Saturday, August 13, 2016

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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Posted on August 9, 2016

Waymon Chandler Ivery2
Waymon Chandler Ivery, convicted of 1st Degree Sexual Assault On A Child in December 1992

Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work.

The footage was posted on YouTube today, and shows a man answering to the name Waymon Chandler Ivery engaged in the door-to-door ministry as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ivery is approached by the man holding the camera and asked to confirm his identity, which he does.
The cameraman then states that Ivery has a criminal record for the sexual abuse of a child. Ivery initially attempts to deny this, but when the accusation is repeated, Ivery and his two companions (presumably also Witnesses) get into a car and leave the scene.
You can view the footage below:

Information on Ivery’s criminal record can be found here.
We are tracking down more information on this incident and will bring you updates as soon as we have them, but why does this matter? Is it not the case that once a child rapist has served his sentence, he should be given a chance to resume his place in the community without harassment? After all, why release him from prison if we are not going to give him the chance to rebuild his life?
The answer to this is obvious, and twofold.
First, as was outlined during the Austrailain Royal Comission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, those who have carried out the crime of child sex abuse are at extremely high risk of re-offending.
Hence, while a released inmate should be allowed to build a new life as far as is reasonable, his freedom to do so cannot be without limits or restrictions, or come at the expense of the children in the community. There must be limits and safeguards to prevent such an individual from having opportunities to re-offend.
This brings us to the second point. Ivery was not approached while shopping for food, or watching a movie, or even strolling along a busy street minding his own business. He was approached because he was engaged in a work that involves him calling at the homes of his neighbors.
I spent almost thirty years of my life engaged in the door to door ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and can report that it is not uncommon for the door to be answered by a young child. I know that very often in this situation, the Witness will ask: “Hello. Can I speak to Mommy or Daddy please?”
Often the child would then run to get their parents, but I personally saw a handful of moments where the child replied: “They are not home.”
Of course, I would always take my leave when the child replied that way, and on one occasion the Witness I was with actually told the little boy in a kind but stern tone that they shouldn’t open the door to strangers if they were alone in the house – which, of course, is excellent advice.
But can you imagine how the scenario might have played out if the Witness on the doorstep was a predator struggling with a long-term desire to harm children?
And to make matters worse, Ivery is not a one-off example. In Australia alone over the past 50 years, there were over 1000 JW molesters who posed this specific risk who were not even reported to the authorities.
At least in the case of Ivery the authorities were aware of his past, thus the local community stood a chance of knowing that a potentially dangerous sexual predator lives in their midst – even if they are likely oblivious to the likelihood of him calling at their homes and asking to be invited in to start a bible study with their families.
The solution is obvious: Watchtower should categorically instruct its congregations that those who have been convicted of sexual offenses against children cannot under any circumstances participate in activities such as door-to-door ministry that pose a high risk of putting them in contact with unsuspecting families and children – for the sake of the convicted offender, and most importantly, for the sake of the child.
Portuguese translation
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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
128 Responses to Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

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 chrissmall says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:08 pm

I was involved in a case where we where required to phone the desk in Bethel ,as a body we where very unhappy that a baptised individual who had been required to sign the sex offenders list had decided to return to the congregation where he had committed the offence.
 The brother we spoke to informed us that as a body of elders we ‘sponsor’ all the publishers in our congregation,basically we are responsible for them in the ministry .
 As a result we could make the decision whether we wanted such an individual to take part in the door to door work.
 The decision was made by the body,and we told him that he no longer could preach .


 Chiafade says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:26 pm

The problem with that is that he may have used “you must obey God as ruler” and “go therefore and make disciples” as his RIGHT to preach and ignored or defied the body of elders. Then what? You disfellowship him for preaching?
Watchtower does this ALL the time. They throw the elders under the, not bus, but the steamroller to get smashed into the pavement. They need to take a lesson from satans system. For example, my uncle is a disgusting human being who molested his grandchildren. His daughters found out, turned him in to the police and he was arrested. After he did his time in jail the system made sure that he lived in a separate community to be among his ilk. He could live his life with the restrictions hes earned for himself. Not perfect but loads better than watchtowers pedophile hugging policy.
I like what they do in Ecuador. Since the police are limited society takes care of business. If a pedophile is caught or a rapist. They tie him up. Hang him by a tree branch. Tie a string around his “boys” and start pulling on said string. Ahhh justice.

 chrissmall says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:45 pm

It was explained to the individual in a rather straight manner why the decision was reached.
 You are on the Sex register,people in the community know that,you cannot be trusted you have never admitted your guilt even though the evidence was overwhelming,your not allowed to preach.


 Big B says:

 August 11, 2016 at 1:47 pm

@ Chrissmall
The pervert should have been removed permanently (never being reinstated) from the congregation and letters given out to all neighboring congregations warning them of this predator.
But does the WTBTS do that in order to at least protect other congregations? NO! They welcome the wolf back into the sheep fold like he/she was a long lost sheep. Anyone with any common sense realizes that this sets up another child for a greater chance of molestation.
Is there any perversion or crime that one of Jehovah’s Witnesses can commit that cannot be forgiven and reinstated with good graces for? How about murder, theft, rape, infanticide, genocide…..etc? Nope.
That is one reason I left, I don’t believe that a church which has (supposedly) God’s Holy Spirit and direction can or should be a pedophiles paradise where sinners and criminals (who commit evil acts on purpose) can be protected by non reporting them to the proper authorities. You really don’t know who you’re sitting next to at the Hall do you?

 Srecko Sostar says:

 August 10, 2016 at 11:00 am

Hi to all! Legal Department in Bethel are controversial institute, according to answer you received from that “brother”. Why telling so? First of all, according to WT teaching you as “elders” or “shepherd” or simply just a man, “fellow brother”, have not and should not have NO POWER over some other members “faith” (my comment on that policy is; unless or how much power some JW person gives you to have over him). Second, reality is different. “Elders are representatives of WT company and they are appointed by GB as “overseers”, persons who supervising others’ work. Job of that kind of “managers” is to making JW members motivated to “publishing” for company. Third, in respond to Superior court of California LD of WT state that “field service is NOT CONTROLLED OR MONITORED BY ELDERS” because that is “personal matter between publisher and his God”. link is here:'s_Points_and_Authorities_in_Reply_to_Opp_to_MSJ_12-16-11.pdf
 According to this and more what can be involved and including in discuss of that issue, it is funny and going to some parody all that “business” that you as “elders” and them as “publishers” under “governing” of GB are doing. Greetings 🙂

 Mark says:

 August 11, 2016 at 1:14 am

Like many of you I am absolutely disgusted at this. I was a victim of child abuse, thankfully he was not a JW, and what made me love the truth so much was the feeling of security and protection and dignity God gives us. Nobody can truly understand how devastating an abuse can be if he/she has never experienced it!
Born and bred in the “truth” I was very devoted for my whole life, became and elder and was making good progress until I had a breakdown. My life was turn upside down when I bumped into the royal commission investigation on child abuse. I was so happy to see Geoffrey Jackson being in court to prove to this “worldly people” how much better the only true”organisation” can handle delicate matters like this with Jehovah’s direction…..I was wrong, he was embarrassing to watch, to listen to!
The only thing that concerns to the GB is to protect their own interests, although there are beautiful people among the JW’s, loyal friends and genuinely caring persons, the organisation has a strong hold on each of them to the point that even before heinous crime like this they would turn a blind eye. I confronted some of my friends with this topic and I heard comments that made me cringe, comments implying that the fault was on the parents, the elders and even the child but not on those who issued a policy that makes absolute no sense. I was gutted to see Mr Jackson trying to champion the 2 witness rule by twisting words, dodging questions, lying about the shunning of people and all of this under the influence or “direction” of God’s holy spirit. An abused child is alone, he cannot bring a witness, he doesn’t even know what happened and why. I felt terrible for my whole life, always unable to reach the perfect standards of Jehovah, I gave my blood to this org, I made all the sacrifices required and this is what I’ve got in return. I feel like a loyal and devoted man who has been married to an unfaithful wife for his whole life and he’s now expected to continue loving and caring for her based on the vow he took when he loved and trusted her or he will lose his children and all his friends.
Thanks God I have met very good friends and caring elders in my life, but I have seen and heard of horrible things as well. I have never come across a case of child abuse, but I can confirm that these are not reported to the police but to Bethel. My heart goes out to all those victims, I always recall to my mind the words in 1 John 3:19,20 – Jehovah is greater than our heart and certainly of this organisation.
There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love – M. L. King

 M says:

 August 11, 2016 at 4:50 pm

We have had a case in our congregation where a pedophile was only allowed to go from door to door if he was accompanied by an elder of the local congregation that was informed about the pedophile.
 He was not allowed to go from door to door by his own and not allowed to go in ministry with any proclaimer of his choice. I know this because when I was 16 years old I used to ask almost each member of my congregation if they wanted to preach with me and I was told that the guy I wanted to preach with was not allowed to preach with me and he may only preach with elders.


 M says:

 August 11, 2016 at 4:55 pm

I want to add that I am no witness any more (just for notice).

 Caroline says:

 August 11, 2016 at 5:50 pm

M, how did you know he was a pedophile and why was he not put in jail? Pedophilia is a crime. If everyone knew he was a pedophile, was it because he had been put in prison for it and served his time?
If you asked to work with the man and the elders said that he could only work with elders, did they tell you he was an active pedophile or were you just told he could only work with elders and you were kept in the dark as to the reason why you could not work with him?
Obviously you did not know the reason you could not work with him at the time was because you did not know he was a pedophile, right? So, then if you didn’t know he was a pedophile, neither did the rest of the congregation and the community.
The reason I surmise this is because you said you wanted to work with him and was turned down. Why would you want to work with a pedophile?

 M says:

 August 12, 2016 at 5:10 am

When I wanted toll preach with him, I did not Know anything about him. Until today I don’t Know if he really has molested children or if he was in jail. I know that he is considered as a threat because elders and he himself told so. I wanted to preach with him right at the beginning when he came to our congregation when noone did not know anything. Then I and many others were told that: he is ill and that he never may be alone with children and that the elders will take care that he has the possibility to preach but he must be surveyed by at least one elder all the time he is in the ministry. As a result only elders would preach with him. I assume that everyone in the congregation was told because I was told and a friend of mine was told. But I cannot guarantee that everyone was told because I do not remember everything precisely because it has been 11 years now. I do not have more information than that because I have not been an elder, nor a ministerial servant and moved to another congregation some time later where I left the religion. But as far as I have “observed” the possible molester went to the book study at the kingdom hall, not in private homes and when he was at preaching meetings an elder went with him from door to door. People invited him to a restaurant but never invited him to their private home, as far as I could observe it.
Because of my family in the religion which still associates with me, I do not want to post country and name of congregation, nor my name.

 M says:

 August 12, 2016 at 5:36 am

I also know that the guy was in therapy. I haven’t said this so far.


 Malachi says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:24 pm

The sex offender registry does not exist to warn people of those who no longer pose a threat to society, nor does it exist to warn people of hose accused who were proven innocent. Common sense dictates that it’s very existence proves that despite the fact that the offender has ‘done their time’ there is still a potential for further harm as a result of this psychological aberration. According to Tony Morris wearing tight pants disqualifies a person from engaging in the field ministry. Apparently being a convicted pervert does not.

 Sharon says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:47 pm

There is no cure for pedophiles. None

 Winston Smith says:

 August 10, 2016 at 9:13 am

There is a cure! It’s produced by Smith and Wesson.

 Concorde says:

 August 10, 2016 at 3:18 am

I was going to make exactly the same comment!

 Big B says:

 August 12, 2016 at 5:59 am

@ Malachi;
Yes indeed. It’s a typical case of straining out the gnat to gulp down a camel. How Pharisee like can you possibly get? The perverts cannot be controlled by the ‘unfaithful and indiscreet slave’ but we can sure berate tight pants and short skirts and pantsuits for women by golly! And facial hair, don’t forget facial hair on the brothers and to much makeup on the sisters. Does the steaming diarrhea ever stop? Pitiful isn’t it.

 Telescopium says:

 August 12, 2016 at 2:51 pm

“Does the steaming diarrhea ever stop?”
I guess it’s just like normal diarrhea. You think it’s done, and then…

 Gerry says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:26 pm

Well said. Also even tho he is with others going door to door there is nothing to prevent him from returning to the house on his own at a later time. All part of the grooming process that child molesters use.

 Sesom says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:48 pm

That must be a Jehovah witness who is saying he should not be harassed,just like one protecting a paedophile. He can go out without the group on his own and stark kids. If he wasn’t a paedophile why didn’t he stand his ground,he could have had a lawsuit if he wasn’t. All dressed up and looking like a good guy. Wolf in sheep clothing.

 Jill Long says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Exactly!! They can use the door to door work to find future victims and return.

 Summer says:

 August 9, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Excellent post
 Thankyou for writing it for all to read


 Aloma Alber says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:01 pm

a key point is missing from the fine comments here, perhaps he has done his time, but science hints that he would not be cured…..often times they have a wife and hide behind groups such as churches or sadly, scouting. look it up. not opinion–sad but true facts.

 Markie says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:33 pm

I just had a refrigerator repairman at my house, a lawn man, a pool man and a boat mechanic. I have no idea if any of them are convicted pedophiles. Yeah maybe the JWs shouldn’t allow suspected perverts from going door to door but know who your dealing with when you go about everyday life.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:37 pm

True, but the repairmen and pool guys don’t show up unannounced. You call those guys and they have ID. The business that employers them is responsible for them and if they have ever raped or assaulted anyone, they shouldn’t be working alone.

 Dblaron42 says:

 August 9, 2016 at 8:55 pm

Generally speaking in ‘murica any kind of half way decent repair or service company does background checks.. The last thing a business wants is to be put in a position where they are liable for the actions of said employees. Based on the policies of the borg they don’t care about victims or the perpetrators. The only thing they care about is their “reputation”

 Sempronio says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:43 pm

If the cameraman “had it all wrong” why didn’t he stand his ground and explain the facts?

 Caroline says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:51 pm

I am fairly certain that unless he was disfellowshipped, the elders would be telling him that he has to go out in service, if he wants any privileges.
I am not one for holding it against a person who has cleaned up his life and served his time but I do hold it against the Society for making a person go out in service in order to “serve” in the congregation when they have a record of abusing a child and this man was convicted of first degree assault of a child, which is probably the case.
If Jehovah can read hearts and the man is truly repentant, Jehovah surely wouldn’t kill the man at Armageddon for not going in service if the Society thought he was a danger to the community and told him he could not go out in service to be a representative of the Society, would he? Is Jehovah that desperate for kingdom evangelizers? Or, maybe he is that desperate and the society could care less as long as his name is added to the list.
RCW 9A.36.120
 Assault of a child in the first degree.
 (1) A person eighteen years of age or older is guilty of the crime of assault of a child in the first degree if the child is under the age of thirteen and the person:
 (a) Commits the crime of assault in the first degree, as defined in RCW 9A.36.011, against the child; or
 (b) Intentionally assaults the child and either:
 (i) Recklessly inflicts great bodily harm; or
 (ii) Causes substantial bodily harm, and the person has previously engaged in a pattern or practice either of (A) assaulting the child which has resulted in bodily harm that is greater than transient physical pain or minor temporary marks, or (B) causing the child physical pain or agony that is equivalent to that produced by torture.
 (2) Assault of a child in the first degree is a class A felony.
 [ 1992 c 145 § 1.]


 Jim says:

 August 9, 2016 at 7:50 pm

Anybody who has had problems such as these in their past will never, repeat, Never, ‘serve’ in any position of responsibility and will Never have any privileges.

 wifibandit says:

 August 9, 2016 at 9:09 pm

Do you say that based on the January 1, 1997, Watchtower article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked”? Because that is what they want the reader to take away…
But it is not true.
Read: Guidelines for Branch Office Service Desks – 2013
Document ID: WAT.0001.004.0076

 Caroline says:

 August 10, 2016 at 4:00 am

It is very interesting in the above document from the Society that under question 5, #19 it says: “Viewing child pornography is a serious violation of Jehovah’s standards, and any involved in such conduct would need strong counsel and, depending on the frequency and the extent of his viewing could be subject to judicial action. (See the April 10, 2012, letter to all bodies of elders.) Nonetheless if the one who views child pornography does not involve anyone else in his actions, this is not considered to be child abuse from a congregational standpoint. Still, the elders should be alert to the conduct of the individual and provide any appropriate Scriptural counsel in connection with his interactions with children.”
Can you imagine how horrified a JW wife would be if she found child pornography on her husband’s computer and she goes to the elders and tells them what she has found and they don’t pay any attention to her because for one thing, she can’t prove it was her husband that was looking at the child pornography because it’s just her and her husband in the house and he could say she put it on there to conspire against him or if there are children in the house, he could blame it on them and then they’d only consider it a problem (if he admits to it) depending on the frequency?
If the community knew the Jehovah’s Witnesses were this lax about child pornography, would they want anything to do with them? I don’t think so. Most people in the community would be sickened by reading those guidelines by the Society and consider Witnesses worse than most people in the community.
I think the reason why the Society is so lax about child pornography and pornography in general is because if they got rid of anybody who does it, they’d lose half the “flock” and if they keep it “in house”, the world will never know and they can retain their squeaky clean image but what this does to the wife who gets married and finds out that her husband looks at child pornography and gets away with it, can just about kill her emotionally.
She gets married, thinking that her husband would never do such a thing because that is the image that the Society puts out there for the public to see and Witness women to think is the case but the Society only pretends to abhor child pornography.

 Big B says:

 August 12, 2016 at 6:09 am

@ Jim;
Report the perpetrators to the authorities and if they are found guilty then throw them out, period! Send out letters to all surrounding congregations informing them that this individual is “disfellowshipped for life” and not to be reinstated, EVER. That would send a loud and clear message of zero tolerance for pedophiles.
Then, as the Society is so fond of saying, “leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands” and let God be the final judge at Armageddon.
The elders and the so called ‘faithful slave’ have one paramount duty besides preaching the kingdom. And that paramount duty is to protect/defend the flock, period. Especially the children who cannot protect themselves from adult pedophiles.

 Athlyn says:

 August 9, 2016 at 4:58 pm

Isn’t it interesting that if a woman fails to remember to scream when attacked and raped, she could be disfellowshipped; if a person doesn’t agree with every teaching from the Gov Body, they are disfellowshipped and shunned for the rest of their lives. In these cases no mercy or forgiveness is shown; yet, when a child molester has committed one of the worst offenses imaginable against an innocent child, raping said child, he may not be disfellowshipped, nor is his crime reported. So a rapist receives more mercy and leeway and sheer benefit of the doubt than the woman too terrified to scream or the helpless child who cannot fight off his or her attacker. What a boy’s club.


 August 9, 2016 at 6:32 pm

 The Elders said they thought I would FEEL BETTER IF I WAS PUNISHED???? WHY?? BECAUSE I HAD PROBABLY SEDUCED MY RAPIST!! I WAS TERRIFIED OF MY RAPIST. The next week I tried to commit suicide and he gave a Public Talk. He wasn’t ever PUNISHED and the Elders forbade me to go to the Police about it. It happened to me by the same man several times. He was about forty years older than me! He had daughters older and younger than me.
 I am just hoping KARMA will meet him face to face because things have a way of working out fairly in the end. The Universe has a way of connecting the dots and ridding itself of garbage that pollutes the earth!


 Jim says:

 August 9, 2016 at 8:07 pm

Hi gettinolderandnbetter,
 I’m an active male witness, 49, an old friend had a link to this page.
 My heart grieves for you. When stuff like this came out years ago, the ‘old school’ elders didn’t know how to deal with it. Nobody did. This was stuff that “you don’t talk about”. They were clueless. Mistakes were made. People were hurt. Offenders got away with it.
 There’s nothing that can be done to ease your pain and resentment. And it kills me.
 What I can say is that these mistakes aren’t made anymore. Now are there exceptions that some slimy people can get around the rules? Sure, that’s true in any organization, company, religion, what have you.
 However, there is serious protocol put in place to prevent what happened to you from happening again.
 This guy in the video, I didn’t even watch it, but he has to go door to door with someone, he can’t work door to door alone.
 It’s not perfect, but we can’t police everybody at all times. We do our best, but sometimes it doesn’t prevent all bad from happening. That’s the case everywhere, from foster care to daycare to kindergarten to babysitters, the unfortunate list goes on and on. I’ve been in the room with this stuff and people such as yourself and when alone, i cry for weeks after. Weeks.
 I wish you peace, as much as you can possibly have. Don’t forget that God sees all and He does not hold you responsible, He does not feel you did anything wrong. Men can be clueless or misled or fooled. God? Not so much.
 Try to pray, gods feelings toward you haven’t changed.
 I’m staring at this screen realizing that I can’t say anything else to help. And that makes me feel horrible. I send you wishes of inner peace. And I’m so sorry.


 John Redwood says:

 August 9, 2016 at 9:23 pm

Dear Jim
Thank you for your comments. I would like to take the time to respond to your post, since you are an active JW. You and I are the same age, and if you are like me, you spent the best years of your life in the JW organization. In my case it was 46 complete years, as I finally woke up from the indoctrination 3 years ago.
With regard to the video, whether you watch it or not is immaterial, since I am sure you are not disputing the fact that this convicted child molester was in fact engaging in the field ministry in a community located in Colorado. In your comment you stated that “he has to go door to door with someone, he can’t work door to door alone.”
My reply to you is NO HE DOES NOT. A convicted child abuser could be directed by the body of elders to only engage in supervised telephone witnessing or letter writing (despite the fact that I would personally never want such an individual writing or phoning strangers.) The point is, he could engage in a “special” ministry which would not likely endanger the public or place him in the home of a child. The reality is, Jehovah’s Witnesses have lost control of this situation entirely, and they refuse to apologize or admit fault, and they have doubled-down on the two witness rule as well as the policy of refraining from contacting police unless they are absolutely mandated by law and would face prosecution for not contacting CPA or police.
If you are morally and intellectually honest you will read my article from last week featured on JW Survey:
You seem to believe that the problem only existed with the “old school” elders and that this problem has for all intents and purposes been fixed. It has NOT been fixed. The number of court cases being files worldwide has escalated beyond what we are able to keep up with on a weekly basis. Last year’s Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse identified Jehovah’s Witnesses as the worst offenders when it came to handling child abuse allegations. Our of 1006 perpetrators reported in Australia alone, NOT ONE SINGLE CASE was reported by JW elders to the police or CPA. Not one single case. The entire investigation of Jehovah’s Witnesses was broadcast and is available for you to watch on many YouTube channels. Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson was forced to testify after an incredibly forceful attempt to avoid taking the stand. In the end the chief Justice had not choice but to issue the subpoena. You need to watch the testimony to understand what is really going on.
The Governing Body does not have any basis for continuing to obstruct justice and impress their archaic interpretation of the two witness rule on individual JWs. You seem to believe that God “sees all” and that he is not fooled. Yet the organization teaches that God is using the Governing Body as their SOLE channel in all the universe. Then they declare – “oh but we are just imperfect men doing God’s perfect will.”
Jim, I implore you to research this topic thoroughly, and ask yourself what are the real reasons you cling to this organization. You have come this far, be honest with yourself and read all of the facts. Remember, if it is the truth, it will withstand any criticism. Please don’t use the reasoning that “that’s how they did it in the old days, but now we know better.” Why? because 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago, each generation considered their knowledge as superior to the last, that the prior generation in the “old days” had it wrong. This will NEVER change. Jehovah’s Witnesses have altered their teachings consistently, decade after decade, always AFTER the fact, never before. From 1874 to 1914 to 1925 to 1975 to the 1980s when you and I were told that “this generation (of 1914) would by NO MEANS pass away until all these things occur”…and voila!- we now have overlapping generations. We also have shunning like we have never seen before. We have frightening bunker videos from this years convention, scaring Witnesses into submission. We have blood transfusion policy which has killed tens of thousands – many of them my personal friends.
Be objective, do your research – then come back to us with your results. I wish you all the best

 Will says:

 August 10, 2016 at 8:03 am

Wow, beautiful and thought provoking response!!


 Big B says:

 August 11, 2016 at 2:00 pm

@ John Redwood
Amen! Your comments are bold, concise and to the heart of the matter. It’s time for all J.W.’s to rise and shine, wake up and smell the coffee! Open your eyes and hearts to the real TRUTH about the so called ‘Truth’.


 Susannah says:

 August 10, 2016 at 12:49 am

Hi Jim, There is something you can do to help survivors and yourself.
 1. Do not perpetuate abuse by shunning the survivors who speak out and want nothing to do with flawed and abusive practices.
 2. Support the survivors of abuse, by recognising the rules protect the abuser.
 3. Ask the Governing Body to cooperate with the court orders asking that documents relating to child abuse are handed over. Currently they are being fined $4000 a day for refusing to hand over evidence.
 4. Find out why the WTBS of Great Britain refuses to work with the Charity Commission on safeguarding policies. 5. Ask yourself why there is no responsibility or an apology for thousands of historical cases. The excuse you gave is not taking responsibility – ‘the brothers back then did not know what they were doing – it has all changed.’
That is not good enough.
 Even the Catholic church has apologised and set in motion safeguarding policies.
 6. Do some research and be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


 Srecko Sostar says:

 August 10, 2016 at 11:14 am

Very good Susannah!


 Summer says:

 August 10, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Excellent Susannah !


 Song of Hannah says:

 August 10, 2016 at 11:25 am

Dear Brother Jim, you are so kind to help reason to this one who is so stumbled, but unfortunately when WT lawyers are found fighting against molested children in courtrooms, you know for certain that Satan has over-reached us. I for one look forward to the time when the Man of Lawlessness is removed from the leadership over God’s people! (2 Thess 2:1-12). Perhaps you will find this site and article encouraging as well:


 August 9, 2016 at 6:35 pm

 The Elders said they thought I would FEEL BETTER IF I WAS PUNISHED???? WHY?? BECAUSE I HAD PROBABLY SEDUCED MY RAPIST!! I WAS TERRIFIED OF MY RAPIST. The next week I tried to commit suicide and he gave a Public Talk. He wasn’t ever PUNISHED and the Elders forbade me to go to the Police about it. It happened to me by the same man several times. He was about forty years older than me! He had daughters older and younger than me.
 In the end, we all do reap whatever we sow. That’s just consequences of being human.


 Ziddina says:

 August 9, 2016 at 8:47 pm

Honey, go to the cops NOW! The statute of limitations on that creep’s crime may not be over, & there’s a possibility that you could get justice even now.
Not only that, but such a man probably attacked more than one young girl. Heck, he might STILL be attacking young girls, thinking that since he’s gotten away with it so far, he can keep on attacking victims & get off scott free.
By speaking up you might help OTHER victims & potential victims of this man.
At the very least, do what I did – call up social workers or child protection workers & explain to them what has happened to you. I did that some decades after my mother had used some of the worst sort of mental, emotional & psychological abuse on me – & BOTH of the social workers (once they were able to understand just how horrible the abuse was) said that had the abuse been revealed, I would have been removed from the home & both of my JW parents would have been investigated. Just hearing that was vindication for what I’d been trying to tell people for decades about my false, self-righteous parents!

 Robyn Bass says:

 August 10, 2016 at 7:06 am

I absolutely most definitely agree with you. What is wrong with this sick organisation. I faded 30 odd years ago and have known nothing of all this child sex abuse stuff until I stumbled across the Australian royal commission in February 2016 by pure chance. I told my devout elderly parents, sister and bro in law (who live in Aust. We live in the UK, my husband has never been a JW). We always thought we had a good relationship with them all, now it’s 6 months later and they have completely cut ALL cumunication with us. They hang up on me and leave their skype off and ignore my card’s and letters.
 If it wasn’t for you fablous people in the ex JW community I would not have known of another criminal activity “SHUNNING”.
I’ve also discovered, Just like you’ve said Athlyn, a women is raped and if she doesn’t scream out she’s the one in the wrong. The GB in total control.
 And Innocent children not being taken seriously because of this outrageous 2 witness rule.
 I’m skocked and sickened to my backbone.


 Srecko Sostar says:

 August 10, 2016 at 11:06 am

Yes, WT are living in own confusion!

 deezedstroke015 says:

 August 9, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Thank you for bringing attention to this specific case. I totally appreciate your point. However, the issue you raise is actually a legal issue, not a Witness issue–if he’s allowed by law, then he’s allowed. The “witness” aspect is orthogonal.

 Sharon Christensen says:

 August 9, 2016 at 8:43 pm

Thankyou again for this info….I feel for all who have had to go thru such a situation…And yes…you freeze up and are shocked beyond belief…and feel dirty from that day forward…I personally think…and hope these people meet …Karma…and same with the ones that cover over and turn a blind eye to their acts, and punish the innocent….May these,one day…be raped and abused in whatever form, beaten and so on….this would be fitting punishment for them…the eye for eye…tooth for tooth kind of a rule from Bible times. I,to was as a child and young teen abused sexually by various relatives who were and are still wts…and elders…then married a so called good Wts,..who likewise proceeded to abuse me in various ways…and I am the one they shun…not the ones who abused and still no doubt do because…leopards can not change their …spots! Proof that if they were backed by Jehovah…this kinda stuff would not be covered over …and put more innocent ones in jeopardy. Talk about putting a fox in the hen house…In the congregation I went to in Wpg. Mb. Canada…a newly baptised sister and her young son would go in service with the older couple who studied with her…the brother who conducted the service arrangement would arrange for this one brother, who had just come out of prison for serving time there for abusing childern…he was assigned to help this single parent with her young son…they also arranged for him to help her with things at her house if she needed some maintenance etc., done at home…she ran a daycare from her home! The brothers knew about what he was guilty of and so called reformed from and tried to match make him with her. When someone told this newly baptized sister of this….she was appauled! She went to speak immediately to the elders…she did not hold anything back…she could have endangered her son and lost her means of living…next mtng…it was read that this sister had been dfed…not approved associate! Go figure…she was disgusted beyond words! The brother was and still is doing good, within the christian congregation! Clap, Clap, clap!

 nmthinker says:

 August 10, 2016 at 7:19 am

How pathetic and sad. I believe you 100% because something similar happened to me.
This was about twenty five years ago in Chicago. I was a young boy around 10 and my mother was recently divorced with three kids and I was the only boy. We had moved congregations and I was assigned to have a bible study with man who was newly baptized and newly married to a much younger woman who used to babysit us as kids. I’m talking about a 20 year age difference.
He groomed me over a few years and molested me about half a dozen times but thankfully never was violent and never raped me.
I was over thirty years old until I realized what actually happened. I was in denial and the memories were effectively repressed. Recently I called another boy who my abuser befriended after he moved to Kentucky. I asked the boy (now a man) if anything weird ever happened between the two of them. He confirmed that my abuser did try it but backed off when he encountered fierce resistance. This is when I realized that this guy is a freaking predator. Who knows who else he has done this to.
What blows my mind is that, at the time my mom, the elders, everyone had 100% trust in this man taking me under his wing. I was the typical “fatherless boy” because my father was DF’ed and and separated from the family. I was so very vulnerable, but the elders paired me up with a newly baptized brother! I’m sure there were some that looked at me and him with suspicion but were too afraid to speak up, because the elders had set it up and gave the arrangement their blessing. I don’t know if the elders knew this guy had a problem, if they did then they deserve to rot in hell.
I am currently deciding if I want to report this man to the police and his congregation.
Let me conclude by saying if the society gave a damn about the children they should REPORT ALL CASES OF ABUSE TO THE POLICE, END OF STORY. The elders are not qualified to handle these situations. They have no real power to protect children, because they can’t put the abusers in jail or on a watch list. As far as I’m concerned, the society is too wrapped up in trying to maintain their control and power over their members. The governing body and the US branch members deserve to be humiliated for allowing this to develop over time.
I pray for all my Witness friends. Please wake up.

 Niels Lundgreen says:

 August 9, 2016 at 10:13 pm

Dear friends,
 I do not know what to say. I also was a member for 40 years, but one day I finally came to my censes. One day 3 weeks ago in the city bus, I was sitting by side of a lady in her late sixties. All of a sudden she ask me about my name since she thought she knew me. It was true, yes when I was 15 years old I met her and fall in love with her (as a teen can do until he finds his love one), but her parents did not want that contact and I never met her again only in this bus the other day, 58 years later. It was such a fantastic experience since I often in all those years have thought about her, how she got along and what really happened to her in her life.

I told her I did not associate with the Watchtower Organisation any more and she asked me what made me take that decision. So, I told her that I all along got this feeling that I got further and further away from God and all of a sudden I had this longing for Jesus. I had watched TV and a Christian programs and it just hit me.
 This is more than 20 years ago and to day I have this beautiful feeling as it was yesterday and the love for Jesus is just like when I felt he called upon me.

OK, she did not understand and asked me to go to Watchtower Organisation homepage to get counsel. I must say I lost all my friends and family because of my decision, but the love of Jesus is fulfilling all.
I know it is a world of “danger” also to day and I have not any advice to you, but to come to Jesus and receive his love. There is protection and hope and future and forgiveness in him, so this is all I can say. I cannot sit here to talk about Watchtower Organisation and the members without telling my story. My story in brief is clearly expressed in those two videos here;
Why I write this? Jesus have given me so much love I must pass to you. When we focus on all those problems and mistakes from Watchtower Organisation and in the world; I see only one solution. Jesus.
In America (and elsewhere) example; black people has been offended more than anybody else so they should be crying. My love goes to them too and to day I am saved.
I just had to say this.

 Kat says:

 August 10, 2016 at 12:08 am

Pedophiles have problems and rarely give up their chosen way of life. Here is something to think about, let’s say 100% of pedophiles reoffend( example only), only 11 % of these crimes will be reported, half of those will be arrested, less will be convicted and sentenced. The repeat stats are based on CONVICTIONS, so if you see only 4% of sex offenders repeat you’ll know the truth. NO ONE has every had a tx that works on them 100% , most can’t be out among child, just ask them. “If I was out and had a chance I would abuse a child”. Not at my door in my city, no church or Bible study can change that desire and I refuse to open my door (kids) to it.

 Molly says:

 August 10, 2016 at 1:34 am

Arent they always in at least pairs? Your clip shows he is with others. Do you think that the other two are going to look on as some crime unfolds?? For heavens sake I am highly suspect when it comes to sex offender rehabilitation but if anyone can change a person it is God thru his Word and teachings!! Honestly you sound like you have some kind of grudge from your past and are grasping at straws to create a negative viewpoint about something that I have NEVER heard of occurring.

 spearmint says:

 August 10, 2016 at 6:16 am

Hi Molly, sometimes they are alone at the door. And sometimes they are alone with the child, doing a Bible Study (I can tell you the name of a witness in France in that case that had problems with justice too).

 QuietObserver says:

 August 10, 2016 at 6:20 am

Hi Molly, just a point I would like to make for you. Yes, most of the time Witnessing is done in pairs, but if for some reason, say a toilet break or someone gets a phone call, that man could go to a door by himself. It is also possible that he at another time, could be the only male in the group for service and then he can intentionally set it up for himself to go to doors alone. At that point all oversight of him is lost. People here have repeatedly made the comment that he could return to the house and make arrangements to “study” with the children of the house. I also just want to say, that simply because you have not heard of such things before, does not make them untrue. If you research the high profile cases in California, you will see that many of the molestations occurred in field service. Getting oneself alone with children while in the ministry is very easy to do. The Watchtower Org is all about secrecy and chances are the people in the car with him did not even know about his past, because if you “gossip” (warn others) about him, YOU will be in for “correction” (reproof).

 Winston Smith says:

 August 10, 2016 at 9:49 am

Pedophiles are deviant and twisted. They will find ways to be alone with children. Putting them in the situation such as door-to-door work is just like playing with fire. Eventually someone will get burnt. And the way car groups get divided up is a bit of a free for all.
In the congregation I grew up in, a sister came out for midweek service with several of her young children. Her 3 year old ended up alone In a car group with a ministerial servant who subsequently molested him. The whole arrangement lends itself to such easy manipulation by those with unwholesome motives.

 Victor says:

 August 10, 2016 at 6:56 am

Ooooh yes, right! The bible heal pedophilia….

 Will says:

 August 10, 2016 at 8:24 am

You are wrong. He is a danger to the community and “god’s word” will not fix him. When I used to go out in service, there were times when we did special campaigns and in order to finish the territory before a certain date, witnesses were told to go by themselves to cover more territory– opportunity to work solo and take advantage of the situation.
What’s troubling is that it is likely no one in the congregation knows and he could easily work with a young person. If a regular male publisher takes out the group and is not aware of any restrictions a publisher may have, he can easily assign a young one to work with the pedophile.
Also, if you haven’t heard of anything happening, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. The elders WILL NOT warn anyone of pedophile dangers in the congregation. The Australian hearings are eye opening as to the secrecy and horrible policy the Watchtower. Any “adjustments” made to policy are in response to government inquiry and not direction from god– just one of many reasons why this organization is not directed by god.

 Will says:

 August 10, 2016 at 8:26 am

“Adjustments” also made because of the countless lawsuits, which equal financial loss to the Watchtower.

 spearmint says:

 August 10, 2016 at 2:34 am

Who said that jehovah witnesses are kind and good people ?
 Elders are not the only people that are hiding those things. Never heard of RADIO JW ? All the witnesses know and hide those things. Otherwise it could be impossible for those pedophiles to stay in the congregations.
 Jehovah witnesses, kind and good people ? Are you sure ?



 August 11, 2016 at 3:39 pm

Sorry but most of them are kind and good even though they are in a highly controlled life style.
 I have known some of the most wonderful people who would take their shirts off of their backs. but also I have known very vile JW’s that are big time back-stabbers. Its weird how people are so different in this organization.


 Samaritan Woman says:

 August 10, 2016 at 4:38 am

I found it interesting and sad that the other guy in the back seat covered his ears and put his head down. They will never question him.

 Average Joe says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:08 am

I thought of it from his perspective: maybe this is the first time he is hearing about that man being a child abuser. If it was me I would 1) certainly not want to be filmed as I had done nothing wrong and never gave my consent and 2) I would be sick to the stomach that I had been working alongside this pervert and would want to be out of his company ASAP and be informing the rest of the congregation.
 Granted, if that was me, I would have left the car party and stayed to ask the cameraman for more details so I could research it myself, after which I would insist he remove me from the video (see point one).


 Will says:

 August 10, 2016 at 12:46 pm

The covering of the ears seems pathetic. He may have assumed the cameraman was an apostate and speaking lies about “god’s people” and follow the Watchtower’s policy to not listen to anything “they” say.
 I will say that the other people are in a tough position. These are only accusations from their perspective and this happened all of a sudden and a situation like that is difficult to process.



 August 11, 2016 at 3:47 pm

Perhaps they need to hear more about it going door-to-door from the householders themselves. the house holders aren’t apostates.

 Mary says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:32 am

Another wonderful example showing that the Organization doesn’t give a crap about the safety of ANY children, whether inside the cult or outside of it. No, it’s apparently far more important for these scum-sucking animals to get their time in for their field serve-us report, no matter the risks.
Kudos to whoever taped this pig!!

 Twmack says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:49 am

Hi Molly, Would you be at ease if you knew a convicted
 pedophile was knocking on your door, even if they were
 accompanied by others. Would you be happy for them
 to make unscheduled return visits, maybe when children
 we’re home alone.

People in Ivery’s neighbourhood were unaware of his past
 and therefore at a disadvantage and vulnerable. Would they
 have have welcomed him had they known of his conviction.

I’m all for rehabilitation and offenders making an effort to
 change, but Jehovahs witnesses are not qualified to bring
 this about, the facts don’t lie. —– 1006 pedophiles that
 went unreported in Australia alone. So what is the overall
 figure? An estimated 2300.

“Hate what is bad” isn’t that what the bible teaches?

 Winston Smith says:

 August 10, 2016 at 10:01 am

Maybe he should have a special presentation that goes “Hi my name is Waymon. I am a convicted child molester. Would you and your family like to have a Bible study with me and join my church?”
Let’s see how the householder responds to that! I am sure the police would be called in short order. If that option is seen as unacceptable, although honest, isn’t hiding the information from householders more deplorable?
Imagine that the householder is interested and a bible study is started – after all that is supposed to be the goal of door-to-door work, would it be acceptable for Ivery to keep going back week after week and getting more access to the family with this issue being kept a big secret?

 Twmack says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:57 am

Missed a zero off the the estimated JW pedophiles,
 should read 23000.


 spearmint says:

 August 10, 2016 at 6:03 am

Hi Molly, sometimes they are alone at the door. And sometimes they are alone with the child, doing a Bible Study (I can tell you the name of a witness in France in that case that had problems with justice too).

 Jaak says:

 August 10, 2016 at 7:03 am

I think every congregation has at least 1 child sexual offender? We had 2 in our congregation. 1 was disfellowshipped, but nobody know why, as a good witness you don’t ask questions.
 Until I read it in the papers, but still nobody knows…

Hey if I was a pedofilie, I would become a jw again, the secrety, many opportunities to meat young children, must be paradise for them.

 Doc Obvious says:

 August 10, 2016 at 6:38 am

The United States Supreme Court in Watchtower Society v. Village of Stratton (2002) stated that Watchtower does not have to register with the village in order to go preaching. There seems to me that this case needs to be re-visited with this new light. Now we are seeing that there is this thing called “Child sex offenders knocking on doors”. The man should not be knocking on doors. You can run watchtower, but you cannot hide.

 Brad says:

 August 10, 2016 at 7:33 am

After all the crap that came out from the Society about this in the Royal Commission and yet they still won’t change their ways, it is going to get to the point where there will be a incident with a child out on the field an then i would love to here what they have to say then…..

 Twmack says:

 August 10, 2016 at 7:42 am

6ft,2″ weight 200 pounds, against a little girl. I’m
 reduced to tears.


 spearmint says:

 August 10, 2016 at 8:05 am

Look at his reaction. He said, no, you are wrong. In addition, he is a liar. What a biblical example this jehovah witness is giving. I could say, by experience, that they always lie when they are caught. They call their comunity, the truth. Must change this name. Never saw so many liars.

 rob says:

 August 10, 2016 at 8:09 am

I recall several years ago at the meeting a question came up as to what parents were to do if they found out that a child had been sexually abused or physically abused. I raised my hand and said I would first contact the police and then I would speak to the elders. Right after my comment two elders gave their comments and both said that we should firstly inform the elders and let them handle the matter in order to avoid bringing reproach upon the organization. Several comments later it appeared that I was the only one who would go to the police first. I could not believe that all of the parents with young children in the audience agreed to let the elders handle the matter.
I suspect however that many of them secretly agreed with my comment but were just to afraid to rock the boat in front of everyone. But i guess that is the way things operate in that religion. You can never really say what you are thinking or do anything other than what is mandated by head office, because appearances are more important than protecting children.
I find it disgusting that the watchtower appeals all of these sexual abuse cases, which in my books translates into the fact that the abuse does not matter, the person whose life has been destroyed does not matter, all that matters is protecting the assets of a corporate religion and protecting the image of this religion.
This religion reminds me of video that I once saw of an old house that looks really amazing from the outside but once the cameraman goes inside it is completely in a state of disrepair.

 Amanda says:

 August 10, 2016 at 9:30 am

There’s a chance he’s not actually a pedophile. His actual listing is here:
It says nothing about a child. There are sites that say a child was involved, but this more official listing does not. Also, using the information on the sex offender list to harass someone is illegal.

 Doc Obvious says:

 August 10, 2016 at 10:04 am

Here is the conviction: First Degree Sexual Assault on a child, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin 12/21/1992

 Doc Obvious says:

 August 11, 2016 at 6:28 am

Here is the Wisconsin Law for First Degree Sexual Assault on a child (948.02(1)) web page:
There are 5 options for this law. He did one of these items.

 Doc Obvious says:

 August 11, 2016 at 6:45 am

Here is the Wisconsin Court system web site for Waymon:


 August 12, 2016 at 10:17 am


 Twmack says:

 August 10, 2016 at 9:33 am

Going back before the elder arrangement, there was a bro,
 In our cong, one of the “Remnant”. He was regarded as the
 congregation sage. —

He started a study with a man in his twenties, who it turned
 out was in a relationship with a 14 year old girl. The girls
 parents went to court to get this association stopped. —

Our congregation wise man went along to speak on behalf
 of the couple, however the court deemed the relationship
 inappropriate and placed the girl under the protection of
 the law, and ordered the man to keep away from the young

The couple had formed a bond and wanted to continue the
 liaison so they asked the “anointed” ones advice. He told
 them to keep meeting, but in secret.

This shows that JWs are deluded, believing they are above
 the law and can use it and defy it to their own advantage.
 It’s not going too far, to say they are anti social.


 J.L. says:

 August 10, 2016 at 12:57 pm

Good work. Thank you for fighting so hard to protect the children.

 Outandabout says:

 August 10, 2016 at 2:45 pm

Hi Molly, if you’re still there….I’m not at all surprised you haven’t heard of any of this. Most Witnesses haven’t and when they do, it’s a shock. When I warned my mother of of the abuse she was shocked and disgusted, refused to believe it and so sure was she that it was all a pack of lies, she said “if it’s true, I’m leaving”. Well!……the story now is “oh, yes, but that’s in all religions these days”.
Excuse me? ‘Other’ religions are not gods chosen. Other religions are in apostasy, etc etc.
It’s a very long way to fall when you place yourself above all and everything and see yourself as the ‘highest power on earth in-waiting’. A very foolish thing to do and a very difficult illusion to maintain.
Goodbye and so long Jehovah. Give my regards to Zeus.

 JBob says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:02 pm

Evangelists may well blame this on the Illuminati and the Left-Wing media, but it is becoming more recognized fact that the God of the Hebrews was basically derived from the Canaanite pantheon where El (Elyon, the Most High), Asherah (wife of El), and Baal Hammon and Baal Hadad among others reigned as deities. A friend of mine (eveapple) when I was emerging from the Watchtower fog once raised the question as a good seeker of truth and astute observer of reading scripture would, “why was Yahweh initially obsessed with grain offerings as a preferred offering, while later it becomes meat and blood–the very offering that Cain gave and was held in contempt.
We didn’t have all the facts then, but now we are gaining more of them through science and paleontology. And, the hints were always there in the Old Testament when we read how the Israelites struggled with worship of their totems on the “high places” instead of the “Y” deity–monotheism. And, even Isaiah bemoans those bowing to the Queen of Heaven.
And, even in the New Testament lingers references to those ancient deities where Baal Hammon was a weather-influencing and controlling deity, we have Baal Yeshua who “walks the sea and calms the angry waves” (“The Storm is Passing Over”, lyrics Charles A. Tindley, 1905)(Matt 8:23-27; Matt 14:22-34; John 16:33).

 H.K. Fauskanger says:

 August 10, 2016 at 4:09 pm

The following is absolutely off topic for the article, but perhaps it can still be of some interest to readers of JWsurvey.
On the question-and-answer site Quora, I recently had a fairly “interesting” exchange with Jehovah’s Witness Michael Ouradnik who wrote a long, Scripture-filled answer to a question about how long it takes to be reinstated after you have been disfellowshipped:
His answer is mostly about Jehovah’s immense love and forgiveness when you return to him (of course, in this answer there is very little distinction made between Jehovah and the Watchtower organization).
If you go to the comments section beneath the article, you can read my substantial exchange with the writer, ending with me being told that I don’t understand spiritual matters (I guess I don’t).
And yes, JWsurvey got mentioned along the way, conclusively demonstrating to Mr. Ouradnik that whatever I think I know about Jehovah’s Witnesses flows from the poisonous root and can be safely disregarded: It turns out that sites like JWsurvey use “boilerplate language” intended to create “negative feelings” about the Witnesses; the writers are motivated by hate and care nothing about the truth.
He also feels able to tell that I am just “parroting” this and other apostate sites, though I really wonder whether he has been reading them himself so as to be able to make any comparisons. Somewhere along the way I was also declared an honorary apostate even though I have never even considered joining the Witnesses, much less leaving them again.
Yeah. Interesting.

 JBob says:

 August 10, 2016 at 5:12 pm

@HKF – haven’t read it, but I can surmise that like most JW’s who believe in the magic of “Oz,” he believes that it’s really a great wizard Yahweh making the way for someone to be reinstated, while he is blind to the human touch that is all over this man-made organization.
And, having been a nth-generation JDub, I can not imagine how it is such a “shock and awe” for someone from a one-local-church to drift in and see this HUGE international, multi-ethnic million-members church. It may be a “wonder of God”. Yet, if you look around, there are other “wonders” that operate more efficiently and effectively.
So, in summary, I view this guy you responded to as being overwhelmed at opportunity to become something that’s so HUGE and greater than himself, yet HE is a contributor to making it work, even if it means subjugated his own self-determination and freedom to do so. He’s proud to be a member of the collective.
That’s why it’s like beating your head against a stone wall to yank someone out of JW’s or into awakened state. I’ve found it really is a self-awareness and self-awakening that gets one moving toward the exits.

 twistedsister69 says:

 August 11, 2016 at 12:01 am

Ivery: “No no no. You got it all wrong.” LMAO

 Exit stage right says:

 August 11, 2016 at 5:01 am

I think the person next to the child rapist, covering his ears, speaks volumes as to the JW mentality.
Here we have a person identifying a registered sex offender. Instead of listening and heeding the warning, the person next to him covers his ears and attempts to bury his head in his lap. I have no doubt that, after the van doors closed and as the van was driving away, they consoled this child rapist and talked of persecution by apostates. I would submit that the question of whether or not he committed these heinous acts was ever brought up.
The naivety of these people is disconcerting at the very least. This man will carry on as normal within his congregation and assigned preaching territories, all the while potentially grooming his next victim.
The entire community of JW’s are guilty when either figuratively, or even worse, literally, they cover their ears and bury their heads in their laps.

 spearmint says:

 August 11, 2016 at 6:35 am

all jw are guilty, absolutely right.

 Winston Smith says:

 August 11, 2016 at 7:29 am

Burying your head in your lap and covering your ears – that’s what it takes to be a devout JW. You have to willingly ignore logic, reason, information, data, and science. I never could do it 100%, which is probably why I am no longer with them. The analogies some commenters have made to the hive mentality of the Borg from Star Trek is fitting. That’s the level of low functioning mental awareness required to maintain membership and to buy into all the fairy tales and artfully contrived stories.

 Outandabout says:

 August 11, 2016 at 2:47 pm

It always leaves me speechless when believers say I’m not strong enough to believe, when all along they are the ones in need of and have an invisible friend.
 The word ‘strong’ reminds me of a documentary of a cult named Strong City in New Mexico. They’re ‘strong’ alright… …crazy strong! An offshoot of the Adventists. That particular doco is showing on Netflix at the moment. The JW parallels and indeed parallels of all cults and are right there for all to see and it’s particularly creepy the way the ‘messiah’ is totally adored by the mostly female followers and if he says “get naked with me”, it’s done. I read somewhere that sixty five percent of JW’s are female which makes me wonder…. why are women attracted to, and stay in cults more than men.


 Winston Smith says:

 August 11, 2016 at 7:40 pm

Very perceptive Outandabout. The organization seems to personify the egocentric, abusive male and women are drawn to and seek to protect their abuser as is the case so many actual relationships. The egocentric male provides a sense of protection and security. He also fills the void of loneliness. There is some deep psychological issue at work here, but it may require someone with more than my rudimentary training to fully capture it.

 Kurt Hennig says:

 August 11, 2016 at 7:54 am

They are desperate for people…anyone! In terms of members…so nothing surprises me.
“What is a “FAITHFUL and WISE or DISCRETE Slave or Servant?” as found in (Matthew 24:45-47) and what does the question mean?”

 Deep Thought says:

 August 11, 2016 at 8:09 am

The individual should have called the police saying that a pedophile was trolling the neighborhood looking for kids.
That would have been classic. No running away in the car then.


 August 11, 2016 at 3:51 pm


 Julie Baker says:

 August 11, 2016 at 12:14 pm
Do a search Waymon Chandler Ivery

 Big B says:

 August 11, 2016 at 2:07 pm

To all:
My question is off topic, however I have heard from my brother, who attends the hall here in Hampton Roads VA, that if you do not have a printed invitation to the convention or a lapel card you will not be admitted to the assembly. He found this out at his Sunday meeting
 and was given his lapel card.
 Is this what is actually happening elsewhere?



 August 11, 2016 at 3:50 pm

perhaps they discourage disruptive people attending that might cause a big problem that would be on the news. perhaps the brothers have been threatened.

 Average Joe says:

 August 12, 2016 at 6:05 am

Hi Big B,
 This happens in various hired venues as they have to comply with current legislation as to attendance figures allowed within the venue. The attendants are given a certain number of extra cards for interested ones and JWs that have forgotten their own.
 This happens a lot here in Spain as the health & safety laws are getting stricter and the WTS don’t want to spend money on bigger venues (they are too busy spending it on child abuse cases)!


 Barb Moor says:

 August 11, 2016 at 6:41 pm

You know, we say the congregations aren’t protected against pedophiles because they aren’t informed. But there’s a loophole: some families ARE warned about pedophiles and can take steps to protect their kids.
Who? The family of elders. Joe Elder finds out Brother Creep is a pedophile, he sure as hell isn’t going to let his kids near him. But he won’t go the extra step to warn other parents as that would be crossing the line.
So again, you have a two-tier system between elders (and their families) and the rank & file. A single mom is out of luck if a pedophile is in her hall.
This means the families most at risk (a single parent who may need help, or a Bible study with her young son, or rides to meeting) are the least protected.

 free@last says:

 August 12, 2016 at 4:31 pm

LOL, Brother Creep, I knew a few of those. It’s too bad the org wont make a Caleb and Sofia video on this subject. They took the time to spell out exactly what to do with magician toys and allowance money though…

 Paranoid Android says:

 August 12, 2016 at 2:52 am

Surely someone lives near ‘Brother Waymon the Child Rapist’ congregation and could go take proof via printed flyers of his conviction and post them on the Kingdom hall gates?
This would be a worthwhile endeavour.

 spearmint says:

 August 12, 2016 at 5:33 am

Is Ivery an elder ? Looks like.

 yoda says:

 August 12, 2016 at 6:27 am

I have some observations to make on this particur case:
 Is the department of correction informed that this guy was caught preaching from door to door?
 Do you have read the disclaimer/warnings of that list,what everyone is using as a proof?
 Did you read that the list could not be updated with the latest information?
 And like Amanda correctly brought to the attention that making illegal use of such list can make someone legal liable?
 This information is clearly stated in the disclaimer warnings at home
 Are you 100% sure that this guy is not placed on, non-report status because of his trouble free-adjustements to probation?
 In another case in 2010, a parole officer allowed a Jehovah witnesses, to go door to door once a week, under supervision or accompanied of elders. Are you 100% sure that it could not be the case of this guy?
 I can understand your feelings, and I am not find to the idea of letting these persons going door to door, but there are legal issues to take in consideration in this case.
 A whistle blower must take legal advice before taking such actions, and be 100% sure he is not legal liable.
 And another thing: information of the RC in Australia is always used, to demonstrate that the Jehovah Witnesses are not making a proper report to the authorities,why are the whistle blowers not allarming the authorities about this guy caught going door to doo? If this is not done couldn’t it be hypocrite? Think about it.
 If you have the proof that this guy is still listed in the sex-offenders list in 2016, and that the department of correction,can confirm your statements about this guy, it would be a good thing,because information must be investigated, or scrutinized from every angle, so that this case can be seen in the right perspective.


 FactsNotFiction says:

 August 12, 2016 at 11:40 am

Yeh! I was kind of thinking along the same lines Yoda. There is not enough evidence to accuse this guy of anything. Going on a Witch hunt is just like the Governing body calling everyone who disagrees with them “Mentally Diseased!!”. I am better than that and I can find no proof that this guy is a threat to anyone. If someone knows he is dangerous then report him to the authorities otherwise be careful or you make yourselves the same as WatchTower. Stick to what you can prove!

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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Posted on August 9, 2016

Waymon Chandler Ivery2
Waymon Chandler Ivery, convicted of 1st Degree Sexual Assault On A Child in December 1992

Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work.

The footage was posted on YouTube today, and shows a man answering to the name Waymon Chandler Ivery engaged in the door-to-door ministry as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ivery is approached by the man holding the camera and asked to confirm his identity, which he does.
The cameraman then states that Ivery has a criminal record for the sexual abuse of a child. Ivery initially attempts to deny this, but when the accusation is repeated, Ivery and his two companions (presumably also Witnesses) get into a car and leave the scene.
You can view the footage below:

Information on Ivery’s criminal record can be found here.
We are tracking down more information on this incident and will bring you updates as soon as we have them, but why does this matter? Is it not the case that once a child rapist has served his sentence, he should be given a chance to resume his place in the community without harassment? After all, why release him from prison if we are not going to give him the chance to rebuild his life?
The answer to this is obvious, and twofold.
First, as was outlined during the Austrailain Royal Comission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, those who have carried out the crime of child sex abuse are at extremely high risk of re-offending.
Hence, while a released inmate should be allowed to build a new life as far as is reasonable, his freedom to do so cannot be without limits or restrictions, or come at the expense of the children in the community. There must be limits and safeguards to prevent such an individual from having opportunities to re-offend.
This brings us to the second point. Ivery was not approached while shopping for food, or watching a movie, or even strolling along a busy street minding his own business. He was approached because he was engaged in a work that involves him calling at the homes of his neighbors.
I spent almost thirty years of my life engaged in the door to door ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and can report that it is not uncommon for the door to be answered by a young child. I know that very often in this situation, the Witness will ask: “Hello. Can I speak to Mommy or Daddy please?”
Often the child would then run to get their parents, but I personally saw a handful of moments where the child replied: “They are not home.”
Of course, I would always take my leave when the child replied that way, and on one occasion the Witness I was with actually told the little boy in a kind but stern tone that they shouldn’t open the door to strangers if they were alone in the house – which, of course, is excellent advice.
But can you imagine how the scenario might have played out if the Witness on the doorstep was a predator struggling with a long-term desire to harm children?
And to make matters worse, Ivery is not a one-off example. In Australia alone over the past 50 years, there were over 1000 JW molesters who posed this specific risk who were not even reported to the authorities.
At least in the case of Ivery the authorities were aware of his past, thus the local community stood a chance of knowing that a potentially dangerous sexual predator lives in their midst – even if they are likely oblivious to the likelihood of him calling at their homes and asking to be invited in to start a bible study with their families.
The solution is obvious: Watchtower should categorically instruct its congregations that those who have been convicted of sexual offenses against children cannot under any circumstances participate in activities such as door-to-door ministry that pose a high risk of putting them in contact with unsuspecting families and children – for the sake of the convicted offender, and most importantly, for the sake of the child.
Portuguese translation
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← NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors
128 Responses to Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

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 Dark Vador says:

 August 12, 2016 at 9:45 am

advocatus diaboli ?

 No Body says:

 August 12, 2016 at 11:54 am

WT makes bold claims about itself and for many people in many different circumstances their experience at a local Kingdom Hall will serve as proof of those claims. But a thorough and objective examination of those claims will never be conducted inside that Kingdom Hall. Every single JW deserves to be presented with facts that are discovered as a result of a thorough examination but they never are. They have to go to “twisted, deceitful, diseased” apostates for that.
Side note. If a person can’t look the imperfect man ultimately responsible for the system of religious belief and practice they’re thinking of adopting in the eye they should stay away. Is having to take the word of someone who wasn’t there and then dedicating your place in eternity a reasonable demand for God to place on us? It’s a delicate line of reasoning the GB will NEVER address. Why? Because THEIR future is “assured” and far more glorious. Yours and mine is way up in the air and will still involve “a time such as has never occurred…” plus a thousand years of “loving” molding and refinement.
Give me someone in precisely the same boat as me or just keep what you think I have to do to secure my future to yourself. And IF you’re going to have the audacity to present yourself as a spokesperson for God, a little advice, PROTECT CHILDREN!!!

 CM says:

 August 12, 2016 at 1:14 pm

I agree you know some measures should be taken to keep people safe and follow local laws reguarding this matter…but the man does deserve a chance to rebuild his life and etc. I have also met sex offenders who were caught having sex in public with another consenting adult lol just saying. But very good video thank u for sharing.

 Miranda Presley says:

 August 12, 2016 at 7:15 pm

Here is the thing…if he is truly sorry, and if he is truly wanting to be a different person, that is great…but he should NEVER get the right to put it all behind him.
Because the child he molested will never be able to.
It’s that simple. Forgiveness, redemption, second chances are all good things, people CAN change- but there are some sins so terrible that you SHOULD have to deal with the consequences of that sin, every day for the rest of your life- because the victim will. (though for the record, I think pedophiles deserve to be executed, if their guilt is proven beyond any doubt. Some things are unforgiveable- or at least they should be.)
If WT really wants to put the faith of their “loyal ones” to the test, tell them the truth about convicted sex offenders- and then remind them that this person had now “put on the new personality” and has been forgiven by Jehovah and so they too should forgive them.
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. Their “loyal ones” would evaporate so fast they couldn’t count them, and they know it. So rather than truly rely on their teachings of how everyone is deserving of love and forgiveness, they instead just keep them as blind as possible to people like this.

 Victor says:

 August 13, 2016 at 5:28 am

Pedophilia is NOT a sin: it’s a crime and a sickness. He probably will be a pedophile for all his life, for this he never be allowed a chance to stay alone with child or to visit his neighbours’ home!

 Alone in MD says:

 August 12, 2016 at 8:55 pm

This is totally off base from the subject matter but wife just listened to the August broadcast and I heard at least 9 references to being “loyal” to the organization, the faithful and discrete slave, and the elders. I was in and out of the room doing other things but I finally had to excuse myself before I erupted into another fight. How loyal is the org to its followers when these child abuse issues raise their ugly head? So sad!

 Ex JW says:

 August 12, 2016 at 9:33 pm

Isn’t there other things to report on besides pedos and child abuse? There is A LOT of garbage going on in the JW religion other than child abuse.
 Also, this guy has been discovered, done his time for the crime and is doubtless being monitored and watched by authorities. Get a life and stop harassing this guy.


 Frankie's Market says:

 August 12, 2016 at 10:39 pm

“Stop harrassing this guy?” You sound more concerned for this sex offender’s welfare rather than protecting the safety and well-being of children. Do you know for a fact that everyone in Ivery’s congregation was immediately notified that he is a sex offender? Do you know for a fact that every household in that congregation’s territory is aware that one of the JW publishers going door-to-door is a sex offender? If you can’t answer yes to both of those questions, then your comment is misguided, to say the least. Ivery’s reward for serving his punishment is freedom from imprisonment. But no amount of good deeds will ever earn him the right to cover up his criminal past. No amount of time being a model citizen should allow him being alone with a child ever again, not even for a minute.

 factsnotfiction says:

 August 13, 2016 at 9:08 am

@Frankies’s Market.
The point is Frankie, do YOU have any information that proves this guy is a threat! If so then go to the authorities and tell them, so they can deal with it. If not then you are just making unfounded accusations without any evidence and therefor you are no better than WT who accuses everyone who doesn’t agree with them of being ‘Mentally Deceased’. Do you really want to be like them? If you have evidence take it to the right people, if not shut up!

 Frankie's Market says:

 August 13, 2016 at 11:32 am

Sir, calm down for a minute and carefully re-read what I actually wrote down. Nowhere did I make any accusation of Waymon Ivery committing any crime since he was released from prison. Period. So your comparing me to WT over “unfounded accusations” is false. I just asked two questions: 1) Has everyone in Ivery’s congregation been informed of his presence on the sex offender registry list? 2) Has every household in this congregation’s territory been informed that Waymon Ivery is a JW publisher engaged in the door-to-door preaching work in their community? These are questions, not accusations. Your telling me to “shut up” about the matter is more reminiscent of WT behavior when it comes to dealing with sexual predators, where the organization has engaged in concealment and cover-up rather than being open and transparent on the matter.
Just in case there was any doubt as to whether Daymon Ivery is still on the sex offender registry list, I posted the current link below. And as I said in my initial post and I continue to say again: it doesn’t matter if Ivery lives a law-abiding life for the rest of his existence. People in his congregation need to be informed. People in his community need to be informed that he is doing the door-to-door work. if you wish to disagree with my statements above, that is certainly your choice.

 factsnotfiction says:

 August 13, 2016 at 3:43 pm

@Frankie’s Market
Actually, I did not read your comment fully, and I did not read the comment you where responding too either so didn’t fully get the context and I apologize for that!
I was kind of responding to the overall atmosphere of comments which you appeared to be supporting.
 I just feel that attacking an individual like this without enough information, without actually knowing whether he is a threat or not is not good. Neither the video nor the article gives much detail and even looking up his conviction does not help much. However on the site you listed under the section ‘Facts’, at the bottom the section labelled ‘COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY’ warns against Harassing registered offenders and states the risks such harassment poses. There is also the risk of hurting the victim or her family by bringing it all out again.

All I was saying is if you have information that this individual poses a threat, then contact the Authorities or maybe the Elders of his congregation and make sure that they do know! Otherwise maybe it is best to stay silent, as you do not know what the consequences could be if you get it wrong!
 WT gets it wrong, and we know what the consequences of that can be.

Apologies again for being a bit blunt! I too react hastily without thinking!

 spearmint says:

 August 13, 2016 at 12:38 am

I think that the problem here is Ivery’s reaction. He said no, you got it all wrong.
 He would have said : yes I made great crimes in the past, and I regret. My friends here with me know that because I am trying to repair what in not repairable every day in doing a lot of good things for my victims(s). If you don’t want me here, I understand and I am leaving, it’s OK.
 But he absolutely did not. So the reactions that we can read.


 Twmack says:

 August 13, 2016 at 4:51 am

Lloyd, Watched your video “Parental Prerogative”
dealing with an aspect of shunning.

It’s an extremely hard decision to make, but I agree
 with your stance on insisting that your dad accept
 you as a family and not allow him contact only with
 Jessica, his grand daughter.

To grant contact on WT, terms is allowing them to
 pull the strings and would be giving in to an inhuman
 practice, from which no one benefits.

Another thing to consider is the effect it would have
 on Jessica. The situation would be confusing and
 troublesome to her especially as she gets a little
 older. She does not need that rubbish in her life.
 I do hope that somehow reason will eventually
 prevail. Best wishes T.


 Yoda says:

 August 13, 2016 at 5:50 am

Thank you for expressing your opinion, spearmint, I think we all agree with fact that a sex-offender that is going door to door is a thing that most be avoided, and the reasons where good explained in different posts here.
 But than you have legal issues, that you must take in consideration,before making things going viral on internet
 If like I and others are thinking, that there is no evidence, that this guy is on the sex-offender list anymore, and he is allowed from the law to participate from going door to door, than the whistleblower’s claim was to precaucious, or premature.
 And if so what do you think how critical thinkers will judge this premature whistblowing (without factual evidences) I think you would loose credibility,and labelled as someone who likes to bring sensational news, or someone could thinking that the motives are not really to protect the community, but to pay back the Watch Tower society about their policy.
 And btw, the list of sex-offenders can used for protect your children, not the way the whistle blower used it, read carefully the disclaimer on that website, otherwise like I mentioned in an earlier post you could be legal liable, if this guy is making a police report
 Therefore Good journalism takes time, is never precaucious, and is always based on factual information.


 Tara says:

 August 13, 2016 at 7:24 am

I’ve read the comments here and I am concerned. I think the point is being missed. This man served his time. I am not condoning what he did. His victim has to live with the horrendous crime for the rest of her life and my heart goes out to her and all victims. The point is and the one that should be at the forefront of all this, is the fact that Watchtower is guilty for allowing it to happen. They groomed this man whilst he was still in prison. He was baptised and then, we do not know under what circumstances, allowed to go out in service. Watchtower is guilty of allowing that. There should be protocols in place, by the Org. to stop anyone who is the least bit dangerous to the public and children from engaging in any form of contact. Grooming of young children can be done in many ways and this just goes to show that the society is not qualified in this regard. It is an insult to society in general that they allowed him to go in service.
I think the video highlights the danger to the public from WT but I also believe that the witch hunt of this man should stop. Go after WT. Again. I do not, in any way condone what he has done. He is guilty of arrogance by being out in service. The man recording should have gone to the local police with the evidence and let them deal with it. I hope he doesn’t find himself in legal trouble for being, what he must regard and I am sure many others do, a good citizen, protecting his neighbourhood.
Again. Throw the guilt in WT’s lap.

 Paranoid Android says:

 August 13, 2016 at 9:15 am

Those of you on this thread stating that this man has done his time and should be allowed to get on with his life…
When he raped that 9 year old, Waymon Ivery was 32 years old.
He was a grown adult who corrupted the life of a child.
He is now 56.
You really think 20 years is going to change his sexual preferences?
If he lusted for little kids THEN. He lusts for little kids NOW.
His victim will suffer the consequences of this man’s evil urges for the rest of her life.
And yet… You think it’s acceptable that this man can call on your house and tell you that if you don’t join his religion, you and you children are destined for divine extermination?
You are mad.
And Watchtower is despicable in every conceivable way.
Please tell me how you think his

 Paranoid Android says:

 August 13, 2016 at 9:19 am

…field ministry introduction should go?
‘Hello… I would like to tell you some good news about a time the Bible promises is coming, when your children will be safe from… well, people like me really’.

 JBob says:

 August 13, 2016 at 2:03 pm

Kangaroo court, but..
Found this snippet…
 “WAYMON CHANDLER IVERY v. SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY was a 2010-11 Colorado federal employment discrimination court case which was filed by an African-American Jehovah’s Witness Minister and Registered Sex Offender named Waymon C. Ivery, then age 60, of Colorado Springs, Colorado. This lawsuit was settled confidentially (apparently in plaintiff’s favor) in 2011. Allegations unknown.”
 [note: not an endorsement of all editorial remarks; the beauty of not being controlled by the Watchtower is that I can strongly disagree with expressed opinions]
The scenario of the child answering the door is exactly why this man would need to be accompanied in any proselytizing activities. It isn’t clear from this video if the man were working alone or with a partner since the filming presumably started after the folks were back at their van. However, as we know how field service goes, children often climb over or sit by visitors in the home letting curiosity draw them into close proximity to strangers whether that stranger is accompanied or not. And, I believe most restrictions include “contact, and potential, with children” whether it is being home during “trick or treating” Halloween nights or walking past schools or childcare facilities.
It would seem that Chandler is also activist attempting to challenge legal hurdles related to religious freedom/liberties. So, it would be speculation whether his presence here was a challenge to legal authorities limitations. I don’t think the blog discussed the details of the convictions whether circumstantial or evidential, so it is presumed the court/legal system got the conviction right and this is not a case of child protection services [spurred by a vindictive parent] charging a corporal punishment on the buttocks as sexual assault.
As I posted previously, the USA governments tend to give a wide path of clearance to any claims of religious practices, so this could be a grassroots effort to initiate a court case galloping up the tier of courts to grant convicted felons freedom to practice their religion’s ritual of proselytizing. This would challenge victims of sexual assault rights to restraining orders affecting an area that could restrict door-to-door activities, and domestic abuse victims from similar court mandates that could restrict a spouse from door-to-door within miles of a spouse. Another spectrum is the stalker.
Bottom line, JW’s are people not saints, so they will have some unique circumstances in which the pedophiles, rapists or perpetrators of assault are challenged once released into the streets, or “redeemed” and allowed to walk the path of righteousness. But, in the eyes of justice systems this is no difference from restrictions placed on accountants caught embezzling and restrained from practicing or handling other people’s money, ever. If a congregation put a convicted accountant in charge of its books, regardless of his ‘repentance’ and good behavior–the court conditions remain, so regardless of the “good intentions” the accountant would be subject to penalties and disciplines for violation of terms of release or parole.

 Twmack says:

 August 13, 2016 at 10:46 am

Sure the WT is culpable, but ultimately each individual
 is responsible for their own actions. War criminals have
 tried to pass blame on to their overlords but nevertheless
 were hung for not acting conscientiously.

Several commenting here, who have been molested
 have told us, it’s something that plagues you for life.
 I can confirm that to be true. It can cause impotency
 and frigidity which can ruin any future relationship.

These perpetrators responsible for such evil, need to
 be exposed and pointed out, whenever they appear
 in public. They need to suffer correspondingly to the
 suffering they’ve inflicted.

Maybe then there’ll be few of them around.

 Yoda says:

 August 13, 2016 at 11:49 am

Paranoid Android: you have a good point in stating that you can never be sure if this guy, and other sexual offenders,will never do it again, psychological studies are indeed confirming that . But therefore even after being in a rehabilitation program, and be recognised as lower risk, and they are released from prison, and start a new life in the society, they are followed and monitored in their daily life, and I personally think that they must be monitored and being supervisioned their entire life, and restrictions must be imposed, an example is going from door to door selling products,or for spreading religious beliefs.
 Like Twmack this a very difficult issue for a victim to understand that such a guy can be allowed by law, to go from door to door with supervision,accompagnied with elders.
 But do we think that exposing these things, with no factual evidences is the right answer, or signal we can give to the public? And being constantly focussed on sexual offenders cases, do you think that it will help victims to find the inner peace,they need during their lifes?
 This emotional trigger could be cause more anxiety, and emotionally pain, that according my opinion isn’t really helpfull to victims.
 I hope you understand my concernings, because english is not my first language.
 And we are not missing the point: victims must be our first concern, their recovery process, but legal considerations must be made, and respected, despite how our feelings are about this subject.


 Tara says:

 August 13, 2016 at 3:14 pm

I am a victim. I was raped at 15. I suffer from PTSD. I do not condone what he has done. I just say go after the WT. Take the video to the police.

 Fooledmeonce says:

 August 13, 2016 at 5:58 pm

Do you know what bugs me most about this sexual offender being caught and exposed? It’s the fact that there are lots of guys like this inside of that cult parading around as some kind of holy men! I grew up as a JW and my life was heavily influenced by men who pushed their opinions and ‘aurthorty’ on me, and others like me. We never had the chance to check on the guy’s backgrounds to see if they were criminals, or mentally, emotionally messed up or whatever. No, the Watchtower would ‘appoint’ them, or they would appoint themselves over us and we had to swallow their BS.
 Expose them all!!! They are all nothing but a bunch of frauds using that multilevel-marketing, publishing organization to give themselves a sense of power and belonging which they don’t deserve!
 Some of these idiots were caught such as one elder/presiding overseer in Bowmanville, Ontario who was caught having sex with a dog, in field service! You can look that up! That should’ve been the wake-up call for all of us but we were so brainwashed that we just kept going. Well, you’ve just got to stop and consider why Jehovah would call so many sex perverts into his group?!? Probably because it isn’t his group!


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23 Responses to Videos

 KtotheRAD "Konrad" says:

 August 25, 2013 at 6:55 pm

With every word they reveal and “impart” far more than they ever intended…

 george says:

 August 27, 2013 at 4:45 am

Sorry Cedars, I can only access the first video on my I pad. There are a lot of over sized play icons and they won’t work.

 Luke says:

 October 27, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Continue the good work on this site that expose what Watchtower Organization really are — a fanatic end-time driven cult that only serve interests of its leaders. I left this
 cult three years ago for good. My only regret is that I had not left the Watchtower Cult earlier! On Easter Sunday this year, I was baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and received into Eastern Orthodox Church, apostolic Church that preserved the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

Cedar, you have my blessings of your work on this site that
 will yet help millions of JWs to see the truth of so-called ‘Truth’.


 Fred says:

 November 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Forget taking your numbers from a 1974 yearbook if you question the amount of those killed, interned, etc get the numbers from the Holocaust museum. You forgot to mention the ‘JEWS’ were and its quoted several times in the Watchtower publications as it is related in the bible, “ONCE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE” but they did not remain that because of their actions. Your quotes from WT publications are based on the latter that they fell out of favour in God’s eyes. They therefor were NOT written in an anti-Semitic nature. Many Jews have become JW’s over the years are they lesser beings because they were of Jewish blood?…ABSOLUTELY NOT! All races are equal so this video in my opinion is twisted in its presentation. Not to mention the ridiculous claim of Rutherford’s so called love letter to Adolf Hitler. No blinders on here, I have checked the facts. Sorry but this video paints an untruthful twist of events and statements about the WT as regards the comments on the Nazi’s and Jews.

 Palma says:

 February 28, 2014 at 3:48 am

Hi everybody! Hi cedars!
 I found this article about a discovery in egypt that brings light to the origin of story of joseph in the bible.
 What do you think?

 Idris says:

 March 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

Thank you for this page, it has been a great help to me, as I seek the truth of the word of God, however I noticed in the video ‘Does the Bible speak of ‘Paradise Earth’ the speaker quotes Luke 21v43 twice, regarding Jesus word on the cross, there should be a correction note as the verse he mentions is in Luke 23 v 43.
 Keep up the good work


 Julia Orwell says:

 July 17, 2014 at 3:47 am

Been to internationals before and this elaborate souvenir thing is entirely new. The last one I went to in 2009, the last ones they had, had nothing like this so it’s not a matter of you having not noticed it in the past, it’s a matter of it being a new phenomenon.
 I theorize that the wt motives for this involve keeping the masses busy and therefore obedient. Jws would volunteer to do this because there are no other legitimate outlets for creative expression. Armageddon being near has nothing to do with it: it’s about keeping the sheeple busy and happy. Making stupid trinkets is also a team building activity as it involves jws working together, thus reinforcing the herd mentality jws have.


 frankie fernandez says:

 February 27, 2015 at 4:44 pm

dear friends I was baptized in 1974. Thank God I am no longer a member of the WT. Free at last and oh what a relief it is. A member of my former congregation who I considerd my best friend molested a minor. There was a big argument amognst the elders on the judicial committee. One elder who was a maverick, wanted to notify the police. But, instead they followed the instuctions of the society. They kept this crime against the child, hush hush. So as not to tarnish the name of Jehovah. But in reality it was a coverup to protect the wt’s reputation. Meanwhile this poor child that was raped has to carry the heavy burden of a victim for the rest of thier lives without compensation and without justice. While the abuser has remaind a member in good standing. The congregation he is attending now has not been notified that he is a sexual preditor.

 Holy Connoli says:

 November 17, 2015 at 1:14 am

Frankie.If I were you I would turn him into the police now even though it may have been several years ago he committed this crime. Many sexual predators get turned in years later after the crime is reveled. At the very least he will be investigated and his Name will be mud for being a creep.
 He deserves it and so does the WT for its NON protection of the flock and not caring for the victim but only their phony reputation.


 Lesley HUmphreys-Jones says:

 February 15, 2016 at 10:10 am

Tell the police.

 Kirtley W. Burggraf says:

 March 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

Tell me, since governing body members are elected (replacing someone who dies) at what point do do they become “divinely inspired” or “spirit guided”? Were they always thus in the lower ranks or does this just “happen” the moment that they are appointed? What’s Watchtower’s take on this?

 Alone in MD says:

 March 31, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Regards your video on the Memorial Service. I am one of those “non believers” married to a baptized witness. I go to just keep the peace but I’ve made it known that I consider this service one of the worst religious ceremonies that I have ever been to. “Anointed What”. Also it was announced at last years meeting that “this may be the last memorial service”. They are at it again. Thanks for the great videos.

 frankie fernandez says:

 May 10, 2015 at 9:50 pm


 pj wilcox says:

 July 31, 2015 at 3:21 am

I watched the latest video of the inept elder being questioned by the commission. Who prepared this man for testimony? You all are aware of the dentist who shot Cecil the lion in Kenya? Well his life is over. He is in hiding. What he did ,did not break laws in Kenya and his is in a world of trouble with public sentiment. But this elder being questioned is far worse. He covered deeds that drove people to think of killing themselves. Should he not go into hiding? Is his life over? Has he know conscience? Emotion, caring? You know the answer. Bet ya, damage control is working overtime on this.

 Adrian says:

 September 8, 2015 at 3:32 am

I think the Royal Commission videos demonstrate that fragility of the governance within the WT society. Yes, it’s an Australia branch issue but cross examination only points to the seat of control on which the governing body members sit. Everything starts and stops with the governing body, they set the policy but where are they? Sitting comfortably in NY watching from a distance ready to abdicate any responsibility whatsoever. A governing body governs and leads but I see no leadership I see the followers talking and being bashed around the head with questions, all too easy for the legal team.
However, it might just be me but does anyone else not see the lawyer’s gap in knowledge regarding the fundamental rationale for the WT society policies, they fall back in their comfort zone knowing that they can say ‘well we don’t have the authority to go beyond the bible.’
It’s this gap in knowledge of the legal representatives which the WT society exploit. I mean nobody is going to ask ‘ where actually did this translation come from anyway?’ What were the academic qualifications of the translators? Is there a possibility that you have interpreted things wrongly or even worse, translated things incorrectly? If there’s a possibility that your interpretation on how to deal with modern day child abuse cases in congregations may be flawed, then are you in agreement that your policies could result in lasting harm to victims of abuse? In my view that translation is the ‘elephant in the room’ every scholar knows it’s perverse but no one is holding this cult to account. So easy to say it’s all in the bible but should they really be saying it’s all in the NWT instead?
The WT society in the videos almost give of an innocence as if to say, ‘ but that’s what we understand from the scriptures’, and I think it works in their favor, but a savvy legal representative would do well to tease out the basis for the rendering of certain verses on which doctrine, policy and organisational decisions are based. So far the WT Society appears to be one step ahead because their authority is not a person but a book, which they are ‘only trying to understand and live by’. Expose the origin of the NWT and the basis for so many ridiculous uncaring decisions is called into question.

 Rick Viger says:

 November 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Thanks John for all you do with your videos.
 I’m an ex JW for 40 years now. I hope your videos reach some witnesses and make them think. For all of you that have left Watchtower remember you made the right decision.


 S.T. says:

 November 24, 2015 at 9:48 pm

I was wondering if anyone has heard that Jehovah’s witnesses are telling there congregations that the end of this system could have only hours left? My sister who is a Jehovah’s Witness said they are preaching this at the congregations. Has anyone else heard this?

 Paul says:

 April 3, 2016 at 10:24 pm

Indoctrination and mind control in its purest form. Will the BS never end, and is hard for me to understand why JW’S put up with this.

 ian York says:

 April 13, 2016 at 4:15 pm

It is hard to fathom how anybody could believe in the legitimacy of Watchtower’s claim to be God’s only organization on earth today when considering it started with the likes if this oaf. One would have to have a belief in predestination, an unscriptural concept, in order to square the circle of the now regarded apostate beliefs if the founder members and today’s dogma.

 Abby says:

 May 10, 2016 at 2:51 am

After pioneering for over a decade, I wondered where the GB got the 70 hours requirement. Did Jesus or the 12 Apostles count time? Honestly, I feel enslaved. Hmmm. I grateful to Yahowah for helping me discover this site. The stress is too burdensome for me. OMG We have been taught in the watchtower that when we revenge, we are being presumptuous is DF not presumptuousness? Let’s look at it this way. When you commit a grievous sin, who do you offend, God or elders? Is shunning not a way of doing Yahowah’s work for him. I just learnt that JW’s don’t bury dfd people. This is heart breaking. I call this rennaissance period for any one who wishes to wake up. Jephtah’s case is an eye opener, I had to confirm that from my book of bible stories, story 53. Hmmmm.

 peely says:

 May 31, 2016 at 2:11 pm

Hi Abby,
 Yes, we know disfellowshiped ones are considered as good as dead.

John 16:2 – “They will put you out of (meaning of Greek is “excommunicate”) the synagogue (“congregation”); in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills (“figuratively or literally”) you will think they are offering a service to God.” (to keep the congregation clean)
“They will do these things because they haven’t known the Father or Me. But I have told you these things so that when their time comes you may remember I told them to you. I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.” John 16:3,4
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
 I always wonder why the decision to go ahead of every other bible rendition and take out the possibly spurious John 8:1-11 Leaving it in the NWT would blow a hole in the disfellowshiping doctrine. On the organization’s website, I cannot even find a reference to those scriptures.

From the symbolic book of Revelation: “He was permitted to give a spirit to the image (organization) of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev 13:15)

 Paul says:

 May 28, 2016 at 4:14 am

Your professional presentation and factually is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your fine effort and tirelessness.

 Paul says:

 June 5, 2016 at 12:36 am


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@cedarsjwsurvey "We come as a package." Tough but right, to my mind.

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  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Early attempts at potty training are not promising. Jessica just mistook my pillow as the appropriate depository of her bowel movements.




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  Bunker Elder Facts  ‎@BunkerElderFact 

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  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Do I buy into subliminal image theories? The answer is no. If WT wants JWs to do something, they can just say it.




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  Covert Fade  ‎@CovertFade 
@FinchLydia @cedarsjwsurvey some people leave the cult without really leaving the cult. 😔

 12 Aug



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  Raffaela Hosbein  ‎@EllaLela 
Absolutely the right thing to do!  #takethefullpackage or #nothingatall

12 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Never underestimate the capacity for some fellow exJWs to step forward and be crass and derisive when you open up about shunning.

 12 Aug



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  Steven Hassan  ‎@CultExpert 
British Supreme Court and JW child abuse

 12 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
In this video I explore a dilemma faced by many shunned ExJW parents... #shunning #jehovahswitnesses

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 12 Aug



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  Booniss Everdrunk  ‎@bookiesnacksize 
I heard a girl in my cong was abused. I don't know what happened to her but don't think police were involved.

12 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
2,468 words in the bag for today. This means I can afford to spend the weekend filming for JWB21 and 22. :)

 12 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Jehovah's Witnesses under pressure over handling of sexual abuse claims


Photo published for Jehovah's Witnesses under pressure over handling of sexual abuse claims

Jehovah's Witnesses under pressure over handling of sexual abuse claims
Organisation faces fight to prevent Charity Commission examining its records of abuse claims after supreme court rejects its attempt to block inquiry
 12 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
It's hard to believe that Morris' pants could be too tight for almost anyone. They squeeze in a whole lotta Morris.

11 Aug



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  Alex M. Bright  ‎@logicalvulcan 
@cedarsjwsurvey Ha! Love your shirt :) I'm wearing one of my Beatles shirts today, too. Get off Twitter and keep writing!

 11 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey  .@creepybunker, meet @BunkerElderFact #thebunkerisgettingcrowded #worstconventionever

 11 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Dijana snapped me earlier doing research for #thereluctantapostate

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  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
2,210 words in the bag for today. I didn't manage anything yesterday for various reasons, so it's nice to be back in the game.

 11 Aug



 Lloyd Evans Retweeted
  Alex M. Bright  ‎@logicalvulcan 
PSA: Do you know who is coming to your door? Convicted JW Pedophile BUSTED ON CAMERA  via @cedarsjwsurvey

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 11 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
I'm glad about this. Hopefully you'll be pleased too if you've watched "God Loves Uganda" on Netflix.

11 Aug



  Lloyd Evans  ‎@cedarsjwsurvey 
Saint Paul, not so keen...

11 Aug



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Disturbing footage of convicted JW pedophile engaged in door to door work goes online

Posted on August 9, 2016

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Disturbing footage has come to light that apparently shows a Jehovah’s Witness with a criminal record for sexually assaulting a child, engaged in the door to door preaching work. The footage was posted on YouTube today, and shows a man answering … Continue reading →


NEWS BULLETIN: Watchtower Releases Updated Child Abuse Directive to Elders; Lack of Adequate Policy Change Continues To Endanger Jehovah’s Witness Minors

Posted on August 4, 2016

child protection
In a newly released letter to all elders dated August 1st 2016, The Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has once again revised its instructions to elders on dealing with allegations of child abuse. Unfortunately, the changes are completely inert, failing … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Watchtower again loses legal fight to stop UK Charity Commission Investigation

Posted on July 25, 2016

Regular readers will recall that the UK Charity Commission is currently undertaking a statutory investigation of Watchtower’s UK arm, which is currently registered as a UK charity, and also of the New Moston Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, also registered as … Continue reading →


No expense spared: Governing Body members DO fly business class

Posted on July 16, 2016

When it comes the the Governing Body's travel arrangements, only the best is good enough
Earlier today, JWsurvey was contacted by an airline employee based at a major European airport who was willing to give a remarkable insight into the lavish lifestyle of Governing Body members. Though this won’t come as a surprise to many, … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Outside the bubble
Posted on July 15, 2016

Last month marked three years since I resigned as Ministerial Servant, tossed out my neck-tie and walked away from the religion I had known virtually all my life. I exited a controlling cult but in many ways, I entered a … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 5: Friday

Posted on July 10, 2016

Part 5 of the Worst Convention Ever series shows some of the most disturbing material to-date
I don’t mind admitting it. When I decided to make a series of videos to compliment articles on JWsurvey about the “Worst Convention Ever” (the “Remain Loyal to Jehovah” 2016 regional convention) I bit off way more than I could chew. … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Five ways my life has changed for the better since I left my religion
Posted on July 8, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 22.34.13
Since deciding to walk away from the Jehovah’s Witness (JW) religion last year, there have been many changes to my life. Some of these changes, like being shunned and cast aside by family and friends, have been difficult to deal with. … Continue reading →


21st Century Christian martyrdom: Tony Morris praises JW boy who died refusing blood

Posted on July 6, 2016

Tony Morris has been filmed at a convention praising a JW child who died refusing blood
The three-day regional conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are given different themes from year to year. This year’s theme of “Remain Loyal to Jehovah” offers a fascinating hint of the paranoia gripping the Governing Body leadership as the internet helps an increasing outflow shed their … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: To the newly shunned
Posted on July 1, 2016

Like many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, members of my family will soon be attending the 2016 convention entitled “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” Dubbed #worstconventionever by many in the ex-JW community, this convention features a number of videos and talks that will serve … Continue reading →


News Bulletin: Watchtower Found in Contempt of Court – Hit with $4000 Fine Per Day Until It Complies With Court Order

Posted on June 25, 2016

A few months ago, we reported on yet another in a long line of legal actions brought against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for its now infamous and heavily criticized methods of handling accusations of child abuse inside its … Continue reading →


The Worst Convention Ever – Part 4: Propaganda Movies

Posted on June 18, 2016

For decades, Jehovah’s Witnesses have attended yearly multi-day assemblies, often sitting through scorching heat, fighting off sleep, attempting to take notes during an onslaught of talk after talk, all the while secretly praying for the end to come. No, not … Continue reading →


NEWS BULLETIN: JW.ORG Asks: Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Posted on June 11, 2016

The FAQ section on has added a new featured post: “Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” In this NEW article dated June 9th 2016, the Watchtower gives their official explanation of how to handle matters … Continue reading →


The Friday Column: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Doubts
Posted on June 10, 2016

Like myself, my wife was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and has always loved reading. When she was around 7 years old, she was reading through a science book and came across a chart detailing the evolution of the horse through … Continue reading →


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