Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Religious fanatic family on Wife Swap.

Dear Readers,

An episode of "Wife Swap" had a Christian family, whose children had to do chore after chore. One family had a male nanny named Princess and the Christian mother was going to have him fired because he likes holding hands with guys and that is "disgusting" to her.  Her husband said on camera, after the families were reunited that they base on their lives on what is written in the Bible. The open-minded mother, luckily did not fire her possibly gay nanny because he is family to her and she cares about him. The Christian mother is a bigot, plain and simple. Her husband is a bigot too. He denies it, but he is a bigot. The Christian family aren't willing to change their lives, they cling to their religious beliefs which is something that supposedly unites them. What if their kids decide to change their religious beliefs later on? I feel sorry for the children who are being indoctrinated with their parents' fundamentalist Christian beliefs, hopefully they'll learn to become more tolerant people somehow, someway.  The open-minded mother and her husband seem to think that the fundamentalist Christian family quite clearly are not willing to change their lives because they have to live up to what they think is Yahweh's "will". The open-minded mother called the religious mother " a horrible Christian". The religious mother is not just a horrible Christian, she's a very ignorant person in my eyes.

People like the Christian mother and her family on this particular episode of "Wife Swap" are among the reasons why young people are rejecting organized religion. This cruel, bigoted and hateful woman was going to fire her "surrogate" family's nanny who is possibly a gay man because of her religious beliefs. The nanny told the Christian woman that what she was doing was "unchristian" , the woman continued to let him stay in the house, but she was going to fire him, luckily the open-minded mother let him stay. You know what lady, if the nanny wants to hold hands with other guys, so what? It's not disgusting nor is this act hurting anybody.  It's not like he is having sex with other guys in public.  The Christian family in this episode are not people that I would want to associate with, especially the mother and the father because I don't want to be friends with bigots. Think about it.



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