my life in sad misery and gloomy unhappiness in abject and dull JW.Org-submissiveness, completely wasting my God-given talents and abilities, letting them go to the dogs and down the drain. I know that I cannot get back all those “lost years”, but here is the thing:
The big “What if”-question. Who knows how our lives would have turned out in an “alternate reality” in which we would have solely followed “our heart’s calling” by fully engulfing ourselves in what we would have considered “the realization of our full potential”? What if a musically gifted, yet sensitive young person for example cannot deal with the stress and the rigors of academia, the competition and the pressure to “be the best or be nobody” in the entertainment and concert world? Many unexpected and unforeseen factors can be real show stoppers even for the most talented and gifted geniuses. Living one’s dream could soon turn out to be living in a nightmare. All those derailed and now homeless university professors, research scientists and also artists are proof thereof.
Hence, I do not consider all those JW.Org-centered years, all the anger, frustration, privations, sacrifices … as a waste, or lost time. Those years have made me what I am today; they have taught me many things, among which is “not quitting”; dealing with, and enduring highly unpleasant situations; going through life with open eyes and heart, treating other human beings with true care and respect, for we would not want others to suffer from our hand what we had to undergo under the iron rule of the heartless JW.Org and its devoted minions. I am a “stable” person, at peace with the world and myself. I cannot say nor predict what would have become of me had I embarked on the path of the Fine Arts; the universe is an ocean of endless possibilities.
I still have a number of years ahead of me, and I am going to make the best out of them by USING – not suppressing and shoving aside – my God-given abilities, for the benefit and greater good of all. It’s not too late yet, nothing is lost” or was “in vein”, and it is my conviction that I still can live out to the full what 1 Peter 4,10 is referring to: “Each of you should use WHATEVER GIFT you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – “Gift” = “Charisma” in Greek; any “talent” God gave us and which we are to use for the benefit of fellow humans. That’s my goal now, and I believe I can do more good during one hour of doing this, as compared to decades of dull and fruitless “door-to-door-preaching” with 80% of the householders not opening, and the other 20% telling us to go to hell.
Free Thinker

 rob says:

 June 9, 2016 at 1:57 pm

your story is amazing – thanks for sharing.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:31 pm

@ Free Thinker: I love this post. You do indeed seem stable, balanced, and well-adjusted. I really appreciate your thoughts.
I have thought much the same, in that we can’t really know what the road not traveled would have held for us.
And not every individual who denied their talents would have been a world-class artist/musician/athlete/scientist. (Your passion here)
People have their dreams derailed for other lesser and greater reasons. To act like every person lost out on an opportunity to be great ignores the statistics.
Thousands of people who are not witnesses never make it to the top of their field, even when they have all of the necessary encouragement and support one could hope for.
So to think only in extremes that say you and all those you know would have been great is also unrealistic and leads to a lot of unnecessary bitterness and regret.
I do agree with those who are upset because they feel like they were denied the chance to see what they might have become. Especially when it was not their choice.
I was like you and I had parents who chose for me. But I don’t feel like wasting energy and emotion being angry with them for it.
I know others in the organization and out who had it much worse than I did.
But Bravo! to you for how spectacularly you have managed to salvage your dreams and make something more of yourself. I laud your accomplishments.
I want to be like you when I grow up. 😉

 Markie says:

 June 10, 2016 at 5:59 am

Your post makes me wonder how such a intelligent and talented person like you was so easy influenced by people of lesser intelligence. I would say I am much less intelligent then you and less talented but was much less influenced by people. Got my first degree at 22 and my last at almost 40. I grew up a jw but always realized that it was just a suggestion not to go to college. They never said not to go. They obviously really discouraged it but it was never a disfellowshipping offence. I know I was considered not to be a spiritual person by most but I didn’t care about that. My point to all is do what you think is best for yourself. If you want an education get it. Yeah I got a lot of push back from elders etc… when I was in college but now I am laughing all they way to the bank. I am a sucker though, I have given a lot of money to my brothers who used to and still do say higher education is bad.

 keen jw says:

 June 9, 2016 at 1:25 pm

Dear John Cedars and Team.
When I Google ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ a number of informative EX-JW websites appear. What are the chances of jwsurvey becoming one of them?

 Keen jw says:

 June 9, 2016 at 2:27 pm

I hope I made myself clear. Jwsurvey seems to amass a good number of comments in such a relatively short period of time following a new article release. I think your readership would increase substantially once it starts appearing on the first page of Google with a search of ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ and comments as well would rise accordingly. It would simply be awesome indeed to see jwsurvey just above or below the jw website on the front page!

 Grace says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:59 pm

Keen jw,
That’s what I have wondered for the whole time I have been on this site. It doesn’t come up in the first page of Google.

 Rose Graziano says:

 June 9, 2016 at 1:41 pm

This video is disturbing on so many levels. I honestly can’t believe that I have to sit through this at the convention next month. I am trapped inside this organization because I raised my children to believe this garbage. I wish I can turn back the clock and tell them they can be and do anything they want in life. But now they are slaves of the organization and any negative comments from me or their father are met with very suspicious eyes. Now they are going to see a video that shows someone leaving “Jehovah” because he read some information about the organization that causes him to have doubts. This just proves that we can’t say anything significant to them about TTATT or we will probably never see our grandchildren again. This along with the Bunker videos just show how desperate the organization is getting to keep from people from leaving! What a disgrace!

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 9, 2016 at 3:50 pm

Has anybody with loved ones still active jws dared to mention what’s in store for them at District Convention? Idk if I dare to bring it up tbh. After all, I could by doing so, supply them with further ammunition to use against me when the time comes for them to make their own decision on how they will react to such vile manipulation. It’s a tough one eh?

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 9, 2016 at 4:07 pm

I’m even sort of tempted to tag along and actually attend the convention with them . So I can sit and frown/ give them ‘the look’ whenever something ridiculous is mentioned from the platform.
 I remember when my non jw mum used to attend the occasional meeting how I would squirm if anything derogatory was said during the meeting about ‘worldly’ people. I found it really uncomfortable and embarrassing. Maybe it’s my turn to make them all squirm?? It would be tricky for them to consider shunning me if I was actually present when it was suggested to them. I will give this some thought. Any suggestions or viewpoints on this are most welcome. I am not disfellowshipped nor have I been reproved because I left under a big cloud of dilemma. ( see previous posts above)


 fallingangel75 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 5:20 am

Hey Imgonaburn. Me too. I plan to attend. I wasn’t going to, but I have said also that I have gotten a pass. I have not been disciplined at all.
We’re in our 30s – a young couple, and tbh, I’m the more historically exemplary of the 2 of us.
For those to whom spiritual ‘pedigree’ matters (I’ve always considered it both presumptuous AND ridiculous, so I never put stock in it), I married beneath me.
My husband was not raised in the truth. He never pioneered. Never served where the need was greater. He wasn’t a ministerial servant when we got married. He has never even been to Bethel as a tourist!
So, there were sideways glances when we got married anyway. People actually implied that maybe we were just trying to make things right as a result of an unwanted pregnancy.
The elders actually called me into the ‘back room’ early in our marriage one Sunday when my husband was out of town. They had asked us as a couple a few times of we’d been improper, and they decided to ask me again as an individual.
That’s a whole other story.
The judgment! We weren’t pregnant. We waited like good JWs. I still know people were counting the months to see if I had a baby. I could see it on their faces at the hall.
Once we celebrated our first anniversary, though. I was in the clear.
Yay. :-/
Personally, I picked a husband outside of all of the spiritual qualifications because I recognized years ago that at the end of the day when it’s just us at home, away from the congregation, I’m just a woman and he’s just a man.
What mattered to me was how we related to each other as man and woman, first. How he treated me with respect and admiration. How he honored me and made it easy for me to honor him.
I didn’t care about titles or service or family history.
And I was sure he loved Jehovah, as much as anyone should.
Anyway, I digress.
Given the fact that some feel that I married ‘beneath me’ as it were, and now he claims to be of the anointed class, and our family is all elders and pioneers, etc. I am getting a pass for now. And I will be welcomed with open arms, I am sure.
He’s actually getting more counsel and scrutiny than I am.
It’s making him chafe a little. Honestly, I hope it chaps him raw if that will help him snap out of it!
But, previously, prior to all of this, we have attended meetings and assemblies and quietly giggled at the ridiculous skits and dramas. Every time.
This will be the first one we attend together since his change.
I have to see if he is the same guy who jokes with me or if he feels the need to be more loyal and dignified now.
I have said before. I really don’t know what to expect, but I have to see for myself.

 Markie says:

 June 10, 2016 at 6:10 am

Your post reminds me of my wife and I. She was a pioneer and I just finished college. Her family wanted her to marry the handsome pioneer/bethelite. It’s funny the wonderful bethelite boy is long gone and beat at least two of his wives. Go figure.

 Imgonaburn says:

 June 10, 2016 at 7:36 am

 Hi, I think we do have a kindred spirit lol. You sound like a lovely caring person. I was wondering if you still attend meetings at all? I haven’t been to a meeting for 5 years now. So, one of the reasons that I need to consider when deciding if I should attend this convention is ‘will I be chancing sticking my head above the parapet?’ Like you, I have been given a pass and my conduct has been overlooked by cong elders. My husband has always been a bit wishy washy re jw rules n regs. I married him whilst he was only studying and not baptised. I had been a jw for 5 years before I met him. I wasn’t raised a jw I chose it as an impressionable 18 year old. I was baptised age 20 after leaving all my worldly traits behind – well most of them! 😉 I retained a somewhat wicked sense of humour. The others in my cong were always a bit wary n a little intimidated. I prob came across as ‘streetwise’ and worldly. The only brothers that dared ask me out were too worldly to get my attention and the spiritual ones were only brave enough to approach me because they thought they could control me so I was never going to marry a JW. I met my husband at work. I guess I could’ve been Sophia! I married him within 6 months of meeting him. He struck me as kind, gentle and the total opposite of my violent overpowering former bf’s (pre-jw). I was a reg pio when I met him! Anyway, I was df’d and pregnant on my wedding day. Unlike Sophia I didn’t have any family to shun me and chose to go bk to Jehovah after my honeymoon. My husband was soon baptised and our first baby was born, followed by 3 more children. We were caught up in the whole serve Jehovah whole souled and enjoy a spiritual paradise whilst doing so. But it was so hard!! We had only one or 2 friends who would include us. Our children were a handful. My 2 youngest boys had behavioural problems and were diagnosed with Autustic Spectrum Disorders. My eldest and youngest became T1 diabetic. My daughter is ok though. We didn’t have much time or energy for ministry so that impacted upon our reputation as weak. We were far from weak though!! Many many times the bros n sis would hurt us by passing cruel comments on our spirituality or failings as parents but we swallowed it and said nothing. I could tell you experiences that would make your blood boil! However, some of the elders knew we had a full plate. They blamed my husband for not being a good spiritual head. He was often counselled about it and was taken off being a MS. My eldest son and daughter are both married to jw and are highly regarded. My son is a reg pio and he and his wife travel all over the country with societies building and maintenance projects. My daughter is reg pio her husband is a MS. They are valuable in the eyes of cong elders. They all know that I smoke and swear and have become a different person now. If I went to the convention I’m sure some would be pleased to see me but most would avoid me. If I go I don’t want to mislead my family into thinking I’m going to return to Jehovah. If I’m there when all this nonsense is spat at them it will be impossible for them then to do what jws do best- deny to themselves that the instruction given doesn’t apply to them. That won’t be as able to easily ignore the counsel if they know that I know what’s been said. I think through writing this out that I will resist the urge to attend. Eugh the thought of sitting upright surrounded by people that don’t really understand the true meaning of ‘love’ makes me sick. No, even though I’ve been granted a pass, I can’t attend. I will question them all about it after the event and see how they respond. I’ve suffered through enough of their boring drivel to last a lifetime. I don’t need to hear any more…


 Dazi says:

 June 9, 2016 at 8:20 pm

News from Russia;

 Dazi says:

 June 10, 2016 at 6:49 am

News from Russia;
I hope this happens in multiple counties – maybe this is the beginning… and it will have a “Domino Effect”? 🙂

 Peter Jeuck says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:52 am

In the early days of Watchtower they maintained that the scriptures were written Only for those called to the heavenly calling. Full devotion to Jehovah God through consecration I.e. A complete giving one’s life to God, was for the purpose of running for the high calling. Watchower continued more or less with this same understanding when they came to believe the Great Crowd or Jonadab class would be those who inherited only an Earthly hope. They made a distinction then between those with and Earthly hope and those with the heavenly hope and the degree of devotional expectations of the two classes. Now Watchtower is imposing those same rigorous standards once only expected for those with a heavenly hope to those who have only an Earthly hope! So now it’s just as hard for a JW to gain a lesser reward for their faith as it was for those with the heavenly! Did God change the rules or was it Jehovah? My guess it had more to do with Watchtower leadership who are men, not God!

 Robert67 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 5:16 am

As I’m reading the comments here I’m wondering if those posting them bothered reading the article. My experience has been that all within the org who aquire high positions had to have shown that they place the borg before scripture or natural love for others. When I look at Sergei I see a protector of child molesters and all around persecuter of those who came in looking for a relationship with God but instead wound up worshiping a printing company that pushes their editors as replacements for Christ as mediators between them and God. May their end come soon.

 ligniappe says:

 June 10, 2016 at 6:05 am

Fallingangel75, as likeable as you paint your husband to be, and keeping in mind that I don’t know him, and as such I must take your word for that, and I do, where does he get the idea that “his heavenly hope” is fait accompli?
If, and it is an enormous if, for someone who has such a good knowledge of the scriptures, he must know that he has received an invitation only, in fact the apostle Paul calls it a “token” (NWT). A token being, if you like, a ticket to some kind of event or show.
If you have a token to a show or event, you may decide not to go, no one forces you to go. Jehovah is the same, no force, he has given you free will, and it is your choice, he doesn’t drag people kicking and screaming into becoming spirit beings to exist in the heavens if you don’t want to. What’s more if you decide not to accept the token (by not taking the emblems) nothing will happen to you and if you have an earthly hope to live with a gracious lovely lady that loves, you can.
I have been a witness for a long time (faded now) and I have known people who have had “the calling” and left their spouses to do “higher things”.
Again, you know your husband better than I, and you say he is not about to do that, which is good. But what he seems to be saying in a rather roundabout way is, that the relationship is coming to an end and it is not his fault because he has been “called” by Jehovah, not his fault and there is nothing he can do about that, it is Jehovah’s “fault”.
There has been a huge upsurge in emblem takers in the last few years, and, after a long lull of virtually no new partakers, all of which seems rather odd. Keeping in mind that all these new ones can offer no proof that the “calling” is genuine, including the members of the GB. We can not test their claims of authenticity, and I am greatly inclined to have serious doubts that they have the “calling”.
At best, they may have religious fever/ fervour, even in a quiet manner. Still, even if the “calling” was true it is just an invitation that the invitee is free to decline at anytime.
Interestingly, my wife and I were talking with some Witness friends who would like to fade, but have family to think of, so not just yet. The question always comes up are we ok in fading? Our friend asked “how can we do good to Christ’s brothers” if we fade?
My wife replied as quick as you like, “the time to do that is over”, because many people think that an “evil slave” is in existence and why would we help a “slave” of that kind?
Perhaps your husband may consider that proposition and review his “invitation”, and join the rest of us now to wait and see what happens next regarding any fulfillment of bible prophecy

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 8:56 am

@ligniappe, I read my own comments and I feel like I am looking at snapshots through a keyhole.
Sometimes I am vague because I am well known enough in a large geographic area that it would be very easy to ‘out’ myself if I give details, but also because my situation has many complexities that are difficult to convey.
First: my husband has never said he wants to leave me. Not once since this all began.
I have wanted to leave him. Repeatedly since this all began.
And not ever because he’s treated me poorly.
This whole drama with Sergei resonates with me on many levels. Even before it came out, I was wrestling with those themes.
My own choices. My husband’s choices for himself and us. My parent’s choices for me.
I want children. And soon I will be too old to have them. I was raised a witness, and long ago determined that I did not want children in this system.
More because of how difficult it was to be a faithful JW child and teenager in this world, than because I believed the world was so awful.
If that makes sense to anyone else.
When I truly believed the new system was just around the corner, it was easy to defer parenthood in hopes of really giving my children the best life ever.
Not the so-called best life JWs claim to live now.
I always believed my life was better than some, but mostly because of education and creature comforts my family could afford that others could not. Not because we were witnesses.
In fact, many of the things that kept it from being better than it was could be traced to adherence to witness doctrines and principles.
Witness doctrines and principles. Not bible guidelines. I make a distinction. Where we really followed Bible counsel and Christ on how to care for self and others, things were always good.
Some of the JW applications were where we went off into the weeds.
I have known since I was a teenager that I did not want to perpetuate the lifestyle my parents made for me.
Now, when I made it into the new system with my forever partner, and everyone was on the same page about serving Jehovah and we were all returning to perfection and there were no predators or bad influences – that would be something different.
But, even before this issue with my husband going to heaven, I was becoming aware of my own biological clock. I was aware that my child-bearing years are almost gone and the promised new system is nowhere in sight.
So I was questioning whether I wanted children enough to start a family and indoctrinate them as well. That’s what really started me asking the hard questions, not the change in my husband’s hope.
I realized that I don’t believe the world is too awful to raise children in love and with morality and self-worth and concern for fellowman.
But I did believe that raising them with expectations of our JW culture would be a burden to them and to me.
So: what to do?
I was still struggling with this and just beginning to broach the subject with my husband when he revealed to me that his hope had changed.
And his hope change is not to avoid dealing with the issue of children. He has always wanted children. I was the hold out. From the beginning.
Like I said, he grew up ‘in the world’. He always anticipated the regular cycle of birth and death and dealing with bad people, whilst trying to be a good person absent of the influence of God or church.
I was the one with the hang-ups.
But he had an awful childhood and he has bought into the myth that if we raised our children as witnesses it would be so much better than his upbringing.
And it would be, but only because WE are better people than his parents who neglected and abused him – not because we’re witnesses.
So, the biggest reason I am at a crossroads has less to do with the change in his hope and more to do with the fact that I want children, and neither of us wants to raise them in a religiously divided household.
I’m asking myself every day if I love him enough that I will not be resentful at the missed opportunity to have children of our own.
Even if he comes to his senses in 10 years, it will be too late for us.
I don’t know what will be worse for me: if he wakes up in 10 or 20 years and apologizes to me for not coming around sooner, or if he goes to his grave still believing it’s the truth after a lifetime of making life choices for us based on a lie.
And THAT question is what makes me want to leave him. Terrible choices.
As much as I love him and he loves me, this has become a rift that makes it difficult to enjoy each other the way we always did before.
I have said to him that if he’s planning to leave me to be with God and Christ, maybe I should just leave him now.
If according to his belief I will start over and have my family with another man once he goes to heaven, why wait?
That’s all me.
And he hates to hear me say it and it hurts him.
And I don’t say it to hurt him. It’s how I feel.
As for your faith accompli statements, he understands it is not sealed. He gets that it is supposedly an invitation, but he does feel that he has no option but to accept.
We’ve been round and round about that!
Endless debates about how free will does or doesn’t apply in this context. Ultimately he tells me I don’t understand because I have not been called.
He claims he could make himself unworthy of it, but he cannot simply refuse.
Like if he declined, the earthly hope is also off the table? Because it is insulting to God to decline? None of it makes sense to me, and he doesn’t have specifics, so I’m at a loss to explain it clearly.
But he also says he doesn’t want to refuse. He said he genuinely no longer desires to live on earth in the future. He said that with the invitation came a change in the things he wants.
He says he does want to live out the rest of our lives together. He doesn’t want to die young or be ‘taken’ early, but beyond the normal life span, or the end, whichever comes first, he looks forward to heaven.
Kings and priests forever.
Yay. :-/
But, again, all implications that this means the end of our relationship come from me, because I can’t deal with it. Because I resent the consequences to our present life together and presumably our future.
He continues to encourage me to stay with him in the hopes that I will come to feel differently about all of it.
Even the issue of children in light of the changes has been nothing of a deal breaker for him. But he does not want children while I am unsettled about whether I will stay with him and while I am saying I will never ‘return to Jehovah’.
I know him. And I know the scriptures as JWs teach them. They say we cannot question whether someone’s calling is authentic, but I feel like I can.
Just when I compare who I know him to be with who JWs teach are chosen, he’s not it. I could elaborate, but I wont.
But, I agree. It is odd indeed.
I’m quite intrigued by your thoughts about the evil slave. I wish there was a way to speak with you more about that whole discussion thread.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 9:28 am

*fait accompli. I hate autocorrect some days!

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 11:15 am

@ligniappe, I was just reading your post again and this time I focused more on your comments about your Witness friends who would like to fade.
On the one hand, I wish I knew people like you and your wife that I could really talk to face-to-face about my questions and doubts and feelings about leaving and what to do next.
But then again, I think about all the comparisons posters make to big brother/1984. And the comments about how some have set up fake Facebook accounts to police others in the organization.
I think some would make efforts to be Thought Police and infiltrate small groups of dissenters.
I am not enough of a conspiracy theorist to feel that anyone is doing that at the direction of the GB, but I would certainly expect that some might take it upon themselves to do so.
And now with this new bunker mentality and the crackdown on shunning, I feel like it is going to be more difficult for people like us to speak to each other in real life and not just anonymously online.
In any case, I am compelled to ask you: do you believe that some of what the Witnesses teach is true, but not all? Do you feel like there were good intentions at first, but then there was a corruption?
I read and reread your post because I really couldn’t tell.
Like myself right now. I don’t believe my husband has been chosen by Jehovah to rule in heaven. But does that mean no one was?
Ever? Throughout history?
As regards my personal belief on the matter, it depends on what day you ask me.
Some days I believe it’s all a lie and that’s what I need to believe. Some days I hope that some of it is true, but only the best parts, like living forever in perfect health and seeing my dead loved ones again. But not the worst parts like destruction of everyone who isn’t a Witness.
So, as much as I want to take my leave from the organization and dismiss many of the beliefs as patently false and I AM DONE following the rules, it is hard for me to think this life is all there is.
And I think of all of the people throughout history who served God with a belief they were going to heaven and people of other religions who believe there is some manifestation of life after death.
Everyone is all wrong? So after a lifetime of conviction of knowing what happens at death, I find myself completely uncertain about what awaits me and my loved ones.
I do hope that if there is a God who cares he will not deny me the reward that other good people get just for having unanswered questions.
I hope that he is not the person they keep saying he is that would equate my doubts about these men and how they are choosing to represent and misrepresent him with disloyalty to Him.

 Doc Obvious says:

 June 10, 2016 at 6:55 am

This is such a morbid view of life. Life that should be more positive, than negative. The regional convention sounds very depressing. Jesus Christ was a positive influence on people’s life’s. He genuinely helped people who were looking for a more positive direction than that of the Pharisees. Watchtower sounds more like the Pharisees than Jesus. What a contrast between true Christianity and false Christianity.

 fallingangel75 says:

 June 10, 2016 at 9:04 am

@Doc Obvious, I feel exactly the same way.

 James Broughton says:

 June 10, 2016 at 8:48 am

Another excellent article, CF. I appreciate that many ex JWs talk about their wasted time but the fact they are taking the trouble to contribute to these pages means that they are helping others in a much more effective way than outsiders can do. As long as you can move on with your life that time will not have been wasted.

 alex williams says:

 June 10, 2016 at 10:20 am

There are so many good comments from so many people. Has anyone noticed the progression of obedience during the course of the video? Remember….”faithful in small things, faithful in larger things” has always been taught from the platform. First, Sergei gave up something as simple as playing the violin, slightly larger was playing the national anthem, a little bigger was signing the document to renounce his faith and be free, a little bigger was turning down a work assignment that would affect his family study, and lastly, the blood issue. This path leads to his final choice of life or death. The progression of choices is disturbing and could culminate in the loss of his life. Likely, this progression is designed by the GB so he is conditioned to make the ultimate choice and choose to obey the WTBT$. Control and manipulation at its finest!

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← The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker
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The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story

Posted on June 7, 2016


“The way of the truth is the best way of living.”
So begins Kingdom Song 64, “Make the Truth Your Own.” This mantra is one with which Jehovah’s Witnesses are very familiar. In fact, it’s quite common to hear the mantra expanded on in the following way:

Even if this wasn’t the Truth, it would still be the best possible way to live.
If you’ve been associated with the Witnesses, you’ve probably heard a statement like this, often in response to doubts or challenges about how valid Witness teachings are. The narrative being presented is that even if Watchtower is wrong, living according to the Governing Body’s commands would still result in the most satisfying life possible.
It’s a win-win scenario!
But is this statement true?
Well, let’s take a look at how Watchtower presents Witness life in a series of videos being played at the 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah Regional Convention. The videos follow a character, Sergei, from childhood to most-likely, his death.
As we see his story unfold, I’d like you to keep in mind that oft-made claim:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Let’s see if the story of Sergei’s life supports that claim.
Sergei – When Young
Screenshot 2016-06-07 14.20.58Sergei’s story begins when he is a boy, and we fade in on him playing the violin with considerable skill. The narrative unfolds to show an exceptionally talented Sergei being offered special tuition by a music conservatory which would help him make a career out of the art he loves so much.
Great! Not many people get the chance to explore their gifts in this way, and it seems the young Sergei could be starting on a thrilling road of self-discovery and creative fulfilment. Who knows, maybe his artistic legacy will live on for centuries?
Except that Sergei’s father has other ideas. He dismisses Sergei’s musical aspirations by telling his son that the pressure will be something he cannot handle. He dismisses the idea of a young Witness making music “their life, their career.” Sergei is warned that he will have to compete with other musicians, that he will be surrounded by people who do not love Jehovah (sn: just like every day at school or work) and that he must show Jehovah he loves him first.
Apparently, Jehovah hates professional musicians.
If you didn’t know beforehand that the father’s position was the one that Watchtower was promoting, you could play this scene word-for-word, beat-for-beat, and the audience would see Sergei’s father as a closed-minded parent, brutally crushing his son’s dreams and aspirations. Indeed, it’s heartbreaking when the young Sergei pleads with his father, “But I really love it, and I’m not good at anything else! This is what I’m good at!”
I can relate to his plea.
The things I was really good at as a child, the skills and talents around which I would ordinarily have built a satisfying career in the creative industry, were not things I was allowed to make a career due to my Witness beliefs. Instead, I had to choose another road, one far less satisfying and interesting to me, and at which I simply was not as good. Granted, now that I have left the cult, I am trying to resurrect the career I should have started all those years ago, but the lost time and experience is something I will never recover.
So in summary, what do we see from the first video? Sergei’s dreams of being a professional musician are crushed, not because he lacks talent or the drive to succeed, but because his parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses that enforce Watchtower’s strict lifestyle choices upon him. Sergei the violinist will never exist, his potential works lost to future generations, and his dream future denied to him.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Persecuted
Screenshot 2016-06-07 14.51.34We next see Sergei as a young man, conducting a Bible Study. As the scene progresses, it becomes clear that he is living in a country where Jehovah’s Witnesses are under ban. The Witnesses are risking arrest by practicing their faith and carrying out Watchtower’s commands. During the video, Sergei returns home to discover that the police are waiting inside and have brutalized his father.
(Possibly by subjecting him to their awful acting.)
The police demand to know where Sergei has hidden the Watchtower literature. Sergei refuses to answer the questions, and later, refuses to play the national anthem on his violin. This is not a random choice on Sergei’s part; Watchtower instructs Witnesses, like Sergei, that to do so would compromise Watchtower’s particular interpretation of political neutrality. (Never mind that Watchtower has compromised this doctrine on numerous occasions for its own benefit, often carefully ensuring that normal Witnesses never find out.)
As a result, the police incarcerate Sergei.
This is sadly an all-too-plausible scenario. In many counties across the world over the past century, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been subjected to horrific persecution for obeying Watchtower’s commands on political neutrality. From the savagery meted out in Malawi to the dreadful inhumanity of the concentration camps of the Third Reich, Witnesses have been incarcerated, tortured and murdered by repressive regimes. No one who respects the concept of universal human rights can do anything other than unreservedly condemn such barbaric repression.
Those who wish to sincerely practice their faith in a manner that does not infringe on the human rights of others, should always be free to do so, but obviously no one would wish to endure the kind of savagery Sergei encounters for serving a religion that was not true.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Tempted
Screenshot 2016-06-07 17.06.06Our next video finds Sergei still in prison, reciting scripture to keep his spirits up. The prison officials give him the tragic news that his father, also an inmate, is dying.
Weeping, Sergei requests permission to see his father, and the prison officer offers Sergei “an even better solution.” He offers to let Sergei and his father, both, leave the prison! All Sergei has to do is sign a document renouncing his faith.
Watchtower is unequivocal on this point. There is no room for an individual Witness to decide that the paper and “renunciation” are meaningless, okay to sign, and then continue worshiping as normal, once they are free. “Theocratic Warfare” may allow Watchtower leaders to lie in court when being questioned about not reporting child abuse, but it does not allow Witnesses to sign documents they give no credence to in order to alleviate terrible suffering and regain their freedom.
Witnesses are expected to refuse all such offers, no questions asked.
So, Sergei does what Watchtower expects and refuses to sign. Then, he is then dragged back to his cell where he is to serve out the rest of his five-year prison term, never to see his father again.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Praised
Screenshot 2016-06-07 17.48.47We next meet Sergei some considerable time later, as a middle-aged man, serving as a substitute Circuit Overseer for Watchtower.
For those unfamiliar, a Circuit Overseer (C.O.) is someone who works full-time for Watchtower, travelling to visit a select, geographic group of congregations. They will hold meetings with the Elders, Ministerial Servants and Pioneers, give special talks from the platform, organize the Field Service for the week, and generally make sure that the congregation is running according to Watchtower’s policy. It’s an exhausting job, often requiring long days of activity for little remuneration, though the meals and board for a C.O are usually provided for by the host congregation. A substitute C.O is often someone training to be a permanent C.O, and they will step in when the regular C.O is ill or indisposed.
He is reunited with his old friends Alexia and Natalia, with whom, in the second video, he was shown studying. He and his wife accept and share a meal together with some friends. During the meal, Sergei is complemented on the quality of his talks, as well as his unwavering faith; those present infer that they wish he was the permanent C.O, citing a number of perceived flaws with the present one.
My personal experience, having met many C.O’s in my time, is that they vary significantly in quality and temperament. I’ve met kind, sincere men who genuinely cared about their flock, and I’ve met unkind, hard, cruel men who made the lives of those in their Circuit a misery. It’s common for a hard-pressed congregation to desperately wish for a change, especially if they’ve met one of the nicer C.O’s on the list.
How does Sergei respond to the conversation? Granted, it must be awkward for him to hear others complain about his colleague but how does he deal with these complaints, along with complements given to him?
He rejects them all. He refuses to take credit for any of his abilities. He has no sense of ownership for his achievements. With downcast eyes, he credits everything to Jehovah’s spirit. He also makes this point: “Jehovah chooses those who serve in the congregations” and this is a way to imply that such men are above criticism from the rank and file.
(Does Jehovah choose the Elders who’ve covered up child abuse, or Servants who are actually child abusers? Watchtower can’t have it both ways. Either the “appointed men” are chosen by God or they are not.)
Now, remember how excited and full of confidence little Sergei was in the first video? As a young child, Sergei had found his passion, his calling, and was full of confidence that he could achieve wonderful things with his music. He was good at it, and he KNEW he was good at it. He had full confidence in his abilities. The future lay before him, vast and glittering, before his father tore his confidence and dreams away. What do we find when we look at Sergei now?
A man working long hours as a religious administrator in return for very little compensation, his dreams of music forgotten, his father lost to religious persecution, along with apparently five years of his own life. A man so lacking in self-worth that he cannot even bring himself to take credit for the experience and skills that others see in him and admire.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Tired
Screenshot 2016-06-07 18.08.16The next video finds Sergei at his place of employment, a factory or workshop of some kind, welding torch in hand, a far cry from the concert halls or recording studios in which he could have spent his life. He looks tired and drawn as he pulls off his welding mask, and is summoned to his managers office.
We find out that Sergei has been working to cover the shifts of others and is exhausted. Nonetheless, his manager barks orders for him to start attending a facility one hour away to cover another absent employee. Sergei protests. He has a family and religious responsibilities to attend to.
It transpires that the manager claims to show consideration for Sergei’s meeting times and religious duties, and Sergei doesn’t challenge this so we are left with the impression that this assertion is correct. Nonetheless, Sergei is given a choice. Go cover the absent employee or go find another job.
Sergei relents and makes preparations to attend the new work plant, but then ponders his Bible and remembers that he needs to attend his family Bible study that night.
He returns home to his family instead of work, and carries out the family study.
No mention is given about what happens to Sergei’s job, but given the attitude of the manager, and that he apparently just walked offsite without notifying anyone, one can safely assume that he was fired. However, in the video, no acknowledgment is made for this possibility and whilst Sergei’s family seem to be eager for the “spiritual food” they are about to receive, I fear that before long they will discover that physical food is rather important as well.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Abandoned
Screenshot 2016-06-07 18.43.30The next installment of what is fast becoming “The Tragedy Of Sergei” takes place when Sergei is an older man, with greying hair. Once again, we meet Sergei’s friend, Natalia, though it seems that his other friend Alexi, is absent. Sergei asks if he can stop by and visit Alexi but a grief-stricken Natalia whispers,

You can’t.
Has Alexi died? Has he been dragged off to prison? Did he emigrate to Outer Mongolia?
It appears that all that has happened to Alexi is that he stopped believing the Watchtower religion. (It’s not specified if he was Disfellowshipped, Disassociated or simply faded)
So good news Sergei!
You CAN go and see him! He’s probably at home right now and all you need to do is pop on round, ring the bell, and chat with your old friend who, despite no longer believing that Steven Lett represents God’s appointed channel on Earth, is probably the same guy you’ve known and loved all these years.
Except that Sergei is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It doesn’t matter that his old friend is probably the same man he always was, Sergei is not allowed to judge his friends by  their character, but can do so only by their opinions on Watchtower doctrine.
Make no mistake, Sergei is now under orders from Watchtower: If Alexis has been disfellowshipped or disassociated, Sergei must treat his old friend as if he no longer exists, as if he has died. If he passes Alexi on the street he must not even say a greeting. Total shunning is to be enforced. Even if Alexi has successfully faded without Judicial Sanction, Watchtower makes it clear that unless Sergei has a very good reason, he shouldn’t be interacting with him at all.
And as of this 2016 convention, if the faded Alexi does anything on Watchtower’s prohibited list, like celebrate a birthday, attend a religious service, or give blood, then the shunning laws snap right back into place.
So Sergei, clearly devastated, turns his back on a man he describes as a second father, for no reason other than his religion expects and demands it of him. It is not Alexi who has abandoned Sergei, but rather Sergei who has abandoned his friend.
Now remember, we are exploring the following statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
Do you think this video supports that claim?
Sergei – When Facing Death
Screenshot 2016-06-07 19.22.28“The Tragedy of Sergei” is drawing to a close. In the final video, we see Sergei in a hospital bed, gravely ill. His daughter, looking through his old photographs, sees young Sergei with his violin. She shows it to him and says:

I didn’t know you played the violin.
Sergei shrugs and replies.

I lost interest in it, I guess.
It’s no surprise to see that Sergei’s passions and talents have been beaten out of him over the years, given all that he has been forced to give up and to suffer on account of Watchtower commands and doctrine. He has lost his art, his father, five years of his life, his closest friend, and spent a life toiling in a punishing career that he clearly never wanted to have, a career that he possibly even endangered or crippled at one point due to following Watchtower commands about time spent at work.
Nonetheless, things are going to get worse. It’s made clear that unless Sergei undergoes an operation, he is doomed. The doctor advises him that the chances of surviving the operation are much lower if he refuses blood.
Again, Watchtower doctrines snap into place here. If Sergei is judged to have willingly and unrepentantly accepted a blood transfusion, he will be viewed as a disassociated person and shunned by all of his family and friends. Additionally, Sergei will have been indoctrinated all of his life to view such a transfusion as sinful, an act that could jeopardize his chances at gaining eternal life in the paradise earth yet to come.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that Sergei refuses blood, thus lowering the chances he will survive the operation. In the closing moments of the video, Sergei and his daughter both talk about their hope for the future, of being reunited in the Paradise Earth that Watchtower teaches is yet to come. We flash back through the key moments of Sergei’s life, where loyalty to Watchtower first set him off on a journey of hardship, denial and persecution, and Sergei faces what is potentially his death with a tearful smile on his face.
And thus we come to the point.
If Watchtower teachings are correct, and Sergei’s tragic life of missed opportunities, suffering, persecution and lost friends, has enabled him to get access to a wonderful paradise, where his dead loved ones are reunited with him forever, one can make the argument that his life of denial and pain was worth the sacrifice.
But if Watchtower teachings are wrong, then Sergei’s tragic suffering due to following their commands has been entirely without meaning. Quite simply, it is absurd to suggest, given what we have reviewed above, presented by Watchtower itself no less, that there can be any credibility in the statement:

Even if this were not the Truth, this would still be the best way to live.
If this were not “the Truth,” Sergei would have been far better living a normal life. Had he taken the other road, we could be looking at Sergei, the respected and successful musician, who was able to see his father when he died, who didn’t lose five years of his life to incarceration, who never had to shun his closest friend, who spent his life following his passions and not toiling in a workshop, and who is being assured by the doctors that there is a good chance he will survive.
Sergei’s story might be extreme, but it’s not uncommon among Witnesses, and even those who suffer less, still have to give up and sacrifice much on Watchtower’s altar.
Before one sacrifices the life they have now, in the hopes that they will gain a life to come, one needs to research both sides of the argument. There is too much at stake to do otherwise. If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses reading this, I urge you to study carefully the following places of information. is a great place to start your journey. I invite you to double and triple check every fact and assertion there made and compare them with the claims made at
I invite you to do the same for the articles residing here on this website. Check our claims, check our sources, check our facts.
But don’t stop there.
Question everything, research everything, and take note of the fact that, should your elders become aware you are doing this, they will likely try to stop you.
And when that happens, remember this:
Truth has nothing to hide. Falsehood is terrified of questions.
For even more analysis of “The Tragedy Of Sergei,” please click on the link below, which will take you to the video companion piece to this article, presented by JW Survey founder Lloyd Evans


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108 Responses to The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story

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 Frankie's Market says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:02 pm

Wow! So many fascinating experiences here of ex-JWs being able to relate to the Sergei video. Count me in as someone once having musical aspirations to play in an orchestra or to teach,… only to have that dream be crushed by my mum, who is a devout Witness even to this day. I don’t know if I had the talent to make a livelihood in music, but it would have meant so much to have had parents who were supportive, like so many of my “worldly” associates had. Instead, my mum ridiculed and discouraged me from playing bass beyond high school. My dad (not a Witness) was just indifferent to the whole thing. So the dream just died as I put my nose to the grind with trying to live up to the expectations of being a zealous JW and getting a “practical” education. Fortunately, my parents allowed me to pursue a university education, so I am doing okay now. But I still think about what might have been, doing something for a living that I really loved and had a passion for instead of just settling for a 9 to 5 job that pays the bills.
 I faded away from the society more than a decade ago. But I can’t help thinking that this video might actually stir up feelings of regret and misgivings in the minds of some active JWs, instead of having its intended effect of keeping Witness sheep loyal to the GB. The rascals in Brooklyn are getting desperate as their cult is beginning to crumble apart.


 A Patient Man says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:01 pm

@Fallingangel As you can see my name is “A patient man”. There is a reason for that. My father was one of the most patient men I have ever known. Leading the family of five messed up kids because of this so called “best way of life” was a real challenge for him. So I have adopted the patient attitude from him. I don’t think I do it as well as he did, but I try. As time passes and the universe readjusts itself, if you are patient things eventually right themselves and the problems you are facing today eventually change and the problems don’t seem as insurmountable. My wife’s father was a very wise man and when I worried too much about bad things coming my way he would tell me, “99 times out of a hundred the problems you are worrying about will hit the ditch before they hit you” Many years ago we believed that as the 1914 generation of the special class died off and received their reward the number would go down, which it did. Then if one failed in his or her calling they would be replaced, causing the number to stay the same, which it did. We believed this, and did so for a lot of years. In my lifetime as a witness, (I am currently real close to being completely out) I have know some of these special ones, (I use the term “special” with a frown on my face), some were genuinely nice people, and then some were very hard edged individuals who I avoided at all costs. Why the discrepancy? Were they really chosen by a God who reads hearts and is in control of so much? As we know now the overlapping generation teaching has changed much, especially making room for more partakers because the original belief of the 1914 class is no longer in force. That original teaching of this class dying within their lifetime was written in stone, now not so much. The picture is all muddy now. One of the biggest things I have noticed that the age of some of these special ones is quite young, so if that trend continues for a number of years, where is the end of times? All I know is that for so many years a lot of the teachings were hard to follow and hard to remember, now I feel it is more confusing than ever, it is no wonder some feel that life on earth is not so great anymore, and the pearly gates are looking better than ever. One thing I have learned for myself is listen to people that have real wisdom, not perceived spiritual knowledge, then make the changes in your life that have real meaning, even when the costs are high.

 Chantal says:

 June 10, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Wow! Is right! Just an incredible essay. Covert Fade, you hit every emotional high and low note of a born in JW. And you are correct, The truth has nothing to hide. Period, end of story

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← The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story
The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Posted on June 10, 2016

Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolution of the horse through the ages.
She was so excited about what she discovered, she ran to tell her mother. Her mother, of course, told her how wrong that book was and that it was not true. She taught her that Jehovah created all things and that evolution was a lie.
My wife points to this moment as the earliest memory of having to repress doubt as a Jehovah’s Witness.
How are doubters portrayed by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
The 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah! Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses has stood out to many as unique. In 36 years of attending and viewing conventions, I have never seen one like this. It stands out as a desperate attempt on the part of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to scare and manipulate current members who may be doubting into staying in the organization.
For instance, during the symposium talk “Be Loyal As Jesus Was – When Abandoned”, a video was played that portrayed a Jehovah’s Witness named Sergei finding out that a close friend of his had “left the truth.”

There is a lot to say about that video; however let’s focus on what led Alexei to leave the truth. Alexei’s wife says,

“A workmate began feeding his mind with doubts about the organization. Pretty soon, those doubts turned into belief…[insert dramatic sigh]…and he left.”
The message from this video is clear: doubts will make you leave the organization.
In a 2001 article entitled “Do not let doubts destroy your faith,” the Watchtower compares having doubts to being infected with a virus.

“You probably also do all you can to avoid exposing yourself to viral or bacterial infection. Do you, however, exercise the same care when it comes to remaining ‘healthy in faith’? (Titus 2:2) Are you, for example, alert to the danger posed by insidious doubts?”
The Watchtower here is implying that doubts have a mind of their own. They can be “fed” to an individual. Watchtower wants you to believe that they can behave like a viral or bacterial infection, spreading and infecting the person, turning into “belief” and causing a person to leave the organization.
That makes doubts sound pretty scary! Perhaps a doubter should play it safe and just believe everything they’re told and suppress the doubt. Wait a minute, though. Doesn’t Proverbs 14:15 say that “the naive person believes every word”? So what should a doubter do?
Is Doubt Bad?
sahib-singh-keep-calm-and-never-doubtThe same 2001 article also acknowledges that it is sometimes okay to doubt. Under the subheading “Doubt—Is It Always Bad?” the article states:

“Of course, not all doubt is bad. At times, you need to suspend acceptance of something till you are sure of the facts. Religious exhortations to the effect that you should just believe and should doubt nothing are dangerous and deceptive.”
In practice, that sounds like actual good advice. However, in reality, ‘just believe and doubt nothing’ is exactly what Watchtower asks of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
In paragraph 16 of that same article, asking such questions as ‘Are we really living in the last days? Can you believe everything the Bible says? Is this truly Jehovah’s organization?’ is likened to Satanic propaganda.

“Satan would love to plant doubts like these in your mind. Do not let a negligent attitude toward spiritual feeding leave you easy prey to his deceptive teachings. (Colossians 2:4-7) Follow the advice given to Timothy. Be a good student of “the holy writings” so that you can “continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe.”—2 Timothy 3:13-15.”
Interestingly, “being a good student” through personal study and “spiritual feeding” is what many who have left the organization point to as the source of their doubts. Personally, that was the case for me.
My Experience With Doubt and Personal Study
Though I had been baptized for more than 20 years, I experienced renewed zeal after I attended the 2014 Regional Convention; the convention that first initiated the now widespread use of video presentations. One video in particular impacted me deeply.

After watching that video and listening to the other parts in the program, I gave in to the emotional manipulation and resolved to “do more in Jehovah’s service.” I stopped missing meetings for trivial reasons. I increased my service time by 200%. I also started to do more Bible reading and personal study of Jehovah’s Witness publications.
I had been diligent at studying in my teenage years; however I had never really carried out serious personal study during the age of the internet. One of the first things I researched was the doctrine of 1914 and how the organization arrives at that date. The date of Jerusalem’s destruction by Babylon is important to the doctrine of 1914, as it is used as the starting point for a series of calculations that arrive at the 1914 date. Suffice it to say, when I Googled, I specifically stayed away from so-called “apostate” websites, and stuck with secular and academic sources.
When I Googled “Destruction of Jerusalem,” I found that the overwhelming consensus among academics was that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 587 B.C.E. In fact, no one on earth, except for Jehovah’s Witnesses, believes that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E.
This made me uncomfortable, so I looked up more information in the Watchtower Online Library. The answers I found were lacking in evidence and filled with logical fallacies. The argumentation the organization offered basically boiled down to; “Trust the Bible more than you trust the historical and archaeological evidence these people have found.”
I was not reading Satanic propaganda. I was only examining the evidence.
It was an emotionally turbulent time for me. On the one hand, I had all the hard, verifiable evidence telling me one thing, and on the other I had the organization and my emotions wanting me to ignore that evidence and believe Watchtower teachings nonetheless.
There eventually came a tipping point, and I decided to rely on on the evidence.
Thus began my path out of Watchtower’s indoctrination, and towards true freedom of the mind.
If You Have Doubts
doing-researchSo, what if you are having doubts? What should you do?
Well, why not follow the advice of the organization from that same 2001 about doubts?

“A loving Christian is certainly ready to believe those who have proved trustworthy in the past. But God’s Word also warns against ‘putting faith in every word.’ (Proverbs 14:15)”
Yes, the organization warns us not to put faith in every word, yet be ready to believe those who have proved trustworthy in the past. So, how do you know if an organization has proven trustworthy in the past? Research the history of the organization and examine if their claims and doctrine have proven trustworthy.

“Sometimes a person’s past record gives legitimate reason for doubt. “Although [the deceptive talker] makes his voice gracious,” the Bible warns, “do not believe in him.”—Proverbs 26:24, 25.”
Yes, let the organization’s past record speak for itself. Examine the facts and see if it does not give legitimate reason for doubt. The organization has extensive practice seasoning their words “with salt” – thereby making their words appear gracious. Are they being deceptive? Again, that is for you, the reader, to judge.
The apostle John also warns Christians against blind belief. “Do not believe every inspired expression,” he writes. Rather, “test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God.” (1 John 4:1) An “expression,” a teaching or opinion, might appear to emanate from God. But did it really come from him? Exercising some doubt, or suspending belief, can be a real protection because, as the apostle John says, “many deceivers have gone forth into the world.”—2 John 7.
Yes, heed this advice. The organization’s doctrines might appear to come from God or Holy Spirit, but is that really the case? Why not do what they suggest and exercise some doubt and suspend belief until you examine the evidence?
A Unique Opportunity
magnifying-glass1The 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah! Regional Convention is an excellent opportunity to put aside confirmation bias, examine the evidence, and examine the organization. There are many people that claim that the organization is a harmful cult or high-control group. The organization denies this. Why not examine the evidence at this Summer’s convention?
Here is a handy guide to identifying if an organization is a harmful high-control group; a recognised model developed by Steve Hassan, an expert in dealing with dangerous high-control organisations. Take this list, go through every part and video at the 2016 convention and compare with this list. What does the evidence show?
That, dear reader, is for you to decide yourself.
By JW Survey contributor Sean McGee, A.K.A. Cappytan
Editors note: Huge thanks to Sean for contributing this article. You can check out his YouTube channel here.
Here are a few of the videos waiting of you!

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17 Responses to The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts

 Dwc says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:18 pm

What an awesome post!! I hope to do one of these Friday posts one day.
i am currently at my Friday convention (last ever) and I am taking extensive notes. I cannot believe the difference an awakened view of this doctrine takes on now that I look at everything through a different light.
Id be happy to share my notes after the weekend to anyone who is curious.
But make no mistake the WTBS is using the standards that God has laid out in the bible and at every turn they twist them into fear obligation and guilt!

 Cappytan says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:29 pm

Thanks…I’m glad to say, my last official convention was last summer. It is a surreal experience attending while awake to the lies.

 John ship says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:50 pm

Ive been awake around a year but ive promised to take my wife to friday and sunday. Ive seen some of the awfull vids and the unfit for children bunker vid this will be my last convention .first was 1964 .how things have changed i cant believe it.the “new” GB are self dedtructing the org..

 Will says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:18 pm

Great article. My last convention was in 2014— 100 years of the kingdom. I was miserable. I told myself that I was never doing another convention. 1914 was just an elaborate Watchtower lie.

 Winston Smith says:

 June 10, 2016 at 3:31 pm

The way I see it 1914 was a miscalculation that became a lie due to a lack of humility and and an unhealthy desire for power.
Have not attended a convention since 2013 and happier for it.


 Chantal says:

 June 10, 2016 at 4:46 pm

My last official convention was last summer as well. Only went Sunday. That was too much. Lies, video, and propaganda

 JBob says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:10 pm

I wish I had been more aware of being at my “last ever” convention.
But I disagree that this convention is somehow “unique,” perhaps you were not aware of the full-court press GB v1.0 put forth during the first wave of dissents after 1975, and during the early 1980s. If the word ‘loyalty’ could have been worn away through use, the years when numbers were diving like kamikaze piloted planes would have been when that word was eroded from the dictionary by use in talks and publications. There may be some nuances to material presented at this convention, but from what I’ve seen leaked, nothing is new.
The bunker videos are derivatives of years of KH legend and talk in service cars through the years as some speculated on “great tribulation” days. No sentiment, my club foot. These are throwbacks (or callbacks, if you’re really old) to those pre-1975 memories of speculative talk.

 Brother from Austria says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Thank you for this very good article!

 rob says:

 June 10, 2016 at 1:57 pm

I remember many times hearing from the platform the words “make sure of all things” but unfortunately the witness religion does not allow this.
An inability to question anything that is printed in the watchtower and an inability to speak freely and express doubts, is like living in a prison with no walls.
I am so glad that I no longer have to punch my time card for this corporate religion and no longer have to adhere to the many pharasiacal rules.
As this religion becomes more radical and tightens the grip even further on its members, and as members come to realize that the burden becomes heavier and heavier – which is contrary to what Jesus wanted for his followers –
they may finally realize that this is not what they initially signed up for and just call it quits.

I believe that we will never see a sudden exodus from this religion but a continued hemorraging of people who just can no longer stay in a religion that is trying to hide the mess behind the curtain.

 Big B says:

 June 10, 2016 at 3:48 pm

@ Rob
I concur with you; and what a smelly mess it is! No matter how they try to visually hide their corruption from their adherents they can’t hide the smell. Especially from anyone who can use the internet. The information is out there for those brave enough to look.
Like a rotten fish not only does it ‘stink on ice’ it (the Watchtower Organization & current seven mental dwarfs calling themselves the spirit inspired/guided Governing Body) ‘stinks from the head’.
This money grubbing, time-bandit, covetous cult is no different than any other televangelist organization. Power over people is their mantra and trying to get money is what this ‘Organization’ is all about; doing so through the time honored practices of FOG (Fear Obligation & Guilt).
They are indeed hemorrhaging with more than 2 leaving the organization for every 1 brought in. Maybe they could use a transfusion of money or more ‘New Light’. Any donors, anyone?
On average, over 500 partook of the emblems at the Memorial over a 10 year period of time. The Governing Body has no control over these figures. Can they explain this? Will they admit that the 144,000, like everything in Revelation, is symbolic?
 Will Armageddon be brought on by Jesus’ armed angelic host and bring the Satanic world to an ignominious end, and save them from the further embarrassment of releasing more New Light?

So kiddies, stay tuned next time for the further adventures of “the implosion of the Watchtower”!
Brought to you by and many others reporting on the truth about the ‘Truth’ to help you unburden yourself and lighten your load.

Oh, great article Sean! Enjoyed it immensely.

 Fred says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:18 pm

Would Jesus wear a Rolex on JW Broadcasting?
 We must let Watchtower answer:

*** w90 2/1 p. 25 pars. 19-20 Exposing “the Man of Lawlessness” ***
19 The worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some TV clergymen. One modern songwriter composed a song with the title: “Would Jesus Wear a [$10,000] Rolex [watch] on His Television Show?” The song goes on to say: “Would Jesus be political if He came back to earth, have His second home in [luxurious] Palm Springs and try to hide His worth?” In addition, more and more clergymen condone or practice homosexuality. Even now the Catholic Church in the United States is paying millions of dollars in damages to compensate for priests guilty of sexual abuse of children.—Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.
 20 Such wrongdoing cannot be ignored by God’s servants but must be exposed for the benefit of others. The great crowd of other sheep must be protected from those who would try to lead them to break God’s laws. And those “sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done” need to be searched out and gathered to the protective guidance of the Great Shepherd, Jehovah God, and “the fine shepherd,” Christ Jesus.—Ezekiel 9:4; John 10:11; Proverbs 18:10.


 Darth Fader says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Awesome Friday Article! I had “doubts” and w13 11/15 para 17 (3) confirmed them. The ORG belives it should be blindly obeyed without question. The 2016 convention videos scream “CULT”. People need to wake up and ask questions or they will end up trapped in a basement. Doubt and questioning are built in survival tools that can save your life
 The 2016 convention videos are so incredibly difficult to watch. I would rather wear a flatulent elephant as a helmet then ever have to watch them again.


 Oubliette says:

 June 10, 2016 at 2:48 pm

Sean, what a well-reasoned article. Thanks for writing this and sharing your experience.
I really appreciate the way you pointed out that the WTBTS wants people to doubt everything except what they say!
There is nothing wrong with doubts. Doubts are healthy. Ignoring them is dangerous. As has often been pointed out: if something is true, then questioning it will only lead to affirming its validity. The WT leaders don’t want their followers to question or have doubts because they know where that will lead.
My only comment is that you shouldn’t use Wikipedia as a source as it is not consistently reliable. Here are two better sources in reference to confirmation bias:
Psychology Today Magazine (online) –,
And a more comprehensive research paper:
 Confirmation Bias: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon in Many Guises by Raymond S. Nickerson –
Keep up the great work!

 Stephanie says:

 June 10, 2016 at 3:27 pm

So glad you are sharing your story, Sean!! Welcome to freedom– your voice deserves to be heard.


 June 10, 2016 at 4:18 pm

Thank you for this great article.Doubt is what I had struggled with all the years that I had been a JW and no amount of research or study of JW literature was able to erase my doubts,it only helped to reinforce them.Doubt is good.

 ruthlee says:

 June 10, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Like others I started the research path and not a jot of what I thought was true, was true. Then came the anger, then the disappointment and now the freedom to think as I please. I do not fear any of them now it is all smoke and mirrors,a fabricated sham. Such an elaborate façade while it lasted. As commented I find wtower stuff really hard to read or listen to as it gets on my nerves. I have no trouble reading the bible in fact that is the best thing that came out of this journey. I am still not going to this convention there is no point what can they teach that gives hope or purpose to my life. After 3 days of drivel how could I possibly go and tell my neighbours to collect their pandas and come in the bunker with me and all the other jdubs. Maybe to relieve the boredom in the bunker someone could bring a violin. Mind you no one would know how to play it but it would be an interesting curiosity. On another note , If jdubs were gathered in a bunker for sometime and they read the bible together they would find all the truth they needed without Brooklyn’s spin on things. mmmmm then we would hear a few teeth gnashing as the great discovery of delusion.cheers Ruthlee

 Chantal says:

 June 10, 2016 at 4:57 pm

Very good and informative article, Sean. Thank you for sharing. When going in field service we were told to ask bible students to doubt their beliefs in their current faith. But, OH NOOO, never question the Almighty God, oh excuse me, the Watchtower

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23 Responses to Videos

 KtotheRAD "Konrad" says:

 August 25, 2013 at 6:55 pm

With every word they reveal and “impart” far more than they ever intended…

 george says:

 August 27, 2013 at 4:45 am

Sorry Cedars, I can only access the first video on my I pad. There are a lot of over sized play icons and they won’t work.

 Luke says:

 October 27, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Continue the good work on this site that expose what Watchtower Organization really are — a fanatic end-time driven cult that only serve interests of its leaders. I left this
 cult three years ago for good. My only regret is that I had not left the Watchtower Cult earlier! On Easter Sunday this year, I was baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and received into Eastern Orthodox Church, apostolic Church that preserved the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

Cedar, you have my blessings of your work on this site that
 will yet help millions of JWs to see the truth of so-called ‘Truth’.


 Fred says:

 November 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Forget taking your numbers from a 1974 yearbook if you question the amount of those killed, interned, etc get the numbers from the Holocaust museum. You forgot to mention the ‘JEWS’ were and its quoted several times in the Watchtower publications as it is related in the bible, “ONCE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE” but they did not remain that because of their actions. Your quotes from WT publications are based on the latter that they fell out of favour in God’s eyes. They therefor were NOT written in an anti-Semitic nature. Many Jews have become JW’s over the years are they lesser beings because they were of Jewish blood?…ABSOLUTELY NOT! All races are equal so this video in my opinion is twisted in its presentation. Not to mention the ridiculous claim of Rutherford’s so called love letter to Adolf Hitler. No blinders on here, I have checked the facts. Sorry but this video paints an untruthful twist of events and statements about the WT as regards the comments on the Nazi’s and Jews.

 Palma says:

 February 28, 2014 at 3:48 am

Hi everybody! Hi cedars!
 I found this article about a discovery in egypt that brings light to the origin of story of joseph in the bible.
 What do you think?

 Idris says:

 March 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

Thank you for this page, it has been a great help to me, as I seek the truth of the word of God, however I noticed in the video ‘Does the Bible speak of ‘Paradise Earth’ the speaker quotes Luke 21v43 twice, regarding Jesus word on the cross, there should be a correction note as the verse he mentions is in Luke 23 v 43.
 Keep up the good work


 Julia Orwell says:

 July 17, 2014 at 3:47 am

Been to internationals before and this elaborate souvenir thing is entirely new. The last one I went to in 2009, the last ones they had, had nothing like this so it’s not a matter of you having not noticed it in the past, it’s a matter of it being a new phenomenon.
 I theorize that the wt motives for this involve keeping the masses busy and therefore obedient. Jws would volunteer to do this because there are no other legitimate outlets for creative expression. Armageddon being near has nothing to do with it: it’s about keeping the sheeple busy and happy. Making stupid trinkets is also a team building activity as it involves jws working together, thus reinforcing the herd mentality jws have.


 frankie fernandez says:

 February 27, 2015 at 4:44 pm

dear friends I was baptized in 1974. Thank God I am no longer a member of the WT. Free at last and oh what a relief it is. A member of my former congregation who I considerd my best friend molested a minor. There was a big argument amognst the elders on the judicial committee. One elder who was a maverick, wanted to notify the police. But, instead they followed the instuctions of the society. They kept this crime against the child, hush hush. So as not to tarnish the name of Jehovah. But in reality it was a coverup to protect the wt’s reputation. Meanwhile this poor child that was raped has to carry the heavy burden of a victim for the rest of thier lives without compensation and without justice. While the abuser has remaind a member in good standing. The congregation he is attending now has not been notified that he is a sexual preditor.

 Holy Connoli says:

 November 17, 2015 at 1:14 am

Frankie.If I were you I would turn him into the police now even though it may have been several years ago he committed this crime. Many sexual predators get turned in years later after the crime is reveled. At the very least he will be investigated and his Name will be mud for being a creep.
 He deserves it and so does the WT for its NON protection of the flock and not caring for the victim but only their phony reputation.


 Lesley HUmphreys-Jones says:

 February 15, 2016 at 10:10 am

Tell the police.

 Kirtley W. Burggraf says:

 March 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

Tell me, since governing body members are elected (replacing someone who dies) at what point do do they become “divinely inspired” or “spirit guided”? Were they always thus in the lower ranks or does this just “happen” the moment that they are appointed? What’s Watchtower’s take on this?

 Alone in MD says:

 March 31, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Regards your video on the Memorial Service. I am one of those “non believers” married to a baptized witness. I go to just keep the peace but I’ve made it known that I consider this service one of the worst religious ceremonies that I have ever been to. “Anointed What”. Also it was announced at last years meeting that “this may be the last memorial service”. They are at it again. Thanks for the great videos.

 frankie fernandez says:

 May 10, 2015 at 9:50 pm


 pj wilcox says:

 July 31, 2015 at 3:21 am

I watched the latest video of the inept elder being questioned by the commission. Who prepared this man for testimony? You all are aware of the dentist who shot Cecil the lion in Kenya? Well his life is over. He is in hiding. What he did ,did not break laws in Kenya and his is in a world of trouble with public sentiment. But this elder being questioned is far worse. He covered deeds that drove people to think of killing themselves. Should he not go into hiding? Is his life over? Has he know conscience? Emotion, caring? You know the answer. Bet ya, damage control is working overtime on this.

 Adrian says:

 September 8, 2015 at 3:32 am

I think the Royal Commission videos demonstrate that fragility of the governance within the WT society. Yes, it’s an Australia branch issue but cross examination only points to the seat of control on which the governing body members sit. Everything starts and stops with the governing body, they set the policy but where are they? Sitting comfortably in NY watching from a distance ready to abdicate any responsibility whatsoever. A governing body governs and leads but I see no leadership I see the followers talking and being bashed around the head with questions, all too easy for the legal team.
However, it might just be me but does anyone else not see the lawyer’s gap in knowledge regarding the fundamental rationale for the WT society policies, they fall back in their comfort zone knowing that they can say ‘well we don’t have the authority to go beyond the bible.’
It’s this gap in knowledge of the legal representatives which the WT society exploit. I mean nobody is going to ask ‘ where actually did this translation come from anyway?’ What were the academic qualifications of the translators? Is there a possibility that you have interpreted things wrongly or even worse, translated things incorrectly? If there’s a possibility that your interpretation on how to deal with modern day child abuse cases in congregations may be flawed, then are you in agreement that your policies could result in lasting harm to victims of abuse? In my view that translation is the ‘elephant in the room’ every scholar knows it’s perverse but no one is holding this cult to account. So easy to say it’s all in the bible but should they really be saying it’s all in the NWT instead?
The WT society in the videos almost give of an innocence as if to say, ‘ but that’s what we understand from the scriptures’, and I think it works in their favor, but a savvy legal representative would do well to tease out the basis for the rendering of certain verses on which doctrine, policy and organisational decisions are based. So far the WT Society appears to be one step ahead because their authority is not a person but a book, which they are ‘only trying to understand and live by’. Expose the origin of the NWT and the basis for so many ridiculous uncaring decisions is called into question.

 Rick Viger says:

 November 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Thanks John for all you do with your videos.
 I’m an ex JW for 40 years now. I hope your videos reach some witnesses and make them think. For all of you that have left Watchtower remember you made the right decision.


 S.T. says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I was wondering if anyone has heard that Jehovah’s witnesses are telling there congregations that the end of this system could have only hours left? My sister who is a Jehovah’s Witness said they are preaching this at the congregations. Has anyone else heard this?

 Paul says:

 April 3, 2016 at 10:24 pm

Indoctrination and mind control in its purest form. Will the BS never end, and is hard for me to understand why JW’S put up with this.

 ian York says:

 April 13, 2016 at 4:15 pm

It is hard to fathom how anybody could believe in the legitimacy of Watchtower’s claim to be God’s only organization on earth today when considering it started with the likes if this oaf. One would have to have a belief in predestination, an unscriptural concept, in order to square the circle of the now regarded apostate beliefs if the founder members and today’s dogma.

 Abby says:

 May 10, 2016 at 2:51 am

After pioneering for over a decade, I wondered where the GB got the 70 hours requirement. Did Jesus or the 12 Apostles count time? Honestly, I feel enslaved. Hmmm. I grateful to Yahowah for helping me discover this site. The stress is too burdensome for me. OMG We have been taught in the watchtower that when we revenge, we are being presumptuous is DF not presumptuousness? Let’s look at it this way. When you commit a grievous sin, who do you offend, God or elders? Is shunning not a way of doing Yahowah’s work for him. I just learnt that JW’s don’t bury dfd people. This is heart breaking. I call this rennaissance period for any one who wishes to wake up. Jephtah’s case is an eye opener, I had to confirm that from my book of bible stories, story 53. Hmmmm.

 peely says:

 May 31, 2016 at 2:11 pm

Hi Abby,
 Yes, we know disfellowshiped ones are considered as good as dead.

John 16:2 – “They will put you out of (meaning of Greek is “excommunicate”) the synagogue (“congregation”); in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills (“figuratively or literally”) you will think they are offering a service to God.” (to keep the congregation clean)
“They will do these things because they haven’t known the Father or Me. But I have told you these things so that when their time comes you may remember I told them to you. I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.” John 16:3,4
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
 I always wonder why the decision to go ahead of every other bible rendition and take out the possibly spurious John 8:1-11 Leaving it in the NWT would blow a hole in the disfellowshiping doctrine. On the organization’s website, I cannot even find a reference to those scriptures.

From the symbolic book of Revelation: “He was permitted to give a spirit to the image (organization) of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev 13:15)

 Paul says:

 May 28, 2016 at 4:14 am

Your professional presentation and factually is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your fine effort and tirelessness.

 Paul says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:36 am


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Tweets by ‎@cedarsjwsurvey

  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
I won't enjoy breaking the news to the knight that his job is meaningless since the wrong grail will kill you.




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Deliberately goes on 12K run. Expects sympathy.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
Check out @cappytanexjw's Friday Column, exploring how JW's are asked to deal with their doubts … via @cedarsjwsurvey


Photo published for The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts

The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolu…



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Dons fedora. Starts looking at flight prices for Jordan. (After all, I know the name "Jehovah").




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Cappytan  ‎@cappytanexjw 
Big thanks to @cedarsjwsurvey & team for letting me contribute this week's JWSurvey Friday Column.


Photo published for The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts

The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolu…



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Godless JW  ‎@Reasoning_Mind 
@cedarsjwsurvey here lies the difference. I'm still an atheist when I'm in a "foxhole". No one will help me except me.




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Human rights are the only thing standing between us and the middle ages. That's why I am so passionate about them.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Stick Pins  ‎@FinchLydia 
@cedarsjwsurvey @AlastairBruce_ @SkyNews and it's irrelevant. In moments of danger maybe we do grasp at desperate straws, still no proof




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  (((Str8 Up)))  ‎@str8upandvert  .@cedarsjwsurvey @AlastairBruce_ @SkyNews so people only believe in sky daddy's when they are scared? Explains a lot #atheism




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Guy Umbright  ‎@gumbright  .@cedarsjwsurvey Enjoying/am horrified by #worstconventionever videos.  Great work!




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey  .@SkyNews how is it acceptable for @AlastairBruce_ to suggest that atheists don't believe because they're not in foxholes? #Queenat90




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Thank you @AlastairBruce_ for using @SkyNews to tell me I'm only an #atheist because I'm not in a foxhole.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  ManAtanasov  ‎@ManAtanasov 
@CovertFade Totally agree. Banning any ideology is a sign an authoritarian regime.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
For the record, I don't support the ban on Jehovah's Witness that has been implemented in Russia. Freedom to worship is a human right.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
Bottom line: ban violates human rights and won't be effective anyway. JW Survey article on this is planned.




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Awesome to see @hemantmehta helping to spread the word about our #worstconventionever campaign!




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Hemant Mehta  ‎@hemantmehta 
These Videos of a Devout Jehovah’s Witness Actually Show a Brainwashed Man Wasting His Life

 09 Jun



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
You do not fight cults by banning them. You fight them with reason, ridicule and exposure.


Photo published for Jehovah's Witnesses Banned in Russian Belgorod for 'Tearing Apart Families'

Jehovah's Witnesses Banned in Russian Belgorod for 'Tearing Apart Families'
The Supreme Court in Russia's southern city of Belgorod has ruled for a local Jehovah's Witnesses group to be disbanded as an “extremist” organization, the RAPSI legal news agency reported Thursday.



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
Excited to be editing @cappytanexjw's upcoming Friday Column for JW Survey. No spoilers but it fits very nicely into #worstconventionever ;)

 09 Jun



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Retweetie  ‎@DashTrack 
Before bed I'm going to watch 3/6 #worstconventionever 😊

 09 Jun



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The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Posted on June 10, 2016

Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolution of the horse through … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 3: Sergei’s Story

Posted on June 7, 2016

“The way of the truth is the best way of living.” So begins Kingdom Song 64, “Make the Truth Your Own.” This mantra is one with which Jehovah’s Witnesses are very familiar. In fact, it’s quite common to hear the mantra … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 2: The Bunker

Posted on June 4, 2016

By now, you may have already seen what have become known as the “Bunker” videos shown during the 2016 Regional convention. The films are centred around a small group of Witnesses huddled in a basement converted into a makeshift bunker, … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: What it means to be a Jehovah’s Witness
Posted on June 2, 2016

There’s been a lot of buzz lately surrounding the new video release from featuring the characters “Caleb and Sophia.” The video series is called “Be Jehovah’s Friend” and aims to indoctrinate children into the Witness religion. Watchtower has obviously watched … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 1: Shunning

Posted on June 2, 2016

This summer millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide will flock to their regional conventions, a much-anticipated event in the JW calendar. Local newspapers are already lining up to write articles lauding the influx of Witnesses at sports venues and convention centers. … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Watchtower tightens shunning rules to include “sinful” inactive ones.

Posted on May 28, 2016

Screenshot 2016-05-28 23.25.32
Rumours have been flying about in recent weeks that Watchtower might be changing its shunning policy for the worse at the 2016 Regional Conventions entitled “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” We at JW Survey had been aware of these rumours, and … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: No Girls Allowed – Growing up as a Female Jehovah’s Witness
Posted on May 27, 2016

Jehovah's Witness Leadership - Girls need not apply
From JW Survey contributor Brooke No girls allowed – a common theme throughout my childhood; raised with all older boy cousins, I had to learn to stick up for myself. I fought tooth and nail for my spot in the video game room, just to watch them play. Just to feel like a … Continue reading →


Update: JW Survey needs YOU!

Posted on May 26, 2016

Last Friday, we put up an article opening the doors to submissions from you, our readers. We have had a number of excellent submissions since then, covering a wide variety of topics. On behalf of the entire JW Survey team, … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: JW Survey needs YOU!

Posted on May 20, 2016

Would you like to help make a difference? We are looking to expand our voluntary writing team in order to keep pace with the increasing amount of Watchtower related news stories, and also to keep pace with our growing community … Continue reading →


Update: JWsurvey editorial team meets in London to discuss future plans

Posted on May 19, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-05-19 at 18.54.01
Earlier this month I had an opportunity to finally meet Covert Fade and John Redwood in person during a trip to London. Shortly after shaking hands for the first time, John surprised me with my very own Telly Award in … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Dutch reporter thrown out of District Convention

Posted on May 19, 2016

Screenshot 2016-05-19 10.33.11
Astonishing footage has recently emerged showing a Dutch reporter being thrown out of a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses simply for asking basic questions about the Witnesses stance on homosexuality. You can view the video below, with English subtitles and an … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Why I don’t want to destroy Watchtower

Posted on May 13, 2016

I don’t want to bring down the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. That might have a couple of you blinking in suprise. If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses reading this, you may have been told that so called “apostates” … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Leave no man behind

Posted on May 6, 2016

I had brothers when I was a Jehovah’s Witness. They were not related to me. We shared no blood. Neither did I use this term in the arbitrary “spiritual” sense, granting brotherhood simply because someone shared my religious beliefs irrespective … Continue reading →


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