Tuesday, August 9, 2016

JWsurvey . org recent articles and comments in bold and italicized print - Part 3

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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Posted on August 9, 2016

Waymon Chandler Ivery2
Waymon Chandler Ivery, convicted of 1st Degree Sexual Assault On A Child in December 1992

Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work.

The footage was posted on YouTube today, and shows a man answering to the name Waymon Chandler Ivery engaged in the door-to-door ministry as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ivery is approached by the man holding the camera and asked to confirm his identity, which he does.
The cameraman then states that Ivery has a criminal record for the sexual abuse of a child. Ivery initially attempts to deny this, but when the accusation is repeated, Ivery and his two companions (presumably also Witnesses) get into a car and leave the scene.
You can view the footage below:

Information on Ivery’s criminal record can be found here.
We are tracking down more information on this incident and will bring you updates as soon as we have them, but why does this matter? Is it not the case that once a child rapist has served his sentence, he should be given a chance to resume his place in the community without harassment? After all, why release him from prison if we are not going to give him the chance to rebuild his life?
The answer to this is obvious, and twofold.
Firstly, as was outlined during the Austrailain Royal Comission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, those who have carried out the crime of child sex abuse are at extremely high risk of re-offending.
Hence, while a released inmate should be allowed to build a new life as far as is reasonable, his freedom to do so cannot be without limits or restrictions, or come at the expense of the children in the community. There must be limits and safeguards to prevent such an individual from having opportunities to re-offend.
This brings us to the second point. Ivery was not approached while shopping for food, or watching a movie, or even strolling along a busy street minding his own business. He was approached because he was engaged in a work that involves him calling at the homes of his neighbors.
I spent almost thirty years of my life engaged in the door to door ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and can report that it is not uncommon for the door to be answered by a young child. I know that very often in this situation, the Witness will ask: “Hello. Can I speak to Mommy or Daddy please?”
Often the child would then run to get their parents, but I personally saw a handful of moments where the child replied: “They are not home.”
Of course, I would always take my leave when the child replied that way, and on one occasion the Witness I was with actually told the little boy in a kind but stern tone that they shouldn’t open the door to strangers if they were alone in the house – which, of course, is excellent advice.
But can you imagine how the scenario might have played out if the Witness on the doorstep was a predator struggling with a long-term desire to harm children?
And to make matters worse, Ivery is not a one-off example. In Australia alone over the past 50 years, there were over 1000 JW molesters who posed this specific risk who were not even reported to the authorities.
At least in the case of Ivery the authorities were aware of his past, thus the local community stood a chance of knowing that a potentially dangerous sexual predator lives in their midst – even if they are likely oblivious to the likelihood of him calling at their homes and asking to be invited in to start a bible study with their families.
The solution is obvious: Watchtower should categorically instruct its congregations that those who have been convicted of sexual offenses against children cannot under any circumstances participate in activities such as door-to-door ministry that pose a high risk of putting them in contact with unsuspecting families and children – for the sake of the convicted offender, and most importantly, for the sake of the child.

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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
18 Responses to Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

 chrissmall says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:08 pm

I was involved in a case where we where required to phone the desk in Bethel ,as a body we where very unhappy that a baptised individual who had been required to sign the sex offenders list had decided to return to the congregation where he had committed the offence.
 The brother we spoke to informed us that as a body of elders we ‘sponsor’ all the publishers in our congregation,basically we are responsible for them in the ministry .
 As a result we could make the decision whether we wanted such an individual to take part in the door to door work.
 The decision was made by the body,and we told him that he no longer could preach .


 Chiafade says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:26 pm

The problem with that is that he may have used “you must obey God as ruler” and “go therefore and make disciples” as his RIGHT to preach and ignored or defied the body of elders. Then what? You disfellowship him for preaching?
Watchtower does this ALL the time. They throw the elders under the, not bus, but the steamroller to get smashed into the pavement. They need to take a lesson from satans system. For example, my uncle is a disgusting human being who molested his grandchildren. His daughters found out, turned him in to the police and he was arrested. After he did his time in jail the system made sure that he lived in a separate community to be among his ilk. He could live his life with the restrictions hes earned for himself. Not perfect but loads better than watchtowers pedophile hugging policy.
I like what they do in Ecuador. Since the police are limited society takes care of business. If a pedophile is caught or a rapist. They tie him up. Hang him by a tree branch. Tie a string around his “boys” and start pulling on said string. Ahhh justice.

 chrissmall says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:45 pm

It was explained to the individual in a rather straight manner why the decision was reached.
 You are on the Sex register,people in the community know that,you cannot be trusted you have never admitted your guilt even though the evidence was overwhelming,your not allowed to preach.


 Malachi says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:24 pm

The sex offender registry does not exist to warn people of those who no longer pose a threat to society, nor does it exist to warn people of hose accused who were proven innocent. Common sense dictates that it’s very existence proves that despite the fact that the offender has ‘done their time’ there is still a potential for further harm as a result of this psychological aberration. According to Tony Morris wearing tight pants disqualifies a person from engaging in the field ministry. Apparently being a convicted pervert does not.

 Sharon says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:47 pm

There is no cure for pedophiles. None

 Gerry says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:26 pm

Well said. Also even tho he is with others going door to door there is nothing to prevent him from returning to the house on his own at a later time. All part of the grooming process that child molesters use.

 Sesom says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:48 pm

That must be a Jehovah witness who is saying he should not be harassed,just like one protecting a paedophile. He can go out without the group on his own and stark kids. If he wasn’t a paedophile why didn’t he stand his ground,he could have had a lawsuit if he wasn’t. All dressed up and looking like a good guy. Wolf in sheep clothing.

 Jill Long says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Exactly!! They can use the door to door work to find future victims and return.

 Summer says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Excellent post
 Thankyou for writing it for all to read


 Aloma Alber says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:01 pm

a key point is missing from the fine comments here, perhaps he has done his time, but science hints that he would not be cured…..often times they have a wife and hide behind groups such as churches or sadly, scouting. look it up. not opinion–sad but true facts.

 Markie says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:33 pm

I just had a refrigerator repairman at my house, a lawn man, a pool man and a boat mechanic. I have no idea if any of them are convicted pedophiles. Yeah maybe the JWs shouldn’t allow suspected perverts from going door to door but know who your dealing with when you go about everyday life.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:37 pm

True, but the repairmen and pool guys don’t show up unannounced. You call those guys and they have ID. The business that employers them is responsible for them and if they have ever raped or assaulted anyone, they shouldn’t be working alone.

 Sempronio says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:43 pm

If the cameraman “had it all wrong” why didn’t he stand his ground and explain the facts?

 Caroline says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:51 pm

I am fairly certain that unless he was disfellowshipped, the elders would be telling him that he has to go out in service, if he wants any privileges.
I am not one for holding it against a person who has cleaned up his life and served his time but I do hold it against the Society for making a person go out in service in order to “serve” in the congregation when they have a record of abusing a child and this man was convicted of first degree assault of a child, which is probably the case.
If Jehovah can read hearts and the man is truly repentant, Jehovah surely wouldn’t kill the man at Armageddon for not going in service if the Society thought he was a danger to the community and told him he could not go out in service to be a representative of the Society, would he? Is Jehovah that desperate for kingdom evangelizers? Or, maybe he is that desperate and the society could care less as long as his name is added to the list.
RCW 9A.36.120
 Assault of a child in the first degree.
 (1) A person eighteen years of age or older is guilty of the crime of assault of a child in the first degree if the child is under the age of thirteen and the person:
 (a) Commits the crime of assault in the first degree, as defined in RCW 9A.36.011, against the child; or
 (b) Intentionally assaults the child and either:
 (i) Recklessly inflicts great bodily harm; or
 (ii) Causes substantial bodily harm, and the person has previously engaged in a pattern or practice either of (A) assaulting the child which has resulted in bodily harm that is greater than transient physical pain or minor temporary marks, or (B) causing the child physical pain or agony that is equivalent to that produced by torture.
 (2) Assault of a child in the first degree is a class A felony.
 [ 1992 c 145 § 1.]


 Athlyn says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:58 pm

Isn’t it interesting that if a woman fails to remember to scream when attacked and raped, she could be disfellowshipped; if a person doesn’t agree with every teaching from the Gov Body, they are disfellowshipped and shunned for the rest of their lives. In these cases no mercy or forgiveness is shown; yet, when a child molester has committed one of the worst offenses imaginable against an innocent child, raping said child, he may not be disfellowshipped, nor is his crime reported. So a rapist receives more mercy and leeway and sheer benefit of the doubt than the woman too terrified to scream or the helpless child who cannot fight off his or her attacker. What a boy’s club.

 deezedstroke015 says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Thank you for bringing attention to this specific case. I totally appreciate your point. However, the issue you raise is actually a legal issue, not a Witness issue–if he’s allowed by law, then he’s allowed. The “witness” aspect is orthogonal.

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New videos are constantly being uploaded to the John Cedars YouTube channel.
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23 Responses to Videos

 KtotheRAD "Konrad" says:

 August 25, 2013 at 6:55 pm

With every word they reveal and “impart” far more than they ever intended…

 george says:

 August 27, 2013 at 4:45 am

Sorry Cedars, I can only access the first video on my I pad. There are a lot of over sized play icons and they won’t work.

 Luke says:

 October 27, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Continue the good work on this site that expose what Watchtower Organization really are — a fanatic end-time driven cult that only serve interests of its leaders. I left this
 cult three years ago for good. My only regret is that I had not left the Watchtower Cult earlier! On Easter Sunday this year, I was baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and received into Eastern Orthodox Church, apostolic Church that preserved the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

Cedar, you have my blessings of your work on this site that
 will yet help millions of JWs to see the truth of so-called ‘Truth’.


 Fred says:

 November 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Forget taking your numbers from a 1974 yearbook if you question the amount of those killed, interned, etc get the numbers from the Holocaust museum. You forgot to mention the ‘JEWS’ were and its quoted several times in the Watchtower publications as it is related in the bible, “ONCE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE” but they did not remain that because of their actions. Your quotes from WT publications are based on the latter that they fell out of favour in God’s eyes. They therefor were NOT written in an anti-Semitic nature. Many Jews have become JW’s over the years are they lesser beings because they were of Jewish blood?…ABSOLUTELY NOT! All races are equal so this video in my opinion is twisted in its presentation. Not to mention the ridiculous claim of Rutherford’s so called love letter to Adolf Hitler. No blinders on here, I have checked the facts. Sorry but this video paints an untruthful twist of events and statements about the WT as regards the comments on the Nazi’s and Jews.

 Palma says:

 February 28, 2014 at 3:48 am

Hi everybody! Hi cedars!
 I found this article about a discovery in egypt that brings light to the origin of story of joseph in the bible.
 What do you think?

 Idris says:

 March 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

Thank you for this page, it has been a great help to me, as I seek the truth of the word of God, however I noticed in the video ‘Does the Bible speak of ‘Paradise Earth’ the speaker quotes Luke 21v43 twice, regarding Jesus word on the cross, there should be a correction note as the verse he mentions is in Luke 23 v 43.
 Keep up the good work


 Julia Orwell says:

 July 17, 2014 at 3:47 am

Been to internationals before and this elaborate souvenir thing is entirely new. The last one I went to in 2009, the last ones they had, had nothing like this so it’s not a matter of you having not noticed it in the past, it’s a matter of it being a new phenomenon.
 I theorize that the wt motives for this involve keeping the masses busy and therefore obedient. Jws would volunteer to do this because there are no other legitimate outlets for creative expression. Armageddon being near has nothing to do with it: it’s about keeping the sheeple busy and happy. Making stupid trinkets is also a team building activity as it involves jws working together, thus reinforcing the herd mentality jws have.


 frankie fernandez says:

 February 27, 2015 at 4:44 pm

dear friends I was baptized in 1974. Thank God I am no longer a member of the WT. Free at last and oh what a relief it is. A member of my former congregation who I considerd my best friend molested a minor. There was a big argument amognst the elders on the judicial committee. One elder who was a maverick, wanted to notify the police. But, instead they followed the instuctions of the society. They kept this crime against the child, hush hush. So as not to tarnish the name of Jehovah. But in reality it was a coverup to protect the wt’s reputation. Meanwhile this poor child that was raped has to carry the heavy burden of a victim for the rest of thier lives without compensation and without justice. While the abuser has remaind a member in good standing. The congregation he is attending now has not been notified that he is a sexual preditor.

 Holy Connoli says:

 November 17, 2015 at 1:14 am

Frankie.If I were you I would turn him into the police now even though it may have been several years ago he committed this crime. Many sexual predators get turned in years later after the crime is reveled. At the very least he will be investigated and his Name will be mud for being a creep.
 He deserves it and so does the WT for its NON protection of the flock and not caring for the victim but only their phony reputation.


 Lesley HUmphreys-Jones says:

 February 15, 2016 at 10:10 am

Tell the police.

 Kirtley W. Burggraf says:

 March 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

Tell me, since governing body members are elected (replacing someone who dies) at what point do do they become “divinely inspired” or “spirit guided”? Were they always thus in the lower ranks or does this just “happen” the moment that they are appointed? What’s Watchtower’s take on this?

 Alone in MD says:

 March 31, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Regards your video on the Memorial Service. I am one of those “non believers” married to a baptized witness. I go to just keep the peace but I’ve made it known that I consider this service one of the worst religious ceremonies that I have ever been to. “Anointed What”. Also it was announced at last years meeting that “this may be the last memorial service”. They are at it again. Thanks for the great videos.

 frankie fernandez says:

 May 10, 2015 at 9:50 pm


 pj wilcox says:

 July 31, 2015 at 3:21 am

I watched the latest video of the inept elder being questioned by the commission. Who prepared this man for testimony? You all are aware of the dentist who shot Cecil the lion in Kenya? Well his life is over. He is in hiding. What he did ,did not break laws in Kenya and his is in a world of trouble with public sentiment. But this elder being questioned is far worse. He covered deeds that drove people to think of killing themselves. Should he not go into hiding? Is his life over? Has he know conscience? Emotion, caring? You know the answer. Bet ya, damage control is working overtime on this.

 Adrian says:

 September 8, 2015 at 3:32 am

I think the Royal Commission videos demonstrate that fragility of the governance within the WT society. Yes, it’s an Australia branch issue but cross examination only points to the seat of control on which the governing body members sit. Everything starts and stops with the governing body, they set the policy but where are they? Sitting comfortably in NY watching from a distance ready to abdicate any responsibility whatsoever. A governing body governs and leads but I see no leadership I see the followers talking and being bashed around the head with questions, all too easy for the legal team.
However, it might just be me but does anyone else not see the lawyer’s gap in knowledge regarding the fundamental rationale for the WT society policies, they fall back in their comfort zone knowing that they can say ‘well we don’t have the authority to go beyond the bible.’
It’s this gap in knowledge of the legal representatives which the WT society exploit. I mean nobody is going to ask ‘ where actually did this translation come from anyway?’ What were the academic qualifications of the translators? Is there a possibility that you have interpreted things wrongly or even worse, translated things incorrectly? If there’s a possibility that your interpretation on how to deal with modern day child abuse cases in congregations may be flawed, then are you in agreement that your policies could result in lasting harm to victims of abuse? In my view that translation is the ‘elephant in the room’ every scholar knows it’s perverse but no one is holding this cult to account. So easy to say it’s all in the bible but should they really be saying it’s all in the NWT instead?
The WT society in the videos almost give of an innocence as if to say, ‘ but that’s what we understand from the scriptures’, and I think it works in their favor, but a savvy legal representative would do well to tease out the basis for the rendering of certain verses on which doctrine, policy and organisational decisions are based. So far the WT Society appears to be one step ahead because their authority is not a person but a book, which they are ‘only trying to understand and live by’. Expose the origin of the NWT and the basis for so many ridiculous uncaring decisions is called into question.

 Rick Viger says:

 November 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Thanks John for all you do with your videos.
 I’m an ex JW for 40 years now. I hope your videos reach some witnesses and make them think. For all of you that have left Watchtower remember you made the right decision.


 S.T. says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I was wondering if anyone has heard that Jehovah’s witnesses are telling there congregations that the end of this system could have only hours left? My sister who is a Jehovah’s Witness said they are preaching this at the congregations. Has anyone else heard this?

 Paul says:

 April 3, 2016 at 10:24 pm

Indoctrination and mind control in its purest form. Will the BS never end, and is hard for me to understand why JW’S put up with this.

 ian York says:

 April 13, 2016 at 4:15 pm

It is hard to fathom how anybody could believe in the legitimacy of Watchtower’s claim to be God’s only organization on earth today when considering it started with the likes if this oaf. One would have to have a belief in predestination, an unscriptural concept, in order to square the circle of the now regarded apostate beliefs if the founder members and today’s dogma.

 Abby says:

 May 10, 2016 at 2:51 am

After pioneering for over a decade, I wondered where the GB got the 70 hours requirement. Did Jesus or the 12 Apostles count time? Honestly, I feel enslaved. Hmmm. I grateful to Yahowah for helping me discover this site. The stress is too burdensome for me. OMG We have been taught in the watchtower that when we revenge, we are being presumptuous is DF not presumptuousness? Let’s look at it this way. When you commit a grievous sin, who do you offend, God or elders? Is shunning not a way of doing Yahowah’s work for him. I just learnt that JW’s don’t bury dfd people. This is heart breaking. I call this rennaissance period for any one who wishes to wake up. Jephtah’s case is an eye opener, I had to confirm that from my book of bible stories, story 53. Hmmmm.

 peely says:

 May 31, 2016 at 2:11 pm

Hi Abby,
 Yes, we know disfellowshiped ones are considered as good as dead.

John 16:2 – “They will put you out of (meaning of Greek is “excommunicate”) the synagogue (“congregation”); in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills (“figuratively or literally”) you will think they are offering a service to God.” (to keep the congregation clean)
“They will do these things because they haven’t known the Father or Me. But I have told you these things so that when their time comes you may remember I told them to you. I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.” John 16:3,4
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
 I always wonder why the decision to go ahead of every other bible rendition and take out the possibly spurious John 8:1-11 Leaving it in the NWT would blow a hole in the disfellowshiping doctrine. On the organization’s website, I cannot even find a reference to those scriptures.

From the symbolic book of Revelation: “He was permitted to give a spirit to the image (organization) of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev 13:15)

 Paul says:

 May 28, 2016 at 4:14 am

Your professional presentation and factually is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your fine effort and tirelessness.

 Paul says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:36 am


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 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online
http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/disturbing-footage-of-convicted-jw-pedophile-engaged-in-door-to-door-work-goes-online … via @cedarsjwsurvey


Photo published for Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online
Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work. The footage …



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey  .@covertfade has responded to the disturbing footage of the preaching JW pedophile with this excellent article http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/disturbing-footage-of-convicted-jw-pedophile-engaged-in-door-to-door-work-goes-online


Photo published for Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online
Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work. The footage …



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
@cappytanexjw @cedarsjwsurvey yeah this guy was calling on houses asking to come in for a bible study. Intervention is warranted here.




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
It's not aggressive. It isn't even attacking JW beliefs. It's asking why a convicted pedophile is knocking on doors.




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Wow, thanks for bringing this to my attention.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Laura  ‎@JWTgirl 
Shunning: The Punishment That Follows You - Cedars' vlog no. 127

 YouTube ‎@YouTube




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Alex M. Bright  ‎@logicalvulcan 
@cedarsjwsurvey My heart breaks for you, for Jessica, & for your father. Watchtower is depriving you all of so much

 YouTube ‎@YouTube




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Just realised the full track of my video outro music is on YouTube! Enjoy...
https://youtu.be/UpW7YUgVw-0  via @YouTube

 YouTube ‎@YouTube




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
It depends on  resolution and  internet speed. HD usually takes longer. I leave long videos uploading overnight. :)




  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Quick FYI: I wish I could be a pro bono consultant for dealing with elders & family, but my current activism is the limit of what I can do.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  It's me  ‎@SarahBjornstad 
@cedarsjwsurvey @YouTube  Thank you for your videos. Sadly, it gives me comfort to know I'm not the only one going through this.

 08 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
I hope so too, but I have to prepare myself for the likelihood that he won't.




 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  AvoidJW.org  ‎@avoidjw 
I liked a @YouTube video
http://youtu.be/Zn6afotmsD8?a  Shunning: The Punishment That Follows You - Cedars' vlog no. 127

 YouTube ‎@YouTube

 08 Aug



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Fazzamania  ‎@farrantpaul 
@cedarsjwsurvey @YouTube has to be one of the most vindictive, bitter and revengeful policies. Must eat away at the soul of the perpetrator.

 08 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
A few thoughts on the relentless evil of #shunning among #JehovahsWitnesses
https://youtu.be/Zn6afotmsD8  via @YouTube

 YouTube ‎@YouTube

 08 Aug



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Katherine Rogers  ‎@KDRogersMD 
coerce children into a vow effecting their entire lifetime.

07 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Had a bump in the car today. Nobody injured, but still a bit gutted. Such is life.

 07 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Scientists - not afraid to own up when they get it wrong...

07 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Looks like you've got a live one there @hemantmehta !

07 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
I can understand why some find indulging morons entertaining. For me personally, life is too short.

06 Aug



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Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Posted on August 9, 2016

Waymon Chandler Ivery2
Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work. The footage was posted on YouTube today, and shows a man answering … Continue reading →


NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors

Posted on August 4, 2016

child protection
In a newly released letter to all elders dated August 1st 2016, The Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has once again revised its instructions to elders on dealing with allegations of child abuse. Unfortunately, the changes are completely inert, failing … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Watchtower again loses legal fight to stop UK Charity Commission Investigation

Posted on July 25, 2016

Regular readers will recall that the UK Charity Commission is currently undertaking a statutory investigation of Watchtower’s UK arm, which is currently registered as a UK charity, and also of the New Moston Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, also registered as … Continue reading →


No expense spared: Governing Body members DO fly business class

Posted on July 16, 2016

When it comes the the Governing Body's travel arrangements, only the best is good enough
Earlier today, JWsurvey was contacted by an airline employee based at a major European airport who was willing to give a remarkable insight into the lavish lifestyle of Governing Body members. Though this won’t come as a surprise to many, … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Outside the bubble
Posted on July 15, 2016

Last month marked three years since I resigned as Ministerial Servant, tossed out my neck-tie and walked away from the religion I had known virtually all my life. I exited a controlling cult but in many ways, I entered a … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 5: Friday

Posted on July 10, 2016

Part 5 of the Worst Convention Ever series shows some of the most disturbing material to-date
I don’t mind admitting it. When I decided to make a series of videos to compliment articles on JWsurvey about the “Worst Convention Ever” (the “Remain Loyal to Jehovah” 2016 regional convention) I bit off way more than I could chew. … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Five ways my life has changed for the better since I left my religion
Posted on July 8, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 22.34.13
Since deciding to walk away from the Jehovah’s Witness (JW) religion last year, there have been many changes to my life. Some of these changes, like being shunned and cast aside by family and friends, have been difficult to deal with. … Continue reading →


21st Century Christian martyrdom: Tony Morris praises JW boy who died refusing blood

Posted on July 6, 2016

Tony Morris has been filmed at a convention praising a JW child who died refusing blood
The three-day regional conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are given different themes from year to year. This year’s theme of “Remain Loyal to Jehovah” offers a fascinating hint of the paranoia gripping the Governing Body leadership as the internet helps an increasing outflow shed their … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: To the newly shunned
Posted on July 1, 2016

Like many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, members of my family will soon be attending the 2016 convention entitled “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” Dubbed #worstconventionever by many in the ex-JW community, this convention features a number of videos and talks that will serve … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Watchtower Found in Contempt of Court – Hit with $4000 Fine Per Day Until It Complies With Court Order

Posted on June 25, 2016

A few months ago, we reported on yet another in a long line of legal actions brought against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for its now infamous and heavily criticized methods of handling accusations of child abuse inside its … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 4: Propaganda Movies

Posted on June 18, 2016

For decades, Jehovah’s Witnesses have attended yearly multi-day assemblies, often sitting through scorching heat, fighting off sleep, attempting to take notes during an onslaught of talk after talk, all the while secretly praying for the end to come. No, not … Continue reading →


NEWS BULLETIN: JW.ORG Asks: Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Posted on June 11, 2016

The FAQ section on JW.org has added a new featured post: “Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” In this NEW article dated June 9th 2016, the Watchtower gives their official explanation of how to handle matters … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Posted on June 10, 2016

Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolution of the horse through … Continue reading →


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