Thursday, April 23, 2015

Michael Jackson, his sexuality and the Jehovah's Witnesses

Michael Jackson. One of the most famous singers in musical history. Have you ever watched his music videos, some of which I thought were pretty sexy.  I never thought that Michael was very attractive in the physical sense, personally.  A fantastic singer, he seemed like a nice man, but he seemed to confused over how to conduct his sexuality when becoming intimately involved with women. No, I don't think he was gay, nor am I implying that. But, I do think that he seemed confused on how to conduct his sexuality.   It may have something to do with the fact that he was raised as a Jehovah's Witness by his mother who taught her kids  from a young age that lust in thought or deed was "sinful".  His dad was a promiscuous man who ended up having a child with another woman and he was and still is a Christian, he had been raised Lutheran and he had attended religious services with his previous wife at her JW Kingdom Hall, but he objected to the idea of officially becoming a Jehovah's Witness from what I know .  Joseph Jackson's ex-wife stated that she feels "sorry" for the half-sister of her children for being an "illegitimate" child.  So what Katherine, isn't Jo'Vonnie a human being like every else, regardless if she was born outside of wedlock?  What Michael and I have in common is that we both had to deal with being raised as JW's.

Katherine suggested that he marry Debbie Rowe who is the mother of Michael's three children. She told Rowe about the "sacredness" of marriage as viewed by the JW's. What I find to be odd is that Michael had already dissociated himself from the Jehovah's Witnesses a few years before he and Rowe were married and their eventual divorce.  Even if Michael still abided by some JW beliefs as an ex-member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, that still wouldn't have made him a "JW", at least not in the eyes of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, because he never bothered going through the required processes of rejoining the denomination, as far as I know.  He left the JW's due to the controversy that his music video to "Thriller" caused with the WBTS due the music video's occult themes, despite him putting a disclaimer at the beginning of the music video which stated that the music video's themes "did not represent his personal beliefs" nor was he trying to "promote" belief in the occult by using such themes in the music video.  Well, Michael probably didn't give much consideration to the fact that some religions practice the occult, which is their legal right to do so.)

There were rumors that Paris Jackson's suicide attempt that occurred a few years ago was due her not wanting to abide by her grandmother's religious rules and no longer wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness and didn't like going to door-to-door to try and convert people into the denomination as stated by a cousin from a news source, while Paris and her two brothers were living with their grandmother who had legal custody of their children before they went to live with one of their uncles.  I don't know if that was true or not.  I know that her grandmother and her aunt, Rebbie took Paris and her siblings when they were younger to attend meeting at the family's local Kingdom Hall. What is odd is that Michael and his siblings did a Christmas album when they were young, even though they were being raised as Jehovah's Witnesses by Katherine who was baptized into the Organization (The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) in 1965.  I have heard that Michael and his siblings were allowed to celebrate Christmas with Katherine Jackson's parents.  I don't know if that is true or not .  I heard that when LaToya Jackson was disfellowshipped (excommunicated) from the Jehovah's Witnesses due to the sexual material that was included her music videos and that Michael had been forbidden to talk to her by the elders of his congregation.  He would have to shun her.  The two siblings went door-to-door to proselytize with their mother as kids. Crying, Michael went to legendary actor Marlon Brando who was a friend and told him of the situation. Brando had told him, that LaToya is his sister, that Michael could always find another religion, but he would only have one sister like LaToya, but I don't know if this story is true or not.

Some of the Jackson's relatives are JW's and one JW relative whom I think is an elder spoke at his funeral and a memorial service was supposedly held at a Kingdom Hall, one year after his death, which I find odd. Michael was an ex-JW at the time of his death, so how could they have held a memorial service at a Kingdom Hall, one year after his death? I don't know if that is true or not, but if it is, how could that have happened.  Some JW fans held signs at various fan gatherings that contained messages of seeing Michael in "paradise".  How can that be? A ex-JW who never rejoins the Organization and abides by the "rules" in the Bible can never live on Yahweh's "paradise earth" according to JW theology. I doubt that Michael will be "resurrected".

n an interview with Ebony magazine the in 1990's, Katherine stated that over the rumors of Michael being a homosexual, that Michael couldn't have been gay because he was a Christian and that the Bible "condemns" homosexuality.  Well Katherine, Michael could have been gay, even if he was a Christian.  So what if the Bible "condemns" homosexuality?  It also promotes the stoning of disobedient children. Do you support that practice. Did it ever occur to you Katherine, that the Bible's " condemnation" of homosexuality is wrong? Joseph Jackson stated that he "didn't like gay people" because of these rumors.  What did the LGBT community ever do to hurt you exactly, Joseph?

  Janet Jackson who is also a famed singer who I ADORE to pieces, she is an icon in the LGBT community and she had once stated in an interview with an LGBT magazine that her mother is "open-minded" and never kept them from associating with gay people when the Jackson siblings were growing up and that the family's gay friends would refer to Katherine as "Momma Jackson" and that if one the Jackson kids had turned out to be gay that they would not be treated differently than any other member of the family.   I don't know if this is true.

From what I know, the Jackson kids were raised with the idea that same-sex relationships were "sinful".  Janet had once stated that her mother did not force her children to adopt her religious views. Katherine did express a statement in a JW magazine that she felt that she didn't do a good enough job teaching her children about "Jehovah" because most of them did not actively practice the religion, except for Rebbie.  One of the Jackson brothers is now a practicing Muslim.  Michael had once stated that he knew he had gay fans and he didn't mind that. He said that his gay fans had the right to live their lives their way and that he was going to live his life his way, I believe he said this while he was still a Jehovah's Witness.  I highly doubt that Katherine would be very accepting of one of her kids if they had turned out to be LGBT.  Would she accept their same-sex partner as a member of the family? I sincerely doubt it, being an ex-JW myself, even though I am heterosexual and cisgendered.
American JW's have the highest opposition to homosexuality out of any other religious group in the U.S. as studies have shown and they view gay sex as being a "serious sin"  for which you can be excommunicated and shunned for, if you are found to be engaging in sexual  activity with another person of the same-sex.


Most LGBT ex-Jehovah's Witness don't have a good relationships with their JW loved ones from things that I have seen and I doubt that a JW parent would be accepting of a gay child who is sexually-active and has a same-sex partner that they are romantically involved with, or a transgendered child who undergoes a sex-change operation.  Michael Jackson, I think had issues with his sexuality that I think may have been influenced by his religious upbringing.  It is just something that I find to be interested in being an ex-JW and finding sexuality to be an interesting topic. What do you think?



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